#yuga ayoyama
magnolix · 1 year
MHA exchangestudent!y/nheadcanons
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They would definitely be interested, Iida and Momo would be trying their damndest to make sure the class was as respectful as possible (gotta respect the class reps) - They probably told Mineta that class was canceled for that day just to save you
If you don't speak the language (native English speaker) then I feel that either Midoriya or even Pony (from class 1-B) would try to help you out.
If you speak Spanish then Sero's gonna be your buddy as he loosely translates for you
If you do speak the language (hey good for you, Japanese is pretty hard to learn) then you get a bunch of more options
If you're from the UK or with a heavy ass accent (like me ^^) then you're probably gonna be hanging out with Bakugou because even though you two can't understand each other, there's enough hand motions and tone raises for him to understand what you're saying
Y/N: "You lavvy-heided wankstain, bug off yay mangled beetroot, I cannae function rit!" Kirishima: "Bakugou, what did they say?" Bakugou: "Piss off, I'm working." Midoriya: *frantically taking notes*
I'd like to think that the Bakusquad would hoard you to themselves and Mina, Denki, and Sero would be walking you around campus, showing you all of the cool stuff to see
"And this is the other class for the generic studies, and that's the area for the support item workshop thingy," Mina explained. "You mean the Department for Support?" Denki corrected her. "Yeah yeah.."
The lunch rush fucking scares you. You're used to leaving class early to get in line so it's a new feeling to be able to get what you want on time without breaking some noses.
Y/n: *running full speed towards the cafeteria right after being let out of class* "OUT TEH FUCKEN WAY!" Bakugou: *running alongside Y/n* "THIS BITCH WANTS PASTA!
You probably made fun of some of their quirks at first but in a friendly and joking way,
you even gave some of them nicknames
Midoriya: Mocha Todoroki: Zuko Kirishima: Jaws or Hammerhead Mina: Weed Jesus Iida: Speed Jesus Sero: Spiderman Jiro: Bluetooth Bakugou: Blondie Ayoyama: Cheese-eating surrender monkey (took you a while to explain that one to him (yes it's a Simpsons reference))
When it comes to actually doing some of the work like homework n stuff, you'd either get shy and have to work up the courage to ask them for help or Momo would just take the lead and invite you for a study session - you didn't know she was rich until you went to her house
The work studies really freaked you out, no matter what your quirk was, you got scared of Bakugou, Todoroki, and Midoriya after seeing what they could do - really made the mind wander when you saw them panting
If your quirk is support based, I could see you helping out some of the others Recovery Girl style
If your quirk is attack based, I could see you running around as Bakugou is trying to spar with you
(you most likely hid behind either Shoji or Eraser Head)
the moment you realize that almost everybody has either a hero work-study or daddy issues (or both if they're lucky) you try to get assigned to a work-study as well
If you apply for Edgeshot's, Mt.Lady's, or Ryukyu's agencies, they would accept you on the spot. Saying something along the lines of "expanding your horizons", "getting you good experience", "making you stronger" etc.
If you apply for Best Jeanist's, Endeavor's, or Hawks' agencies, I feel like Endeavor and Jeanist would have a full-scale interview but Hawks would have you join immediately
As for other heroes like Mirko, Crust, Gang Orca (and the other top heroes), it would be a mix depending on what your was
Speaking of Endaevor
Oh poor, poor Endeavor
I may be an Enji simp but I cannot deny how quickly this man would fall to the verbal wrath of our generation
You'd misspell his name on documents
You'd get his food order wrong
You wouldn't tell him about changes to his schedule
You'd wake up each and every day and choose violence
And best of all, he wouldn't be able to do shit about it
He's stuck with you and you know it
#gaslightgatekeepgirlboss (or boy boss, non-binary boss, you get the idea)
Y/n: "You have some paperwork you need to fill out, you have a press meeting today at 8:30am, one of your sidekicks is currently out doing your laundry, and that mission report should be back in an hour." Endeavor: "Y/n, it's 9 am. Are you sure that meeting isn't wrong?-" Y/N: *smirking* "I know what I said."
