#groot’s sacrifice
laudys83 · 1 year
Am I the only one crying my eyes out in each movie from “Guardians of the galaxy”?
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satanzayoru25341 · 10 months
It Means Another Whole Year of Boating School (GOTG Version)
I just wanna make this, but with a Spongebob audio because why not
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marv93vv · 1 year
Obejrzyj film „"We Are Groot" Groot's Sacrifice Scene - Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) Movie Clip HD” w YouTube
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kaijugroot · 1 year
Ok just watched James Gunn talking about the OG and the new Groot, he said the new Groot grew up with a family and treated as a part of a family but the OG Groot was treated like an animal for much of his life. Him saying this made me yearn for a Rocket and Groot meeting story, old Groot had such a big heart even though according to Gunn, he was treated so badly and then he met Rocket somehow... Ugh imagine Rocket’s reaction, he probably never trusted anyone after escaping from HE and then he met this selfless giant tree that sacrificed himself to save him... 
‘‘Why are you doing this... Why?’‘ Rocket asked when he realized what the OG Groot was doing, he didn’t understand why would Groot sacrifice himself for him... I feel like deep down in vol 1 and before, Rocket was expecting Groot to leave him one day.
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thinking1bee · 5 months
You Haven't Failed Part 1
Requested by Anonymous
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Tags: Spidey!Reader, Venom!Reader, So Much Angst, Fluff, Established Relationship, Graphic Depictions of Injuries, Blood, Violence, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Smut
Everything Taglist: @sammy90682 @nobody13 @owloftheshadows @captain-josslett @camslightstories @worldovart @finleyfray @acertainredhead @sammm9068 @reginassecretlover
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There were many things about being an Avenger that you truly loved. Your friends and family were one of those perks, the line between the two blurring, ever since the Avengers defeated Thanos. The moment Thanos snapped, the moment you watched the people you loved turn into dust before your very eyes, was the moment where you realized, that everyone that fought by your side was your family. You didn’t care that you lost the war. It was a selfish sentiment that you would never dare to utter out loud. In that moment, where you felt your heart shatter a thousand times over, it didn’t feel like you failed the world. It felt like you failed the people you loved. You and the remaining Avengers stopped at nothing to get your team back, your family members. Consequently, with defeating Thanos came a satisfaction so resolute, that it almost healed the wounds in your heart. Almost. It still felt like you failed though you eventually got everyone back. It shouldn’t have happened in the first place. If you had been stronger, better, faster, Wanda wouldn’t have died in your arms on that day. You still remember the shaky breaths that left her, the rapid and jagged beating of her heart, and the slow tears that dripped down her pallid cheeks. When she collapsed, at first, you ran to her side and gently eased her into your lap as you ripped off your mask. In your mind, she was exhausted, tired, and hurting. Wanda had to destroy Vision, her best friend, to keep one of the stones from Thanos. In the end, her pain, her tears, and the guilt she felt at having to sacrifice someone she loved had been for nothing. Thanos still got the stone. He managed to collect all six, and everyone watched with fear and bated breath, as he snapped his fingers.
First, it was Bucky. Then, it was Sam. Then, it was T’Challa. And Groot. Then, it was Wanda. It started at her feet and slowly made its way up. Pieces of her turned into ash, inch by torturous inch, and floated away in the breeze polluted with the stench of death and darkened by the smoke of war and destruction. When you saw what was happening to her, all you could do was shake your head slowly, the denial at what was about to happen quickly engulfing you. The tears fell faster as sobs left your lips, and you clutched onto her with every ounce of your strength. Wanda reassured you over and over, her hand cupping your cheek as teary sobs left her, that everything was going to be okay, and that you were going to be alright. Her very last words to you were that she loved you, and the last of her that you felt before she disappeared from your hold had been the cold and shaky touch of her caress on your cheeks. You watched as what was left of her, the dust that had once been the woman you loved, disappeared into the orange hue of the sky that was ablaze with fire and explosions. Five years. That was how long it’d been. Five years. That was 260 weeks. 1,826 days. 43,830 hours. 15,780,000 seconds. You had to live that entire time without Wanda in your arms, without feeling her body against yours. Five years not seeing the gorgeous smile you loved. Five years not hearing the accent you adored. Five years not seeing the lush green of her eyes, eyes that reminded you of the green dahlias she loved to plant in her garden. Five years without the feel of her lips against yours. Five years not hearing her moans when you made love to her. Five years with you realizing, as every second ticked, the arms on the clock mocking you as they kept moving while your world ground to a screeching halt, that your future with her was gone. Just like that. All with the snap of two fingers. She was gone, and at the time, the last memory you had of her, was of her crying in your arms.
…but you couldn’t think about that right now. Not when you were in the middle of a mission, but also, you didn’t want to think about what those 5 years did to you. You could hardly remember them. The trauma had scorched those five years completely from your mind, and there were some things just not worth remembering.
