#your honor i am allowed to make them a little fruity
ciciciron · 2 years
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The real reason Cyrus never went back to Sunyshore was because he didn't want to deal with the golden retriever man
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kevingotabigasschin · 8 months
Since I've seen people pair up the enforcers with each other, either as a polycule or with OCs, I have happened to notice nobody has tried to pair Hak Foo up with canon characters in the show so I'll do it.
I know he's not everyone's favorite but he's mine so shut up.
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Hak and Valmont - Considering the fact that Valmont placed Hak as his favorite over the other enforcers (even though that was never really explored in the show outside of the Eighth Door episode), gave him a higher - ranking job over them (probably paid him more too) and had him stuck by his side as a bodyguard in the video game makes me believe something's going on with him and Valmont.
Ya'll cannot tell me Valmont hasn't had fantasies about his men (looking at you Finn) and just because I said Hak would be unaware of the enforcers' polycule doesn't mean that he's not gay himself.
I headcanon him as a raging Bisexual, he just gives off that energy to me.
(I've said before that he's oblivious to women's advances towards him, he doesn't have interest in getting with anyone regardless of gender due to the line of work he's in and that he was sheltered from love at a young age but that doesn't mean he hasn't had ideas or fantasies about it, like I said he doesn't express any emotion outside of anger, sass, concern or super pissed so he's definitely the type who wouldn't know how to express love)
Just your typical boss x assistant/bodyguard smut.
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Hak and Ratso - Given the fact that Ratso seems to be the one to butt heads with Hak the most (and interact with him for that matter), they give vibes of the rivals that hate each other, see who can piss each other off more and then tease them to death about it (Hak's usually the recipient of the teasing and he hates it).
Even though there's not much since the show liked to write in Hak Foo whenever they felt like it, I feel like this holds some water.
Also Ratso's "Big Guy" comment towards Hak Foo in the Ox Head Incident is definitely giving off fruity vibes (yes I know the others joined in on the teasing but let me have my fun ok)
(I am well aware that Ratso would probably deny Hak's feelings since Hak is genuinely a destructive person to be around and the fact that the others in the Enforcers' polycule are terrified of him they'd definitely not want to accept Hak unless he makes a change in attitude.)
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Hak and Jackie - There's no escaping this pairing, the rivals that hate each other but are also madly in love is strong with this one.
Hak's little gay ass "here I am" once Jackie called his name in Armor of Gods definitely set something off in me, if someone calls your name and you reply with this much excitement you're definitely in love.
Hak always wanting to be the one to give Jackie a spanking as well also is a huge indicator.
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His "I want to Ram you" line in Shrink Rap is another huge indicator to me that he's the dom in this relationship.
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Another scene from Shrink Rap (I WANT YOU TO STOMP ON ME SO BAD)
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The fact that he also has dolls of Jackie in his gym is kinda cute also, he went through all this trouble just to make them look accurate just to destroy them lol.
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(Honorable Mention) Hak and Torhu - Literally just Rivals to Lovers, similar to Hak and Ratso.
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I've also got an OC in the works to pair up with Hak Foo as well, she's female so there will be more female representation in the show because they were often pushed to the side or just nonexistent.
Also we need more evil women period.
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(He may be allowed to step on me but I am also allowed to step on him)
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fanfic-inator795 · 3 years
RotTMNT Oneshot: Sweet Sixteen
((This scene just popped into my head, aaaaand I don’t feel like writing anything else atm so- hope you all enjoy))
It wasn’t often that the lair was bustling early in the morning; the Hamato-Jitsu family stayed up late, and often slept in even later. But on certain days such as these, only one person was allowed to sleep in...
At about 7 a.m., all activity was quickly shushed as silent shadows crept towards a specific room - a bedroom with red-tinted walls thanks to the small lamp that was still lit. They could hear quiet snores, and grinned to themselves as they snuck inside.
Still somewhat asleep but awake enough that his ninja senses were reacting to certain noises and scents, Raph snorted a bit and turned over as he began to stir from his slumber. He instinctively hugged his teddy - he had chosen Dr. Huggenstein the night before - close and tried to bury his face in the back of its head, hoping for just a bit more sleep.
And yet, his mind was slowly starting to wake. He could smell something fruity and buttery near. He could hear quiet giggles and quiet steps padding across the floor of his room. And, despite his eyes being closed, he could still somewhat ‘see’ figures coming closer and closer, until they were standing right in front of him...
With his curiosity now too much for even his sleepy mind to ignore, Raph opened one eye, and-
The snapper flinched, startled as he sat up and nearly throwing a punch at his ‘surprise’ - although this was anything but a surprise attack, and due to expecting it, his family easily stepped back, avoiding the hit expertly as they laughed. 
Donnie and Mikey threw bundles of red and green confetti at him, and as Splinter held up the stack of strawberry and chocolate waffles, Leo leaned over and placed a plastic “Sweet Sixteen” tiara right on his big brother’s head. “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~!”
Although he groaned a bit at being surprised by one of their family’s longest running traditions (again. You’d think expecting it would be enough to STOP him from freaking out), Raph still smiled as his family sang and clapped. 
When they finished, Raph naturally invited them all in for a group hug. “D’awww, thanks guys.”
“No probles, Big Brother.” “Happy birthday, Raphie!” “Heh, seems like we got you pretty good this year, huh?”
“Ugh, only ‘cause I was in a deep sleep!” Raph argued, pouting only a little, “I’ll be ready next year.”
Splinter just chuckled at his boys, shaking his head. He hadn’t expected this Birthday Morning tradition to last sixteen years when he started doing it when they were all tots (albeit with less screaming involved, at first) but he was sure glad that it had. “Here,” he said, handing the snapper his breakfast, “Best to eat them before they get too cold and soggy.”
“Right, don’t wanna lose that crunch,” Raph agreed, quickly digging in. Although they still had their own breakfasts to prepare, his brothers and father kept him company as he ate. Honestly, Raph appreciated that just as much as he appreciated the breakfast itself.
Naturally, they discussed Raph’s ‘birthday wish’ plans for that day first - another family tradition, the birthday boy (or girl, in April’s case) gets to decide what they all did as a group that day. For his Sweet 16, Raph had decided on some sparring with Frankenfoot, go-karting at Albeartoland, a small shopping spree at Teddy Bear Town (gotta spend that bday money somehow) and capping off the night with a three-hour wrestling special that was premiering on TV (after presents and cake, of course). 
His bros approved of all these ideas, and after texting the schedule to April and CJ, they gave her approval too.
Afterwards, the brothers moved on onto talking about past birthdays, followed by Leo, Mikey and Donnie all talking about the plans that they had for their upcoming birthdays. But as fun as this conversation was, Raph couldn’t help but notice his father growing quieter the longer it went on.
Eventually, his brothers excused themselves to both grab their own breakfasts and give Raph some space to get ready for the day. (The guy didn’t even have his bandana on yet! How embarrassing - or at least it would’ve been if there was anyone but family there). The only one who stayed was his pop, sitting there as content as ever with a soft, slightly bittersweet smile on his face.
“...Everything alright, Pops?” Raph finally asked, once he had polished off his waffles.
“Hm? Oh yes yes, I’m fine... So, how are you feeling, my son?” Splinter asked, “Sixteen is a pretty big milestone, after all.”
“Heh, I’m good. ...Honestly, it doesn’t feel all that different from fifteen” Raph replied. Thinking about it, he added, “Maybe ‘cause a bunch of stuff has already happened in the past year?” He was now officially a year older, yeah, but it felt like he had already done plenty of changing and growing before then.
Who would’ve thought that he would be given mystic weapons (and later mystic powers), learn about his dad’s past, take down several city-ending threats, meet the spirits of his family, and become a hero alongside his family and friends all before his next birthday? That whole situation was... pretty crazy to think about. Amazing, yeah, but definitely still crazy. In that sense, maybe a more normal and lowkey birthday was just what he needed.
Raph was brought back to the present when he felt his father patting his shell. “Yes, you make a fair point... Still, this birthday is just as much an accomplishment as anything else, and certainly worth celebrating properly.”
The old rat sighed a bit, closing his eyes for just a moment. “You boys are growing up so fast... Before I know it, you will be all grown up. You and your brothers...”
“Aw, come on, Dad...” Setting his plate to the side, Raph pulled Splinter in for a one-armed hug. “We’re always gonna need ya, no matter how old or grown up we get.”
“Heh, I know...” But it was still admittedly nice to hear. “Still, you cannot blame me for being a bit... well, a bit shell-shocked as it were whenever I think about how far you have come, Red. I remember when you were all small enough for me to hold in my arms, and now-”
Splinter stopped, his eyes widening as if he realized (or maybe remembered) something - something apparently funny enough to make him laugh. “Did I tell you- ah, no, I wouldn’t have... Well, no time than the present. Want to know something about the day you were born?”
Raph’s eyes widened at the suggestion, more than a little surprised at his dad’s sudden openness about that day, which Splinter supposed he should have expected, considering previous reactions to anything (or anyone) relating to it.
“I know I do not always-” or ever- “talk about the day I was mutated, but it was not a completely bad day.” He smirked. “I got you boys that day, didn’t I? Heh, you were all so tiny and cute! And you-” Splinter laughed again, and while he was still a bit surprised, now Raph was curious about what was so funny, and how did it involve him?
“Okay, so- this was before your boys were- yourselves. Back when you were norm- ah, average turtles. I was picking you all up, looking at how cute you all were and, well, at one point I decided to give you a kiss on your little head - and you know what you did in return? You bit me!”
“Pffft-!” Raph brought a hand to his mouth, hiding his laughs. “I did not!”
“Oh yes you did!” Splinter shot back, grinning now, “Bit me right on the lip! And I am pretty sure I still have the scar to prove it, somewhere under all this fur. Oh, I was so mad! Heh, but only for a few seconds. It is cruel to be mad at a baby, after all...”
His expression softened a bit as he thought about what happened next. Although Splinter was sure that he would always have mixed feelings about what happened that day and the transformation he received, he would always see the creation of his sons as a blessing that he would always be grateful for.
“Once you were all yourselves, I did all I could to get you boys to safety. And when I held you and your brothers in my arms and saw you all looking up at me... I knew that I would never be able to let you go.” 
Even before he began calling them his sons, even when he still only saw them as ‘innocent creatures’ and had no idea what they would eventually become, they were still his. And they always would be. 
“You have all grown so much that day... And I am not just talking about size, although you especially have certainly gotten bigger.” Splinter looked up and smiled at his eldest. “You are strong, and brave, and so kind... You are more of an honorable man at sixteen than I ever was, and I am so, SO very proud of you, Raphael.”
By this point, Raph’s tears were already beginning to fall, but the snapper could hardly care about that. He just brought his rat dad in for another hug - one that Splinter happily returned. When he eventually felt his son’s grip begin to loosen, Splinter moved to stand on his tip-toes and moved his tail towards his son’s head.
