#ype of party
drjohnwatson · 5 years
D’yall have those fantasies too where it’s autumn and you live in this beautiful cottage near the woods, and you invite your friends to come over for a festive night and you cook them an entire meal??? and then have music playing and y’all gawk at the stars and some are dancing around a fire? yeah me too
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
how about this instead: tell me the one person from mha you absolutely would not date no matter what and why. (exclude grapeboy)
iida tenya 😭 i’ve talked about it before but i just can’t get into it with him at all. almost every other character i can see at least a little but iida? amongst all the ppl simp for it simply doesn’t mesh for me at mf all. 
i think we’d be good friends? maybe. like his cool butch bisexual friend or something. but in terms of the ypes of ppl we are it just wouldnt make any sense and he just.. doesn’t do it for me HEHJFK
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rfjofficial · 3 years
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Rafael Femenias Junior: Character Development (4/?)
Full name: Rafael Femenias Junior  Nickname: Raf, Junior Birthdate: August 7th, 1990  Age: 30  Zodiac: Leo  Gender: Cisgender Male Pronouns: He/Him Romantic orientation: Biromantic (Recent development) Sexual orientation: Bisexual (Recent development)  Nationality: English/Mexican (From his mother’s side)   Ethnicity: Spanish, Mexican, Puerto Rican  Ranking: Seraphim/Interim Horseman Affiliation: Famine
Birthplace: London, England Hometown: London, England   Social Class: Upper   Educational achievements: BA in Economics and Management from Oxford (incidentally enough, Rafael managed to finish his degree by his own merit - even with barely passing grades) Father: Rafael Femenias Senior Mother: Alessandra Femenias Sibling(s): Alejandro Femenias (Deceased) Pets: His five-year-old dog, Alex   Previous relationships: If I listed each of Rafael’s romantic entanglements, I’d be here all night. Playboy extraordinaire has balanced many girlfriends throughout the years, as well as flings. Notable exes include his most serious girlfriend to date, Juno Warden (although University) and a romance with Kyung-Soon Arrests: Three arrests, dropped within five minutes of his father making a phone call. All for public indecency (of the ‘having sex in public areas’ variety)   Prison time: N/A
Current occupation: COO of Femenias Energy, Interim Horseman for Famine   Dream occupation: Does running away from responsibility count? Past job(s): Hah.   Spending habits: Terrible with his finances, it’s fortunate that he’s so obscenely rich it doesn’t matter  In debt?:  No
Physical strength: Average Speed: Above average Intelligence: Below Average (or so he thinks) Accuracy: Average Agility: Above Average Stamina: Average Teamwork: Surprisingly great team worker, provided that the project interests him Talents: A songbird - fantastic vocal range that he’s tuned over the years, charisma and extroversion  Shortcomings: Reckless, easily bored, and deeply insecure Languages spoken: English, Spanish, French, and Japanese Drive?: Yes  Jump-start a car?: No  Change a flat tyre?: No - he has people for that  Ride a bicycle?: Yes  Swim?: Yes  Play an instrument?: Yes - Rafael has a very impressive collection of vintage guitars, and has played for eighteen years now  Play chess?: Yes - Terrible player, though  Braid hair?: Yes, for both Jessica and Kitty (as well as his own when he tried the long hair vibe in his pre-teen years)  Tie a tie?: Yes   Pick a lock?: Yes - likely learned from Thomas so that he could break into his Papa’s tequila collection  Cook?: No 
Faceclaim: Diego Boneta   Eye colour: Hazel Eyes (Predominantly brown)   Hair colour: Light brown  Hair type: Curly  Glasses/contacts?: Reading glasses, used sporadically due to his vanity  Dominant hand: Right  Height: 5″8  Weight: 152 Pounds Build: Lean, with well-defined abs (one of the few things Rafael works hard at. You can blame his vanity for this one)   Exercise habits: Plays soccer once a week, works on his abdominal muscles and general weight lifting 2x a week. And also, of course, sexual activity of any kind to get his cardio in. Listen, Raf’s a very active guy, okay??? Skin tone: Olive skin Tattoos: N/A   Piercings: N/A  Marks/scars: A faint scar along his knee, from his early days as a Power  Clothing style: Fashion-forward and reeking of privilege. The kind of man that wears a white T-shirt underneath a twenty thousand pound, bespoke Italian suit  Jewellery: Currently wearing his father’s Horseman ring on his right pinky, gold chain with a cross around his neck, and one of his Swiss watches on his wrist Allergies: Peanuts Diet: Eats just about anything, but tries to keep it lean
MBTI type: The Turbulent Entrepreneur, ESTP-T   Enneagram type: Type 7 - The Enthusiast  Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good   Temperament: Emotional Element: Fire Emotional stability: Prone to recklessness and rash decision making, rooted in insecurity  Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert  Drug use: Everything under the sun, currently trying out sobriety  Alcohol use: Frequent, though some attempt at cutting back  Prone to violence?: Only when provoked, or when it seems like a good idea Prone to crying?: When the situation demands it, but he’s not above shedding a tear Believe in love at first sight?: Not necessarily, but Rafael does believe in energy and intuition. It’s allowed him to decide on people fairly quickly. Within 5 minutes of meeting Ikki, he was sure he’d be his best friend.
Accent: English accent, with many Spanish inflections as his mother primarily spoke Spanish Hobbies: Music, sports, partying, and anything adrenaline-inducing. Rafael’s last adventure was an illegal car race in Tokyo last year  Habits: Sleeping in, feeding Ikki’s birds donuts without his knowledge, manwhoring  Nervous ticks: Refusal to make eye contact, drumming his fingers Drives/motivations: Protecting his family and, maybe, proving everyone wrong about his abilities  Fears: Everyone else proving him right about his inability to lead  Sense of humour?: Generally a good sense of humor, a little on the nose and crude Do they curse often?: Occasionally 
Animal: Lions Beverage: Tequila (after his father) or scotch   Book: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald  Colour: Red   Food: Rafael enjoys a wide range of foods. He is partial to either a traditional Spanish or Japanese breakfast, though   Flower: Sunflowers (his mother’s favorite - he used to purchase the majority of them at Zach’s father’s flower shop) Gem: Diamonds Mode of transportation: Either his red Lamborghini, or black Ferrari  Scent: Anything minimalist and subtle  Sport: Soccer   Weather: Warm  Vacation destination: Mexico or Spain
Greatest dream: Being at peace with whoever it is, he’s destined to be  Greatest fear: Running out of time to figure it out  Most at ease when: Surrounded by his loved ones   Least as ease when: Confined to tight spaces, and forced to take things seriously  Biggest achievement: Not an achievement, but if you ask him, it’s having the family he has, the way he has them  Biggest regret: Spending so long fearing his future; Every time he misses a weekly visit to his mother (he’s only really missed a handful in as many as 14 years, but he regrets it each time)
Here you can add any additional stats that we might have missed!
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Hiii! It's me again! 😂❤️Can you do sfw and nsfw alphabet for van?
Hey love! I'll get to the NSFW alphabet tonight; sorry it took so long ;-; 💖
Argument: Do they argue? How bad does it get?
