#Bruce: *internal shriek*
shih-coulda-had-it · 10 months
kind of hilarious to me that it’s Bruce who is able to analyze and comprehend medical tests. like, do you think he got into the rebellion in order to fight AfO, but then found himself, somehow, the most medically qualified person in the group?
Kudou: excellent work with your meta ability, it’s really cool how you’re able to stockpile energy and control its output
Bruce: yeah it was a hassle to find my limits but thank god i knew how to stitch myself back together when i overdid it
Kudou: … you know how to stitch wounds?
Bruce: i dropped out of medical school before i could start my residency but—
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greeeengoblin · 1 month
Tim began singing Mozart’s famous "Queen of the Night" aria with a smooth voice. His voice rose like a series of shrieks from the very first notes, hanging in the air and finally reaching a wide, high-pitched note. Each tone of his voice created a tension that quickened the heartbeat. Despite feeling so small on the stage, this did not diminish the quality of his voice. Every movement was precise and deliberate, as if he had become one with Mozart's music. When his performance ended, a deep silence settled over the stage, leaving only Tim’s deep breaths and his expression of exhaustion but satisfaction.
As the judges evaluated Tim, Richard suddenly dropped his pen to the floor. He slowly moved his eyes from side to side, as if trying to hint at something to the other judges. Calmly but deliberately, one of the other judges handed the pen back to Richard, nodding as he did so, and Tim realized everything. Nepotism.
After Tim left the stage, the other students continued to enter slowly to be evaluated. It was a shame, and Tim could only hope that nepotism wouldn’t come into play because Jason's voice was far too weak, flawed, and inadequate to surpass anyone at this school. Tim sat down on one of the waiting chairs by the door, with Roy and Cassie also waiting for their turn. He was so nervous that he even forgot to greet them.
Suddenly, the door opened, and Jason walked out, crying, without even looking at anyone. His movements were abrupt, and he seemed to be having a panic attack. Cassie and Roy, with their arms crossed, watched Jason leave. 
“Huh? I guess Jason’s audition didn’t go well, right?” Cassie remarked.
“So what if it didn’t? His father owns the school; he was practically born with this opportunity,” Roy replied, his tone almost venomous, eyebrows furrowed. “But my dad gave Bruce Wayne a lump sum of money, so I’m sure I’ll be in the top five, which means I’ll secure my chance to attend the school.”
“Don’t say that out loud,” Cassie warned. “Most of the people here will benefit from connections, but only one person will win the International Gotham Opera Award.”
Tim’s eye twitched.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Thinking about a 'sqq transmigrates (reincarnates) into dc' (specifically the jl because I don't know much about the rest), and who do you think would be funniest? I have narrowed it down to One but if anyone has anything better I'd love to hear it - Constantine, cap marvel and Manhunter were my top choices until:
Batman. Of course. Mainly because of the adoption problem and dozen kids with attachment issues, but also sqq spending his entire time internally shrieking I AM NOT CUT OUT FOR THIS I AM NOT PREPARED SYSTEM WHY DID YOU CHOOSE BATMAN. Trying so hard to fit the theme. Over preparing and stressing over every detail. A bit autism coded. 'I don't fall in love with anyone unless I choose to' wrong. 'You want me??? To?? Share my emotions?? My troubles??? I want to be a good parental figure but I would RATHER DIE'.
*internal sarcasm at local iq* *encyclopedic knowledge* *forgets he's not supposed to know everyone's identity*. "HOW DID YOH EVEN KNOW THAT??!!" 'oh I uh figured it out lol *bluffs sherlock style deduction*'. *repressed* 'Trauma? What trauma? I'm doing Great.'
Alfred is best man but sqq has been fundamentally a rich kid for THREE lifetimes now. He is unsavagable. Acts all high and mighty for the show but self esteem is garbage. UTTER COMMITMENT TO THE BIT at this point (way post svsss canon) I think sqq would genuinely implode if he didn't have a mask to show the public.
System has followed him of course and has him by the scruff of his neck every time he thinks about a more peaceful life. It has very high ooc standards as always until he first puts on the mask.
I can see superman taking over lqgs role a little. Casual friend and bestie. Always ready to help (and occasionally sky uber). Brawn to his brain but smarter than people give him credit for. Ultimate power team. Romantic tension through the roof but never wants anything more (and Bruce is completely oblivious anyway). Everyone sees it though.
Everyone assuming Bruce spent a huge amount of time training in some ultra secret Chinese mountain range (technically they're not wrong!) but no system sent him to the league of assassins he's just using the excuse to work on his cultivation. (talia tried SO HARD to seduce him but it failed utterly so she gave up and stole his dna while he was asleep (he woke up the next morning to a mission success notification and freaked)).
Unlike what his kids except, is fully caught up with memes. They hate it but that just makes him use them more. On the plus side he is susceptible to rickroll. Peak 'my darling child would NEVER how dare' at events. The only ones who know he had (has???) a husband pre reveal.
He teaches them all cultivation like a little qj peak but without the proper environment, which doesn't exist here, they're never going to reach immortality like him. He's fine about that, really :). He's accepted it. Either way that means pit influence doesn't stick, whoo!
Would like nothing more than to kill the joker :). System won't let him. He can't explain that to anyone :).
Cue an enraged ancient demon emperor breaking through the walls of reality on a universe shattering rampage only for him to be batmans husband :). Who wants kisses.
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smittywing · 1 year
Ficbit 8: Jason Todd/Tim Drake
Previous parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Possibly Bernard is not just cannon fodder.
Jason laid low for the next few weeks. There was a world-ending event that he noped out on and he entirely skipped one of the Riddler’s rampages by volunteering to substitute for Dick on an off-planet Titans mission. Dick and Tim got a lot more fun out of the Riddler than Jason ever did.
But eventually, Tim called for help and Jason was the closest. 
Insectoid, three of them,and Robin was backed onto a roof by two while the other one poked holes in the asphalt below.
“Were these people?” Jason asked, landing on the rooftop and firing some rubber bullets in a gap between the carapace. One of the insectoids shrieked.
“Nope,” Robin replied. “Feel free to use the real things, but I need you ground level, this was some kind of restaurant experiment gone wrong and there are people down there.”
“Sure you’re okay up here?” Jason checked.
“Bernard’s down there,” Tim said, and oh. Of course.
“On it,” Jason said crisply and fired off a rappelling grapple. He swung easily to the ground and shot the knee out of the rampaging ant-thing on the ground. Well. One of the joints in one of the legs. Close enough. He didn’t actually have regular bullets on him because Gotham crime tended to be human-on-human or sometimes sentient-meta-on-human. But he certainly didn’t feel bad about using the rubber bullets at close range.
“On your six!” Great, citizen participation.
“Get down!” Jason roared and then spun on his heel to - 
See Bernard Dowd, formerly known as Cannon Fodder, connect a solid roundhouse punch into the side of the insectoid’s leg joints.
What the actual shit.
“You just,” he gasped out with no idea how he was going to finish the sentence.
“I’ve been practicing!” Bernard called, his sneaker connecting with another appendage.  “Keeps me in shape!”
“Great.  Don’t die,” Jasons called back because Timmers would fucking *kill* him.
No wonder Replacement was so over the moon for this guy. Bernard was actually useful. Yeah, he wasn't going up against Shiva or taking the World’s Most Awesome Axe to any parademons, but Bernard was sufficiently competent to keep himself and some bystanders alive while Jason cleared the deck. 
“Nice job,” he said reluctantly when the identified threats were down or in retreat. “You should get to safety though.”
“Nah,” Bernard said *right to Jason’s fucking face. “My boyfriend, Tim Drake, will be back in a minute. Nothing's going to happen to me when he's around.”
“Uh.” Jason was speechless. Quipless. Wordless, even. “Okay?” 
Was Bernard legit telling Jason that he knew Tim was Robin? 
Jason tilted his head. 
Bernard blinked. He looked calm and confident. 
And sure enough, there was Tim Drake, jogging up to them. 
“Okay,” Jason said to Bernard. “I’m out of here. Scream like a girl if you need me.” Tim gave him the hairy eyeball and Jason, who hated Bruce's disappearing bullshit, went with his grapple gun for the quickest possible exit. 
“Hey, your internalized homophobia is showing,” Tim greeted Jason about three hours later. 
“Huh?” Jason asked eloquently. Replacement was in his territory this time and his only reason for being there seemed to be policing Jason. 
“Scream like a girl?” Tim prompted. 
“No.” Jason stared at him. “You know I said that long before you came out. You do not get a buy for being gay.”
“Bi,” Tim corrected, smirking. Jason let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. “I get a buy for being bi.”
“Also,” he said, and smacked Tim upside the back of his head. 
“Hey! What was that for!”
“You let me call your boyfriend Cannon Fodder for *months* and you knew he could fight!”
Tim grinned, and again Jason wondered at how talking about Bernard lit up his face. 
“Yeah,” he said, sounding like a complete and total sap. “I mean, he doesn't have our training but he….” Tim fucking *blushed.* 
“Oh my god, stop,” Jason said, because vicarious embarrassment was apparently a thing that affected him for the first time ever. “I’m just saying, he’s not complete Cannon Fodder.”  
“He's been kidnapped four times,” Tim said matter-of-factly. “I’ve started calling him that in my head. Don't tell anyone.”
“Anyone?” Jason asked after a beat, because Blondie would *love* this. 
“Don't even think about it,” Tim warned. “You know Steph would sell me out in a heartbeat.”
“How did you know I was talking about Blondie?” Jason demanded.
“Who else were you going to tell?” Tim asked. “Bruce, Tim let me call his boyfriend Cannon Fodder even though he can probably beat up the Riddler.”
“Did he beat up the Riddler?” Jason asked, because the Riddler *had* been rampaging last week and at this point, he’d believe it.
“No,” Tim said and then blushed. “A couple of his goons, yeah. He solved some of the riddles, too, which was fun.”
“Huh. Didn’t realize he knew the Secret. Does he know who I am?”
“What? No, he doesn’t know I’m Robin,” Tim said. “Riddler did the thing like in Keystone City a few years back and just airdropped a bunch of riddles on Midtown. So I picked some up and we figured them out, but he just thought we were doing it for fun.”
“Are you sure?” Jason asked, thinking of their most recent interaction. “Because I think he knows.”
“Wow,” Tim said with a sigh. “My life would be so much easier if he did.”
