#yu nogi
couldtheycatchkira · 2 months
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mintaffy · 1 year
“what happened to him” he finished playing digimon story: cyber sleuth complete edition
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ask-keiyu · 1 year
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Yu: It’s like a darker version of Marineangemon! I think it would be cool to have one so I can match with Kei...
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not-too-many-eyes · 2 years
I love Yu Nogi's character in Hackers Memory so much.
Matadormon says when you find that K is Yu that: "He's nothing more than a worm who lost his mind between self-loathing and hero worship" he idolizes Keisuke so much that he wants to be him. He steals his best friend's account so that Keisuke would have to rely on him. Because Keisuke was the only one who looked out for him, who ever believed in him.
He's jealous of Hudie too, jealous that there taking Yu's time away from Keisuke. Keisuke who is the only person in Yu's life who believes in him. He's scared that Keisuke will leave him for them, for Keisuke to finally realize that Yu is worthless. That Yu doesn't deserve him.
Because who is Yu compared to him? He's never going to be able to catch up to him, never going to be able to repay him, never going to be able to do anything that will equate to what Keisuke did for him. Keisuke is so perfect, so untouchable. He hates him. Why can't Keisuke treat him like the terrible unredeemable person he really is? Why can't Keisuke hate him as much as he hates himself?
But he's also very much in love with him which...does not make things easier for him at all. He puts out a request that Keisuke "checks out dating spots" with him under a guise that "A friend asked him too" but it's implied that it really is just him wanting to spend time with him, and even if a friend really did ask him...he wanted Keisuke to do this with him specifically for a good reason, insisting that he and Keisuke should "act like a couple" for accuracy purposes. He also straight up says he's "Not satisfied with being Keisuke's close friend anymore" he is so very much in love with Keisuke.
And Yu knows Keisuke doesn't love him back, romantically speaking. And with the added manipulation of Matadormon and the already huge amounts of self-loathing and idolization Yu has...it wasn't going to turn out good.
Even though Matadormon manipulated him Yu knows that those feelings are his. And Keisuke has taken the brunt of them. Keisuke has gotten hurt so many times over because of him.
I see people call Yu a "Yandere" and ignoring my dislike of the term itself I feel like that descriptor detracts from Yu's overall character.
Yu Nogi is a person who hates themselves to their very core, who could never imagine why someone would actually care for him, who latched on to the first person who ever saw something worth seeing inside him. And has to learn to grow from that. To consider himself as someone worth something.
His Digimon has some fun symbolism too. While Yu doesn't have a specific Digimon partner, the one he uses first in battle in his Dominion fights is a Geckomon/Whalmon, in the Digimon Reference Book Geckomon is described as:
"An Amphibian Digimon that charms those around it with a pleasant voice that is hard to imagine by looking at its bizarre appearance. "
And for Whamon we have:
"Since it lives in the deepest parts of the Net Ocean, it is rarely ever encountered (the organs in parts of it equivalent to its eyes have degenerated). Due to its ferocious personality, it will attack by generating an enormous tsunami."
Geckomon and Whamon feel like very deliberate references to Yu's insecurities and hidden feelings. Whamon especially due to it's degenerated eyes since its lived in darkness for so long (How Yu's been bullied so much and how his hero worship and self-loathing blinds him)
After he gets his Character Arc finished up Yu Whamon evolves into MarineAngemon...Y'know, the digimon mainly known for it's healing abilities, cuteness, and dislike of combat. Who's main move is called "Ocean's Love" which makes there enemies lose their fighting spirit. That's what the "ferocious" Whamon evolves into.
Yu is a interesting character and I wish we got more of him in game. More times to see Keisuke and him interact before and after he reveals his K. I like how layered he is, he's probably my favorite character next to Erika.
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dantdoodle · 1 year
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has everyone played the cyber sleuth games yet?