Van is all about keeping the peace. He's a relaxed and go with the flow type of person, but hes also very strong willed and does pass passive aggressive comments. So you have the option of ignoring that or, you know, starting a "heated discussion" 
Babies: fur baby, scaly baby, or no baby?
Fur babies! A dog and a cat. I can see him getting a corgi because he likes to keep things small lol
Cocktails: are they extroverted? Introverted? Both? With their s/o? 
Hella extroverted with and without a s/o. Life is too short to keep the party to yourself, ya feel? 
Dance: would they encourage their s/o to join the industry? How would they take it if they did?
Much like Ren, he'd actually prefer if youd stay away from the idol aspect and like join the design industry or maybe like art. The idol life is just too hectic. 
Exit: Do they like to travel? Where would they want to go? 
Anywhere thats sunny and tropical! Or like, high end. Los Angeles, the Maldives, st. Barts. You name it. 
Food: what's their favorite date with their s/o?
The home-y kind. A pizza and a movie, snuggled under a blanket. As much as he likes to spoil, he actually prefers the low-key moments with his s/o
Grease: what's something special they made for their s/o? 
He didnt make it but he bought his s/o a music box and played around with it a little bit so it plays his songs for them.
Honesty: would they ever hide something from their s/o? 
I dont think so. He's actually a pretty open book and doesnt like to keep secrets from his s/o. Theyre a team after all. 
Independence: what type of lover are they? Clingy or carefree? 
Carefree. He loves to feel free more than anything and as long as you give him space, he will always come back to you and stay loyal. 
Jealous: are they a jealous person?
Hes the funny kind of jealous that, in a sense, he just cracks jokes and swings an arm around his s/o when he sees someone try to hit on you. 
Kindness: how far would they go for their s/o? Ride or die kind of thing?
Depends on how serious he is with them. If he sees a future, he'd do close to anything for and with them. 
Love: what's their love type? 
Quality time. As mentioned above, he loves to just be free and by himself, which is rare in itself, so when he finds time and spends it with you instead of alone, that's his way of showing love. 
Mouth: where's their favorite place to kiss?
Neck. He's very playful and just loves to blow kisses right there; bonus points if you laugh because it tickles. 
No: anything they wouldnt do with or for their s/o? 
Betray himself. If it goes against his own morals or character, he wouldn't do it. 
Odor: what's their favorite scent? On a s/o?
Vanilla makes the boys go wild ~ it's just a really nice scent and he loves it on you. 
PDA: how open are they to PDA 
Pretty open. He has nothing to hide and loves to show off his s/o's and his relationship. 
Questions: will they be an open book or not? 
Oh yes. Again, theyre a team and teams stick together. He doesnt see the point in hiding much of his life and expects the same in return.
Reserved: what's something that only his s/o would know about? 
How much he sometimes worries about his career. He does still get nerve wrecked and thinks he might not last much longer in the industry
Serious: how long until they start to get really serious with their s/o? 
Its your typical high school romance until all of a sudden you stand in front of the altar and exchange your vows. It takes a while for him to realize how serious things get 
Type: what's their type in a s/o ? 
Someone very confident and self aware. Someone adventurous and light hearted. Someone as carefree as him who just goes with the flow and doesnt let anyone or anything dictate their life. 
Untouched: have they been in a relationship before? How many? 
Oh yes he has. Much like Ren, he has a wild history of being with the ladies, though his busy life and need for freedom have ruined many of them. 
Very: what's something they're really good at outside of music? 
Baseball! It's his favorite sport and he plays it when he has time. 
Weird: what's something odd or weird about them?
He dashes out flirtations like its nothing but gets shy and flustered when someone does it to him. 
Xylophone: their favorite part about you? Physically? Mentally? 
Physically its your smile because he loves to see you happy. Mentally it's your love for life and you just live it to the fullest. Very inspiring 
Yearning: would they like a family? How many kids? 
Yes! A son would be nice! They'd be the greatest father-son duo! 
Zebra: Do they change throughout their relationship? Are they truly themselves? 
He stays as true to himself as he can be so there isnt much change. You just kind of get what you see with him
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the-fox-jawed-witch · 5 years
Feeling witchy but I only have a little energy so send me witchy asks or an ask for a reading, sigil or witchy moodboard/aesthetic.
Rules for readings!
🔮 1 Card Tarot- Initials, Moon sign, Advice related question, Energy offering. ||No Anon, Reblog with Feedback||
🔮 2 Card Oracle- Initails, Sun sign, No question, Energy offering, Choose a deck: Fairies or Gems. ||No Anon, Reblog with Feedback||
🔮 1 Question Pendulum- Initials, Rising sign, No relationship/third party, No medical or time sensitive questions. Energy offering. Choose a color: Red, Pink, White, Black, Blue or Purple. ||No Anon, Reblog with Feedback||
Rules for sigils and moodboards/aesthetics
♡ Sigil- Initails, Intent. Choose a look: Drawn or computerized. ||Anon allowed||
🌻Moodboard/Aesthetic- Type of Witch ||Anons Allowed||
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spoilersgr · 4 years
Μέλη της τουρκικής κυβέρνησης εκφράζουν σε λόγους τους τις νεο-οθωμανικές βλέψεις της Τουρκίας και την επιθυμία τους για ανάδειξη της Τουρκίας ως υπερδύναμης, λέγοντας μάλιστα πως θα κατακτήσουν τον κόσμο, ενώ ταυτόχρονα εκτοξεύουν απειλές λέγοντας πως κανείς δεν περιμένει αυτό που έρχεται. Το ανεξάρτητο δίκτυο ενημέρωσης και αναλύσεων Nordic Monitor, του Τούρκου αυτοεξόριστου δημοσιογράφου Αμπντουλάχ Μποζκούρτ, δημοσιοποίησε στα social media, τα επίμαχα βίντεο. Συγκεκριμένα, μιλώντας σε ομάδα αξιωματικών στρατιωτικής βάσης, ο Τούρκος υπουργός Εσωτερικών Σουλεϊμάν Σόγλου λέει: Είμαστε στον δρόμο του Αλλάχ, θα κατακτήσουμε τον κόσμο, θα κρατάμε τα Βαλκάνια και τη Μέση Ανατολή στο ένα χέρι, τον Καύκασο και την Ευρώπη στο άλλο, αυτά που θα γίνουν δεν θα τα περιμένει κανείς, θα μιλούν όλοι για εμάς στο κοντινό μέλλον, ο Αλλάχ είναι μαζί μας θα γράψουμε ιστορία. The entire Turkish leadership has gone nuts. Talking to a select group in a military base, Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu claimed #Turkey will rule the world, writes history, God is with President #Erdogan gov't, predicts unexpected developments soon. pic.twitter.com/O6Lgnbguom — Abdullah Bozkurt (@abdbozkurt) August 2, 2020 Στο ίδιο μήκος κύματος και ο Μεχμέτ Οζασεκί, νούμερο δύο στο κόμμα AKP του Ερντογάν και υποψήφιος για το δήμο της Κωνσταντινούπολης. Με δηλώσεις του ο Οζασεκί, μίλησε για προώθηση του θρησκευτικού λόγου και του ισλάμ, από τα Βαλκάνια έως την Ισπανία , μετά την μετατροπή της Αγίας Σοφίας σε τέμενος. President #Erdogan and his deputies are on a religious crusade. Mehmet Özhaseki, his number 2 in #Turkey's governing Islamist party AKP, vows to promote policies on religious discourse from Balkans to #Spain in the aftermath of conversion of #HagiaSophia into a mosque. pic.twitter.com/JuzCqR37bp — Abdullah Bozkurt (@abdbozkurt) August 3, 2020 Δείτε τα tweets της επικαιρότητας: Όλα τα νέα για την επικαιρότητα εδώ - ειδήσεις από την Ελλάδα
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tourlevavietnam · 5 years
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https://www.tourleva.com/tourleva-sealinks-villa-ocean-vista-apartment-rental-company-in-mui-ne-phan-thiet/ TOURLEVA - SEALINKS VILLA & OCEAN VISTA APARTMENT RENTAL COMPANY IN MUI NE - PHAN THIET.
