#yuichiro hyakuya. headcanons / i can run using every last ounce of energy. i cannot‚ i cannot run from my family
ahsterism · 2 years
tag drop pt. 2: misc anime
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ahsterism-aa · 2 years
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anonymous asked: Heliotrope and iris for the botanical questions, any muse/s! // botanical headcanons
i can’t make choices for shit so thanks christie for suggesting the ones i’m going with here i guess LMAO
heliotrope :   does your muse believe in soulmates ? — yuichiro hyakuya
i don’t think yuu belives in soulmates, no— not because he doesn’t believe in true love or anything like that, it’s the OPPOSITE actually. what he doesn’t believe in is predestination, the idea that there is always a destined and inevitable fate both with love and in ANY situation. he chooses to love his found family, he chooses to care about his friends as strongly as he does, he will CHOOSE to love someone with his whole being whenever he does. to yuu, life is what you are willing to make of it and NOT what anyone or anything tells you it should be. 
so, basically just the embodiment of soulmates are stupid i love you on purpose
iris :   if your muse could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind ,   what would it be ? — sokka
first of all this was an EVIL suggestion thanks, anyways... of COURSE he would want to say more to yue... her presence and sacrifice left such an influence on him and care that he never fully lets go of, even when he does move forwards. evident from his hallucination of her, he would first want to APOLOGIZE for failing to protect her ( which is something that eats away at him especially when you consider his fixation on protecting his tribe and how those efforts didn’t stop the death of his and katara’s mom either ). he would tell her the impact she had, how she SAVED so many people, how they eventually won. and he would tell her how much he cares, still, how he’ll be alright but in a way that he’ll never let go of that care he had for her either. 
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ahsterism-aa · 3 years
noooo this isn’t another tag drop haha what are you talking about
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ahsterism-aa · 2 years
tag fix pt. 3 bc tumblr despises me ( last one this is it tumblr just thought it could get rid of my CRINGE apparently i think not- )
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ahsterism-aa · 3 years
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@fauxvvalor​ asked: 📂 give.. some Yuu hcs // send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
- yuu didn’t pay attention during... any of his suspension classes out of sheer spite, but when he wasn’t spending all that time staring out the window and mumbling about how he should be doing something worthwhile in the army, he would doodle absentmindedly in his notebook. he’s not an artist or anything, but hey it was another way to pass the time and maybe even get in trouble so he could get out of there
- he was first interested in the idea of driving as a kid living in the vampire city, thinking a super fast car would get him and the others out AND make it easier to get around to defeat the vampires. though that’s changed, it still really piques his interest, and he Will get overexcited every time ( aka do NOT let him behind the wheel until someone actually teaches him jfc )
- while curry has remained one of his favorite foods, he... couldn’t really eat it for a long time without thinking about mika and the others from the orphanage, so he would avoid it despite enjoying it. after getting mika back, though, he’ll be willing to have it again 
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