When it comes to events at UA like festivals or other small things like that, it's up to you
if there's a sports thingy though like the Baseball OVA (god bless) I feel like you'd be absolutely amazing at either soccer or baseball
like, you know how to swing
and you know how to kick
and you know how to girl boss (sorry I'll stop)
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creepy-bae-eds · 1 year
My thoughts on the MHA boys' dick size
(Seat order)
Yuga Ayoyama: 5 inches (Seat No. 1)
Tenya Iida: 7.9 inches (Seat No. 4)
Mashirao Ojiro: 8 inches (Seat No. 6)
Denki Kaminari: 10.2 inches (Seat No. 7)
Eijiro Kirishima: 11 inches (Seat No. 8)
Koja Koda: 8.5 inches (Seat No. 9 {I'm sorry...})
Rikado Sato: 6 inches (Seat No. 10)
Mezo Shoji: 7.5 inches (Seat No. 11)
Hanta Sero: 13.2 inches (Seat No. 13)
Fumikage Tokoyami: 9.2 inches (Seat No. 14)
Shoto Todoroki: 10.2 inches (Seat No. 15)
Katsuki Bakugo: 12.5 inches (Seat No. 17)
Izuku Midoriya: 9.2 inches (Seat No. 18)
Minoru Mineta: 2.5 inches (Seat No. 19)
Shota Aizawa: 10.5 inches
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ghost-the-writer · 2 years
Say it with me kids
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We hate the heroes
This is a fucking child what the fuck is wrong with them, don’t even know what side I want to see win anymore
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thatdamnpoet · 2 years
Rating class 1A (mha) Characters based on whether I would go on a date with them. (Part one)
(This is not about looks or how much I love the character)
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First of all he gay. Just saying. and um hmm maybe I would go on a date with him. It would either be awkward and weird or chaotically fun.
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Yes. Yes I would. It couldn’t be too long because her energy can be overwhelming but the date would be so much fun.
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She is an absolute sweetheart and I say she’s got an 80% chance, only because i feel because of our personalities we wouldn’t really be very close.
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Again, he is another person I would struggle to keep up with energy wise. He’s a little too much for me and while he would try his absolute best, he would probably be very stiff and formal and make it awkward. Sorry class prez.
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She is so sweet, yes I would. Nothing fancy thou, cause she broke af, but a cute cosy cafe that isn’t to crowded but still has good food and beverages.
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Yes. Absolutely yes. Y’all be out here insulting him but he is a gentleman and a hard worker. Give him some appreciation.
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Why is this even a question. I would most definitely go on a date with him. Sure he would flirt with me a lot, but he’s so happy and wholesome, he’s so amazing.
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Yall know he’s practically an angel. He will treat his date, no matter who they are, with the utmost respect and love and oh my gosh he’s so precious.
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A date with him would probably be sitting in basically silence at a picnic in the forest and you know what I’m down for that.
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This would be a ‘home date‘ where I go over to his house and we bake cookies or something like that and yes yes yes I’ll be there.
Part two is here and yes I will make more of these for other pro heroes and students from 1B (plus shinso). let me know if there are any other animes you want me to do this for, or if you want to to rate them based on something else!
luv u ❤️❤️
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luidilovins · 5 years
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@griffinmcelroyspisskink 🌟"Oui!"🌟 "I didn't know what gender was before and I'm not about to start now."
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Ayoyama ch 168: *To Deku* Your quirk doesn’t suit your body... you and I are the same...