Mui Ne – Phan Thiet has long been an ideal resort for families, groups of friends and colleagues from Saigon, Bien Hoa and Binh Duong at weekends. With the distance not too far and in good traffic conditions, it takes you only 4 hours to drive to Mui Ne – Phan Thiet – a place is famous for Blue Sea. – White Sand – Golden Sunshine
Coming here, in addition to the usual choice of a beach resort which is one of hundreds of resorts stretching along Nguyen Dinh Chieu street and Huynh Thuc Khang street, you also have another choice for special type of accommodation which is comfortable, convenient and freedom in Mui Ne – Phan Thiet. Sealinks Villas and Ocean Vista 3-4 bedrooms in Sealinks City is very suitable for families or groups of friends.
So, what is the difference of this free & easy accommodation?
Advantage of location
Sea-links City is located at the end of Nguyen Thong Street – the begin of Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street where the intersection between Phu Hai and Ham Tien resorts and it is marked with the legendary Ong Dia Rock Beach ( Da Ong Dia). From here, you can easily travel by car as well as motorbikes to visit famous tourist destinations of Binh Thuan such as Wine Castle, Sand Statue Park, Poshanuh Cham Tower, Fairy stream, Mui Ne Fishing harbor, Golden Sand Dunes, White Sand Dunes, Fish Sauce Museum -“Mui Ne Fishing Village”, and the famous performing arts house “Fisherman Show” – a must-see program when coming to Mui Ne – Phan Thiet. Or you can go to the city center very quickly and easily.
Sealinks Villas & Ocean Vista apartments are in Sea links City – a world level complex resort -with luxurious architecture combined with romantic nature. Most of apartments/ villas has a panoramic sea view.
The villas are designed in a modern style, luxurious interior with bright and elegant colors. Around the villa is a beautiful small garden with green grass and shady trees, quiet space, cool and fresh air. The villa has 1 ground floor,1 floor with 1 luxurious living room, 1 comfortable kitchen, 3 spacious and airy bedrooms and 1 secure garage for the families and groups who love the comfort and freedom. The kitchen is fully equipped with utensils and basic kitchen equipment for you to cook together, even to make a small outdoor BBQ party in the villa easily.
The Ocean Vista Apartment, usually designed with 2-3 bedrooms, also has a luxurious living room and fully equipped kitchen. The outstanding advantage of the apartment is the peaceful and romantic view from the balcony to the green garden and blue sea. However, grilling BBQ in apartment is limited by its closed space. Instead you can enjoy your party the seafood dishes boiled, steamed, fried. They are also delicious.
The room is equipped with soft sofa, fully air-conditioned system, LCD TV, cable TV system and free Wi-Fi throughout the villa. So you can entertain and connect to the internet comfortably and easily.
Besides many advantages, this free & easy villa & apartment rental has a few disadvantages such as: you have to prepare your breakfast, walk to the sea, pay extra fee to use more other facilities at Sea Links City such as GYM exercise, swimming pool, …
type of villa/time weekday weekend vietnamese public holiday villa 3 bedrooms 2.400.000 3.300.000 5.400.000 villa 4 bedrooms 2.800.000 4.000.000 6.000.000
type of apartment /time weekday weekend vietnamese public holiday 2 bedrooms, garden view 2.300.000 2.600.000 3.700.000 2 bedrooms, sea view 2.400.000 2.800.000 4.000.000 3 bedrooms, garden view 2.600.000 3.100.000 4.200.000 2 bedrooms, sea view 2.700.000 3.300.000 4.500.000
Please call +84-908-223-468 (Mr. Tommy – English & Russian speaking) or +84-908–728–803 (Mr. Son – Chinese speaking) for detail information and booking instruction.
Book tourleva’s villa or apartments via channels:
phone: +84-3579.888
texting: zalo / whatsapp / viber: +84-908-223-468 (Tommy – English & Russian speaking) or +84-908-728-803 (Mr. Son – Chinese speaking)
tourleva office: 10 Nguyen Dinh Chieu street, Phan Thiet city, Binh Thuan province, Vietnam
Website: https://www.tourleva.com/
Hotline: +84-908–223–468 (Mr. Tung – English & По-Русски)
* Free service: tour advice and related travel services.
* Paid service: renting motorbike, car; using swimming pool in the resort; visiting RD Wine Castle; karaoke; room cleaning; banqueting (party, birthday, engagement); shopping and cooking on demand.
* Room rate & payment method:
Room rates: depending on the number of guests, dates and type of villas/ apartments according to the above price list.
Deposit: 50% of the total booking value, the remaining amount will be paid immediately after check in.
100% prepayment: for Vietnamese public holidays and New Year.
Payment method: transfer via bank account.
Check-in / check-out policy:
Check-in: after 14:00
Check out: before 12:00
* Surcharge policy:
The number of guests exceeding the standard: surcharge 200,000 VND / person or more;
Extra bed: no extra bed.
Early check-in: after 6 am, 50% surcharge of room night.
Late check out: from 12:00 to 15:00, surcharge 25% of room night,
from 15:00 to before 6 pm, surcharge 50% of room night.
Early check-in before 6 am or late check-out after 6 pm will be charged 100%.
* Cancellation policy: you will receive specific advice during the quote process.
* Note:
You are not allowed to use the tram according to the resort regulations.
Pets: pets are not allowed.
Submit booking code, ID card / driver’s license, guest list when checking in.
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captusmomentum · 7 years
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“She had a highly developed sense of humor which in some lights looked a bit like a sense of justice.” 