Regardless of the hardships endured, there were only a few select things about being an Avenger that you truly hated. This one, you realized with growing dread, was one of them. You scaled down the walls of Oscorp Industries, silently making your way to the lower lab. It was eerie being in here by yourself. You weren’t in any immediate danger, or else your spider senses would have been bouncing off the walls of your mind, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was very, very wrong. To say that you hated Norman Osborn wasn’t quite true, but you didn’t like the man either. Rumors of his biological experimentation had spread like wildfire in the public news. However, the allegations couldn’t be proven without any substantial evidence. Norman was by the book. He crossed his T’s, dotted his I’s, and made sure that any mistakes that were made were taken care of internally. By government standards, what he was doing wasn’t illegal, just immoral. So, they allowed him to keep experimenting. Except, whatever happened just a few hours before you arrived was apparently so out of his hands that he had to call the Avengers. “His hand was forced” Nick repeated to you, Osborn’s words, not his, he told you as you were briefed on the mission details. Osborn had been less than forthcoming with any specifics, but he did say that the building was entirely evacuated of all personnel, and that whatever escaped was contained…for now.
This was where you came in. You made your way to the lower floors, and still crawled further down into the basement. Each floor you passed looked the same as the previous. Empty. Abandoned. Desolate. Eerie. Though the loud buzzer of the alarm was silenced, the overhead, florescent lights still remained off while the white, sharp lights of the alarms flashed repeatedly. It illuminated the space around you a millisecond at a time, and you felt like you’d dived head first into a scary movie. Someone would either scream at you to leave while they knew of the danger that lurked below, or would call you a dumbass for entering because they knew the danger that you weren’t aware of just yet. You would be the latter if you were in the audience.
The comm in your mask chirped to life and you flinched, your heart jumping into your throat at the sudden, unexpected noise.
“Any updates, Y/n?” Fury asked. You had to swallow your heart back into your chest before you could answer.
“So far so good,” you replied. “It’s spooky as hell in this building though.”
You could hear his chuckles. “Need back up?”
“Nah, I got this.”
“Copy that.”
You got lower and lower, your hands and feet gripping the walls securely as the lab you needed to enter came into focus. The moment you reached the ground and stood on two feet, you received a phone call. This, too, was patched through your mask and you smiled. You already knew who it was.
“My, my Ms. Maximoff,” you answered with a chuckle. “Don’t tell me that this is a booty call.”
You heard Wanda’s adorable giggles. In your mind’s eye, you could see the way her eyes squint when her smile reached them, the way the green would sparkle as her cheeks flushed a pretty pink.
“We live together, silly,” she finally said when she was able to talk. Still, some chuckles bubbled from the other end of the call, and you nibbled your bottom lip with your teeth as you felt your heart flip in your chest. “I was calling to see what you wanted for dinner.”
“You can be my breakfast, lunch, and dinner, baby girl,” you said with a husk. “I can always use the extra protein.”
Wanda snorted at your not-so-subtle innuendo. “As tempting as that sounds,” she said, her voice sarcastic but still humorous. “I was hoping that we could both eat. I’ve missed you and I wanted us to have a dinner together.”
You couldn’t help the bubble of emotion in your chest, your love for Wanda somehow growing stronger when you heard her words. It’d been a hectic few weeks, that’s for sure. It was mission after mission, assignment after assignment, and for those weeks, all you were able to share with her were only a few phone calls. You missed her too and you wanted nothing more than to be in her presence.
“I’ll cook us something,” she added when you didn’t immediately respond. You smirked.
“Do you want to cook?”
A laugh. “Not really, no.”
“Then, I’ll pick us up some Chinese on the way home.”
You could hear the excitement in her voice. “Oh! Can you get the potstickers?”
“Of course. Steamed not fried, with chicken not pork, and the ginger, sesame seed, soy dipping sauce on the side. Just the way you like it.”
“You know me so well, детка.”
“I try. I have to go and clean up a rich man’s mess. I love you.”
“One of these days, I’m going to put you in a maid’s uniform. It’ll be one of those slutty ones too, like what you see in anime? With as much cleaning Fury is having you do lately, I think you need a change in uniform.”
You smirked. “Don’t forget to buy the matching collar.”
“Now that is an idea,” she replied on a laugh. “I love you too. Be safe.”
“Yes ma’am. See you tonight.”
You ended the call and returned to the task at hand. Right as you webbed the doors and pulled them open with your strength, you heard the comm crackle to life in your ear.
“Y/n, I keep telling you to mute your comm when it concerns personal matters.” You smiled.
“And I keep telling you to not eavesdrop or you wouldn’t be as traumatized as you are. Besides, this isn’t the worst thing you’ve ever heard. Remember that time we all heard Yelena and Kate-”
“If you finish that sentence, I swear to god I’ll fire you,” Fury grumbled, the threat very much empty.
