#yue yunpeng
linggluu · 1 year
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What does the letter say? Written from whom to whom?
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chineseredcarpet · 8 months
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Movie If You Are the One 3’s director Feng Xiaogang and cast members Ge You, Shu Qi, Fan Wei, Li Chengru, Yue Yunpeng, Chang Yuan & Esther Yu Shuxin for GQ China
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moviemosaics · 9 months
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Full River Red
directed by Zhang Yimou, 2023
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Full River Red
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Full River Red    [trailer]
Two hours before a crucial diplomatic meeting, an ambassador is murdered.
Even with text introducing the numerous characters, the story is rather convoluted. Though after a while you get a general idea who is who.
The bigger problem I had was tonal. The partial comedic tone was often difficult to reconcile with the frequent stabbings.
It got really problematic with the casual waterboarding, the skinning and the mass rape. Proceeding afterwards as if nothing serious happened is not part of my idea of watching a suspenseful, entertaining movie, even if it turned out afterwards that not everything happened as it seemed.
By then I had stopped caring, the plot twists felt just too random, not to mention what was probably a highly patriotic ending.
0 notes
accio-victuuri · 9 months
Wang Yibo’s “Popular Films” interview feature:
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Why do everyone keep talking about Al Pacino's performance in "The Godfather"? It's really like the blooming of a second life that will last forever. This is probably what makes me like movies more and more. I watched a movie before, and there was a line I liked very much that seemed to say: Some movies end the moment the screen lights up, and some movies will last forever. Well, good movies will last forever. , this is also what I think is very charming about a movie.
👨: Welcome Yibo! Congratulations on your nomination!
WYB: thanks, thanks!
👨: Speaking of which, "Popular Movies" had a relatively detailed report on "Hidden Blade" in the second issue of 2023.
WYB: Ah yes, I know. I read that article.
👨: How well do you think the author understood it?
WYB: I think there is no such thing as a standard! Because everyone has a different story and a different perspective on things, so everyone has their own understanding. This is what I think is the most interesting thing about the movie.
👨: We also made detailed reports on the subsequent "Born to Fly" and "One and Only", but we did not conduct interviews at the time. Now let's talk briefly about them in order of release date from near to far!
WYB: Okay, okay!
👨: First up is "One and Only". The protagonist of this film is a hip-hop boy, which should be in your Comfort Zone Is this role relatively easy to play?
WYB: I think it is my comfort zone when it comes to dance. In terms of performance, it will indeed be similar to my childhood experience. I may understand the dancers better and get into the role better, so it will be closer, but I think there is no easy role.
👨: This script was written after the director negotiated with you to star in it, right?
WYB: Yes, the director was also making changes and additions in the middle. The script he received at the beginning was also different from the final result.
👨: There is a lot of dancing in this film. Did you participate in the choreography?
WYB: Because this type of dance is quite special, it is not danced while standing on the ground. There are many techniques in breaking. Although I know hip-hop very well, I cannot completely execute the technique part by myself, so I do have my own idea, but the choreographer didn’t participate.
👨: After the choreographer completed the choreography, did you propose any changes when communicating with them?
WYB: Maybe you have, yes, because sometimes when you jump by yourself, you may wish that here, eh, would it be better to use this action? Well, it is a process of continuous improvement.
👨: It's very interesting. You and Director Dapeng got along as actors in "Hidden Blade" and as directors and actors in "Hidden Blade". Is there a big difference in the way of getting along with each other?
WYB: There is indeed a big difference, because in "Hidden Blade" I had less contact with director Dapeng, and we did not have any direct scenes together. We only appeared together in the group scenes of eating and holding umbrellas at funerals. In that very serious creation. There is also less communication in the environment. But when we collaborated on "One and Only" later, Director Dapeng seemed like a different person, very lively and happy.
👨: "One and Only" has a comedy atmosphere, while "Hidden Blade" is very serious, even a little sad, so I think your personal temperament is closer to "Hidden Blade"...
WYB: Thanks!
👨: So how did you develop your comedy performance in "One and Only"?
WYB: I feel that I was not responsible for the comedy part in "One and Only". Chen Shuo is more like an innocent, serious and hard-working young man. Yue Yunpeng laoshi or Xiao Shenyang laoshi are responsible for the comedy part.
👨: But there are also some scenes where everyone will have fun together after just one sentence...
WYB: oh?
👨: For example, "Just show respect!"