Turns out Bernard knew exactly who Tim played dress-up as at night. He spilled the beans by rounding up Batman and Robin, Nightwing and Batgirl, Spoiler and Orphan, and half the marina to save Tim and Kate from the weird cult they’d infiltrated.
Jason wasn’t invited.
It was fine.
It wasn’t actually fine. Tim’s pupils had officially gone heart-shaped and being around him made Jason want to throw up a little bit in his mouth. He and Bernard did a lot of canoodling on the boat and Tim didn’t seek out Jason to discuss investigations or be extra muscle on his cases.
Jason missed Tim.
It wasn’t exactly something he was going to advertise so he kept to himself and patrolled his area of Gotham without venturing into anyone else’s territory.
Some people didn’t have the same compunction.
“You’re not coming to Tim’s birthday party?” Batman demanded. Because of course Bruce got dressed up in his scariest costume to come harass Jason about his social calendar. “I thought you were working to integrate more closely with the family.” 
*I thought you were trying.*
“Maybe that was a mistake,” Jason said roughly. “Maybe I fucked up, old man.” He stared out over at the city, a collage of lights and shadows, beautiful and deadly, and superceding everything else, *home*.
“Hrm. Oracle. Is this roof blacked out?”
Jason didn’t hear the answer but a second later, Bruce pushed the cowl back. Jason turned his head automatically, like he was compelled to make sure it really was Bruce under there.
“Tim’s disappointed we haven’t heard from you. He assumes you’re not coming.”
“Good detective work on his part.” Jason approved. “Because I’m not.”
“When I was your age,” Bruce said, and then winced. “This is making me feel old.”
Jason tossed him a look that was meant to mean, *get on with your point or get off my roof* but may have included some, *there’s some self-awareness for you.*
“Anyway. I had a crush on someone I shouldn’t have,” Bruce confessed. “Someone married, actually. He wanted to stay in the closet. And he did. I never told him how I felt. And I lost him.”
Bruce put his hand on Jason’s shoulder and Jason felt like his insides were caving in.
“I have a lot of regrets,” he said. “Don’t be me.”
“So you’re saying I should just barge in and break up Tim and Bernard,” Jason asked, letting go of all his secrets. After all, who was he, trying to hide something from Batman?
“No,” Bruce said. “But I’m on your side, Jaylad.”
“You heard me,” Bruce said, pulling his cowl back up. “I don’t want that kid to be cannon fodder but he’s really intent on putting himself in the middle of everything.”
“You’re never on my side,” Jason accused.
“How are you always so sure which side I’m on?” Batman asked, and stepped onto the brick wall lining the roof. He shot a grapple and paused before jumping. “Don’t let this be the thing that defeats you.”
And he was gone.
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stunning-eclipse · 2 years
Random John Doe writing, spoilers for the ending of Enemy Within
“Of course I was your friend, John…”
“You… are one messed up guy.”
The voices echoed back and forth against the padded walls. Padded walls were supposed to quiet the sounds, but these sounds? These sounds were internal. The infinite laughter pierced through his own skull and reverberated in his cranium, his own laughter starting a war within his mind.
“I know you used me…”
A whimper escaped John’s vocal chords.
“I should hate you for that.”
A tear fell down from one of his emerald green eyes.
“But… I don’t.”
A violent impulse started to twinge in the back of his cortex, begging him to attack anything nearby.
“Because I had so much fun with you, Bruce.”
With a shout of pure, unbridled agony, John reached for the pillow that was nearest to him and began to scratch and claw at it.
“You never cared, you wouldn’t have betrayed me like that if you had!!!” He growled and seethed as he suddenly buried his face into the pillow, the built up tears once welled up finally poured out. He screamed and shrieked, all of his emotions poured out into one violent episode.
“They told me I have troubles letting things go.”
As he fought for his breath back, he panted and cried. Laughter began to crawl up his throat and, in a desperate act to silence it, he growled like a feral animal.
“You think this is funny?!”
“IT’S NOT FUNNY!!!” John shouted one final time, then his laughter overcame him. Neither angry nor joyful, his laughter was filled with heartbreak and agony…
“Oh, Brucie… you really are one messed up guy for seeing me as a friend after all we did together.” He said with a chuckle, his eyes now fixated on his own hands, which had the appearance of being blood stained. After a blink or two, the blood was gone.
“… I really did have fun. I hope he knows that… and I hope… we can do it again someday.” He said with a mumble, his voice shaken from his outburst.
“Next time… let’s be on even terms next time.”
“We’re two threads in the same stitch.”
His laughter filled his cell once again… and all the asylum inmates could do was listen.
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gothamstodd · 2 years
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closed in (2447 words) by gothamstodd Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Claustrophobia, Flashbacks, Panic Attacks, Jason Todd Has PTSD, Jason Todd Has Mental Health Issues, Complicated Relationships, Bruce Wayne is a Bad Parent, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, he's definitely having some internal conflict here but overall i would say his actions are bad, dick and jason don't get along here, Jason Todd is dramatic, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Hurt Jason Todd, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, he does not get one :'), Not Happy Series: Part 2 of bad things happen bingo Summary: Jason's still healing from their last encounter when he runs into Bruce. They fight, Bruce wins, instead of taking Jason to the cave in the backseat of the batmobile, he puts him in the trunk bthb prompt "locked in a trunk" requested by @PechoraFlow - thanks!!
"Fractions of a second pass before Jason’s back is hitting the weather-proof lining of the batmobile’s trunk with a sharp thump. Bruce doesn’t waste time closing him in. Pitch blackness falls like a pillow pressed over his face and an unwavering attacker.
“Let me out of here, Bruce!” He shrieks, punching and kicking at the ceiling of the compartment, even as it makes his shoulder scream,  “Fucking-” He can’t even get in the breath to properly shout, and he barely registers the soft rumble and vibrations of the engine starting up, “I- Please!”
And he- fuck he has to scratch through it, fucking claw at it. Because punches aren’t going to get him through the satin and pinewood that Bruce must’ve shelled out for, and the hundreds of pounds of dirt that weigh down on it. Jason screams. No one can hear him down here anyways.
He scrabbles and claws but its not working, and he’s running out of air. He's going to die a slow fucking death and no one will ever know that he even woke up down here and- oh God, what if he wakes up again? What if he can never claw his way out and he just keeps fucking dying and coming back until he either gets out or loses his mind.
There’s rain slick on his face and the smell of wet soil thick in his nose and the back of his throat. His body aches with every movement and it feels far too frail to make it out of this coffin and up to the surface."
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chainsxwsmile · 2 years
"Please don't see me, please don't there's nothing to see here, I'm just a little bush there's nothing to s-sh-sSHIT." Dustin fell and flailed into a backwards crabwalk, occasionally attempting to hop an extra distance with only occasional success. "Plee-hee-hease don't eat me, uh, wha-what the, f'cking shit are you--" startled by a trip over his own self he shrieked, and resigned to his fate lying on his back, arms and legs folded in tight protection of his head and delicious guts.
Evidently, despite the night reaching into its later hours, not all humans resided within their households. And Bruce had picked the one night to leave the safety of the quarry waters and scout out areas of potential escape like waterways and rivers, only to find none close by, and a human-- of all things!-- in his path.
The behemoth flinched visibly at the raucous produced by the startled human, and his gaze searched the tree-line feverishly in search of other human figures. Even as the human's shrieks died down, Bruce braced the ground with his talons, readying himself for a blow. A gunshot. A knife thrown. A rock haphazardly flung in his direction.
But none came.
Against his better judgment and all sense of self-preservation, Bruce idled; his muscles tensed to flee but webbed claws motionless still. With the deafening silence, fear slowly shifted to confusion, and then to curiosity. The Cetus canted his head, gently straightening in posture with realization: was the human unarmed?
Not all humans were monsters, granted; although the Cetus preferred to otherwise avoid the decidedly volatile bipeds. But under any necessary circumstances, interacting with a lone and unarmed human was considerably better than the alternatives.
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A chuffing flare of his nostrils billowed out a cloud of vapor in the crisp, chilly autumn night. Bruce's sense of smell dulled in the air compared to water; but from all accounts of the wind's direction, the human seemed to be alone. Internally, he debated whether speaking would further alarm the human. If the human wasn't unarmed, startling the stranger again could be deadly. Cautiously, Bruce lumbered forward until the human fell drenched in his shadow; and the Cetus let out a rumbling, albeit inquiring growl.
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Talia: My children are perfect.
*multiple explosions in the background*
Talia: I mean, just look at how well-coordinated that was.
*someone shrieks in the distance*
Talia: Perfect angels, both of them.
Bruce, trying to get to his kids before they start an international incident:
Bruce, realizing that ship has already sailed:
Bruce, trying to get to his kids so he can mitigate the inevitable repercussions of the last hour and a half:
Bruce: I can’t believe we’re talking about the same children.
Talia, stopping Bruce from going to them: Don’t interrupt them. This is an important bonding moment.
Talia: And also, I’m so happy to hear you acknowledge Jason as my child.
Bruce, realizing both Jason and Talia will be reminding him of this every day for the next two years:
Bruce: Dammit.
*another explosion in the background*
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ggomos-maribat · 2 years
BDBWM Day 8 | Significant Other
original prompt | complete masterlist
Marinette puts on a serious face in front of her huddled siblings. “I know we always mess around during galas, but this time, please. Act. Normal. Understand?” 
Stephanie raises her hand. “Define normal.” 
“Normal as in do not embarrass yourselves or me.” Marinette crosses her arms over her handmade dress. 
The others give her casual nods or sounds of agreement before they break away from the group. Bruce is already entertaining some of the guests, sneaking worried glances at the boys every five seconds. 
Meanwhile, Marinette takes a deep breath and fixes her curls. She steps towards her date when both Tim and her father block her view to up a conversation with the boy. 
No! Tim! Dad! She groans internally. Minding her high heels, she stalks over to the refreshments table to eavesdrop on the two. Marinette bends down and peeks from the edge of the tablecloth with narrowed eyes.
“So about Marinette . . .” Tim raises an eyebrow. “You never mentioned your relationship with her during our discussion about the business deal.” 
The blonde boy responds coolly. “I did not want to give off the impression that I am only involved with her to curry favor with Wayne Industries.” 
“And knowing the danger to your reputation, you still proceeded with the partnership?” Bruce asks with a faux smile. 
“If you see the deal as a reason to doubt my loyalty to Marinette, then I can back out if you want. My family’s company can stand on its own.” 