You couldn’t help the cackle that left you. Yelena and Kate thought it appropriate to have phone sex one day and they both forgot to shut off their comms. Fury was unable to mute the lines on his end so you, Natasha, and Bucky all heard what was said in excruciating detail. Bucky had turned an ugly shade of red before excusing himself. Natasha cackled the entire time, her phone out and recording what was being said before she sent it to both Yelena and Kate. Fury released a deep sigh before reaching beneath his desk and removing a shot glass and a bottle of tequila. He said that he was going to drink until the last few hours were completely scorched from his internal mainframe. It hadn’t worked. The only thing he successfully did was give himself a hangover that incapacitated him for two days. And you? Well, you grabbed a note pad and a pen from Fury’s desk and started scrawling notes. To say that the conversation you heard was colorful and informative was an understatement. There were things you heard that were definitely not a part of your sex ed curriculum when you were in high school. Later that night, you told Wanda what happened and what you learned. Then, you both decided to put your new knowledge to the test. It resulted in Wanda having some of the best orgasms of her life, and you sprinted into work the next day thanking Kate and Yelena profusely while they stared at you in horror. It took a month for the teasing to stop. It only did when Tony took a dick pic and sent it to the group chat and not to Pepper. Nick was a part of that chat, and when he saw it, he closed his one eye, sighed in defeat, and reached for the tequila bottle under his desk. He forwent the shot glass and wrapped his lips around the bottle instead, chugging mouthfuls at a time like the contents inside were water.
“I do like being employed,” you said.
“Then please do your job and go home to your girl.”
“Aye aye.”
You continued into the lab, the hallways just as pitch black as the floors were, and you moved silently. You listened intently and kept your guard up as you searched. So far, nothing was out of the ordinary, and you kept moving forward until you reached a reinforced metal door. You tried to enter the code Osborn provided, but the keypad would flash red and beep. You were about to contact Fury when you saw another means of entry. You shot a web at the vent and yanked the cover off before you webbed a line to pull yourself inside. You were only in there for a second before you removed another cover and dropped to the floor.
The lab you were in was massive, and it was completely wrecked. Electric panels had been ripped from various machines and the walls. Sparks of energy crackled and flew haphazardly to the ground before they fizzled out. Ripped wires and tubing hung from the ceiling. The white flashing of the alarms barely illuminated the space before you, but thanks to your enhanced vision, you weren’t having any problems. There were cracks and craters in the floors. As you looked around, you saw what looked to be a black rocked housed inside of a tank. The reinforced and impenetrable glass was cracked. Pieces of it were still breaking off and falling to the ground in sharp twinkles of sound. Something destroyed this place, and as you glanced back to the door you tried to enter from, you saw the deep indents of something strong and seemingly incorporeal in the metal of the door. It tried to batter its way out, the metal warped beyond repair.
“What do you see?” Fury asked after a while.
“It looks like someone released Bruce in here.” You knew that Fury could hear the sparks flying from the demolished electronics in the room. “Beyond that, I am not seeing anything.”
You turned and looked towards the black rock. It was iridescent, shiny, and shimmering as it reflected what little light still shined on it. Something inside of you told you not to touch it.
“Any casualties?”
Something shifted behind you. It’d been quick, just the sound of movement that had you spinning on your feet. You looked around and held your breath, the seconds passing by without you hearing anything else before you relaxed. Maybe it was a trick of your senses. The darkness coupled with the unexplained destruction you were seeing played with your nerves. You turned to leave, but you still remained vigilant.
“Sorry, Nick, but there’s nothing-”
Your words were suddenly cut off when you felt your spider senses tingle, and you were about to whirl back around when something wet and dense slammed onto your back. What would have been a retaliatory attack against whatever was on you, morphed into you gaining your footing, standing there, and staring around the lab with confusion. What just happened? That fleeting feeling of panic was there and gone in a flash, and a sudden feeling of being okay replaced whatever had gripped you at first. Your spider sense faded back to normal, and you reached behind your back to feel nothing but the smooth texture of your suit. Nothing was out of place, and you furrowed your eyebrows. The more you thought about it, the more you couldn’t remember why you were so ready to attack in the first place.
“Y/n? Are you okay?”
You looked around once more, before turning to leave. “Yeah, I’m good. I almost tripped over something, I think. Osborn must be getting sloppy in his old age, but there’s nothing down here anymore. Whatever was in here must have escaped.”
“Okay, return to the compound, debrief, and go home.”
You started to make your way back out, but had you been able to see what happened on your back, you would have seen the last few remnants of black soak into your body before it disappeared from sight altogether.
