#youre not alone annon lmao
demonicscreeching · 9 months
im actually grateful someone else isnt too much of a fan of the new reboot for fraggle rock i didnt grow up with the show but i watched the og first n then going into the reboot it just felt like were watching very flanderized versions of themselves 😭😭😭
i am giving the reboot a chance cuz maybe s2 its like theyll put more depth into the characters but i absolutely hate hate hate how the gorgs and doozers are written it just sucks fraggles are fine but its just like Damn ok
SORRY TO RAMBLE IN YOUR INBOX i just felt seen cuz everyone loves the reboot and i felt like a hater 😭😭😭😭😭
Omg annon you are so real!! Thank you for the ask I don't really have a ton of ppl to talk abt specifically fraggles <3
The doozers pissed me off so much. Like I tried watching it with my mom who watched it when it first came out as a kid and we both went ⁉️☹️☹️. They don't even sound right?? Them talking to the fraggles???
Everyone else is praising it but idk the colors also through me off yk. I guess it's to each their own yk. But also a lot of fraggle fans are either starved for content or don't have access to the og series becuase they're all over the place and ya gotta search for them instead of it just being on disney like the rest of the muppet properties.
I'll totally try out season 2, also but I'm going in not excited for much.
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asmrbrainrot · 3 months
Someone that writes for Leo from sirens son? Sign me up lmao. ❤️‍🩹 and 🤒 for him if you’re up for it, your head cannons are great, not straying far from the cannon character. 💕
Thank you annon, I do try my best~!
(I hope these head-cannons live up to your expectations lol.)
🤒- So Im not entirely sure if divines even can become ill, but here’s my best guess. So I don’t think Leo would be outright “whiny” per se; but, he really doesn’t like the sensations of being sick and isn’t shy when complaining about it. I also head-canon our boy getting overstimulated easily, which isn’t a problem most of the time because he’s in a quite environment that’s almost completely in his control most of the time; however, since he’s sick, even just doing stuff around the garden takes up spoons he just doesn’t have. In addition not being able to do his gardening throws off his routine which does not sit well with him. All in all, he’d probably just lay in bed complaining until the sickness passes.
(Also, he won’t outright ask for help but if you bring him food he’d probably appreciate it since his acoustic ass forgets to eat sometimes.)
❤️‍🩹- To be honest, if he’s that upset he’s probably overstimulated and doesn’t want to touch and/or interact with people. Give him space, let him be alone and self regulate. Eventually he’ll get to a point where you can ask him about it, but don’t pressure. Chances are once he’s calm enough to talk about it he’ll yap all about whatever or whoever pissed him off in the first place. If not, parallel play. Seriously, like, just being in the room with him (even if you’re still doing your own thing) is subconsciously showing him you’re not ignoring him.
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takami-takami · 3 months
Went through a lengthy amount of your rambles tag amoung others and that whole annon was just LIE AFTER LIE, it confuses me to my core how people are just...like that...and the bringing up of being a trafficing victim didn't even have like a core point, i feel like it was just brought up to be brought up. People like that need to leave you the fuck alone, why are they like that?
Right, like. They expected me not to remember exactly what they're referring to in their lie it's genuinely baffling. Insidious, like what the hell did they expect? I wouldn't call them tf out on it?
It's not like my page is a private page like all of y'all can search your brains and try and remember when the FUCK I said any of that if y'all want, like. Lmao.
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pumpkinbirth · 2 years
Lmao I'm becoming a frequent annon, love ya stuff!
Also I've been thinking about a hard car birth, whether they are alone or with their partner I just think pushing a baby out in a tight cramped space is hot af
I barely registered your words at first, too occupied with breathing my way through another contraction. They were almost on top of each other by now, and by now I'd pulled my dress up and above my belly, the feeling of fabric on the taut skin being too much for me right now.
"Wh-what was that?" I panted. You craned your neck to look at me in the backseat, your expression not exactly promising.
"The AM station says there's a pileup about a mile down from us, so we're um...not gonna be moving for some time," you finished with a grimace. My face, previously flushed with effort, now paled with fear.
As if to punctuate how dire the situation now was, another contraction rolled through me, accompanied by what I'd hoping would happen anywhere else but the car.
"Fuck, n-not yet...!" I moaned, my thighs now slick with birthing fluid, dripping messily off of the leather interior. My hands grasped the sides of my belly while you looked on helplessly, stammering words of encouragement while gradually inching the car forward.
Breathing heavily, I braced myself against the side door, one leg hitched up by my chest while the other spread wide. You watched in the rearview mirror, eyes widening.
"M-maybe we can still make it, you just have to--" you babbled, but I cut you off.
"I can't, it's right there...!!" Whimpering, I tucked my chin close to my chest and waited for the contraction to reach its peak. When I finally couldn't hold out any longer I gave in, moaning loudly as I pushed, hard.
Inch by inch, both traffic and our baby made their progress, although it was clear which was ahead of the other.
My moans had escalated to screams, my thighs shaking and sweating as I felt the baby fully crowning. The backseat was thoroughly drenched in fluid now, since more seemed to gush out of me with every push. Reaching down, I groaned deeply as my hands helped to guide more of the baby out, freeing one shoulder before pushing the other one free.
You looked over your shoulder again just in time to see one last torrent of fluid gush out of me, drenching my hands as I caught our baby, shakily bringing it to my chest. Your mouth gaped, closed, until finally you managed to speak.