Bruce seems surprised with the boy’s answer. Marinette pumps her fist. As expected from mon amour. She stands up with a satisfied grin and gets ready to cut into the conversation—
“What are you doing?” Stephanie whispers next to her ear. 
Marinette shrieks loudly and stumbles forward. But instead of meeting the cold hard floor and humiliating herself entirely, she’s caught by two strong arms. She opens her eyes, locking them with familiar gray ones. 
“Fe—Fe,” she stutters, face heating up. 
He gives her a charming smile. “Marinette. I was waiting for you.” 
All the while, her family members are scrutinizing the scene. Marinette blushes harder and drags her boyfriend to the dance floor, knowing that he will be subjected to the Waynes’ silent criticisms. 
She puts her arms around Felix’s neck and sways along with the music. 
“So—sorry for that,” she breathes out, resting her forehead on his chest. “They’re such a handful. But I think you impressed my dad.” 
“Hard to say, considering your brothers and father seem to be staring daggers at me.” He presses a gentle kiss on her head. 
“Please ignore them.” Marinette clutches him tighter. “Missed you. I’m so glad you went.” 
“I missed you too, my love.”
@maribat-bdbwm @tinybrie @sinoffalsejudgement @its-maemain @kamarallil @toughluna @golden-promises @whatamoodhoney @trippingovermyfeet @m4ster0fnone @alexizlazy @plz-excuse-my-inner-gay @maybeanalien0-0 @imchaotic-dontmindme @ev-cupcake @flowers-n-fandoms @crusherccme @ji-nk-ies @depressed-bitchy-demon @duskyashe @multplelifes @authorpendragging@iloontjeboontje@thatonecroc@user00000003@paradoxaloccurance@kking13@laydeekrayzee@chaos-inperson@astol07@the-coffee-fandom@nerd-nowandforever@nightmarewasteland@certainmuffinbagelcalzone@the-hospitality-of-knives@stainedglassm@talia-scar123@trying414@starling218
*if you want to be tagged, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll add you to the taglist :)
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brisbookmark · 3 years
The Three Times Jason Wasn’t Saved- and The One Time he Was
Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: detailed descriptions of torture, angst, character death, blood, needles, knives/ cutting, batfam au where the gangs all here, Robin!Jason, reader can summon weapons, sad ending
His head hangs, he doesn't have the energy. His feet barely touch the ground, and yet he makes no move to stand himself up. They're tingly and fuzzy and cold, as are his hands that are tied above his head. 
Jason Todd hangs in chains like a slaughtered pig, and his breathing is hoarse. His dull blue eyes land on the bloodied crowbar laying on the floor. It's his blood, and it makes him groan in pain. Hyper realization of his injuries hits him and he whimpers. It's low, pathetic, and his breathing picks up.
He doesn’t remember how to wear clothes that aren’t covered in dirt and grime and acid. The fabric of his robin suit sticks to his skin, blending with his wounds. Every small move of limb sends fires of pain throughout his body, and he tries his hardest not to make a sound. 
The Asylum wing is freezing and he’s cold, skin almost blue. He shivers every once in a while- it’s different from when the Asylum is scorching hot and he feels like he’s in hell where he belongs. The hair he used to keep so elegantly messy, it's dirty and scorched and matted and greasy against his head.
And he’s scared.
He knows that if he looks up, he'll see pictures. Taped to the dusty and damp walls of Arkham Asylum. Red circles trace each of their faces, and whether or not it's paint or blood he doesn't want to know.
It’s blood, it’s always been blood.
He can't bear to see their faces right now. Barbara, happy and smiling next to Dick as they enjoy a Gotham carnival. They're happy without him, he always held them back. He was too dependent on Barbara as a sister figure and was just an annoying kid to Dick, they're better now. 
Bruce. With a child on his shoulders. The son Jason could never be. A new Robin, one that could properly fulfill his duties. He was the failure, he was never going to be what Dick Grayson was. Maybe his replacement could, his replacement wouldn't let himself get captured.
Barbara and Selina and Alfred who had only ever taken care of him.
All with red targets around them. Everyone he'd ever cared for. Marked.
Everyone except Y/N, who's picture lay in pieces on the ground. Unlike the others, it wasn't taken by Joker's goons, and it wasn't recent.
It was her student ID from their first year at Gotham Academy. She was young, really young, eyes still bright and skin untainted by the scars of vigilante work. And she wasn't even looking at the camera but rather off to the side, caught by surprise when the photographer flashed his equipment. She hated pictures, and going to school was never a part of the deal. She’s mid laughing and so alive and happy in a world where Jason never hurt her. 
He'd stolen it soon after it was taken, sticking it in his wallet so she'd be forced to ask him for his own. You couldn't access the Academy Library without one after all. 
And the Joker had found it in his pocket and took it and ruined it and tore it and left her in pieces in the corner, her name never spoken from the maniac again. 
Jason assumed that was good. Better to be left in silence than threatened and marked for death. Hell, he couldn’t remember how long it's been since he’s seen her, and he softly starts to whisper her name. She promised him a night out once he found his mother, 
No, he couldn’t. 
Maybe the Joker couldn’t find her, hadn’t figured out her identity. He could keep her safe.
"What's that my boy?"
"No.. no," Robin pleads, the voice of nails on a chalkboard sending fear into his every bone. "Not again, not again."
The Joker comes into view and a weak cry comes from Jason's lips. His body jerks and another cough wracks his body, warm blood spilling from his mouth. Broken ribs, internal bleeding, punctured lung, he has no idea what it could be. If only Alfred were here, or Dick. To let him rest as they fixed him up, took care of him.
His chin is grabbed harshly, the bruising making it worse. The Joker laughs, pushing his face upwards and close to his own. He can smell death and acid on this villain, and Jason whimpers again. 
"How long do you think it's been, Jason?"
The robin doesn't answer. He can't keep track. He tried counting the amount of times Joker visited him, but then again, that was most likely more than once a day. And sometimes it was Harley, or a low level goon dressed like Batman and Nightwing and Batigrl and her. 
Time is a blur to him, he's been in pain too long. Everything hurts, even if someone were to save him now, he feels practically gone already. 
He wanted someone to save him.
"What about it Jason? You think Bats will come? Save his precious son?" The Joker prods, mouth wide.
Jason wants to say it. But the words dont leave his mouth. 
"Go on, don't be scared Jason. Tell me, tell dear old Joker."
"HE'LL COME FOR ME!" he yells, and it uses all his strength to just move his jaw.
"Even when he's better off without you?" The Joker asks, and he bends down to lift the bloodied crowbar. 
No. Please, anything but that. 
"He's going to! He has to!" Jason screams, and then tears start streaming down his cheeks.
The metal finds its way onto his hip, sending his body swaying helplessly as he cries. 
"Tell me, who's hurting you?" The Joker asks, grin never leaving his face as he hits Jason again. 
"Please stop, I'll do anything," the boy pleads, desperately trying to think of anything else. If only the Joker would end him now, let him go free.
"Who's hurting you Jason?"
"YOU!" He shrieks, the crowbar smacking painfully across his chest and ripping at the skin. It's like his lungs have collapsed, he no longer has bones. 
"The, the Joker-"
Jason looks up at the pictures on the wall, squeezing his eyes shut. Blood pours into his mouth and he spits it out, shaking in his chains. "Batman.. batman is hurting me."
The next hit never comes. "Attaboy," The Joker mutters, and then he leaves.
He returns the next morning. Jason assumes it's the next morning, as he's in a new purple suit. Harley gave him a dosage some odd amount of time ago, it must be a new day. His limbs are numb, his wrists are cracked and bleeding. He tries to keep his tongue in his mouth but his jaw is slack and disfigured, it’s increasingly difficult. 
Jason hasn't slept in days. Dark circles accessorize his black eyes, it's a miracle he can see at all.
The green haired man sets a timer in the corner of the room, and the Robin's brain goes into endless loops of trauma. The crowbar, the explosion that almost killed him. His mind wandered to warm arms pulling him out, thinking Bruce had pulled him from the rubble. Except it wasn't his father at all.
Batman hadn't even tried. 
"Jason." The Joker says sweetly, walking around the boy like a predator. The robin is helpless, he's lost all feeling in his limbs. "I thought I might tell you a story today."
The dark haired boy stays silent. He doesn't cry, he doesn't scream, he prays to a god he doesn't know for it all to stop. A bullet, a poison, the world ends in a fiery explosion, he didn't care.
"Just kill me already," he pleads, voice cracking and desperate.
Loud laughter echoes through the room. Jason's head hurts from the sheer volume, and it doesn't stop. It gets louder, and it carries around, and Jason lets out hushed breaths. 
"I can't kill you boy, we're a great team you and I! Would you like to hear my story?"
Jason closes his eyes in anticipation for today's beating.
The Joker grabs his face again, and Jason is groggy. Fading in and out of consciousness. But as his eyes are forced open and the first thing he sees is a blade, Jason screams.
It's a dull knife, long and serrated and bloody and dirty. And in its reflection is the lunatic's face, grinning like mad. The light catches on the razor as the Joker's eyes go wide.
"Wanna know how I got these scars?" He sneers, and Jason cries. He struggles to get away, hanging helplessly from his suspension. Nothing works, and two goons from the shadows hold him still with no thought towards his bruised and broken body.
He's in agony, and he's begging. He's in insurmountable pain and he can't do anything about it. The razor is brought to Jason's lips, presses to the side of his mouth with dull pressure.
He’s muffled now, and he continues fighting. 
"Just,, like, this!!" The Joker yells, dragging the blade upward through Jason's skin at a slow agonizing pace. He wants this to be slow and torturous, and Jason only cries and shakes. It hurts, god it hurts, he's being cut open, and the blood and tears mix and cause him more pain, 
He almost wishes for the crowbar again and once the knife is finished on one side, he screams again. His blood bleeds from the blade and falls onto the floor, joining the rest from the past days. Months? It couldn’t have been years.
“Such a handsome young man,” the joker croons, erupting into even more laughter. “Tell me what brought the chicks in, your crippling daddy issues or your criminal record?”
Jason couldn’t answer if he tried. The Joker grabs his face, almost smelling his newfound wounds, and then pulls back, leaving him in a hanging sway. 
“Let me go..” he pleads, mouth sore. His bright blue eyes are so devoid of color it hurts, and he closes them. Blood and dirt clumps on his pretty eyelashes. 
“Now I don’t think I can do that dear Jason.”