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BNHA Valentine’s Day
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banner from @blhuberri
❤️❤️❤️Will give you a little Valentine’s Day card but also gives one to everyone in the class: Shouto Todoroki*, Tsuyu Asui, Mezo Shoji, Fumikage Tokoyami, Bakugo Katsuki
🧡🧡🧡Will give you a little Valentine’s Day card AND chocolate, hoping you get the hint that they LIKE like you: Momo Yayorozou, Ochako Uraraka, Koji Koda, Yuga Ayoyama, Denki Kaminari*, Kyoka Jirou,
💛💛💛Leaves a love letter in your shoe locker: Mina Ashido, Rikido Sato*, Hanta Sero*, Toru Hagakure,
💙💙💙Brings you flowers and confesses their love for you: Tenya Iida*, Izuku Midoriya, Eijirou Kirishima*,
Hit the read more for cute little headcanons for some random feels
Shouto Todoroki: very confused by the concept of professing one’s love on a holiday. Lots of people try to pressure him to do something romantic, but he’s not looking to put too much pressure on you. Would rather do it any other day, without the pressure of anyone’s gaze.
Denki Kaminari: wastes an entire pack of valentines trying to figure out the right thing to scribble. Finally settles on something platonic, adding a box of conversation hearts to the back with a piece of tape. Hopes you understand that he doesn’t have the words to express his affection.
Rikido Sato: the love letter is short and sweet, enhanced by a cupcake of your favorite flavor with little heart candies on top. He knows the cupcake will give him away, but he wanted to add a personal touch.
Hanta Sero: Single rose and a heartfelt letter, probably a poem too with the assumption that you two had been friends for a while now. Sero’s love is the kind that grows like a garden over time and he’s more than happy to tend to a relationship. He might not ask you out, but he’ll be super sincere in his letter.
Tenya Iida: after much deliberation and counsel from his closest friends, he decided that the best course of action was to be formal and genuine. He bought roses, of course, and thought about a box of chocolates, but someone convinced him that was too much. Iida is confident and smooth in his proposal, asks to meet your parents afterwards.
Eijirou Kirishima: decided that the most manly way to ask you out was to do it outright. He might have even asked your parents beforehand if we’re being honest. Brings brightly colored very expensive flowers. Blushing viscously the whole time.
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miraeluc · 3 years
Howdy love! Hope your having a great day! I was wondering if you could write a fic of the reader who’s ayoyamas twin sister comforting the poor sparkly boy after he lost to mina in the U.A. Tournament. Keep up the good work!!💖💗
hey sweetheart! i had an awesome day so far, thanks :) since you didn’t specify the quirk you wanted the reader to have, i came up with something on my own, you’ll see!! hope you enjoy <3 psa: this turned out shorter than i thought, i’m sorry!!
comforting aoyama after he lost a battle
pairing: yuga aoyama x reader (platonic!! they’re twins)
word count: 710
genre: fluff, angst i think
warnings: none!
req by: @sherbert-pie (i cannot tag you)
you were never as interested in becoming a hero as your brother was, never really liking being in the spotlight, unlike yuga
even with your decided choice to not become a hero, you were always there to support your twin-brother, the U.A Tournament being no exception.
the problem being, his opponent knew of his weakness, your brother throwing himself into the fight unstrategically and overusing his quirk, resulting in him getting stomach aches, leaving room for mina to attack
you gasped when you saw his belt being destroyed by his opponents acid, eyes further widening when his pants fell in the process
you immediately raised to your feet when he was knocked out, leaving the stands in search for your brother, but it was to no avail when the security guards didn’t let you through
you opted to wait at home instead, taking a retour on the way to buy a bunch of snacks
you sympathized with him, being the one who had to often listen to him talk about how he was scared of humiliation
and also how much he wanted to make his dream come true
you just didn’t expect your otherwise sparkly brother that somehow always managed to make snarky comments, to be so.. deflated
when he got home he immediately went to his room after greeting you with a 
you frowned, seeing him like this was not a pleasant sight
so you grabbed all the supplies you bought earlier, easily finding your way to his room, knocking twice to let him know you were entering before going in
and there he was, curled up in his bed, sulking to himself
you sighed “aw, cmon now, yuga!”
he sighed, not sparing you a glance 
“please leave, y/n”
“seriously, you should know better by now that once i want to hang out you don’t get rid of me so easily” you smiled lightly, placing the bag of snacks on the ground, sitting on the end of the bed
“it wasn’t that bad, yaknow..”
