#yup sounds like a mosh pit
do-not-burn · 2 years
Humans are SpaceOrcs: Concerts
Humans: *laughing amongst themselves*
Wtylion-Pr¥vogue: Sorry to intrude, but these are my quarters as well as yours.
Human-Erin: Feel free to join, buddy. We're just talking about our favourite concert memories.
W-P: Ooh alright. *kneels down to join the circle of humans, minding his wings*
Human-Brian: Okay okay so, I went to see Cannibal Corpse for the first time when I was 15.
W-P: Sorry... what? Cannibal... Corpse? Is that a dead person who eats... other dead people? Or do they eat the living?
H-B: Nah dead people who eat the living are called zombies. Cannibal Corpse is a band.
W-P: I see... is it named for someone?
H-B: I don't think so but it sounds bitchin'.
W-P: You mean disturbing?
H-B: Same thing. Anyway, I saw them for the first time when I was fifteen. I couldn't hear a thing the entire day after.
W-P: You temporarily lost your hearing from a concert? How?
H-B: Sounds over a certain decibel point can damage even our eardrums.
W-P: And you endure this pain because...?
H-B: Because it's fun.
W-P: I am not shocked. I imagine, as you are so durable, that your hearing will eventually be fully renewed.
H-E: Actually, no, there are hairs in our ears that help us hear. They're always standing. If the vibrations from too loud noises knock them down, they don't come back up and our hearing will get weaker, basically.
W-P: And all of your kind knows this?
H-B: More or less.
W-P: And you attend gatherings like that?
H-E: Yeah.
W-P: Because it's fun?
H-B: Precisely.
W-P: This is self-destructive, yes?
H-B: Yup.
W-P: You are all odd. No wonder you live to 100 at best.
H-E: Wait until you hear about mosh pits.
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horrid-phantasm · 1 year
also on the subject of mosh pits, what's your take on the whole hardcore / death metal crossover thing that is happening lately? maybe this is more a north american thing, the shows you go to sound more like old school metal. I love a good mosh pit myself but sometimes I hold back because I don't want some mf'er crowdkilling people to sock me in the face :-|
First of all sorry for the late response I was working
So I know that movement and if a movements touch the ground of the US the movement will spread faster than you think.
I think those deathcore/hardcore (not the old school) kids just want to troll people none of them or what I witnessed will fight you back once you encourage them for a fist fight, and yeah nobody wants those kids messing around and they should be kicked out people want to enjoy a concert not to go back home with a broken nose unless you really enjoy the adrenaline of a fight.
In general I don't like mosh pits anymore since I took the guitar seriously (like almost seven years ago) and I prefer to watch the players doing their virtuoso stuff on guitars.
And yup I attend more osdm'esque gigs or old school heavy metal concerts, the new wave of metal it's not my thing tbh
I hope this text responded your question
Now I'll wait more anons while I drink my creatine
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hydroponicjj · 4 years
you’re so drunk
pairing: jj maybank x reader
summary: 6 & 7 from this prompt list! basically just joking with jj while you’re drunk
word count: 1.5k
warnings: drinking, swearing, typos??
a/n: i’m so sorry that this is kinda short. i’ve been trying to write really cute fics but they all turn into shit and this is something that i’m kinda proud of. hope you enjoy <3
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                    「 ₊˚.༄ 」
“And that’s when I stuffed it in my mouth. No way he’d be able to see it there.” JJ joked, causing the tourons listening to erupt in laughter.
Every single time that there was a kegger thrown at the boneyard, JJ would tell the same story about how Heyward almost caught him smoking weed in Pope’s room.
Having heard it at least 17 times that night, it was easy to say that you were sick of the story that was exaggerated to gain a bigger, better reaction from the crowds listening.
“I’m going to go get a refill.” You excused yourself, removing the arm that JJ had draped around your waistline.
Nodding his head, he continued to explain the story, “It tasted like shit.” You heard his voice slowly mesh with the countless others at the party as you slowly made your way towards John B.
“The guest of honor.” He saluted, throwing his arms up.
You rolled your eyes, “Actually, the guest of honor is over there. I’m just his significant other.” You pointed, watching as John B’s gaze wandered to JJ surrounded by a group of at least 15 tourists.
“Shit. That’s at least 3 more people than last week.” He observed, reaching for the red solo cup that rested in your right hand, refilling it.
“Yeah,” You sighed, “I need to get drunk to hear him tell that damn story again.”
Looking around, you spotted Kie in a mosh-pit like dance circle. You had to admit; she knew how to blow off steam while partying, an attribute you wish you acquired.
“Thanks,” You grabbed the cup back from JB, taking a sip.
“My pleasure.”
Giving John B one last smile, you approached Kiara. She saw you almost immediately and excused herself from the cluster, “What’s wrong?”
Another amazing trait that Kie had was being able to tell when her friends were annoyed, disappointed, sad. Basically any emotion that wasn’t happy.
You didn’t respond, just gestured to where JJ stood. He had at least 4 more people listening to him than the last time that you checked.
Kie shook her head, “He’s telling that dumbass story again, isn’t he?”
“Yup.” You smiled.
“C’mon.” She grabbed your wrist, dragging you into the swarm she exited seconds prior.
Dancing was something that you didn’t do often, acknowledging that you were awful at it but, at least you had rhythm and Kie’s encouragement.
You downed your drink. You would need alcohol coursing through your veins to help you forget about your surroundings.
“I’m getting another drink, want one!?” Kie screeched, trying to be louder than the speaker that was blasting music mere feet away.
“P-Please,” You called out a response then watched as she navigated through the sweaty bodies.
                    「 ₊˚.༄ 」
Fast forward one hour and you had at least 2 more cups plus a few shots provided by Kie.
“I-I’m like, on cloud nine right now.” You hiccuped, shrugging your shoulders as you laid in the sand next to Pope.
The later it got, the more people filtered in and out of the boneyard. There was still a suitable amount of people, but not nearly as many compared to when the event first started.
“I’ll go get JJ.” You had been talking to Pope for a while and that was the first thing he had said throughout the entire conversation.
“You go do that, bud. I’ll be right here.” You sluggishly replied.
While Pope searched for JJ, you took the time to rest your eyes. Your body was not tired but your eyes were beyond exhausted from walking through clouds of smoke to get to this side of the beach.
“Y/N, what the fuck are you okay?” You shot up instantly, startled.
“Shhhhhh, d-don’t be so loud.” You took a deep breath, “I’m fine, I feel on top of the world.”
“Is she high or drunk?” Pope whispered.
“A mix of both, I dunno,” JJ replied, groaning as he took a seat in the sand next to you.
Pope excused himself from the situation, feeling like he had done his part by letting you blabber on about absolutely nothing for 10 minutes.
“How much did you have to drink?” You rested your head in his lap, looking up at him with the biggest grin.
“Well, I had a little before leaving your meet and greet and then I had like two others with Kie-Kie.” You hummed the chorus of In My Feelings by Drake.
“Meet and Greet?” He questioned.
“Oh and don’t forget the shots.” You added.
“Y/N, stay focused, please. What do you mean by ‘meet and greet’?” He repeated himself.
“Yeah, I was scared shitless that Heyward would notice that I wasn’t speaking.” You mocked, lowering the tone of your voice while throwing your hands up in the air, almost slapping JJ.
“Oh, come on. It’s a funny story, not my fault that people love hearing it. Plus, I don’t tell it that much.” He defended himself, chuckling at your poor imitation of him.
“You told it to the same group of people, twice.” His face turned red, knowing that you had him trapped from the beginning.
“Wait, babe, help me up.” You tapped his shoulder, instantly forgetting about what the two of you were talking about. Inspiration had just hit you like a truck and you couldn’t ignore it.
Walking two feet away, you picked up a bone. It was most likely dragged down by a dog that belonged to a touron.
“I’ve got a bone to pick with you,” You threw the object in his direction, erupting in laughter.
Usually, such a stupid joke would come from him, not you but booze brought out your inner JJ.
“Boo!” He used his hands to amplify the sound, throwing small handfuls of sand in your direction.
“B-babe,” You hiccuped, “Lemme, lemme try again.”
Trotting over to a pile of sticks, you picked up one in your right hand, “Looks like I’m in a sticky situation,”
You cackled, finding the joke hilarious. Again, JJ wasn’t finding it funny, but he gave you the benefit of the doubt, “You’re cute.”
“What can I say except, you’re welcome!” You belted, scaring yourself with your awful singing capabilities.
“Come on, let’s go.” He rolled his eyes playfully, walking over to you, gently wrapping his arms around you so you could walk without losing your footing.
“Wait,” You stopped in your tracks, “Were my jokes really that bad?” You questioned, lip poking out.
“Do you want me to lie or tell the truth?” He joked, turning his head so he didn’t have to see your expression.
“Whatevaaaa.” You scoffed, continuing to walk in the chateau's direction with him.
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walker-journal · 4 years
Pantomime Patrol (POTW-Solo)
This is the shitty POTW solo I typed up during breaks at work, please don't hate me
Eluria Cemetery was one of those supernatural hotspots that needed constant patrolling to keep it from boiling over into neighboring districts. It was a death sentence to come here at night without superhuman powers or appropriate weaponry, and thus Adam Walker had entered with military-grade kevlar, specialized ammunition, and weapons that combined archaic superstition with cutting-edge Materials Science. Many of the original tombs reflected the eighteenth centuries neoclassical obsession. Arches with Doric detailing, blank walls, dramatic columns, and stark friezes loomed above the catacombs maze-like curves in the dusk’s gloom. Later additions from the Gothic Revival of the nineteenth century were dotted here and there. Angels, Hellenistic busts, pho-pagan temples, and cathedral-like crypts were silently juxtaposed, yet all eras decayed together under time’s relentless inertia.
All this decayed grandeur was part of what made the sprawling vamp-infested expanse of Eluria such a death trap. The architecture and winding catacombs allowed unhallowed things to breed and feed in shadowed nooks. Obscured sightlines and sheer corners meant that it was all too easy to get surrounded and drawn into engagements where the ravenous dead had the tactical upper-hand.
Thus Adam’s patrol had been complicated enough without an unexpected guest trying to slit Adam’s throat with a very familiar cold-iron tactical knife while the Hunter went bent over the remains of a woman who’d been gnawed down to nothing but a gnawed spine connected to an eyeless face. What followed was a cat and mouse game through the catacombs, each combatant ducking behind tombstones and romanesque outcroppings as silenced pistol shots were exchanged. Angels got their noses nicked in sprays of sawed stone as Adam and the stranger engaged in the constant dance of suppressing fire and relocation employed by those trained in urban warfare. When a homemade grenade sprayed cold-iron shrapnel across his position and opened several razor slices across his back, Adam realized that this assailant both had access to his weaponry and definitely didn’t give any shits about secrecy.
Adam eventually got his first full look at the guy when the catacomb maze opened up into a placid clearing surrounding a small columned dome that stood above the memorial statue of a girl holding a three-eyed skull. The assailment was dressed in a monochromatic mirror of Adam’s own equipment and overall looked like Rambo had gone to a Kiss concert in his cadet years.
Deciding to test a theory, Adam spoke up.
“Hey who gives the best head in the Gillian dorm?”
White lips curled in a smirk. The assailment pulled out a cellphone, swiped to a picture, and pantomimed exactly was that Sarah Flores did with her tongue that could make you week in the knees for hours.
Yup, that it was him. Clone. Damn.
Adam drawing his sword was following by the sound of another blade sliding from its sheathe. Not feeling any need to hold back, the mutants cut at each other with sword strokes that most eyes would’ve struggled to follow and delivered feinting kicks and underhanded punches that'd have snapped the sternums of purely human combatants. Yet, no matter how Adam varied his stance and switched fighting forms, the double followed with the counter-blow and opposing guard. Grave dirt churned as footing shifted and the superhumans jumped off crypt walls and bashed each other straight through tombstones in a fruitless quest to gain a decisive upper-hand.  
Yet went the ringing sword-fight had accelerated to a skimmed of blade strokes and poisoned throwing knives amid to gothic steeples on top of a large ancestral mausoleum, Mime-Adam suddenly paused mid-throw and held a finger up to his lips. Adam froze in the act retrieving a shrapnel grenade of his own. Sure enough, distinctive gnawing sounds were audible over the Hunters’ heavy breathing. Paramilitary instinct kicked in, and both Hunters’ immediately fanned out across the rooftop, checking sight-lines. Adam snapped his fingers in a punctuated pattern, bringing the double to his side as quickly as if they’d always reversed such drills together as children.
Some Spawn hung down from the eves of a distant mausoleum, gorging on some joggers that had evidently decided that recording the sight on their phones had taken precedence over running. Three pairs of legs clad in top brand running pants dangled from the baroque overhand, swaying like fleshy windchimes with the motions of the Spawns’ feverish gnawing on the bloody spinal stumps where heads used to be.  
Adam and his silent double looked at one another, and a moment of wordless understanding passed between them. Despite their difference in origin both young men were Hunters, both born with the savage instincts and prowess of predators but honed to be instruments of deliverance. Adam had no idea how deeply this doppelgänger mirrored him. However, when Mummer Walker gave him a slow nod and reached to a black Army tactical belt with white buckles to retrieve high-grade phosphorous rounds, Adam knew he and Quiet were on the same wavelength where Vams were concerned.
A rapid series of squad hand-signs later, mime and man moved to take up flanking positions on either side of the mausoleum. Settling into some cover that gave clear sight-lines but would screen him from any winged spawn drop down from above, Adam gave the signal. From the mouth of a far crypt came a gun discharge before the Spawn’s position erupted in an explosion of radiance. While the alchemical phosphorous rounds wouldn’t sear them like true daylight, the Spawn’s senses where poorly adapt to sudden illumination. It gave Adam all the opening he needed to start laying down a hail of crossbow bolts. When needed to reload, the Mime laid down suppressing fire, and Adam did the same for him in turn. The courtyard was a mess of unearthly screams, flashes of chemical light, and the whisper of blessed bolts zipping through the night air.  
More Spawn flew in, however, and soon the Mime’s position looked like it was about to be overrun by a teaming mass of hulking Chiroptera bodies. Contemplation slows you down in combat, and Adam didn’t think as he sprinted across the courtyard of singed tombstones and several piles of fine-grained dust. He’d dropped the crossbow and lifted the small Seal of Solomon on a thin silver chain from under his sweat-soaked shirt. He shoved his way into the center of the mosh pit with a football tackle, thrusting out the sanctified seal while shouting the Hebrew prayer used in ancient days to ward off the nocturnal predations of Lilith.
Undead flesh charred, crisped, and flaked off as half-human forms flailed. Membranous wings were riddled with smile holes like a candle eating away paper. The moment of respite was all the Mime needed to leap forward, punching through the Spawn’s lowered guarded with a hawthorn stake, plunging it down over and over with a grin of euphoric madness that Adam recognized from the mirror. Yet the Mime rose from the dust piles only to be greeted by Adam’s pistol in his face.
But Adam didn’t see his own painted face looking at him with numb expectation, nor a simulacrum of his own body bleeding black instead of red. He saw James, gentle features frozen in shock, cold lips parted in a question. He saw Lucas, eyes pained and pleading. He saw Winn, bent over the unconscious body of Adam’s fraternity brother. He saw Ricky, lying there defenseless with a pained rueful smile. He saw the first vamp he ever killed, the running back of his football team that’d looked up at Adam with a blood-covered semblance of terror and despair.
The safety clicked on.
“The cops will be here soon and I’ve got another graveyard to patrol. Go get those bites cleaned up”
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wildflowergrant · 5 years
Hey love! Could you maybe do something where the reader is also a YouTuber and she meets the twins at Coachella? Like they all post on social media about each other and possibly do a few videos together? Love your work babe! 🤩
Thank you so much!
Ok I never went to coachella even though most of my cousins went o_0, so I’m just going to base it off of Scotty Sire’s song “Take me Away”
A/n: Also, I love the twins in coachella okay bye
It was a five hour drive from LA to Palm Springs, and even though Gray was dressed up all in casual designer, he was sweating so much.  His legs were aching because Ethan insisted on no stops after the third hour and he didn’t move at all throughout the car ride.
Sure, he was excited to see his favorite artists, especially Kid Cudi, but all he wanted to do was jump on his bed and go to sleep.  After an hour, the huge houses were showing up and he saw the sign “Palm Springs 2 miles”
His stomach had butterflies and he started to get butterflies.  Gray put the aux cord and started to blast Tame Impala through the whole time until they found their airbnb. Ethan and Grayson started to put the snacks in the fridge and counter, setting up everything because the next day would be hectic.
They both laid out their game plan for the whole three days so that they know what to do and where to go.
Ethan was looking at his notes while he was talking to Gray, who laid face down onto the ground.
“Ok, so on day one, we’ll go to the Djs for a bit and then at midnight, Childish Gambino will start, so we’ll go there with some of our friends if we see them.” He nodded and hummed.
“And for day two, well.  We already know what to do there.  We’re going to see some artists and Djs and meet up with Emma and her friends to go to Tame.  And after a while, we need to rush to the other stage to be in time for Cudi.”
Gray nodded again. “Ok, make sure that we’re all together.  Especially with Tame and Cudi, because I already know that we are going to be in the mosh pit.” He had a childish smile and went up to his room.  “oh, and tomorrow morning we need to go grocery shopping.”
Day one of Coachella flew by, mostly because it was shorter than the other two and they wanted rest for the next day.  So after Childish Gambino finished performing, they went straight to their scheduled uber and went home.
That night, he couldn’t sleep because he was so excited like a kid on their first day of school.  So, he stayed on his phone until he felt sleepy.  He was scrolling through his home page and saw Emma’s post with her friends.  Gray saw familiar faces, like Olivia, Amanda, and Josie who he saw hung out with Emma a lot.  But there was another face that he thought looked familiar, but he couldn’t put a name on it.  But he did think that she were really cute.  Pure girlfriend and wifey material, even though she was wearing basically underwear and he didn’t even know her.  
But he eventually fell asleep and forgot all about the gorgeous girl when the next day came up.  He woke up super early and got so excited.  Grays started blasting Kid Cudi music through the whole house, which woke up an angry Ethan, but five minutes later he started to dance with him.
Night time started to fall, and they were heading to Tame Impala’s stage with a huge crowd forming.  Ethan pushed Gray from behind, telling him to move closer.  While they were there, they saw Emma’s colored sequined pants, and they went to meet up with her and her friends.
They hugged each other, despited being super sweaty, and said hi to everyone else.  And right there, he saw her.  The same girl from Emma’s post.  Ethan went up to hug her, which gave Grayson a jealous pit in his stomach.  He went over to Ethan, who was behind the group.
“Dude, how do you know her?” He looked over at Gray.
“I met her a couple times and talked to her when I was hanging out with Emma.  We were talking about all doing a collar with the four of us.”“She’s a youtube too?”“Yup.”  Ethan smirked at him. “You interested?  I mean, she’s all yours if you want.  You don’t need to back out for me.  She’s just my friend.”  Both of the boys looked at Bryant taking pics of her and close-up portraits. “And she’s just Bryant’s friend too.  Don’t worry.”
For the whole time they were in Tame, all of them were in the front and shouting out all of the lyrics.  The lights were blinding him so much that he couldn’t even see Ethan.  But the only thing he could see through the bright stage lights was her.  The girl he didn’t even know the name of. There was a break time and he could hear her asking Emma “so is nobody going to come with me to see Cudi?” He looked over and saw all of them shake their heads no.
This is it. This was his chance. He walked over to them and pushed everyone in his way to get to the group.
“Hi, uh. E and I are going to see Kid Cudi in a few minutes when he’s ready, so you can come with us.” The music started coming up and it was getting so loud. But he could see her face relax and smile.
