#youtube radio
wayneradiotv · 9 months
You left this world, didn't you? And still... it spins on.
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nhura · 15 days
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(See readmore for thoughts, cope, bonus, etc.)
Anyone else up thinking about Ratio's big, strong, secure arms and how warm and all-consuming they could be in a hug or embrace. :/ Anyway
I just wanted to draw them being cute and seizing a sliver of a moment where they could have some PDA silly time without actually having any eyes on them. They're public figures and working adults with very clear boundaries between public persona and private life (to varying degrees of "in a sad way"), so while it may be in Aventurine's nature to constantly blur lines for various agendas and self-preservation (read: play "the flirt" without an aligned goal), I believe that in an actual relationship they'd be fairly private.
It's kind of fun to break your own rules, though! Ratio would be more upset about the consequences, though. He's a little bit of a hypocrite, which is devastating for someone of such discipline, but nobody's perfect.
I'm of the mentality of, "If you're tired of working on it, then just post it!", so here are some fun peripherals that I didn't feel like adding:
Some staff in the background sweeping up to evoke a blended sense of fragile privacy and liminal time.
A laptop on the aquarium/bar/counter because there's something fascinating about seeing people on their work laptops in public.
The rest of their clothes (casual friday)
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misstangshan95 · 28 days
🎶🎵UNDERSTAND, The Concept of Love! 🎶❤️✨
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"Free Love"
💙🩷🔥 Sonic & Amy's Love taking the plunge through its twists and turns. Wanted to draw art expressing the kind of love they share.Their soul mates,kindred spirits.
Gave this artwork a Dreamcast retro feel.🌀 Sonic & Amy in Beat's and Gum's outfits from Jet Set Radio.
🎶Song inspiration, one of my favs-"The Concept of Love" by Hideki Nagunuma from Jet Set Radio🤟
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alastor-simp · 8 months
Special Guest🎙🎵 - Alastor x Singer Reader
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Whoosh!~ A cool breeze was blowing, giving you goosebumps. Your body was sitting on the railing of your bedroom porch. Just one more inch and you would tumble down. You were gazing at the sky, admiring the crimson red and the black stared orb. Peaceful moments like this were relaxing to you, despite the mast amount of pollution in the air. Heaving a sigh, you continued to gaze at the stars, humming out a song. That humming eventually turned into lyric, and you sang them outloud to yourself:
🎵If you weren't born with it You can buy a couple ornaments Just be sure to read the warning, kids 'Cause pretty soon you'll be bored of it Sexual, hey girl if you wanna feel sexual You can always call up a professional They stick pins in you like a vegetable
Kids forever, kids forever Baby soft skin turns into leather Don't be dramatic it's only some plastic No one will love you if you're unattractive
Oh Mrs. Potato Head tell me Is it true that pain is beauty? Does a new face come with a warranty? Will a pretty face make it better? Oh Mr. Potato Head tell me How did you afford her surgery? Do you swear you'll stay forever Even if her face don't stay together Even if her face don't stay together...🎵
(Song/Lyrics Credit - "Mrs Potato Head" - Melanie Martinez)
As you continued to belt out the lyrics, an ominous shadow appeared behind you, watching you. Soon your song drew to an end. A sound of clapping hands appeared from behind you, making you yelp it fright. Turning your head back, you realized it was Alastor. He was smiling widely like a kid in a candy store. "Bravo, my dear!! What an amazing voice you have!" His feet carried him over to you, standing very close to the railing where you sat. Blushing, you casted your head down: "I'm not that good Al." Hands were placed on your face, pulling it back towards Al. "Don't be harsh on yourself, my dear! That was the best performance I have ever listened to! Why have you been hiding this secret from me?" Alastors hands continued to pinch your cheeks, his crimson eyes gazing at you with excitement. Pushing him back a bit, to leave your cheeks alone, you turned back towards the view. "I always had a fondness for music growing up. It was quite a shock to me when I realized that I could sing. I honestly suspected to sound like nails on a chalkboard when I first tried it out." Chuckling to yourself, you looked back at Al, who was laughing along with you at your explanation. "I imagined later on in my life I would make a career out of it, but I just never got around to doing it."
Alastor continued to gaze at your melancholic expression. He admired how passionate you were about singing. He himself adore music and he could sing as well. It pained him a bit that you never got to pursue your dreams. Leaning his body down, crossing his arms on the railing, he gazed at you, eyes flashing crimson. "Well I must say my dear, I'm already an instant fan! I wouldn't mind you showing off your talent during one of my broadcasts!" Almost falling off the railing in shock, you caught yourself. HE WANTED YOU TO SING DURING HIS RADIO BROADCASTS!!! "Y-you joking right?" Waiting for him to admit that he was joking. He laughed outloud. "Yes Indeedy! The wayward souls in hell would enjoy it very much, including myself!" His words were sincere, no distrust was spewing from his mouth. Twirling your hair with your finger, you looked down. "O-okay, if its alright with you." Alastor jumped back into his normal height, and wrapped his arm around your back, giving you a brief hug. "Excellent my dear! My broadcast starts at 11:00 AM, on the dot! Try to give some thought on what song you wish to perform. See you tomorrow, darling!" He was practically beaming, when he was talking to you. He soon disappeared, melding into a shadow.