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dominicsorel · 2 years
Keisuke adding “Just kidding” after he tells Yu he loves him too was him TEASING Yu for always adding “Just kidding” after he practically confesses his feelings to his childhood friend because he’s too shy (and scared) to admit those are his REAL feelings. And now Keisuke KNOWS this! It’s actually heartrendingly sweet and does not mean he didn’t mean it. He's acknowledging that Yu has been by his side for so long similar to how in CS Yuuko realizes she’s had people like Fei at her side from the start and it doesn’t take away how meaningful this is. Either way, the narrative focuses a hell of a lot of time and energy into Yu’s feelings for Keisuke and how Keisuke feels better after talking with him when he’s lost! In this essay I will-
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cyber-sleuth-trash · 1 year
Ryuji: Do you always have to say the things you say the way you say them?
Yu: I get your point, I will try to be sarcastic next time.
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Yu Nogi - Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory
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chocochococoffee · 4 months
WIP Tag Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs!
was tagged by @falloutcoys even though i dont really see the @ anywhere but figures!
adult hapu and lillie fucking all day (should retake this one)
pokemon SV but without the mc (not that they dont exist they rent to bluberry academy earlier)
mystery dungeon au with my oc and friends
Red Valley
Incomplete magic AU that i had a big brain idea one day and couldn't complete (should retake this one)
Red Valley but with Warren being a ghost
TMA fusion where Gerry's body haunts Red Valley
The follow up to the infamous gangbang tentacle eggpreg porn fanfic that I started but never continued
A whole storyline about Calming detective Osomatsu and the Phantom Thieves AU (unrelated to P5 btw it's a hesokuri lupin spoof mostly lmao)
Disco Elysium
That idea I had about the Sunday Friend comedy? Yes I also started it. Never continued it due to lack of braincells.
Digimon Cyber Sleuth Hackers Memory
Yuugo Kamishiro and Fei after the end of the game, Fei sent by the spy group she worked in the game start to get info outta Yuugo, Yuugo being paraplegic and having the knowledge of n^n universes and just wanting to be normal again.
Yu Nogi recovering obsessive memories over Keisuke and having to learn to manage himself again.
More Keisuke pinning over the ones who left him.
Digimon AU that never continued because I feel I might hafta rewrite it ww
SQH eating out SQQ
a long list of cumplane porn i guesssssssss (unfinished)
More about letty Whiterock (this one is so old gdi wwww)
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firstagent · 1 year
Digimon Top Tamer Tournament: Video Game/Manga Round One
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To add to the stakes, winner gets more attention from Keisuke.
Tournament Information and All First Round Polls
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bizarrequazar · 2 years
GJ and ZZH Updates — September 11-17
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
09-11 → #WordofHonor continued to trend on Twitter.
→ Slander from Wu Lei/Zhao Lusi fans continued (see the end of 09-06 in the previous week’s post for context). Mods from both of their solo supertopics stated that the actions and views seen in the CPF supertopic do not reflect their own nor the actors; Wu Lei’s solo fans said that they had informed Zhao Lusi’s studio about what was happening and had urged her to say something, and Zhao Lusi’s solo mods said they had disowned the CPF mods a month ago for being antis.
→ Possible hexagon ring sighting from Fox Spirit Matchmaker’s filming. A hashtag about Gong Jun’s costume got on hotsearch.
→ Another actor, Li Yifeng, was detained for soliciting sex workers, with police saying this was discovered while they were investigating another crime. This caused a ripple effect over the next few days of other celebrities and their studios being very careful and more quiet than usual. At the time of this post, Li Yifeng’s endorsements have terminated their contracts and his social media accounts were closed on 09-15, nothing has happened yet to his body of work; CAPA have yet to release any statement about him, the hypocrites. Fan Observation: Solicitation of sex workers is not enough on its own for Weibo account suspension, as the account of another celebrity who did the same is still up. This supports suspicions that he is being suspected of something else as well. 
09-12 → Fox Spirit Matchmaker’s Weibo posted two photos for the lead actress Yang Mi’s birthday, one of which included Gong Jun in costume.
09-13 → 361° posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted audio of a “new song”, saying that a music video is coming soon.