WYB: Ah, hahaha, yes. These jokes were thought up by the director and screenwriting teacher. I told them based on the upright and innocent feeling of the character. Maybe the contrast coupled with this word will make the effect more comedic.
👨: Although there are not many lines like this, the impression is quite deep.
WYB: Thanks!
👨: Generally speaking, when an actor completes a role, he will have certain emotions for this role. So when you leave Chen Shuo, what kind of feelings do you have for him, and what do you hope his life will be like in the future?
WYB: After the movie "One and Only" was completed, I still remember it very fondly. Yes, because it is more like my experience as a child. When I was a child, I insisted on dancing when I was a child, and it was because of dancing that I became a star or an actor. So I am very happy that Chen Shuo has such a perfect ending. I hope he will have a smooth sailing future and win more championships.
👨: Okay, now let’s talk about “King of the Sky”. Director Liu Xiaoshi said it’s very important for you to get the script, you quickly decided to star in the role. Was it the subject matter that moved you?
WYB: It is indeed a script like "The King of the Sky". Many of the lines are really touching, and it is also hard to resist such military themes and test pilot themes.
👨: Do you have a military complex?
WYB: I think I am quite passionate inside.
👨: This film was shot in the Northwest for a long time. During the process, I knew that there was some training, and it was also quite difficult. The Northwest is windy, sandy, and cold.So what do you think is the most difficult thing?
WYB: Well…………I think this is really after getting involved, I don’t think it is a difficult thing, because everyone is working hard in the same direction, maybe I will feel tired at the time, or It was quite bitter, so what, but when I look back and think about it - I am this kind of person - if I look back and think about the things I have done, I won't think it was anything, it was not a big deal. Although the shooting time is so long, this allows the actors to focus more on delving into the knowledge of various aircraft, because this still takes time to understand.
👨: Mr. Hu Jun was also nominated for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor for this film. Did you congratulate each other?
WYB: Yes, yes, I was congratulating him just now during the ceremony.
👨: He has played many soldiers, and I think he is very familiar with this temperament...
WYB: Yes, Hu Jun laoshihas acted in "Flying Leopard" before and is also a pilot.
👨: He is the captain in the movie, leading you young test pilots to fight. Watch the behind- the-scenes and he often teaches you acting outside the play?
WYB: Yes, he is like a big brother. He takes us to exercise and eat together, and sometimes we will talk about the script and each character together on set. Jun ge is very good at taking care of people, because there are seven people in our team. It’s not just me. In fact, Jun ge has also been taking care of other young actors.
👨: Your team is quite united.
WYB: Yes, because they are all boys, they like sports, and they all havesimilar interests.
👨: I would like to interject, if you really go for the pilot selection, is it possible to pass?
WYB: It may be very difficult, mainly because the physical quality is too high. I’d better treat myself as an actor first (laughs).
👨: It is both the main theme and commercial quality. We feel that "Born to Fly" has exceeded our expectations. How did it feel when you saw the finished film? Because there were no special effects when you shot it? ?
WYB: Actually, when I started running the road show, I hadn’t gone to the cinema to watch it because of time constraints. Then I remembered whether it was in Guangzhou or somewhere, so I went to the theater to watch it. The visual effects, sound effects, and the whole thing were really like those in a theater. The special effects are really shocking. I didn’t expect that the visual effects of fighter jets in the air could be made like this. I didn’t expect that some high-altitude movements of airplanes and unknown movements of the aircraft could be explained and presented on the big screen like this.
👨: Also, what do you think of Lei Yu’s future?
WYB: He will definitely go in the direction of Captain Zhang Ting, but he must be a new generation of young test pilots. Captain Zhang Ting also said before that every generation of test pilots is different, and theoretical knowledge like Lei Yu It will be more solid and the flying skills will be better.
👨: Director Cheng Er said that when he sees you ordering and putting on those costumes, he feels like the characters in his original novel or script have become different. So when did you feel that you were Mr. Ye?
WYB: When I tried makeup for the first time, I had never tried makeup and styling like that before. It felt like I was in another time and space. Such styling and clothing helped me instantly connect with this character. Then I think it was through the lines between the opposing actors and the communication with the director - because everyone knows the director's script, they will add it part by part, and as the filming process progresses, it will gradually become more and more complete. The more I get to know this character, the more I am immersed in it, and the more skillfully I perform.
👨: Director Cheng Er said that you have sufficient training. What does this training include?