It took you a bit to figure out what just happened. Alastor really wanted you to sing at his radio tower. You knew how much he valued his radio broadcasts, so you knew you needed to prepare yourself. Last thing you wanted was ruining the broadcast and upsetting Al. After that interaction with Al, you searched for what song you wanted to sing. Memorizing the lyrics and singing some parts out, making sure your vocal cords could handle it. You went to bed that night, nervous and excited for tomorrow.
**Tomorrow Morning, at 10:50 AM**
Sitting on a chair, you gazed around, taking in every little detail. Both you and Al were inside his radio tower, attached to the hotel. It was a cozy little studio. There was a giant window, looking down at the city. There was a desk and chair adorned with dear horns. A large stag head was mounted on the wall. On top of the large desk, was a set of microphones and buttons. Alastor was pressing a bunch of buttons, making sure everything was set for today's show. It still felt like a dream that you were in this situation right now. Maybe Alastor is a bit of a softie behind that evil radio demon status he holds. Settling down in his chair, he set his microphone cane in front of him, and adjusting yours at the same time. "Its showtime!" he says, smiling like the joker.
"Salutations! Ladies and Gentleman. What a good day to be on the air!" he started his introduction, causing you to smile. "Today's broadcast is a very special one indeed! Today I have a very talented sinner performing for all you people listening in! Allow me to introduce, Y/N!" His hand extended to you, like he was in a play. An applause soundtrack played as well. "U-um Hello everyone!" you stuttered in your speech, mentally cursing yourself for doing so. "HAHAHA! They are a little shy, but don't be fooled. They have a voice so incredible it will knock your socks off! Ready, my dear?" His eyes glanced over to you, making sure you were ok to start. Nodding yes, you took a deep breath, attempting to calm your nerves. Then you started to sing.
(Credit to Annapantsu. Check out her covers. Shes amazing!!!)
🎵Birds flying high You know how I feel Sun in the sky You know how I feel Breeze driftin' on by You know how I feel
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good I'm feeling good
Fish in the sea You know how I feel River running free You know how I feel Blossom on a tree You know how I feel
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good
Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don't you know Butterflies all havin' fun, you know what I mean Sleep in peace when day is done, that's what I mean And this old world is a new world And a bold world For me For me
Stars when you shine You know how I feel Scent of the pine You know how I feel Oh, freedom is mine And I know how I feel
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life It's a new life For me
And I'm feeling good I'm feeling good I feel so good I feel so good🎵
During your whole performance, Alastor was staring at you in shock. Your voice was heavenly!!! Not only did you sound spectacular, but you were singing his favorite genre of music, JAZZ!! Oh how delightful!!! Catching him staring at you, you gave a small wink. Radio screech! His heart starting beating out of his chest at your little action. Getting back into singing, you failed to notice the slight pink in his cheeks after you did that. Soon your performance came to end. "I hope you all enjoyed it." You said into the mic. Looking back at Alastor, you noticed he look slightly off. He was staring at you like a deer in headlights literally. Waving your hand in his face managed to alert him. "Heavens! What an amazing performance that was! Encore! Encore!" His radio staff began to play another applause, causing you to blush. "We will be right back! In the meantime, please enjoy this incredible song, Lets Misbehave by Irving Aaronson!" Alastor pressed a button, letting the song play, and also pressed another to mute his and your mic.
He didn't say a word after he did that. Oh no, did you mess up? He didn't appear upset when you were singing. Your thoughts were interrupted when a set of strong hands grabbed you. It took you a moment to realize that Alastor had brought you into a hug, a tight one at that. "Astonishing performance my dear! You did such an amazing job!!" His arms continued to squeeze you, rocking you back in forth in excitement. Giggling at his actions you returned his hug. The hug lasted longer then you suspected, especially knowing Alastors physical contact condition. "Um Al? You can let go now." Jumping at that, Alastor released you. "Y-yes my dear! Apologies! I had gotten overexcited!" You told him it was fine. Straightening his suit and fixing his hair, he looked back at you again. "Given that adorable smile on your face, I take it you are very satisfied as well!"
Smiling you nodded: "I admit I was very nervous in the beginning, but those feelings went away the minute I started singing. Thank you Alastor!" His eyes were tender, looking back at you. One of his hands grabbed yours, giving it a squeeze. "I'm glad my dear! Would you be opposed to becoming a part of my business? I would very much like to have you as partner during my shows! I can also put in a good word for Mimzy to have you perform at her club! What do you think?" His enthusiasm was exploding like fireworks, it was honestly adorable how giddy he was. Not even wasting a second to think, you squeezed his hand back. "Seems like we got a deal, Alastor!"