“are you kidding!? i had my pants down in front of the entire school!”
he sat up, now looking at you, his red eyes a clear indication that he had been crying
“well, i know that, but i’m serious when i say it wasn’t that bad, everybody was looking at ashido, not at your underwear - plus, you were at a clear disadvantage! she knew everything about your quirk, even your weakness!”
it honestly pained you to see your brother look so bummed out, wanting his usual self back asap
when no response from him came you pulled him into a hug, something you didn’t usually do but you would tell that he needed it in this moment
his arms immediately wrapped around your waist, heaving out a sob as he started crying once again 
you remained quiet, gently patting his head and letting him cry it out, not wanting to push unwanted advice onto him, you knew he could get himself back up and just needed a little support, support which you were more than willing to give
as the sun was slowly started to set so did his cries, releasing you from the hug and sitting up again to wipe his tears, your own lips tugging into a smile at him
your hand reached up, hovering above his head, sparkles releasing from your fingertips, falling over him as a little sparkle-rain, the last ones merging into a rainbow above his head
(your quirk was useless in battle, but deemed itself worthy in situations like this)
“ready to go back to being your sparkly-self?”
he laughed at your antics, slapping your hand away “shush. i indeed am - but i saw you brought snacks?” 
your gaze shifted towards the bag of snacks that was still abandoned on the floor
“oh, right. i did, wanna eat while watching a series?”
he snatched the bag, already digging into it to pull out the various snacks it contained “don’t need to ask me twice-”
you scoffed, turning the tv on, browsing through the various shows the both of you started but never finished, opting for MLB
you ended up binge watching season two and three-
aoyama went to school the next day feeling even more motivated<3
requests are open
read rules before requesting
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Class 1A Cuddle Headcanons
Okay, I got both bored and a tiny shot of an idea for Class 1A students and how they would cuddle. This was completely random.
Yuga Aoyama: Elaborate. Ayoyama cuddles by treating you with such poise and even brings out the finest snacks for you two to enjoy.
Mina Ashido: Cuddles with Mina are spunky. She's mainly cuddling you.
Tsuyu Asui: Calming. A quiet place where you can listen to soft nature sounds be it by out in nature itself or listening to a recording.
Tenya Iida: I feel these would be tense cuddles, NGL. You'll have to do all the work in calming this dude.
Ochaco Uraraka: She would love the attention I think. She puts on a brave face most of the time but when she's alone and thinks back as to why she's becoming a hero, she'll like the feeling of someone being close to her.
Mashirao Ojiro: Who are we kidding here? Boy likes his tail being played with so if you're cuddling, you gotta cuddle the tail too.
Denki Kaminari: Feel the sparks fly? Of course you do. Kaminari can't help but produce some electrical current while cuddling. Oh, and your hair is definitely standing on end.
Eijiro Kirishima: NGL, he hardens at first because he's nervous so cuddles are rough. He'll eventually calm down and then the tables will turn and you'll be in his arms before you know it.
Koji Koda: Koda? Cuddles? Yes and they're sweet as hell. Obviously, he’s shy so you just start off by holding hands before you start scootching closer.
Rikido Sato: Bring him sweets. He doesn't care what it is. He'll hold you tight with one arm while devouring cakes and cookies in the other hand. At some point, he'll turn and nuzzle and thank you for the treats.
Mezo Shoji: CUDDLE MASTER! Are you kidding me? This boy was made to cuddle you and keep you warm.
Kyoka Jiro: She's not into cuddles overly because she is really shy. She's laid back and all, but when it comes to this, she feels awkward and question's herself if she's worthy of your time. (And of course she is.)
Hanta Sero: He's tickling you. I see him as the type to start out soft but then quickly turn things into a game.
Fumikage Tokoyami: Will actually like it, but you have to do mainly all the cuddling. Dark Shadow on the other hand, he'll cuddle you until he's told to stop.
Shouto Todoroki: Oh boy. Yes, he loves cuddles. But Shouto is so aloof that he will ask if you are alright after every time he squeezes you in his arms. "Is that too tight? I'm sorry." "Is it okay to hug you again?"