WYB: I also trained in advance before shooting, and went to watch some movies specifically. For example, the director took me to watch "The Godfather" Parts 1, 2, and 3 again, as well as "Pulp Fiction", "Inglourious Basterds" and so on, and maybe more It’s some pull tabs on performance status. Then there is also some training such as lines, including action training.
👨: Director Cheng Er himself said that many scenes are left to you to express yourself freely.
WYB: Well, sometimes there are. Sometimes the director will tell me his idea first, and then I will act it out again, and then make adjustments; sometimes the director will give me a framework, that is, how to do it in this environment, and then you will You think about what you want to do, and if you think it's OK, we'll start shooting.
👨: Oh, it turns out this is such a process.
WYB: Yes, yes, he is very detailed in some aspects and very open in others. For example, the previous process is a detailed communication, telling me carefully that you can take off your clothes first, then take off your tie, and then change; or if you feel comfortable, you can also take off your tie first—— I'm just making an analogy - take off your clothes again. But sometimes, they will tell me the situation, and then let me think about how to do it, and then shoot after I have thought about it. Give it a big framework, yes, and it contains your freedom.
👨: What impressed you most during the filming of "Unknown"? Which scene do you remember the most NG?
WYB: Actually, not long after I started making movies, I was selected by director Cheng Er, and it was a very important role, so I had a very deep impression on the filming. One reason is that the director is used to shooting at night, or he feels that shooting at night is more exciting. Most of our shooting starts at 6 pm and ends at 6 am the next day. This highly concentrated and tiring way of working is really rare to experience! And then I failed a few times... The director is very, very serious and very meticulous. Maybe during the filming process, wefilmed a lot of scenes, well, we just found the best ones through reshooting over and over again.
👨: Especially that one-shot fight scene?
WYB: Oh, yes, that is also rehearsed in advance. You get those cardboard boxes in advance, roughly arrange a scene, and then practice and play until the official shooting.
👨: I remember director Cheng Er said that he shot more than 30 takes, and he used the second to last take.
WYB: Maybe, but I can’t remember clearly, because I could only take five or six pictures a day, and it took a week. The director will be more aware when editing.
👨: So Director Cheng Er said you have enough patience?
WYB: I personally think that when doing something you like, no matter how big the difficulty is, it may not be a difficulty, so you can just keep doing it. Maybe this is the aspect of patience that the director is talking about.
👨: Speaking of language talent, Director Cheng Er has repeatedly praised you. Is that because you have this talent and it doesn’t take much effort to learn these dialects or foreign languages?
WYB: Well, I think on the one hand it's okay and not too strenuous, and on the other hand I think my own lines are not that good, so maybe I will feel more confident when speaking a language that I am not familiar with.
👨: Many viewers commented that your Japanese is not only fluent, but also that your tone is full.
WYB: Well, the crew has a dedicated Japanese teacher who will give me a video with the corresponding Chinese characters and Japanese, so I listen and watch at the same time, and I am also imitating his tone, because the Japanese teacher actually helped me perform and speak the Japanese intonation and tone, so I tried my best to imitate it.
👨: The eye scenes, fighting scenes and the use of multiple languages ​​in "Hidden Blade", which part do you think is the most difficult?
WYB: I think it's the eyes, because maybe I haven't trained my eyes like this before. In addition, "Hidden adr" does have a lot of eye scenes, so I think eye scenes are quite difficult. In addition, sometimes I have to act opposite Mr. Liang, which makes me very nervous and under a lot of pressure.
👨: How did you overcome this pressure later?
WYB: Prepare in advance and have a lot of rehearsals.
👨: You said that Mr. Ye is a very bitter person. If the plot continues, Director Cheng Er will most likely arrange a tragic ending for him. Putting aside the director's settings, what do you hope Mr. Ye's ending will be?
WYB: I think it may be difficult to have a happy ending. He lived in that era and in that working environment, but he did not leave. I hope that in his spy career, he can achieve his goals, complete his work, and escape unscathed. Well, how should I put it, be safe!
👨: Out of 10 points, how would you rate Mr. Ye's performance?
WYB: (Laughs) I think it might be a little higher than a passing grade!
👨: 7 points, 8 points?
WYB: If the full score is 10 points.
👨: We’ve just talked about three movies. Do you want to drink some water and take a break?
WYB: It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
👨: It is very rare for a new actor to have three starring movies released in one year!
WYB: Thanks!