Part 2
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orpheusilver · 2 months
lrb i think de groot wouldve suggested cannibalism first as a fatalistic "unless the wind picks up soon, we'll be forced to start eating each other" thing yk how he loves to be hugely pessimistic. then a couple days later flint goes. "i hate to say this but mr de groot was right, we need to pick a member of the crew to sacrifice in order to guarantee our collective survival" and billy would go "NO FUCKING WAY. SILVER TELL HIM NO FUCKING WAY" and silver would go "Yeah No fucking way." and flint would argue for it with the very fair point that they literally have no options left and billy would have the very fair rebuttal that HOLY SHIT NO and silver would be on billys side verbally but lowkey quietly going . hm. and then like 3 days later one of the people who was off rations completely would die of starvation and flint would go "Silver. We have to do this. We cannot waste this resource." and silvers already got the wikihow article pulled up for how to butcher a human cadaver like "oh boy sure is convenient he had this secret stash of salted pork he was hiding from everyone, too bad it was improperly cured so it tastes a little strange but its all we have! what a shame!" and billy would know exactly whats up and refuse to eat the "pork". for a while.
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pterodactylterrace · 2 years
Wanna play a game? It’s called “How Many Ways TWN Has Messed Up”
It’s easy to play. You just list the biggest misstep you can think of. Unfortunately there is no winner. Only losing.
Replaced the LEAD
Geralt and Jaskier’s mountain fallout
Yennifer trying to sacrifice Ciri
Jaskier not aging over the course of decades
Vesemir trying to mutate Ciri
Eskel was a huge prick
Lambert was not
Eskel cosplayed Groot then died
Wolves ate the Grootskel instead of the usual funeral pyre
Only four Wolf Witchers remain. Who are all these people?
Coen isn’t a Griffin
Roach is a bay mare. Why does he have a black stallion(?)?
Kaer Morhen is very hard to get to and only the Witchers know the way. Unless they’re hosting a very drunken hooker party, because who cares about consent?
Please, feel free to continue on.
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angstintensifer · 1 year
some sad thoughts about the guardians of the galaxy
Rocket didn’t understand why Groot wanted to sacrifice himself in GOTG vol1 
Rocket lost all his friends (minus Nebula) twice. 
Nebula had to watch Peter grieve Gamora after she had been grieving for five years. 
Gamora never said goodbye to anyone but Peter. 
Mantis knew Gamora died before anyone else because she could feel Thanos’s grief.
Nebula and Rocket lived in their ship alone, with all their dead friends things. 
Gamora knew her time with the guardians wouldn’t last forever because she knew where the soul stone was, and that she had to die to keep it out of Thanos’s reach.
Peter was the last thing Gamora wanted to see before she died. 
Gamora sacrificed the universe to save Nebula. But Thanos sacrificed her for his own personal gain. 
Drax probably had no friends before he became a guardian. 
Peter went to see his mother’s grave with his grandpa on earth. 
Rocket and Nebula had their own funerals for their friends before the blip, then put on one for Gamora for the others when they came back. 
Rocket was with strangers for 23 days before Tony and Nebula came to earth. 
Peter didn’t want to be with new Gamora, he just wanted the woman he loved back. 
New Gamora never experienced Nebula’s “I just wanted a sister!” argument. 
Teenage Groot lost his mother. 
Thanos took away Drax’s wife Ovette, his daughter Kameria, and then his friend Gamora. 
Peter and the guardians lived on Knowhere, the last place Peter saw Gamora alive. 
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Hidden Vol 1. Easter Egg
(You have been warned. Keep scrolling at your own risk)
Here are my thoughts.
In the Kyln, we get to see the extent of modification on Rocket's back:
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This never gets shown again in Vol. 2. Why? Because the point is to show what he is protecting with his outfit during the remainder of the movie. The Nova Corps bio tells us that his skeleton was changed, evidently to make him walk upright like a human. We see that his shoulder does not have any visible implants. And yet, the first time we see him on Xandar, his outfit includes shoulder braces of some description-
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Upon his arrest, he drops his gun without objection. Because he still has both the braces and the backpack shielding his back and shoulders from harm. It is not too dangerous for him to surrender his weapon.
He remains less-than-sure of himself until he gets his clothes back. When he rummages through his box during the escape, he does not focus on his gun.
Even supposedly safe on the Milano, the backpack contraption stays on.
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No gun. Just the padding. Hmm.
Neither Peter nor Gamora has shoulder braces on their Ravager uniforms. Not particularly surprising, given their individual methods of securing their weapons to their person. But, their "slow motion walk" emphasises this distinction between them. Interesting, no?
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Once again, after he crashes the ship into the Dark Aster, and Peter carries him close to Groot before the tree does the self-sacrifice bit, we see this inside the branches-
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Peter didn't take the getup off of him, even though that would logically weigh him down more than strictly necessary, except for the fact that Quill has seen the implants and wants to protect them, just in case.
Volume 3
In the first act on Knowhere, we see the implants on his back again. Why? It's not the part of his body where he gets injured, and the team tries to use the med packs, and discovers the kill switch. It's to illustrate the fact that he is not wearing his "armor" and therefore is particularly vulnerable in this area, among others. James Gunn tweeted in late 2022, that he would not be responding to guesses until the release of vol 3.