Toru Hagakure: I think we all know this may be a tricky one, so she'll have to be the one to lead things with the cuddles. But, also a little mysterious don't you think?
Katsuki Bakugou: Oh god, dude is a switch. You will have to initiate and wrap your arms around him, softly squeezing him in hugs until he's had enough and brings the cuddles to you. And yes. The cuddles are from behind.
Izuku Midoriya: Constantly asking for reassurance if how he is cuddling you is okay. He's shaking like a leaf but calms when you hold him tight and nuzzle against his cheek.
Minoru Mineta: Do I have to? Yes, because this boy needs love too, come at me. Due to his size, it might be a little tricky. He'll more than likely have to sit on your lap while he hugs you, head resting on you chest. (Be real here.)
Momo Yaoyorozu: Momo's cuddles are simple and sweet. If she's sitting next to you, she'll makes sure she's close enough to feel your heart beat while holding your hand.
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1-a and teacher’s favorite book genres?
Hi! So I decided to do general reading HC on most of class 1-A (besides a few). Hope you enjoy! 
Yuga Ayoyama 
Fashion magazines. 
No, in all seriousness, probably romance novels? Not the YA ones, I’m talking about the ones middle-aged women read in their bath of bubbles and rose petals with a glass of wine wishing their husbands were like mr.macho. 
Also probably picks up any book with a shiny cover. 
Mina Ashido 
Probably doesn’t read often unless its a magazine or shitty BuzzFeed articles. 
Probably likes celebrity gossip though. 
Tsuyu Asui 
Not a picky reader at all. Will most likely read anything and if anyone asks, gives honest, logical feedback. 
Most of the time reads whatever is recommended to her by friends. 
Tenya Iida 
He reads a lot. 
He probably says its “daily exercise for his brain”.  
Also will read anything recommended to him.
Guilty pleasure books probably include biographies on heroes or other famous people. 
Uraraka Ochako
She likes to read YA novels as a guilty pleasure. 
Probably has tried to read one of those “how to make yourself a millionaire” books but found it was just easier to be a hero tbh. 
Denki Kaminari
Doesn’t read often unless its a guide to a video game or a comic/manga. 
Honestly is the kid in English class who NO MATTER WHAT hates the book because it’s BORING
Eijiro Kirishima 
I don’t see him reading much either. 
Definitely likes comics though. 
Tried to read an action novel but he needs pictures, words just don’t do it for him. 
Kyoka Jirou 
She probably enjoys good old-fashioned Edgar Allan Poe or poetry. 
Darker themed fantasy stories are her favorite. 
Hanta Sero 
He probably tries. Like, he will get recommended a book and attempt to read it but just forgets about it. 
So he doesn’t really have a genre he prefers. 
He gives it his best effort, though, so give him a gold star. 
Fumikage Tokoyami 
Oh, this boi is a connoisseur of classics. 
He reads all the big names. Poe? Yeah. Fitzgerald? Yeah. Lovecraft? Yeah boiiiiiii.
Loves all the literature you read in English class. 
Not to mention he is a Harry Potter fan too. 
So classics and fantasy would be his genres. 
Shouto Todoroki
I already have hc about my good boi here~ 
Katsuki Bakugou 
He either is a secret nerd that reads all the time or literally never reads anything longer than 3 sentences in his free time. 
Dystopian novels would probably be his thing though. 
Izuku Midoriya 
He reads a lot of hero stuff.
Every biography. Every magazine. Fiction about heroes. He LOVES it.
 Momo Yayorozu 
Oh, sweet girl. She loves the cheesy sweet stuff. 
YA novels and Romance. 
Yet, I can also see her liking popular books like hunger games and others like that 
Aizawa Shouta
He reads stuff Mic recommends. 
Barely has any time for it though. 
However, on the days he struggles with Insomnia, he will read to help himself fall asleep.
Toshinori Yagi 
He barely has time to read either. 
Though he does enjoy reading those “self-help” books occasionally. 
Nemuri Kayama
She literally is the woman in the tub who reads those romance novels about Mr.Macho. 
Also enjoys reading about History.
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