👨: I read some reports and interviews. The directors of these three films found you first, which can be said to be very lucky. So for you - you entered the entertainment industry as a singer and a pop idol - is it something that happens when your career develops to a certain stage, or is it because you like it, love it, and seize the opportunity to make your dream come true?
WYB: My first dream when I was little was definitely to be a singer and to stand on stage and sing. I think this first dream has come true. How I came into contact with movies, I think, was probably a mistake. In fact, my first movie was called "Dream Partner". At that time, Ms. Du of the company asked me to go for an interview, and then I made movies with Sister Yao Chen, including the movie "The Red Boy" in "Westward Journey 3". . From then on, I slowly started to understand movies and watched some movies, and then I felt that many movie actors, their charm, through movies and the screen, seemed to have gained a second life. Why do everyone keep talking about Al Pacino's performance in "The Godfather" It's really like the blooming of a second life that will last forever. This is probably what makes me like movies more and more. I watched a movie before, and there was a line I liked very much that seemed to say: Some movies end the moment the screen lights up, and some movies will last forever. Well, good movies will last forever. , this is also what I think is very charming about the movie. The charm of movies is still very different from the charm of stage. Yes. The stage, I think, may be more of a moment of pleasure, a kind of release on the stage, while the movie is exquisitely crafted.
👨: These three movies were all chosen first. Will you try hard to get a role that you like in the future?
WYB: Yes, you must first have a character and a script you like, and then go for it.
👨: Now that you have been nominated for the Golden Rooster Award, will you still submit your resume and audition?
WYB: Of course, including the works of favorite directors, I will also fight for them.
👨: Your own temperament, as defined by the movie channel, is "noble and romantic"...
WYB: Thanks!
👨: And it has a relatively reserved feeling. If you encounter a character who is full of emotions and has strong emotions, would you avoid it?
WYB: I think when I like a character, I don’t first think about whether his emotions are high and low, but maybe I think more about the charm of the character. If I like the character very much, it doesn’t matter if he is high or low, or Regardless of whether I keep it or not, I might wan to try it, but I’m not against it.
👨: What about comedy? Are you interested in a pure comedy?
WYB: Pure comedy, well, I haven't thought about it yet. If there is a character that i really like, I don't think I can resist it and I can try it.
👨: As a newcomer, you are relatively relaxed in front of the camera and don't feel tense. Is this because you started your acting career very early and have rich acting experience, so you are more familiar with the camera?
WYB: I think it is true that as a singer, when performing on stage, whether in front of the audience or in front of the camera, you may be relatively skilled and relaxed, but it is still not enough in the eyes of the director. I think Director Cheng Er gave me a good start. He asked me not to "act" but to subtract. In fact, I am very grateful to the director for cultivating such a goodhabit in me.
👨: During the filming process, in addition to the NG mentioned just now, we often heard "Keep one thing, keep one thing". Of course, this kind of "keep one thing" is often proposed by directors, but have you ever raised it yourself?
WYB: There will be, there will be.
👨: Why is that, if there are no mistakes?
WYB: The requirements are definitely getting higher and higher, and I hope to be better.
👨: What if the director is already satisfied?
WYB: Sometimes actors have their own obsessions, demands, or ideas of their own.They may want me to try something like this again, or I feel that if I have subtracted some actions just now, I would like this action I think it's a bit redundant, so I might want to say, let me do another one without this action.
👨: When you are working, are you in a state where you can get into a scene quickly and get out of the scene quickly?
WYB: I have to get into the mood in advance. I think as an actor, it is normal for you toprepare for the role. As for whether you are really immersed in this role, it depends on you. The more you put your heart into it, the more you will be immersed in it. If you put in your heart less, you won't be able to immerse yourself in it. This is how I feel. So I am more on that set, in that environment, to feel and immerse myself in the set. There is no way for me to change my face as soon as the filming starts, and then return to myself as soon as it ends. I think in that case, as an actor, I have not experienced enough to experience the role? Including if you are really crying very sadly and violently, can you stop it at once? That is impossible.
👨: Well, speaking of which, your crying scene really left a stunning impression on people, I just said that when the crying scene ends, you may not be able to get out for a while, but what about when you enter?
WYB: Every actor may have a different way of entering a scene, so I may still have to use some help. Whether it’s some memories or music, this is also a skill and the reason why actors need a lot of experience. The more you experience, the more you see, the more you understand. When I need some help with my performance, I can quickly capture similar details from my experiences or memories, and then perform them based on the feeling of the character.