“Thank you so much, you don’t know how scared I was to go by myself.”
“No problem. And we’re going all the way to the front if that’s ok with you.” She nodded her head. “Also, I’m Grayson.”
“Y/n” but all he could hear was muffled words. He made a face that basically told her that he can’t hear. She said her name a bit louder, but he could only hear the beginning, so he decided to ask her when it’s more quiet.
Soon enough, they were rushing to go to Kid Cudi’s stage where he would perform. Y/n and Grayson were ahead of Ethan and Bryant and they he was holding her hand and leading her to the front so she would lose him.
They were at the front and he was standing right behind her and dancing against each other. He put his head on her neck and he felt like he was in heaven. Her scent was intoxicating and he fit perfectly in his arms, both of them swaying to the music.
“My name is Y/n” she turned over while still being in his arms, now face to face.
Gray cupped the side of her face and looked into her eyes. Even though he just met her an hour ago, he felt like he’s known her his whole life, as cheesy as that sounds.
His body feels burning hot from the dry desert heat and also from the fact that he’s getting nervous in front of the best person in his life, other than his brother.
And a few seconds later, they leaned in to kiss. It felt like pure bliss and they smiled in the kiss. He wanted to stay like that for the rest of his life, because that was the happiest he’s ever been. But they had to pull away. The bass started getting louder and it was pounding their whole entire body, until they started dancing again.
And a week after, they were connected to the hip. She stayed over and went out to get breakfast with them.
Bryant posted all of his Coachella film photos of the twins, and when Gray was swiping, he saw her with him, clearly kissing in the slightly blurry photo. He went immediately to the comments and he was grateful that people were happy with it. They even made a ship name for you guys and wanted you guys to do collabs with each other, which you guys were planning on doing soon.
Some accounts even made compilations of Y/n and Grayson being all cute and posted pictures of them going out to stores and cafes.
Whenever Ethan and Grayson were filming, she would always be there behind the camera to help them out.  And whenever Y/n would be vlogging, he would play camera man and help her out. Sometimes he would just be in the background when she would film and fans would go crazy.
He knew that she was the one and he wanted to keep her close.
A/n: There’s going to be a part two of this where they make a video with each other, so hold on!
Requests are OPEN
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kawaiibobatea-blog · 6 years
Chapter 06: Familiarity and Realization
It felt like years that she had been gaping at the red stain upon her hand. Her whole body felt like she had been dunked in ice like her blood had frozen in its tracks through her veins. She’d been sick many times before, but never to this degree. She put her hand over her mouth again while another coughing spell took over while nausea stewed in the pit of her stomach. Reluctantly pulling her hand from her mouth her fears were confirmed. The stain on her hand was larger, the wet crimson mingling with the drying. In the mirror, her mouth and jawline were covered with the same crimson. This couldn’t be happening… she needed to help the missing people from the Nexus, the Angara, and Scott. Swallowing her fear, Ain left her room. She had to be quick about this since she could hear footsteps heading closer and closer. Making sure the coast was clear, she jogged towards the bathroom and locked the door behind her with lightning speed. The fluorescent light from the overhead bulb made her head throb and her nausea increase tenfold. The warm water on her hands stopped the shaking enough to where she was able to clean herself up. The crimson from her face and hands mingled with the water leaving Ain with a lingering sense of dread.
“You can do this,” Ain told her reflection, taking a few deep breaths. “just keep smiling and joking. Bluff. You’ve always been good at that. Fake it.”
Forcing herself to smile from her pathetic pep talk, she pushed herself away from the sink as if her plan was solidified with that simple nod. Ain noticed some crimson on the metal of the sink, quickly taking a small hand towel towards it. For any of the crew members, that would be a tell-tale sign that something was wrong with someone in the crew. With the way that she had been acting, it wouldn’t take anyone long to figure it out. If Lexi got word of it, there would be absolute hell to pay. Lexi wouldn’t let her out of her sight if she found out she was coughing up the huge amount of blood that she was. With a huge sigh after she had cleaned up her blood, she turned and headed towards the hanger.
Her teammates were waiting for her at the hanger. Of course, they could have left without her, but she didn’t know how the Angara would react to the rest of the “aliens” without Jaal and Ain were there. Curious looks crossed over the eyes of the others, but she didn’t pay it any attention or mind and pretended that she didn’t see it. They would just ask too many questions and there was more of a chance for her to mess up and accidentally let something slip. Liam and Jaal, however, were looking at her in a different sort of way; Liam more on the side of worry and confusion and Jaal more on the side of… was that irritation?
Without any sort of prompting, the hanger opened revealing the beauty of Aya to them once more. No matter how many times she saw it, the colors of the beautiful planet would end up continuing to entrance her. They had barely gotten off the Tempest when they were minimally surrounded by Shie, the Moshae, Evfra, and some citizens who just happened to be passing by. Ain cleared her throat and gave a small cough.
“Is the alien sick?” Evfra asked, glaring at Ain. “Don’t come to Aya if you’re going to get us sick. We don’t need your alien diseases. We have enough to worry about as it is.”
“Hush, Evfra. That’s hardly the way to talk to our friends.” Moshae Sjefa said. Ain couldn’t help but freeze slightly when Moshae Sjefa came over and hugged her as if she were a best friend that she hadn’t seen for years. It shocked everyone present; Ain included.
Ain couldn’t help but smile at the elegant Angara. The sun was creating marks on Sjefa’s magenta skin from the spaces in the canopy which only added to her revered aura. The wind was blowing, lightly disturbing her hair and clothes. When she could get some time to relax, Aya was going to be her one stop destination for more than just its cooling atmosphere.
“What’s the greeting for?” Ain asked.
“We,” Moshae Sjefa began. “have decided to give you the liberty to freely roam Aya.”
“What?!” Evfra unfolded his arms. Apparently, he hadn’t been informed of this. From the look of disdain, it was never something that he would enjoy. “I disagree.”
“Well frankly,” Paaran Shie began “I don’t care what you want Evfra. Sjefa and I have made our decision, and we believe it is quite fair considering all they have done for our people.”
The once gentle aura that had surrounded them turned somewhat hostile and strained. Even though Evfra was tough, she couldn’t help but find it funny that he bowed so easily to the will of these two women. Back in the Milky Way, this was something that would still be considered strange. There had to be some way that she could diffuse this situation before it turned into an all-out verbal war. She took a step towards their friends.
“We would love to make room and welcome you to the Nexus, if that’s something you would be interested in.” Ain offered. She could feel the shock of her teammates behind her, but mostly Jaal’s. Since their fight, she wasn’t sure where they stood as friends or even as teammates. The fact that she was so willing to accept their people onto the Nexus where their whole future lay was something he obviously hadn’t been expecting.
“We will also enjoy having an embassy for the Andromeda Initiative here on Aya.” Paraan Shie smiled, holding out her hand. Once Ain’s hand met Shie’s, whispers and shocked looks from the surrounding citizens arose.
“This is completely- “Evfra began but Sjefa’s stern blue eyes stopped him mid-sentence.
“Stop.” Moshae Sjefa turned back towards the team and held her hands together. “Shie and I have other matters to attend to. We leave exploring Aya to you all. Once you are ready to see the vault, come see me in my office and I shall accompany you.”
The surrounding citizens turned back to their previous business when Shie left talking among some citizens that followed her, asking her various questions about the aliens and what was going to become of them with the embassy and giving them free roam of Aya. Since they were so far away, she was unable to clearly hear what was being said. The air around them became less tense but hadn’t yet returned to normal. Ain turned and saw what turned her already confused and distressed mood into a sourer one; the dildo.
Evfra was standing in front of them all still obviously disapproving of the idea. Her eyelids lowered halfway almost as if she were bored with his presence. He tried to intimidate her, but from their previous encounters he should know that that wouldn’t work. Sighing, she earned a glare from Evfra, but it did nothing to deter her. Her fellow “aliens” seemed a little shaken at Evfra’s display of dominance however which from the look on his face he seemed to relish in.
“You did well Jaal, report for reassignment.”
“What?!” Ain exclaimed and saw Evfra smirk from shaking her.
You… You fucking prick! You dildo!
“What?” Ain’s eyes narrowed hearing the taunting lilt in his voice.
“Are you kidding me? Jaal has become a valued member of my team!” Ain exclaimed feeling tears gather in her eyes. “… and… and he’s become a friend.”
I think of you as a friend, Jaal. Even if you hate me for what I’ve done.
“Jaal is an Angara and belongs with his people; request denied.”
“Evfra, I believe- “Jaal began taking a step forward, but Ain was faster taking a step-in front of Jaal, so she stood between the two extremely tall Angaran men.
“It wasn’t a request.”
Ain should have been worried that she was going to get shot where she was standing. After all, Evfra did have a gun on him so did Jaal and these were still his people that she was technically disrespecting, even if he started it first. However, a surprised sound came from Jaal and he didn’t say anything else. The anger was almost physical between Evfra and Ain that one could practically see the sparks flying. Moshae Sjefa’s laughter calmed the sparks, however not completely.
“Evfra, Ryder and her crew are where Jaal belongs.”
“But Mosh- “Evfra began but was cut off by Sjefa’s glare of death. “Fine. Request granted.”
“Still not a request.”
“Come, let us return to headquarters.” Sjefa said and lead Evfra away from the group, leaving them alone.
Ain let out another small cough and tapped her chest. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see Vetra looking at her with a worried look in her yellow slited eyes. All her crew was locked into place, all of them too afraid to move because of the way the still wary Angara watched them from the corner of their eyes. She decided that she might as well take the first step, hearing her crew following behind. Following the long circular corridor that led passed the murals dedicated to the past and culture of the people on Aya, Vetra leaned in closer to her friend.
“Was that the ‘dildo’ you mentioned, Ain?”
“You’re right, he is a prick.”
Ain broke off from the rest of her crew. Being a group of aliens could make the Angara nervous and she just wanted to gain their trust. It also gave her a chance to relax. She gave an awkward smile to an Angara in the market who was watching her with curious eyes. Deciding to just try and relax, she took a seat next to one of the booths but made sure to sit far enough away as to not cause distress. Ain leaned her head back slightly and exhaled. A sharp pain gripped her chest and she coughed and held onto her side.
Please… if I’m going to die, I just want to help everyone. Find another Pathfinder. They can take over for me then.
A small ding came from her wrist and tapping on her Omni-Tool, she saw that there was a plant on Aya that Suvi wanted her to collect for the movie night that Liam was planning. Apparently, Suvi was trying to make snacks. Ain had to hand it to her, Suvi was one adventurous woman. She licked a rock to test it and ended up getting a small tongue infection that she had to take to Lexi who couldn’t believe she had to tell a scientist to “not lick rocks anymore”. She sent an affirmation that she would indeed gather the plant. Another ding later, she saw that Liam was inviting her to a bar here on Aya that he found. Another affirmation later, and she already had two tasks at hand.
Glancing among the stalls, she went over to one and was about to open her mouth to speak when the shopkeeper said one of the most hurtful things that she had ever heard, “Get away. I refuse to sell to one of your kind.” With everything else that had been happening, Ain couldn’t help but feel like her heart had just fallen into her stomach.
“Y-Yes…” Ain said and turned around and looked at one of the other stalls and went over to that one. “Um… I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you, but I’m looking for a plant; its rather wet and green. It has some strange feel on the leaf.”
“Oh! You’re not disturbing me at all!” The shopkeeper said with a small smile and moved some of her other wares around to sort through the various plants that she was selling. Ain wanted to buy them all to be honest. Flowers of all colors that she could think of or imagine were being sifted around. Some of them may even be poisonous to Humans, but she wanted to touch them all. Her mother had often said that she was too curious for her own good. “Is this what you wanted?”
“I um… I don’t know the name of it. We’re having a movie night and we were told that it could be made into a snack.”
“Oh yes, Pathfinder! Drying out this Tarvav plant makes some of the crunchiest snacks that are known to the Angaran people.”
It was difficult to pay for the plant because of the differences in currency, but finally they came to an agreement of 10 credits and to bring her back some when they were made. She took the small bag that the woman had given her with a bright smile. “My friend wants to meet me at a bar… could you direct me there?”
“Yes of course, Pathfinder. Continue down that pathway, take a left, and it should be on your right.”
Ain nodded and waved goodbye before taking the Angara’s directions. The sunlight was peeking through the canopy and kissing the alabaster stone of the buildings, leaving a touch of warmth in its wake. Loving the way that the warmth felt instead of the extreme cold rain, snow, and the harsh heat of the desert she took her time to enjoy the architecture and the smells of the foreign food. The bar suddenly came into view and she couldn’t help but smile when she saw Liam sitting among a couple Angara talking and smiling.
“Ain! Over here!” Liam called.
“Hey, Liam. There you are.” Ain said and went over and sat next to her friend. The Angara that had been previously talking to Liam went back to their own conversations. For a few moments, she was worried about cutting off a potential friendship, but they didn’t seem to mind.
“It’s really paradise here.”
“I don’t think that I’ve ever seen a place like this in my life, even back home.”
Liam chuckled and laughed, taking a drink of… whatever the Angara were serving.
“To be honest, I was worried that you were going to get shot again because of how you were talking to that Evfra guy.”
“Oh, come on, I’m not that bad.” Ain defending having a drink of a slushy green drink sat in front of her.
Liam smiled gently and bit at his lip. Ain glanced over at him when she heard the rhythmic tapping of an index finger against the glass. She blinked and watched him open and close his mouth like a gaping fish. He was trying to say something, but he didn’t know what he was going to say. Ain turned her stool and watched him stumble over himself. The short time that she had known Liam, shyness was a characteristic that she never would’ve associated with him.
“Ain, I need to talk to you.”
“That’s what we’re doing now, aren’t we?”
“… but um, about something else.”
“Something else?”
“Well…um… you’re an awesome Pathfinder, but an even better person; a better friend.”
“Thanks Liam, I think you’re a good friend too.” Ain tilted her head to the side when he cleared his throat and continued to stammer over his words.
“Well, I… I um… you’re,” Liam took a sip of the drink that was sat in front of him as if steeling himself before he continued with… whatever he was trying to say. “I um, I… wow, how am I supposed to say this?”
“With you mouth would probably be a good idea.” Ain said with a small smile which earned a small laugh from him. Ain looked at her friend and touched his arm. “Liam, you’re worrying me.”
“I-I li-“Liam began and then gave a small chuckle before shaking his head. He sighed and stared over at his Pathfinder, his captain, his friend. “You know what? It’s not important.”
“It’s not? But… you seemed like you really wanted to tell me.”
“Don’t worry about it, Ain. Really.”
Ain’s eyes traveled over her friend from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet and locked eye contact. He seemed to be serious. When she continued to watch him, he didn’t waver.
“Alright. If you’re sure.”
Whatever the drink was, it was full of nutrients and not filled with alcohol. She wasn’t sure about a lot of the culture on Aya, but maybe they didn’t really have alcohol. It was probably better that the drink wasn’t alcohol. She would have to be in tip top condition to be Pathfinder. Not to mention, if she was drunk she may let her condition slip and then having her friend worrying about her. Ain finished her drink and stood up.
“Hey, I’ve got to get going and talk to the Moshae to get into the vault.”
“Alright. I’m just going to stay here and drink a little more. I’ll meet you back on the Tempest, how does that sound?”
“Good idea.”
Ain had offered to pay for their drinks, but Liam wouldn’t hear of it. With that discussion out of the way, they had parted ways. Leaving the bag with Liam, she walked to Resistance Headquarters where Moshae Sjefa was supposed to be waiting for them with Jaal. She trailed her hand against the building she passed, feeling the rough texture underneath her fingertips. It reminded her of seashells, like they had been clustered together to make the building. The building was cool underneath her hand despite the warmth from the sun. It made her wonder if the material was chosen to keep the inhabitants of the home cool or if it was just a side effect of it, just a coincidence.
The door swished open and she arrived in Resistance Headquarters. It looked like Evfra and the Moshae were in a fight while Jaal was idly standing by trying to stay out of the conversation, but still wanted to intervene to keep Moshae Sjefa safe. Jaal protected her like a mother and he wanted to ask more about it but didn’t want to make things awkward considering that they weren’t mutual friends. She steeled herself and continued further into the room.
“Ain, you’ve arrived.” Moshae Sjefa said.
“I’m here to have us go to the vault.” Ain said and looked over at Jaal who she found was staring at her, so she quickly turned back and looked at the Moshae.
“Yes, of course.”
“Of course, that’s what you’d want.” Evfra said. “That’s all you’d want.”
Slowly Ain made her way to the shuttle waiting for her near the Tempest at the front along with Moshae Sjefa and Jaal. She glanced over at Jaal who had his eyes on the shuttle. Glancing down, she could see that his hands were shaking whether it was from fear or anticipation was not apparent. They arrived at the door to the vault and her hands started to sweat. What was so special about this vault? It was just as dark and dank like she remembered the others to be. It smelled wet and somewhat musty. Clearing her throat, she headed towards the console.
“Is it true that you can interface with it, Pathfinder?” Moshae Sjefa asked.
“I… I think so.” Ain said and went over to the console and exhaled shakily before she put her hand against the interface point. The ‘keyboard’ rose and fell against her touch and the stone of the console was smooth and slightly wet from the condensation in the old vault. She gasped, a holographic image covering the ceiling of the vault illumining the faces of her fellow companions. She saw out of the corner of her eyes that Jaal had his mouth gaping open in surprise. He didn’t look like the same man who had yelled at her in the Kett facility or who said he was unhappy with them.
“What… is this?” Jaal asked, his voice deep and gravelly.
Ain stared at the pieces in front of her and walked around the vault. She reached up and touched one of the orbs. She gasped seeing the way it twisted and turned.
“It… It’s a map!”
“A… map?” Moshae Sjefa looked at the intertwining orbs and lines.
“This is a map. This is Eos. It shows the vault and how active it is.” Ain continued to look around. Some of the orbs weren’t lit at all while the others were bright and white. There was a couple near the center that were different. “These… are all the planets. It shows the vaults. This has to be where we’re at on Aya.” She tilted her head and touched the orb. “What about… this one?”
“What? What is that supposed to be?” Jaal asked, following close to Ain which made her uncomfortable. She knew that Jaal didn’t mean it like that, or anything like that, but it still made her feel weird to have him around. Moshae Sjefa merely smiled and stared at the map and where Ain had pointed out the strange looking orb near the middle.
“I’ve heard of a place called Meridian. The Archon was after it, but he never said what it was or where it was.” Sjefa explained and then gently touched the orb where she believed Meridian was at. “This is a great advantage Pathfinder. If this is a map, like you said, then we have a general idea where Meridian is, and you can get to it before the Archon can. He was desperate for it, and if you can get to it first then we can stop whatever it is the Archon is trying to do.”
Ignoring the cold that was creeping into her bones, she left the vault with Sjefa and Jaal. How was she supposed to stop the Archon from getting to Meridian when she didn’t even know where it was? Knowing her luck, the Archon would find it and then miraculously find the direct way to it before they could even discover what Meridian was. She pushed some hair from her eyes and watched as Moshae Sjefa closed the vault.
“Let us go and speak to Evfra about what we found in the vault.” Moshae Sjefa said.
“What do you mean, a map?” Evfra asked when they arrived back in the Resistance Headquarters. “There was a map about the vaults?”
“Yes, there was.” Moshae Sjefa stated with certainty. “Without Pathfinder Ryder, we would have been unable to access it. Evfra, work with Ryder and her crew so that we may be one cohesive unit.” With her instruction, she left.