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen , @aceofcards0-0 , @jyoongim , @saturnhas82moons , @unholycheesesnack, @luujjvi, @forbidden-sunlight , @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping , @danveration , @demoarah , @cookiekyo , @iiotic , @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie
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friday-answers · 5 months
they are gonna hate me for this but...
OSEMANVERSE MOOTS ‼️‼️ may i have your attention!!!!????
my lovely friend is a film student who created their final project inspired by radio silence, creating a film version of a universe city excerpt (well, multiple excerpts cut up into one) with some of their own words.
i think it is AMAZING with this awesome fucking TWIST at the end which is just so so cool
if you would be kind enough to check it out, it's here! on youtube ^_^
thank you :,] hope you enjoy it as much as i do
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just-apple-strudel · 4 months
I have uploaded the full vod of the legendary Among Us stream feat. Biggie from 2021 that was previously lost to time! Somehow I've had it saved all these years and didn't notice.
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justasuta · 7 months
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I've rewatched this animatic so many times. I love the girl in this skit and it just makes me imagine a like — 8 year old Alastor who's less sadistic manipulator and just a weird, dorky little MENACE of a child.
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dear-ao3 · 2 months
(/lh /pos)
man if you think this is a sit com you should come hang out in my apartment for a few hours on a weeknight
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selineram3421 · 2 months
*has an idea and runs to get phone*
Headcanons for TD Alastor
(Theater Dramatic) Alastor X/& Reader
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Are you in love with this? Because I am in love with this.
Like, look at him being dramatic and sassy. *chef's kiss* It's amped up to the max from his usual and omg yes.
If he were to say a Thomas Sanders line, it would be..
"And I'm the sassy aunt... *whisper* Who talks shit about everyone."
I mean that could be any Alastor headcanon, because he would say that line.
You are not really the drama kid (kind of), you are more the stage crew kid.
Don't get it wrong! You love the glamour! The stories! The dances! And the lights! But..not when they are on you.
Sure, you have talent. You can sing, dance, act! There's just one problem..
Stage fright. It's fucking stage fright.
You've tried once when you were younger in life but then when you stood on stage and stared at the crowd..well.. Kinda blanked and ran off stage.
Alastor is trying to help you get out of your shell, practicing his dances and pulling you into song when he can.
"I'm not sure I can do this..", you mumble, having second thoughts.
"Nonsense!", the Radio Demon pulls you close to his side, making sure you don't try to run off. "The world is a stage and a stage is a world of entertainment!"
"I feel like this won't turn out well..", you gulped nervously.
"Hm..", he tapped his chin in thought. "How about getting into character?"
"Getting into character?", you looked at him with slight confusion.
"Let's say you're a dancer!", he moved to hold your hand and pulled you to follow. "And you're learning a new routine! You can't give up, this is what you've worked hard for!"
Surprisingly, it helps.
You build up a character every time you go on stage.
Alastor owns your soul but you two are more like friends.
He's a little more honest with you but does hide things when he feels like it is a threat to you.
You help him practice his dances and even get to choreograph a few.
When you get to see him do his performance, you get so happy.
You saw his drunk dancing and were in awe.
He did that. He really did a whole number while drunk and managed to tell demons off while at it too.
"What do you mean when you say the words slay, serve, and ate?"
"It's a compliment. Trust me."
You and Rosie try to teach him some of the modern slang.
Some of it sticks but a lot of it doesn't...
At least he got "tea" right.
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I might add more.. No. I will definitely add more later.
~Seline, the person.
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @luxky-aish @ceafighter @xalygatorx @xangel-8 @big-brother-problems @mistpurpl3 @chewbrry @willowbrookhoot @briethekitsune @alastorthirsty @sir-aadiboii @fuzzyturtlepaws @+?
ML Alastor II🎙️ | TD🥃
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Monday morning got you feeling blue?
Soak in the seariously soothing sights and smooth sounds of our newest Krill Waves Radio: Open Sea edition—now in 4K!
In this special collabor-ocean with Chillhop Music artist Sleepy Fish, we’ve got two hours of ambient lofi hip hop beats featuring your favorite Open Sea fronds. Take ten with the tuna, relax with the rays, and settle down with the sardines—the perfect addition to a second screen or TV while you work/study/unwind.
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dronescapesvideos · 5 months
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Sgt. Arthur L. Smith, Radio Gunner of B-17 "Our Gang", Takes A Look At At The Machine Gun Before A Mission. England, 1943. ➤➤ B-17 VIDEO: https://youtu.be/F03u5GrIuk4
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wayneradiotv · 1 year
at long last, the end has come.
ha he!
the FINALE of the Half-Life: Alyx Gnome Saga is OUT NOW!!!
