hamliet · 2 years
Hello! I was rereading Noragami and I don't have the best grasp on physical relationships so I was wondering, did Father and Nora assault Hiyori and Yukine? They never asked to kiss them and just went for it and it was even for bad reasons. Hiyori and Yukine are even in conflict after it. (I'm not saying this to bash Yukinora, I actually do like them, I just don't have the best grasp of consent in situations like this). I've seen people say when someone goes in for a kiss without asking in any way (I believe there is a Hitch rule?) That it can be classified as one bc people can react by simply freezing (and in Hiyori's case, she probably was socialized to not push boys off so easily). I do hope this isn't triggering though and if it is then I am sorry and you don't have to answer it.
Ugh okay. My answer is that I think it shouldn't be thought of in black and white and that people are overthinking it. Like... in real life, should you go up to someone randomly and kiss them? No no nope no way. In fiction? It is a trope in romance stories, and is subject to fair criticism but is not necessarily intended to be a 1=1 representation of our understandings of actions in a vacuum. tl;dr it's not coded or framed as a traumatizing assault, particularly not Yukinora's, but there are uncomfortable aspects to both (though far more so in Father/Hiyori's case, because Father isn't her love interest).
That said, for Father it does show his lack of boundaries and respect for other people's autonomy (he basically sees Yato and Nora as manifestations of himself, and because Yato likes Hiyori, he sees her as being something for him to use). For Nora, it's Father working through her to manipulate Yukine. At the same time, I think it's pretty obvious that Yukine and Nora do care about each other, so... again, it shows how Father will try to exploit something pure and sweet like puppy love between two kids and try to use it to benefit him, even if it's not assault and isn't something that both Yukine and Nora minded.
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arbiteroutstrider · 4 years
Yukine Being a Tsundere
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oneofyatosfollowers · 4 years
Broke: Yukine and Nora shouldn’t be shipped because Nora is like Yato’s older sister. 
Woke: Yukine and Nora shouldn’t be shipped because despite her appearance Nora is basically an infant 
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mad-pop-princess · 5 years
me when y’all bring up the fact that nora possibly betrayed yukine:
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swatato · 5 years
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Collabed with @ikis and colored her lovely art of these precious dead kiddos :') 🐸
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Noragami: Nora & Yukine
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livuwur · 6 years
Yukine: I hate Nora, I hate her so much, I can't even express with words how much I despise her.
Nora: *crying* Yukine, father released me!
Yukine: awww poor abandoned child :( but don't worry cuz I'll take care of you <3
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a-dose-of-phitre · 5 years
Me: I bet Nora is planning to betray Yukine all along, so I better not be shipping them and be hopeful because Hiyori would probably do something like a savior she is.
Also me: Nora tried to warn Yukine about going through his past, tried to burn the articles down and looked genuinely guilty as she sat on the ground. My ship is suffering, poor babies.
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echodrops · 6 years
YATORI, Yukinora, Kazubisha
Got multiple asks about Yatori–I’m surprised though, y’all know how I feel about this one, right? XDD
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
This ship owns my heart and soul. I love it, I love them, I love everything about it. It’s been a long time since a “canon” ship in a manga left me feeling so rejuvenated and peaceful and it just makes me so happy when I see them together.
My very, very favorite about this ship is just how much Hiyori is Yato’s “safe place.” She’s his home, guys. She’s the “place” he returns to, the one he runs to when he feels threatened, the first human he’s brave enough to entrust his entire life to–he’s a thousand+-year-old god, but he needs her. He’s suffered for so long and in so many ways, and then he finally found someone who makes him happy, who brought so many good things into his life, who told him in no uncertain terms that she wants him in her life and values him… She saved him and continues to save him, and the dynamic that they have is so unique and so intriguing to me.