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Because, of course, if you view that scene with the knowledge that Rocket goes to great lengths to avoid needing medical attention, you'd see the bare body as a clear-cut sign that something very bad and quite possibly deadly is about to happen to him, and the writers were keeping our favourite raccoon away from the one thing that had kept him safe thus far.
Et voila.
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wolfmage553 · 1 year
Massive Spoilers for Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3.
Okay, I know Tony Stark's sacrifice at the end of Endgame was tragically poignant and befitting of Tony's character arc of turning from war profiteer to hero.
But what if The Infinity Stones, more specifically The Soul Stone that had Natasha's spirit in it, tried to change Tony's fate by using The Time Stone to send Tony back in time before the backfiring of The Infinity Stones could take effect,
Specifically, back to when batch 89 was created by The High Evolutionary?
Imagine him seeing baby Rocket and thinking to himself "I have a son now."
Imagine him holding baby Rocket close and humming Country Roads, Take Me Home as a lullaby to his new adopted raccoon son.
Imagine baby Rocket's first word is some variation of dad (like papa or dada) and Tony is trying not to cry with a combination of pride and joy for his son.
Imagine him also deciding to protect the 89 batch since they are his son's friends.
But this AU has a bittersweet conclusion.
Tony, knowing he's living on borrowed time but not wanting to leave his son in the care of The High Evolutionary, sets The High Evolutionary's base to explode and evacuates every single innocent creature The High Evolutionary was experimenting on, including the batch 89 who are the last to board a ship in the docking bay.
Unfortunately, The High Evolutionary enters the docking bay just as Tony is about to board the ship batch 89 are on.
To buy time for their escape, Tony says "Go fly in the beautiful sky without me." and battles The High Evolutionary in the docking bay while Rocket starts the ship up.
Tony is mortality wounded during the fight and sets off the explosions when the ship carrying the 89 batch is far enough away to not be caught in the blast.
Tony dies from his injury before the explosions reach the docking bay but not before answering The High Evolutionary's question of "What are you doing?" with
"Preventing you from harming my son or his friends ever again."
Meanwhile, Rocket is flying the ship but puts it on autopilot after hearing the explosions and looks out the window to see what remains of the place he grew up in. At first, Rocket has a look of shock on his face but eventually tears begin to pour out from his eyes as he screams out for his dad.
Eventually, he decides to listen to some music and notices one of the folders in the MP3 section is titled "Songs for my son" and he decides to play songs from the folder.
The folder has bunch of songs from the 70s, the 80s and even the 90s with the latest song released being an acoustic cover of You'll Be In My Heart from Tarzan.
He also notices that there is a video in the MP4 files called "Farewell" with his dad in it so he decides to play it.
The video has Tony recounting multiple good memories the two shared as well as reassuring Rocket that he is worth far more than The High Evolutionary saw in him.
He also apologizes for leaving Rocket via dying saying that if he could've stayed a little longer than he would have.
Finally, he ends the video by saying "I know you'll survive whatever happens next. I will be watching over you in the endless sky."
Rocket smiles and says "Thank you, dad."
As for how the AU changes the MCU, Rocket would have his batch 89 friends alongside Groot and they'd be a mercenary group called The Endless Sky.
Rocket would be slightly less cyclical because he has his friends but still hardened by growing up having to be a mercenary in order to make ends meet because when Tony died, J.A.R.V.I.S wasn't online so he couldn't transfer any funds to a new account for Rocket.
Peter discovers that Rocket is carrying a MP3 player and headphones in his bag but Rocket refuses to answer where he got it so Peter assumes he stole them.
(He actually bought them with some money he got from his mercenary work because he didn't want the songs connecting him to the memories of his dad to be subconsciously tainted by the kleptomania he developed as a way to survive)
When Yondu dies in Vol 2, Rocket actually allows Peter to listen to one of his songs and actually talks about his own dad with Peter and says "I wonder if Yondu is talking with my dad in the endless sky."
The only members of The Endless Sky who don't die in the snapture are Rocket and Lylla.
During the five year time period between the snapture and the main plot of Endgame, Rocket notices the physical similarities between Tony Stak and his dad, not realizing that they are technically one in the same, and thinks that Tony Stark is his dad's twin brother and asks Tony if he had a twin brother.
Tony is confused but Rocket pulls up the "Farewell" video on Tony's computer that Rocket had saved on a USB drive. Tony, knowing that Rocket would never believe him if he told him that that was probably another version of him, lies and says that he had a twin brother. Rocket explains his relationship with his dad before asking if it's alright if he called Tony his uncle.
Tony, wanting Rocket to have some family after most of his found family were lost because of Thanos, allows Rocket to call him uncle.
When Tony sacrifices himself in Endgame, Rocket is upset at losing his uncle but decides to be strong for the remaining members of his family.
GOTG Vol 3 goes way differently because The High Evolutionary is no longer in the picture.