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inuxi · 4 months
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The guys commissioned me to draw a thumbnail for a Russian cover of "Hell's Greatest Dad"
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selenezq · 4 months
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At the encouragement of my lovely friends, my first smutty fic is here. It's a song fic and I hope you like it. Edited and Beta Read by @hurthermore and @the-demon-of-a-thousand-eyes
Alastor x Reader
Reader is AFAB
CW tentacle fucking, dom Alastor
"I don't wanna be loved, I just wanna get fucked. I don't wanna get hurt, I just wanna get some"
Your sweet melodic voice echos in the opulent bathroom as you sing.
"So use your hands to touch my body, use your words to say you want me."
You continue singing along as you brush your long voluminous hair; your painted fingernails absentmindedly drumming on the marble sink counter. You were sensually swaying your hips along to the beat. Your lithe body moves with the ease and grace of someone who thought no one was watching.
"I don't wanna be loved, I just wanna be filling a hole in my bed" you continue singing, trying your best to be quiet. You certainly didn't want the other occupants of the hotel to hear you.
"I don't wanna get drunk just to go home alone when the night ends," your usually clear voice becoming a little emotional at the words you are singing. Your hips still swaying enchantingly to the beat. Despite your best efforts to keep the others from hearing you sing, you had caught the attention of someone in the hotel.
You didn't notice him watching you from the shadows, his gaze following your every move. The way your hands slid down your beautiful body as you shimmied around to the music made him feel things he never thought he would. Which in turn made him angry. He couldn't understand why he found himself so drawn to you. His eyes flared red with anger despite the usual smile that remained on his face.
"You've got a body and you're like me, on my knees I'm Aphrodite," he watched you sing from the shadows absolutely entranced by your voice.
"Call me dirty, say it nicely just don't ever call me wifey," you sang with a lovely shake of your plump ass. The flimsy piece of cloth you called a nightgown rode up, exposing the luminous skin of your upper thigh to him. He briefly considered palming himself from the shadows.
Disgusted and enraged at the thoughts you had inspired in him he chose this moment to detach from the shadows, becoming corporeal. You suddenly let out a delectable squeak of fear as you noticed Alastor suddenly join you from your view in the large mirror that ran the length of the wall.
Before you could even fully turn around he had materialized the chain that bound your soul to him. The green glow lit up the bathroom eerily. With a tug of the chain Alastor had you stumbling to your knees. Your soft skin hit the cold tile harshly and you felt a moment of pain.
"You startled me," you murmer softly; your wide eyes looking up at him through thick lashes. From this position he had an unobstructed view of your ample cleavage.
"This is how you waste your time?" Alastor spits derisively. His anger feels palpable, dangerous even. Unsure of what you've done to anger the radio demon your lip quivers a little.
"I didn't mean to disturb you or anyone," you quickly say; The apology falling from your lips sincerely.
"I think you wanted me to hear you sing this filth pet," he says his voice sounding dark and staticky. He can't help the longing he feels for you seeing you here on your knees in supplication for him.
He starts to wind the long chain that is attached to the glowing collar on your neck. The clinking of the chains that bound you to to him reverberates in the bathroom. You are dragged slowly, inch by inch, until you are right at his feet. He threads his sharp claws in your hair and jerks your head up to look at him. You feel fear course through you, laced with arousal. You clench your thighs together in an attempt to hide it.
"You have no idea what you do to me do you," he utters, his voice harsh. He bends sharply at the waist bringing his face quickly down to yours. You feel his breath hot on your face. Gazing up into his glowing red eyes, you see the madness that lays there. You should feel more afraid but instead you can feel your panties getting wetter by the second.
"No I dont?" You whisper unsure of what Alastor will say. You had noticed the way he had been behaving strangely to you lately. Leaving the room anytime you walked in. You weren't sure just what you had done to upset the powerful overload but you knew being on the receiving end of his wrath was not a place you wanted to stay.
"You," Alastor hissed angrily tightening his grip on your hair; hair he noticed felt silky smooth against his hand. "Have been driving me absolutely wild. Making me feel out of control and have thoughts I've never had before," he finished his voiced laced with vitriol.
Pain mixed with pleasure for you. You tried your best to clench your thighs together in an attempt to ignore the growing arousal making your pussy slick. You head was held at a harsh angle as you gazed up at Alastor. "I'm sorry,"these words fell from your lips in an attempt to placate his anger.
"The things I want to do to you Pet," Alastor uttered removing his hand from your hair in an attempt to gain control over himself. You continue looking up, unwilling to break the eye contact.
"Then do them," you dare him bravely.
As soon as the words leave your mouth it's like the dam to his self control was broken. He roughly yanks you up off the floor. You're barely on your feet before he's using his shadows to pull you into the ground. Inky black tendrils wrap around you as your world falls out from under you.
