#the third was the worst for real
laudys83 · 1 year
Am I the only one crying my eyes out in each movie from “Guardians of the galaxy”?
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glitchednotghosts · 3 months
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Spotify playlist for Crown him with many crowns and worst Twin!! Coronabeth Tridentarius!!
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year
me whenever the short story "something ends, something begins" is mentioned, or not even mentioned, but i have an opportunity to mention it myself
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calliemity · 7 months
i wish the current off-broadway lsoh run would have like, dedicated understudy shows. because like im personally sick and tired of the nonstop stunt castings (its not Bad by any means im just. h) but also i wanna study their performances so bad!!!! espesically the orin et al understudies, i wanna see what teddy yudain and jeff sears do as orin so badly!!!!!!!
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aeolianblues · 2 months
at last!! It ends!! Fucking finally!! I'm HOME I HAVE A HOME AGAIN
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arolesbianism · 11 months
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Every now and then I decide to redraw this one old Sprinkles art, and each time it becomes less and less like the original but at the same time that’s because she actually has a story and character arc now. This is all to say congrats this is the first version of this drawing that I’m actually happy with both as a drawing and as a depiction of Sprinkle’s mid story breakdown
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All the old versions! As you can see this time around I tried to stick more to the pose of the first one
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edmundhoward · 4 months
“She was a lady-in-waiting to Catherine of Aragon for several years alongside Anne Boleyn, so she would've witnessed the way Anne held Henry off for so long by pleading her virginity. She watched, and she learned. There is a famous tale of how Jane was picking out items for her wedding to the king, while Anne awaited her execution in the Tower. If true, it would show sprinklings of a cold heart. [...] I wonder if Jane was reminiscing over these events, as she was dying of child-bed fever, and if so, what her thoughts on them were. Did she pray for forgiveness for the part she played? I like to believe that she did, given how spiritual she was known to be.”
abfiles comments writing fanfic fantasising about jane seymour in moments of terrible duress!
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crazy-fruit · 4 months
One year of work only to get a mediocre grade.
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antique-symbolism · 2 years
You might think the kitchen is the worst place to encounter a cockroach but actually it's the bathroom. You're so vulnerable in there.
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taniushka12 · 1 year
anyway enough ao3 you wanna hear some real good news? i finally was able to sign in for physics this year ;_; ;o;
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void-botanist · 1 year
Heads up seven up
@writernopal tagged me for this a hot minute ago and I left y'all on the tiniest of cliffhangers with my last line tag, so here's sevenish sentences of this scene from Declan's perspective.
Rodney kept looking at him from the driver’s seat while pretending that he wasn’t. For the first two minutes it was ignorable, but even with his arm propped up on the passenger side door and his head leaned into his hand so he could endlessly twist his hair between his fingers, he was still catching Rod’s glances. “What?” he finally said as they passed by the cemetery. Rodney looked at him properly. “Nothing. Just thinking about the trip.” “What about it?” “It’s going to be a long trip. Even if everything went perfectly I don’t think we can make it in under three weeks.” “So why do you keep looking at me?” “I know you said two weeks, but…I don’t know if that’s long enough. We’ve all been on the ship a lot lately, and going from two months to two weeks is kind of intense.”
I'll tag the people who left me tags on the last line (but since I just tagged you lol extra don't feel any pressure): @writinglittlebeasts @sunset-a-story @chayscribbles @kahvilahuhut @vacantgodling
Nicea taglist: @kahvilahuhut @kingkendrick7 @outpost51
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claire-starsword · 2 years
Breakdown of Deviantart’s new AI policies
if anyone still thinks the deviantart thing is just miscommunication, i took the time to read carefully all their infuriating word salad, and here’s the important thing about their new AI:
“While DreamUp is based on third-party technologies (like Stable Diffusion) which have trained their models with the open web, DeviantArt does NOT and WILL NOT add images submitted on DeviantArt to these training sets, on or off the platform.”
Translation: of course we wouldn’t ever steal you art! We’ll just use the thing that has already stolen your art. The thing we said we disagree with. We doing it. Yeah.