Evfra was pacing back and forth in his office. He didn’t like the idea of working with Ain and he didn’t even try to hide it. The monitors were casting an ominous light on Evfra making him look more angry than usual. The machinery filling in the silence with its continuous beeping and clicking. Ain rubbed the back of her neck and the longer that she waited, the more she got aggravated for waiting and the worse she began to feel. She put a hand on her head and grunted, the light bothering her sight momentarily as her vision began to fade in and out.
“H-How long is this going to take?”
“I didn’t want to speak about this with the Moshae present, but there was an Angara named Vehn Terev who watched over the Moshae. He ran to Kadara and he was the Moshae’s bodyguard. I know that he’s the last person to see the Moshae before she got taken to the Kett facility. Perhaps its me being paranoid, but I believe he’s a traitor.”
“You think this Vehn Terev gave the Moshae to the Kett?”
“Surely Vehn would not do that Evfra…” Jaal tried to defend his comrade, but his voice was weak.
“Then tell me Jaal. This surely isn’t a coincidence. If I am wrong, I will… admit to it.” Evfra said. “Go to Kadara and prove me wrong, Jaal. Pathfinder.”
“If you have these suspicions and have had them for a while,” Ain continued and frowned. “why haven’t you sent someone or went yourself to see if it was true?”
“It is run by your people!” Evfra exclaimed and turned and glared at Ain. “I will not stoop to the level your people have and go to that filthy place. This could be that your people had something to do with it! So you fix it!”
“Evfra, this is not fair to the Pathfinder or for her team. They have saved the Moshae in case you forgot.”
“Then prove me wrong.” Evfra said and turned around and looked out the window. “Leave.”
Ain grunted and clenched her fists. She felt her eye twitch and she was so angry. If she could’ve gotten away with it, she just wanted to shoot him. Not even kill him, just shoot him.
Back in the Tempest, she went to the kitchen where she saw the bag that the woman at the shop in Aya had given her. The plant was a beautiful green and felt strange and moist against her hand, almost light and airy. Suvi was so ecstatic when she saw the plant she almost jumped out of her seat. She held the plant in her hands and smiled brightly. The light in her eyes contained hope and happiness. It was a light that she hadn’t seen from anyone since she had arrived in Andromeda. She supposed that she should go and talk to Liam and thank him for spending time with her and bringing the plant back to the Tempest.
“Hey Liam, I need to- “Ain began and screamed when the door opened. A large blush rose on her cheeks and all the way to the tips of her ears and down her neck. It wasn’t something she would’ve suspected in her wildest dreams. She rubbed her eyes and continued to blink as if it would stop what she was seeing. Liam was shirtless once again, however his pants were riding lower than they had been before. There was no way that she couldn’t see the V that his hips made.
“Oh, hey Ain.” Echoing down the hall, she could hear footsteps coming from behind her, but she couldn’t stop staring. That was so wrong of her. “Oh, just in time! Jaal Ama Darav!” Jaal was here? With Liam? She turned to ask him what he was doing hanging out with Liam. They didn’t seem to be buddies, but her eyes widened, and she was sure the blush went from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.
Internal screaming!
This hadn’t been something she had ever seen and hadn’t thought about seeing. Jaal. Was. Naked! Liam was only two articles of clothing away from being naked too!
Well it depends on if he wears underwear or not… Ah! Stop! No! Terrible Pathfinder!
Jaal went around the corner beside Liam and gave a look over at Ain.
“Kosta. Ryder.”
How the hell are you not nervous about this?! How?!
All Ain could end up making in response was a small squeal in recognition.
“I-I-I-I mean we-we don’t have u-u-uniforms really, b-but um…” Ain stammered trying to look anywhere other than her two teammates. “T-This is just a-a little… m-much… d-don’t you th-think?”
Liam couldn’t help but laugh which made Ain’s blush increase.
“Ain, your blood pressure along with your heart rate is increasing rapidly.” SAM said through their private channel, making her hyper aware of their situation.
“Just convenience. We’re swapping armor.” Liam looked at Jaal. “Ready to go?”
The two turned their attention to the table that was in front of them. It held a couple pieces of armor on it that Liam had been tinkering with when she walked in. It was almost like she wasn’t even there. It was a dream for a lot of women to have naked (or semi naked) around her, but she couldn’t deal with it the same way and she was getting lightheaded and was realizing every now and then that she wasn’t breathing and had to remind herself to do the natural body function. She wanted to turn tail and flee, but her feet didn’t listen and walked in further and stared at the scene.
“The pattern on your pauldron?” Liam asked, looking at the armor that she had seen so many times.
“Family honorific.”
“Can I wear the poncho?”
“It’s a Rofjinn, so no.” Jaal seemed adamant, she hoped that this wasn’t going to go south. She didn’t think that she was going to be able to deal with Liam and Jaal running around the Tempest naked. Especially with their… those flapping about.
I’m so terrible. These people are in my crew! This is so unprofessional!
“Why? Is it religious?”
“W-Wait, what?” Ain asked and blinked looking over at Jaal and cleared her throat and looked over at Liam and then down at the armor on the table.
“It’s… personal. You’re not allowed.”
“Because of status-or species?”
“Maybe it’s both.”
“Do all humans look alike?”
“Some of you sound alike.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Ain put her hands up.
“What?” Liam asked and they both stopped to look up at her. It made her nervous, but she still had to speak.
“I thought this was about armor. Are you deliberately trying to offend Jaal?” Ain asked and watched as Jaal blinked in surprise a little bit.
“Uh… of course he is?” Jaal said and it was Ain’s turn to blink.
“That’s the point? Asking stuff the diplomats leave out? Armor for answers.” Liam stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
How the hell was I supposed to know that’s how you were going to go about it? Especially considering it seemed like you were trying to make us lose Jaal as a friend and comrade.
“My turn was earlier. Nexus info packages leave a lot out.” Jaal stated and Ain merely rubbed her head where a splitting headache was coming on.
What the hell did Jaal ask about?
“I’m sorry, was this not sanctioned?”
Liam groaned and folded his arm and turned around and looked at Jaal. “You weaseling Adhi.”
“Nevertheless, Ryder.” Jaal walked out and Ain turned and glanced down despite her best efforts and looked back up her blush flaming up once again. It could be just her imagination, but it sounded like laughter was coming from further down the hanger.
Ain turned around and looked at Liam. She took a deep breath, desperately praying that she was going to be able to speak without something cracking or giving her away.
“Y-You better have a good re-reason for this…”
You dumbass… you don’t sound professional at all.
“I do-and we’re clear. Jaal was in from the start.”
Well… at least we’re not going to have Aya against us.
“U-Um what are you doing?”
“Putting my shirt back on.” Liam said and looked at Ain as she cleared her throat and looked away. “I mean, unless you don’t want me to put it on.”
“I-I didn’t say that!” Ain defended.
Shit. Recover. Recover!
“Well you didn’t not say it.”
Liam chuckled and shook his head, “We were shit-talking. Except we couldn’t. We didn’t know enough about each other to dig in. If we don’t know what’s insulting or awful, we may accidentally trip on it. Makes talking dangerous.”
“That… makes sense.” Ain said, “Did you have to do it naked though?”
Liam chuckled again and Ain couldn’t help but feel embarrassed about what she was thinking or what she had been looking at the whole time. There was a level of embarrassment she had never seen before being reached.
“So now we know. And maybe that’s enough for a couple of hotheads not to make a mess out there. Unless we want to.” Ain backed up as Liam stepped forward. Her back hit the wall and she closed her eyes when she heard a hit on the wall. Though there was no pain. She opened an eye and felt her throat close. Liam was leaning against the wall on his arm, their faces only a few inches apart. She wanted to run, but she was too shocked to move. “Good enough reason?”
“O-Okay… I um… I kind of get the intent.” Ain said, though her voice came out in a whisper. “N-No harm no foul… right?”
“Listen,” Liam said and she noticed that his face had come a little closer. Or… maybe it was just her imagination? “If I had insulted Jaal, I’d be on the floor. I’ll take that kind of honesty any day. We have a lot to learn, that’s part of what our team is for.”
“T-That is true…”
Without moving, Ain watched as he stared at her and she wanted to look away so much, but her body wouldn’t really let her.
“Better now than when someone’s life is on the line.”
“R-Right.” Ain said and noticed his face was coming closer still. “Liam, I-“
Ain felt something against her lips; soft and barely touching. Had she not been in the whole situation and focusing on it, she wouldn’t have known it was happening. It wasn’t even fully a kiss. Was that even partially what this was?
“I’m glad you decided to come to Andromeda.” He said softly his lips still barely touching hers. He didn’t press further, just looked down and lowered his other arm so she could escape. She blushed a bright red and backed up and literally ran out of Liam’s room, hearing a small chuckle coming from behind her.
Oh. My. God. Holy shit… I… what? That… That was Liam? Um… He was so different than normal.
Ain got on the lift and put her hand over her beating heart. If she didn’t keep her hand over it, she was genuinely worried it would burst out of her chest. That had been so… intimate. So… she didn’t even know what. It happened so fast, she didn’t know how to react.
“W-What?!” Ain exclaimed and turned around, almost falling over.
“Whoa… what’s gotten into you?” Vetra asked, seeing Ain’s current state. Immediately, she went to her side and held Ain up. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah! Y-Yeah! Why wouldn’t I be okay?” Ain laughed awkwardly and heavily forced making Vetra raise a brow bone. “Completely fine! Yup! Totally! So, um… yeah, what did you need?”
“Hey… I heard from Jaal that you have to go to Kadara. I know you have so much to do… is there… is there any way that we can go back to Havarl first to check on that lead with the Turian ark?”
Calm down, Ain! You have more important things to worry about!
“Of course. I was just about to head there anyway actually. I have other things to do there as well, so I might as well do them while I’m trying to search for the Turian ark. That’s my first priority anyway.”
“Thanks Ain. I’ll get suited up and get ready.”
“Y-Yeah…” Ain watched Vetra disappear, still clearly worried about her friend. Almost running, she went to the kitchen to get some cold water. Anything to calm her very dry throat. She took a couple deep breaths and filled a glass before chugging it down. Filling it again, she chugged another. Wash, rinse, and repeat for five more glasses.
“G-Grandpa Drack!” Ain exclaimed, turning and effectively knocking everything over on the counter. “Um… hey.”
“You alright, Kid?’
“Y-Yeah, just you surprised me is all. Haha! Is there something you needed?”
Drack looked her up and down. He was a war veteran, he could see when someone was lying, and Ain was a terrible liar to begin with.
“Just some food, Buttercup. That’s what the kitchen is for, right?”
“Right! Right! The kitchen!”
Ain excused herself and went up to the bridge, smoothing out her hair. This was terrible. She had to calm down. How was she supposed to adequately defend her teammates if she was nervous from that… whatever that was? Reeling even. A feeling of something squeezing in her chest and nausea filled her, knocking her almost breathless. She grunted and gripped onto her bar. It wasn’t what Liam did that made her nauseous. Liam was a rather attractive man, and a very nice man. Whatever was afflicting her body and making her cough up crimson lakes she was sure was the same cause of her failing stomach.
“Kallo… Havarl… Please.”
“Pathfinder, are you-“
“I’m fine!” Ryder cut Suvi off, coughing and covering her mouth. “Sorry… I didn’t mean to yell. Just tired and I have a headache. That’s all…”
The nebula displayed in front of her was so beautiful, even with the electric spider web in the distance known as the Scourge. It was bittersweet and still morbidly beautiful. Havarl-although minute-looked a lot better even from the surface than it did the last time they were there. It made a small smile appear on her lips, those same lips that-… Ain touched her lips and shook her head. She was making a difference, although small. Just small steps. Havarl was truly beautiful, just as Jaal had said.
“Take us down, Kallo.”
“Pathfinder, I must advise against trying to do too much at one time.” SAM said, startling her from their private channel.
“Yes, Pathfinder.”
Closing the locker that bore her name, she couldn’t bring herself to see or talk to Liam right now or else she would’ve asked him to come with her. There was a lot of things she had to sort out; her feelings, how she was going to face him in the future, was this going to effect their friendship? A locker closed next to her and she backed up against the wall, seeing Jaal standing next to her.
“S-Sorry, you just stunned me.”
“I tend to have that effect on people.”
“Y-Yeah… well, its not bad.”
“I didn’t say it was.”
Great. Another silence.
“So, you’re coming with. Are you sure you want to see it all?”
“You mean what happened to Thaldyr?”
“What can you tell me about her?” Ain asked, walking with him towards the hanger where she knew Vetra was waiting for her. “Thaldyr I mean.”
“Well, she’s from the Resistance. She’s very smart and cunning. Determined. Like I told you before, the Resistance isn’t what it used to be. Since she’s still in the Resistance, it means that she is or was close to Akksul. That’s something to watch out for in itself.”
“Akksul, you told me about him too.”
“Glad to know your memory is not failing.”
“… Yeah.” It was all Ain could do from getting aggravated. Maybe he wasn’t trying to be a dick, or maybe she was just touchy after everything that happened especially recent events. Perhaps it had something to do with her level of exhaustion or whatever was ailing her body.
“Hey hey! Ready?” Vetra asked, waving to her friends.
The rain splashing Havarl’s ground had lightened to a small degree. It didn’t hurt as much when she was hit with the drops. She had to focus, lives were riding on this, many Turian lives as well as this Thaldyr. She checked the map that Jaal and Vetra had sent her of the nav points. It seemed that the Turian ark was closer than Thaldyr’s last known location. Glancing over at Vetra, she was twitching from her anxiety. The fauna and flora were still insanely unkept which meant a lot of dodging and an extreme amount of keeping an eye on the ground to make sure that she wouldn’t trip on the thorny vines. In a small alcove in the distance, she could see a makeshift tent and what looked like a tiny desperate fire. Standing in the midst was another Turian! A group of them, actually. It was a small group, but still a group outside of the Nexus and outside of the exiles.
“Get down!” One of the Turians exclaimed, and Ain knew that tone all too well. She ducked underneath some cover. Peeking out, she could see that the people that were attacking her people were Angara, but from their uniforms she was able to see that the branch of the rogue Resistance members-the Roekaar-were attacking the stranded Turians.
“You will not take them!” Vetra yelled and left her cover to throw a grenade at the group of clustered Roekaar. She gripped her arm and screamed out in pain at the same time as the grenade exploded, taking out a couple of the Roekaar.
“Vetra!” Ain exclaimed.
“I’m alright!” She yelled back, but Ain wasn’t going to lose someone else. She stood up and ran to her friend, tackling Vetra to the ground behind some cover where they both landed with a painful grunt. Ain’s bones hurt, and she would bet that Vetra’s fresh wound wasn’t feeling too hot either.
“You’re so stupid!” Ain yelled and smacked her wound deliberately like that would make her point. Keeping a hand on her friend’s chest to prevent her from getting up, Ain helped to take out the rest of the Roekaar. She half expected Jaal to protest and try to save them, but he didn’t. Thankfully. Making sure to literally pull Vetra along with her, she went to the leader of the small group of Turians.
“You��re the Human Pathfinder, right?”
“How could you tell?”
“Just could. You’ve got an air about you. A good leader. Ah, but where are my manners? My name is Avitus. Avitus Rix.”
“Ain. Ain Ryder.”
“I wish it was under better conditions. We were ejected out of Ark Natanus and landed here. Anything before or after is foggy. We woke up here.”
“So, what you’re telling me is that you have no idea where Ark Natanus is?” Vetra asked, holding her arm. “At all...?”
“No… trust me, I’m not happy about it either. I wish we knew. Our Pathfinder is among the Ark, so we have no idea where he is either.”
“Dammit!” Vetra yelled, putting her face in her hand. The only thing that Ain could think to do is rub her back. That wouldn’t even comfort her a little bit, but it was the only thing that she could do right now. “This can’t be happening right now!”
“Don’t worry, we’ll find them.” Ain promised and brought up her Omni-Tool and tapped a few windows up. “Here Avitus, if we find anything we’ll be sure to let you know.”
“Same, Pathfinder. The only thing we’ve found is rubble from Ark Natanus here which is what makes us think we were ejected from it. Whether it was deliberate or not remains to be seen.”
“Do you… want us to take you back to the Nexus?”
“Appreciate the thought, Pathfinder. We’ll stay here and try to gather information the best that we can.”
“If you need me, let me know.”
“Thank you, Pathfinder. Oh, and thanks for the rescue. We’ve been dealing with them for a while now.” Avitus said, glancing warily at Jaal.
Bowing her head, she turned and left the group of Turians. It pained her to do so, since she didn’t know if she would be able to see them again. Ever. Andromeda was still full of unknowns even with all the progress they had made. With Ark Natanus still under the radar and their Pathfinder still missing, things weren’t looking good for the Turians. From the look on Vetra’s face, she seemed to be coming to that realization as well. Of course, she would do anything in her power to make sure that her friend found her people again. Even if she had to run back and forth to Havarl. As if reflecting their feelings, the rain pelted down harder, making it difficult to see in front of them.
“Over there.” Ain’s focus was directed to a short distance away where a large overhang of a building remained. “We can take shelter there.”
Jaal led and Ain had to pull Vetra along with her. They stood under the overhang, looking at the scenery. As military members or smugglers, they were all used to fighting in the rain, however, if it could be avoided it was better. Having your sight hindered even by a fraction of an inch could prove lethal. Nothing was said between them, just the sound of the rain hitting the top of their makeshift shelter or the oversized leaves of the nearby plants. Ain wasn’t sure of how long they stood like this, but it was enough to make her legs hurt.
“Ama Daraav.”
“… Ryder.” Ain said in a small tone, just wanting to be included and hopefully make someone laugh or just feel a little bit better even. Naturally-as per her luck-it didn’t work, she was just ignored.
“I am… sorry to hear about your people. I know how hard it is.”
“… Yeah, Jaal. I know.”
“As Ryder said, I am sure that we will find them.”
“Do you not believe your friend?”
Great, Jaal. Throw me into the mix why don’t you? Don’t throw us under the bus like that.
“I do, but as you said, you know how it feels. Until you see results-no matter how small-you can’t help but think of all the what if’s.”
Silence surrounded the party of three again, this one was even more tense and depressing than the first one had been. She couldn’t relate to them, the Humans had arrived-mostly-fine. Part of her was thankful, but she also wanted to be able to relate to her friends. After all, she was supposed to be a Pathfinder, and she couldn’t relate to the troubles her team was going through. Without saying a word, Ain reached out and held out her hand to listen to the rain fall against her glove. It was almost mesmerizing to watch the little droplets explode into smaller ones upon impact with her armor. It reminded her of back in the Milky Way when she would do this and her mother would tell her and Scott to come back inside before they got sick. Her mother’s voice reverberated in her head and she felt her heart squeeze. One after another, she saw a Turian and an Angaran hand reach out into the rain with hers. There were many things that were different among them; skin, eyes, voices, culture, and more. Yet, in this moment they weren’t different at all. That feeling of being joined together just by this simple action squeezed at her heart just like the memory of her mother had. Before she was able to, she heard Vetra breaking down into tears next to her, hanging her head as she cried with her shoulders shaking. The shaking of Vetra’s shoulders caused her tears to fall and she started crying. Jaal was standing in the middle of them and put a hand on both of their shoulders and listened to them crying. A couple of tears fell down his face being able to feel their pain as a creature of emotion.
The three crew members continued to cry by each other, showing the weakest side of themselves. Crying for their people, crying for their memories and inability to help those she cared for, crying for the teammates pain as if it were your own. None of them knew how long they stared there crying under their temporary shelter before the rain receded enough to where they could safely continue their way to Thaldyr. Taking out her gun, she let Jaal lead the way following close behind with Vetra at her side. No “thank you” needed to be said, they were all thankful to have their friends by their side.
Unfortunately, not everyone could have a happy ending. When they arrived at the house where Thaldyr was supposed to be, it was trashed, and the lights were out.