Before you can even register the pitch black void you've been sucked into you find yourself standing in a room you've never seen before. Bones line the walls, and you notice an entire pocket dimension bayou. This must be Alastors room. As quickly as you arrived you find yourself being pushed roughly down onto a bed.
You fall on your back with a thud. Before you can even register how soft the sheets underneath you are a cold tentacle pulls you down so your legs dangle off the edge of the mattress. Alastor looms over you, his grin wide and sinister as he gazes down at you.
"Be careful what you wish for; Not many desire to see what I'm capable of, darling." Alastor said his voice laced with promise. With his words multiple tendrils of shadow burst up perilously from the ground, coiling around your arms and legs until you can't move at all. His smile widens into something more predatory and all together sinister.
Stalking around the bed until he's standing close enough to trail his claw down your cheek, his sharp tips just barely pressed into your soft skin. Turning your face so your gaze met his, he lets out a triumphant hiss of static. "Don't say I didn't warn you." Alastor growls menacingly.
He takes a moment to admire your form, bound, helpless, and vulnerable before him. He licks his lips in anticipation. With but a shift of his will, he has another tentacle sliding across your leg, and up your skirt. The cold feeling of his shadow appendage on your warm, flushed skin shocks you into arching your back as best you can. With a harsh tug, the tentacle pulls the flimsy piece of fabric, covering you to the side. Your already slick cunt being exposed to the cool air causes a breathy gasp to pull itself from your throat.
"What a delight it is to see you so utterly helpless and at my mercy." Alastor asserts. His tentacle finding your clit and rubbing soft, teasing, circles. "I've thought about this more often than I should." he confesses. His gaze takes over your form as you look entirely debauched tied up with his tentacle massaging your most sensitive part. You try your best to hold back the breathy moan vying to escape.
Abruptly and quickly he's leaning down close enough that you can feel his breath fanning out over your face. "Don't you dare hold back the sounds of the pleasure only I can give you, pet" he hisses angrily.
"Yes sir, I won't." you whimper softly.
"Good girl." he says giving your head a condescending pat.
Without warning a second tentacle plunges into your warm, wet, pussy. You cry out in ecstasy, head falling back against the pillow.
"You're so beautiful for me like this," Alastor says, fervently reaching out a claw to stoke your cheek. A gentle contrast to the tentacles intense pulsating movements. They squelch loudly in and out of your drenched cunt with renewed vigor as your cries of pleasure get louder. Each new thrust has you clamouring Alastors praises. The appendage at your clit circling at a brisk pace.
"Ah ah Alastor!" you exclaim, pitch rising with each continued movement in your cunt.
"You'll have to try harder than that with your words if you want something princess." He remarks, gazing down at you with manic glee. The outline of his massive cock was hard, almost strained against the fabric of his pants.
"P-p-please Alastor, I need to cum, I want to cum." you beg shamelessly as you start to feel your sweet release creeping up.
"Since you've asked so prettily and politely I don't see why not. You may cum now, pet." He commands authoritatively.
With his words something in you finally snaps, euphoria crashing over you in waves. The tentacles wrapped around your body hold you down as your orgasm wracks through your body with intense pleasure. The ones inside of you still not ceasing, fucking in and out of you through your entire climax. The sounds of your wanton chanting of his name as you finish, echoing around his room.
Only after your body has gone limp does he release you and recall his shadowy magic back. He steps close and smooths some hair back from your debauched, glowing face. "You were such a good girl, taking it so well." he coos at you with admiration. "You may rest here until you recover." He says matter of factly. Stepping away from you he straightens his tie, and smooths any non existent wrinkles from his suit. You mentally note how unfair it is that you look so thoroughly ravished while he remains composed.
"Now if you'll excuse me dear, I've got some business to attend to." he says walking to the door. Taking one long, last look at your panting form. The look of bliss on your face as your chest moves up and down while you pant for breath. And without so much as a goodbye, he opens the door and exits the room leaving you dazed, and spent.
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The song this fic was based on.
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alastor-simp · 7 months
Bon Appétit! - Alastor x Fem Chef Reader
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❥Summary- You were a very popular chef when you were alive, talented in making any dish in any cuisine. You sadly died from unknown causes and ended up in Hell instead of Heaven. You happen to find the Hazbin Hotel and applied for a job there as a cook. Everyone loved your cooking, including a certain red haired demon.
❥Tags: female reader, fluff, chef reader, friends to potential lovers, alastor is bad with feelings, slight romance, hazbin hotel gang, reader is an amazing cook, alastor is a foodie
❥Notes: I had this story idea brewing in my head for a whole week and I needed to type it out. Hope you guys enjoy it :)
"Hum hum hum hum~♫" Your head was bopping to the catchy jazz radiating from the radio. Your hands were placed against a metal bowl, one holding it and the other mixing it. Your name was Y/N, and you were the chef/cook at the Hazbin Hotel. During the time when you were alive, your dishes were very popular. You weren't extremely well known across the world, but everyone in your town knew about you and craved what you created. Your family owned a small restaurant, that was opened to all the locals. It was a bit difficult in the beginning since you were self taught, but as you got older, your skills improved. Over time, you expanded to other cuisines, ranging from American, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and European.