→ QuelleVous posted that Lao Ahyi likely was involved in the editing the of the Nogi Shrine and Dewi Sukarno Baidu pages on 21-08-12. She claimed to have reported the users who edited them at the end of August, but there is no record of her doing so.
09-14 → QuelleVous posted an exposé about the user who edited Xie Yihua’s Baidu page on 813, whose editing history is not publicly visible. They are currently employed at Baidu as a project manager. Followups: [1] [2]
Bluebird followed this with a handy summary of Xie Yihua’s actions and involvement against Zhang Zhehan.
→ Kangshifu posted an illustrated ad featuring Gong Jun. 
09-15 → #LoveGongJun trended on Twitter.
→ QuelleVous posted that the “bye bye” left on Zhang Zhehan’s QQ Music account on 21-08-15—what many believed to have been our last message from him—was posted by Xie Yihua. 
→ Rising with the Wind’s Weibo posted one of the posters for the show along with the cast list. Shortly after, they posted the first trailer [subbed video] (11:05, 511 kadian, almost definitely a coincidence) followed by nine stills, two of which feature Gong Jun, followed by another three, two of which feature Gong Jun.
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→ Gong Jun reposted a post by Ester Yu promoting a guest appearance of hers. (11:11, 511 kadian with the date) His added caption: “Call Beauty Yu! Watch ‘A Little Forest for Two’ tonight 😎” Ester Yu replied with the comment, “Thank you handsome guy for supporting!! Looking forward to Rising With The Wind!!” The two met during a joint guest appearance on Go Fridge! at the end of June 2021, and Ester Yu starred in the recent drama Love Between Fairy and Devil. 
→ Gong Jun posted the trailer for Rising with the Wind. (11:17, 511 kadian, switch the hour and minute places) Caption: “Let everyone in the bureau win a victory, this is the confidence of investor Xu Si.” His studio reposted this with the added caption, “Turn against the wind to create a win-win situation. Profession and self-confidence are the strengths of Mr. Xu”
→ Rising with the Wind’s producer posted two additional stills featuring Gong Jun.
→ #GongJun trended on Twitter.
→ iQiyi’s promotional Douyin posted a short video of Gong Jun in costume for Fox Spirit Matchmaker.
→ Gong Jun posted on Weibo, “The invitation letter has been recieved, ready to go to the trendy space with @Louis Vuitton. Make an appointment for the live broadcast at 18:00 on September 16th to enjoy #LVAranyaMen's Fashion Show#!” (16:04, 1640 kadian)
→ Li Ronghao posted a douyin of himself listening to Gong Jun’s part in the song Flowers. Gong Jun commented, “Ge, compliments to the BGM!” (19:51, 511 kadian)
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted three photos of him in front of a sunset. Caption: “Boss @ Gong Jun Simon arrives at the picture” (19:20, 51129 kadian with the date) The same photos were also posted to his Instagram, caption: “The trip here made my head dizzy 😂” (20:11, 51129 kadian with the date), and his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: “Travelled for 12 hours, my head is dizzy, I've finally arrived... ” (20:07, 51129 kadian with the date if you add the 12 to the minutes) [quoted translations] Fan Observations:  -  He’s wearing a blue mask in the photos.  -  Every single post he made this day included possible kadians.  -  Gong Jun was supposed to fly from Yiwu to Beijing but cancelled his flight, instead travelling by train and ending in Tianjin where he had a photoshoot. Because of the two above points, there is Speculation™ from fans which some have already dubbed the One Night in Tianjin.
09-16 → Gong Jun continued trending on Twitter.
→ Kangshifu posted an illustrated ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ BEAST posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ One of Xie Yihua’s main Weibo accounts 花盆向阳—used to disseminate higher quality pictures of those posted to the Instagram—was deactivated.
→ Gong Jun attended the Louis Vuitton Aranya show. Several related tags got on Weibo hotsearch, and Weibo analytics shows that he was the most talked about celebrity present at the event. [video interview]
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→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a video of him from a photoshoot that was cancelled the previous night due to fans stalking him. Caption: “A night tour diary of boss @ Gong Jun Simon~ The pictures were not taken last night, first use the video to engrave the beautiful moments of the night!” This was also posted to his studio Douyin, caption: “The beautiful moment with boss Gong Jun Simon is engraved, see you tonight!”