Understanding what he was getting at, Raph lowered his head, allowing Splinter’s tail to lift up the silly tiara as his dad planted a kiss right on the center of his head. “Heh... Happy birthday, my son.”
Wiping his eyes, Raph nodded back. “Thanks, Pops.”
“Oh please, thank YOU for not biting me again.” 
The two shared another laugh, staying beside each other a bit longer. When Splinter did finally decide to leave, he made sure to grab his son’s plate to take back to the kitchen. “Try not to come home too late, I’ll be sure to have supper waiting for you all when you get back. But make sure to enjoy yourself today too, okay?”
Raph chuckled, nodding again. “I will,” he promised - easy enough to do, considering it already felt like a great day. Splinter gave him one last smile before walking away.
As he put on his bandana and his wraps, Raph continued to smile to himself. Maybe he didn’t feel any different than he did at fifteen, and maybe in comparison the days where he escaped a Battle Nexus or fought a dark armor, a birthday wasn’t THAT big of a deal.
But maybe his dad was also right. Maybe it was still an accomplishment that he was a year older - that he was still there, still living and still right beside his family, even after a less-than-normal ‘birth’ and everything that came after. 
Maybe that really was worth celebrating, especially when that celebrating was done with the people that actually made his life worth living.
Speaking of which- “Hey, Raph! You still in there?” “Come on! We’ve already got the dojo set up, and we’re pretty sure Buddy’s just gonna start punchin’ stuff if you don’t get in here!”
“Yeah yeah, I’m coming - and you guys better be ready!” Raph shouted back, grinning. 
With his wraps, belts and bandana all now on, he grabbed his sai, spinning them a few times before sliding them into their holsters. Once that was done, he happily raced out of his room and ran towards the dojo, more than ready to seize the day - seize his birthday - for all it was worth.
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jardaniswife · 4 years
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔉𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔫 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔢 - ℭ𝔥.2
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Warnings: nothing really
Word count: 4.1k+
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Reader
ℭ𝔥.2: The tale of two wolves.
The seasons of Asgard are a very complicated thing. They hold a wide variety of burning summers and dry, brittle winters that depended solely on the offerings and tributes that will be made in honor of the gods before them. It has been told in ancient chants and prayers that Valhalla’s sun shall not shine on them till the first ceremonial fire blooms in the middle of the forest. The doors of paradise open on the first blossom of spring, bringing fertile soil and warm weather to rejuvenate the land from the blistering heat of summer. 
Spring is now. Today will mark the end of the first week since the first blossom, since he rescued her. So as Y/N sits on the large expanse of Thor’s bed, she stares out at the scenery before her and ponders. He stays in one of the highest towers of the castle, the room is large and open, decorated with vibrant fabrics and of him. Connected to Asgard’s nature, something that he seemed to value a lot. Fresh air was a must so the windows were open, easily allowing you to breathe in and feel the wind curl against the apples of your cheeks.
One of the large doors open and the familiar sound of his armor clanks quietly. He sets down his ax, sighing as he moves to the bed. She turns her head to look at him, a smile painted on the tint of her lips, healthy and silly as she brightens at his presence. He smiles back, small and content before he settles himself on the bed next to her, letting that broad expanse of his legs spread, a large hand coming to tug her next to him.
She giggles gently, a dainty hand reaching to twist a loose strand of golden hair around her finger. 
“I missed you.” she confesses shyly, her eyes mimicking the golden shine of his hair for a brief second, like a spark of lightning in a storm before they return to her regular color.
He grunts a low sound at that, surprised.
“I missed you too, little one.” he mumbles lowly, rubbing comforting patterns against her back.
She grins briefly, a sad melancholic twist of her lips before she sits up from his chest making him raise an eyebrow towards her. She pulls at his chest plate, signaling him to rise to his feet. He stands and as he does so, she tries her best to not shrink under his size. 
She touches at the armor wrapped around his body, pulling at the leather ties and grunting quietly as the heavy pieces slowly come off.
“Let me tell you a story.”
His mouth lifts on a small smile, head softly bouncing on a nod as he lets her guide him to the bed. Thor stares at her amused and bewitched, a small flutter rippling in his chest as he takes in the glow of her now healthy skin, she’s healed fully now, fast, just like the healer said.
“Long, long ago...” she says softly, sitting herself on the strong surface of his thighs and moving her hands to untie his hair, “there were two wolves that ruled the land of Pandora.” she smiles at him, using a golden comb to brush through his golden strands.
“Pandora. Your home.” he says lowly, the rumble of his voice vibrating against her hand on his chest.
She nods on a hum, “Each wolf had their own pack to rule. Albus, the white wolf, ruled the mountains and Tenebris, the black wolf, ruled the forests.” she sets the comb down, letting his hair flow loose as she lays on his chest.
“They lived in peace but over time Albus had grown jealous of Tenebris. He grew jealous of the power he had and the love his pack gave to him, he wanted the warm forest air instead of the icy mountains.” Thor listens intently, eyebrows drawn in and focused as he looked into her eyes.
“So Albus came up with a plan, to concur and kill. He would then spend two years training his pack, his confidence growing more and more as he sees how powerful they become. On the night of a full moon, Albus and his small pack would creep in the shadows,” her palm flattens against his heart, feeling the strong beat of it, “and when Tenebris was busy tending to his family, they struck. The rest of the pack fought his while Albus attacked him.”
“What happened next?” she laughs fondly at his curious tone, a twinkle in her eyes.
“Tenebris was known for his strength and wisdom, he did not go down without a fight. That night, the bloodshed was so bad, it turned the moon red. Albus and Tenebris fought to the death under the red moonlight, both of their teeth stained and claws sharp.” 
“Albus ends up killing Tenebris and his family, or so he thought,” Thor perks up at that, shifting under her, “A single son of his had gotten to escape, he ran through the forest, whimpering at the wounded howls of his pack before he reached the village. The goddess of the moon had witnessed everything. She took pity on him and descended to the plains, turning him into a villager.” 
“A villager?” 
“Yes,” she giggles, “but she warned him that it will only last for one hour. And so with that, he ran to go ask help from the villagers. They of course noticed something off about him, he wasn’t a local. His amber eyes resembled a wolf’s and his strong figure made them hesitant, but they helped.” she sits up from his chest, rolling over to lay on her back.
“Albus sat on Tenebris’s rock, feeling so glorious that he didn’t care to check up on his pack. The villagers arrived quickly, with fire in their hands and scowls on their faces. Albus’s pack fled at the sight of them, tails in between their legs.” Thor smirks, bringing a hand to brush against her face.
“The young wolf’s time was over, and in front of the villagers he returns to his original form. They cower and flee, the glow of their fire disappearing in the forest. He sneaks up to a wounded and unsuspecting Albus, laying sleepily on his father’s rock and attacks him, rage in his blood. The only thing that was clear to what was left of Tenebris’s pack was the howl of victory he let out. Loud and strong, his shadow black against the blood moon.” she finishes, a long sigh leaving her lips as she stretches against him.
“Do you know why I told you that story, Thor?” she asks on a lighthearted note, smiling as he shakes his head.
“Let me help you out,” she rolls onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck, “the young wolf’s name was Andronikos.”
He sits in silence for a moment before his eyes widen, “Your father’s name.”
She smiles sadly at him, “They say history repeats itself. The mountains and forests of Pandora are a very sacred thing, that is why it is separate from where the villagers and nobles live.” they both go quiet, their breathing being the only audible thing in the room.
A knock thumps against the door, both of their heads lifting towards it. Thor groans as he stands from the bed, a playful wink sent her way before he walks over to the door. He opens it to find one of the ceremonial planners standing there, a polite smile on his lips.
“My king,” he bows his head towards Thor, “The preparations will start tonight. Tomorrow two handmaidens will take her to get prepared while the priest will work with you.” Thor nods thoughtfully at him, the scratch of his beard against his hand is loud.
“Very well then, we will be ready. Thank you.” he nods and bows towards him again, turning to walk away as he shuts the door.
Y/N looks at him curiously, head tilted to the side as she stands from the bed. He looks her over fondly, a small smirk curling his lip as he stares at her messy hair and bare feet. He chuckles, moving to cradle her head between her hands, towering over her. She tilts her head up more to him, standing on her tip-toes to bump her nose against his. 
“What is it?” she whispers.
“Tomorrow, min lille,” he kisses her cheek, bending to lift her in his arms, “I will wed you.” he states, a smug look on his face.
Her eyes widen, “Tomorrow?” 
“Do you not wish to wed me, little one?” he asks seriously, setting her down on the bed and she shakes her head quickly at him.
“I meant, how will I get everything ready by tomorrow?” she asks on a small frown and Thor grins adoringly at her, his hand holding hers.
“You won’t have to do anything, my little one. In the morning, two handmaidens will arrive and get you ready. Everything else is already taken care of.” her mouth parts on an ‘Oh.’,  sinking back into the fluffed pillows of the bed.
“Well, let us go to sleep! Come on,” she says excitedly, pulling Thor down onto the pillows next her as he lets out a laugh, deep and fruity.
“Sweet dreams, min lille.” he kisses her forehead, pulling her into his chest as she lets out a muffled reply.
A loud knock breaks the serene silence of the morning.
“Go away!” Y/N yells from under the covers, pulling them above her head to block out the light.
The knocking only increases at that and she groans sleepily, throwing the covers to the side. She yawns, stretching her ams before she comes to a halt, remembering what Thor had told her last night. With giddiness pumping through her veins she bounces up from bed, smoothing down her hair before moving to open the door.
Astrid and Rúna stand there, two huge smiles on their faces as they make eye-contact with her. Y/N gasps, eyes wide as she stares at the familiar faces she hasn’t seen in a week. The two girls squeal, moving to hug Y/N tightly.
She hugs them back with just as much force, a big grin on her face.
“You look amazing my queen!” Astrid says, letting go of her to bow.
Rúna nods, moving to bow as well, “Yes, my queen, you are glowing.”
“My queen?” Y/N laughs shyly, hands playing with her dress skirt.
“Yes, today you will marry our king so you will become our queen.” Rúna’s quiet voice makes Astrid giggle in excitement, taking Y/N’s hand and beginning to walk out of the bedroom.
“Where are we going?” she asks as they walk through the halls, noticing how all the servants and guards would send knowing smiles her way.
“To the sacred room, that’s where we will get you ready.” Astrid sings out, guiding her through the twists and turns of the castle.
Two big golden doors could be seen at the end of the hallway, a single man stands post guarding it. His serious face softens at the sight of her, sending a small smile and bowing as he opens the door. A small gasp leaves her mouth as they enter, staring in awe at her surroundings. The room was a pink rouge color, the floral aroma provided by the flowers planted on the ledge of the big window. The glass was stained with vibrant colors, displaying pictures of goddesses lounging beautifully.