How you ended up in Hell was still mind-boggling. You remember closing up the restaurant, and heading back to your apartment, only to see a large bright light and then pure darkness. You woke up after that in a very strange area, the sky was a pure blood red and the people around you seemed almost fictional. A large sign that said "Welcome to Hell" was a clear enough answer to where you were. Well there was no way for you to go back to the living world, so you had to just deal with it. Finding a job wasn't very easy especially since many of the places you saw, had very grotesque dishes, and you weren't skill with cooking eyeballs and beating hearts. You stopped at a wall covered with different flyers, some for killing services and job offers. The one that caught your eye was the very colorful one, decorated with stickers and glitter. "Hazbin Hotel huh?" That seemed like a good place to start, especially since hotels had guests and needed someone to provide meals. Smiling, you grabbed the flyer and began making your way to your destination.
Having arrived at the hotel, you were greeted by the owner, "Charlie Morningstar." She was ecstatic that you wanted to come and help at the hotel, giving you a crushing bear hug. She did ask about your skills and was very surprised when you said you were skilled in cooking. Dragging you inside, she allowed you to introduce yourself to the others. They were quite an odd bunch when you first saw them, but they seemed friendly. The demon holding Charlies hand was Vaggie. She seemed like a tough cookie, given how intense she was looking at you. Two other demons were sitting at the bar, chatting away. One appeared to be a spider like demon and the other was like a cat. The spider, who Charlie said was Angel Dust, gave you a flirtatious wink along with a hand shake, while the cat demon, Husk, just gave you a small wave. A small clattering of feet came from behind you, causing you to turn. You saw no one there, but then you felt something on top of your shoulder. Turning, you were face to face with a mini female demon with a large eye. She was gazing at you, wearing a huge smile, before she jumped off and ran back to where she came from. Charlie told you that was Niffty as she then introduced you to another patron of the hotel. He was a large black snack with pink eyes, wearing a grey suit and top hat. His face seemed nervous, but he had a kind expression. He gave a slight bow, while shaking your hand, telling you his name was "Sir Pentious"
Charlie kept looking around, wearing a confused expression. "Hey Vaggie, have you seen Alastor?" Vaggie responded with her head shaking no. A large black circle soon appeared next to Charlie, then began to form into a person. The darkness soon faded away from the person to reveal themselves. The demon was dressed in a striped red suit, that went well with his monocle and bow tie. His bob hair cut was a crimson red, and were those antlers on his head. His fangs seemed very sharp, given how well you could see them through his wide tooth smile. "Here I am, Charlie my dear!" His voice was etched with static, reminding you of the old radio you had at your restaurant. "AH! Alastor! Just in time! I wanted to introduce you to Y/N. She is looking to work as a cook here." She push you closer to him, making you stand a few feet from each other. "Hello, nice to meet you." Giving a kind smile, you extended your hand out for a shake. The smile on his face widen, as he bent down, grabbing your hand and placing a kiss on it. "Charmed!" His gesture gave you small tingles throughout your body. He then removed your hand and stood back to his full height. "So you are talented in the kitchen I presume?" Smiling more, you nodded your head. "Yes! I am self taught and I started working in my family restaurant at a young age."
Charlie then butted into the conversation, eyes sparkling. "Wow that's so amazing. What kind of food did you serve?" You twirled your hair with your finger. "Well it was the classic family restaurant, so club sandwiches, mac and cheese, homemade pies, the whole lot. But, I wanted to expand my skills, so I explored other cuisines to try and master." Angel Dust had gotten closer and wrapped one of his arms around your shoulder, looking excited. "You any good with making Italian dishes toots?" Hehe it was cute how excited he was. You went over the list of all the cuisines you knew how to make, causing everyone's eyes to widen and mouths to drop, except Alastors, as he was still wearing a smile, but his eyes did expand a bit after listening to you. In a flash, you were pushed into the kitchen by everyone, faces adorned with wide smiles, waiting to see what you would make.
That felt like so long ago, as after amazing everyone's taste buds with your cooking, you were hired immediately on the spot. Realizing you were getting distracted from your thoughts of the past, you went back to cooking. Today you were making blueberry muffin cookies for everyone to enjoy.