― Catherynne M. Valente, The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two
general information.
full name Alhanin Sahlin’ehn Lavellan ➶  age 27~34 (depends on verse) ➶  place of birth Free Marches ➶  zodiac Libra ➶  gender Female  ➶  religion Devotee of Mythal  ➶  orientation Good Question
physical attributes.
height  ~5'10 ➶  hair color Brassy Red ➶  eye color Amber ➶  skintone Russet  ➶  vallasin Mythal - Full Face ➶  distinguishing marks freckles, a lot of scars, broken nose ➶   clothing style any verse’s equivalent of lumderjack
background information. (Modern Aus mainly)
hometown Dalish camps + outside ➶ Ostwick current residence Starkhaven (aus) ➶  past residences All over the Free Marches and Antiva ➶  spoken languages Common, some Elven, some Antivan, all badly ➶  financial status Working Poor ➶ education level  Base requirements + master level hunting (canon) | Military (aus) ➶ occupation A Lead Hunter,  Mid-rank Mythal Devotee, Successor to Elder(s) (Mythal’s Judgement + Master Hunter), Starkhaven Militiaman (aus only), Inquisitor (sometimes), Herald of Andraste (sometimes)
familial information.
mother Who I Need to Name (biological)  ➶  father ???? (biological), Needs a name (step-father) ➶  siblings Féwena (full sister), 3 half sisters I still need to name  ➶  children Currently none
positive traits Funny, Loving, Competent, Fair  ➶  negative traits Strict, Workaholic, Doubting  ➶  likes Kids, Hunting, Bow and Arrow, Halla, Camping, Music, Comedy, Friendship  ➶  dislikes Injustice, Cruelty, Cowardice, Prejudice, Party-poopers  ➶  moral alignment Lawful Good  ➶  mbti ENFJ  ➶  enneagram Type 6: the Loyalist +Type 9: the Peacemaker  ➶  temperament Sanguine 
“She left a week to roam/ Your protector's coming home/ Keep your secrets with you/ Safe from the outside/ You walk along the stream/ Your head caught in a waking dream/ Your protector's coming home, coming home” ―Fleet Foxes, Your Protector
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Birthday, Party, and Snapchat: .442% 1 1 :0: October 22 No October 22 business tbh low are you doing right now 10:32 PM Oh really 10:35 PM Ummmmm ok? 10:32 Yea really 10% lice I just got home from a birthday party haha Wy do you use the childish snapchat filter in your 10:36 PM 10:32 PM profile pic Cool 10:32 Cause i can. Its my profile pic 10: hat are you doing 10:33 PM l guess 10:37 PM Hanginh out in bed 10:33 How are you perverse 11:01 PNM h are you sleepy 10:33 PM Its lyrics to a song 11: Not really 10:33 Oh thought you where thirsty for a pounding 11:02 PM Vhat do you wear to bed hahaha 10:34 PM You dont know what perverse is. 11: None of your business tbh Type a message ype a message
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mwthesims3 · 8 years
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Meeting Cosmópolis - Part XIX: El Sacro Dance Club & Lounge
Since 1912, this small, yet historical house is active and under constant changes, trying to follow the new trends.
It first worked as the Lombardi Saloon, a saloon/dance club that playing a lot of tango, maxixe and even ragtime, saw the very origins of  samba.
After its closing in 1978 due to a tension with the powerful Hansen family, a couple from São Paten opened the Casa de Festas Arco-Íris in 1982. Originally a party house for kids, the business did not work due to the crisis by the constant currency change the Ypes Republic had to deal until 1994.
Then in 1986 the place changed to El Sacro Dance Club by the same couple. Being the most famous dance club for years, it passed by a massive renewal in 2012, becoming much fancier. But we are in 2017, the crisis came back and the business isn’t going well. The profit is smaller every month and the property is now too expansive. There are rumors that it will close next year, being substitued to a galeteria (a kinda restaurant specialized on the preparing of chicken meat).
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noaokami · 8 years
a rant.
need to get some shit off my chest.after nothing but political trite being spammed on facebook, I came to tumblr for a break... only to find the most annoying, upsetting, radical leftist posts filling my feed. It makes me question why I even come on this site anymore, honestly. I’m a left-leaning liberal myself, but I can only take so much of this shit.people claiming that this recent election is the Nazi party all over again, people who worship disgusting unhealthy lifestyles, people who take pride in having dozens of mental illnesses and made up ‘kins’... the list goes on. the worst part is that if you disagree with these people? you’re a neo-nazi. you’re scum that deserves to die. you’re just a stupid ‘neurotypical’.
y’all are so embarassing. you expect to be taken seriously when most of you look like this?
you’re all close-minded babies who have a PaNI c A tt AC Kk when things don’t go your way. there’s a good lot of you who slap on mental illnesses like they’re decorations when you don’t actually have them--which in turn makes people who are actually mentally ill (like me) look bad. I bet half of you who  t yPe li ek d iS when you’re ‘having a panic attack’ have never actually experienced one.
you act like burning flags is actually going to do something for your movement, when in reality all you’re doing is wasting everyone’s time. look, I fucking hate Trump too (because he is anti-science and overall a total buffoon), but walking around the streets nearly naked whining “NOT MAI PWESIDENT! T_T” isn’t going to do anything.
most of the people here on this website just sit on their ass doing nothing to contribute to society, expecting donations solely because “wah halp I can not get a job because I’m a womens and Trump has oppressed me :(” and the like.
you can’t just go and cry and have a ‘panic attack’, or claim harassment/abuse when someone disagrees with you or confronts you. there’s going to be people who don’t like you, there’s going to be people who will be dicks to you for your beliefs. and you need to learn not to handle it like a little bitch and grow a bit of a backbone. don’t act like the alt-righters who aggressively go out calling everything they don’t like a ‘cuck’, but don’t be the cringey libtards who scream ‘THATS HATE SPEECH’. everyone will make fun of you.
there’s a reason nobody likes tumblr. I may have liked it when I was 13, but that’s just because I was a cringey little kid. I’ve grown a bit since then. a lot of you on here haven’t, and that’s what pisses me (and so many others) off.
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stagelight0721 · 4 years
Appilication and Benefits of whole home lighting control systems
whole home lighting control systems as a set of intelligent interconnection system mainly based on intelligent lighting and supplemented by intelligent control. The yacht chose a constant voltage receiver to smart home control the indoor light belt and a constant current receiver to control the indoor downlight, to achieve a deep led dimming range, to meet the diverse requirements of the light intensity of different areas of the yacht.
 What is a lighting control systems for homes?( lighting system definition)
A residential lighting control systems is an intelligent network based lighting control solution that incorporates communication between various system inputs and outputs related to lighting control with the use of one or more central computing devices
 Smart home lighting system project:
The top ultra-luxury brand AZIMUT is famous for its fashion and luxury in the yacht industry. The exterior design is sexy and unique. The sleek streamlined shape is matched with a highly fashionable interior. The engine power is 2200 horsepower, which provides excellent sports performance. Of course, the fuel consumption is also amazing if you cruise quickly. Please bring your loved family and friends to board this unique and luxurious yacht. The cockpit is very spacious, and there is a cushion area where 4 adults can lie down in the sun. The cockpit is also equipped with BBQ Grill and small bar. Come to the front deck, here is a spacious and flat entertainment area, sailing on this boat, you will become the focus of sight of the entire sea. This is your private yacht time. You can direct the captain to go in any direction you are interested in, or float in the sea, blend with the breeze and waves, and experience the joy of fishing quietly in the sea. This is the most beautiful afternoon on the coastline of Southern California. Please enjoy it. The spacious and outdoor space meet your needs for convening a sea party of more than 10 people, and you will have an unforgettable sea party.
Finally came the moment of the journey, met a sunny and friendly morning, you put on your bikini covered with body oil, lying on the deck intending to take a comfortable sunbathing. At this time, your boyfriend of Lai bed asked you to help him ... open the curtain? TV? ? ?
It must have been a battle of words.
So I followed the superyacht today. Just before the ship left the port, I invested in a complete smart lighting control systems to solve the above problems and easily enjoy the intelligent life at sea.