"We're uh...a-almost to the exit."
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Hello there, I hope you're having an amazing day so far and I'm here for the matchmaking (specifically for Twisted Wonderland)
I'm nobinary transmasc (he/they) and I'm rather short (5'2 aka 1,58m tall). I'm blonde with a short wavy/curly hair and I'm kinda pale lmao. Eyebags because haha, lack of sleep. I speak Portuguese (Brazilian variant) and English
I'm shy around new people for the first five minutes but then I just start talking and boom, smol ball of energy. I have a short temper (can get angry easily, specially when someone is saying something about my identity, something I like or someone I love). I'm a bit protective over my friends and am extremely affectionate (I call everyone honey or my king/my liege and love physical affection). I can be kinda rude affectionately :']. Can become quiet rather quickly if my anxiety kicks in tho (also, I'm very anxious when it comes to rules, I'm scared of breaking them due to fear of punishment). Also, I tend to be the mediator when my friends are going to do something stupid that is CLEARLY going to physically harm them + I'm the shoulder to cry on, I like listening to people's problems and offering ways of comfort (if they so desire). I also share memes that reminded me of my friends :D. I like to sleep! Specially in a comfy bed and I'm always under a blanket, even if it's hot out (I'll just turn on the fan, I CAN'T sleep without a blanket).
I like reading, drawing, playing the guitar, singing, anime/manga and videogames (with a special place in my heart for RPGs, tower defences and rythm games). I used to play handball and volleybal but now I'm doing nothing because of some injuries (left hand haha). I also dance (not well tho)! Also, I love plushies and action figures, they're cool and I love collecting them! I also tend to collect things from my favorite fandoms lol.
I don't like being alone for that long and I have talassophobia and it kicks in even in videogames for some reason. Am not the biggest fan of horror games/movies, but will gladly watch someone play just to laught at their face. Also don't like when people make fun of my interest or my friends (I'll destroy everything they love, watch me)
Bônus: I drink a lot haha. I specially like a drink called caipirinha and rose wine (my beloveds). Even if I said that I drink a lot, I drink responsibly, I swear. Am also very chaotic when drunk like, chaos incarnate (and I make twice as much sex jokes when ij that state)
That's all that came to mind! Thank u for your attention, and again, I hope you have a very nice day!
Why thank you! I hope you too have a nice day<3
I match you with..
...Jack howl!
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Admires your need of protection for the ones you care about, respects you quite a lot;
His tail starts wagging whenever you call him a nickname, his face flushes as he tried his best to hold his tail still;
Your talking to him when randomly you stop "ace deuce and grim are in trouble" and you run, jack confused but soon following you after, once you got there you were right, they were about to prank azul to get back at him but luckily you caught them in time and dragged them back, jack is just flabbergasted;
The way you always lend a shoulder to cry and and always try to hear out someone, comfort them makes jack fall for you even more;
When you get chaotic he's there to supervise you so that you don't get harmed;
Whenever your drank jack sits there and listens to you waiting for the right time to take you back to ramshackle, although in your drunk state you mention how much you love him and his eyes widen, tail starts wagging and his stuttering, soon takes you back to your dorm pats your hair and when he was about to leave your grip on his hand tightened, he leaned down and kissed your forehead (there's gonna be lots of forehead kisses in the relationship)
You 2 are a cute couple,you always tease him and he ends up being flustered way too often, you just love seeing his tail wag
Thank you for the request dear annon, may you have a wonderful week<3
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This is why I don't trust imagines blogs. Grow up lmao calling people "antis" unironically for not liking a shitty character
Well I wouldn’t have called you an anti had you not given me shit for liking A FICTIONAL CHARACTER. I didn’t give you shit for anything. I just said to let me run my blog and to ignore it if you don’t like it. You don’t like the character? Awesome. I respect your opinion. Am I gonna give you shit for not liking a ‘shitty character’? No, because I’m a fucking adult and respect your opinion.
Next time you wanna give me shit for something as trivial as answering your “not to be rude” bullshit or liking a fictional character, have the balls to do it off annon.
If anyone has this much of a problem, go ahead and unfollow me. Block me if you so wish. I don’t care. I’m here to write and enjoy Gorillaz. The ANIMATED CHARACTERS created by Damon Albarn and Jaime Hewlett. If you don’t like a way their characters are acting, take it up with them. Leave the fans that like them as they fucking are alone.
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floralcrownjack · 8 years
I dont know if you're still accepting nonny secrets, but here we go: I feel so left out in my friend group because its a bunch of best friends.. and me. I have nobody to tell everything to or to lean on whenever I need. When I thought I could be in a 3 BFF circle, I realised they still hid things from me and didn't consider me one of them. I'm so lonely. (Lmao, I'm sorry you don't deserve this, but thank you anyways, adore the blog
There is always time for annon secrets! Thank you for shareing with us! 
Oh It’s so sad to hear you feel being left alone. It’s not easy being this third person in the group. And it’s not something you can use to. I had so many familiar situations in my life. 
Try to talk with your friends about how you feel being push away. But from I can undarstand, they are doing this on purpose. SO RUDE! 
Maybe it’s not group for you? Maybe try to find someone new to hanging out with :) From the start it will be hard and you will be missing your friends, but sometimes it’s better to just live the group.
It’s not easy, I know. Believe me. 
You can always talk to me if you want I am always open for knowing new people. 
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