(Love making these⬆️)
The batter was all set, and what you needed next was the blueberries. Heading to the fridge, you opened the wide door, looking for the small container. "Ahh found you." Finding the small container, you grabbed it, moving back to allow the fridge door to close. "Salutations, my dear!" a static voice spoke next to you, causing you to scream, as the container from your hand dropped to the ground, causing all the blueberries to spill out. "Al! Don't do that!" your response earned a laugh from Alastor. "HAHA! Apologies, my dear! Didn't mean to give you such a fright." He batted his eyes at you, trying to appear innocent, but you knew he was joking. "Yeah sure you didn't. Great now I'm out of blueberries since someone made me dropped them." Your legs bent down to the ground, grabbing the blueberries. Standing back up, you marched over to the trash bin and threw them away. A loud *SNAP* came from behind you, causing you to turn around. On the counter was a mini basket, containing fresh blueberries. "Oh thank you." Looking back at Alastor, you gave a thankful smile. "Your welcome, my dear! May I ask what type of concoction you are preparing?" He bent down, leaning against the counter, with his hands under his chin. Grabbing a few handfuls of blueberries, you went to the sink to give them a quick rinse, before coming back after patting them dry with a napkin. "Oh I'm making muffin cookies. Was craving something sweet so I decided to make a bunch for everyone. I'll save you a couple." You smiled up at Alastor, as you tossed the blueberries in the batter, and began to fold them in. Alastor grimaced slightly at that, and just wave his hand at you. "No need, my dear! I don't particularly care for sweets!" You nearly dropped your spatula at that. He didn't like sweets things?! You had made other baked goods and desserts in the past since you been here and you had assumed everyone had gave them a try and loved them, so it was a bit of a surprise when Alastor told you that he didn't like sweets. "How come?" Tilting your head at him, you waited for his response. Alastor raised his head, giving it some thought, before he looked back at you "Just don't like overly sweet things. I have a very limited palate, so I prefer to stick with that." His smile widen at you, sharpening at bit as he seemed to be thinking of something gruesome.
You continued to prepare the cookies, scooping them and placing them on a baking tray. A sudden thought came in your head, and you turned back to Al. "What sort of foods did you used to enjoy when you were alive?" Alastor raised an eyebrow at that. "My, a curious one aren't you? Well I grew up in the roaring 1920s in New Orleans, Louisiana. Oh, how I miss the sights and the bayous. I preferred venison and other meats, but I did indulge on other culinary dishes from time to time. Gumbo, Jambalaya, Po boys, oh my!" Alastor seemed almost in a trance, as he kept talking about his past. It was nice to see him so happy and excited, when discussing the time he was alive. "It sounds like you really enjoyed it." Alastor looked back at you, eyes holding a certain tender look. "Yes indeedy!" Your eyes remained locked on each other, until Alastors eyes glanced to the clock on the wall.
"Oh! Seems its time for my broadcast! Ta-ta, my dear!" Alastor gave his microphone stand a twirl, before disappearing into the shadows.Once he left, you couldn't stop thinking about what he told you, about his past life. The joyful look on his face kept replaying in your mind, when he was discussing the delicacies he enjoyed. "I want to see more of that expression" you thought. You continued to brainstorm, as you waited patiently for the cookies to be finished.
**Evening- Alastors POV**
"Ah! What a pleasant stroll that was!" Alastor had arrived back to the hotel, after just finishing his evening walk. He arrived back quite late, since the other denizens were not parading through the hotel lobby and lounge. Placing his hands behind his back, he headed in the direction that would lead him to his quarters. A pleasant smell was wafting through the air, stopping Al in his tracks. "My what a enticing aroma!" Alastor leaned his head back, taking in the amazing smell. His feet began making his way, searching for where the aroma was coming from. He had arrived in front of the kitchen doors, which were slightly opened and the lights still turned on. Peeking his head through the crack, he was surprised to see you in the kitchen still. Your air was tied up in a bun, while you were adorning kitchen apron. One of your hands was busy, stirring inside a large pot, while the other was adding in some seasonings. Alastor gave a small knock at the door, letting his presence be known. "Still cooking, my dear? It is way past your bedtime!" Turning your head, you flashed a large smile at Al. "Oh! You're here! Come sit, its almost ready!" Your crooked your finger at Al, telling him to come closer and take a seat near the kitchen table. Alastor cocked his head at you, still confused on what was going on. He soon took a seat, placing his hands on his lap. "Wanted to surprise you." He heard you say, as he watched you grab a bowl, pouring the concoction from the pot to the bowl. You saw you walk closer to him, placing the bowl down in front of him. Alastor's eyes widen at the site, before turning to look at you. "My dear, what is this by chance?" Smiling, you took a seat on the other side of the table. "Its seafood gumbo!