👨: Your collaborators, whether they are directors or rival actors, often comment that you are dedicated and hard-working. So I would like to ask, to use the current fashionable term, are you an "involved" person? ?
WYB: I don't think there is such a thing as "involution". I just want to do this thing well out of love.
👨: Is it more accurate to pursue perfection relatively?
WYB: Well, I think so.
👨: People also say that you can endure hardships.
WYB: Well, it must be a little tiring physically, but back to the question, when I am doing this thing, I have already chosen to do it, and if I also want to do it well, I still can’t feel bitter. But would you say you are tired? You will still be tired. Maybe onlookers will think, how tired you are when you do this? Then the premise is that you still like it. I just don’t think it’s hard, but people will see how tired you are, so when they evaluate you, they will say you can endure hardship.
👨: Three movies were released this year, and two were nominated for the Golden Rooster Award. How do you evaluate your year?
WYB: I feel very satisfied and very lucky. Being able to produce three such good works in one year, I think it is really a blessing for an actor. Then whether you try different roles or experience different lives, you will be very happy.
👨: The word Director Cheng Er used to describe you impressed me deeply. It was called "Mianshan". This "Mian" should mean "soft". So you are a relatively soft-hearted person?!
WYB: Well, I think it depends on the situation. When getting along with others, I may be relatively soft. But when it comes to what I pursue, when I want to fight for the first place, I won’t be soft and will be very determined, so it depends on the situation.
👨: We have been paying attention to you since the news about "Hidden Blade" and "Born to Fly". Then I feel that you have changed a lot this year. Before, you felt more like a teenager. This year, whether in activities or in the process of publicity, you have become very calm, and you feel like an adult. Have you felt this change yourself?
WYB: I actually don’t feel this way too much, but I think it may be that I improved rapidly in the year when I made three movies... Maybe it’s also because of experience. Various experiences, I think, are different.
👨: You are usually busy with work and have a very intensive schedule, so do you have very little time for yourself in your spare time?
WYB: Actually, when I am not on the set, my spare time is pretty good, um, pretty good.
👨: Do you watch movies in your free time?
WYB: Yes, I watched a lot of movies with the director some time ago.
👨: Is it the kind of projection you watch at home?
WYB: No, I watched it in a theater with the director.
👨: By the way, you can now watch movies in real commercial cinemas
WYB: I haven’t tried this before. I haven’t tried this yet.
👨 What type of movies do you like as an audience?
WYB: Director Cheng'er took me to watch many literary and artistic films, such as "Songs from Second Floor", "A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence", "All that Jazz", and I liked them all, as well as "Leviathan" and so on. .
👨: They are all foreign films.
WYB: Yes, there are more in Europe.
👨: Do you find European literary films boring?
WYB: I didn't fall asleep (laughs), I quite liked it.
👨: So you watched a lot of movies with Director Cheng Er, and a few days ago went to the theater festival to watch a lot of plays. He also recommended you to "Sea of ​​Stars"...
WYB: I said at the (Golden Rooster Award) nomination and commendation ceremony that I was very grateful to the director for helping me with the film, but I might have been a little nervous on stage at that time. In fact, what I wanted to say was that it was not just in "Hidden Blade", but it also helps me a lot outside the theater, whether it's the aesthetics of movies, music, or art. He told me that if you see too many good things, you will know what is bad.
👨: My understanding is that in addition to the cooperative relationship between director and actor, Director Cheng Er also has a kind of appreciation and support for you.
WYB: Well, yes, it can be understood that the director is teaching me like a teacher, he is my mentor and helpful friend.
👨: Talking about watching movies, do you rarely watch commercial movies?
WYB: I also like commercial films like the "Batman" trilogy very much. But recently I have watched relatively few commercial films. Yes, I mainly study literary and artistic films.
👨: Do you have a particular favorite actor?
WYB: Ah, think about it, the actress likes the Spanish actress Penelope Cruz in "Vicky Cristina Barcelona", and the actor, the actor in "21 Grams", is called Sean Penn.
👨: Well, he is an Oscar-winning actor and has a lot of personality.
WYB: Yes, very charming. He has many works. I also like the movie Dead Man Walking.
👨: "Dead Man Walking".
WYB: Hmm, yes.
👨: You have many hobbies, many of which have turned into skills, and you are considered an all-around artist.
WYB: No, I just want to like more things, but it’s not all-powerful. I like a lot of things, but I'm not good at them, so I don't think they're all-rounders.