There was a large circular pool, sealed with tan smooth clay and molded to have a ledge for sitting. Rúna walks over to it and squats down to press a button in the ground, filling it up with steaming water. Astrid moves with her, looking through closets and cupboards to pull out several fancy bottles and jars.
Rúna ushers Y/N to a panel for her to change behind, handing her a satin white robe with a delicate smile sent her way. The two girls continue to work, only stopping when Y/N comes back out wrapped in white satin. She smiles at them, a flutter in her chest as the satin kisses her skin, cool and soft. 
They signal her to come over to the pool with welcoming eyes and quiet compliments about how good she looked in white. She takes off the robe hesitantly, feeling just a little bit better as the water covers her modesty. They perform a similar washing to when they bathed her last time, scrubbing gently at her skin to exfoliate and massaging perfumed soaps into her hair. It seems to last for a while, the pruning of her fingers making her frown. 
The girls dry her off with heavenly white towels, soft on her skin and delicate on her hair before they move her to lay down on a bed, placing the towel to cover her rear. She sighs out, relaxed as she feels their gentle hands knead her tense muscles, the spike of feminine perfume caressing her senses.
They wrap her with the robe, moving her to sit on a plush stool in front of the gold vanity. A knock was heard at the door and the girls look at each other with excitement, confusing Y/N.
Astrid jogs to the door, opening it and squealing a bit before moving to the side to allow the person in. Y/N makes eye contact with a middle aged woman through the mirror. She smiles, the wrinkles around her eyes accentuating their warm brown tone. She moves with the grace and delicacy of a butterfly, carrying a garment bag in her arms.
She drapes it gently over the panel, turning to Y/N and bowing. Y/N stands from her seat, approaching the lady and she laughs warmly, grabbing her hand and patting it.
“My queen, it is an honor to meet you. I am your seamstress, Karriana.” Y/N smiles back at her, squeezing her hand gently.
“Thank you, Karriana, it is my pleasure to meet you.” Karriana brightens with joy, the two girls giggling in the back as she swats their hands away from the dress.
“Not yet, let us finish her preparations before we dress her.” she scolds the two, giving them a light-hearted tap on the head. 
The four of them laugh and chat, a natural flow of conversation about anything and everything. Y/N sighs as they move her head and pin her hair, feeling so comforted in the little circle they created.
She smiles as she looks at her reflection, eyes sparkling with the soft flutter of long, curled lashes and lips tinted with the blood of a rose. Her hair falls gently from a pinned bun, strands curled into loose coils that framed her face and dusted the apples of her blushed cheeks.
“Close your eyes,” Karriana’s sing-song voice passes through her ears and Y/N lets out a small laugh, her eyelids dropping softly.
She hears the two girls squeal as a zipper opens in the distance, her back straightening as she perks up. Karriana counts down to three and Y/N blinks at the sight in front of her, mind slowly comprehending her surroundings. 
It went by quick--one second, then another, then her lip quivers, chest aching and eyes stinging as she stands to touch the beautiful fabric. Soft and pure white, like sewn from the clouds in the bright sky with sleeves that fell off the shoulders and flowed like a stream of water down a hill. Sheer, glistening fabric hugged the tail, the jewels shining off of the dim lighting in the room. The waist was brought in, tight and snug around the hips and the train was short but beautiful, etched with detailed ivory lace that told stories of fluttering butterflies and blossoming spring flowers. 
She turns to look at the three of them, their gazes cautious and empathy aching in their joints as they stare at her. She smiles through teary eyes and opens her arms for them and they all squeeze her gently, Karriana’s mother-like touch warm and comforting as she soothes circles against her back.
“This is--beyond what I deserve, how shall I be able to wear something so ravishing?” She blinks the tears away, the back of her throat going dry.
Karriana makes a clicking sound of disapproval, shaking her finger at her and the two girls let out similar protests.
“You are the one that will bring its beauty to life.” Karriana cups her face with a chubby, soft hand.
“When I heard talk of what Thor had done, of when he saved you, I immediately went to work on planning this dress. I just knew it. Right here,” she brings Y/N’s hand and places it on her chest, the beat of her heart calm under her palm, “in my heart that you, you were the one.”
Astrid and Rúna sniffle, laughing at each other as small tears drip from their cheeks. The four burst into laughter, joyful and honest before they usher Y/N to help her into the dress.
“Now you,” Astrid pauses, looking over at Rúna who smiles in agreement, “are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen.”
Blue waves crash into dark, jagged rocks, the seashore is calm and beautiful, a perfect place to hold the wedding. Servants rush around, setting tables and moving chairs as the important guests venture up the hill. Noblemen, scribes, and friends take their seats as chatter and banter fill the atmosphere and Thor peeks from the window of his room. He scans the grounds below him, the guests sitting on the high hill and the rest of the kingdom gathers at the bottom of it, having a perfect view of the cliff he will marry on. 
He smiles to himself at the thought. In his younger days, when cockiness and arrogance streamed through his blood, he thought that maybe it will happen, that he will get some princess or a daughter of a general thrown at him and he would have that small amount of satisfaction through nights of sharing a bed with the burden of dealing with awkward wakings and royal duties occupying the rest of his days. As he got older, as he is now, wiser and kinder, with real experiences that shaped who he was today, he thinks that he will be the one offering himself. That this is not for the case of a peace treaty, but it was the case that he wanted her, and she wanted him. 
“Stop that, you look insane.” Loki rolls his eyes as he enters the room, adjusting his green robes.
Thor laughs a deep rumble, patting his brother on the shoulder as he walks towards the vanity. 
“You know brother, I really am happy.” Thor looks at his reflection, not minding the heaviness of the royal armor or the white fur that lined the collar of his thick robes, not when it meant that he will be marrying her in a bit. 
Loki’s annoyed expression falters, his eyes softening and his shoulders dropping as he heaves out a sigh.
“It looks like you found your match brother, although none of us have seen or met her yet, she seems to have you wrapped around her finger.” He smiles at him, the slight quirk of his lips being the nicest gesture he could give.
Thor parts his lips, about to say something when the door opens. They turn their heads to stare at the priest and he nods his head towards them, gesturing with his hand that it is time. Loki turns to look at Thor, sending him a smirk before disappearing through the doors and he sighs, back again in solitude yet he still does not feel alone. 
There is an uproar of cheers when he enters, his stance tall and his stride long, eyes focused on the two priests standing at the top of the cliff, a woman and a man both waiting patiently dressed in ceremonial clothing and faces decorated with ancient painted symbols. 
He adorns thick red robes, gliding against the green grass as they drape across the width of his shoulders. The silver armor gleams, polished and mark-free yet heavy with the promise of becoming a king. The crowd all but stills to murmurs as he reaches the top of the cliff, bending to allow the priest to drape a golden necklace around his neck. He whispers a prayer, telling Thor to repeat it and he does so, the low whisper of his voice carried by the wind. 
Y/N lets out a little huff, smoothing down her dress and turning to Karriana. She smiles at her, bringing up a veil made out of the same sheer glistening fabric, a band of pastel flowers sitting against the curve of her bun as she tucks it securely into her hair. 
“Congratulations, my queen.” Y/N smiles under the veil, squeezing her hand before letting go of it and winking at Astrid and Rúna, their excited giggles muffled by their palms. 
They seem to both still when they see each other, the roar of the crowd only a distant drumming in the back of their mind as she walks towards him, a gentle smile on her face and Thor feels a spark of warmth in the pit of his stomach, a gentle tugging at the strings of his heart as he stares at her, his soon to be wife. How she, in so little time, can bring him to his knees. 
He looks beautiful, and to her, that wasn’t enough to describe him. A true king, so comfortable in his home, here, with his people. Noble and proud, strong and kind, intelligent and prosperous. The size of him is enough to make her want to squeeze her thighs together, begging for a single ounce of friction and praying for him to plead her worthy of him, of his mercy, of his being.
The priestess sends her a gentle look, bringing out a wrinkled hand for her and she takes it, the faint memory of Asgardian knowledge ringing in the back of her mind. The priest takes Thor’s hand, and they both join them, intertwining their fingers. He relaxes at her touch, his face unreadable to her. The priest whispers to Thor to take off her veil and he stares at her for a second, his nostrils flaring before he moves his free hand to push the fabric back. 
He speaks in his mother tongue, words rolling beautifully off of his lips as he compliments her, bringing their hands up to his mouth and placing a kiss against hers. Each priest leads the others’ right hand to lay on top of their heart and Y/N smiles at the heavy beat of his under his cool armor. His large hand nearly takes up more than half of her chest and she wonders how it would feel when he wraps it around her neck, tightening against her windpipe. 
Thor glances at her for a moment, the fast beating of her heart alerting him. The priestess leans over, her thumb smudged in a red paste that smelled like freshly burnt wood and she presses it against each of their palms. The priests chant together, both of their holy voices merging in sync as they stay in that position, staring into the eyes of the other. It lasts for maybe a couple of minutes, the sending of blessings and the recital of vows before they stop, both of the priests walking to the edge of the cliff and shouting out, wildly and freely like two wolves howling in the night and the kingdom bursts with cheers. Y/N looks around for a moment, taking in the scenery of the standing guests and the rest of the kingdom below them, yelling and applauding for them. She catches the eyes of a familiar person, his cold and blue yet they soften at the sight of her. She smiles at him, finally realizing by the green attire and the dark hair who he was. 
Thor scans her face, trailing down the curve of her jaw and arch of her brow before he pulls her into him, lifting her by the waist and kissing her. Her squeak is muffled by his lips, arms moving to wrap around his neck before her eyes flutter shut and she kisses him back eagerly. 
They pull apart and he grins down at her, pulling her into his side and leaning to whisper in her ear.
“My beautiful wife,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to her bare neck, “shall we?”
She giggles cutely at him, eyes staring adoringly, “we shall, my handsome husband.”
@fookingbitch​ @slutforjjmaybank​ @inumorph​
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Precious Friend
The beds were platforms attached to the walls that lifted up to an opening aptly called a coffin rack that served as under-bed storage. There were four beds in a room. Besides the coffin rack storage, there was one locker per occupant. That was all.
Aaron tried and failed to fit all his gear into a locker before giving it up and tossing it on top of his bed next to where his foot would be. “People live here for months? Jesus…” He muttered.
Brian held out his hands, “I have space in my locker, give it here.” 
“Careful, my guns are in there.” Despite his words, he tossed his bag to him and hopped up to pull himself onto the top bunk.
“I know. That’s why I don’t want it getting tossed about if we hit rough seas.” He tucked the bag into the locker and shut it securely.
“I hope none of you get seasick. Masato peered down from his top bunk where he was surfing on his phone.