Want to watch TV? "Small Su", a massive TV code library, available on call
At the moment of makeup, the lights in the bathroom are too dark? A small"Su", the light moves with your heart, and the brightness of the light can be adjusted freely
Just waking up, want to bask in the sun but don't want to move? A small"Su", no need to get up, to be a light controller
But the installation of an building lighting control systems on a yacht is very different from a house on the ground. The walls and ceiling on the yacht are all slab structures, and it is not possible to dig holes in the walls. If you want to route inside the wall, you need to remove all the layers. I am afraid that you have to uninstall thousands of screws. The smart yacht chose Ssu whole home lighting control systems, which is a versatile office / home WIFI lighting control system that supports two local area network and WiFi Internet network connection methods, which can be automatically switched according to needs; at the same time, it can be globally remote Control, the building lighting control systems is no longer troubled by the distance; the installation and operation are simple, and there is no need for wiring, and a call can make life on the ship smarter.
Benefits of lighting controls(smart lighting control systems):
Ipon lighting control system brands ssu whole home lighting control systems as a set of intelligent interconnection system mainly based on intelligent lighting and supplemented by intelligent control. The yacht chose a constant voltage receiver to control the indoor light belt and a constant current receiver to control the indoor downlight, to achieve a deep dimming range, to meet the diverse requirements of the light intensity of different areas of the yacht. Among them, the deep digital dimming technology, precise dimming without changing the color rendering index, delicately changing the light changes, making people feel that the brightness of the light is being adjusted.
In addition to taking pictures on the yacht, this system also has a non-stroboscopic dimming technology, allowing you to take a variety of cute and sexy photos and high-speed slow-motion photography under various LED dimming lighting brightness without ripples At the same time, no flicker makes people more comfortable and reduces the occurrence ofseasickness.
 Product parameter of smart lighting control systems:
Max. Voltage:250V
Panel:Tempered glass panel
Using life:1000000 times
Woking temperature:-25°C~+60°C
Product features of smart home touchscreen control panel:
1. No need Gateway. All switch has build in WIFI module, remote controller local control and app local control and remote control via 2/3/4G network and WIFI internet.
2. Unique group function. You can divide devices in different kinds or rooms. Turn on/off all the devices in group by one button.
3. Unique scene function. For example, all off scene when you away home, you can press it to turn off all devices.
4. Complete smart home system include: light, curtain, fan, dimmer, socket, AC, TV control, monitoring system.
5. Auto shutdown function: You can set the switch to turn off light at fixed time, for example 5 min, if you forget to turn off the light of garage or bathroom, it will turn off automatically to save energy.
6. Push notification: If you active this function on switch, when the light be turned on, the switch will push notification to your mobile phone, then you can know whether your kids back home or not..
7. Unique dip switch function. One 3 gang switch can be changed into 1/ 2 Gang and Curtain switch, also can change the LED color of Button.
8. Unique voice control function. You can control the switches just by your voice with mobile phone.
9. Mutual-control function,One switch can contrl other. For example, open the bedroom light at the door and shutdown it at the bedside.
10.Support Google home and Amazon Echo.All of our products can support Google home and Amazon Echo,voice control will be more convenient.
Product Image of smart light control panel:
  Types of lighting controls(types of lighting control systems):
In general, there are three types of lighting management system. There are dimmers, sensors and timers. Each has different purposes and features. Learn all about the different kinds to see which is right for your building.
Light Dimmers
Light LED dimmers do exactly what their name states, they dim light. These switches allow for more control than just on and off. With the ability to decrease brightness, dimmers reduce wattage and output, which saves energy and lowers cost.
Motion sensor lighting controls turn off and on by the detection of movement. They can be installed indoors, but are particularly useful in outdoor locations to light up areas at night. They, too, are energy efficient by eliminating accidentally leaving the lights on completely. Plus, no one wastes any time trying to find the light switch in a dark room. Sensor lighting controls use body heat and wavelengths so they’re extremely reliable, as well.
Lighting timer controls are programmable light switches. They can be set so that lights are turned on only during a certain period of time. They are helpful in regulating energy consumption also but just make scheduling easier for your home or building. There are two types of timer lighting controls, manual and in-wall programmable digital timers.
0 notes
gracelight052 · 4 years
Appilication and Benefits of whole home lighting control systems
whole home lighting control systems as a set of intelligent interconnection system mainly based on intelligent lighting and supplemented by intelligent control. The yacht chose a constant voltage receiver to smart home control the indoor light belt and a constant current receiver to control the indoor downlight, to achieve a deep led dimming range, to meet the diverse requirements of the light intensity of different areas of the yacht.
 What is a lighting control systems for homes?( lighting system definition)
A residential lighting control systems is an intelligent network based lighting control solution that incorporates communication between various system inputs and outputs related to lighting control with the use of one or more central computing devices
 Smart home lighting system project:
The top ultra-luxury brand AZIMUT is famous for its fashion and luxury in the yacht industry. The exterior design is sexy and unique. The sleek streamlined shape is matched with a highly fashionable interior. The engine power is 2200 horsepower, which provides excellent sports performance. Of course, the fuel consumption is also amazing if you cruise quickly. Please bring your loved family and friends to board this unique and luxurious yacht. The cockpit is very spacious, and there is a cushion area where 4 adults can lie down in the sun. The cockpit is also equipped with BBQ Grill and small bar. Come to the front deck, here is a spacious and flat entertainment area, sailing on this boat, you will become the focus of sight of the entire sea. This is your private yacht time. You can direct the captain to go in any direction you are interested in, or float in the sea, blend with the breeze and waves, and experience the joy of fishing quietly in the sea. This is the most beautiful afternoon on the coastline of Southern California. Please enjoy it. The spacious and outdoor space meet your needs for convening a sea party of more than 10 people, and you will have an unforgettable sea party.
Finally came the moment of the journey, met a sunny and friendly morning, you put on your bikini covered with body oil, lying on the deck intending to take a comfortable sunbathing. At this time, your boyfriend of Lai bed asked you to help him ... open the curtain? TV? ? ?
It must have been a battle of words.
So I followed the superyacht today. Just before the ship left the port, I invested in a complete smart lighting control systems to solve the above problems and easily enjoy the intelligent life at sea.
Want to watch TV? "Small Su", a massive TV code library, available on call
At the moment of makeup, the lights in the bathroom are too dark? A small"Su", the light moves with your heart, and the brightness of the light can be adjusted freely
Just waking up, want to bask in the sun but don't want to move? A small"Su", no need to get up, to be a light controller
But the installation of an building lighting control systems on a yacht is very different from a house on the ground. The walls and ceiling on the yacht are all slab structures, and it is not possible to dig holes in the walls. If you want to route inside the wall, you need to remove all the layers. I am afraid that you have to uninstall thousands of screws. The smart yacht chose Ssu whole home lighting control systems, which is a versatile office / home WIFI lighting control system that supports two local area network and WiFi Internet network connection methods, which can be automatically switched according to needs; at the same time, it can be globally remote Control, the building lighting control systems is no longer troubled by the distance; the installation and operation are simple, and there is no need for wiring, and a call can make life on the ship smarter.