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10yrsyart · 2 years
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most of the MCU soundtrack sounds pretty much the same to me, even as someone who recognizes musical themes pretty easily. but there is one moment that stands out and i remember perfectly: Groot’s theme. 
there was something so otherworldly about those moments; his fireflies and his sacrifice, that still feels to me like it was almost outside of the movie. maybe it was the contrast of the ethereal voices and the metallic setting of Marvel, or how he stood as a spot of natural light amidst destruction. other characters have given their lives for the greater good in the MCU, and yet none of them feel the way his did.
but it’s not really a mystery why the beauty of this music still stands out to me. his lights in the darkness and the simplicity of his sacrifice for his family reminds me of my Savior Jesus, the Light of the world. His ultimate sacrifice for all of us provides the opportunity for each of us to become part of His family. and the simplicity of the gospel is believing He died and rose again, and has payed the price we could not pay to give us eternal life.
“The Word (Jesus) gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” -John 1:4-5 
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// guardians of the galaxy vol. 3 spoilers
damn... rewatching groot's sacrifice in the first movie hits a lot harder when you see how heartbroken rocket is. groot was like... the only friend he had before the guardians were formed, and rocket wasn't necessarily kind to groot, either.
rocket already blamed himself for his very first friends dying, imagine how terrible he felt after losing groot, especially since, again, he wasn't the best friend to him.
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shinysoroka · 9 months
For the choose violence ask, #'s 9, 17 & 22 plz if you haven't done those already :-)
9. Worst part of canon
Endgame. Oh my GOD, Endgame. I cannot even begin to describe how that movie completely flubbed the ending of an arc 10 years in the making. I remember being aghast because the reviews were so good but holy hell, that movie is atrocious. Even if I disregard how they treated Thor, everything else fails on every level, every character is the worst version of themselves, nothing makes sense, it is criminally boring to watch and every movie and show that came after had to work around the asinine decisions it made. Whoever gave the Russo's the keys to the kingdom should be ashamed. Never have I wanted Whedon back more than when EG released. Say whatever you want about the guy, but he knows how to write ensemble casts where everyone is flawed but likeable and compelling. The Russos care about two characters, Cap and Tony (kinda). Everyone else is action figures to be smashed into one another.
17. There should be more of this type of fic/art
I remain amazed at how few Hurt/Comfort fics there are for Thor. The guy is custom made for them and yet, it's usually crickets in that regard. I remember being convinced that this type of fic would be huge when the first Avengers movie came out. Then I sprinted to ao3 and was sorely disappointed. My instincts are usually good for this kind of thing but either fandom changed while I wasn't looking or I was just spoiled by this trope in LOTR fics. Either way, someone go make my poor God of Thunder's day miserable. It's okay, I know you're going to fix it later. Please fix it later! 🥺
22. Your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
The Water of Sight in Age of Ulton and the Nidavellir forge from Infinity War. Prime whump material, the self-sacrifice, the drama, the pain!! Thor literally risked his life to help the universe TWICE, once in water, once in fire. Nobody ever found out it happened (except Rocket and Groot), nobody ever discusses it, it just disappeared into the ether in canon and in fics. Justice for my Thunder Martyr Child! I saw your agony and I respect it! (cries)
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anti-spop · 7 months
idk if i posted about this but yeah, this is me bringing up the mcu again. but it's the guardians of the g/alaxy, or more specifically rocket (the raccoon).
i would say rocket is like catra but done right. rocket starts out as an asshole that laughs at others' misery or weaknesses. he wasn't a good friend to groot, though idk if that would count as abuse, because it's not like rocket sadistically hurt groot the way catra hurt adora (but you can disagree if you've watched the movies, it's been a while since i saw them). but as the first film goes on, rocket starts caring about the team and he's very distraught when groot sacrifices himself (for reasons we'll see soon). rocket becomes a sort of parental figure to baby groot following this.
in the second movie, rocket is still a dick, but we see more behind his motivations, and he clearly regrets being such an asshole. even if he doesn't explicitly apologize to quill at the end, rocket is very remorseful during the funeral of yondu, and he implies his apology (talking about yondu but in the end applying it to himself), and quill understands. in fact, rocket was the one who arranged the entire ceremony, which shows that he cares despite his sarcastic and mean personality.
and then the third movie actually deeply details rocket's backstory. he was a raccoon taken from earth and experimented on since he was a baby. he was raised by the high evolutionary, who praised him, but still abused him and scared him. rocket could be some sort of "golden child" since the high evolutionary was obsessed with his intelligence, and he couldn't care less about rocket's friends, other animals who were also experimented on. rocket eventually tries to break everyone free, but the high evolutionary (and the other guards) kills his friends. rocket breaks free all on his own. he also claws his abuser's face.
and all that explains why rocket is so afraid of getting close to ppl, or of being vulnerable. he lost his loved ones bc of that. he was mocked for mourning his dead friend. rocket's behavior is explained by these events, but they're not excused. and later he finds a family that accepts those feelings. when he mourns groot in the first film, drax silently relates to him and comforts him (drax also lost his wife and his daughter).