Rodney meanwhile stood in the doorway looking in despair and wondering if he was even short enough to fit into the flimsy blankets. This was a common issue. At six feet and four inches, he was too tall for a lot of things. He caught Masato’s smirk and inwardly grumbled that, for once, someone who could fit into a locker like him had the upper hand.
Masato turned back to his phone. “I’ve been doing some research into what the Lieutenant told us. Norma doesn’t really contradict anything that she said. She’s just… less conclusive about the actual existence of the dragons they spoke of. The lack of written record is a problem, but the rainbow serpent’s connection to alchemy is pretty solid.” He turned his phone to them. “The appearance of a serpent looped in a circle is common in Egyptian depictions of an afterlife, but it doesn’t have much context. Still, European alchemists adapted this symbol into their own writing.”
“So it had to mean something…” Aaron whispered, opening his phone as well.
“I’m going to bed.” Brian ducked into the small gap between the top and bottom beds and disappeared.
Aaron let out an awed sigh. “Wow… their definition of Speech Spirits is Voodoo… I wonder… I wonder if we’ll get to see something like that. Sounds spooky.”
He dipped his head down to peer at Brian. “You’re sure you’re okay with your lady out by herself with a bunch of a voodoo?”
Brian gave him an annoyed glare. “By their definition aren’t we also practicing voodoo when we use our soul skills?”
“Oh that’s true.”
Brian rolled over to face the wall.
“But you didn’t deny she’s your lady.”
“Shut up.”
Mr. Baldwin didn’t go with the rest of the students to the residential deck. He instead followed Dofi, the youngest of the quadruplets towards the Officer’s area on the ship. Dofi kept up the act, nodding dutifully at the sailors who had no idea he was masquerading as his brother.
“How long are you going to keep up this act?” He mumbled quietly.
“As long as I can!” Dofi flashed his brilliant teeth and chuckled. “After all, it’s not often I get to be captain.”
Mr. Baldwin raised his eyebrows. “Really? Somehow I doubt that. Switching identities would be an easy way to keep sailors on their toes at all times. I envy your ability to be in multiple places at once… so to speak.”
They came to an elevator. Dofi, scanned his ID and it opened and they stepped inside. Mr. Baldwin stifled a yawn. “Will you be joining us for our discussion?”
“Nah…” Dofi waved his hand. “Foli wanted to speak with you privately. And I have an assignment that just came up. We can have fun later!” He gave him a hard slap on the shoulder that nearly took his breath away.
The doors opened and there was Foli, grinning, bearing the Cassell College world tree logo on his chest. The two men both embraced each other rocking back and forth. 
“It’s been too long. Too long, brother!” Foli growled happily. “Come in and sit down! We need to catch up!”
Foli ushered him into the room. It was centered by a large wood table and decorated with maps, globes, and had a view of the vast ocean. There was no wine or cigar, but a box of fine chocolate on the table.
Mr. Baldwin took a seat at the table and Foli joined him. “Wow, are these chocolates made by hand?”
“Of course, I’ve been saving them for this occasion.”
Together they reached in. The chocolate was velvet smooth, full of butter and had just the right bitterness, fruitiness and sweetness. Mr. Baldwin closed his eyes. “It’s just like what you brought with you to Cassell…”
He looked at him. “How’s your father?”
Foli sighed. “Still unwell, we’re expecting his passing soon.”
Mr. Baldwin’s eyes filled with regret. “I’m sorry. I’ve dragged you away.”
Foli patted his hand to reassure him. “Our ancestors are never truly gone. His mind is resting in his body, waiting to be set free from its confines. He would never forgive me for missing out on this opportunity. You met with him before… yes? I was always curious. How did that go?”
“He didn’t tell you? Basically, he just wanted to congratulate me and give me some encouragement. Losing Professor Schneider was very difficult. Not just his death but the pressure of the expectations.” Unable to resist, Mr. Baldwin accepted another chocolate from the box.
“In the end, his choice was the correct one.” Foli spoke reassuringly to him. “Not only your training and education, but the power of your Soul Skill is undeniable.”
Mr. Baldwin grimaced. “I can barely control it. I’m no Anjou.”
“Such humility… it’s born of wisdom. It will keep you safe.”
“Keep me safe?” Mr. Baldwin chuckled with surprise. “I don’t recall safety being mentioned in this job description. But you do have a point… Time Zero, when it comes to applications on the battlefield…” He ducked his head and huffed. “It’s a bit unfair!”
“Just a bit!” Foli leaned against the table with one arm. “You’re not tired?”
“I am. But I can’t sleep.” He turned his eyes to the window. “The moon’s too bright tonight. And it’s nice to come here and chat.”
“How like you.” Foli said, delighted. “Then you’re fine with chatting with me?”
Mr. Baldwin gave him a small smile. “It would be an honor to chat with such a precious friend as you. The only thing lacking is some champagne.”
“I hope you don’t mind some tea instead? There’s a kettle.” Foli stood up and moved to a cabinet. Mr. Baldwin watched as he poured the tea and brought it back over to the table.
“What are we drinking tonight?”
“Just regular black.”
Mr. Baldwin began to chuckle.
“What’s so funny?”
He took a deep breath of the tea wafting into his nose and sat back in his chair. “When I visited the Italian branch to meet with Commissioner Gattuso they served me some tea called “Imperial Red” from China. It’s supposedly over a million dollars a pound.”
“Oh really?” Foli blew over his cup.
Mr. Baldwin gave him a fond smile. “I’ve gotta say. I like regular black better.”
Foli raised it in a small toast. “Only the best.”
They touched their cups together. Mr. Baldwin allowed himself to relax, letting the steam warm his face. “I don’t have many people in this business who understand me as much as you do. I miss the days in the dorm where we used to stay up and talk all night.”
“Yes… so do I. It’s been too long since we’ve had tea together.” Foli’s eyes fell to his cup. “But… you would do most of the talking!”
“I had a lot to say! Especially right before our graduation, remember? I had to go away to run the Executive Branch, and you were chosen by the elders to lead as well.”
“Is that the last time? I can’t quite remember.” Foli scratched his head.
“You wouldn’t. We drank a lot more than tea.” Mr. Baldwin lowered his voice. “You got piss drunk. No wonder you don’t remember.”
“Oh…” Foli looked bashful. “Well, you understand… alcohol has never passed my lips since.”
“It’s a cruel tradition. You can’t even spike a little brandy to help you relax without losing your job?”
“It’s just the way it is, my friend.”
Mr. Baldwin started to laugh again. “I was frantic trying to dry you out before you had to report to your family.”
Foli looked mournful. “You did?”
“Seems like you don’t remember that either.”
“Well your memory has always been better than mine!” Foli replied. “Always has been. After all, you didn’t even confuse me with my brother! To be frank… it was a relief that you still remember.”
Mr. Baldwin reached into his pocket and pulled out a small gold medallion. It was carved with a skull ringed by twining vines. “Which reminds me, I think this belongs to you.”
Foli gasped, inhaling the tea he had just sipped. He covered his mouth, choking. “Where did you get that?” He asked around the coughs.
“You don’t remember but you left it in my room all those years ago. I couldn’t give it back to you without revealing to your family that you got drunk. So I took the opportunity to return it today.”
Foli reverentially took the medallion, speechless. “These relics are priceless. I assumed it was stolen from me.” He muttered quietly. His heart slammed in his chest as he tilted the heavy metal in his hand, watching the light shimmer across it.
“No one’s seen it but you and I.” Mr. Baldwin watched his friend’s reaction feeling deeply satisfied. “I’m the head of the Executive Branch. You will soon be one of the spearheads of the West Africa Branch. With Anjou, the relationship was wary. I hope to change that. Starting tonight.”
Foli opened his mouth to speak, eyes still glued to the medallion. But no words came out. He finally looked up at him. “Were it just up to me, I would absolutely accept full cooperation with Cassell. But these heavy matters? They’re left up to the Elder Council. That said, I will strongly convey your trustworthiness.”
He placed the medallion in his pocket. “Grant. People said that you changed after you were appointed, but you’re still the same person.”
“I changed only on the outside. I had to. Or else the Executive Branch might have fractured.”
Foli nodded. “I remember when we first met. I was full of many different worries.  I was… not prepared to make friends, but to maintain our secrets to maintain our superiority over the European Hybrids. At least, what I perceived to be superiority.”
Grant poured himself another cup. “I remember too. You were determined to show us up. Not that I blame you. The rest of our classmates wanted to teach you rather than the other way around.”
“I was shocked when all you asked were questions.”
Grant sipped. “That you didn’t want to answer.’
“And I asked, ‘why do you want to know?’ What did you say to me back then?”
“Isn’t that why you’re here? To teach us?” Grant replied.
“Yes that’s it. Your memory never fails!” He laughed. “Both Cassell and the West Africans have viewed each other with suspicion. Even now… it’s a bad habit.” Foli drummed his fingers on the table.
“One can’t be too careful.” Grant shrugged. “Trust is earned gradually.”
His expression turned grim. “You’re too kind. I just hope that trust gets its chance to grow and is not choked out by stubbornness and pride.”
Grant glanced at him. “Is there something wrong?”
Foli smiled again. “Ah… I believe it’s late. The moon is making me sentimental! But a cloud just covered it and broke the spell. We should get our rest.”
Together, they stood up. “Thanks for chatting with me. I hope we get this opportunity again… sooner this time.”
Together they walked out of the main meeting room, when they walked, it was hand in hand, leaving the cups steaming on the table.
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Cookie Run OCs
gdi apparently one of the cookies in cr kingdom is named licorice cookie so screw it i’m biting the bullet and posting my half-baked (ha) oc ideas now even if some of them have already been taken anyway. sorry there’s no art bc i’m terrible with digital stuff and can’t access a scanner to upload my drawings. there are almost certainly going to be more to come later because this game refuses to leave my brain.
Black Licorice Cookie: The powerfully astringent flavor of black licorice certainly isn’t to everyone’s taste - and that’s just the way Black Licorice Cookie likes it! This daredevil of a Cookie loves nothing more than testing her limits, so she’s always on the lookout for something to get her adrenaline pumping. That doesn’t mean she isn’t without her sweet side, however, which comes out most strongly when protecting her precious little sister. Get between them at your own risk!
Red Licorice Cookie (Sibling): Don’t mess with my little sis if you know what’s good for you!
Mustard Cookie (Trust): Nobody else gets me like Mustard Cookie does!
Kiwi Cookie (Friendly): Hey, I’ve got an idea for some cool bike tricks!
Roll Cake Cookie (Friendly): Going for a ride in that road roller and smashing things is such a rush! WHOO!
Initially I had the mental image of her as a Cookie with a web design and a spider pet, but then Truffle Cookie came out, so now I pretty much picture her skill being that she runs a Ninja-Warrior-style obstacle course or something. Maybe her pet could be a black cat instead?