Benefits of lighting controls(smart lighting control systems):
Ipon lighting control system brands ssu whole home lighting control systems as a set of intelligent interconnection system mainly based on intelligent lighting and supplemented by intelligent control. The yacht chose a constant voltage receiver to control the indoor light belt and a constant current receiver to control the indoor downlight, to achieve a deep dimming range, to meet the diverse requirements of the light intensity of different areas of the yacht. Among them, the deep digital dimming technology, precise dimming without changing the color rendering index, delicately changing the light changes, making people feel that the brightness of the light is being adjusted.
In addition to taking pictures on the yacht, this system also has a non-stroboscopic dimming technology, allowing you to take a variety of cute and sexy photos and high-speed slow-motion photography under various LED dimming lighting brightness without ripples At the same time, no flicker makes people more comfortable and reduces the occurrence ofseasickness.
 Product parameter of smart lighting control systems:
Max. Voltage:250V
Panel:Tempered glass panel
Using life:1000000 times
Woking temperature:-25°C~+60°C
Product features of smart home touchscreen control panel:
1. No need Gateway. All switch has build in WIFI module, remote controller local control and app local control and remote control via 2/3/4G network and WIFI internet.
2. Unique group function. You can divide devices in different kinds or rooms. Turn on/off all the devices in group by one button.
3. Unique scene function. For example, all off scene when you away home, you can press it to turn off all devices.
4. Complete smart home system include: light, curtain, fan, dimmer, socket, AC, TV control, monitoring system.
5. Auto shutdown function: You can set the switch to turn off light at fixed time, for example 5 min, if you forget to turn off the light of garage or bathroom, it will turn off automatically to save energy.
6. Push notification: If you active this function on switch, when the light be turned on, the switch will push notification to your mobile phone, then you can know whether your kids back home or not..
7. Unique dip switch function. One 3 gang switch can be changed into 1/ 2 Gang and Curtain switch, also can change the LED color of Button.
8. Unique voice control function. You can control the switches just by your voice with mobile phone.
9. Mutual-control function,One switch can contrl other. For example, open the bedroom light at the door and shutdown it at the bedside.
10.Support Google home and Amazon Echo.All of our products can support Google home and Amazon Echo,voice control will be more convenient.
Product Image of smart light control panel:
  Types of lighting controls(types of lighting control systems):
In general, there are three types of lighting management system. There are dimmers, sensors and timers. Each has different purposes and features. Learn all about the different kinds to see which is right for your building.
Light Dimmers
Light LED dimmers do exactly what their name states, they dim light. These switches allow for more control than just on and off. With the ability to decrease brightness, dimmers reduce wattage and output, which saves energy and lowers cost.
Motion sensor lighting controls turn off and on by the detection of movement. They can be installed indoors, but are particularly useful in outdoor locations to light up areas at night. They, too, are energy efficient by eliminating accidentally leaving the lights on completely. Plus, no one wastes any time trying to find the light switch in a dark room. Sensor lighting controls use body heat and wavelengths so they’re extremely reliable, as well.
Lighting timer controls are programmable light switches. They can be set so that lights are turned on only during a certain period of time. They are helpful in regulating energy consumption also but just make scheduling easier for your home or building. There are two types of timer lighting controls, manual and in-wall programmable digital timers.
0 notes
underspotlight8 · 4 years
Appilication and Benefits of whole home lighting control systems
whole home lighting control systems as a set of intelligent interconnection system mainly based on intelligent lighting and supplemented by intelligent control. The yacht chose a constant voltage receiver to smart home control the indoor light belt and a constant current receiver to control the indoor downlight, to achieve a deep led dimming range, to meet the diverse requirements of the light intensity of different areas of the yacht.
 What is a lighting control systems for homes?( lighting system definition)
A residential lighting control systems is an intelligent network based lighting control solution that incorporates communication between various system inputs and outputs related to lighting control with the use of one or more central computing devices
 Smart home lighting system project:
The top ultra-luxury brand AZIMUT is famous for its fashion and luxury in the yacht industry. The exterior design is sexy and unique. The sleek streamlined shape is matched with a highly fashionable interior. The engine power is 2200 horsepower, which provides excellent sports performance. Of course, the fuel consumption is also amazing if you cruise quickly. Please bring your loved family and friends to board this unique and luxurious yacht. The cockpit is very spacious, and there is a cushion area where 4 adults can lie down in the sun. The cockpit is also equipped with BBQ Grill and small bar. Come to the front deck, here is a spacious and flat entertainment area, sailing on this boat, you will become the focus of sight of the entire sea. This is your private yacht time. You can direct the captain to go in any direction you are interested in, or float in the sea, blend with the breeze and waves, and experience the joy of fishing quietly in the sea. This is the most beautiful afternoon on the coastline of Southern California. Please enjoy it. The spacious and outdoor space meet your needs for convening a sea party of more than 10 people, and you will have an unforgettable sea party.
Finally came the moment of the journey, met a sunny and friendly morning, you put on your bikini covered with body oil, lying on the deck intending to take a comfortable sunbathing. At this time, your boyfriend of Lai bed asked you to help him ... open the curtain? TV? ? ?
It must have been a battle of words.
So I followed the superyacht today. Just before the ship left the port, I invested in a complete smart lighting control systems to solve the above problems and easily enjoy the intelligent life at sea.
Want to watch TV? "Small Su", a massive TV code library, available on call
At the moment of makeup, the lights in the bathroom are too dark? A small"Su", the light moves with your heart, and the brightness of the light can be adjusted freely
Just waking up, want to bask in the sun but don't want to move? A small"Su", no need to get up, to be a light controller
But the installation of an building lighting control systems on a yacht is very different from a house on the ground. The walls and ceiling on the yacht are all slab structures, and it is not possible to dig holes in the walls. If you want to route inside the wall, you need to remove all the layers. I am afraid that you have to uninstall thousands of screws. The smart yacht chose Ssu whole home lighting control systems, which is a versatile office / home WIFI lighting control system that supports two local area network and WiFi Internet network connection methods, which can be automatically switched according to needs; at the same time, it can be globally remote Control, the building lighting control systems is no longer troubled by the distance; the installation and operation are simple, and there is no need for wiring, and a call can make life on the ship smarter.
Benefits of lighting controls(smart lighting control systems):
Ipon lighting control system brands ssu whole home lighting control systems as a set of intelligent interconnection system mainly based on intelligent lighting and supplemented by intelligent control. The yacht chose a constant voltage receiver to control the indoor light belt and a constant current receiver to control the indoor downlight, to achieve a deep dimming range, to meet the diverse requirements of the light intensity of different areas of the yacht. Among them, the deep digital dimming technology, precise dimming without changing the color rendering index, delicately changing the light changes, making people feel that the brightness of the light is being adjusted.
In addition to taking pictures on the yacht, this system also has a non-stroboscopic dimming technology, allowing you to take a variety of cute and sexy photos and high-speed slow-motion photography under various LED dimming lighting brightness without ripples At the same time, no flicker makes people more comfortable and reduces the occurrence ofseasickness.
 Product parameter of smart lighting control systems:
Max. Voltage:250V
Panel:Tempered glass panel
Using life:1000000 times
Woking temperature:-25°C~+60°C
Product features of smart home touchscreen control panel:
1. No need Gateway. All switch has build in WIFI module, remote controller local control and app local control and remote control via 2/3/4G network and WIFI internet.