rocket actually grows as a character. in the end, not only does he accept who he is, he becomes the leader of a new group of heroes once the guardians disband in the third movie.
i also like that we see how rocket cared about his first friends, who welcomed him. they had a special bond. the movie SHOWS us that. they liked to dance and to daydream how the world outside the cages would be like. while i watched the third film, it reminded me of how catra and adora could've bonded with the horde trio.
obviously, again, spop is a whole other kind of media, while the gotg trilogy is aimed at older audiences (if a kid watched the third movie, though... they would be traumatized). but still, rocket reminds me a lot of catra, and what she could've been. an asshole but not an abuser. a criminal (i think he was a bounty hunter in the first movie) but not someone who massively kills people. it's not like he ever committed genocide/omnicide.
("ooooh but you hate flawed women and you just like rocket bc he's a man" literally i love gamora and nebula. those two are my favorite characters in gotg, besides rocket and groot. in fact they have a sisterly bond quite similar to adora and catra's, but that's another post)
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tinkertoysdamn · 1 year
Despite All Your Losing Addendum
Since there were questions about how the timeline might be altered
aka How Thor's "Happy Ending" led to a Happy Ending
slightly NSFW
The prayer stretched across the universe and performed a minor miracle. After Thanos used the Space Stone to send his fleet across the universe, the aftermath of Thano's battle with Thor and the Hulk caught up with him.
Thanos: There are more Stones to collect, I must be at my peak if others try to resist me. I shall rest.
So, he took a villain nap. That gave the Guardians time to get to Knowhere first.
Peter: Give us the Reality Stone now.
Collector: And why should I give it to you?
Gamora: Thanos is coming. He will kill you slowly while breaking your collection one by one in front of you until he gets what he wants.
Peter: We'll give it back once he's dead.
Collector: Paper or plastic?
Thor, Rocket and Groot forged the Stormbreaker and Thor got to be impressive and restart the forge and all that good stuff.
Thanos arrived at Knowhere, ignorant that he was too late.
Thanos: Where is the--
Collector: The Stone is gone, your daughter has it.
Thanos: That's....inconvenient. I don't know where she is so I can't use the Space Stone; I'll have to adjust my plans. If I obtain the Mind Stone then I can exert my will and force the other holders of the Infinity Stones to give them to me. Yes, this will do.
Collector: Plot outside of my museum or buy a ticket.
Meanwhile, Nebula tricked a guard and escaped to Titan.
Double meanwhile, on Titan Dr. Strange used the Time Stone to see into the future while Tony Stark and Peter Parker wait.
Tony: What did you see, Strange?
Dr. Strange: Hmmm, oh everything's fine. We just need to sit tight and wait for a ride.
PP: Really? Can it be that easy?
Dr. Strange: In this universe.
PP: Yes, the Parker luck has been defeated.
Triple Meanwhile, on Earth, Wakanda and Team Cap prepared for their last stand. Events played out like the movie, the Children of Thanos fell, and there were lots of "wow, my favorite hero has done a cool thing" moments. Then, Thanos himself arrived to claim his long awaited victory.
However, in this universe he possessed only two of the Infinity Stones. He still wiped the floor with the Avengers but Wanda, in an act of profound sacrifice and love, destroyed the Mind Stone and with it, Vision. Thanos, thwarted, reached out to crush the skull of the Witch who has destroyed his dream when the Mighty Thor, Stormbreaker in hand, attacked.
In this universe, he did not miss, and thus rendered the Mad Titan's head from his body. It was over.
Steve called Tony with the news: Thanos is dead, we've won.
Tony, having hooked up his communicator to the ship Nebula stole received the message.
Tony: Thank god.
Steve: We lost Vision.
Tony: Look, I can help fix him when I get back, we're currently in space but we're hitching a ride with Blue Meanie.
Nebula: Call me Blue Meanie again and I'm leaving you here.
Tony: Fair enough.
On Earth.
Thor: Captain, call me when we have a victory party, I've got some post battle energy to work off.
Steve: Okay....
Thor: Where's the Rabbit and Tree?
Thor grabbed Rocket and Groot and Bifrosted them all straight onto the Benatar.
Peter: AH! What the hell was that? You could have wrecked the ship, what is wrong with you?
Thor wasn't listening and he casually threw Peter over his shoulder.
Thor: Off to claim my prize, we'll be back in a few hours.
Gamora: Not without me you're not.
Thor: Wouldn't dream of it.
They all ran off to Peter's room, Peter cursing them out the entire time.
Rocket: What the flark was that?
Drax: A god like Thor must be full of hormones after a battle. He is off to have his way with Quill.
Rocket: I did not need to hear that!
Drax: Mantis, I know it must distress you that your brother and the Pirate Angel--
Rocket: Wait, brother?
Groot: I am Groot?
Mantis placed her hands on Rocket's and Groot's foreheads.
Mantis: Forget.