Red Licorice Cookie: Between the fruity fragrance of her signature red hair and her sweet, outgoing personality, it’s no surprise that this Cookie is so popular! Red Licorice Cookie is a champion at gymnastics with plenty of fans, and performing with the ribbon is where she shines the most. She and her older twin sister might be as different as night and day, but their bond is as strong as a thousand strands of licorice twisted together!
Black Licorice Cookie (Sibling): I’ve got the coolest big sis in the world!
Cheerleader Cookie (Trust): Cheerleader Cooke is my BFF!
Yoga Cookie (Friendly): She’s helped me train to be much more flexible for my routines.
Skating Queen Cookie (Admiration): I can’t believe I actually got her autograph!
At first I imagined her as being a sort of epic version of Cheerleader Cookie, performing double dutch with a few friends much like the cheer team. Her pet would be a charm bracelet.
Oatmeal Cookie: Every day at the crack of dawn, this dutiful cowgirl is already hard at work, keeping a watchful eye over her herd with the help of her trusty steed, Raisin. If even a single cow goes missing, Oatmeal Cookie won’t rest until she’s got them home safe and sound. The tricks she can perform with a lasso will certainly knock your socks off! And when the sun starts to set, you can hear the sound of her yodeling from far across the plains.
Peanut Butter Cookie (Family): I’m the luckiest Cookie alive to have such a beautiful gal as you...
Knight Cookie (Friendly): You sure know how to burn the breeze!
Adventurer Cookie (Friendly): Nice hat ya got there, pardner!
Space Doughnut (Tension): Hey, stop spookin’ my herd!
Her skill would probably involve dodging obstacles on her horse while catching some runaway cows, and her pet would be a cowbell.
Peanut Butter Cookie: There’s nothing better for a boost of energy than some delicious, nutritious peanut butter! And forest ranger Peanut Butter Cookie definitely needs that energy, as she spends every day traversing the woods to keep them safe. Whether she’s helping Cookies who have gotten lost find their way home or rescuing woodland critters from danger, you can always depend on Peanut Butter Cookie. She’s especially fond of younger Cookies and enjoys teaching them wilderness survival skills.
Oatmeal Cookie (Family): She and I pack each others’ lunches every day.
Pancake Cookie (Friendly): Be careful climbing trees for those Acorn Jellies, dear!
Cream Puff Cookie (Friendly): I’m sure you’ll get that spell right next time, hun.
Fig Cookie (Trust): They’re always eager for me to tell them stories.
Fire Spirit Cookie (Tension): You keep those flames away from the forest, you hear?
You can probably tell by now that I’ve put like 0 thought into any of my Cookie OC’s skills. Anyway, her pet would be a bear that she helped when it was a cub, who shows up to help her by smashing obstacles.
Coconut Cookie: The Tropical Soda Archipelago has a long history of telling stories through traditional dance. Coconut Cookie comes from a long line of those dancers, and Cookies will flock from every island to watch her perform. Crowned with a garland of bright yellow coconut blossoms, she moves with the utmost rhythm and grace. It’s said that she practices every day so that she can bring peace and good fortune to the islands.
Mango Cookie (Trust): My best friend since we were little - I remember his very first boat!
Ananas Dragon Cookie (Admiration): The Dragon honored my ancestors by praising their dances.
Soda Cookie (Friendly): Going for a ride on the waves is the best, isn’t it?
Squid Ink Cookie (Friendly): Poor little thing, there’s no need to be shy.
My first thought was for her to make a sort of bubble shield out of coconut oil, like Lemonade Cookie but without the magnetic effect (maybe slower energy drain instead?) - I’m still undecided about it though. Her pet would be a bunch of coconuts who make coconut milk potions. Also, I picture her being related to Artichoke Cookie, but he’s not in Ovenbreak...YET? (pls devsis)
Honeycomb Cookie: Out in a charming little cottage atop a hill lives Honeycomb Cookie - and her many hives of Jelly Bees. Years upon years of working with the bees has allowed her to understand them so well, it’s almost as if she talks to them! If you happen to arrive on her doorstep, you can be sure that she’ll treat you to some delicious tea sweetened with honey and send you on your way with a basket of homemade treats.
Herb Cookie (Family): My cute little grandson certainly inherited the family green thumb.
Spinach Cookie (Trust): Oh, how sweet of you to bring me a basket of vegetables, dearie!
Fairy Cookie (Friendly): Ah, you’re so small I mistook you for another bee.
Matcha Cookie (Friendly): A bit of a strange one, but it’s nice to have some laughter over tea.
Not sure what her skill would be, but I think her pet would be a queen Jelly Bee that grows from a baby to an adult as you collect more jellies.
Souffle Cookie: A chef famous for turning simple Jellies into extravagant and delicious meals. Though he can come off as strict and a bit intimidating, he truly does care about creating good food for every Cookie who comes to his restaurant. Souffle Cookie is quite the perfectionist, so if a recipe doesn’t come out as planned, he tends to sulk so badly that even his fluffy chef’s hat deflates! But it never lasts long before he throws himself back into his work with renewed passion.
Sparkling Cookie (Trust): My cooking and your juice is the ultimate combination!
Sandwich Cookie (Admiration): To create such simple but delicious meals...C’est magnifique!
Mala Sauce Cookie (Friendly): Just watch, I’ll create a meal more than spicy enough to satisfy you!
Dr. Wasabi Cookie (Tension): I am NEVER using your syrup as a ‘secret ingredient’ EVER again!
Again, not sure what his skill would be, but maybe his pet could be a spoon. Sous-chef Spoon?
Rainbow Sugar Cookie: Sugar Cookie was always painfully shy and never considered herself all that important. However, everything changed when she met Rainbow Puff, a creature who begged for her help in protecting the happiness of Cookies everywhere from the wicked Dark Puffs. Bestowed with a magical wand, she becomes Rainbow Sugar Cookie, chasing away darkness with prisms of joyous light! RAINBOW...BEAM!
Pink Choco Cookie (Trust): The two of us would make a perfect team!
Wind Archer Cookie (Admiration): Wow...what an amazing warrior...
Sandwich Cookie (Friendly): She makes the best toast as a snack on the way to school!
Dark Enchantress Cookie (Rival): I won’t let a villain like you make other Cookies suffer!
Pomegranate Cookie (Tension): Why are you helping the Darkness?
Originally her name was Glitter Cookie, but then Shining Glitter Cookie got announced. In any case, she’d pretty much be an epic version of Wind Archer Cookie, fighting a big ‘boss’ monster once enough little ones were defeated with her magic.
Jack-o-Lantern Cookie: Trick or treat! Wait, is it Halloween already? The answer doesn’t really matter to this young Cookie, who loves trick-or-treating so much that they never take their costume off! If you don’t have Jellies to give, then get ready for a mischievous trick! But if there’s one thing they love more than getting treats, it’s sharing them with friends, so don’t be shy and join in the fun!
Candy Corn Cookie (Trust): My bestest trick-or-treating buddy!
Devil Cookie (Admiration): WOW! What a great costume!
Apple Cookie (Friendly): Here, candy apples!
Onion Cookie (Friendly): Trick o- um, please don’t cry...
Vampire Cookie (Tension): Hey, don’t fall asleep when I’m trying to trick you!
I thought I was in the clear with this OC when we got Truffle Cookie for Halloween...but then Pumpkin Cookie was an NPC later, lol. At least the name was an easy change. Their skill would basically be like a slower version of Chestnut’s, where you go up to houses and trick-or-treat.
Candy Corn Cookie: This Cookie used to be a scarecrow who stood in the middle of a big field of candy corn. However, they wanted to travel the world, so one night they wished upon a star...and miraculously, their wish was granted! Bursting with curiosity, Candy Corn Cookie is full of questions about everything they see. They still have a habit of chasing birds wherever they go, though.
Jack-o-Lantern Cookie (Trust): This ‘trick-or-treat’ thing is really fun!
Alchemist Cookie (Admiration): Wow, this Cookie knows lots of things!
Blueberry Pie Cookie (Friendly): Ooh, what’s in all these ‘book’ things?
Mocha Ray Cookie (Friendly): Cookies can really live under the sea? WOW!
Carrot Cookie (Tension): Aw, I don’t wanna go back to the farm yet!
Candy corn apparently used to be called ‘chicken feed’, so their pet would probably be a chicken. Again, not sure about the skill.
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pheasantly · 4 years
do all the same questions i did :3c
1.  Do you like resting your head in a boys lap, or on his shoulder?
⇩  This will be his face for the entirety of this Q&A
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“  O-Oh, my gosh... Well honestly... I imagine that both of these options would be just splendid, but I’d hate to have my hair all messed up if I lay down like that... Resting on a handsome fellow’s shoulder would allow me to wrap my arm around his’, and feel his muscles, so I think I’d love that...  ”
5.  What’s your favorite thing about boys?
“  God, how can you expect me to name just one thing~? Men’s characters and personalities can be truthfully dull a lot of times, but there is plenty to appreciate about the exterior... I love men who are strong and powerful, but have class and use their big arms to carry delicate birds like me to safety...  ”
6.  How do you like your tea?
“  I love sweet teas, fruity, herb-y... Green tea is a classic too, though. Recently I stumbled upon this wicked new kind of tea--apparently it’s imported from an overseas company--that tastes like blueberry cake! It’s quickly become one of my favorites. I’ll have to make sure to buy their entire stock!!  ”
7.  How do you like your coffee?
“  Hmm, frankly I don’t like coffee nearly as much as other drinks... I only drink it during nightly work hours, and in that case I want it to keep me awake, so I don’t add milk and sugar. Black and bitter is fine. Lattes with cream are totally cute, though. ”
14.  Do you like boys taller or shorter than you?
“  Taller, ideally!!!  Which is a bit of a pain, since I’m already flashy and tower over the vast majority of doves... And I wear heels, too. But, I suppose... If his other traits make up for it, I’d find small and compact men appealing as well. It’s cute.  ” well now you just sound desparate sensei
15.  Do you prefer hand kisses, or nose kisses?
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“  H-...H-H-H-... A kiss on the hand is so tremendously romantic and intimate...  -sniffles-  ” sensei are you okay
22.  Do you like sitting in a boys lap, or do you prefer when a boy sits in yours?
“  Sitting in a boy’s lap, without a doubt!  Ahh, dear god, these questions are making me imagine scenarios that make me feel vulnerable and tender, like a butterfly’s wing...  ”
26.  Would you like to take his last name when you marry?
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“  Oh!  I can’t see that happening under no circumstance!!  I take huge pride in my name, you know!  He should feel honored, if we were to marry, to take my name!  ”
29.  What’s a compliment you’d love to receive from a boy?
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“  Mmm... Nnn... Mnnn...  A very special compliment, something much less obvious than  “beautiful”  “intelligent”  “charming”  and  “talented”,  since those are a given... Words only go that far, you know... I think, above all, I wish somebody would treat me, like I’m truly...  special.  ”
30.  What’s better, waking up to him in the morning, or falling asleep next to him at night?
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“  H-How do I choose~?...  I think, I think I’d prefer the latter...  I’ve spent so many lonely nights with the bed, and the house all to myself...  He would love me and caress me at my least decorated, and most delicate state...  We could drift away while softly recalling the events of the day prior...  ”
31.  Any turn offs?
“  Ah, um... Well, I am completely uninterested in people that don’t appreciate art, especially MY art, unhygienic people,  (  that is NOT masculinity  )  and hmm... Actually, I am definitely turned off by flirty guys that try to out-do me in confidence. Cocky types that act like I’m already their property. Show some class and respect me, you!!  ” basically yuuya before he met hiyoko lol
35.  What first catches your eye?
“  Hmm... I think I am a fairly observant person that judges people by their attitude to strangers. Now hey, I am not an extrovert, believe it or not!  Social interaction drains me quite a lot, but that doesn’t mean that I get a free pass on being needlessly rude and not look the other person in the eyes, especially if I want something from them!  But what was the question again?  Ah yes, I think I pay attention to their face, then... And the hair / feathers. Clean, healthy, and vibrant, please. Long hair is gorgeous, but it requires some amount of special care. Don’t just grow it out and then don’t even comb it for five days.