2. Unique group function. You can divide devices in different kinds or rooms. Turn on/off all the devices in group by one button.
3. Unique scene function. For example, all off scene when you away home, you can press it to turn off all devices.
4. Complete smart home system include: light, curtain, fan, dimmer, socket, AC, TV control, monitoring system.
5. Auto shutdown function: You can set the switch to turn off light at fixed time, for example 5 min, if you forget to turn off the light of garage or bathroom, it will turn off automatically to save energy.
6. Push notification: If you active this function on switch, when the light be turned on, the switch will push notification to your mobile phone, then you can know whether your kids back home or not..
7. Unique dip switch function. One 3 gang switch can be changed into 1/ 2 Gang and Curtain switch, also can change the LED color of Button.
8. Unique voice control function. You can control the switches just by your voice with mobile phone.
9. Mutual-control function,One switch can contrl other. For example, open the bedroom light at the door and shutdown it at the bedside.
10.Support Google home and Amazon Echo.All of our products can support Google home and Amazon Echo,voice control will be more convenient.
Product Image of smart light control panel:
  Types of lighting controls(types of lighting control systems):
In general, there are three types of lighting management system. There are dimmers, sensors and timers. Each has different purposes and features. Learn all about the different kinds to see which is right for your building.
Light Dimmers
Light LED dimmers do exactly what their name states, they dim light. These switches allow for more control than just on and off. With the ability to decrease brightness, dimmers reduce wattage and output, which saves energy and lowers cost.
Motion sensor lighting controls turn off and on by the detection of movement. They can be installed indoors, but are particularly useful in outdoor locations to light up areas at night. They, too, are energy efficient by eliminating accidentally leaving the lights on completely. Plus, no one wastes any time trying to find the light switch in a dark room. Sensor lighting controls use body heat and wavelengths so they’re extremely reliable, as well.
Lighting timer controls are programmable light switches. They can be set so that lights are turned on only during a certain period of time. They are helpful in regulating energy consumption also but just make scheduling easier for your home or building. There are two types of timer lighting controls, manual and in-wall programmable digital timers.
0 notes
lightdreamer24 · 4 years
Appilication and Benefits of whole home lighting control systems
whole home lighting control systems as a set of intelligent interconnection system mainly based on intelligent lighting and supplemented by intelligent control. The yacht chose a constant voltage receiver to smart home control the indoor light belt and a constant current receiver to control the indoor downlight, to achieve a deep led dimming range, to meet the diverse requirements of the light intensity of different areas of the yacht.
 What is a lighting control systems for homes?( lighting system definition)
A residential lighting control systems is an intelligent network based lighting control solution that incorporates communication between various system inputs and outputs related to lighting control with the use of one or more central computing devices
 Smart home lighting system project:
The top ultra-luxury brand AZIMUT is famous for its fashion and luxury in the yacht industry. The exterior design is sexy and unique. The sleek streamlined shape is matched with a highly fashionable interior. The engine power is 2200 horsepower, which provides excellent sports performance. Of course, the fuel consumption is also amazing if you cruise quickly. Please bring your loved family and friends to board this unique and luxurious yacht. The cockpit is very spacious, and there is a cushion area where 4 adults can lie down in the sun. The cockpit is also equipped with BBQ Grill and small bar. Come to the front deck, here is a spacious and flat entertainment area, sailing on this boat, you will become the focus of sight of the entire sea. This is your private yacht time. You can direct the captain to go in any direction you are interested in, or float in the sea, blend with the breeze and waves, and experience the joy of fishing quietly in the sea. This is the most beautiful afternoon on the coastline of Southern California. Please enjoy it. The spacious and outdoor space meet your needs for convening a sea party of more than 10 people, and you will have an unforgettable sea party.
Finally came the moment of the journey, met a sunny and friendly morning, you put on your bikini covered with body oil, lying on the deck intending to take a comfortable sunbathing. At this time, your boyfriend of Lai bed asked you to help him ... open the curtain? TV? ? ?
It must have been a battle of words.
So I followed the superyacht today. Just before the ship left the port, I invested in a complete smart lighting control systems to solve the above problems and easily enjoy the intelligent life at sea.
Want to watch TV? "Small Su", a massive TV code library, available on call
At the moment of makeup, the lights in the bathroom are too dark? A small"Su", the light moves with your heart, and the brightness of the light can be adjusted freely
Just waking up, want to bask in the sun but don't want to move? A small"Su", no need to get up, to be a light controller
But the installation of an building lighting control systems on a yacht is very different from a house on the ground. The walls and ceiling on the yacht are all slab structures, and it is not possible to dig holes in the walls. If you want to route inside the wall, you need to remove all the layers. I am afraid that you have to uninstall thousands of screws. The smart yacht chose Ssu whole home lighting control systems, which is a versatile office / home WIFI lighting control system that supports two local area network and WiFi Internet network connection methods, which can be automatically switched according to needs; at the same time, it can be globally remote Control, the building lighting control systems is no longer troubled by the distance; the installation and operation are simple, and there is no need for wiring, and a call can make life on the ship smarter.
Benefits of lighting controls(smart lighting control systems):
Ipon lighting control system brands ssu whole home lighting control systems as a set of intelligent interconnection system mainly based on intelligent lighting and supplemented by intelligent control. The yacht chose a constant voltage receiver to control the indoor light belt and a constant current receiver to control the indoor downlight, to achieve a deep dimming range, to meet the diverse requirements of the light intensity of different areas of the yacht. Among them, the deep digital dimming technology, precise dimming without changing the color rendering index, delicately changing the light changes, making people feel that the brightness of the light is being adjusted.
In addition to taking pictures on the yacht, this system also has a non-stroboscopic dimming technology, allowing you to take a variety of cute and sexy photos and high-speed slow-motion photography under various LED dimming lighting brightness without ripples At the same time, no flicker makes people more comfortable and reduces the occurrence ofseasickness.
 Product parameter of smart lighting control systems:
Max. Voltage:250V
Panel:Tempered glass panel
Using life:1000000 times
Woking temperature:-25°C~+60°C
Product features of smart home touchscreen control panel:
1. No need Gateway. All switch has build in WIFI module, remote controller local control and app local control and remote control via 2/3/4G network and WIFI internet.
2. Unique group function. You can divide devices in different kinds or rooms. Turn on/off all the devices in group by one button.
3. Unique scene function. For example, all off scene when you away home, you can press it to turn off all devices.
4. Complete smart home system include: light, curtain, fan, dimmer, socket, AC, TV control, monitoring system.
5. Auto shutdown function: You can set the switch to turn off light at fixed time, for example 5 min, if you forget to turn off the light of garage or bathroom, it will turn off automatically to save energy.
6. Push notification: If you active this function on switch, when the light be turned on, the switch will push notification to your mobile phone, then you can know whether your kids back home or not..
7. Unique dip switch function. One 3 gang switch can be changed into 1/ 2 Gang and Curtain switch, also can change the LED color of Button.
8. Unique voice control function. You can control the switches just by your voice with mobile phone.
9. Mutual-control function,One switch can contrl other. For example, open the bedroom light at the door and shutdown it at the bedside.
10.Support Google home and Amazon Echo.All of our products can support Google home and Amazon Echo,voice control will be more convenient.