👨: But when three directors notice you and choose you, these hobbies and skills such as motorcycle racing, hip-hop, etc. play a very important role.
WYB: Ah, this is also a bit lucky for me. I think I still have to stick to my hobby. This is also the joy of life. You can't just do one thing forever. I like to be exposed to new things, and I hope tostick to it as much as possible, but sometimes my hobbies may change quickly. For example, I was still enjoying golf, but suddenly I started playing tennis again. There is no way to focus on one hobby. To practice and improve all the time, maybe study in time periods. So I think I have many hobbies, but I am not good at them. But I just like so many hobbies, which make your life richer and more interesting, and can keep you in a relatively good state, including your mental state, in your spare time.
👨: Well, exercise is very good.
👨: I also want to ask a question about traffic.
WYB: Yes, yes, yes.
👨: Making a film is a long process, and some of it is kept secret. During thisprocess, if your popularity and traffic as a star are lost, would you mind?
WYB: I definitely don't mind, um, yes. Because I think my main identity now should be an actor. Of course, because it’s my favorite since childhood, I will also release new songs. Now that I am an actor, I actually want more time to broaden my horizons and enrich myself so that I can better shape different roles in the future. So how can I broaden my horizons and make myself more informed? Then I must go out, huh. Similarly, when I was working as an actor and making films, I might have less time to appear in public, and then my traffic would decrease, but I was still doing what I liked and paying for what I liked.
👨: Give us some information about the new film! Is there a script now?
WYB: Uh.........Yes! But I don't know what it will look like in the final shooting (laughs).
👨: Will movies still play an important role in your future career plans?
WYB: Yes, and at the same time, as I just said, don’t give up if you can, and persist.
*We have been urged several times to end it as soon as possible, and the following activities have been delayed.
Okay, that’s it for our interview! Finally, I would like to congratulate you again and hope that the filming of the new film goes well!
thanks, thanks!
This is the longest interview we did during the Golden Rooster Awards. The lovely interview subject has always been focused and peaceful, expressed candidly, occasionally thought, and often smiled.
No water, no rest.
His high-frequency vocabulary: thank you, like, love
What impressed us about him:
Extremely polite and always with a straight back.
Later, I watched him take photos. In the dark retro setting, he calmly changed his posture, calm and elegant, and had a charm that only radiated to the camera rather than the crowd.
This boy fulfills all the fantasies people have about idols. This young man is already pursuing bloom and eternity on the big screen. As a young man, his wings are beginning to take shape.
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the-monkey-ruler · 5 months
Journey to the West (2015) 西游奇遇记
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Starring: Zhou Xun / Liu Hanya / Jin Xing / Yunpeng / Yue Jin Shijia / Huang Xuan / Xie Na / Sun Yang / Xiao Shenyang / Wang Zulan Genre: Reality Show Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2015-12-12 (Mainland China) Number of episodes: 12 Single episode length: 93 minutes Also known as: Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons / 西游降魔记 Type: Crossover
"Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" is the first large-scale original variety show in China jointly created by Zhejiang Satellite TV, Yuyou Media, and Zhou Xun Studio. This program will be broadcast in the fourth quarter of 2015 after "The Challenger League".
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/26422320/
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPFoWMOPk4I
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bizarrequazar · 1 year
GJ and ZZH Updates — April 09-15
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
04-09 → During a livestream Liu Yuning, one of Gong Jun’s costars on Legend of AnLe, sang Tian Wen, which he had done the original vocals for.
04-10 → A big whaler on Weibo, 深海巡航胖胖鲸, created group chats pretending to collect fan information for a “birthday concert” for Zhang Zhehan in Thailand. QuelleVous and Flora made a series of tweets [here] and [here] revealing that this person is using his account to scam fans, and his posts and group chats are being promoted by other planted accounts. 
→ Gong Jun reposted a post from Huang Xiaoming, one of the other regulars on Go Fighting!. Original post: “Can I trust you? @ Gong Jun @ Jia Nai’liang” Gong Jun’s added caption: “Ge, you must! Less traps, more sincerity 😎”
→ Fresh posted a promotional gif featuring Gong Jun.