39.  Which is cuter, him being confident, or shy?
“  Cuuuter~?  Well shyness 100%. Not to brag, but I will anyway, birds are often shy around me, because I have a beautiful presence. It makes my heart swoon!  The shy, and the self-conscious, and the foppish, and the submissive, they are so fun and I love to watch those birds open up and show their true colors. Like that silver quail, Nanaki Kazuaki!  He’s not really someone I’d pursue romantically (or sexually) but at the same time, his bashful face makes me wanna kiss him!  Well, a little bit.  On the cheek.  A true geode, that one.
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And that stud named One!  He is absolutely a shy little flower bud. Now note that he isn’t shy in the same way that Nanaki Kazuaki is. Nanaki Kazuaki... is anxious and unsure of himself. One-san simply puts on a cold front and acts like a big tough guy that’s unimpacted by anything. But he is kind and a sweetie underneath, I know that for a fact!  A kuudere!  Even if he wants to arrest me, he is soo kind and considerate about me and my well being, teehee!  ”
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jonlovessansa · 5 years
DISCLAIMER: In light of the recent leaks, and some consequent worry, I decided to reveal one of the clues I found in the books that confirms Jon/Sansa and at the same time PoliticalJon. It is neither the biggest nor the sweetest to me... but it is the first one I found, the one that allowed me to discover all the others, and since it basically does nothing but confirm the theory that we all supported in the past months, plus some recent spoilers, I think I won't ruin anyone's party by revealing it. Now, for those of you who rightfully prefer to watch the new season for confirmations, I'm going to put a wall here, you decide whether to look beyond to see the burning candle…
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As we all probably know by now, GRRM loves his symbolism, and that often results in wondering what he is really talking about most of the time, what he’s hinting at, even if the answer is right there in plain sight. I’d say confusion is the main key for GRRM!
That's what happens with the wine and the scenes that involve the wine, by which we learn some important things that I think are no news for many of you. The show made some changes, but remaining in the books, I’m going to tell you briefly.
Starting with the ARBOR GOLD, that we find it’s linked to LIES. We’re informed directly by Littlefinger:
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“We shall serve him lies and Arbor gold, and he’ll drink them down and ask for more, I promise you... You see the wonders that can be worked with lies and Arbor gold?” (AFFC - SANSA I)
And thanks to him, Sansa learns it too:
“Lies and Arbor gold, she thought. "I am Alayne, Father. Who else would I be?" .
But the examples are numerous: Baelish serves arbor gold while scheming and lying to his guests; Illyrio offers it to Tyrion while telling him the fake story of fAegon; fAegon says Varys gave a jug to fdeadAegon’s father for the hypothetical switching; Sansa and Tyrion drink it during their unconsummated wedding night; it’s the wine of Ramsey and fArya wedding… and so on.
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Then there is the ARBOR RED, which is used to hide poisons and poisonous intentions: Joffrey drinks a poisoned cup before dying, Tyrion uses it to drug Cersei, Maester Cressen tries to kill Melisandre with a poisoned cup of it, only to be the one who ends up dead instead...
There’s still so much more to say, but let’s move on to the precise topic of this post.
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Don’t you think it’s pretty clear what we’re talking about here just by reading that? But in AGOT King Robert spills the truth, GRRM way, to convince Ned to go to King’s Landing:
Flowers everywhere, the markets bursting with food, the summerwines so cheap and so good that you can get drunk just breathing the air. Everyone is fat and drunk and rich." He laughed and slapped his own ample stomach a thump. "And the girls, Ned!" he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling. "I swear, women lose all modesty in the heat. They swim naked in the river, right beneath the castle. Even in the streets, it's too damn hot for wool or fur, so they go around in these short gowns, silk if they have the silver and cotton if not, but it's all the same when they start sweating and the cloth sticks to their skin, they might as well be naked." The king laughed happily. (AGOT - NED I)
The reference is clear for me: in King’s Landing you can find in every corner the easiest version of LOVE, the kind that you can find in one of the many brothels the city seems to be famous for...
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With this important symbolism it’s interesting that in the books we have very few mentions of the SUMMERWINE, and only three times they are significant, all in A GAME OF THRONES: JON I, SANSA II, DAENERYS VI.
In both Jon and Sansa’s chapters the setting is very similar: there’s a feast (Winterfell’s Great Hall for King Robert / in King’s Landing for The Hand’s Tourney), the music of the singers (playing the high harp and reciting a ballad /filling the dusk with music), a knight (Jamie, the Lion of Lannister /Loras, a true knight), an uncle (Benjen /Jaime), a dog (the Hound/Ghost) and a fool (Robb, grinning like a fool /Moon Boy, the king's own fool). Among all these common ingredients, the best part is that Jon and Sansa both get drunk on summerwine for the first time. 
“(Joffrey) raised his hand to summon a servant with a flagon of iced summerwine, and poured her a cup... The servants kept the cups filled all night, yet afterward Sansa could not recall ever tasting the wine. She needed no wine. She was drunk on the magic of the night.” (AGOT - SANSA II)
Sansa is drunk on summerwine even if she doesn’t actually drink it, which means that she is only drunk on the promise of the beautiful life in front of her, like probably every sweet romantic child in her position. She’s not in love with Joffrey, she doesn’t know him at this point, she doesn’t know what a monster he is. She is in love with the idea of being in love with the Prince, being betrothed to him, becoming a Queen, of all her dreams of princesses and knights coming true. She is only drunk with the idea of summerwine!
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But do you know who is realllllllly drunk in love on summerwine? Jon is! 
”He settled back in his place on the bench among the younger squires and drank. The sweet, fruity taste of summerwine filled his mouth and brought a smile to his lips... Down here on the benches, there was no one to stop Jon drinking as much as he had a thirst for. And he was finding that he had a man’s thirst, to the raucous delight of the youths around him, who urged him on every time he drained a glass... Jon had started drinking then, and he had not stopped... He swallowed another gulp of wine... Benjen Stark straddled the bench with long legs and took the wine cup out of Jon’s hand. “Summerwine,” he said after a taste. “Nothing so sweet. How many cups have you had, Jon?” Jon smiled. Ben Stark laughed. “As I feared. Ah, well. I believe I was younger than you the first time I got truly and sincerely drunk.” (AGOT - JON I)
The show, again, hid some important clues by not having Jon attending the feast, but what remains the same is his request to uncle Benjen to go with him to the Wall and so have a chance to be a knightly kind of honourable man (like Lord Royce son Waymar, just to pick someone at random...) even if he’s a bastard.
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It’s also useful to point out that in this occasion, we see FOR THE ONE AND ONLY TIME IN ALL THE BOOKS, jealous Jon flourishing:
-“Joffrey, younger than Jon or Robb, but taller than either, to Jon’s VAST DISMAY”;
-“Sansa looked RADIANT as she walked beside him”; “Prince Joffrey had his sister’s hair and his mother’s deep green eyes. A thick tangle of blond curls dripped down past his golden choker and high velvet collar… but Jon did not like Joffrey’s pouty lips“; but what he thinks of Jaime, who looks exactly like the young Prince? He was “tall and golden, with flashing green eyes and a smile that cut like a knife… Jon found it hard to look away from him. This is what a king should look like” (if Joffrey looks like Jamie and Jaime looks like a king, then Joffrey looks like a king too... just saying!)
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From other POV we also learn that: 
-  while there’s a hunt with the king to provide a very wild boar for the feast, “Jon and his wolf were nowhere to be found”; “Jon seemed to be angry at everyone these days.” (BRAN) 
- when Jon gives Arya “Needle”, he explicitly tells her: “And whatever you do...” Arya knew what was coming next. They said it together “Don’t... tell... Sansa!”. But talking with Sansa about Prince Joffrey Aria says: “Jon says he looks like a girl”. (ARYA) I think he forgot to tell her to shut up this particular time!
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How can I say it simply: 
and that’s it! I know many of you don’t like the idea very much and I really wanted to make a post about it to get everyone on board because in the books there are interesting things on the matter (I still have hope for a flashback of little Jon and little Sansa). I didn’t for lack of time and some specific spoilers... (if you want you can read HERE and HERE where I explain it a tiny bit), but remember that they were children, both in love with the stories of chivalry and heroism, it’s easy to think that sweet little Sansa was his precious jewel to protect, like she probably was for Robb; in the purest way, the same way your older brother is your hero when you’re a baby girl.
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But then the “bastard” word came in and everything changed: Jon, already rejected from Catelyn, the only mother he’s ever known, was forced to distance himself from both of them, and probably started to develop not less pure but different feelings, born primarily from an instinct of love and protectiveness that he couldn’t possibly satisfy. That’s when it all became muddled. And, well, he has Targaryen blood in his veins…
But let’s see what happens in DAENERYS VI so I can close this case. I sum up the important part because it is too long:
At the WESTERN market Dany comes across a wine merchant: a small man from Lys (known as LYS THE LOVELY and THE PERFUMED SISTER), slender and handsome, his flaxen hair curled, who has a sweet red from Dorne that sings of plums and cherries and rich dark oak; he says: “A cask, a cup, a swallow? One taste, and you will name your child after me”. “I will try your summerwine,” she says. But then the merchant realizes that she is THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS and responds to her: “That? Dornish swill. It is not worthy of a princess. I have a dry red from the Arbor, crisp and delectable. Please, let me give you a cask …there is no finer drink.” She accepts: “You honor me, ser.” But Jorah stops her and says “I have a thirst” and sniffs the wine, frowning. It turns out that the wine is poisoned because King Robert wants her dead: “No. He cannot have my son.. The Usurper has woken the dragon now” she told herself, and her eyes went to the dragon’s eggs resting in their nest of dark velvet… Was it madness that seized her then, born of fear? Or some strange wisdom buried in her blood? Dany could not have said. She heard her own voice saying, “Ser Jorah, light the brazier.”  