Joker licks the blade clean, it catches on the man's tongue and cuts him, not that he cares. Jason's glad he's not forced to swallow the damn thing.
Well, be careful what you wish for. 
Its sharp edge is brought down his jaw, down his neck, so close to his jugular veins, if only he could shift and catch himself on the blade, he could end it all. 
He starts crying.
He doesn’t know when he stops.
The Asylum walls go black, and he's shrieking. Harley Quinn brings a bat to his body as the Joker moves his knife, and it finds solace along Jason's cold chest.
One cut. Two cuts. Jason screams more. His throat is raw, he doesn't even know where his terror is coming from anymore, it'd been beaten out of him. 
"Bruce-, bruce stop-"
The Joker laughs. "AHA, the boys learning, don't you see? That's right, that's right."
The cuts are few, and after a while they're bearable. The hardest part to deal with is Harley"s high squeals as she beats him. She calls him cute, handsome, a songbird.
"You can't.."
"I can't what Jay darling? Hmm?? What can't I do?" The Queen of crime pouts, and Jason sees red.
"Don't say that," he spits, finding his voice. "That name isn't for you bitch."
The next time the knife touches his skin, it's coated in acid. And he's yelling for it to stop, he's pleading, thrashing around.
His kicks find Harley and he's flown forward and backward, still chained to the ceiling. Its desperate.
"JAY DARLIING," she sings. "Puddin what else gets our birdie going?? Mm? What makes him sing like a good pet. Oh this is exciting!" 
"Jay," Harley flutters her eyelashes, bringing herself close to his face. "Baby? Love? Is it sweetheart?" Her mouth is wide, eyes deranged. "Perhaps it's Mister J! He stares into her gaze, and for a second the jester flinches.
If Jason wasn't suspended and restrained, he'd kill her. He knew it and she knew it and Joker most definitely knew.
"Well Jason, kill her then! Do it loverboy, why won't you end her?" He croons, and Harley feigns sadness. 
"I-" he starts, unwilling to let himself hang in shame. How could he do this? 
"Oh come on angel! Why don't you try?" She shrieks, and then Jason is shouting, further tearing into the cuts along his mouth as he brings his legs up, attempting to wrap them around Harley's neck. 
He doesn't get very far. Someone holds him steady, and the stinging knife is brought back to his chest. An H. An A. Another H and an A. 
Straight across his chest, and then it begins again. Jason's breathing is labored from his attempt to retaliate, and he slips back into his daze of unconsciousness. He can't do this much longer.
Jason can see it in the mirror on the opposite wall. He doesn't remember when that got put there. If he could reach something with his feet he could throw it. Break the glass, pick it up with his feet again perhaps, end this torture-
Jason feels like vomiting. 
Jason vomits on the ground in front of him. Sweat sticks to his skin and he's pale, he feels a fever growing on him. The knife continues lower to his bruised skin. This couldn't get worse, could it. 
The words are engraved on his body, marred by the blood dripping from it. Jason's eyes roll to the back of his head. The trauma puts him to sleep, and the Harley Quinn whispers another "Jay Darling" into his ear before departing. 
Y/N’s picture is gone now, he can't even piece it together in his mind anymore. The scraps are scattered and disintegrated into dust.
This time he hears Harley before Joker, she's hanging off of the clown's arm, looking at him with the adoration of a psychopath. In her hands is a long poker, tip red hot, and she swings it without a care in the world. She giggles as her love comes closer to the half dead boy, untying his chains.
Jason lands on the floor, a crumpled heap of skin and broken bones. His head hits the ground, but it's the most beautiful thing he's touched in a long time.
He doesn't move, curling into a protective ball. 
"Mister J our bird isn't moving," Harley whines, kicking him in the back. He groans, shielding himself as best he could. There's nothing on the ground that's usable, not even a sharp stick or rock, there's a used abandoned needle but it sends him into nausea.
The Joker's laughing brings him back to reality as he attempts to crawl away. The floor is appalling, disgusting, a mix of wax and blood and body fluids that he wished he could forget, but he's let go. 
Jason slams his hands on the cement, using the force to wake him up and pull himself forward. His legs don't work, he's going delirious again, and then there's the sizzle of water behind him.
"Where are you going birdie?" Harley asks, and the Joker takes another step closer. 
"No, no, NO-" Jason pleads. Please let him go, dead or alive he doesn't care. Just get him out of here, make it stop. It's the only word he knows at the moment, every syllable is tortuous to pronounce. He bangs his head on the cement. God he’s going insane.
Stop touching him. Stop hurting him. 
He’s been beaten and tortured and degraded in the worst ways possible. He couldn’t remember what it was like to be human. And still, this was the worst pain yet.
He's pinned down as the hot poker nears his face, the symbol bright red on the end. Like a branded piece of meat. His flesh burns and sizzles as the Joker gives more pressure, and Jason's never screamed louder. 
It's in the intense silence within which he screams with his whole body. It forces its way from deep in his throat, demonic and angry and scared. 
He's hiding a truth from himself, and soon he's not screaming from the burning, but rather that he's stuck here. Forever. 
Edged with the tantalisingly sweet release of death, the Joker will never give it to him. 
The Joker will never let him die, he will never let him go. And now his cursed J is on Jason’s cheek, he’ll forever be the Joker’s pet.
When the brand stick is taken off his skin, Jason is sweating and pale and falls asleep.
"What a shame you couldn't handle it."
Y/N runs through the hallway with desperation. She'd tracked down Harley one night and by some god forsaken miracle, the deranged woman had blood on her skirts.
Another miracle hadY/N sneaking into Wayne Manor to ask Barbara to help her, analyzing the blood samples to track down the Joker.
They found something better.
For a second she believed Bruce's high end, most technologically advanced equipment was wrong. Babs assured her it wasn't. That was Jason's blood on Harley, less than two weeks old. 
The boy looks up, whimpering. He almost doesn't hear her.
"Oh Jay," she whispers from the hallway. She's just a shadow but Jason knows it's her. No one has ever said his name with such gentleness. 
The woman lets out a sob. He's here, he's alive, he's gonna be okay. 
Jason holds back sobs of his own as she runs to him. Her fingers are first to touch him, resting on his chest and trailing over his scars, his wounds and his blood. His torn clothes, the dirt and acid burns. Her hand stops over his heart, beating so slow she would have believed him to be dead.
But this is Jason. He's not dying anytime soon. Especially not if she can help it.
Tears stream down her face as she wraps her arms around him, holding him close. 
He's gonna be okay.
Y/N is immediately supporting him as she conjures a knife to cut him down. His arms are free and he nearly goes unconscious.
She catches him before he can fall. It's not like the Joker when he needs to crawl away like a wounded puppy. He welcomes the other presence in the damp room, shaking. Jason lifts his head, and he doesn't even have to move until she's at his side. It's so different.. he forgot what this feels like. 
Jason forgot what it felt like to have emotions besides fear. 
He curls into her lap, slowly using her body to sit up. 
"Jay look at me, please," she murmurs, holding his face and brushing the hair out of those colorless eyes. "Oh my god I knew it.. I knew you were alive.. Jay I'm so sorry-" she stops herself, kissing the top of his blood matted head.
That doesn't matter now.
"I'm gonna get you out of here, you're okay sweetheart. Stay awake okay? Okay. Stay awake for me please."
Jason nods, hanging onto her. If he lets go, she'll leave. He'll lose her and he'll be stuck here again. She'll fade away.
It hurts to move, every bone and every limb is on fire. Then she's grabbing him and they're standing up, she's practically half carrying him.  
Mumbles of his name fill the empty asylum wing. Js and Jason's and Jay's pass her lips as if just repeating it is gonna make him alright.
One step, and Jason crumbles. He can't walk, it's a miracle he can feel his legs at all. "I'm not going anywhere," he mutters. 
She doesn't say anything. She knows.
Footsteps in the background. Walking, jogging, running. 
Maniacal laughs and snarls and spit.
Y/N bends her knees and slings him over her shoulder in a fireman's carry, and then she starts running. Down one hallway and then the next, the Arkham Asylum is a maze.
"Jay, side of my mask, the-"
"Comms," he finishes, holding the button to turn it on.
"Bat? Batgirl, do you read me?" The girl whispers, ducking into an alcove.
"I'm here. Did you..?"
"I've got him. Babs, he's alive, Jason's alive, he's breathing-" It feels so good to say, to not just breathe an empty statement. 
Crying comes from the other side of the comms. Barbara composes herself enough to speak, but even then, emotion hangs in her voice. "Let's bring him home then, where are you right now? Dicks outside the Asylum with Bruce, don't worry about the thugs or the cameras, we have it covered."
"The Joker's here," Y/N tells Barbara and the air hangs with a pregnant pause. 
"Okay, Tim's gonna have you turn right, we got his signal."
The woman turns, ducking into the darkness.
"Y/N,." Jason wheezes, hanging onto her shoulders with the strength he could muster. 
"Jason if this is one of, one of your 'if we don't make it out' speeches-"
"Nevermind," he replies, wishing he had the energy and the ability to smile. She does, she smiles for the both of them- even if he can't see it from this angle. 
"God I'm going to make him pay for this. Writhing and screaming and begging for me to end him," she threatens, listening for the next of Barbara’s directions.
She's told to go right and through a door.
There's two sets of footsteps now.
Y/N continues, trying to fill the silence. The Joker won’t track her voice, the alarms are too loud. "That doesn't matter now, I guess. You're alive and I- we thought you were dead and it took so long for me to accept that, and I still don't know how I found you but I did and Jay I'm so proud of you-"
"Hey this doesn't mean you can give me a speech of your own," Jason interrupts, and she cracks another smile. She’s rambling like she always does when she overthinks, and he closes his eyes to imagine that they’re once again on a Gotham skyscraper with a bottle of champagne. Spilling secrets and laughing like they weren’t masked vigilantes with secret identities. 
"I love you Jason, and you're not leaving me again."
"HAHA I LOVE THIS GAME-" The Joker yells. His psychotic grin fills Jason’s vision as the maniac throws open a hatch, jumping down into the room. Jason is dropped to the ground and Y/N has her sword in hand, stepping in between the two men. 
His vision is blurry, he can’t see anything, and the ground is warm. 
He can’t succumb. Jason stands up again, grabbing a pistol from Y/N’s leg and he shoots. The feel of a gun trigger isn’t unfamiliar. 