Also, about that opt out form going around:
“Artists should be able to choose whether or not AI-images can be generated in your style. Artists who meet the criteria in our manual human review of applicants will be able to request an opt out of their username along with several desired pseudonyms linked to them be unavailable for use in DreamUp prompts.”
Translation: artists should be able to choose if their art style can be used by AI or not. But screw them, we’re choosing. Meet our criteria if you want to opt out. We’re not telling you what the criteria is. Except we kinda do, in the form, and it’s beautiful:
“Currently, we'll be approving this ability for free to artists who are most likely to have been sourced by Stable Diffusion. In this first version of the opt-out process, we will only be considering accounts that follow best practices, including but not limited to:
An up-to-date email (must be the same one associated with your DeviantArt profile)
Any social accounts linked in your DeviantArt profile’s about section”
Currently = this criteria may change at any time I guess! They will protect your art! They love artists! They’re just keeping their options open in case they wake up tomorrow loving them less. Reliable business model!
including but not limited to = they legit don’t wanna tell the whole criteria lmao. I know people are already filling out this form and I hate to say it, be ready for disappointment, because they clearly are paving the way to be able to deny it for literally any reason. This should be a case study of obfuscation via stupid vague legal wordy stuff.
The “for free” part is also terrifying as it implies they have considered and are still considering paywalling this. You’ve heard of $8 for blue checkmark, now get ready for $8 for basic art rights! Except for that part I covered early where your art is already stolen, of course.
The up-to-date email thing again means that people locked out of old accounts are being opted in against their will, and they know, and they’re deliberately enforcing it. Note that this form isn’t about your art being used in datasets though, it’s about your style being used as a prompt for the AI. Nevertheless both things should be opt out by default, as that how consent works.
I legit don’t know what to say about the social accounts linked in your profile. They are likely gonna say it’s to help verify the person’s identify, and it makes no sense at all as social media isn’t for that, as recent events have taught us more than ever. The email tied to your account should be all a service like this needs. As I said, they clearly wanna keep their options open to deny people through whatever criteria they pop out of a hat that day.
TL;DR everything DA says about avoiding art theft in their AI is word salad to confuse their users, their AI is based of one that has trained on stolen art anyway, and their opt out processes are way too convoluted to not be intentional.
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thinking about the diggity dog
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
The workout I've been managing to do the last three times takes me about 20 minutes and I'm honestly really happy that I can complete that because that's a lot for me.
I think my next goal is going to be to do that workout twice a day so I'll get a total of 40 minutes everyday which brings me infinitely closer to my 1 hour a day goal :D
I'll still have to see how it effects my body though because even with the amount of trial and error I've already been going through for years to find out what exercises I can and can't do with my ehlers danlos, it's still really unclear to me what's hurting me and what's helping
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sherokutakari · 1 year
Hot take that should be cold as fuck but y'all STILL don't know how to behave about nonbinary people
Not All Nonbinary Characters Use They/them Pronouns
Beelzebub: Nonbinary, They/Them pronouns
Pollution: Nonbinary, They/Them pronouns
Crowley: Nonbinary/Genderfluid/whathaveyou("not a lad"), He/Him pronouns
and yet so many people in fandom won't fucking stop using they/them pronouns for Crowley. Broski has confirmed pronouns (he/him) except when she's female presenting (she/her) as confirmed like 3 years ago by Neil Gaiman himself irt the I think Mesopotamian flashback. And maybe he does use they/them sometimes, but like... there's a difference between That Being Possible, and people just going "lol nonbinary? That means that there's a THEY!"
Stop defaulting to They/Them for nonbinary characters!! It's not hard to not misgender a character! You're not woke for ~assigning them the ☆correct☆ pronouns~ you're just virtue signaling, and letting enby people see your true colors~!!
Nonbinary she/hers exist
Nonbinary he/hims exist
Nonbinary continues to not be a secret third option with defined pronoun Must Bes
jesus this is not a hard concept
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redbulltropical · 1 year
cursed to mediocrity.
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