A SLENDER and HANDSOME man with CURLED HAIR and SMALL of stature,
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offers Daenerys a swallow of his sweet red Dornish wine, i.e. SUMMERWINE, i.e. LOVE, promising her a child named after him. 
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But knowing she’s the MOTHER OF DRAGONS
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what he really intends to give her is a poisoned ARBOR RED, which comes FROM THE REACH. 
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She has no reason not to trust the courteous man, she is HONORED that he thinks she deserves his most precious load
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So she accepts his offer. But Jorah, who has A THIRST like the man’s thirst Jon had the night of the feast when Sansa looked RADIANT and he was jealous,
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senses that something is wrong. He is right. So she goes berserk: “HE WON’T HAVE MY CHILD” (I let you decide if she is symbolically speaking of a baby or a dragon), a MADNESS seizes her… and so she decides it’s time to LIGHT A PIT...
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Sounds familiar?
Enjoy the new season guys...
Thanks for listening!
P.S. All the gifs are from GOOGLE
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nixmatize · 5 years
Making room for someone new (chapter 7)
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For @marigami-week, under the prompt “meet the family.” This is the second to last chapter, which means that tomorrow will be the end of the story - thank you so much to everyone who has read this far and left such kind feedback!
Marinette’s hands twitched down to smooth her shirt again, even though she had done so too many times already. She had brushed her teeth three times, undid and redid her signature ponytails twice, and changed outfits four times. Needless to say, she was slightly nervous about her date.
Above her, Tikki giggled, smiling down at her silly chosen. “Don’t worry Marinette, Kagami already likes you a lot. Tonight will go great!”
“I know Tikki, I just – I want everything to go perfectly!” Marinette checked her reflection one last time before starting for the stairs. “I’m going to go wait downstairs… I want to be there when she arrives!”
Tikki just rolled her eyes at her chosen’s antics, before diving into her hiding place on the inside lining of Marinette’s jacket.
Marinette stepped downstairs, only to see the bakery surprisingly empty except for her parents sitting together chatting at one of the tables. “Maman? Papa? Where are the customers?”
“We closed the shop a little early, Marinette,” her maman said with a secretive smile, “since it’s your first real date. We have to meet your new girlfriend before you two go!”
Marinette had almost entirely forgotten that her parents knew about her asking Kagami out today. Of course they had been the ones to help her prepare part of her confession gift, but she had still been stuck in such a happy daze when she got home from school that she just sighed longingly and nodded to her parents questions about how it went without even consciously registering them.
Marinette’s face blushed red at her parent’s focused attention. “She’s not – I mean not yet – we’re not girlfriends, actually… wait, did you say meet her? You’ve already met Kagami, she was over just this last weekend?”
Her papa laughed. “Of course we’ve met her, but that was before we knew she’s be dating our little girl. We have to re-meet her now that we know she’ll be part of the family!” His face dropped more serious for a moment. “And I have to let her know that if she ever plays with my precious daughter’s heart, no amount of sword training will save her.”
At Marinette’s affronted shout, the humor returned to his face. “I’d say ‘just kidding,’ Nettie, but we both know I’m not.”
Sabine put her hand on her husband’s arm, and did her best to shoot him a warning glare that was weakened by the smile trying to inch it’s way onto her mouth. She turned to Marinette. “He’s right, sweetie, meeting a date is a bit different than just meeting a friend. We’re excited to talk to her for a few minutes before you two head off.”
As though summoned, a car pulled up in front of the bakery. Marinette turned just in time to see Kagami stepping out, and felt the air get stuck in her chest. Kagami was wearing black pants with a deep red button up, with a dark coat over top. She was gorgeous, and Marinette found herself frozen in place, unable to look away as Kagami straightened up and head for the bakery.
Kagami stepped through the door and made eye contact with Marinette. Both just stared for a moment, faces pink, before Marinette’s parents stood up.
“Welcome, Kagami,” Mme. Cheng said, clearly trying to hide the amusement and fondness in her voice. “We’re glad to have the chance to officially re-meet you, as the girl our daughter is dating rather than just a friend this time.”
Kagami snapped out of her trance, reluctantly turning away to focus on Mme. Cheng instead of Marinette. “Thank you for welcoming me in, Madame Cheng. I am honored to have the chance to date your daughter.”
Marinette’s papa drew himself up even further, until her was at his full height, broad shoulder creating an impressive sihouette.
“Now you take care of my little girl, okay? I will not take kindly to anyone meddling with her heart.”
Kagami supposed that this might have been somewhat unnerving, if she hadn’t known that Marinette was Ladybug. As it was, she knew Marinette could destroy anyone who crossed her without any help, though she was almost too nice in withholding herself from doing so. Mostly, Kagami was just glad to see someone else willing to stand up for Marinette, especially when there were terrible people in this world like Lila who would see Marinette’s kindness as a weakness to exploit rather than a precious treasure.
“Yes, sir,” she replied dutifully.
“Then it’s a pleasure to see you, Kagami!” He reached out a hand, and Kagami shook it. “I’m always happy to see my potential-future-daughter-in-law.”
“Papa!” Marinette shouted, face completely red.
Kagami just laughed, amused at the Dupain-Chengs’ antics and more than a little overwhelmed by their kindness in making her feel so welcome in their home.
Marinette stepped forward and linked their arms together. “We’ll be going now. Love you!”
“Love you too!” Marinette’s parents chorused, watching them exit the bakery arm-in-arm.
Kagami had never seen such raw kindness. While she had a working relationship with her mother, they were not quite close in the same way. Her mother cared, but never showed it as openly and often as Marinette’s parents seemed to. Kagami could not find it in herself to be jealous, though – Marinette deserved all the love in the world.
She turned toward Marinette. “I was thinking we could walk and find André’s ice cream tonight? I know you said his ice cream has some magical power for couples, though I will admit to doubting this claim myself.”
Marinette looked over with sparkling eyes. “Yes!” She seemed to realize that her volume had been a little too much, judging by the startled turn of nearby pedestrians, so she flushed a bit further and quieted down. Kagami found it unfairly endearing. “I didn’t really believe in it either, but when André was akumatized into Glaciator – do you remember that fight?”
Kagami nodded, hoping Marinette would take it as a vague memory of the event itself and not realize that she had gone back and pored over every last Ladybug clip in the past few days.
“Well, after he was akumatized, I realized that I was probably wrong about his ice-cream. Couples that get ice cream there really do seem to stay together. And, even if it’s not true… it can’t hurt to try, right?”
Marinette’s expression was so open, so earnest, that Kagami felt herself melt just a little bit further. Her first real friend that was around because she wanted to be and not because of any parental pressure, and her first date – she didn’t know what she had done to deserve such luck, but she promised to give everything of herself to Marinette in return.
Kagami started them off on the route she had looked up in the car. She and Marinette chatted pleasantly all the way there. Even though the walk was a respectable distance away, Kagami felt as though almost no time at all had passed when they arrived at the ice cream cart.
André was humming to himself, stirring a tub of ice cream when he noticed them approach.
“Ah Marinette! It’s good to see you again my dear. And a special someone came with you – try André’s Sweetheart Ice Cream, and your love will stay true.” He quickly scooped together a mix for them; orange and blackberry, two fruity flavors for them to share. André winked conspiratorally as he passed it over. “You expected a different pairing at the start, I’m sure, but André’s glad to see you have doubts no more!”
Kagami was unimpressed with the rhyming, but as she and Marinette sat on a bench to take a taste of the treat, she had to give credit where credit was due; this ice cream really did taste magical. She rarely let herself be caught up in fanciful dreams, but as she looked at a giggling Marinette who had a dab of orange on the tip of her nose, she couldn’t help but hope the stories about André’s ice cream were true.
Her heart felt too big for her chest as she smiled at Marinette. Kagami wanted to stay with Marinette for a very, very long time.
As she heard the screaming start somewhere off behind her, she added one more wish to her list: that Hawkmoth would get his just desserts very, very soon.
She and Marinette locked eyes over the ice cream, both reluctant to cut their perfect evening short but also both aware of what Marinette had to do. “Go,” Kagami said, and Marinette went.
She wished she could protect Marinette, could help her, could make sure that an akuma never hurt her again. But Kagami knew that not only was Marinette fully capable of protecting herself, as it was Kagami would be more of a hindrance than a help without any good way to fight the akuma. She ran off to hide nearby, even though every illogical part of herself was pushing to go back and stand at Marinette’s side, despite her complete lack of magical protection.
But even more than that what stopped Kagami from rushing over was her great respect for Marinette. If she allowed this secret to cause her to run into every battle, it would be an insult to Marinette’s skill and her faith in Ladybug. No, she would stay out of the way.
She heard a distant crash. Keeping herself from running immediately to Marinette’s aid was one of the most difficult feats of self-control she had ever performed.
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Investigation Start
“Good morning, the world says, like, hello!” Mimi chirps brightly. In her mirror, a happy-go-lucky smile popped on her reflected face like it was second nature.
She had made it using a piece of glass from the master bedroom, claiming that the lack of space in the house’s bathrooms were, like, messing up her vibes. Shelly allowed her to have it, but not before rounding the corners to make it as safe as possible. In Mimi’s opinion, his efforts seemed pretty pointless. If anyone wanted a weapon, a simple piece of wood would do, or a spoke from one of the abandoned tents laying in the courtyard. Hell, the last murder was done with a piece of meat- was he planning on tossing all of that out too?
“God, this is soo boring. I am so sick of this house and everyone in here!” she whines, idly wondering who was listening and snooping around the upstairs. This was a performance after all, and Mimi prided herself on her acting skills. She doubted there was anyone in the house that really believed she was a threat- except the killer, of course. Whoever they were, they weren’t afraid of putting themselves into compromising situations. It seemed that they were always one step ahead of the game, no matter how much the others tried to anticipate their movements.
It all stressed her the hell out and reminded her of her breakdown before the whole incident that got her sent to court and then to jail. What a pain!
Sticking out here was the worst. If you were too nosy you’d be called out like Daryan. If you were good at winning games people would side eye you, like with Alita. Too mouthy and no one would ever take you seriously, like that pompous Redd. She could go on forever about Dee’s faux-careless attitude, or Lana’s annoying hovering or Luke’s radical thought process, but she just didn’t care!