“Pathfinder, I sense life signs inside. They may very well belong to Thaldyr.” SAM informed the trio.
Inside, sure enough an Angaran woman was on the floor pretending to be dead with shallow breathing and clutching her stomach.
“Thaldyr!” Jaal exclaimed and went to the woman’s side.
“J-Jaal…is that you?” She asked and blinked her eyes.
“Yes, Sister, it is.” Jaal said and held her limp hand. “What has happened?”
“The Kett, they… came and attacked. They took some of my friends; my family. I stayed here and pretended to be dead, they left me alone. I… I took some poison. I won’t let them come and take me, I won’t let Akksul be harmed. I can’t Jaal.” Thaldyr said softly, the poison taking effect fast.
“Isn’t there anything we can do?” Ain asked, looking at the Angaran woman.
“No… it… it is too late.” Jaal said.
“Who are you?” Thaldyr asked and looked at Vetra and Ain. “Jaal, you’re in the company of aliens?”
“These aliens have saved many of our people, including the Moshae. Ain and Vetra are good people.” Jaal said and picked the woman and put her in the bed that was in the small home.
“They… have?”
“Yes, Sister. They have.”
“There are some friends among aliens. Jaal, please take care. It was a pleasure to meet you aliens; Ain and Vetra.” Thaldyr said before becoming limp in Jaal’s hands and her eyes closing.
“Rest in peace, Sister.” Jaal said and touched her face before turning around and leaving the small home with Vetra and Ain.
Halfway back to the Tempest, Ain sighed and held her head. She couldn’t believe that nothing had come of her trip back to Havarl. She felt like a failure. Curiously, she wondered if the others thought of her the same way as well, but she didn’t want to ask. What if she was right? She was already having problems with her own leadership, she didn’t need to have her fears confirmed. Ain staggered for a split second and crashed to the ground behind her friends with a choking sound.
Jaal and Vetra turned around simultaneously and instantly went to their friend’s side. Ain’s head was banging against the ground and her eyes were rolled in the back of her head. Her body was stiff, and the choking continued. Jaal put a hand behind her head so she would stop banging it against the ground. Vetra held her shaking body down and watched in horror as foam and what looked like bile seeped out of the corner of her mouth and down her neck while the choking continued, and her skin turned a light blue.
“Tempest! Kallo! Suvi! Peebee! Anyone! Emergency extraction!” Vetra yelled into the communicator.
“What? What’s happening?!” Liam exclaimed.
“Vetra, what’s happening?!” Cora asked.
“It’s Ain!” Vetra exclaimed, looking at her best friend. “She’s having a seizure! She’s foaming at the mouth and is turning a light blue! Anyone!” Tears gathered in her eyes again when she saw blood mixing with the foam and bile that was exuding from her mouth. “Please! Hurry!”
“Ain?” Jaal called, touching her cheek. Perhaps she would be able to hear him if he talked to her. He knew nothing of this, Angara didn’t have this problem, and it was one of the most terrifying things he had ever seen. “Ain? It is Jaal. Please, open your eyes.” He worried the more Ain didn’t listen to him.
The distant sound of running was heard against the wet ground. Vetra saw all the crew coming to Ain’s aid including Gil and Lexi. All the while, Ain was still seizing while more blood, foam, and bile fell from her mouth. Jaal was still touching Ain’s face, brushing some of the rain from her eyes and face not wanting her to choke on the water. Jaal instantly gripped onto her body and turned her to the side when he saw her chest heave. In an instant, vomit covered the side of Ain’s face and made a puddle onto the ground. Jaal picked her up, not caring that she was covered in vomit, foam, and bile or that she was still seizing in his arms.
“I will carry her, we need to get her inside.” Jaal explained and held her close to his chest to prevent her from harming herself. He wanted to keep his Pathfinder; his friend safe. With all her friends and crew at her side, they returned to the Tempest while the other friends fought off the monsters or the Roekaar that tried to impede their progress. Lexi made sure to get the med bay prepared all the while listening to Ain continuing to choke from lack of air, the color of her skin getting worse. While some of the crew returned to their positions because of necessity, Jaal stayed behind and helped Lexi with whatever she needed. Lexi made it a point to only have one other friend in there with her at one time. Jaal refused to leave.
“I will stay. I must stay.” He didn’t elaborate further, and no one asked him.
You have helped my people many times, and I will be here for you in return.
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enzoseven · 4 years
LyricsYo, shout out to everybody that worked on the album You feel me, son? Yo, shouts out to Ty Dollas Shouts out to Hodgy Daddies, shouts out to Left Brizzle Shouts out to Domyon, shouts out to Frankie Ocean Shouts out to Syd the Dude, shouts out to L-Boy AwkBig eared bandit is tossing all his manners In a bag and wrapping them in seran wrap bandages Tossing 'em in baskets with the rest of those sandwiches So when he says "Catch up, nigga" it looks like an accident Um, flowing like my pad is the maxiest My bitch white and black like she's been mimicking a panda It's the dark skinned nigga, kissing bitches in Canada Then kicking all out like Mr. Lawrence did Pamela Put her in the chamber all against her Wilt Chamberlain I never had a Reason, nigga I was just Ableton Not a fucking Logic contradicting dick head Flyer than an ostrich moshing in a tar pit Semen scented cheetah printed tee In that 'Preme five panel, I'll repeat it for the season Previous items in the present With the normal ass past like I cheated on my team It's me (Tried to get that nigga, but, Golf Wang)To have some type of knowledge that is one perception But knowing you own your opponent is a defeating bonus I'm Zeus to a Kronos, cartilage cartridge is boneless Smiles of cowards in lead showers Dead spouses in red blouses Children who fled houses on Mustang horses and went jousting I'm on my Robin Hood shit, robbin' in the hood Whips, drugs, jewels, and your pet, I'm stealing your rings Coke diamonds and your Vet, soldiers lace the fuckin' boot And salute like the troop when you shoot you gon' poop It's kill Hodgy, nigga, stay the fuck off my stoop And out my Kool aid, JuiceHodgy got the juice, I got the gin Jasper got the Henny, my nigga we get it in Wolf Gang party at the hotel I call a ho, you call a ho, and all the hoes tell You know Left Brain need a freak I need a bitch to go down like a Nitty beat Yup, uh, and her ass fat Don't be surprised if I ask where the hash at Nigga I'm tryin' to smoke, bitch get higher Domo where that Flocka Flame? Talkin' 'bout a lighter Still bang salute me or just shoot me Cause if you don't salute me then my team will do the shooting Yeah my nigga Ace will pull the black jack The king Mike G is in the cut with the black mac Livin' like the Mafia, bitch, don't get to slacking up And if these haters actin' up, throw 'em in the aqueduct Free my nigga Earl, yo, I don't really ask for much But two bad bitches in front of me cunnilingusWhat the fuck is caution? Often I leave you flossin' and cause exes next to coffins Lost in translation, the dreams you chase Got you diving for the plates like you stealin' home base That's great, I'm home alone dreamin' of two on ones With Rihanna and Christina Milian, bring it on And Travis is in the closet organizing and hangin' the tramp Three lettermans that Ace has been making him No strays while we catchin' matinees, huh? I'm gettin' blazed thinking 'bout those days I had the top off the GT3 like toupees One finger in the air, all's fair when crime pays My grand scheme of things is to be attached To the game like bitches to their wedding rings And you don't even need to look cause we gleam obscene In the light, ride slow to my yellow diamond shining Like the Batman logo over Gotham, rock LA to Harlem If you say "get 'em Mike G" then I got 'em One man squadron, nigga I'm a problem From Briggs I got bars and plans to Pimp these Polish bitches into pop stars Humanity kills, we all suffer from insanity still And if I said it then it is or it's gonna be real OF 'til I OD and I probably will, uhIt's still Mr. Smoke-a-Lotta-Pot, get your baby mommy popped With my other snobby bop, do I love her? Prolly not Know your shit is not as hot as anything I fuckin' drop Bitch I'm in the zone, stand alone, like Macaulay Cock I've been runnin' blocks since a snotty tot Big wheel was a big deal with the water Glock Now I'm all grown, sing songs just to give 'em watts Fire what I talk, but still cooler than the otter pop Op Dom neck shit in your wish list Mad sick shit, mad dick for your bitches On some slick shit, your mistress on my hit list And I'm lifted 'til I'm stiff out of this bitch Odd in your motherfuckin' area Blood clots give me five feet 'fore I bury ya Suicide flow, let the big wave carry ya Tyler got the mask like he held Jim Carey up And fuck your team, ho nigga wassup Wolf Gang so you know we not givin' no fucks You know me dog, I'm a chill in the cut so I can Cut it short, break it down, couple pounds, roll it upGet me a Persian rug where the center looks like GalagaRent a super car for a day Drive around with your friends, smoke a gram of that haze Bro, easy on the ounce, that's a lot for a day But just enough for a week, my nigga what can I say I'm hi and I'm bye, wait I mean I'm straight I'mma give you this wine, the runner just brought the grapes My brother give it some time, Morris, and Day Course you know the vibe's as fly as the rhymes On the song, cut and you could sample the feel Headphone bleed, make this shit sound real Used to work the grill, fatburger and fries Then I made a mil and them psychics was liars Now, how many fuckin' crystal balls can I buy and own Humble old me had to flex for the fogs Down in Muscle Beach pumpin' iron and bone Bumpin' oldies off my cellular phone Yeah, bumpin' oldies off my cellular phoneGoddammit, this rapping is stupid and it's hard Gotta do it over and over and over again but here I goHey it's Jasper, not even a rapper Only on this beat to make my racks grow faster Got a TV show, so I guess I'm an actor Pot head, half baked, lookin' like Chappelle Rollin' up a blunt with that fire from hell Still ignorant, still hit a bitch Wolf Gang, nigga, so I still don't give a shit Catch me in the back with Miley on my lap Bong rips as I feel on that little bitch catHah, nigga came through with a 9 bar real quick Just for the bitches, little bit of money in my pocket Fuck it, Wolf GangYeah, fuck that, look, the contrast is a pair of lips Swallowin' sarapin, settin' fires to sheriffs whips (Whoosp, whoosp) fuckin' All-American terrorist Crushin' rapper larynx to feed 'em a fuckin' carrot stick And me? I just spent a year Ferrisin' And lost a little sanity to show you what hysterics is Spit to the lips meet the bottom of a barrel So that sterile piss flow remind these niggas where embarrassed is Narrow, tight line, might impair him since I made it back to Fahrenheit, grimey get dinero type Feral, fuckin' ill apparel, wearin' pack of parasites Threw his own youth off the roof after paradise La di da di, back in here to fuck the party up Raidin' fridges, tippin' over vases with a tommy gun Never dollars, poppa make it rain hockey pucks And 60 day chips from fuckin' awesome anonymous Call him bloated 'til he show 'em that the flow deluxe Off the wall loafers, Four Loko, and a cobra clutch Vocals bold and rough, evoke a ho to pose as drum And let me hit and beat it with a stick until the hole was numb The culprit of the potent punch Scoldin' hot as dunkin' scrotum in a Folgers cup, or Nevada Drivin' drunk inside a stolen truck, shittin' like his colon bust Belly full of chicken and a fifth of old petroleum Supernova, I'm rollin' over the novices I'm roamin' through the forest and spittin' cold as the porridge is Stay gold 'til the case closed and the story end Post mortem porkin' this rap shit and record it To escort it to the morgue again, lord of lips Bored of this, forklift the tippy top, best under 40 list Stormin' the gate, ensurin' the bass, scorchin' ladies Motherfuckers sore in torso and face Get at me with savages, have a pack of Apache Indian pack of niggas who don't give a fuck if we nasty as flatulence As a matter of fact, your swagger is tacky So see me you can't like Crunchy Black catchin' a taxi Back like lateral passin' With that motherfuckin' gladiator manner of rappin' As an addict I let percocets and xannies relax me Fall back if your paddies is Maxi, pleaseOF, shit that's all I got From my bigger brother Frankie to my little brother Tac From that father figure Clancy to that skatey nigga Naks Shredding down 'Fax, Wolf Gang run the fuckin' block Storefront, knee tat Book cover is the same lettering on lettermans and cotton socks And grip tape, and my shoes Um, I was 15 when I first drew that donut 5 years later, for our label yea we own it I started an empire, I ain't even old enough To drink a fuckin' beer, I'm tipsy off this soda pop This is for the niggas in the suburbs And the white kids with nigga friends who say the n-word And the ones that got called weird, fag, bitch, nerd Cause you was into jazz, kitty cats, and Steven Spielberg They say we ain't actin' right Always try to turn our fuckin' color into black and white But they'll never change 'em, never understand 'em Radical's my anthem, turn my fuckin' amps up So instead of critiquing and bitching, being mad as fuck Just admit, not only are we talented, we're rad as fuck Bitches 
I don't own this lyrics I got it from odd future
0 notes
tismroot · 5 years
www.tism.wanker.com Album Launch - IRC Net Conference
On the 19th of May 1998, TISM attempted to hold a Net Launch for their new album, www.tism.wanker.com. It failed miserably (of course), with constant flooding of the IRC channel, jerky and broken picture transmission, and apathetic answers to much sought-after questions. TISM obviously detest their fans, but the faithful followers keep coming back for more. Why?? Here is the evidence, sent to me by a disgruntled fan.
Session Start: Tue May 19 15:39:23 1998 * Logging #tismlive to '#tismlive.log' <FunkyGroo> are you here for the launch ?? <KickiTT> yup <FunkyGroo> you're a bit bloody early <KickiTT> yeah, wanted to get into the mosh pit <KickiTT> :) *** Retrieving #tismlive info... *** KickiTT changes topic to 'If You're Early, Forget It' <FunkyGroo> what does that mean <KickiTT> nothing <TisM> hehe <KickiTT> Do I have a life?  I think not <KickiTT> It's only 3.40pm, for Christ's sake! *** TisM has quit IRC (Leaving) <KickiTT> TisM's left, and I'm *still* here.  Sad. <FunkyGroo> check it out <KickiTT> what? *** McBain ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <McBain> Hellooo? <KickiTT> hey there! <McBain> looking forward to the live sounds? <KickiTT> sure thing <KickiTT> hey, is that you Lachlan? <KickiTT> how you doin man! <McBain> okay, i'm at a loss, who are you kickitt and more importantly do i know you? <KickiTT> well I'm on the mailing list <McBain> which mailing list? <KickiTT> are you on the TISM e-mailing list? *** Freshy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <McBain> im afraid you have got me mistaken for somebody else <KickiTT> so where you guys from, McBain, Freshy? <McBain> besides im not the tism fan im just setting up for a friend so that he may listen to the live stuff <KickiTT> McBain - ok <Freshy> sale <McBain> hello <KickiTT> hi there <Freshy> my bloody server wont recieve the realplayer stuff <KickiTT> what's the error you're getting Freshy? *** TisM ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <TisM> check it out 1234 <TisM> check it out <TisM> 1234 <Freshy> server alert: you cannot recieve this content. Either your network bandwith isnt wide enough or the CPU isnt powerful enough to decode it <Freshy> I am running a pentium too <Freshy> any ideas? <TisM> Fressy <Freshy> tism <TisM> The deal is that its set up to do both, <Freshy> how ya goin <TisM> the problem is to do IRC only and then jump back and forth <Freshy> do both what? <TisM> on your Real video <Freshy> ok <Freshy> so i should quit 1 and do the other <Freshy> is that right? <KickiTT> what speed modem do you have? <Freshy> 28.8 <Freshy> running at 26400 <KickiTT> hmmm, should be ok. . . <Freshy> bastard of a thing <KickiTT> yeah trust TISM to make it hard on everyone! <KickiTT> :) <Freshy> hehe <Freshy> have u tried to hook it up yetr ? *** Rooter ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <KickiTT> it's probably a godsend you won't see their ugly mugs anyway <Freshy> haha <Rooter> no bukin furries punk ! <KickiTT> yeah, I got a shot of some guy setting up the camera, then a shot of a desk and chair for an hour! <Freshy> I got that <TisM> check it out <TisM> 1234 5678 <Freshy> then I tried to start it again and nothing would work <TisM> hrehheh <TisM> 1234 <TisM> 455676 <TisM> 4566456 <TisM> 47477 <KickiTT> testing <KickiTT> dfslkjadsljsdfjlsdfljasdf <Freshy> hey TISM: your goddamm site wont work for me <Freshy> bloody country phone exchanges <KickiTT> yeah fuck off TISM, this is OUR channel! <KickiTT> :) * Freshy goes down to the Kilmany phone exchange and gives the monkeys running the thing a boot in the arse <Freshy> I wonder if that will work <KickiTT> hey McBain baby, you still there? <Freshy> hey its woking!!! <Freshy> wooohooo <KickiTT> the Real Video? <Freshy> 2 blokes in an office <Freshy> its a good start I guesss <TisM> heheh <TisM> Hehe <Freshy> am I lookinga at the right thing TISM? <KickiTT> they're putting up the shocking new logo and promo poster <Freshy> ojn what? <Freshy> i cant see that <KickiTT> BRING BACK THE 'Truckin Songs'-era TISM font!! <KickiTT> on the wall <Rooter> check it out !!!\ <KickiTT> now there's some guy scratching his arse <Freshy> I am not seeing that <Rooter> fungus <Rooter> the pain in my brain works mainly when I'm insane ! <KickiTT> I wonder how many chicks are gonna be on channel tonite <Freshy> kickitt: is your real player constantly changing? <Freshy> mine is static <KickiTT> mine's moving: a bunch of guys walking around wondering how to operate the equipment <Freshy> mine isnt <Freshy> what the fark is going wrong? <KickiTT> try quitting the real player and going back into it <Freshy> pnm://sandpit.access.net.au/tism.ra <Freshy> is that the location you have opened? <KickiTT> that's the one <Freshy> not working here *** Retrieving #tismlive info... <Freshy> just showing half a bloke and his arse *** KickiTT changes topic to 'If You're Early, Forget It: These guys have no idea!' <FunkyGroo> heaps <KickiTT> you've got 2 hours, fellas <KickiTT> get it together! <KickiTT> Freshy: I think they're just sending out test shots at the moment - the current one runs 58 seconds and it's the same every time I play it *** Freshy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <KickiTT> hi TisM <KickiTT> can I get an early question in? *** Freshy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <FunkyGroo> send it off to the email address, so I can add it in. <Freshy> kickitt: is your realplayer still moving? <Freshy> mine just seems to stay still <FunkyGroo> we're just testing the system <Freshy> woohoo its working <KickiTT> they're just sending out the same test shot at the moment, nothing live Freshy <Freshy> ok <Freshy> I just saw a minute of 2 blokes talking then back to static.....is that what I should have seen? <Freshy> back to nothing happening <KickiTT> OK it's live now <KickiTT> who is that ugly fuck in the purple t-shirt? *** Vort_X ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** Freshy1 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <KickiTT> exciting innit? *** boBenasnI ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Freshy1> mine isnt even working <Vort_X> whos the dood on the netcast page talking into what looks like a cassete recorder. <boBenasnI> is that guy who was testing the audio before here???? <Vort_X> could be a phone. <Rooter>   *** Freshy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Vort_X> how does one get any audio. <Vort_X> ??? <KickiTT> back in a sec. . . <Vort_X> don't worry. i got some dude humming. <Vort_X> it's all happening..yay <Vort_X> are they going to move the camera back to fit them all in. and is the jack the guy talking about J. Cheese? <Freshy1> mine isnt doing a fucking thing <KickiTT> it's not live, it's gone back to test video <Vort_X> well. it works. <Vort_X> Freshy; whats happening with yours. <Freshy1> not a great deal :( <Freshy1> the real player just has a static pic on it <Freshy1> when I go to reload the .ra loacation nothing happens <Freshy1> it just has some long haired git on the screen <Vort_X> well fucked if i know. <Freshy1> makes 2 of ud <Vort_X> are you using realaudio or going through the live.html page? <Rooter> check 1234 <Rooter> 978567673 <Rooter> yep <Freshy1> tried using the real audio <Freshy1> the live page just has a realaudio logo <FunkyGroo> test 1234 <Freshy1> and none of the buttons are clickable <KickiTT> that is one ugly son of a bitch <Vort_X> what browser r u using, ie or netscape. <Freshy1> netscape <Vort_X> communicator or 3.01? <Freshy1> 3.01 *** PunkyFunk ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Vort_X> ummm. don't know if it makes a difference. try closing netscape and then re-opening it up. <PunkyFunk> doods <Freshy1> some bloke just started humming and whistling <Freshy1> I got some bloke talking <Vort_X> yep, thats the video. <Freshy1> ok <Freshy1> some bloke in a purple t shirt <Vort_X> ? it's just a re-run video... <Freshy1> ok <Vort_X> mine has just restarted. <boBenasnI> its not live i dont think <Freshy1> sounds like bedlum there <Freshy1> it just stpeed <Freshy1> stopped <boBenasnI> its not live <boBenasnI> i hope it will be at 6:30 <Freshy1> i wonder if mine will work ehn the live thing starts <boBenasnI> im going , be back before 6:30 *** boBenasnI has quit IRC (this is Ron Hitler Barrassi from TISM talking to Cris from the Breakfasters , Cr) <PunkyFunk> hehe <PunkyFunk> :-> *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <KickiTT> Medea, welcome to the SECOND coolest TISM channel  :) <^Medea^> hee hee!  