#yundu’s death
laudys83 · 1 year
Am I the only one crying my eyes out in each movie from “Guardians of the galaxy”?
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bookofjin · 7 years
Sons of Sima Liang
[From JS059]
[Liang] had five sons: Cui, Ju, Yang, Zong and Xi.
Cui, courtesy name Maohong, passed on early.
Ju [d. 26 July 291], courtesy name Yanming, was designated Heir and became Colonel of Garrison Cavalry. He was murdered together with his father. He was posthumously conferred General who Regulates the Army, with posthumous title as the Mindful [huai] King. His son You was established. This was the Mighty [wei] King.
You [d. 326], courtesy name Yongyou, in the middle of Yong'an [304 AD] followed Emperor Hui on the northern conquest. When the Emperor moved to Chang'an, You returned to his state. When the Emperor returning to Luo, due to the southern conquest 800 troops were given to him, specially to set up four sections of Serrated Gates.
At the beginning of Yongxing [304 – 306], he led the masses to obey the King of Donghai, Yue [JS059]. At the punishment of Liu Qiao he had merits and was designated General who Spreads the Martial, using Yundu in Jiangxia to benefit his fief, combined with the former to 25 000 households.
When Yue conquered Ji Sheng, he petitioned to keep You, leading 3 000 troops, to defend Xuchang, with added drums and pipes, flags and banners. When Yue returned, You returned to his state. At the end of Yongjia [308 – 313], due to the congestion of bandits and thieves, he thereupon went south to cross the Jiang. [In 311, JS005] Emperor Yuan instructed him to be Army Consulting Libationer.
At the beginning of Jianwu [317 – 318], he became General of the Garrison Army. At the end of Taixing [318 -321], he acted as General of the Army of the Left. In the middle of Taining [323 – 326], he was advanced to the title of General of Guards, concurrently Cavalier in Regular Attendance. In the 1st Year of Xianhe [326 AD], he passed away. He was conferred Palace Attendant and Specially Advanced.
His son the Reverent [gong] King, Tong, was established. Due to the King of Nandun, Zong's plan to rebel, he was deposed. Afterwards Emperor Cheng was sad that Liang in one gate [?] had been exterminated and terminated. He decreed Tong again to have his fief, with promotion to Supervisor of the Private Writers and Palace Attendant. When he passed away, he was posthumously bestowed rank of Superintendent of the Brilliantly Blessed.
His son Yi was established. In office he reached Cavalier in Regular Attendance. When he passed away, his son Zun was established. At the beginning of Yixi [405 – 418], the Inspector of Liang# province, Liu Zhi, planned rebellion. He pushed forward Zun as sovereign. The affair leaked and he submitted to execution. Lian, son of [Zun's] younger brother Kai, held on to the establishment. When the Song received the abdication, the state was eliminated.
Yang [b. 284, d. 329] had the courtesy name Yannian. At the end of Taikang [280 -289], he was enfeoffed Duke of Xiyang county and designated Cavalier in Regular Attendance. At the murder of Liang [in 291], Yang was at the time 8 sui old. The General who Garrisons the South, Pei Kai [JS035], was his relative by marriage. He hid them to accordingly escape. In night he moved eight times, fo this reason he managed escape. When Wei was executed, he was advanced in feudal rank to King, successively Colonel of Foot Soldeirs and General of Valiant Cavalry of the Army of the Left.
At the beginning of Yuankang [291 - 299], he was advanced in fief to King of a commandery. At the beginning of Yongxing [304 - 306], he was designated a Palace Attendant. Due [being in] the King of Changsha, Ai's faction, he was deposed to be a commoner. When Emperor Hui returned to Luo, he again enfeoffed Yang, to be General who Calms the Army, also using Qisi and Xiling in Runan to benefit his state.
At the beginning of Yongjia [307 – 313], he was designated General of the Garrison Army, additionally Cavalier in Regular Attendance, acting as General of the Rear Army, again using Zhu and Qichun to benefit him, combined with the previous 35 000 households. Subsequently when the King of Donhai, Yue, set out east to Juancheng, he thereupon went south and crossed the Jiang.
When Emperor Yuan inherited the rule, he was further designated Great General who Calms Army, Opening Office, and given 1000 soldiers and 100 cavalry. It was decreed that he and the King of Nandun, Zong were to command the wandering people to thereby fill [?] the Central Provinces. West of the Jiang was desolate and distressed.