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(Bowl in front of Alastor)
Alastor continued to gaze at you in shock, then back to the bowl , then back to you. "Did you stay up just to make this for me?" He saw your face flushed as you rubbed your neck. "I did yes! You appeared very happy when you told me what you liked to eat when you were alive, so I thought I would surprise you by making a Creole dish." Alastor continued to stare at you, his eyes going soft from how sweet the gesture was. The smell of the prawns and cajun spice was making his mouth water. "This is my first time making this, so I hope you like it." Alastor nearly jumped when he heard that. "My dear, you never cooked Cajun food before?" You shook your head no at him. "I always knew about Cajun cuisine, just never got to it. Now come on, hurry before it gets cold!" You gestured for him to start eating as you placed your hands under your chin, copying him. The smile on his face grew, as he looked back at the bowl in front of him.
**Your POV**
You were sweating like crazy. This was the first time you ever made gumbo, and now you were scared that you messed up. Last thing you wanted was Al to try it, then recoil in disgust. Your eyes watched him lift the spoon of the broth and place it in his mouth. His expression was unreadable, making you all the more nervous. As he took the spoon out from his mouth, you saw the gentle smile on his face. "Superb." He took another spoonful of the broth, placing it back in his mouth, letting out a pleasant mmm. Phew! you were glad he loved it. You continued to watch him eat, before getting up from the table and walking towards the oven. Alastor didn't even notice you leave, as he was too immersed in the dish in front of him. The savory taste of the broth and spice that kept flooding in was so nostalgic to him. Soon there was nothing left, and Alastor leaned back against the chair, letting out a satisfied sigh. "Absolutely amazing, my dear! Thank you." Alastor motioned his head to look at you, as he saw you removing something from the oven. "Your welcome! Hope you have some room for dessert?" Alastor gave a small grimace. "My dear, I told you before, I am not one for sweets!" Giggling, you placed what you had made on a bowl, before sprinkling some powder on them. "Are you sure? Something tells me these might change your mind."
Carrying a plate in front of you, you placed it on the table. Alastor eyes once again widen at the sight. In front of him was a plate filled with freshly made beignets, piping hot and covered in powdered sugar.
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"Go on, try one." You stepped back and made your way back over to the chair. Alastor seemed a bit hesitant to try them, the feelings of his past and his dislike for sweets were battling with each other. Moving his hand slowly, he grabbed one of them from the plate, hovering it next to his mouth. Finally he took a bite. Alastors eyes enlarged again, as he took another huge bite of the beignet, before grabbing another one. Soon there were no more left on the plate, only crumbs remaining. "Ahhhhhh~. Delicious!" Alastor wore a peaceful expression on his face, as he leaned back against the chair. He then heard you break into fits of laughter. "What is funny, my dear?" He eyed you curiously, as you kept laughing hysterically. "Ahahahahaha! You...you have powder all over your face!" Your finger was pointed up at him, as you were trying to calm down from laughing so hard. Alastor jumped a bit, before rubbing his mouth with his finger, seeing a trace of white on it. "Here, I'll give you a napkin." Getting up, you went to grab him a napkin for coming back to him. "Thank you!", Smiling, he grabbed it and began to clean his face.
Once he was finished, he looked back at you. His eyes held so much emotion, as he continued to gaze at you. He got up slowly from the chair, standing up to his full height, as he pointed his head down towards you. Raising a hand, he placed it on your cheek. "Thank you again, my dear. But, why did you go through all this trouble to make this for me?" Raising one of your hands up, you placed it against the hand that was on your cheek. "I wanted to see that expression of yours again. You seemed such in high spirits when you talked to me about your past, so I wanted to make you something." Alastor chuckled down at you, finding your reasoning simply adorable. "You reminded me of something my dear mother use to tell me "A way to a mans heart is through his stomach."" Your whole face flushed at that, painting your cheeks a deep red. Alastor slowly inched closer to you, bending his head down closer. His lips had landed on your cheek, giving it a soft peck, before he pulled back slowly to gaze at you. "Thank you again, y/n." His body began to morph into blackness as he became one with his shadow, and then disappeared from you, leaving you a blushing mess.
Tag List:
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen, @aceofcards0-0, @jyoongim, @saturnhas82moons, @unholycheesesnack , @luujjvi , @forbidden-sunlight, @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping , @danveration , @demoarah, @cookiekyo , @iiotic, @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie , @lokis-imaginary-friend , @themysteriousslenderman , @huntlowfan , @pawstrey , @futureittomainn , @christinaatyourservice92 , @littledolly2345 , @just-trash-yeah-thats-it , @angelinevalentine89 , @yunimimii , @staryosh1 , @mihawksdemoness , @crystalreads , @blahblahbruhmeow , @madam-strawberryrose , @inkslayer , @azazel-nyx , @lixanjewel , @ainsliemac , @sweet06tart , @nobuharashinyao , @aria-tempest , @fluffismystaplefood
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yourdoorisunlocked · 5 months
CREATOR: Lainy Blue on Youtube
I NEED EVERYONE TO GO TO THIS PERSON'S CHANNEL RN- UNDERRATED ASF!! (yes i did get permission to repost this here dw)
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