Just got here a minute ago! *giggles*  Guess everyone else is just lurking for now! *** kizmyaz ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <KickiTT> hey there kiz <kizmyaz> yo home skillet! <Freshy1> what does buffered play mean on realplayer? <KickiTT> our second overseas chatter?? <TisM> check it out <kizmyaz> am i so easily spotted? <TisM> 1234 <KickiTT> shut up TISM <KickiTT> :) <^Medea^> Hee hee!  Kickitt!  Leo just came online!  He should be here any sec... <KickiTT> ok! <KickiTT> let's do a hands up type thingy for everyone on the mailing list. . . * KickiTT puts his hand up * Freshy1 puts his hand up <Freshy1> I hope Lachy isnt here * ^Medea^ puts her hand up *** PunkyFunk has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Rooter has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <^Medea^> Someone PING me! *** FunkyGroo has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** VortX ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive -> [^Medea^] PING <kizmyaz> i wood, but i'm just learning this program. *** VortX ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (VortX) *** Vort_X has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <KickiTT> Medea - 49 seconds! <^Medea^> HEY!  I got a fucked up message from my RealPlayer saying that I can't receive anything from the tism thing cuz my bandwidth is too slow or my CPU isn't powerful enough?!?  Anyone else get this?! It was working fine a minute ago! *** Vort_X ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <KickiTT> yeah, freshy was getting that as well <^Medea^> Hmmmm.....I wonder what the problem is with this thing?  *WHACK!* <KickiTT> I just checked it, they're playing the "Cunt" video at the moment! <Vort_X> what happened to the Op? <KickiTT> dunno, maybe he got bored! <^Medea^> Well this is just pissing me off!  Freshy!  You still getting the error message?! <Freshy1> yep <Freshy1> its not playing here <^Medea^> OH! It's working now! Thank GOD! *sigh*   *** Crisen ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Vort_X> now i got some voice...instead of the filmclip. <Freshy1> hey ys it is! <Crisen> lol *** Rooter ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Crisen> ware the fuck r the ops? <Crisen> hehehahah <Rooter> hi All <Crisen> u think this event is gonna werk wif no ops? * Crisen laffs uncontroble <Vort_X> aarrrhhh..they put the filmclip back on...bastards.. <Vort_X> i wanted the sound. <Freshy1> mine has come up with cannot buffer entire clip <Freshy1> how do I fix this? <kizmyaz> OY! the sound never worked on the video when i downloaded it. I WANNA HEAR! <^Medea^> Freshy-I'm getting that too!  OH!  There it is....I sorta fast forwarded it a bit! *smile* <Vort_X> they have changed the vid again. *** cyclonic ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Freshy1> this is fucked <cyclonic> If you're creative, get stuffed... <Rooter> test *** syndrOme ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <syndrOme> yoe <Vort_X> cyclonic: are you doing any realaudio copying for this... <cyclonic> ohhhhhhhh good idea!!! Maybe I should! <^Medea^> cyclonic-okay! hee hee...*kiss* <syndrOme> what network does this server belong to <cyclonic> but i dunno if it'll work.....gimme a sec <Freshy1> mine comes up with cannot buffer entire clip 30.0kps <cyclonic> ^Medea^, my love, how are you this fine evening? <^Medea^> Is anyone getting the vid on a smooth run?  Mine is totally buggered...FRESHY-YEAH! Mine too! <Crisen> ware the fuck r the ops? <Crisen> lol <Crisen> is TISM gonna be here tonite? <KickiTT> I'm at work, and it's still jerky <KickiTT> but that's Real Video for ya <^Medea^> cyclonic-My darling...*kiss*  I'm fine..now that you're here...*smile* <Crisen> this is gonna be a fucken mess <Crisen> hehhehaahahmwahwhhawbwahwaha <Vort_X> some dude be putting up a tism sign.. <Rooter> test <^Medea^> VortX-HUH?!  Where?! *smile*  Guess I should fast forward the clip again.... <Vort_X> where are tism going to be in melb. <cyclonic> oh man, I can't figure out how to record this....darn... <kizmyaz> say, what time is it there? <cyclonic> ^Medea^ *k* <KickiTT> I can't believe these fuckers that write TEST in IRC! <^Medea^> cyclonic-*KISS*  Think it would work if you ran it through RealPublisher?! *shrug* *** syndrOme has quit IRC (NUKE 'EM TILL THEY GLOW!) <Vort_X> is anyone taping it(on tape) so that people who aren't here can at least listen to it later. Cyclonic would be able to publish it...wouldn't you? <cyclonic> I wanna know how they managed to get the drum intro on Drop The Tude to sound so good.. <Crisen> is TISM goin to be here?! <KickiTT> No TISM is not going to be here Crisen <Crisen> wat the fuck <Crisen> why?! <cyclonic> I'm trying to figure out how to record the ra file...but I think that it'll simply be too HUGE! <KickiTT> This is just a channel for people who r on the mailing list <Vort_X> don't worry bout it cyclonic. <^Medea^> Hmmm..... <Crisen> wat the fuck <Crisen> so r alot of people goin to be here tonite? <KickiTT> no, just us. . . <^Medea^> KickiTT-Just for people onthe mailing list?!!?  huh? <cyclonic> TA Vort....if I did record it , it'd be some massive file size.. <cyclonic> Wheres my beer? <KickiTT> McBain, why you been so quiet dood? * KickiTT prods McBain with a broom handle <Vort_X> pushing the env. aren't we Kickett. <KickiTT> :) <cyclonic> *l* <^Medea^> cyclonic-Just starting on your first one?! Geez! *shakes head*  I hope you're gonna share! *smile* *** FunkyGroo ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> ^Medea^, well my love, do you want one? <^Medea^> Oh hey!  Someone is hanging up a blue TISM sign....hee hee....cool! <TisM> This is just a channel for people who r on the mailing list <TisM> <Vort_X> don't worry bout it cyclonic. <TisM> This is just a channel for people who r on the mailing list <TisM> <Vort_X> don't worry bout it cyclonic. <^Medea^> cyclonic-hee hee...*kiss*  SURE! <Vort_X> oy. <KickiTT> wow, TISM's flooding their own channel! <cyclonic> Ta guys... <Vort_X> who would have guessed. * ^Medea^ laughs hysterically <Freshy1> well...I am not gonna be able to see this....it wont fucking work <Rooter> sh <Vort_X> quickly run around to a friends house freshy <KickiTT> Freshy, don't worry about it.  Real Video is dodgy at best. <Freshy1> I live 3 hrs east of melbourne <Freshy1> a bit hard <Vort_X> your only friend lives in melb? <Freshy1> it keeps saying cant buffer entire clip when I press play <Vort_X> what speed modem have ya got? <^Medea^> Freshy-Pull the little slider thingy at the top forward a bit... <Freshy1> 26400 it runs at <Vort_X> k. <Vort_X> who here is using realaudio over the live webpage? <^Medea^> VortX-huh? <kizmyaz> me. <kizmyaz> and it is silent. <Vort_X> are you actually using the realaudio prog...or just going to the webpage. <Freshy1> mine just goes to the page and nothing happens *** SinDrome_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> I'm just running RV and IRC now.... <kizmyaz> i have the prog, but i am using it thru netscape.. *** elit3 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** blahss ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <kizmyaz> HELP! <^Medea^> WOW!  ih ave SOUND NOW! *smile*  Freshy!  TRY AGAIN! <Freshy1> I think I give up <cyclonic> oh man... <KickiTT> uh oh. . . <Vort_X> what cyc. <^Medea^> cyclonic-What is it baby? *smile* <Freshy1> it just wont work what ever I do <cyclonic> check one two ya'all!!!!!!!! *** elit3 has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** blahss has quit IRC (Excess Flood) <Vort_X> fucking loosers. <^Medea^> hee hee! <cyclonic> sound is up...when it wants to... <KickiTT> This channel needs an op. . . <Vort_X> where did s/he go.they were here before. <cyclonic> i agree KickiTT <KickiTT> or it could get ugly <cyclonic> man my ISp is SLOOOWWWWWW..... <KickiTT> who you with cyclonic? <^Medea^> "The TISM Eye..." hee hee! *smile* *** Retrieving #tismlive info... <Vort_X> mine is soo fast. one of the fastest in Oz. an i work there...and have a FREE connection yayayayayay <Vort_X> i got that aswell. <cyclonic> local ISP in Fremantle, i'm in Perth....Nettrek Online Services..amybe its just the time of day too... *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** leet0 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** dds ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** elit3 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> Vort_x: lucky prick...*g* <Freshy1> I just got an eye up <^Medea^> Freshy-COOL!  You're catching up now! *smile* <cyclonic> golly we're an hour early <KickiTT> watch out - elit3 is the flooder. . . <Vort_X> i know.... him and blahss.. <Freshy1> this is dodgey <KickiTT> and dds *** Vort_X changes topic to 'T|SM - stagediving is strictly prohibited.' *** HNB ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Vort_X> howdii. *** Freshy1 changes topic to 'realplayer is farkin' dodgey' <Vort_X> it aint that bad freshy <Freshy1> it hardly works here *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '' <cyclonic> Man, I wish I had Cable iNternet right now.. <Vort_X> working fine up here. <^Medea^> Freshy-Just keep running it a couple times...maybe even restart your RealPlayer! *shrug* *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1234' <^Medea^> cyclonic-Join the club! *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> i can see everyone will change the topic soon enough. <cyclonic> hee hee!!!! <Rooter> check it out *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** leet0 has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** dds has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** FBF242 has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** elit3 has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** dds ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <KickiTT> fuckwits <^Medea^> Alright, this is just bloody annoying.... *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> fuck off leet, elit3, dds and all you other fuckwitz *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <cyclonic> KILL SINDROME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <KickiTT> someone DEE *** TiSmLoVeR ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive * ^Medea^ slaps SinDrome_ around a bit with a large trout *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <SinDrome_> lol <KickiTT> Someone DCC this guy a virus *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> will you guyz fuck off... <HNB> funfunfun *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> everyone nuke the fucking flooders. *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (^Medea^) *** Retrieving #tismlive info... *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> WE NEED A FUCKING OP. *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <SinDrome_> lol *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** KickiTT changes topic to 'Fuck off SinDrome' * SinDrome_ laffs *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> hey kickett - Everyone join #tism - Kickett will Op. *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> piss these other guys off. *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** cyclonic ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (cyclonic) *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'SinDrome is a useless tosser' *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** PunkyFunk ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'SinDrome-Kill Yourself now and avoid the rush' *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <KickiTT> Don't worry, I'm contacting the IRC server ops. . . *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <KickiTT> . . .as we chat *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'SinDrome-Kill Yourself now and avoid the rush' *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <Vort_X> k. *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <^Medea^> Will someone please kill SinDrome? *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <SinDrome_> lol *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <SinDrome_> u cant gline me *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <SinDrome_> and ircops dont run a OPer service here *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <PunkyFunk> hehe <SinDrome_> meaning they cant op u *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' <SinDrome_> PhEaR mY 313370 skiLLZ *** SinDrome_ changes topic to '1,1____________________________________________________________________________' *** dds has quit IRC (Leaving) <Freshy1> sindrome: what kicks are you gettijg from acting like a total tosser?? *** SinDrome_ changes topic to 'UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro' <Freshy1> sindrome: what kicks are you gettijg from acting like a total tosser?? *** SinDrome_ changes topic to 'UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro' <Vort_X> FUCK OFF YOU TRY HARD HACKERS. U CAN'T HACK A FUCKING VAX. * ^Medea^ slaps SinDrome_ around a bit with a large trout *** SinDrome_ changes topic to 'UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro' *** boBenasnI ([email protected]) has joined #TISMLIVE *** SinDrome_ changes topic to 'UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro' <Vort_X> The 3l33t3 will fuck u over f00ls. * ^Medea^ slaps SinDrome_ around a bit with a large trout *** SinDrome_ changes topic to 'UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro' * ^Medea^ slaps SinDrome_ around a bit with a large trout <SinDrome_> oh im just bored :-) *** SinDrome_ changes topic to 'UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro0Ls UNiX Ro' <SinDrome_> lol *** SinDrome_ has quit IRC (EOF From client) <TiSmLoVeR> thank god <Vort_X> my thoughts exactly. <^Medea^> THANK GOD! <KickiTT> this shit's gonna keep happening if we don't have an op in here <Vort_X> they'll be back. <TiSmLoVeR> how come no ops * ^Medea^ breathes a great sigh of relief *** cyclonic ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Crisen> everyone needs to leavea <Crisen> and come back <Crisen> to get ops <Crisen> wich i think <Vort_X> i still say we all move to #tism. <cyclonic> hee hee!!! <Crisen> is gonna be imposible <Crisen> but that isnt advertised on the web site *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'Where are the ops?!' <Crisen> everyone will join here <Vort_X> bah..everyone just leave and join back in30 secs. *** Vort_X ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (Vort_X) <cyclonic> It shits me...but not as I shit me. <^Medea^> Damn straight baby...*smile* hee hee.... <KickiTT> That FunkyGroo guy was ops, but he left the channel *** Vort_X ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> ^Medea^ my love...*s* * ^Medea^ kisses cyclonic <Vort_X> come on guys....we gotta leave...they'll be back. *** Retrieving #tismlive info... <cyclonic> *s* *** SinDrome ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <^Medea^> Vort-XAnd where will we go?! I thought this is where the Q&A is gonna be! *** VoLt ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <SinDrome> now that i bo0t in my linux box <^Medea^> OH MY GOD HE'S BACK! *sigh* <SinDrome> jo0 gonn4 di3 <HNB> so how many peoples here are on the list? *** KickiTT changes topic to 'Move to #TISM if the flooders come back' <VoLt> whats up muther fucler <SinDrome> bitch :-) <SinDrome> ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] | <cyclonic> SInDrome must die! <VoLt> touch sindrome *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'SinDrome is a useless tosser....' <VoLt> i fuck you all <VoLt> muther fuckers *** SinDrome has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** TiSmLoVeR ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (TiSmLoVeR) <Crisen> haha *** Netchick ([email protected]) has left #TISMLive (Netchick) *** SinDrome ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** VoLt changes topic to 'fuck wif sindrome you fuck wif me /ctcp volt version aww win95 muther fuckers it' *** SinDrome ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (SinDrome) <cyclonic> where do these dickheads come from anyway? <VoLt> austnet <VoLt> #nasa <VoLt> #r00t <VoLt> come test us muther fucker:) <VoLt> where is tism the lame fuckers *** TiSmLoVeR ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> I choose to let children play their games, while we adults, behave like adults. *** Netchick ([email protected]) has joined #TISMLive <VoLt> cyclonic *** Retrieving #tismlive info... <VoLt> good kids have more power than you fucking lame ass's <VoLt> for instance <VoLt> who here can hack <VoLt> HACK *** KickiTT changes topic to 'Sindrome takes it up the ass' <Vort_X> me..why/... <Vort_X> yay...keep abusing syndrome voice over guy.. <cyclonic> With Volt giving it to Sindrome.. <kizmyaz> hqr? <VoLt> muwhahahahaha <kizmyaz> k-rad <VoLt> vort-x <VoLt> you can hack <VoLt> gr8 <VoLt> wait <VoLt> i got some lame shit <VoLt> real lame <KickiTT> Keep pounding Sindrome's ass, VoLt, do it HARD! <Vort_X> voice over guy..say hi to me... <VoLt> i will *** Retrieving #tismlive info... <^Medea^> If it's not on the mailing list it's in here! *giggle* <PunkyFunk> test *** tret ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> wicked! more sound!!! <FunkyGroo> test *** KickiTT changes topic to 'Sindrome takes it up the ass from VoLt' <TiSmLoVeR> test <Vort_X> yay.. <Vort_X> We HATE SinDrome.... <cyclonic> Ice Ice Baby!!! *** VoLt has quit IRC (PheaReD±v2.0:mIRC32: (r00teD) By VoLt) <Rooter> check it out Half Hour  .... * ^Medea^ giggles at cyclonic <cyclonic> TISM is our JISM!!!!!! <cyclonic> Vanilla Ice was cool... <KickiTT> Let the JISM fly!!! <cyclonic> *lmao* <KickiTT> All over the faces of the upper class!!!! * ^Medea^ has no comment... *** Crisen has quit IRC (_--=[ We Share Tha Same Planet ]=--_) <Vort_X> when Tism come on, will it be prerecorded....or what. <cyclonic> Yeah, get the levels mate!!! *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <FunkyGroo> The TISM is Live.  REAL LIVE <Vort_X> yahoo. *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (FBF242) *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <TiSmLoVeR> does any one really know *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (FBF242) *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (FBF242) *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> Its on peoples! *** FBF242 ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (FBF242) *** Freshy1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <FBF242> _ *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <FunkyGroo> I'm in the room now, the doors are about to be opened! <Vort_X> yayayayayayayayayayayay <cyclonic> FunkyGroo, legend!! <Vort_X> piss off ROOT u asshole... *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <FunkyGroo> Yes people are entering! *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <tret> awwwwwww *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** tattsmann ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** tret is now known as VoLt <VoLt> g nuke him <VoLt> you lame win95 fuckers *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> i am to lame to teardrop you all or whatever *** hillary ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <kizmyaz> HEY! mac's bite. *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** cyclonic ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (cyclonic) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** barry2 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <FunkyGroo> 25 min. and counting down! *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** VoLt changes topic to 'tism sucks dick :)' *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** the_fiend ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** cyclonic ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <the_fiend> whatta da fook? *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <TiSmLoVeR> kill rOOt *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'Flooders suck dick......' *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <VoLt> muwhahahaha *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> kill him <boBenasnI> when will the live video start , exactly 6:30??????? *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <cyclonic> coolies baby.. <VoLt> ill teardrop smurf ping you all to death <VoLt> :) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** TiSmLoVeR changes topic to 'F.' *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'Flooders are fucking cunts...' <cyclonic> I love these cunts who choose to fuck this shit up for every other cunt in the room... *** Kempo ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> same <Vort_X> hey, FunkyGroo....whats happening...in there.. <FunkyGroo> it's starting nowish... <Kempo> Hey folks <the_fiend> geez can't we get an op here? <^Medea^> WOW!  