When Emperor Yuan walked the eastern steps, he was advanced to the rank of Palace Attendant and Grand Guardian [on 1 May 317]. Due to Yang's string of honours, when he headed meetings he specially had a raised dais [?]. At the beginning of Taixing [318 – 321], he Recorded the Affairs of the Masters of Writing, was put use to act as Great Master of the Imperial Clan, additionally with Feathered Preserve and Hewing Axes [guards?], a squad of 60 swordsmen, and was advanced to the rank of Grand Steward. At the pacification of Wang Dun, he acted as Grand Commandant.
When Emperor Ming was enthroned [in 323], due to Yang being the elder of the ancestral house, he specially bowed to him. Yang freely indulged  troops and soldiers' forcible confiscation. There were ministerial memorials excusing Yang's officials and, decrees did not inquiring into it.
When the Emperor was bedridden with illness [in 325], Yang and Wang Dao [jS065] similarly received testamentary instructions to assist Emperor Cheng. Since at the time the Emperor was an immature infant, decreed Yang to rely on the former affairs of King Xian of Anping, Fu. He set up a raised dais with screen above the hall. The Emperor personally welcomed and bowed [to him].
At the beginning of Xianhe [326 – 334], he was incriminated with his younger brother, the King of Nandun, Zong, dismissed from office, and demoted to be King of Yiyang county. When Su Jun [JS100] made chaos, Yang paid visit to Jun to make a statement of his merits. Jun was greatly pleased. A false decree returned Yang to his rank and title.
When Jun was pacified, he was given death [on 29 March 329]. His Heir Bo and Bo's younger brothers Chong and Xisong submitted to execution. The state was abolished. At the beginning of Xiankang [335 – 342], once again his dependants were registered, using Yang's grandson Min as Chief Commandant of the Imperial Equipage and Servant at Court.
Zong [d. November 326] had the courtesy name Yanzuo. In the middle of Yuankang [291 – 299], he was enfeoffed Marquis of Nandun county, then promoted in rank to be Duke. During the punishment of Liu Qiao [JS061] he had merits, was advanced in fief to King, adding to his estate 5 000, combined with his earlier 10 000 households, and was General who Conquers the Caitiffs.
He and elder brother Yang together went across the Jiang. When Emperor Yuan inherited the rule, he was designated Cavalier in Regular Attendance. When Emperor Min was at the Western Capital, he used Zong as General who Pacifies the East. When Emperor Yuan was enthroned, he was designated General who Calms the Army, acting as General of the Left. When Emperor Ming walked the eastern steps, he was concurrently Colonel of the Chang River, moved to General of the Guards of the Left. He was together Yu Yin intimate with the Emperor, commissioned accordingly with the forbidden battalion.
Zong, Wang Dao [JS065] and Yu Liang's [JS073] purposes and and inclinations were not similar. He joined and connected knights of little importance, to use as belly and heart. Dao and Liang together accordingly spoke of it [?]. The Emperor, due to Zong being connected by relation, always tolerated him.
Reaching the Emperor's sincere illness, Zong and Yin were privately planning for rebellion. Liang pushed open the door to enter [the Emperor's bedchamber?], rose to defend the bed [?] and with running tears spoke of them, the Emperor started to realize. [Zong] was moved to be General of Agile Cavalry,. Yin to be Great Corrector of Ancestry. Zong thereupon had a resentful appearance in his manner of speech.
At the beginning of Xianhe [326 – 334], the Palace Assistant Safeguarding Clerk Zhong Ya [JS070] impeached Zong with planning to rebel. Yu Liang sent the General of the Guards of the Right, Zhao Yin, to collect him. Zong used troops to resist in battle, and was killed by Yin. Then demoted his family to be the Ma clan, and moved his wife and sons to Jin'an, afterwards the origin for them. His three sons, Chuo, Chao and Yan, were deposed to be commoners.
Xi [d. 312] was in the beginning enfeoffed Duke of Ruyang. During the punishment of Liu Qiao he had merits and was advanced in rank to be King. At the end of Yongjia, he was lost to Shi Le.
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bookofjin · 6 years
Biography of Liu Huaisu
[Confusingly, he seems to have been Liu Yu’s maternal cousin. From Songshu 047]
Liu Huaisu was a native of Pengcheng. He was Gaozu's maternal senior cousin. The family for generations had been poor and impoverished, yet he personally ploughed and was fond of studying. He began as Liu Jingxuan's Office Marshal who Soothes Boreal. On the eastern campaign against Sun En he had merit battle, and then became Dragon Galloping Marshal and Prefect of Fei.