Yelling fills the room, as does the clash of metal and fists, Jason smiles as the Joker cries out in pain. Another door opens, there’s girlish laughter now, and so many footsteps. He keeps shooting, dropping enemies like a second nature because he was Jason Peter fucking Todd. 
Jason’s ribs get stomped on again and he loses his gun, and metal echoes on the ground as something is dropped. Three gunshots ring through the room. 
The Joker and the Harlequin keep laughing in glee, and Jason blacks out from crying again. 
Cold hands grab his face. The man who laughs is, well, laughing and pulling Jason’s face close to his own. The smell of death fills his senses and Jason opens his eyes. 
"How long do you think it's been, Jason?"
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lfthinkerwrites · 2 years
If I may make a request 🧐
Could you make an alternative version of your small lingerie fic where they hide from gordon until he leaves and eddie doesn't get taken in could be smut could just be bruce being a flustered mess
Here you are, you filthy bastards. Light smut and Bruce being a mess ahead.
"Riddle me this," Nashton purrs. "Is that a Batarang in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?" Bruce stands still, not sure whether to punch him, push him, or...something else.
(In another world, Gordon arrives at the rooftop, Nashton is taken into custody, and Bruce locks himself into his room, Nirvana at full volume, trying to forget that any of this ever happened. In this world, Bruce is slightly swifter on the uptake.)
Bruce snapped his attention to the still-lit Batsignal. Gordon will be any minute. He can stop this, subdue Nashton (on his knees), get him out of that get-up and-no. No. This is a serial killer. He killed the mayor, Pete Savage, Gil Colson, countless people in the flood, Alfred almost, there is nothing Bruce could ever want from this man, would ever want from this man-
He heard the sound of a throat clearing and saw that Nashton had pulled a small bottle out of one cup of the bra and a packet of condoms out of the other. "I came prepared," he said brightly.
Bruce had to take a step back at how forward the man was. Then he glared, trying to take back control of the situation. "You really are delusional if you think that's going to happen."
Nashton just smirked. "Oh, if you had any intention of rejecting me, you would have by now." Nashton placed his items back into the bra, which Bruce did NOT watch him do, and traced his fingers against Bruce's chest. "You're letting me touch you," Nashton continued. "If you wanted to hit me, you would. But you won't. You're hesitating because you want this as much as I do. You just needed a little more time to accept it."
When was the last time someone had touched him? Selina? Selina's gone though, and Nashton is right here, and he's soft, and he's willing, he's desperate, and the dam broke. Bruce roughly grabbed both of Nashton's hands and dragged him towards the edge of the roof, towards the shadows, and pressed him up against a support beam of the building, both hands pinned above his head. He looked into Nashton's expectant, flushed face and hesitated. "What am I going to do with you?" he murmured.
Nashton let out a small moan, one that goes straight to Bruce's cock. Bruce looked down and saw that Nashton was already erect. "Oh," he laughed. "I think you know exactly what you're going to do to me."
Before he could think of just how bad an idea this was, Bruce surged forward, pressing his mouth hard against Nashton's. For someone who came to a rooftop dressed in lingerie, Nashton's a sloppy kisser, sloppy like the virgin he probably was. The thought of that makes Bruce harder and he dropped one hand to pull down Nashton's panties, which judging by the groan the other man let out, was greatly appreciated. Bruce moved his lips to Nashton's neck, biting hard at the same time he began to stroke the other man's cock. Nashton almost shrieked at the sensation and Bruce let go of his wrists to cover his mouth. What he wouldn't give for some of his duct tape right about now...and that shouldn't arouse Bruce as much as it does.
"Anybody up here?"
Bruce froze mid-stroke. Shit. Gordon. Shit shit shit shit. He heard the man's footsteps on the roof, around the signal, and internally cursed. He should have grabbed Nashton's coat and boots too.
"What the fuck?" he heard Gordon say and he knew he must have found the clothes. Bruce glared at Nashton, only to see that the man only looked irritated at being interrupted.
"Don't make a sound," Bruce hissed, clamping his hand even harder over Nashton's mouth. Nashton's eyes crinkled, and Bruce could tell he was smirking.
"If anyone's here, come on out!" Gordon shouted, his steps coming closer to their hiding spot. Bruce stood still, blocking Nashton from view. How chivalrous, he could just hear Alfred drawl, and oh God, he should not be thinking about Alfred when he's got a nearly naked man pressed against him. He can feel his heart beating in his chest and something else bucking into his upper thigh. It's Nashton, rubbing insistently against him as if he doesn't care that Gordon's less than six feet away and could stumble on them and...wait. Is that a turn-on for him?
Bruce heard a sigh and receding footsteps. "Some dumb kids must have gotten up here again," Gordon muttered. Bruce could see out of the corner of his eye, the lieutenant turning off the signal and retreating to the elevator.
As soon as Gordon's gone, Bruce releases Nashton, and the man lets out a sharp breath. "Well," Nashton said. "That was fun. Now where were we?"
Bruce just stared at him. "What in the fuck is the matter with you?"
Nashton giggled, then pointed downwards. "Same thing that's wrong with you." Bruce followed his gaze down and realized that he was still hard. Nashton giggled again, then pulled the condoms and lube from his bra again. "Well?"
Gordon's arrival should have been a sign that this was a bad idea. It should have been, but Bruce returned his teeth to Nashton's neck and once he remembered how to take off his pants, gave them both what they wanted.
When Nashton is returned to Arkham in a cheap t-shirt and jeans, six hours later, no one commented on the dark bruises on his neck, the fact that he couldn't quite walk straight, or that Batman couldn't meet Gordon's gaze. Or that Nashton's new 'friend' seemed to find the entire thing hilarious.
One thing remains universally consistent. Bruce returns home, turns Nirvana up at full volume, and tries to pretend that the whole thing didn't happen. When he's not contemplating breaking Nashton out again, and bringing duct tape.
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Ch. 11: Blast from the Past (Siblings)
Swinging side by side with her father was an amazing experience. Marinette tried hard to stifle her laughter, figuring Batman wouldn’t appreciate it if word got around that the newest vigilante was a giggler. He swings to the next roof and pauses, Marinette frowning as he listens to something on his comm.
“Alright. All hands on deck. Robin, you’ll stay on the roof with Ladybird.” He instructs, Marinette frowns. Was he really sticking her younger brother on babysitting duty? And why couldn’t she go wherever it is he’s going?
“What’s happening?” She asks, crossing her arms.
“There are several crates of weapons and a few dozen armed men in a warehouse a mile out from here. You and Robin are going to stay on the roof to make sure no one leaves before the police arrive.” He instructs before turning and grappling away. Marinette frowns, but follows behind him. Does he really not think that she can handle herself? And she knows this is going to cause problems with Damian. He already doesn’t like her and now he has to stay with her. She watches as he swoops down into the warehouse and she lands silently on the roof.
“I do not appreciate this.” Robin says, stepping out of the shadows with crossed arms. Although she can’t see his eyes behind his mask, Marinette knows he’s glaring at her. She just rolls her eyes.
“I don’t either. I don’t need someone watching me 24/7. I can take care of myself.” She says, and with a sudden jolt, she realizes this is the first time he’s willingly speaking to her. The first time they’re talking and it’s to argue. Lovely.
“If you had simply stayed away, then I would have been allowed to follow Father. Instead, I am being punished for your insolence.” He adds. Is he going to lecture her the entire time Batman and the others are fighting in the warehouse, she thinks, raising an eyebrow. She starts to snark back, but a shadow moving behind him pulls her attention instead. Narrowing her eyes, she watches as a figure steps out of the shadow, a gun raised at her.
“Well well well. What do we have here?” The man asks, a smirk on his face. Marinette glances at Robin, trying to see if he recognizes the voice. She doesn’t see any recognition, so she immediately catalogues the man as an unknown threat. Chances were that he was involved with the group currently fighting in the warehouse and not an actual Batman level villain. But he still had a gun, so she wouldn’t underestimate him. Robin turns to face the man and he immediately takes the gun off Marinette, pointing it instead at Robin’s head. Marinette narrows her eyes. She may not know him very well, but he was still her little brother. And she wasn’t about to let some stupid goon threaten him. Flicking her wrist, she aims her yoyo at the man’s gun, smirking as she manages to yank it from his grasp. She catches the gun as it flies back with her yoyo, holding it carefully and trying to ignore the internal panic. She’d never held a gun before, never wanted to or had a reason to. And she really didn’t want to hold it now, but she didn’t want the man to know that she was scared of the gun, because that would give him an advantage. She just grins at the dumbfounded look on the man’s face, his shock enough so that Robin was able to knock him down without a fight. He pulls a zip tie out of his utility belt and ties the man’s hands together.
“Well that was disappointing. I was hoping for more of a fight.” Marinette teases, hoping that the tension between her and Robin would break. She watches as his lips purse slightly, not sure what the expression meant.
“I hardly think one buffoon with a gun would be much of a fight for either of us.” He finally says, and her eyes light up. Success!
“But if it was the right foe, they could surely take you down.” A new voice says, and this time Marinette can practically feel the tension rolling off of Robin.
“Slade.” He says, obviously tensing for a fight.
“Damian. I wasn’t aware you were in possession of a Miraculous.” The man, Slade, says, turning towards her. Marinette stiffens, uncomfortable by both his words and the fact that she can’t see the man’s face because of his costume.
“I’m not in possession of anything.” He says, his jaw clenched. Marinette shifts into a defensive position, desperately wishing that she had a comm. Surely the rest of the family had heard this man’s intrusion through Robin. But she wished she could hear them. Whether it was giving information about the man or reassurance that the rest of them would be there soon, she wanted to hear them.
“Tell me, little girl, how did you stumble upon one of the most powerful pieces of magic in the universe? And why haven’t I met you before?” He asks, stepping towards them. Glaring at the man, Marinette steps forward so that she’s standing in line with Robin, unwilling to cower behind her brother.
“I don’t think we run in the same circles. And I assure you, I didn’t stumble across anything. I was chosen to wield this Miraculous.” She says, shoving false confidence in her tone when all she wanted was to grab Robin and run. Slade oozed a sense of wrongness and danger. Not a combination she wanted anywhere near her or her family.
“Mmm. Perhaps not. But we’ll never know, will we. I’m going to have to ask you for that Miraculous now, dear.” He says, her eyes narrow.