04-11 → The Go Fighting! Weibo posted a promotional video for season 9. Gong Jun’s line: “Keep searching and you will find the hidden candy in life.” [tl source] An hour later they posted another video (flashing lights cw) of behind the scenes footage from the promo shoots. BGM is Polarised by Cosmo’s Midnight.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a video (flashing lights cw) of more behind the scenes footage from the Go Fighting! shoot. Caption: “Continuing to pursue and not afraid of challenges. Boss @ Gong Jun Simon started a new journey with courage and love!”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted four photos from the Go Fighting! shoot. Caption: “Capture the agile moments of boss @ Gong Jun Simon, and have fun on the set~”
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→ The beauty influencer Li Jiaqi announced during a livestream that Gong Jun will be appearing in his livestream on 04-16.
04-12 → Gong Jun filmed an episode for Go Fighting! season 9. (White suit)
→ Zhang Zhehan’s 2016 drama Decoded was added to Viki’s international streaming. (cw for ableism towards an autistic character in the show)
→ Gong Jun posted the Charlotte Tilbury commercial (flashing lights cw) from 04-08 to his Douyin.
→ The Instagram posted four photos of “Zhang Zhehan” and two of song lyrics. It was noted that the Chinese lyrics are in traditional characters. [Here] are screenshots from the video shown at Zhang Zhehan’s 2020 mini-concert of his lyric pages that are written in simplified characters.
04-13 → Gong Jun filmed an episode for Go Fighting! season 9. (Fox wolf costume)
→ The Go Fighting! Weibo posted a promotional video featuring Gong Jun and Yue Yunpeng.
→ Addition 04-18: OK! Magazine posted a video teasing their upcoming issue featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) Caption: “The old image is connected with the future, and the real world and the image are connected. In the rapidly changing unknown field, [OK! 11th Anniversary Special Friend] @ Gong Jun Simon is connecting with the future through his infinite perception...”
→ Charlotte Tilbury posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted five photos of “Zhang Zhehan”.
04-14 → Gong Jun posted a promotional video he did for Meituan (a shopping platform) and MARRSGREEN.
→ The Go Fighting! Weibo posted a preview for the first episode.
→ 361º posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun for their appearance at Shenzhen fashion week the following day.
→ Fresh posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun advertising the livestream he would appear in an hour later.
→ Gong Jun appeared on a livestream for Fresh. [full recording] [written summary]
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted six photos of him from that day. Caption: “Decorate in plain colors, dress up like an ink night, record boss @ Gong Jun Simon’s ‘Fresh moment’”
04-15 → Flora posted a thread about Lian Jie (廉洁), a friend and professional associate of Peng Lihu’s who is another one of the people who has been behind the various Golden Shield social media accounts. (For info about Golden Shield see [1] [2] [3]) Flora says that if has been verified that Lian Jie currently has control over all of Li Xuezheng’s past social media accounts, though he has not been able to do anything with these yet. [followup]
→ Net-a-Porter posted a teaser for their soon to be announced endorsement with Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted an additional seventeen photos of him from the previous day. Caption: “Boss @ Gong Jun Simon stepped into the gilded night and felt the fresh moment. Northwest wolf or little fox? See the outcome on the program~”
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→ The Instagram posted a music video.
→ Fresh posted nine photos of Gong Jun from the previous day advertising an exhibition they were holding. The caption included: “Walk with Junjunzi chasing the light (光而行)” Shortly after, they also posted a video of Gong Jun in the exhibition area.
→ Yang Yang, the livestream host, posted two photos of himself and Gong Jun from the previous day.
→ Gong Jun attended an event for Tiffany & Co..
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted fourteen photos of him from that day. Caption: “Luxury and new ideas, and the classics will last forever. Together with boss @ Gong Jun Simon, he will meet the bright dreams and witness the legendary ingenuity.”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted nine photos of him from the Tiffany & Co. event. Caption: “When legends become concrete, boss @ Gong Jun Simon touches the timeless masterpieces in the brilliant diamonds.”
Additional Reading: → A reminder of events being organized for Zhang Zhehan’s birthday: Harry’s video of well wishes (submissions close on 04-25) and Bluebird’s charity drive.
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This post was last edited 2023-04-18.
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jowi8597 · 1 year
25/08/2023 One and only update 🔥
Yea, Chen Shuo didn't even wash his hands before giving the medicine to his uncle 😂😂😂 Poor Yue Yunpeng 😂😂😂😂
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rosy-zhao · 1 year
𝙰𝚌𝚝 𝙸𝙸𝙸: 𝙰𝚗 𝙴𝚗𝚌𝚢𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚊 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚊
Zhao Lusi, a talented actress, is represented by YinheKuyu Media, a renowned agency in the entertainment industry. Beyond her acting career, she possesses a diverse range of interests and accomplishments. She pursued her passion for fashion by majoring in Fashion Design at Mingdao University, showcasing her artistic and creative abilities.