SOUND! 8smile*  hee hee! <TiSmLoVeR> i'm coming back <KickiTT> FunkyGroo, it's not gonna start here without an op. . . <Vort_X> suggest they announce that the channel should be #tism.... <Vort_X> cause of fuckwitz like root. *** boBenasnI has quit IRC (this is Ron Hitler Barrassi from TISM talking to Cris from the Breakfasters , Cr) <barry2> whover has ops, boot root_ <Vort_X> no-one does.... <Vort_X> funky....u did before didn't you.. <cyclonic> get a fucking op in here now and fuck rOOt off! <TiSmLoVeR> i'm getting live from real player,everyone else too <Kempo> Anyone not getting anything from the sandpit server? <^Medea^> Kempo!  I'm not!  i keep getting the damn server alert messaqge!  GRRR!!!!! <cyclonic> ^Medea^ *kiss* * ^Medea^ returns cyclonic's kiss *kiss* *HUGZ* <Kempo> Medea - same here. <TiSmLoVeR> i'm get video ,anyone else <Vort_X> yep. <Kempo> Nope <cyclonic> *s* <kizmyaz> kinda <hillary> yeah, i got it] * ^Medea^ crawls away and starts crying in the corner...this thing hates me! *sob* <TiSmLoVeR> this is m rated version <the_fiend> eugh guyz keep it of chan huh???? :) * Netchick will be back. <Kempo> Is anyone who has a 33.6K modem or less getting the video? *** Netchick ([email protected]) has left #TISMLive (Netchick) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <cyclonic> DAMN SLOW connection... *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> kill root.... *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <VoLt> muwhahaha <VoLt> how <VoLt> you all on win95 <Vort_X> fuck off Root..u aint smart... <VoLt> i only one with linux <VoLt> ill fuck you all up *** ^Medea^ changes topic to 'r00t_ is a fucking cunt...' *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> when you nuke me *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) * TiSmLoVeR takes out high powered rife and shoots him dead <Kempo> To all those who have video - are any of you on 33.6 modems or less? *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> I cleared out of work early for this shit, fucking changed my life around for this one thing, and these fuckwits just wanna be smartarses...fuckwits! <^Medea^> WOO HOO! <Rooter> wow <Rooter> :) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) * TiSmLoVeR is 56 *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive * ^Medea^ slaps r00t_ around a bit with a large trout <VoLt> cyclonic <VoLt> time to die *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <TiSmLoVeR> but run at 33.6  tonight <VoLt> you also will need to reinstall windows <VoLt> what a day <hillary> Is anyone else just watching the video of the eye? <VoLt> time to die mtuher fucker *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Vort_X> yep. <VoLt> vort-x *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <VoLt> you mirc user <VoLt> muwhahaha <kizmyaz> oh yeah. eye. <Kempo> Can't connect here. *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> BitchX kicks ass *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <TisM> the eye is the only thing that's there at the moment ........don't worry, we're coming your way real soon <Vort_X> yep..don't mess with me..... *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <barry2> can't connect either * ^Medea^ beats VoLt over the head with a baseball bat...DON'T YOU TOUCH HIM! *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <cyclonic> ^Medea^ ta baby....*kiss* <VoLt> medea *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> i allready is checking *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (r00t_) <cyclonic> where is a fucking op for this room? *** ^d00bie^ (d00bie@dynamic92_7.riv.csu.edu.au) has joined #tismlive <TiSmLoVeR> some one walk past camera *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <barry2> tismlover: have you been able to connect to the sandpit server? <TiSmLoVeR> yep <barry2> tismlover: what connection do you have? *** SamScrotu ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> cya fuckers *** Freshy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> cya fuckers <VoLt> cya fuckers <^Medea^> Anyone else getting the server alert from their RealPlayer? <r00t_> cya fuyckwit muther fuckers all winblows faggots <r00t_> cya fuyckwit muther fuckers all winblows faggots <hillary> i'm getting the same video clip again <r00t_> cya fuyckwit muther fuckers all winblows faggots <Vort_X> me too. <r00t_> cya fuyckwit muther fuckers all winblows faggots <^Medea^> Wow...big words for a prick.... <KickiTT> i'm getting the video as well *** the_fiend has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <FunkyGroo> keep it up root and someone will boot you out the door *** hogie ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Vort_X> why don't someone do it now.. *** r00t_ has quit IRC (Excess Flood) *** r00t_ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** r00t_ is now known as Uh1Qu6Gh2 *** cyclonic has quit IRC (Leaving) <VoLt> fuckers *** Victims ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** tattsmann has quit IRC (Leaving) <Victims> Hi All <Vort_X> howdy victims.. *** Kempo has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res <VoLt> blah <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res *** Kempo ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> mwuahhahahahahaahahahah <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res *** Luke ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <VoLt> got nothing to say now <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res <kizmyaz> don't they have anything else to do? <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res *** Kempo ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (Kempo) <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res * TiSmLoVeR thinks this just ad time for tism <Uh1Qu6Gh2> fuckers you are all lame tism suck you and your muther fucker gay ass friends on here grow up and enjoy the fucking funy flood wh0res *** cyclonic ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <kizmyaz> very odd. <PunkyFunk> Change Channel to #tismlive1 *** Uh1Qu6Gh2 has quit IRC (Excess Flood) * SamScrotu slaps Uh1Qu6Gh2 around a bit with a large trout <TiSmLoVeR> do you think we will really talk to them. <Vort_X> no..they won't be in here... *** Netchick ([email protected]) has joined #TISMLive <cyclonic> back again.... *** the-fiend ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 *** the-fiend ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (the-fiend) *** hogie ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (hogie) *** Vort_X ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (Vort_X) *** Kempo ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** Ron ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> I need beer. *** VoLt ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (VoLt) <PunkyFunk> we got plenty here *** Bevan ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <cyclonic> good! <KickiTT> wow, the video again, how exciting. . . <KickiTT> <yawn> <Kempo> Whats with the vid - are they just repeating the music clip? <cyclonic> luv them beeps... *** BobbyJ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Kempo> Everybody sing! * ^Medea^ giggles at cyclonic...hee hee! * TiSmLoVeR thinks all a great hoax,just like tiam * TiSmLoVeR oops Tism <Luke> who was at the gig on sunday? <^Medea^> I can't see nuthin yet! *pout* RP is being a cunt! *pout* <^d00bie^> same, same.. <TiSmLoVeR> was at saturadys in sydney <cyclonic> rebuffering... <^d00bie^> "your network bandwidth is not fast enough" <^Medea^> Doobie-Yep....same old shit! *sigh* <Luke> what can I do to increase my bandwidth? <^d00bie^> hey!! <kizmyaz> i am no longer getting eye <^d00bie^> i know.. <^d00bie^> go to the realplayer preferences... *** Freshy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <KickiTT> Why are they playing the karaoke version??? <Luke> cool thanks <^d00bie^> and adjust the device you're using.. <Kempo> It's the Satan version! <^Medea^> there is a preferences on Realplayer? <^d00bie^> say, to a t1/LAN.. ;) *** barry2 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 <^d00bie^> mash control s <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 *** ^d00bie^ (d00bie@dynamic92_7.riv.csu.edu.au) has left #tismlive (^d00bie^) <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 *** Elvis2 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 <PunkyFunk> get off ppl, we've moved to #tismlive1 *** BobbyJ has quit IRC (Leaving) <^Medea^> WOW!  Cool!  Thanks Doobie! *HUGZ TIGHTLY!* *** Freshy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <TiSmLoVeR> its time ppls *** Elvis2 ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (Elvis2) *** Marshal_L ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <FunkyGroo> we'll be a tad late ppl. <FunkyGroo> You're also on the wrong channel *** Kempo ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (Kempo) <Luke> who is the official name? <FunkyGroo> goto to #tismlive1 for the real stuff *** Topic is 'Goto #tism or #tismlive1 for the real channel. minus flooders.' <King_Buzz> whats going on? *** Luke ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <FunkyGroo> we're on #tismlive1, TISM won't be on this channel. MOVE IT *** Topic is 'http://www.tism.arc.net.au/live/live.html' *** Newbie is now known as barry1 *** Kittie ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** TiSmLoVeR has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) <Netchick> Nothing is happening yet. *** woolfie ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** tattsmann ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive <Kittie> I can't even get into it. <barry1> to all having probs with server message, start up RA and change the connection speed in the prefs to 33.6 or above *** barry1 is now known as barry <woolfie> >Adze <Kittie> So I should stop trying to view it in my browser? *** barry is now known as barry1 *** frog ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive *** kizmyaz ([email protected]) has left #tismlive (kizmyaz) <PunkyFunk> ppl were now on #tismlive1 (/JOIN #tismlive1), that's where TISM will be too, real soon..., <PunkyFunk> ppl were now on #tismlive1 (/JOIN #tismlive1), that's where TISM will be too, real soon..., <Vort_X> ron would go for someone like that. <Vort_X> yay *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** BobbyJ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Kempo> Whats the background sound? <Gregabyte> ok <Gregabyte> where the fuck am i?? <Gregabyte> hohoh <hogie> bl**dy net congestion <Vort_X> sounds like they're having a party <^Medea^> Is anyone else seeing jsut the eye right now or is it just me?! *smile* <ashley> in fuckhouse <the-fiend> bloody realplayer for macs!!!! <Victims> Hi All *** Retrieving #tismlive1 info... *** BobbyJ has quit IRC (Leaving) <the-fiend> hey victim <Gregabyte> lamers <Vort_X> howdy Victimes *** Marshal_L ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <the-fiend> (all your life.) <TiSmLoVeR> come on *** Luke ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** kizmyaz ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** Gregabyte has quit IRC (Dead Socket) <TiSmLoVeR> we want tism <TiSmLoVeR> we want tism *** Freshy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Vort_X> we want tism aswell... *** Rooter ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <FunkyGroo> who am i on this? <Freshy> my realplayer wont even work now <hillary> Are they at some release party??? <Luke> tism arer wankers clap clap clap clap clap *** HNB ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <FunkyGroo> same stupid name <Rooter> Ki Kate <PunkyFunk> the boys are running a little late folks stay cool <Kempo> Cool - they're playing the non-karakoe version at the lauch (hear it in the background?) <the-fiend> it'yay!!!!!!! <the-fiend> whoohoo!!!!!! <ashley> you fuckers <TisM> we're coming............hang on...........TISM are typically late *** Gregabyte ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** Gregabyte has quit IRC (Leaving) <Vort_X> tism are always late... *** vikingboy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <hogie> i rushed home from work for this????? <the-fiend> yay big tism eye panel! (tm) *** bernard ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <FunkyGroo> if you play close attention you can hear the whole album folks... <Vort_X> so who can smuggle me into some of the sydney gigs? *** cyclonic ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <the-fiend> yes. yes you did <vikingboy> yoo all tism dudes] <cyclonic> yee haa! <Freshy> i cant hear a fucking thing...or see a fucking thing <TiSmLoVeR> hey that sudday tism gig what did they wear...??? <Freshy> my realplayer wont work <Bevan> same as saturday <Kempo> And what was Sat? <TiSmLoVeR> boring <kizmyaz> mine either, and i know it ain't my blessed gumputer *** Newbie ([email protected]) has joined #TISMLIVE1 <Elvis2> what happened to tism live <HNB> yeah...what IS thew going costume these days? <hillary> white suits, bondage masks *** boBenasnI ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <the-fiend> not bondage... <Kempo> Yup - same as Brisbane. <the-fiend> trust me.... not bondage.... <FunkyGroo> tismlive was mail-bombed <Elvis2> damn <^Medea^> Freshy-on RealPlayer choose "FILE" and Preferences and change the connection from 28.8 to T1/LAN! *** Alex1 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <the-fiend> 23 second rebuffering!!!!?????? <Bevan> same as syney too, if those photos are right <cyclonic> ^Medea^ my love...*kiss* <Kempo> How many times did Ron get unmaksed down south?  3 times in Bris, plus another one who I was not sure of. <Rooter> heheh Kate is Great <Kempo> Yahoo <^Medea^> cyclonic my love! *HUG* <the-fiend> not again! guyz! <Vort_X> can anyone in here get to the mike to say hello to me.. * ^Medea^ showers cyclonic with kisses *KISS* *KISS* *KISS* *KISS* <PunkyFunk> you don't know how good I am yet .... *** King_Buzz ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 * the-fiend throws bucket o cold water on med and cyc <cyclonic> ^Medea^...marry me.... * ^Medea^ blushes fiercly.... *** Alex1 ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (Alex1) <TiSmLoVeR> even a test would be good to see if it is really happen <^Medea^> Think we can get Ron to marry us online?! *smile*  *KISS* hee hee! *** prouty ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <cyclonic> ta fiend! that'll slow the effects of the alcohol... <Freshy> thanks! <Freshy> its working <the-fiend> i'd hate to see you two doing it in a real mosh pit...... *** vikingboy ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (vikingboy) *** MarkandCo ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** Acehole ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <cyclonic> Yes....the fiend, we've been discussing that actually.. * ^Medea^ nudges the-fiend <boBenasnI> FUCK , im gonna have to restart my computer *** boBenasnI has quit IRC (this is Ron Hitler Barrassi from TISM talking to Cris from the Breakfasters , Cr) <Kempo> Is anyone else's audio fading? <the-fiend> noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! <bernard> our modem is too slow for visuals. suckersssss <the-fiend> dear gohd! <Rooter> Currently over 500 connected to the Real Video <the-fiend> :) <hogie> nice head <^Medea^> hee hee! <the-fiend> you sick littel monkies! <Luke> yeah my audio is fading too <Freshy> a lot of net congestion <cyclonic> the fiend:it'd be good actually.... <hillary> yeah heaps on congestion <Freshy> and rebuffering all the time <SamScrotu> I get about two seconds of sound followed by 10 seconds of silence while it rebuffes *** vikingboy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Kempo> Ta Luke. *** guy-from- ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <^Medea^> kiss* *** ^Medea^ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** tattsmann ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Vort_X> u guys have slooow connections i bet... <Acehole> so when is tism getting here <cyclonic> ^Medea^ bye my love.. <Freshy> how can u fix the re buffering problem? <Kempo> I'm getting constant audio, but vid is about 1 frame/10 seconds. <the-fiend> di see a sort of a head!!!! *** guy-from- is now known as eggy <Luke> tism are wankers clap clap clap clap clap <kizmyaz> 56k, thnks very much <Kempo> Then again, I am on the same backbone (connect.com.au) <the-fiend> damn this net thing! <kizmyaz> clap <Freshy> we want our ball back <bernard> you drink milk from a saucer you pussies <Freshy> the sound is crappy <eggy> fucking hell, it keeps dying <hogie> some time this week....fellas *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** BobbyJ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <vikingboy> hjeard thatone before bernard <SamScrotu> vid 1 frame/ 10 seconds? I thought it was still picture! <Vort_X> funky..are you there with tism? <eggy> So haave they answered any questions or what? <Kempo> HOGIE: This week?  You're mistaken - next week! <cyclonic> I think they needed a faster server.. *** Clemash ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** the-fiend changes topic to 'no tism.... yet!' <King_Buzz> scrotum <PunkyFunk> funkys still here tism aren't yet <Luke> I suggest we all quit typing and wait for an official wanker <Ron> MUA Here to stay <vikingboy> tism...tis...tism... <^Medea^> Freshy-Did you get what I said about the RealPlayer?  Did it work? *** the-fiend changes topic to 'soon people soon... learn to wait...' *** boBenasnI ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <bernard> start the chant 'tism are fucked' <the-fiend> dang this rebuffering shit. is that us or them? <^Medea^> bernard-We're fucked for sitting here waiting for them! <Elvis2> "tism are zero" <cyclonic> might rush back to tismlive for a sec... <Acehole> elvis is dead my friend <Acehole> and he aint comin' back <Elvis2> maybe <Elvis2> or is he a member of TISM <the-fiend> same will be said about you in a minute.... <boBenasnI> THIS IS FUCK , i saw that guy doing sound checks , i saw that eye thing , and now when its live im getting fucken error messages <hogie> tism members aren't that fat <vikingboy> In not getting anything on video...says cpu not quick enough or server too slow...darn <eggy> Fuck my stupid browser~ <eggy> ! <Vort_X> mines working fine.... <boBenasnI> mine too <Elvis2> mine too <Vort_X> they better be on soon... <cyclonic> Elvis and Meatloaf we're the inspiration behind KFC all-you-can-eat bars... <hogie> mine too <Luke> tism are wankers clap clap clap clap clap <boBenasnI> but im on a Pentium II 266 <Luke> tism are wankers clap clap clap clap clap <the-fiend> elvis what can you see? <Doombu> so what sort of video we expecting? <MarkandCo> fuck this <Vort_X> x-files are on at 8:30..panel on at 9:30 and i don't wont the miss them both... <Ron> I'm a YOB <FunkyGroo> hehe <vikingboy> 486 dx666.. guess i should upgrade <Newbie> to all having probs with server message, start up RA and change the connection speed in the prefs to 33.6 or above <Elvis2> stll screen people walk in front occaisonally) <King_Buzz> They played it before *** ashley has quit IRC (Ping timeout) *** Newbie is now known as barry1 <FunkyGroo> fiosssssss <the-fiend> thats wednesday you stupid plonker.. it's tuesday..... *** TiSmLoVeR has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) *** MarkandCo has quit IRC (well this went well - see y'all on the crap list) <FunkyGroo> petera <Vort_X> oh year.... <FunkyGroo> has <the-fiend> hey barry <Vort_X> but at this rate..we may miss them anyway.. <Vort_X> fuck..i need to cut down on the drugs. *** barry1 is now known as barry <FunkyGroo> has tism ever done an "unplugged" gig? <hogie> anyone get the feeling this is another patented TISM joke <the-fiend> that's what i always laguhed at.... i'm on *the* drug <Freshy> it was nice and quiet ;) <Acehole> or an "unmasked" gig <the-fiend> when it was about twenty.... <bernard> yeah Vort X doesn't that shit you - over before they appear *** barry is now known as barry1 <eggy> there would be no sound! <Luke> yeah, tism guarentee all their drum machines are plugged in <King_Buzz> I agree with Hogie I think they are taking the piss. <Doombu> while we're all sitting here, tism is stealing our women at the bar <HNB> tism w/out masks is like KISS w/out make-up *** TiSmLoVeR ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** kizmyaz ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (kizmyaz) <the-fiend> they probably weren't but they are now that it's not working.... <cyclonic> this is a joke.....they're taking the piss as usual... <the-fiend> make a joke out of how much bandwidth was wasted... <bernard> where's Lachy <Vort_X> still on #tismlive using Macbain <Doombu> I mean, who does a live broadcast over a 1200 baud modem <Vort_X> TISM <Victims> Lachy's a wanker! <cyclonic> WHERE'S LACHY!!!!!!!!!!!! *** BobbyJ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (BobbyJ) <^Medea^> Anything interesting happening yet? <FunkyGroo> I have never seen johnny farnham and ron together at the same time??? <HNB> lachlan's prolly at home in beddy-byes <Luke> I heard laughter on the last rp bit I got?! <hogie> my ip provider has a 200MB limit, I think i am now up to 2GB.... <cyclonic> ^Medea^ tongue kiss........ *** Kempo has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Elvis2> Lochy's gone home - he was just setting it up for mne <eggy> this sucks! <Vort_X> i got me a free connection + unlimited downloads...kewl. <Freshy> this must have cost TISM a fortune to do <vikingboy> did you all see the pics on the web page... sent them one of ron unmasked also though they didnt put it up... <KickiTT> damn Leo, get a room!  :) <hogie> my cats breath smells like cat food * ^Medea^ kisses cyclonic deeply <boBenasnI> so is this eye im seeing the live shit?????? <the-fiend> nah they convince some isp that as a one off promotional thing and get the record company to pay.... <^d00bie^> ja, it is.. *** Planet_N ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Vort_X> vikingboy...send it to me...the pic of ron that is. <the-fiend> poor shock. <cyclonic> KickiTT :)..sorry!!! *** Kittie ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <KickiTT> actually, no, let's get some cybersex action going in channel! <FunkyGroo> tism seem to have taken the wank theme to their heart, is this a statment on old age? *** Oxx ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Planet_N> Is there a problem at the moment? <^Medea^> Viking-OOH!  Send it to me! <eggy> so is this realplayer image i'm seeing the live shti?? *** prouty has quit IRC (Leaving) <hillary> so far yes eggy <eggy> hey it's an eye! isn't that a drawing from the comic? <bernard> it cost fuck all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <PunkyFunk> no problem... tism are just running a little late .... stay cool ... <Kittie> Wow, you get to see it? <^Medea^> bo-Yeah..I guess!  Does it say live in the top right corner? <Freshy> its the banner that was at the merchandise stand <hogie> vikingboy, if you are in the sending mood, send me a copy of that pic.... <cyclonic> hell, KickiTT thats a good idea! They're all probably here watching, so lets give TISm a show! <^d00bie^> c'mon, at least make the picture fucking move :) <eggy> punkyfunk > what is your real name? <^d00bie^> or interesting.. *** reddy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** tattsmann has quit IRC (Leaving) <FunkyGroo> who makes those fab threads? <Planet_N> Is anyone else not able to connect to the host? <eggy> oh the picture moves a little bit <Kittie> I can't <the-fiend> yeah lets show them! lets all git nekid and fuck and not talk to them!!!!! <King_Buzz> Hurry the fuck up Tism I unplugged my mothers life support system for this <eggy> if this doesn't get interesting... <Vort_X> yeeeehaaaaa <Luke> tism are wankers clap clap clap clap clap <the-fiend> or maybe not.... ;) <Luke> tism are wankers clap clap clap clap clap <KickiTT> Kingbuzz  LOL! <^d00bie^> it's an eye.... *** reddy ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (reddy) <Vort_X> i unplugged my lifesupport for this. <^d00bie^> hang on.. *** frog ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** Netchick ([email protected]) has joined #TISMLive1 <^d00bie^> where'd it go? <Planet_N> Luke: Were you at the Brisbane concert?  ;-) <Luke> who was at the gig on sunday, you might have seen me <^d00bie^> it changed color.. <King_Buzz> Lol? <Luke> yes i was <^Medea^> Hmmmm...... <the-fiend> aieeee!!!! such newbies.... <FunkyGroo> so, who makes your fab fucking threads? <^d00bie^> someone's got their hand over the lense.. <Victims> is anyone logged into this channel actually at the site where the netcast is being held from? <Vort_X> they should be on real soon <boBenasnI> i have a question for tism or anyone else: IS MARALYN MANSON THE PAUL GUY FROM 'the wonder years'????? <Luke> and the melb one on sunday <the-fiend> laughing out loud...... <cyclonic> I unplugged something for this.....can't remember what it was tho... <Kittie> LOL = "Laughing Out Loud" * PunkyFunk slaps eggy around a bit with a large trout <the-fiend> no!!! no he fucking isnt!!!!!! <bernard> i got a babysitter for this <King_Buzz> cool <hogie> thanks vikingboy!!!!! <the-fiend> maryljust a loser.... <TisM> Hi everyone.............we're coming at you in about 5 minutes <Doombu> I took the night off work to watch this <the-fiend> yay! <Kittie> Okay. <PunkyFunk> we're sitting in the room where the guys will be real soon   <Elvis2> beliebe that when we see it TISM * the-fiend does dance of happy tism <eggy> about fucking time! <vikingboy> ya getting it vortx <eggy> im' gonna get grounded if my dad gets home =( *** RonBarass ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Vort_X> yeah <eggy> awwwwwwww! <the-fiend> gah! my realplayer isn't connecting! <PunkyFunk> stay cool and maybe you will see it <Luke> tism are wankers clap clap clap clap clap <eggy> and im sippossed to be in bed at 930!! <Planet_N> Is ANYONE getting constant audio? <Kittie> Thanks for the tip, whoever said to go into their prefs and change the bandwidth.   I can see now! <Elvis2> no <the-fiend> let alone vid. <eggy> ?NNNNN0 * ^Medea^ apologixes to KickiTT....*smile* <Bevan> yes <Elvis2> vid OK - audio scratchy <Vort_X> thanks Viking... <cyclonic> not getting any vid... <the-fiend> i got picci! yay! <eggy> i see the fac moving a bit... <King_Buzz> *wanks* <Vort_X> greatshot...why didn't they publish *** barry1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <^d00bie^> mooooooooove the camera so i can see that it's working!!!! * the-fiend wanks harder <KickiTT> That's ok Medea, keep going, I think we need to liven up the channel a bit. . .! *** Ron has quit IRC (Leaving) *** RonBarass has quit IRC (Leaving) <Kittie> From <barry1> to all having probs with server message, start up RA and change the connection speed in the prefs to 33.6 or above <cyclonic> smiles at KickiTT, then rushes over and gropes ^Medea^ <Luke> I have given up on Rp too slow *** Acehole has quit IRC (Even the blind can see the degeneration of our society) <Victims> any of the North <the-fiend> i have it set for lan... what the hell.... <^Medea^> Whoa!  The eye is all blurred...I'm either stoned, drunk, both, or the connection is buggered... <Victims> any of the North Americans from crap@suburbia here? <Vort_X> we have a head <KickiTT> A HEAD!  A HEAD! <Elvis2> whoa <Luke> planet_N see me on Priv channel <bernard> can i take my ecky yet? <Vort_X> yay <^d00bie^> and shoulders.. * ^Medea^ looks around...wy is it so quiet in here people? <^d00bie^> g'wan, look at the camera and wave, ya know ya wanna..... *** reddy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Luke> tism are wankers clap clap clap clap clap <Vort_X> large void between us Medea <Kittie> Because it's 3:50 in the damn morning for me.... <the-fiend> brave soul.... <Bevan> nar-har <KickiTT> Kittie - now that's dedication for ya <boBenasnI> WHERE ARE YOU KITTIE?????/ *** HNB has quit IRC (Leaving) <cyclonic> i'm a yob.... <Bevan> i'm a wanker * Kittie is a stupid American in Duh Moinez, Iowa <King_Buzz> Ima fucking cunt <Bevan> buts thats neither her nor there <Vort_X> i'm a cunt *** mashers ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <cyclonic> OOOOppppppps RP just died... <Doombu> I drive a truck <hogie> get out the way *** woolfie ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Luke> Punkyfunk how are they going, there yet? <TiSmLoVeR> whois that man? *** GrrrRich ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Planet_N> I'm interested in apathy <the-fiend> i'm a yo!bker <Elvis2> me too <King_Buzz> I'll 'Ave ya <FunkyGroo> turn up your simulcast and hear the album folks!  (And a whole lot of murky shmoozing.) <Freshy> they are probably not even gonna turn up <Luke> I was interested by now I wont bother *** ^Medea^ has quit IRC (Leaving) <woolfie> So am I? <boBenasnI> imy dads a builder *** frog is now known as Kelpie242 <Elvis2> my dad's a plumber <Planet_N> I'm a bogan baby, always was... <hogie> if your creative get f**ked <cyclonic> his friends are plumbers... <the-fiend> dang still got another thirty to get rid of before comfort level kicks in... <Vort_X> i'm getting cancer....and u can get fucked. <Elvis2> they're getting cancer <woolfie> I'm interested in Springvale? *** chubby ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <King_Buzz> This is serious mum hurry the fuck up <the-fiend> oh say fucked you fucker! *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <bernard> sound like some 70's glam band <boBenasnI> imagine how i felt....... <Rooter>  Kate Kate kiss Me Kate <vikingboy> you can get stuffed <eggy> theres a guy! <TiSmLoVeR> wonder if PETER Rieth is here <FunkyGroo> can I swear too you cunts? <Kelpie242> Is any1 else get image yet? <Elvis2> screen's gone black <woolfie> If you're creative! <TisM> ok everyone here we go.............ready ??? <TisM> Hello, <TisM> My name is David Williams and I'm the head of Shock Records. <TisM> I'd like to warmly welcome you all along to this evenings function, the launch of the brand new TISM album, www.tism.wanker.com. <hogie> not the video again... <TisM> I'd like to explain a little of how this evening will work. <TisM> We will have TISM here live at the Hi Fi Bar and virtually present at both Well Connected in Glebe and on your computer screen. *** Clemash has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Kittie> Shit.  It moves, at least, then it bufferes some more. <TisM> TISM will NOT answer any question put to them verbally. Some hundreds of questions have been emailed prior to tonights event and we welcome questions via the terminals here at the Hi Fi bar and at Well Conn <cyclonic> yipee!! <FunkyGroo> Here comes David Williams.... <bernard> yeah Peter where the fuck are you. YOU CUNT <Freshy> i wonder if Rex Hunt is there <PunkyFunk> you're such as dag sometimes pete <eggy> thanks, Tism. we appreciate <Vort_X> yay <KickiTT> who's this freak? <Vort_X> hello person *** bernard was kicked by PunkyFunk (PunkyFunk) *** HNB ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <hogie> 'bout friggin time... <Elvis2> let's go <Kittie> Hey!  Dammit!  I didn' think of any questions! <Vort_X> davide <^Medea^> WOO HOO! <eggy> some dude is in fron't of the camera! move ya butthead! <hogie> ron's looking pretty sick... *** bernard ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <woolfie> Where can I get batteries for my TISM brain mask? <Vort_X> hahaha <Kittie> I've never even seen this group.... <hogie> he said wanker... <eggy> i heard some music. wow <vikingboy> yeah doesnt he <woolfie> Missin out buddie! <cyclonic> ^Medea^ *kiss* my love... <Vort_X> he said .com <eggy> well tism where are ya? * ^Medea^ kisses cyclonic <TisM> We welcome questions also from those of you propped in front of your screens at home. All questions have equal priority however TISM will answer only the questions they feel loike answering, if any at all. <KickiTT> Who the fuck are you, baldy man?  That's my question! *** RonBarass ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Elvis2> yay <Vort_X> it's david...someone.. *** ms ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <boBenasnI> who's the suit <hogie> he said that but i didn't see himtype it.... <HNB> isn't he the head of shock? <Kittie> Oh.  Okay.  THanks, TISM <eggy> um, will you Pre -1986 albums ever be released <woolfie> Go ronnie boy! <Vort_X> TISM - We Love Jack Holt...we know who u are. <^Medea^> President of Shock Records.PAY ATTENTION! <Luke> it's not carl thats for sure <TisM> It has now been three years since the last TISM album, Machiavelli and the Four Seasons was released. An enormously successful album, Machiavelli is now just short of Platinum and TISM are firmly established as Shock's most popular act. Following a series of tours and a years hibernation TISM started work on their Magnum Opus. The record TISM presented six months ago featured a new socially aware TISM. The message this new sharing, caring TISM seem <Elvis2> magnum opus? <KickiTT> Is that Jack's dad???? <Vort_X> his mum. <hogie> how does he do that??? <eggy> vort_X si fucking what, don't diss em <boBenasnI> Shock musnt have many good acts <TisM> TISm have returned with an album that delivers 100%. www.tism.wanker.com is chock full of wanking, rooting and gratuitous foul language - a certified hit! <TisM> So there you have it...not so much the sound of one hand clapping as the sound of one hand cupping, then sliding up inside the shirt to the armpit when the air is expelled in a frenzy of orgasmic delight. I give you the true men of the nineties, Ron Hitler Barassi and Humphrey B. Flaubert, please welcome TISM! *** tattsmann ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <the-fiend> yay! <KickiTT> YES YES YES!!!!!!!! <Elvis2> yay <hogie> he said rooting * KickiTT claps furiously <Freshy> wooohooo * ^Medea^ laughs hysterically WOOOOOO HOOOOOO! <Vort_X> he said they were men <woolfie> What about my brain mask! I need batteries! <cyclonic> welcome TISM...and witness some cybersex if you dare..*smiling at ^Medea^ *** vikingboy has quit IRC (Leaving) <Vort_X> into the mike boys <TisM> give us your questions now. <cyclonic> sorry... * ^Medea^ *~winks~* at cyclonic <Vort_X> TISM: where's Jack Holt <the-fiend> brb <boBenasnI> why do they have things on their heads???? <Vort_X> aks Joch Cheese <Kittie> How many different csotumes have you guys gone through? <FunkyGroo> your costumes are brill - who makes your threads?? <woolfie> What sort of batteries fit my TISM brain mask? <Freshy> how did u guys get started? <hogie> they have the same amount of hair as the baldy man <eggy> Will your PRE 1986 albums be released! and where they ever released like some wanker told me. <Doombu> how do a bunch of clueless turds from Springvale make albums like yours? <KickiTT> gET FUCKED BALDY MAN! <Kittie> Is anyone taping this? *** vikingboy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Vort_X> i'm not taping. <FunkyGroo> Is it true that tism wank on stage? <Elvis2> is the red-head the leader? <bernard> it's like rock & roll wrestling <eggy> KickiTT if it weren't for the baldy man, tism wouldn't be, most likely <hogie> are you guys planning to come to perth <woolfie> I was born in Springvale mutherfucker! *** the_fiend ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <^Medea^> HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN ALL THE AMATEUR TISM SITES ON THE NET YET??!? <the_fiend> ahhhh  much better <Vort_X> TISM: Wheres JACK. <KickiTT> Communicate this, Humphrey! <Kittie> I heard Ron stripped nekid at a concert recently.... * KickiTT grabs his crotch <Luke> shut up and let them talk you yobs! <Vort_X> flash us RON <boBenasnI> FUCK NET CONGESTION <TiSmLoVeR> have you been in any other movie that holiday on the river yarra *** BobbyJ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Kelpie242> What made you want to work with James Cameron on TITANIC? <woolfie> It true! Mr forskin <hogie> answer the god damn questions!!!!!! * ^Medea^ slaps PunkyFunk around a bit with a large trout <eggy> IS THE ADELAIDE SHOW ALL AGES?????!?!? PLEASE MAKE IT ALL AGES! AND I DO NOT MEAN THE ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW, I MEAN YOUR PERFORMANCE WITH THE GURG. <cyclonic> *lmao* quiet guys, their brain cpacity can't handle all these Q's... <^Medea^> OOPS!  Sorry! PunkyFunk! that was meant for Kickitt! <boBenasnI> are you going back on HEy HEy Its Saturday <the_fiend> bad boy bugbby! get with it tismlover!!! <Luke> shut up! <Vort_X> my realaudio just fucked up. <TiSmLoVeR> sorry <hogie> are you guys planning on coming to perth?????????? <eggy> will the machiavelli video ever come out? <Kelpie242> What was the best thing about Kate Winslett? <hogie> yes we have you toss <FunkyGroo> where's the cow? <Kelpie242> Is it true Leonardo DeCaprio is bald? <boBenasnI> IS THAT TONY MARTIN?????????? <the_fiend> WHAT THE HELL IS A CLICKCLACK!!!!!!!!!! <hogie> yay baldy man *** powa1 ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <TisM> Is it true that tism wank on stage? Dear sir / madam, but we all know it's sir.... <Vort_X> Are you doing any All ages gigs <boBenasnI> it sounded like TONY MARTIN <Kittie> Unfortunately, I'm missing all the commentary.... <eggy>  click, click , click , click, click, click <King_Buzz> Do some people want to get off so I can enjoy this? <eggy> thats basically a click track <Freshy> I hope Mick Molloy turns up *** powa1 is now known as wellonnec <cyclonic> ^Medea^ *kiss* <TisM> What made you want to work with James Cameron on TITANIC? Leonardo Di Caprio reminds me creepily of Burt Newton <hogie> is a poof <Rooter> Liven it up Guys c heck it out ! * ^Medea^ kisses cyclonic <woolfie> can you say hello to the sydney well connected cafe please? <eggy> heheh! that was funny <KickiTT> Ron, why do you bleach your hair? <Vort_X> shut up wankers <Rooter> rooster today feather duster tommorow ! <KickiTT> Ron, why do you bleach your hair? <eggy> Can you please tell eggy's dad to fuck off ?? he's a fucking wanker. <^Medea^> WOO HOO! BEN! *smile*  HA HA HA! <Vort_X> they said my name <Kittie> So, are the ski masks the favourite outfit? <hogie> how do they manage to type the answer before they say it?? <KickiTT> Go the VORT! *** BobbyJ ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (BobbyJ) * TiSmLoVeR do have flim contacts <Victims> Did you like your Victims t-shirt Ron? <Rooter> Kate Kate Kiss Me ! <hillary> Is this your most pathetic promotional stunt so far? <TisM>  will the machiavelli video ever come out? Dear eggy, you're obviously aware of the latent homosexuality  of the Machiavelli video, clearly the Machiavellie video will come out only when Wayne Carey does *** fgjmtgfu ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Vort_X> go on Ron strip for us... <Vort_X> go on <FunkyGroo> why have john farnham and ron never been seen in the same room together? *** reddy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <KickiTT> Are you guys on the mailing list? <Vort_X> please u sussies. <KickiTT> Are you guys on the mailing list? * Kittie wishes she were at work on her t1 connection.... *** the-fiend has quit IRC *** Oxx has quit IRC (Leaving) <woolfie> what are your favourite colours? <KickiTT> Do you guys read the mailing list? *** fgjmtgfu is now known as Flaubert *** sdw ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Luke> hey tism what did you think of the wanker down the front on sunday with the mask on? <eggy> What happened to the Junk mail list!!!! i haven't got anything for ages? <KickiTT> Do you guys read the TISM mailing list? <cyclonic> *lmao* <the_fiend> my god. i heard three words then... <Freshy> hey TISM: how did u guys get started?? <chubby> my god i heard 4 <King_Buzz> Stop fucking with the camera it is fucking up the RA <eggy> is this being filmed for video release? <Flaubert> Did you achieve your proficiency with proper nouns through reading book sleeves? <KickiTT> Do you guys read the TISM mailing list? <hogie> do you guys plan on comming to perth in the near future?????????????????????????