“I’m not sure if that’s worked for you in the past, but it’s not going to work today. You’re not the first creep in a mask asking for my Miraculous.” She snarks, hand twitching as she analyzes him and tries to come up with a plan. Without any warning, he lunges towards them, a sword suddenly in his grasp. Marinette jumps back, going on the defense as Robin lunges forward with his own katana. Marinette flits around both of them, throwing her yoyo at Slade every time he got too close to Robin. It was obvious the man was well trained, and it was also obvious that he had little patience for the two.
“You’ve improved, but you’re still not good enough.” He hisses, lunging towards Robin, his sword aimed at the boy’s chest. Marinette lunges towards them, shoving Robin out of the way. She shrieks in pain as Slade slides his sword into her shoulder. She can’t see the man’s face, but she can just imagine his smirk. He puts his other hand on his sword, and she just knows he’s going to twist. She can’t let that happen. So instead, she jerks back, screaming as she pulls herself off the sword. Robin launches himself at Slade once again, furiously slashing at the man. Slade lifts his sword up and Marinette flicks out her yoyo, grunting in pain as she irritates her shoulder. But she’s able to wrap her yoyo around the man’s wrist. Smirking, she tugs roughly, pulling the man off balance enough so that Robin can disarm him. Just as she lets her shoulders relax, Slade yanks his arm, tugging her to him. She yelps in pain as he wraps her into a chokehold. Staring at Robin, she tries not to panic. They’re gonna come for them, right? The rest of her family? Surely they’ve beaten those goons by now. They definitely heard the problem on the roof through Robin’s comm, right?
“Unhand her.” Robin says, shifting his position now that he has two swords.
“I don’t think I will. Not for free, anyway. You want her alive for some reason.” Slade says, tightening his hold. Marinette lets out a choked breath, desperately trying to pull in enough oxygen.
“What do you want?” Robin asks, Marinette tries to shake her head, already guessing what the man wants. She’d rather die than give some psycho the power of Tikki. Not only could he destroy the world, but Paris would also be lost without the Miraculous Cure.
“Her earrings. Let me take them, and I’ll let her live….this time.” He says.
“No….don’t...not..worth it.” Marinette manages to say, just barely able to shake her head. She gags as Slade tightens his grip again, black spots dotting her vision.
“Ladybird-” Robin says, and Marinette is certain she’s hallucinating now. Because he almost sounds pained.
“Don’t.” She begs, fighting to stay conscious. As she watches him, she sees a smirk make its way onto his face. That’s good. Good. Smirking brother means….what does it mean? She’s not sure. All she knows is that suddenly, the pressure on her neck is gone. She falls to her knees, gasping for breath and wincing at the burning in her shoulder. Too much. Too much all at once. A hand on her good shoulder shakes her from her thoughts and she weakly hits at it.
“Ladybird, it’s me.” A voice says. She blinks, opening her eyes, wincing at the pain enveloping her. Looking closer at the figure, she sighs in relief, letting herself slump down. She’s safe. Arms pick her up gently and she smiles softly, tiredness hitting her as the adrenaline finally fades. Curling in closer, she mumbles into Batman’s chest.
“Thanks dad.”
Bruce Wayne was pissed. And the only person who could piss him off so much was himself. He’d left Damian and Marinette on the roof alone because he thought they’d be safer. He didn’t think the two would be able to get into any trouble up there. Of course he would be wrong. Of course Slade Wilson would choose tonight to come after Damian. And of course the man just had to know about the Miraculous.
Hearing his daughter’s pained screams over his son’s comm would haunt his nightmares. It’d likely become the unholy symphony over the images of Jason’s broken body and Damian’s limp form. Images that’d haunted him for years and would continue to do so until he dies. When he was young, his nightmares were just of his parents. But he had seen things much worse since becoming a father. And now he’d heard much worse. Shaking his head, he tries hard to hold onto the one bright part of the evening.
Marinette had called him dad.
It was the first time she’d called him anything other than ‘Mr. Wayne’. His heart warmed at the thought, but everything came crashing down again when he remembered. Slade Wilson was gone. He’d managed to get away while his focus was on Marinette’s wellbeing. Which means his daughter was now in even more danger. Damian had informed him of the man’s obsession with the Miraculous. It was something they’d need to talk about, but not tonight. After she passed out in his arms, he brought her back to the manor. Alfred stitched her shoulder, and Bruce brought her to her room. It wasn’t decorated yet, but he’d made sure to pick out a room for her after finding out about her. Even if she didn’t want anything to do with them after this, she’d always have a room here.
Sighing, Bruce sticks his head into Marinette’s room, just to reassure himself that she was there. That she was safe. It was something he did with each of his kids, every time they were injured. Every time he was afraid that he would lose them. The sight in front of him makes him pause and pull out his phone to take a picture. They might be mad at him for it later, but he’d curse himself forever if he let this moment slip away. All of his children were piled in Marinette’s room. The girl herself was on the bed, curled into a ball despite her injured shoulder. At the foot of her bed was Damian, his face peaceful for once. Jason, Dick and Tim were all in a pile on the floor, pillows and blankets scattered both beneath them and on top of them. They were an impossibly tangled pile of limbs, guarding their youngest sister. He smiles softly, eyes finally falling on Cass curled up in an armchair that she must’ve pulled next to Marinette’s bed. Satisfied that all were well, Bruce shuts the door gently, not wanting to risk waking any of them.
His children were together, and safe. For now.
Tag list: @maribat-bdbwm @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @jayjayspixiepop @jjmjjktth @mizzy-pop @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @waiting247 @laurcad123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @ritacrow-blog @deathssilentapproach-blog @kittenmywaythrulife @nerd-nowandforever @tazanna-blythe @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @imarivers8
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itsmeevie01 · 4 years
A Moment in Time
ok, so. a little disclaimer before we get into the good stuff. Cannon is in no way whatsoever being followed in this. honestly? im not even sure that i REMEBER cannon at this point. that said, cannon is non applicable. at. all. 
moving on. YES, i WILL finish B!DBWM stuff eventually. but uh...not today. i just mentally cant. it. will. come. when. my. brain. can. handle. the. world. that. i. had. tailored. for. it. 
ALSO this is going to be kinda sporatic, but the goal (not end all be all but) is to have this wrapped in a pretty little package and finished (at least on my end) by the end of february.
and now....onto the stuff you came here for!
Marinette was running late to school when she met him. She ran into the boy and stumbled back, flailing to catch herself before she fell. He looked down at her owlishly, before looking around. By the time he had returned his gaze to her, the teen had pulled herself back together. He smiled and nodded at her, before moving to go around. When Marinette had pulled herself together enough to call a short “sorry!”, He was already gone.
That was three weeks ago. Now, she was looking at a picture of their interaction, where it blared on the front page of the newspaper that Jagged had sent her. When Marinette had received the package, she had been confused. Jagged wasn’t supposed to send her another demo for a few weeks. They were still working on singles. When she had opened the box and found five different American publications with her on their front page, the teen designer had shrieked. With shaking hands, she picked up the top one and studied the headline.
The bold text was catching, sure, but Marinette was caught on WHO it was placing her with. Someone she had never met. The second one had a picture of her next to Jagged at an event, and a picture of the boy next to a blonde girl. The headline wasn’t much better than the first.
The teen snorted. She was starting to see the pattern. Putting the tabloid down the girl moved onto the next one. This one had, once again, a zoomed in picture of the five second interaction between her and a stranger. The title, however, was different than the first two.
She squinted, laughter bubbling up a little as she observed the piece of fiction. Whoever the Bruce Wayne was, Marinette hopped that he was able to combat this, because she had no intention of letting this fly.
Tim and Bruce were staring at the pile of papers in mild shock. When Jared had reached out to them in mild panic, they had been confused. His panic had been explained when the rocker had arrived carrying a stack of tabloid literature a foot thick. When he had thunk’d the stack down on Bruce’s desk, the businessman’s shock had been more than notable. When Tim had picked up the first few publications the initial look on his face was mirth, but it quickly morphed into shock, then panic. When he handed the top item to Bruce, the older man frowned. When the second pamphlet made its way to his hands, Bruce paused. His next move was to call the Wayne family lawyers. when he turned back to his old friend, all the faces in the room told the same grim tale of what was to come.
When Tim found out that it was Jared’s niece that he had accidentally run into in the brief moment in Paris, he wasn’t sure whether he should be more stressed by it, or if it was by pure luck. When Bruce’s friend went on to explain that the girl would probably already suing the reports and papers that had published the rumor, the young CEO was impressed. To have a lawyer on hand like that was…surprising, considering that she couldn’t be older than 18.
When he asked the rocker if he thought the girl would let anyone go after her, he laughed. Then, Jared Stone explained that the girl was known in Paris for squishing rumors with surprising efficiency.
That evening, Bruce invited his childhood friend home for dinner, and the star spent the evening telling stories of their capers as children, with Alfred grimacing in agreement with the stories. Partway through dinner, Jared’s phone went off. While the rest of the family tensed, glancing to Alfred, their guest frowned at his phone before rushing to answering. “Hey Little Rocker! How’s Pari- oh. So, Penny was more efficient then I thought she’d be. I- yes I figured that you may want to hear. Do- No! Marinette, what!” here, the man paused, his head cocked to the side, his eyes screwed up in thought. “No luv! Sue them within an inch of their lives! You more then have that right.” Here, the rocker paused before he laughed. “Tell that buzzing bee of yours that she’s a good friend. Alright, Miss Mari. I’ll ring you when I’m back on that side of the Atlantic.” He laughed again, “See you soon, Marinette.” The table stayed quiet, waiting for the man to give an indication on the status of the conversation. “Well, Brucie, expect to hear from my niece in the next few day, or at least, her team of lawyers.” the Wayne patriarch blinked before nodding in hidden surprise.
When the family was talking during patrol that evening, Tim grumbled. The 18-year-old was still taken aback that the press had even seen the momentary interaction almost a month ago. As his brothers listened in, many of them started to make fun of the teen. When Jason tuned in, he dropped in the middle of tale. At his confusion, Tim sighed and started over, again. While the family was laughing over his run-in with the press, the former Robin shook his head and silenced his family. He had a feeling he wouldn’t live this one down for a while.
Originally, Jason had found Tim’s predicament hilarious. Of course, the kid had to have the worst run-ins with the press. Then, he had picked up one of the many tabloids with the story. When he had seen the pictures, all mirth left the resurrected vigilante. The noirette that was looking up at him from the page? Yeah. He knew her. Better than anyone else, actually. With shaking hands, the young man paged to the story. What he found was…illuminating. So. She had been adopted. In France. In Paris. After forcing his lungs to draw breath, Jason pulled out his phone. He had arrangements to make.