→ Kangshifu posted three illustrated ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted twelve photos of him from the show. Caption: “The sea breeze is gentle, and the tie-dye embellishment is used to interpret the new attitude of fashion with color and imagination. Explore the world of innocence with boss @ Gong Jun Simon, and start a fantasy journey” 
His studio later posted a video from the show. Caption: “Boss @ Gong Jun Simon casually travels to explore the fun of children, I will see you in a moment 😎” This was also posted to his studio Douyin, caption: “The wind is blowing by the seaside, feel the cozy moment, boss @ Gong Jun Simon feels the tranquility of the autumn afternoon, and starts a fun journey!“
They later posted a douyin of him watching the show. Caption: “Boss @ Gong Jun Simon's yearning for new clothes is written on his face (and hands)” The suit in this video is what he said he was most excited to see, and the woman sitting next to him is Louis Vuitton’s head of PR.
→ Gong Jun did not attend the after party, instead flying to Beijing.
→ Louis Vuitton posted a photo of Gong Jun from the show. (23:11, 511 kadian)
09-17 → Gong Jun continued to trend on Twitter.
Addition 09-19: Watsons posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun for a collaboration with Colgate.
→ Gong Jun posted six photos taken the previous day. Caption: “Checked in at @ Louis Vuitton's childhood inspirations 🥁 #LVMenSS23 was exquisitely created through the collision of colors, full of fun and causes infinite reverie. Let's revisit this fashion extravaganza with me.” [quoted translation] Shortly after, he posted these and three more to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: “ 🥁 Relive childlike fun! On the beach in the evening, watch the #LVAranya menswear show. Inspiration and color collide with each other, bringing infinite imagination, novel shape, wonderful beyond the standard. Enjoy this children's feast together ☁”, then the six to his Instagram, caption: “A cute and fun show!”
→ LockNLock posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun to announce the winners of a giveaway.
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted twelve photos of him from the previous day. (12:31, 511 kadian) Caption: “Immerse yourself in the playground of children's fun, toys carry imagination, yesterday's boss @ Gong Jun Simon is a ‘big child’ who enjoys freedom 🥳” Fan Observation: There are two very similar wide angle photos, one of which for some reason has the building’s entrance and detailing on the wall edited out. 
→ Louis Vuitton posted the earlier photo of Gong Jun to their Twitter and their Instagram.
→ SOCosmo posted a video interview with Gong Jun from the Loius Vuitton show. [subbed video]
→ If Fashion posted a video interview with Gong Jun from the Louis Vuitton show. [subbed video] The host later made a post praising Gong Jun’s professional and friendly behaviour.
Additional Reading: → Flora’s daily fan news thread
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This post was last edited 2022-09-19.
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mintaffy · 11 months
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Apologies I have posted absolutely nothing for pride. Have a quick keiyu page last minute ft. My first thoughts while doing that one aquarium case
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ask-keiyu · 1 year
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Kei: So what do you think? :>
Yu: It’s... different. I think it suits you, though.
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not-too-many-eyes · 2 years
Yu Nogi man- just...
He believes so deeply in his own terrible nature, in his inherent worthlessness and weakness so much that he believes the only way he could ever become better was if he became Keisuke. Keisuke who he considers so much better than him. Keisuke who is the only person who has Ever given him the time of day. Keisuke who Yu thinks is leaving him, who finally understood how terrible Yu was. But no matter what mask he puts on he will always be Yu Nogi.
*points at him* I love him so much someone please give him therapy.
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kwojciechowicz · 9 months
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Nogi, Manekiny i Ja, czyli sesja zdjęciowa z dzisiaj wykonana przez fotografkę Leila Yu 😍❤️❤️ #kamilawojciechowiczkrauze #legsfordays #SWISSARTEXPO #mannequins #kamaarts
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