My heart aches at the mere thought of them not being together forever. Adachitoka, do NOT let me down.
vomit / don’t ship / I’m on the fence / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
It’s not that I don’t think this ship is cute; quite the contrary, I always thought it must have been somewhat on purpose that Nora and Yukine looked almost exactly the same age, but the context in which ship-like things are unfolding regarding this ship in the actual manga is just a little bit suspicious and stressful to me. Knowing what we know, I feel the current events are almost certainly a trap, and so it’s hard to gauge Nora’s real feelings about this situation. While I think she will almost inevitably be genuinely affected by Yukine’s kindness and golden heart, but how bad are things going to get before we get there?
I think I’m on the fence about this one currently. I am ready to be convinced to ship it, but I’m not quite sold yet.
I wanted Yukine/Nana to happen… T___T
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
KazuBisha is one of those ships that I love best when things are going horribly wrong, which I guess is a weird thing to say, but what I mean is that normally there are three ways we get romantic plotlines in manga: 1) the characters are oblivious to their own feelings or the other person’s feelings; 2) the characters are too shy to confess and so dance around each other forever and a day; 3) horrible outside forces of drama keep them apart even though they just long to be together.
KazuBisha is somehow ALL OF THOSE AND NONE OF THOSE AT ONCE. It simultaneously defies and embraces tons of romance tropes and the giant collision of all those tensions brings this ship to glorious, glorious painful life. Is Bishamon really unaware of Kazuma’s feelings, or did she ignore them because she knew she couldn’t give him what he wanted? Is Kazuma really too shy to confess fully beyond his “I cherish you!”, or does he already know the answer and can’t bear it? How is it that the only thing really keeping them apart from each other IS THEMSELVES?
Everything hurts and everything is beautiful. I can’t wait to see where this goes.
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lilacflamesss · 5 years
those kinds of couple that one goes up to some asshole and calls them out for making the other one cry??? 
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these kinds???? 
the best. 
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cycloalkane · 6 years
nora is going to break my heart isn’t she but i still want it.
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hamliet · 5 years
Have you read Noragami 84? Because Fucking Ouch. Um, Yukine? This is not a good time for Teenage Rebellion. (Although the crow wings and ragged feather-cloak *do* look pretty cool.) And, isn't it sweet, Nora's being a supportive voice of reason... or not. Like, she's right about Yukine being a jealous brat right now, but also being manipulative. On the other hand, it's backfired spectacularly for her, leaving her feeling every bit as abandoned as Yukine feels. Bluntest YukiNora parallel yet.
Yeaaaah. It hurts, and it was called “Nora,” and Nora... is clearly feeling terrible about Yukine. At the same time, Yukine now knows her pain quite intimately--being abandoned by Yato.
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That said like... Nora needs to break away from Father ASAP to save Yukine, and honestly it seems like that might be what’s going to happen this arc. Father’s ignoring her, abandoning her for Yukine (like, that’s what’s going to happen, we all know it).
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The other thing is this page here:
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Father is essentially saying Yukine is a price for Yato, but we know that’s not exactly what he’s thinking (he wants Yukine as his shinki). Is Nora willing to pay that price, though?
In the end, I doubt it.
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arbiteroutstrider · 4 years
You Promised Her!
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kannra21 · 6 years
If Yukine isn't awesome then no one is
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Let's treasure this adorable dude. Daikoku started suspecting something but he probably doesn't have a clue of what's actually going on. Kazuma said that once a shinki falls in love with someone, he's very close to cross the line, meaning he'll obviously turn into an ayakashi. I DON'T WANT YUKINE AND NORA TO TURN INTO AYAKASHIS!!! They're the most beautiful thing in the entire planet Earth please Adachitoka let them liveeeeeeeeee!
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elsakey · 6 years
Ya’ll the fact that the YukiNora tag is getting a lil bit more traffic now is giving me life. 
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voidofcourse8 · 6 years
Oh my god, this chapter gives me LIFE. I’m squealing so hard, Yukine is a precious murder child and I CANT WAIT. Kazuma might be crossing to the dark side? I’m thrilled!!
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