The day after Jagged had sent her the gossip rags that were considered journalism, Marinette strode into school with a scowl so ingrained in in her features that anyone who didn’t know her would think the expression was permanent. When she stalked into the Lycée classroom, Chloé grinned at her from where she had settled in the front row. Marinette nodded at her friend as she slid in next to her. Lila came skipping in moments later, a cruel smile playing on her lips, before falling when she saw the bone quaking scowl resting on her nemesis’ face. “oh Marinette! Did something happen? Did…did you anger your parents? Did they find out about all those men?” the other girl huffed before turning to her. Lila froze as she was met with the iciest glare that she had seen in years.
“oh Lila. That’s so cute. It almost sounds like you still think that your little stories affect me at all. That’s…adorable.” The Italian girl shrunk under the younger girl’s stare. Suddenly, she understood why people had been warning her to leave the teen alone. this girl, she was brutal. “lucky for you, you’re not the one I’m after, this time. My lawyers have bigger fish to fry.” The newer addition to the classroom gulped, her throat suddenly very dry. It occurred to her that maybe Marinette had let her take control of the class. After all, if they turn that easily, why would she want them for friends. The smaller girl nodded as she watched the realization run over Lila’s face. Raising her eyebrows, the Eurasian girl motioned her classmate along, sending a cruel smile after her.
Chloé waited until the little liar was gone before giggling at her friend’s reaction to the girl who had become their daily annoyance. “I’m guessing you saw what’s been running in the American news? I thought it wouldn’t take long for you to respond. Are a plethora of lawsuits on the way?” Marinette giggled slightly as her severe demander giving way to the internal glee that was consuming the teen over the sheer chaos that was to come.
When Jason touched down in Paris, he tensed. The atmosphere in the city was less carefree than he remembered. There was an air that actually reminded him of Gotham. Tense. Waiting or the other shoe to drop. The expectation that your day was going to go wrong set from the moment one woke up. Pulling out his phone, the Gotamite looked up the address to the bakery that he had found when digging online. If today went the way he was hoping it would, the bakery would be his only stop for the day. Of course, he didn’t count on Gina.
When she called him over from where she was standing by her bike, Jason had to smile. The woman was part of the reason that he wasn’t still camping out in Gotham, waiting to kill a certain billionaire. Once the spry biker had latched onto his arm, the young man knew that his mission would have to wait just a bit. After all, he owed Gina almost everything he had.
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envysparkler · 3 years
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#kinda difficult to run a gang when batman is hovering over your shoulder and telling you you're grounded
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I was juuuust reading Batcellanea chp138 - was in the middle of the part where Bruce's internal monologue was telling him he should keep Jason and he can take care of Jason, when it hits me : the voice in Bruce's head reminds me of Venom and lmao what if its like Venom but instead of killing people it just maliciously whispers at Bruce to keep adopting kids.
Thats it. That's the comment that I got on tumblr at 12.30am for. Cheers.
Oh my god. Yes. Some villain infects Batman with a parasite to turn him against the rest of Gotham but all it does is make him adopt kids.
Venom: Bruce. Broose. Come on. You know you want to. Bruuuuce. Bruce: he has parents. Venom: we can take care of that.
Venom: BRUCE Bruce: NO Venom: BRUCE Bruce: NO Venom: BRUCE I WANT-- Bruce: he is older than me I said no
Venom, cackling: our little brood goes bigger and brighter, all the little birds roosting in the nest, safe and warm and toasty-- Bruce: you're making it sound like you want to eat them
52 notes • Posted 2021-11-05 11:40:05 GMT
Jason eyeing the league members popping in on his cases just to see he’s still alive: “I am never going to be able to do anything illegal again”
It is very difficult to be a crime lord when the Justice League keeps showing up to coddle you.
This reminds me of one of my ideas of Batman deciding to dismantle the Red Hood's operations by just showing up and acting like a disappointed parent.
54 notes • Posted 2021-09-18 13:52:09 GMT
In response to the Jason being Bruce's biological son: I think there could be some cool and interesting new twists in this. But I still would cling to the Red Hood path. Because the whole idea of Red Hood is just so great. Coming back from the dead and waking up in his grave. Thrown into the Lazarus pit und realizing that his murderer never faced adequate justice is simply genius. Red Hood is an interesting character.
Red Hood is a fascinating character, but giving Jason a chance to live is also good, and seeing who he would've grown up into without the Lazarus Pit. And I can hear Ise shrieking distantly about killing her precious baby Jay.
77 notes • Posted 2021-07-03 19:02:10 GMT
idk but when jay is put in the lazarus pit, it heals his injuries but what it doesn't do is make him tall and muscular. so like he's still the tiny, skinny 15/16 year old he was because of the years of malnourishment. so he goes to gotham at like 17-19 years old, a formidable warrior, but TINY, smaller than dick himself and does the whole drug-lord business + it makes it easier for bruce + dick to work out who he is of course. this probably doesnt make any sense- anyway i love your work!! 💖
Oh my god, I am dying, this is a hilarious idea and I love it to pieces. The fearsome Red Hood being this snarky twerp. Tim is taller than him which is the real reason Jason is determined to end him.
Bruce, seeing a criminal in a red hoodie take on guys twice as big as him: why does this feel familiar?
117 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 13:19:46 GMT
ik you said it’s buried in your idea pile but i am very excited about the possibility of seeing a red hood vs the justice league face off !!!
For context, this is the table of contents of my idea doc.
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Definitely not getting around to it any time soon, but here's a snippet:
“You’re Batman’s son?” Superman sounded especially pissed, and Wonder Woman’s eyes were narrowed slits. “Since when?”
“Forgotten the adoption party already, Uncle Clark?” Jason spat back, hurt and rage churning inside of him. It led to an easy rejoinder—a reminder that Jason had died in Ethiopia, and all of him didn’t come back, the best parts of him didn’t come back, that Bruce was clinging to a delusion and Jason wasn’t really his son, not anymore—
But Superman was frowning, eyes distant like he was looking through Jason—his eyes focused again, and he inhaled sharply.
Before Nightwing could move, Jason was upright and out of the chair, cold air blasting onto his helmet-less face.
“Jason,” Superman said in a voice of broken glass. Jason blinked—his restraints were gone and he was being squeezed to death by a sobbing alien.
“What—Uncle Clark?” Jason shot a bewildered look at Nightwing as Clark released him—what was happening—but didn’t manage to get out any more words before he was being swept into a another hug, courtesy of an Amazonian. “Ribs—Auntie—still human—”
“My brave bird,” Diana whispered, voice cracking, “You came back to us.”
134 notes • Posted 2021-09-13 11:27:48 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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t4tbruharvey · 2 years
Yeah the french Harvey was...a choice! The part where Bruce was being nice about his scars in the beginning was neat but the rest was...something.
Making up werewolf lore sounds so fun though!!! And vampire lore too but yes werewolves are very fun especially in combination with identity issues and things like chivalry codes and having to pretend to be someone you're not etc.! And ahh!! The whole idea of your AU sounds so interesting tbh! And magic user Harley and plant curse Poison Ivy sounds so fun too! The plant curse immediately made me think of mandrakes too...plants whose roots look vaguely human shaped and who's painful shrieks when being unearthed could kill people according to legend...I know that's not what you're going for but now I'm just thinking about cursed mandrake Ivy raising from the soil due to witchcraft (having been...a mandrake bewitched by someone lonely who wanted a partner but when she got ripped out of the mother earth her pained shriek killed the witch that created her and..and ..agsvgsfs I'm getting off topic here sorry...) also fae Joker sounds fun too! Unseelie court I'm assuming?
So the thing about the bodies and gender lecture ...there's quite a lot of stuff to talk about ! I'll probably have to write it down separately but one thing I found interesting in regards to gender is that according to our professor in medieval and renaissance times while people believed in there being two genders they also believed that there was only one sex. the explanation for that might go into nsfw territory though so idk if you want to hear it but it's...interesting and to summarize basically renaissance people thought women were 'less developed men'. It's a whole...thing...but yeah it's interesting and maybe could help you with your AU so I'll try my best to write it down in a way that makes sense tomorrow!
hi i feel like every time i go to answer these it's either midnight for me or there's Stuff but hi i'm doing it now sorry for the delay <3
MAKING UP WEREWOLF LORE IS SOOOOO FUN like the sort of progression and the areas they'd gravitate towards, like i'm thinking of it as partially a microcosm of evolution in that they'd form smaller groups in more rural areas where there are forests to hide in, and similar to highwaymen i think they'd target isolated travel routes which means that in a more mountainous area you'd be FUCKED as a villager in the valleys but in more densely populated cities there are probably werewolves AROUND but they're not as likely to attack you because of how difficult it would be to do that stealthily. and so there are very pervasive ideas about werewolves that aren't completely true but aren't completely false either and it lets me make harvey have this intense internal debate about This Whole Thing and the nature of evil and how to remain in a society that no longer wants him – and maybe never has!!! i'm still not sure about what the societal rules about being gay are but there definitely is some form of transphobia because it's MY au and i want to work through MY issues as a form of escapism :-)
the mandrake thing sounds SOOO cool i wanna have something like that in it so badly now omg... like i've already said that ivy was a human who was cursed to have plant abilities but she was also a sorcerer's apprentice/assistant so she could have performed a spell similar to that with a mandrake or saw him do it and then he reversed it for her and OH MY GOD yeah no ok. he pulled an uno reverse with the spell on her but it's hard to just like... reverse the direction of a spell? and THAT'S why she's so fucked up currently. fuck yeah love it when this happens. (fae joker is unseelie court definitely and i think harley might initially mistake him for being from the seelie court depending on how good his glamour is i'm not decided yet)
ONLY ONE SEX??? you HAVE to elaborate oh my god!!! like that sounds vaguely familiar with the ideas about development but still!!! wild!!! au stuff aside that sounds SO super interesting and i'd love to hear about all of the bodies and gender stuff regardless; like it'll definitely help a lot but also that stuff is fascinating in general
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
How DARE You Go And Die On Me???  - Jason Todd x Reader Soulmate AU -
Words: 2.1k
Requested? Yes! From a lovely anon!
