#yun tian he
ladynamie · 4 months
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Sword and Fairy 4 仙剑四 (2024) | Episode 16
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kdram-chjh · 3 months
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Cdrama: Sword and Fairy 4 (2024)
He likes everyone but not in romantic way 🤭😅 #swordandfairy4
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-l8Kyym4Hzk
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xinyuehui · 8 months
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Top 2 Yuanzhi expressions ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌ (¬_¬)
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smittenskitten · 9 months
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movielosophy · 5 months
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Sword and Fairy 4 | My brain doesn’t work when I’m hungry.
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trendingdrama · 9 months
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That's enough. Don't make it difficult for yanzhi.
E05 : My Journey to You | 云之羽 (2023) dir.Edward Guo
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When a boy’s hallucination of his departed mother that follows him in every happy moment parallels the sense of powerlessness he feels under an oppressive state 💞💞💕💞💕❤️❤️❤️💗💗💞💖 Link
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laniidae-passerine · 2 months
getting irrationally mad about the romance pairings of a 2005 Taiwanese romcom show that I can barely understand sometimes because the translations are so poorly done
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mikorens · 5 months
the more you watch the show, the more you understand why xie wei is such a girldad, every father figure he had was an awful deadbeat dad
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finalfantasyx · 7 months
Like okay it actually makes me SO sad that Chu Kong loved his brother so much that in order to mitigate conflict everywhere by being with Cang Hai, he was willing to give up everything, including his name and title as the second prince of the Qilin clan since her identity couldn't be changed and WHAT does he get in return???
His beloved brother framing his wife, manipulating and essentially killing his sister-in-law, which then led to the events of his wife choosing to jump into the In-Between to save his life AND THEN his brother wiping his memories of the entire thing, taking over and lying to everyone in the six realms about what happened and then leaving Chu Kong clueless for THIRTY THOUSAND YEARS.
I mean like I relate to Chu Kong a lot pre-memory wipe, and I just adore his character in general. Chu Kong tried his dang hardest to do what was best for everyone at his own detriment at EVERY turn, and THIS is the thanks he gets?????
Truly, I hate this man. Just about as much as I hate Ye Bingchang/Tian Huan from TTEOTM. Which is saying a lot.
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ladynamie · 4 months
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Sword and Fairy 4 仙剑四 (2024) | Episode 14
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shewholovestoread · 7 months
My Journey To You - Thoughts and Impressions Part 1 of 2
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I realise that I've been missing these past few months, i've been on a consumption binge but with little to no bandwidth to write about any show/film irrespective of how much I may have loved them. (depression is an ass) But I can, once again, feel thoughts tingling in my brain and I've decided to get back to writing, something that I deeply enjoy. Anyway, enough about me, let's get started.
To keep the post from getting obscenely long, I'm going to split it into two. This post will be about the technical aspects of the show. Part 2 will focus on the characters.
My Journey To You is a 2023 fantasy, Wuxia show (shows/films that are based in ancient China with martial arts warriors being capable of superhuman feats, like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon). It was highly anticipated owing to the amazing trailer (one of the best I've seen)
Plot: The series tells the story of Yun Wei Shan, a spy longing for freedom, who infiltrates the Gong residence to complete a mission. In the eerie and treacherous Gong residence, she encounters love and friendship, embarks on a journey of self-discovery, and finds the determination to move forward. Together with the rebellious nobleman Gong Zi Yu, they grow and mature through their shared experiences. (via mydramalist)
It stars: Yu Shu Xin (Yun Wei Shan), Zhang Ling He(Gong Zi Yu), Ryan Cheng (Gong Shang Jue) and Lu Yu Xiao (Shangguan Qian), Tian Jia Rui (Gong Yuan Zhi), Jolin Jin (Gong Zi Shang) and Sun Chen Jun (Jin Fan)
Written by: Edward Guo.
Series directed by: Edward Guo & Luo Luo
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I'll talk about everything I liked before I get into the stuff that I didn't.
Right off the bat, this show has some of the most gorgeous characters you'll come across and this applies to both the men and the women. The costume and make-up departments do an amazing job making already attractive people look ridiculously attractive. They also help the actors really inhabit the world seamlessly. The costumes are especially incredibly detailed and intricate, you can see the care that went into crafting the look for each of these characters. Shout-out to Huang Wei (costume designer) and Shi Hui (Make-up)
One of the best aspects of the show is the cinematography by Wei Hong. This show is aesthetically beautiful, so many absolutely stunning shots. Chinese shows (and Korean shows) love slow-motion shots, and while at times, it can be a bit much, this show makes great use of them, especially during the fight scenes.
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The cinematography is helped to a great extent by the excellent production design, courtesy Jiyao Zhang. Like the costumes, the production design too is detailed and intricate. The world feels fully realised and yet also lived in. Each of the different clan mansions, the Front Hill and Back Hill are so incredibly different and distinct that you can immediately tell where you are. An insane amount of hard work went into the show and it shows in every frame.
You can tell that they had a good budget to work with and every bit of it was spent on making the show look as stylized as possible, there is not an ounce of realism to be found here, cue slow-motion beautiful hair flying shots. (Every day I bemoan my inability to make gifs) But the screencaps below illustrate the beauty of the show, it's so gorgeous that you could literally use screencaps as wallpapers.
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The fight scenes in the show are some of the best I've seen. They are intense and thrilling and always coherent, you can always tell who's fighting who. The fight scenes are also so aesthetically pleasing, like an exceptionally deadly dance.
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Now, we come to the not-so-great stuff.
First off, the marketing. The show was marketed and advertised as an action fantasy show and while there is action and it is excellent, it's not an "action" show. The main focus of the show is on the characters and the internal power struggle of the Gong family. There are also whole scenes, sometimes making up the bulk of an entire episode which are just conversations. I've seen a lot of viewers disappointed and it makes sense. they thought they were coming for action and instead they got verbose conversations.
The pacing also comes to a near-halt in some of these scenes and instead we're treated to lengthy expositions which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it becomes tedious when it happens repetitively.
Now, let's come to the worst thing about the show, it's ending, specifically the last 5 minutes. This end is ridiculously mindbogglingly bad when you consider that there is almost no confirmation on a 2nd season. It's just such a bad idea to end on a cliffhanger like this. If they wanted to leave things open for a potential 2nd season, they could have ended with the Wufeng elders coming together at that character's home, possibly to hold them ransom or something, like literally anything else.
if you're planning on watching this show and I do recommend it, keep in mind that it does get slow and don't watch the last 5 mins of the show. Trust me, you'll like the show a whole lot more if you follow that approach.
Part 2 HERE
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xinyuehui · 9 months
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Kids with new toys be like
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The Sword and the Brocade. 7
Story: 8
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to: the General’s Lady (cdrama) , New Life Begins (cdrama)
Another name for the series could be the cat’ty concubines. Seriously. The entire series is made up of a man the marquis (played by Wallace Chung) who has a lot of concubines that try to outdo one another in all different sinister ways. It also has a. hateful terrible mother who was the one who picked the concubines in the first place who who apparently we are supposed to sympathize with?. For me it takes a handful episodes to get into, but then it becomes fun and enjoyable where you root for the good side watching everything unfold. Yes it might be predictable and cliche but it’s entertaining as heck. Unfortunately it doesn’t last long and towards the last ten episodes it falls of the rails again and becomes meh. Still would recommend it though for a watch just keep the fast forward button handy.
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movielosophy · 4 months
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Sword and Fairy 4 | Hey, Ice Cube, you look totally different! (Part 3/3)
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chronomally · 2 years
Xiao Lanhua is just having like the worst day huh
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