They forgot what they heard instantly. Then, for good measure, Mantis touched Drax's arm.
Mantis: Give me your Zarg nuts.
Drax handed her his package without a second thought.
Mantis sat by a window, looking out into the vast inky black of space while enjoying her Zarg nuts. The crunch helped block out the noise of her brother loudly enjoying himself.
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themculibrary · 10 months
Rocket Raccoon Masterlist
Dialling Tones (ao3) - Run_Ravager_Run T, 11k
Summary: Gamora is making calls in the middle of the night, Rocket is building dangerous contraptions at the breakfast table, Drax is a terrible cook, and Peter suspects his newfound family is rupturing at the seams.
Dog Days Are Over (ao3) - agoldengalaxy G, 3k
Summary: {Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Spoiler alert!}
“It’s weird, dontcha think?” Rocket asked softly. “Can’t remember the last time it felt so good around here.”
“Yes.” Nebula paused, then looked down at her lap. “I hope…you are feeling it, too.”
Family (ao3) - Groot (grootiez) T, 10k
Summary: When Rocket tries to enroll Groot into a prestigious preschool, he discovers the people in charge there don’t have Groot’s best interests in mind. When they forcibly remove Groot from the only family that he’s ever known, Rocket will stop at nothing in order to get him back.
But time is of the essence: If Rocket fails to prove that Groot should be reunited with his family and that Rocket should be given full parental rights and allowed to formally adopt Groot as his son, they might never see Groot ever again.
I'll Be There For You (ao3) - Izzyaro (Isilarma) T, 2k
Summary: If Rocket has faith in anything, it's that Groot will never let him down.
I'm With Stupid (ao3) - jellybeanforest gamora/peter T, 17k
Summary: On a backwoods planet, married couples can’t be legally compelled to testify against each other, or at least that’s the working theory. Separated from the others, Peter and Rocket fake a marriage to get out of a sticky situation.
For the Guardians Family Holiday Challenge Day 3 – Odd Couple.
Mine is Just a Slower Sacrifice (ao3) - grayintogreen G, 2k
Summary: And Rocket?
Rocket picks up the pieces. For the second time, because this is what he does now.
Prison Break #24 (ao3) - Zinnith T, 2k
Summary: Rocket has twenty three successful prison breaks under his belt. This should be easy. Until it's not.
Ride on a Rocket... Raccoon (ao3) - IncognitoPichu peter/rocket E, 14k
Summary: If there's one thing that raccoons are known for, it's... um...
Rocket Raccoon is not a pet (ao3) - Grocketeer peter/rocket N/R, 2k
Summary: Peter finds out that Rocket likes to be pet, but hates feeling like a pet. Peter decides to pet him.
Rocket the Up-Cycling Raccoon (ao3) - SnappleApple11 T, 1k
Summary: Rocket keeps himself busy by inventing things. The materials for these inventions have to come from somewhere though, much to his shipmate’s frustration.
“We’re not exactly floating in units Gamora,” Peter said. “Until our next job, we’re broke. Rocket was just using what we have available on the Milano-”
“Like how he used the life support system to build that bomb?”
So No-one Told You Life (Was Gonna Be This Way) (ao3) - goingsparebutwithprecision G, 12k
Summary: Rocket and Groot get a flat on Terra. Groot watches Friends, Rocket makes friends, and the thing with the pterodactyls was not his fault.
Team Rocket Raccoon (ao3) - AthenaStarsnow N/R, 4k
Summary: Rocket Raccoon suddenly finds himself in the world of Pokémon!
The Body Keeps the Score (ao3) - EmiliaGryphon T, 61k
Summary: "You said it yourself bitch, we're the Guardians of the Galaxy." Gamora is finally a part of something. But the past always follows you, eats at you and she must come to grips with her deeds as she tries to build a future. Meanwhile Rocket has never cared much for anyone or anything. Together the two of them discover they are more alike than different and try to heal themselves by befriending the other.
The Shrapnel in Your Heart (ao3) - EmiliaGryphon, TooManyBattles (Skarabrae_stone) steve/bucky G, 12k
Summary: “Buck?” Steve looked at him in concern. “You okay?” Bucky turned to face him, the familiar what-has-Steve-roped-me-into-now feeling washing over him. Robots and cryo and aliens and now a damned space-raccoon. You have got to be kidding me, Stevie. “Put me back,” he demanded. “I’m done, this is it, I wanna go back in cryo.” OR: Rocket and Bucky go on a mission together. It turns out they have a lot more in common than they realized.
You Can't Carry It With You (If You Want to Survive) (ao3) - FoundInTheStars T, 2k
Summary: After everything, Rocket and Peter learn to let go.
You're still young, that's your fault. (ao3) - DigitalMeowMix T, 3k
Summary: Trying to raise your best friend after he's turned into a child is hard work. This is definitely not what Rocket signed up for. He just wants his damn partner back.
Scenes from an unconventional parenthood
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