It was too early to think.
All the deaths were starting to run together in her head. With people like Morgan and Yanni, at least they’d been around long enough to make a slight impression. Did anyone even remember that Furio guy? Or Cammy, who had a surprisingly well-stocked stash of fruity face masks? Or that ugly lawyer who was playing hangman all on his own? Who even knew.
With Matt’s death, Mimi was at least now officially the most spacey one here. Like hell she would let anyone steal her handcrafted personality. It was her thing, okay? Or maybe Ini’s thing, but she had been her sister so long that she had sort of forgotten who she was in the grand scheme of things. Was the occasional bitchiness her thing too, or was it Mimi’s?
Oh well, it didn’t matter anyway.
“Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey,” she mumbles under her breath, deciding to go with that one today. It was already a little past 11 AM when she had ventured out of her room.
In the past Matt’s loud singing would wake her up better than any alarm, seeing how their rooms had been attached at one point. It felt so odd to have everything be so... quiet? Maybe she was just noticing the silence of the house, especially when their louder companions had slowly gotten picked off. Hah, maybe that was the killer’s real motive and the whole case solving thing was a hoax. At this point, she wouldn’t be surprised.
She was safe this week, which was the only fact that Mimi really deemed necessary at the moment. She felt bad for the Ace Loudmouth, and the Director Dire, or was it Producer Prude? Pfft, as if she would ever say that. It was rude even for her tastes. Like, thank god there weren’t any mind readers in here, especially since most of her day was spent cursing out Shelly for taking so long to bring things into their next stages.
It felt like weeks had passed since Matt’s death, and now there was a silent threat floating in the air.
Be careful. You will die if you make one wrong move.  
“...eh, whatever.” Mimi brushes the feeling off, hurrying towards the main floor bathroom. In the morning all the early birds like Daryan and Alita would hog the bathroom, and latecomers like Luke and Lana never managed to let her shower in peace without making nitpicky comments. She could hear the sounds of an early lunch being prepared, and Shelly debating with someone or another. It was almost bizarre how common this all was now. How very routine.
“And that’s when I said, ‘I’m just a humble ice cream server!’ right after I tried to assassinate a foreign president,” Shelly says with pride, only to be rebutted by several outcries and someone calling him a sleaze, if Mimi heard correctly. Hah. 
Grabbing a towel from the cabinet that sat outside the bathroom, Mimi throws it over her shoulder along with her clean clothes, and takes a step into the bathroom.
She was going to make this easy and simple. Wash her hair, use one of Cammy's avocado face masks, and finally-
She didn’t have a moment to think before her ears were hit with the sharp crash of something, and in the next instant Mimi found herself lying on her back, smoke and debris flying out from the morgue as a huge tremor hit the building.
“What the hell was that!” someone's voice shouted, water spraying from the sky.
A second tremor shook the building, and the lights flickered before shutting off completely. In a moment the emergency lights flicker on, and the foyer is filled with smoke and the sounds of gathering.
“What has happened here?” Shelly’s voice is shaky, which is almost more shocking than the god damn explosion that just happened two inches from her face. Mimi clutches her head and scoots back into the wall, her eyes focusing on the crowd surrounding her at the mouth of the now destroyed communal bathroom.
Alita’s shriek catches her attention. “Was that a bomb?!”
Redd coughs into the air. “Huzzah! Two glorious bombs-" he's cut off by his own lack of breath.
“Was anyone in there?” Lana shouts, her voice a ghost in the room.
“Yeah, almost me!” Mimi snaps, wincing through the ringing in her ears.
“Luke? Dee? You better not be fuckin’ with us!” Daryan’s pomp is just barely visible through the smoke. “This is some bullshit! Who the hell would bomb the morgue?”
Shelly’s face appears, highlighted in red that cascades off of the emergency lights. “It seems the killer has made their move.”
Mimi scrambles to her feet, coughing. The taste of dust coated her mouth.
A bomb? Two? So early in the morning?
Was it Dee? Or was it Luke? Had anyone seen them at all this morning?
A figure appears from the fog, and everyone turns towards them.
“I live!” the voice shouts, and Luke throws himself into the fray, his body soaked from the emergency sprinklers. “Once again, the great ace detective frees himself from death's grasp! Success!”
“Jesus, how the hell does he keep doing this?” someone mutters from within the group.
Mimi doesn’t give a damn. She wipes the water from her eyes and snarls, “Then that means Dee’s fucked!”
She pulls herself up and stumbles towards the morgue, closely followed by her other housemates. Stepping over the broken sinks, battered doors, and the bench they had been using as an autopsy table, all eyes fall on a body laying at the end of the room.
Covered in blood and pieces of drywall, was Dee Vasquez.
For a moment, everyone is silent. The hissing of the sprinklers spraying water over their latest crime scene muffles the sound of their breaths. The ringing in her ears hasn’t stopped either. Despite feeling like they’ve waited forever for the next round to start, Mimi can’t bring herself to move towards the body.
From the back of the group, someone clears their throat. The group turns to let Shelly through the entrance of the bathroom. He steps over to a valve on the wall and turns it, shutting off the sprinklers. He takes his soaked gloves off, but doesn’t turn to face the group again.
“It seems that we now have a new case at hand. Once I turn the power back on, we shall divide into groups. As always, your options are the Morgue, the Crime Scene, and the Last Known Whereabouts.”
He pauses.
“Due to... the nature of this case, the morgue will be moved to another room permanently. Do not concern yourselves about making the necessary arrangements, I will take care of that myself. Simply focus on your investigations, as you always have before.” With that, he turns on his heel to leave the now ruined bathroom.
@deevasques​, you have been murdered! You’ve put up an amazing effort throughout the whole game, and it’s been an honor and a pleasure having you play! Thank you so much for participating!
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labyrinthofleah · 7 years
[Okay so I couldn’t NOT do this one first. hi @autorhythmicity​.]
Leigh wasn’t sure whether or not she’d end up going to Leah’sbachelorette party after all. Not that it would have been particularly hard to find theplace; after all, the club it was to be held at was literally right next doorto the florist shop she ran. But this time of year was always busy work-wisefor her, and sometimes she found herself wondering how she even found time tobreathe. 
She’d told her friend not to be surprised if she had to pull outfrom her RSVP last-minute, either from a deluge of orders or stress. Leah hadbeen perfectly understanding, and so the evening of the party crept steadilycloser...
Bachelorette Party: Zero hour:
“I knew you would be able to make it!” Leah squealed, a hugegrin on her face as she waited for Leigh to finish locking up the store.
“Only because it’s you,” the florist said, dropping her keysinto her purse. “You’re so tiny and you have the alcohol tolerance of ahamster. Someone’s gotta be there to keep you from getting carried away anddoing something you regret.”
“Hamster?! How rude.” Leah grumbled, her cheeks puffingout. “I’m going there to celebrate marrying Cerb, not to have my lasthurrah as a single lady. I’m definitely going to be careful.”
“Toasting to your blissful union surrounded by half-naked men.The purest kind of celebration, I’m sure.”
Leah smacked her with her faux-leather clutch. “Let’s justgo, Ms. Snarkypants. The others will be there soon.”
Leigh knew that the White Rose clubhad weekly themes for its famous stripper shows. It just so happened that thetheme for tonight was...
“Welcome, My Ladies.” A broad-shouldered man clad as a butlerbowed as they approached the door. 
Leah’s earlier petulance was nowhere to be found as her backvisibly straightened. “We have a group reservation for ‘Leah’?”
The ‘butler’ nodded and grandly swung open the door forthem. “Then please, My Lady, allow me to escort you to your table.”
Leah couldn’t quite keep a gleeful grin off her face as heturned his back and led them inside. Leigh looked over, quirking an eyebrow inamusement as they took their seats. She was just about to make a dry commentwhen--
“My Ladies, it is an honor to serve you this evening,” a veryfamiliar voice said smoothly. “Please, call me should you requireanything. My name is--”
“Louis?” Leigh blurted out. 
His eye caught hers, and he seemed to recognize her for thefirst time. “Leigh? Sorry, I didn’t realize it was you!”
“Well, I am dressed differently.” She shrugged; earlier, she hadswapped her sturdy work apron for a club-appropriate dress, as per the occasion. 
“Yeah, uh...” Louis swallowed, smiling shyly. “You looknice... Oh! Uh, forgive me for getting distracted, My Ladies.” He quicklysnapped back into work-mode. “Might I bring you any drinks beforetonight’s entertainment begins?”
After taking their orders, he left, and Leah snickered. 
“’Distracted’,” she parroted smugly. 
“We just talk when he’s on break sometimes.” Leigh made a futileeffort to tug the hem of her short skirt down a little. Leah noticed andsmirked even wider, but to the florist’s relief the other party guests began toarrive, diverting Leah’s attention. Soon the party was in full swing, with alcohol,laughter, and unsubtle staring at the derrieres of the ‘butlers’ flowingfreely.
Not long after, the music in the club changed. The guests beganto cheer and hoot as the ‘butlers’ dropped all pretense of formality andstarted dancing suggestively on-stage or in pre-determined spots on the clubfloor.
Leigh’s eyes were drawn to Louis more often that she would everadmit. As he shed his tailored jacket, she felt the temperature in the venueabruptly shoot up. 
He caught her gaze and turned to face her, his usual angelicsmile transformed into something more intense as his fingers reached up tohis throat. He loosened his black tie, rocking his hips to the beat ofthe music.
Then, his eyes still locked with hers, he slowly licked his lower lip and tossed the tie over his shoulder onto the ground.
She grabbed for her glass of fruity... whatever it was she hadordered. It was alcoholic and that was all that mattered now. She was rapidlylosing the ability to focus on anything except the gradual exposing of Louis’defined adam’s apple and collarbone…
Her eyes flickered open and she stared at the ceiling forseveral long, confused moments. Then it dawned on her—both the headache and therealization that this was not her room.
She sat up slowly, wincing, just as she felt someone shift inthe bed beside her.
“Ugh…” Groaned a familiar-sounding voice. A head of disheveled,dark hair rose from the sheets, followed by a very toned, bare chest.
Leigh yelled in surprise and looked around wildly for somethingshe could use to bludgeon or throw.
“W-wait! Leigh, it’s me!”
“Louis?” She stared at him. “What the hell are you… are we…”
Then, the pieces finally fell into place in a blur of booze-lacedrecollection.
The drinking… Louis’ gyrating hips… more drinking… Louis’ ripplingabs… the party winding down, and Louis joining her in drinking… and then…
A glint to her left distracted her, and she raised her hand toeye-level. There was a ring on her second-to-last finger that she had neverseen before. She looked over and saw a similar ring on Louis’ own finger. 
“Oh. My. God.”
Louis buried his face in his hands.
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