Within her personal life, Zhao Lusi is supported by her loving family, consisting of her father, mother, and herself. If she hadn't pursued acting, she would have likely excelled as a costume designer, demonstrating her keen eye for aesthetics and attention to detail.
In her leisure time, Zhao Lusi indulges in various activities that bring her joy. She finds delight in exploring new destinations through travel and unleashing her musical talents by singing. Additionally, she embraces her playful side by engaging in gaming, showcasing her versatility and youthful spirit.
Among her favorite songs are "狂妄" (Arrogant), "44U," and "Moonlight," which resonate with her musical preferences and likely hold personal significance to her. Known for her vibrant personality, Zhao Lusi is often described as a chatterbox, possessing a natural affinity for engaging conversations and lively interactions.
When it comes to food, she has a penchant for spicy cuisine, particularly relishing dishes like hot pot, hot and spicy dishes, and tempura. Indulging in these flavors brings her immense satisfaction and pleasure.
Aside from her career and hobbies, Zhao Lusi also finds joy in shopping, immersing herself in the world of fashion and trends. Her love for animals is evident in her four beloved pets: three dogs named Ba Wan, Mi Dou, and Lai Fu, as well as a cat named Rou Rou.
In terms of entertainment preferences, Zhao Lusi enjoys listening to De Yunshe comedy and holds Yue Yunpeng as her favorite comedian, appreciating his wit and humor.
When it comes to her ideal type of boyfriend, Zhao Lusi finds humor in Wang Yilun, tenderness in Xiao Zhan, cuteness in Wu Junyu, and trickiness in Li Hongyi. These qualities reflect her varied preferences and demonstrate her open-mindedness in matters of the heart.
Zhao Lusi, a multi-talented individual with a vibrant personality, continues to captivate audiences with her acting prowess while embracing her diverse interests and passions outside of the spotlight.
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exo-gr · 4 years
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[200515] LAY: Go Fighting Season 6 still cut, weibo update
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linggluu · 1 year
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Is it in the language of the Jins?
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chineseredcarpet · 11 months
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Meng Ziyi shares snaps from filming Natural High with Jia Bing, Shen Teng, Jin Chen, Fan Chengcheng, Bai Jingting, Sha Yi and Yue Yunpeng
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chinesemovieposter · 6 years
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everonelove · 3 years
岳云鹏小岳岳爆笑来袭看完笑出八块腹肌 Yue Yunpeng small Yue Yue burst into laughter to atta...
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
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yue yunpeng on wang yibo ☺️:
YY: Yibo and I are fellow villagers. We have met and talked before. He is very cute. He doesn’t talk much and works hard. After taking a scene on the spot, he will come and take a look. Then he closes his eyes. He has a habit of closing his eyes and thinking about it for a while before he goes to shoot. An actor who is very smart and thoughtful. The director said that he just wanted a family of three, which felt the best. I said, let’s do it.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
On the Way Sidestory (2015) 西游奇遇外传
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Director: Xue Ling
Screenwriter: Yang Sanyeol
Starring: Zhou Xun / Yue Yunpeng / Jin Shijia / Liu Hanya / Jin Xing / Xiaoshenyang / Luo Xiang
Genre: Comedy / Short / Costume / Reality TV
Country/Region of Production: Mainland China
Language: Mandarin Chinese
Date: 2015-12-12
Number of seasons: 1
Episodes: 8
Single episode length: 8 minutes
Also known as: Journey to the West Extra Story
Type: Crossover
"Journey to the West Side Story", also known as "Journey to the West" is an interstitial short film of Zhejiang Satellite TV's reality show "Journey to the West". Later, it was exclusively broadcast on the online platform Tencent Video and was well received after it aired. The film is starred by well-known actors such as Zhou Xun, Yue Yunpeng, Jin Shijia and Aya. The production team is professional, and they have the shooting equipment of the Hollywood movie "The Hobbit". Because they have to follow the shooting progress of the program group, the creative team is constantly discussing ideas. Because they want to promote it on the Internet, they need to join modern online videos The element of the creation increases the difficulty of creation even more. The film is novel in creation, has a unique concept of plot expression and lens language, and can be an independent video work while matching the program.
Source: http://chinesemov.com/tv/2015/On-the-Way-Sidestory.html
Link: N/A
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