He heard Gaozu was rising up righteously, abandoned the county and came running. When the capital district had been pacified and settled, the General who Raises the Martial, Daogui, pursued Huan Xuan. He used Huaisu as Marshal. Xuan halted He Danzhi, Guo Quan and others to defend Sangluo Island. They advanced to strike and rout them. When the Grand Warden of Yingchuan, Liu Tong was pacified, he was appointed Grand Warden of Gaoping.
After Xuan had died, his nephew Zhen greatly routed the Righteous Army at Yanglin. The Righteous Army withdrew to Xunyang. Huaisu and the Chancellor of Jiangxia, Zhang Changzhi attacked Danzhi at Xisai and routed him. The bogus General who Garrisons the East, Feng Gai, defended the eastern shore of Xiakou. Meng Shantu occupied Lushan Fort. Huan Xianke guarded Yanyue Ramparts. All joined fortifications and looked to each other. Huaisu and Daogui attacked them, he personally put on armour and helmet. They captured the two cities. Feng Gai ran to Shicheng, [they?] captured alive Xianke.
1st Year of Yixi, 1st Month [15 February – 16 March 405], Zhen was defeated and fled. Daogui dispatched Huaisu to pacify Shicheng. He beheaded Feng Gai and his son Shanjing.
3rd Month [15 April – 14 May], Huan Zhen again assaulted Jiangling. The Inspector of Jing province, Sima Xiuzhi set out and ran. Huaigu swiftly hurried from Yundu. He day and night made combined marches and arrived after seven days. Zhen controlled 30 000 troops, the banners and pennants covered the countryside. He jumped the horse across the lances, and personally suddenly showed himself. A fleeting arrow wounded Huaisu in the forehead. The multitudes were afraid and wished to run. Huaisu with glaring eyes aroused to battle. The soldiers' spirit became stronger. Hence the officers and men strove to be first, and approaching in columns cut off Zhen's head.
With Jiangling pacified, Xiuzhi turned back to headquarters. He held Huaisu's hand and said:
If not for Sir's strength, I would have nowhere to return to.
[This exact phrase is also in SGZ14, 微子之力,吾無所歸矣]
The bogus General who Assists the State Fu Si, Ma Sun, the bogus Dragon Galloping General Jin Fuqing, Yue Zhi and others garrisoned jointly Jiangxia. Huaisu also punished them, and put on display Yue Zhi and others' [heads]. Daogui added to Huaisu supervision of Jiangxia's nine commanderies, holding authority [?] with headquarters at Xiakou.
He was appointed to Gentleman with Direct Access, and carried on as General who Assists the State and Grand Warden of Huainan and Liyang commanderies.
2nd Year [406 AD], he also acted as Liu Yi's Marshal who Consoles the Army, army and commanderies like before. Due to his righteous merits, he was enfeoffed Marquis of Dongxing, with a revenue estate of 1 000 households.
That Winter [November 406 – January 407], Huan Shisui, Sima Guofan and Chen Xi assembled a multitude at Hutao Mountain to be bandits. Huaisu led infantry and cavalry to punish and routed them. Between the Jiang and Huai, the crowd of Man and the remaining faction of the Huan clan. He himself requested to set out and punish. He wholly acted with mistaken viewpoint [?]. Yi sent up a petition to dismiss Huaisu from office.
3rd Year [407 AD], he passed on. At the time he was 41 years old. He was posthumously conferred General of the Left. He had no children. His younger brother Huaishen used his son Weizu to inherit the fief. His office reached Interior Clerk of Jiangxia.
Weizu passed on, his son Daocun inherited. At the end of Taizu's Yuanjia [424 – 453], he became the Grand Commandant, the King of Jiangxia, Yigong's Consultant Army Assistant. Shizu attacked the Prime Perpetrator, and the Righteous Army arrived at Xinting. Daocun set out and ran. The Prime Perpetrator killed his mother to thereby follow to the death [?].
In the middle of the Former Deposed Emperor's Jinghe [465], he became Yigong's Assistant Clerk Palace Gentleman to the Grand Steward. Yigong defeated, as partisan of him, he was sent down to prison and died.
Huaisu's next younger brother Huaijing, he was rough, stammering and without talent or ability. Earlier, when Gaozu was born, the August Mother passed. The Filial August Emperor was impoverished and weak, and had no way to get a wet nurse. He discussed his intention to not raise Gaozu. Gaozu's maternal aunt had born Huaijing, he was less than a year old. She therefore stopped breast-feeding Huaijing, and herself reared Gaozu.
Gaozu considered the old kindess, and Huaijing amassed to see favour and conferrals. He reached Grand Warden of Kuaiji, Master of Writing, Gold and Purple Brilliantly Blessed Grandee.
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