“Jason Todd x reader soulmate AU pleasssse where when you touch them with skin for the first time there’s sparkly lights that only you and your soulmate see or something and you feel really warm and your soulmate glows or something? Thank you ❤️”
I love this request. So much. I hope y’all enjoy this one because I really got to live out my famous science nerd dream. Thank you for the amazing request! I secretly love soulmate AU’s hehehe so please send more! Y’all are so creative with them too :)))
Soulmates were a sore subject for you. At a young age you glowed bright red, and it was the most crushing moment of your life. Soulmate glows only occurred when you touched your soulmate for the first time or when they died. Knowing this meant you would never meet your person was hard, but you hoped maybe you’d be one of the lucky ones who got a new soulmate, seeing as you were so young. But years later nothing had happened even though you stayed hopeful. Unlike so many who go off the rails once they realize there’s no one for them, you dedicated your life to researching soulmates, and it was incredibly fulfilling. As a high school intern working under a group of molecular biochemists, world renowned computer scientists, and psychiatrists you were worked towards creating a drug that made you glow in your soulmate color, it would make finding soulmates much easier and from there you could maybe make a sensor and go international with your research. Who wouldn’t want a drug that finds the person you’re meant to be with?
You’d been tracking soulmates to see if there’s any tell before they find out they are soulmates besides the glowing. It was painful to watch thousands find their life long partner but part of you hoped that by finishing this research you would be able to figure out if your soulmate was really gone, or get filthy rich trying. As just a teenager you planned on working for the company for the rest of your life, staying involved as you pursue your degree then returning, this project was growing up with you. 
As far as you knew, soulmates were drawn together. That was the only explanation as to why so many people in your tests were soulmates. There was something almost magnetic about finding your other half, and you were convinced it was chartable. There was a scientific explanation for everything. 
Finally the drug was ready, after months of blind trials and high highs and low lows it was time for the first wave of real life test runs. Grouping a couple thousand eager participants together, your team split into groups. Taking each participant into a room you gave them the drug and filled the color they glowed, and if anyone matched you’d bring them together. Of course all the interns on your team wanted to try too. 
Stepping up you couldn’t hold in excitement. Since you were only newly a teenager you hoped your soulmate color would be cool. You’d seen some amazing colors and meetings all throughout the day. It couldn’t get more exciting.
Stepping up, you took the drug and waited. 
And waited.
And waited.
But you didn’t glow. “Hey uh Y/N you did say you glowed when you were little right? Sorry to break it to yah kid but yours is gone, we’ve got a couple hundred more tests why don’t yah go home?” a voice came over the intercom, and your heart sunk. Sure some people didn’t glow either, and they all had flashed at some point. Your hope was clearly misplaced. And with a broken soul, quite literally, you went home.
Years later you’d kept with the team. The drug was almost ready to be released officially, and the public was beyond excited. You were 25 now, a huge public face for the soulmate finder, you’d stuck with the program and it had made you practically famous. Doing PR you’d brought the drug on talk shows, finding strangers their soulmate on live TV, you made special appearances to celebrities to find and log their soulmate color. Everyone that took your test had their specific color logged in a huge database, so when you tested if your perfect color matched somewhere your soulmate would get alerted. It was perfection.
Tonight you were going on television to do another round of soulmate finding with a late night host. Nothing new.
“And please welcome, Cupid Herself, Y/N!” The crowd was always full wherever you went, everyone wanted a chance at love as soon as possible. “Now I’m very sorry to disappoint the crowd but we’re bringing out some celebrities who’ve requested a chance at love... I bring you THE WAYNES!” You were a little shocked, you probably should’ve read the brief but no difference, you had enough for about ten people. Standing up you shook Bruce Wayne’s hand, moving onto the chair at the side while Bruce and three of his children walked in. “Hello! Mr. Grayson, Todd, and Ms. Brown right?” the host greeted the three and shook Bruce’s hand, no need for his introduction. 
“These three couldn’t pass up on the opportunity. As you know Mr. Drake-Wayne has found his soulmate and now husband so we couldn’t bring him! And my son Damian was erm- busy.” You saw Jason Todd snort, slightly taken aback by his actions on live television. “Can I just say, I am super excited to be here! It’s a huge honor Ms. Y/L/N this is too cool!” Stephanie got up, giving you a quick hug, you smiled, happy that she was so kind. 
“Well lets get this show on the road! I’m sure millions want to know if any of the Wayne’s are their soulmate!” the host waggled an eyebrow as the crowd cooed. This was basically a chance at the lottery, a Wayne was a ticket to riches for life. Taking the lead you gave your pitch about the drug, taking consent before grabbing a serving for four. Walking up you handed a glass to each boy, finishing with Bruce, but he refused. “Oh no, I don’t want to know” he said softly. The crowd booed, and in a bit of a panic the host said “well then how about the lovely Y/N takes a drink? We all want to know if the creator has a soulmate!” you politely told him and the crowd you’d tried before, but there was no light, explaining how you lost is when you were younger. As you saw the crowd looking upset you decided it was better than nothing.
“How about I try it guys! Maybe something’s changed - find out live here on Late Night!” you pitched into the camera and the host nodded, cutting to an ad-break.
“Does this shit actually work?” Jason turned to you, swirling the liquid around cautiously. “Yes! We’ve been error free for five years!” you said proudly, this was your life's work after all. “And we’re back! How ‘bout we get this show on the road! Grayson you first?” 
With a shrug Dick threw the little up back, and in a few seconds a cerulean blue glowed around him. The crowd oohed and ahhed as Dick smiled. “Any matches?” He looked to you. Glancing over at your guy who had snapped the exact color he shook his head. “Not yet! Dick Grayson-Wayne’s soulmate is still out there!” the crowd rumbled in excitement, everyone wanted a test now.
“Ms. Brown! Care to drink?” Stephanie drank eagerly, and quickly shone a deep royal purple and the crowd cheered. “No match!” you let everyone know and there was another cheer.
“Mr. Todd, you next?” Jason didn’t waste a moment, drinking the liquid he shone the brightest red you’d seen in a while. For a moment it reminded you of your red all those years ago. Looking over it was another no, and the crowd was almost losing it, many girls in the audience begged for a drink to see if they were his lover. 
“And lastly Ms. Y/N! Ready to see the creator try her own drug?!” You corrected him, taking a moment to shout out all the amazing scientists, interns, and volunteers you’d worked with over the years. The crowd cut you off, chanting “DRINK DRINK DRINK” urging you to throw the cup back, the liquid tasted way better than the last time you’d tried it in the trial run. You help out your hand to show the lack of coloration and the audience sighed. Smiling sweetly you began to talk about the drop date.
“Thank you all so much! I’m so excited to release this with my team in just a month. I’d like to once again thank my tea-” you heard a shriek “OH MY GOD THAT’S JASON’S COLOR!!!” and the audience lost it. Confused you saw Jason’s jaw drop, and you looked at your hands that now radiated the same deep red from all those years ago. 
“UM WE’LL BE RIGHT BACK!” the host shouted over the chaos. You immediately got up, rushing to the color scanner. “Holy shit Y/N it’s really Jason’s color.” he confirmed your suspicions and without thinking you sprinted back up to the sofa. Connecting your hand to Jason’s cheek the two of you began glowing the same color. Locking eyes with Jason, you couldn’t help but start crying. The aura radiated between the two of you and Jason pulled you into his chest. 
The camera came on after the 20 second impromptu break. And what they saw made the news that night. “JASON TODD FOUND SOULMATE LIVE ON LATE NIGHT” “CAMERAS TURN ON AND JASON IS HOLDING HIS GIRL - TOO CUTE! CLICK FOR PICS” “JASON TODD CUFFED! SEE THE PICS HERE!” In just the few seconds before they could cut the cameras, millions of viewers saw Jason holding you, the bright red shining around the two of you while you clung to him. And the pictures were everywhere. Pulling you off stage you couldn’t wrap your mind around what had just happened. 
“My- my soulmate died years ago. When I was a kid I took the drug and didn’t shine! This doesn’t make any sense!” you looked up a Jason and practically saw a lightbulb go off. “Well um, were you around 13 when your soulmate died? [ you nodded ] And you were about 14-15 when you tried the drug? [ again he was right ] Okay well long story I died and came back to life. And you must’ve tested when I was still gone” he finished and you almost passed out. “YOU DIED?” you screeched. And he clamped a hand over your mouth. 
“Shh princess that’s valuable knowledge for family and soulmates only” it was slowly starting to register that you were in fact his soulmate. “Soulmates” you whispered, leaning in to hug him again. “Soulmates.” he confirmed. 
“God I have never seen Jaybird this sappy in my life, you might be magical” Dick came up to you, shaking your hand and pulling you in for a hug. “You got a good soulmate Jay. By the way, can I have a couple servings early I’ve got a bet with Timbers that Damian’s soulmate is Jon and I need some soulmate help for myself?” you rolled your eyes and Jason tugged you back to his side. “Back off Grayson she doesn’t even know you!” 
“A little protective already Jay? Poor Y/N get used to this sweetheart” Dick winked at you and you felt Jason tighten his grip around your waist. Dick backed off and Stephanie bounded up to you. “Oh my god Tim’s gonna die he’d totally wanna be here! Plus I bet Bruce is gonna have to do all sorts of interviews now hahaha. How are you doing girl? This is a lot! Welcome to the Waynes!” she said, pulling you in for another tight hug, and the seriousness of finding your soulmate hit you. “Oh my god I’m gonna have to do so much press. How did I not think of this. What are the odds oh no this is gonna be a shitstorm fuck fuck fuck” Jason interrupted you by squeezing your hand. “Uh I really hate press too, I mean Bruce owes me patrol for like a week for just tonight but, if you like, need me for something I can go... does that help?” he looked lost, but it was clear that he wanted to help, and it was adorable. 
“I would like that. And it’s late. I’m exhausted. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow somewhere private? We’re gonna get stalked so maybe you can come over to my place?” you realized you just had to take it step by step, and finding a soulmate was the best first step ever. “Yeah, that seems easier.” Jason sighed, and the two of you exchanged numbers.
“By the way, what does patrol mean? And does the color red mean anything to you cuz it doesn’t to me and usually the color means something but it could not?” You saw Jason’s eyes widen.
“Erm, I’ll tell you tomorrow. It’s another one of those ‘family and soulmates only’ facts. If that’s okay?” you nodded, just happy to have a soulmate.
“Of course Jason, but just know I’m gonna give you a hard time for going and dying on me. Idiot” you stuck your tongue out as he winked.
“Only to make a perfect love story for you princess” and you groaned, but he wasn’t wrong. This one truly one for the books. 
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