Product Image of smart light control panel:
  Types of lighting controls(types of lighting control systems):
In general, there are three types of lighting management system. There are dimmers, sensors and timers. Each has different purposes and features. Learn all about the different kinds to see which is right for your building.
Light Dimmers
Light LED dimmers do exactly what their name states, they dim light. These switches allow for more control than just on and off. With the ability to decrease brightness, dimmers reduce wattage and output, which saves energy and lowers cost.
Motion sensor lighting controls turn off and on by the detection of movement. They can be installed indoors, but are particularly useful in outdoor locations to light up areas at night. They, too, are energy efficient by eliminating accidentally leaving the lights on completely. Plus, no one wastes any time trying to find the light switch in a dark room. Sensor lighting controls use body heat and wavelengths so they’re extremely reliable, as well.
Lighting timer controls are programmable light switches. They can be set so that lights are turned on only during a certain period of time. They are helpful in regulating energy consumption also but just make scheduling easier for your home or building. There are two types of timer lighting controls, manual and in-wall programmable digital timers.
0 notes
brightestworld01 · 4 years
Appilication and Benefits of whole home lighting control systems
whole home lighting control systems as a set of intelligent interconnection system mainly based on intelligent lighting and supplemented by intelligent control. The yacht chose a constant voltage receiver to smart home control the indoor light belt and a constant current receiver to control the indoor downlight, to achieve a deep led dimming range, to meet the diverse requirements of the light intensity of different areas of the yacht.
 What is a lighting control systems for homes?( lighting system definition)
A residential lighting control systems is an intelligent network based lighting control solution that incorporates communication between various system inputs and outputs related to lighting control with the use of one or more central computing devices
 Smart home lighting system project:
The top ultra-luxury brand AZIMUT is famous for its fashion and luxury in the yacht industry. The exterior design is sexy and unique. The sleek streamlined shape is matched with a highly fashionable interior. The engine power is 2200 horsepower, which provides excellent sports performance. Of course, the fuel consumption is also amazing if you cruise quickly. Please bring your loved family and friends to board this unique and luxurious yacht. The cockpit is very spacious, and there is a cushion area where 4 adults can lie down in the sun. The cockpit is also equipped with BBQ Grill and small bar. Come to the front deck, here is a spacious and flat entertainment area, sailing on this boat, you will become the focus of sight of the entire sea. This is your private yacht time. You can direct the captain to go in any direction you are interested in, or float in the sea, blend with the breeze and waves, and experience the joy of fishing quietly in the sea. This is the most beautiful afternoon on the coastline of Southern California. Please enjoy it. The spacious and outdoor space meet your needs for convening a sea party of more than 10 people, and you will have an unforgettable sea party.
Finally came the moment of the journey, met a sunny and friendly morning, you put on your bikini covered with body oil, lying on the deck intending to take a comfortable sunbathing. At this time, your boyfriend of Lai bed asked you to help him ... open the curtain? TV? ? ?
It must have been a battle of words.
So I followed the superyacht today. Just before the ship left the port, I invested in a complete smart lighting control systems to solve the above problems and easily enjoy the intelligent life at sea.
Want to watch TV? "Small Su", a massive TV code library, available on call
At the moment of makeup, the lights in the bathroom are too dark? A small"Su", the light moves with your heart, and the brightness of the light can be adjusted freely
Just waking up, want to bask in the sun but don't want to move? A small"Su", no need to get up, to be a light controller
But the installation of an building lighting control systems on a yacht is very different from a house on the ground. The walls and ceiling on the yacht are all slab structures, and it is not possible to dig holes in the walls. If you want to route inside the wall, you need to remove all the layers. I am afraid that you have to uninstall thousands of screws. The smart yacht chose Ssu whole home lighting control systems, which is a versatile office / home WIFI lighting control system that supports two local area network and WiFi Internet network connection methods, which can be automatically switched according to needs; at the same time, it can be globally remote Control, the building lighting control systems is no longer troubled by the distance; the installation and operation are simple, and there is no need for wiring, and a call can make life on the ship smarter.
Benefits of lighting controls(smart lighting control systems):
Ipon lighting control system brands ssu whole home lighting control systems as a set of intelligent interconnection system mainly based on intelligent lighting and supplemented by intelligent control. The yacht chose a constant voltage receiver to control the indoor light belt and a constant current receiver to control the indoor downlight, to achieve a deep dimming range, to meet the diverse requirements of the light intensity of different areas of the yacht. Among them, the deep digital dimming technology, precise dimming without changing the color rendering index, delicately changing the light changes, making people feel that the brightness of the light is being adjusted.
In addition to taking pictures on the yacht, this system also has a non-stroboscopic dimming technology, allowing you to take a variety of cute and sexy photos and high-speed slow-motion photography under various LED dimming lighting brightness without ripples At the same time, no flicker makes people more comfortable and reduces the occurrence ofseasickness.
 Product parameter of smart lighting control systems:
Max. Voltage:250V
Panel:Tempered glass panel
Using life:1000000 times
Woking temperature:-25°C~+60°C
Product features of smart home touchscreen control panel:
1. No need Gateway. All switch has build in WIFI module, remote controller local control and app local control and remote control via 2/3/4G network and WIFI internet.
2. Unique group function. You can divide devices in different kinds or rooms. Turn on/off all the devices in group by one button.
3. Unique scene function. For example, all off scene when you away home, you can press it to turn off all devices.
4. Complete smart home system include: light, curtain, fan, dimmer, socket, AC, TV control, monitoring system.
5. Auto shutdown function: You can set the switch to turn off light at fixed time, for example 5 min, if you forget to turn off the light of garage or bathroom, it will turn off automatically to save energy.
6. Push notification: If you active this function on switch, when the light be turned on, the switch will push notification to your mobile phone, then you can know whether your kids back home or not..
7. Unique dip switch function. One 3 gang switch can be changed into 1/ 2 Gang and Curtain switch, also can change the LED color of Button.
8. Unique voice control function. You can control the switches just by your voice with mobile phone.
9. Mutual-control function,One switch can contrl other. For example, open the bedroom light at the door and shutdown it at the bedside.
10.Support Google home and Amazon Echo.All of our products can support Google home and Amazon Echo,voice control will be more convenient.
Product Image of smart light control panel:
  Types of lighting controls(types of lighting control systems):
In general, there are three types of lighting management system. There are dimmers, sensors and timers. Each has different purposes and features. Learn all about the different kinds to see which is right for your building.
Light Dimmers
Light LED dimmers do exactly what their name states, they dim light. These switches allow for more control than just on and off. With the ability to decrease brightness, dimmers reduce wattage and output, which saves energy and lowers cost.
Motion sensor lighting controls turn off and on by the detection of movement. They can be installed indoors, but are particularly useful in outdoor locations to light up areas at night. They, too, are energy efficient by eliminating accidentally leaving the lights on completely. Plus, no one wastes any time trying to find the light switch in a dark room. Sensor lighting controls use body heat and wavelengths so they’re extremely reliable, as well.
Lighting timer controls are programmable light switches. They can be set so that lights are turned on only during a certain period of time. They are helpful in regulating energy consumption also but just make scheduling easier for your home or building. There are two types of timer lighting controls, manual and in-wall programmable digital timers.
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