/ <woolfie> is it true you're touring with Regurgitator in July <^d00bie^> do you think i might be a cunt but im not a fucking cunt should be aired on commercial radio, or should it continue with it's low-key airtime as budget restaurant elevator music? <^Medea^> KEEP THE CAMERA STILL! <KickiTT> Ron, why do you bleach your hair? *** Acehole ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <TisM>  Do some people want to get off so I can enjoy this? Dear King Buzz, what is your home phone number Wayne Careys is 6666 <Kittie> I've been on the mailing list for three days, don't really read it.... <Luke> shut up everyone and let them answer! *** james ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <woolfie> would you rather be wrestlers or rock stars <FunkyGroo> Why is my primary school (Amstel Primary) on the cover of Beasts of Suburban? <eggy> WILL THE ADELAIDE CONCERT BE ALL AGES? * ^Medea^ is pissing herself laughing on the floor <cyclonic> TISM: I think Wayne Carey and Ian Roberts would make a good couple...thoughts? <eggy> please answer =( <RonBarass> how's your relationship eith Ken Done? <Vort_X> will sydnet be all ages <hillary> Is this your most pathetic promotional stunt so far? <Kittie> SHIT.  Real Player just crashed.... <eggy> is anyone getting a constant stream? of audio at least? <Vort_X> Strip ron u bastard <Elvis2> yes, but vid has become a still <chubby> i from alternate base radio show and we are goning to play your new single on our show in sydney <Luke> tism! what did you think of the wanker down the front on sunday with the mask on? <KickiTT> YEAH RON, STRIP <^Medea^> RON!!! GET NAKED!!!! <james> fuck off <KickiTT> STRIP RON!!! <james> fuck off *** Pagan ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <james> fuck off <KickiTT> FUCKING FLASH THAT SCHLONG! <james> fuck off <Vort_X> Strip ron u lanky sussy bastard <james> fuck off <Acehole> 9TISM 9HAVE 9YOU 9CONSIDERED 9A 9STRIP 9SHOWS? <james> fuck off *** james was kicked by PunkyFunk (PunkyFunk) <Victims> RON: Did you like your Victims t-shirt? (and did your MUM like hers?) <james> fuck off <cyclonic> I'm getting naked with ^Medea^..... <hogie> james you toss <FunkyGroo> Are TISM plannning to tour the rootin' usa? someday soon. *** james ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <woolfie> do your mums go to the shows, or are they too ashamed <KickiTT> JIGGLE THAT SCROTUM, RON! <Kittie> Why in the WORLD do you want him to strip so badly? * ^Medea^ slaps james around a bit with a large trout *** james was kicked by PunkyFunk (PunkyFunk) <boBenasnI> WHY DONT THEY SHOW THIS ON TV *** james ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <eggy> Is HBF really in fact Elliot Goblet?? * ^Medea^ giggfles at cyclonic.... <woolfie> pleeeeaaasee tell me who you are.... <james> how long must a mans legs be? <Acehole> lol <TisM> how do they manage to type the answer before they say it?? Dear Hogie, There is a metafictional element to this - like the Mavis's   ( the Mavii) we break the rules. Here we're talking thru' a modern technology and yet in many ways via a traditional form. <Kelpie242> I don't want to see Ron strip <reflective pause> Or do I? *** Netchick ([email protected]) has left #TISMLive1 (Netchick) *** nelson ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <vikingboy> is the cover of fucking cunt single taken from the mimi wideo?? <Acehole> bwwwhaha <Vort_X> WHO CARES...WE WANT RON NAKED <Vort_X> WHO CARES...WE WANT RON NAKED <the_fiend> ok in case no one has annoticed they are talking to the camersa!!!! not on the chan.... <cyclonic> cyclonic giggles at Medea....kisses her.. <Luke> hey tism, since I am the only one asking the questions! <Vort_X> WHO CARES...WE WANT RON NAKED <james> bwwwbha <KickiTT> RON NAKED *** vikingboy was kicked by PunkyFunk (PunkyFunk) <Vort_X> WHO CARES...WE WANT RON NAKED <Rooter> Where's Devo <KickiTT> RON'S SCHLONG *** Joe^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 * ^Medea^ slaps Vort_X around a bit with a large trout <Vort_X> WHO CARES...WE WANT RON NAKED <james> we want ron naked <Rooter> Are we Not Men <woolfie> no, NO we don't want Ron Naked - haven't we seen it all before? <Elvis2> were you inspired by the Mimi vide? <^Medea^> CHILL VORT!   *** Vort_X was kicked by PunkyFunk (PunkyFunk) <Rooter> Mongoloid <james> no <KickiTT> We are TISM <Luke> what did you think of the wanker down the front at sundays gig? <Kittie> Can he still answer questions and be nekkid at the same time? <Victims> RON: Did you like your Victims t-shirt? (and did your MUM like hers?) <james> he's a wanker <Luke> with the mask on *** vikingboy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Kelpie242> TISM, do you use post modernism as a legitimate mode of zeitgesity expression, or rather a hip bi-word to lure self important Generation WHy'ers? *** Joe^ is now known as revulva *** Vort_X ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <james> no <eggy> are you going to type answers? some of us can''t here you <james> yes <james> no <GrrrRich> come on, admit that your public performances are psychosexual at heart, tism <james> yes <james> arrrrgggggghhhhh <Planet_N> Why do I get the feeling they're only asking questions from people at a certain cyber cafe, and not the email questions? <woolfie> are you really devo and that's why you wear the masks? <Flaubert> TISM, do you realise that the people who are typing the questions can't see the answers to those questions? <Doombu> I just want to know what drugs Tism take <KickiTT> RON, CAN YOU SLEEP WITH MY SISTER??? <Kittie> I don't think they can spell, can they? <james> devgo *** BULO ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <cyclonic> TISM: I think Wayne Carey and Ian Roberts would make a good couple...thoughts? <HNB> who do i have to root to get backstage? <FunkyGroo> after the great job you did with Les Murray, whose nationality will you now question? <Acehole> 0,1TISM 0,1SAY 0,1MY 0,1NICK!!!! 0,1ON 0,1THE VIEW <TisM>  hey tism what did you think of the wanker down the front on sunday with the mask on? I spent a lot of time with that wanker andI found him to be a most misunderstood person.When he raised his middle finger at the band he was signifying the music indutrys attitude to what essentially is a joke . When he yelled suck the turds out of ,my dogs arse. he was signifying that he was an executive in the music industry. <TisM> Yours sincerely Kylie Mingue <the_fiend> this better go on the site... that's all i say.... <Kittie> I don't think they do drugs... I think they're fucked up on their own. * ^Medea^ is rolling on the floor laughing her ass off...and naked with cyclonic.... <KickiTT> HUMPHREY, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY WEB PAGE???? <Vort_X> Ron don't root my dog again..i'll call the cops. * hillary asks Will TISM every write another book? <GrrrRich> and that your tight sweaty masks are a suggestion of you fetish for sheep in lycra <KickiTT> RON, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY WEB PAGE??? <boBenasnI> THIS IS SHIT *** boBenasnI has quit IRC (this is Ron Hitler Barrassi from TISM talking to Cris from the Breakfasters , Cr) * TiSmLoVeR wants to know if you are going to be in any movies or your songs <revulva> Considering the hidden nature of your bonces and the obvious corollary that can, and is, drawn to Kiss, why are you not humgous worldwide with a range omerchandise that rivals Spice? <eggy> tism. why are their '9' aliaes, 7 members, and 3 (usually two) representatives? Is it something to do with your pacemakers, giving in? <Vort_X> stay away from my dog <james> yes this is shit *** ^Medea^ has quit IRC (Leaving) <woolfie> is it true Keanu Reeves went to your sydney gig to kick the shit out of you after the River Phoenix song? <james> no <Luke> hey guys TISM guess what the wanker was me! yes I had that mask on and I'm proud! <Acehole> 0,1WILL 0,1TISM 0,1EVER 0,1DO 0,1A 0,1SLOLO 0,1WITH 0,1 HILLARY 0,1CLINTON??? <the_fiend> TISM! WHAT IS A CLICK CLACK? <Flaubert> If religion is the opiate of the people are you the suppository of the rock world? <Kittie> Are there only two members in this group?  Of do I need a faster connection? <cyclonic> cyclonic is Laughing his arse out naked with ^Medea^ <vikingboy> do you guys use an atari st *** Freshy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Kelpie242> TISM, do you use post modernism as a legitimate mode of zeitgesity expression, or rather a hip bi-word to lure self important Generation WHy'ers? <nelson> we have vision of you unmasked in an airport. what will you pay us to keep your identities secret?? *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <nelson> from lachie's spies <Vort_X> Where's Jock Cheese - screwing ya mothers..tsktsk Jack. *** RonBarass has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <Elvis2> Will there be any live performance tonight, or just Q&A? <TisM>  do you think i might be a cunt but im not a fucking cunt should be aired on commercial radio, or should it continue with it's low-key airtime as budget restaurant elevator music? Dear Doobie, we feel that our single I Might Be A Cunt but No t a fucking cunhas been misinterpterpretted. We also feel that if you're called Doobie, what do you call your pets?? <james> 54321 <woolfie> how much longer do you plan to keep the masks on? <Flaubert> If I were a carpenter and you were my lady, would you marry me anyway? <KickiTT> TISM, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF LACHLAN McMEAD? <eggy> what happened to tony coitus? <james> steps *** Netchick ([email protected]) has joined #TISMLive1 <Vort_X> Lachys a spank. *** ^Medea^ has quit IRC (Leaving) *** CL0SeY ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Kittie> I would think they'd wear the masks the whole interview.  Slipknot has to. <woolfie> will you ever do the kiss unmasked tour <nelson> i see your I Might Be A Cunt video on Channel V all the time and it rocks *** BoBcat ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <james> does this actually have a purpose *** lakepipe ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 *** ^Medea^ ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <cyclonic> TISM: I think Wayne Carey and Ian Roberts would make a good couple...thoughts? *** nelson is now known as dork <james> schlong <BULO> Why feral roadie bother <Luke> TISM please promise me one thing! <james> Take me now Ron <revulva> Do you feel that the material you have produced over the last album and (one assumes) over this record, a 'masses' version of the earlier, 'undergraduate shit you were producing on GTS'OTrenaissance, Hot Dogma, et al? <woolfie> channel V rool.... is it true you're doing The Joint on May 28 <eggy> who is singing on that bonus track from the boxset.. it is a girl in a toilet.. was she in TISM? <FunkyGroo> have any corporate sheep been offended in the making of your jackets? <Flaubert> Can any of you type answers or have you become converts to complete visuality? <Vort_X> if it's TISM root... <Kelpie242> In the soon to be released TV movie TISM: Never tell me don't cum, what do you think of Charles Bud Tingwell's performance as Ron? <Flaubert> Is visuality a word? <Luke> Don't ever reveal youselves it will DESTROY everthing you stand for! <chubby> we are from alternate base radio in sydney and we want to play your single up here in syd <Rooter> wowow <james> only wankers call themselves james <Rooter> heheh *** lakepipe is now known as sohardoh <Rooter> :) <Vort_X> do you want the .bmp i got of ron unmasked... <Rooter> stiffy <james> Jimbo you're a crock of shit <Victims> RON: Did you like your Victims t-shirt? (and did your MUM like hers?) <eggy> this sucks. sorry that ain't a question <^Medea^> VORTX-YES YES YES!  I DO! <james> And so are all the cunts you follow <sohardoh> i like middle class boys <PunkyFunk> Humprey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!!!!!!!!!!! <Flaubert> Why do you think people believe "revealing yourselves" involves taking off your masks? <Rooter> Mongoloid he was a mongolod .... da da da da da <Vort_X> medea-i'll give it to ya afterwards.. <cyclonic> ^Medea^my love..kiss me..... <james> Defecate <Flaubert> Do you have any recipies for quail? <woolfie> which internet names are actually tism members? *** sdw has quit IRC (Leaving) <^Medea^> Vort_X-Ta! <eggy> What of the track "russia" ? <Kelpie242> Are they actually answering these questions live? Can't see or hear... <BULO> All I see is questions! Slow down! I'm dislexic <Rooter> The answer to the Universe is ?  well were still guessing ! <TisM> As an addun TISM: I think Wayne Carey and Ian Roberts would make a good couple...thoughts? Cyclonic, why don't you grow a bigger set of titsts. <^d00bie^> tism!, and ron in particular, on your ever-popular second album release "hot dogma" you use the "i'm dying" motif on three (3) different songs. Can you explain why although that was around ten years ago, you are still alive. Have you been replaced by a former band member from Naughty by Nature, or are you just a clone made from old dna? <KickiTT> LEO! THEY SAID YOU NICK!!! <the_fiend> none of tism look like anyone with out their masks anyway..... <dork> was that really mimi mcpherson in your video clip? <FunkyGroo> would you like to endorse a product, maybe do a late night sex line, or an exercise machine, or slip/slop/slap? <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! * ^Medea^ KISSES CYCLONIC PASSIONATELY AS IF SHE WERE MAKING LOVE TO HIM AT A TISM CONCERT! <the_fiend> that's the secret. they are nobodies... <^Medea^> WHOA BABY!  *giggle* *KISS* *** vikingboy has quit IRC (Leaving) <Vort_X> WAS THAT YA MUM IN CUNT FILMCLIP RON? <Kittie> Hmmm.... <cyclonic> ^Medea^ thats how we'll do it baby!! <cyclonic> KickiTT: ta!!!!!!!!!! <Flaubert> Mr Barassi, what is your relationship to structuralism? <Rooter> heheh *** RonBarass ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <KickiTT> TWICE!! <sohardoh> The simulacrum is the nihilism of the french postmodernist theorist (aka wanker)'s dream of a new marxist utoia. Discuss <cyclonic> wicked!!!!!!!!!!! <Planet_N> WHERE CAN WE GET A TISM BALACLAVA?  WE THINK THEY WOULD LOOK GET ON THE SECURITY MONITOR AT THE LOCAL 711. <TisM> i from alternate base radio show and we are goning to play your new single on our show in sydney Dear Chubby, that's why you're only on an alternative radio show. If tism had our choice we would be more mainstream than Pastrick Stevedore. <Elvis2> TISM for a guest spot on South Park? <FunkyGroo> what is the difference between a cunt and a fucking cunt? <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <BULO> I've got a TISM balaclava! <Victims> RON: Did you like your Victims t-shirt? (and did your MUM like hers?) *** clem ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Kittie> TISM on SouthPark would be DAMN interesting. <Kelpie242> TISM, why do stupid people think insulting your mother is a high form of wit? <Vort_X> RON; CAN YOU GET ME ONE OF THOSE WATER BOTTLES? <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <^Medea^> cyclonic-*KISS*  Damn straight baby! *KISS* <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <the_fiend> i like the furry shirts.... <PunkyFunk> v <cyclonic> they said my nick? No I have cracked a fat..come here ^Medea^!!!!!!!! <Vort_X> I LIKE FURRY ANIMALS <Planet_N> --> It would appear TISM are ignored by the mainstream media, <Planet_N> forcing you to resort to the Internet as a main form of <Planet_N> promotion.  Do you see yourselves appealing to Nerds as <Planet_N> well now, and what social minority will you draw the line <Planet_N> at? <KickiTT> YEAH!! CYBER ORGY!!!!! <cyclonic> oh god....U know what I mean... <eggy> is ANYONE getting constant auiod? <PunkyFunk> Humphrey  you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <woolfie> when can I actually go out to the stores and buy the album <Luke> Hey TISM we have your kangaroo from sunday night! hahahah <BULO> Adze is a cunt but a fucking big TISM brain wearing fan... <FunkyGroo> How did your typist break her ankle? * ^Medea^ runs into cyclonics awaiting arms...*kiss* <james> eggy are you out there <Luke> june 1st <^Medea^> HA HA HA HA!  FUCKED IS TOO RIGHT! <sohardoh> disembodiment, where are you? <Rooter>  Do you beleive the political situation in india will affect Australia or will you come back to my place for a game of TWISTER!!!!! yours flexably {monty down the back !!SPEAK UP!!} <eggy> james yeah i am why? <Vort_X> YOU SPANKS ARE TOO SLOW <clem> bevan hello from clem are you out there???? <Kelpie242> Are they doing anything interesting visually? <Flaubert> Who is Sohardoh? <King_Buzz> yawn <james> eggy just wondering <Kittie> I don't get sonstant anything.  The funniest part is that I can't understand them because I'm not used to their accents. <revulva> Who the fuck is who?!! <sohardoh> the state of india will affect the cricket. <eggy> JAMESYEAH WHY? *** MarkandCo ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <cyclonic> ^Medea^ *passionately kissing you....and other parts of you..* <PunkyFunk> Humphrey  you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <woolfie> what's the catalogue number? <eggy> who are ya anyay? <hogie> yeah shut up... <King_Buzz> I think they are masturbating <Flaubert> Mr Murphy? <james> eggy hey i said i was just wondering!!!!! <Victims> RON: Did you like your Victims t-shirt? (and did your MUM like hers?) <King_Buzz> Yes I think they are <BULO> How would you change Springvale TISM style? <^Medea^> King_Buzz-Why?! Aren;t you?! <PunkyFunk> Humphrey  you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <PunkyFunk> Humphrey  you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <BoBcat> Pete? Where are Ya? <Kelpie242> Is anyone recording this? <clem> bevan where are you???? <eggy> james okjayokayokayokayo but out of a hunderd people you pick me? <BULO> Punky... FUCK OFF! <King_Buzz> Fuck off punkyfunk you complete dickhead * ^Medea^ submits to cyclonics lips....and other parts of him....*giggle* <sohardoh> sohardo, i'm taking a break but i am not quitting. no no no . ask my army or my son. but everyone in Indonesia likes the tism <TisM>  were you inspired by the Mimi vide? Dear Elvis 2, please refer to our lawyers at Aroni Colman. Especially their Camboidna office (we like our kneecaps the way they are) <Planet_N> --> It would appear TISM are ignored by the mainstream media, forcing you to resort to the Internet as a form of promotion.  Do you see yourselves appealing to Nerds as well now, and what social minority will you draw the line at? <woolfie> what's the next single? <dork> Punkyfunk: what's the story? where's the band? <PunkyFunk>  Humphrey  you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <PunkyFunk> Humphrey  you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <Flaubert> This is more interesting than oyster farming. <PunkyFunk> Humphrey  you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!! <Kittie> I wouldn't tell Punky to fuck off... he's got ops. <GrrrRich> When are TISM going to ascend to the next level of musical performance - the rooftop concert?  (ON a train!?) <Doombu> only just <BULO> Oh! You can type man, I want to suck your cock. Adze <King_Buzz> Jesus Punkyfuckingfunk Im going to kill you <james> eggy sorry i got a little carried away. Blow me <sohardoh> is amway a presupposition to death or vice versa <Vort_X> I SAID THAT <PunkyFunk> want us to boot you out Kit? <BULO> Punky sucks.. <Kelpie242> TISM, do you use post modernism as a legitimate mode of zeitgesity expression, or rather a hip bi-word to lure self important Generation WHy'ers? <cyclonic> Cyclonic madly sets to work on ^Medea'^ hot body... <Vort_X> SAY MY NAME U BASTARDS <Victims> In 1985 Ronald Reagan visited a war cemetery in Bitburg, Germany. He described the SS soldiers interred there as "victims of Nazism, just as surely as any others". <Victims> i) Are the members of TISM also "victims of TISM" in this context? <Victims> ii) Who would TISM like to visit their graves? <Flaubert> Punky, do you consider your name effeminate? <james> Vort X <Vort_X> yeah <KickiTT> FUCKING SAY MY NICK YOU CUNTS <^Medea^> VORT-THEY ALREADY SAID IT! *** King_Buzz has quit IRC (Leaving) <woolfie> do you know there are a whole bunch of people drinking booze on your account up here in Sydney? <james> yeah <Elvis2> Thanks for answering my Q, guys *** revulva has quit IRC (Leaving) <eggy> Tism, is it hard to shave with that mask on? <Vort_X> I WANT THEM TO SAY IT AGAIN..BASTARDS <hogie> are you guys planning another round of perth gigs?? <Flaubert> Elvis is a suck <clem> bevan hello from clem are you out there???? <woolfie> what are you going to do about it? <james> Vort X <eggy> TISM - how come you did answer my faxes on JJJ!!!! <KickiTT> WHERE IS JACK??? <Vort_X> FUCK OFF JAMES U MONKEY SPANKER <Luke> Yeh TISM, when are you going to invite yobs up on stage like you did in your non popular state in the past? <james> Vort X <sohardoh> more red more red more red <Kittie> Let me know if they say anything good.  I only get feed every other minute. <bernard> where in Sydney? <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber plesae respond <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber plesae respond <Victims> In 1985 Ronald Reagan visited a war cemetery in Bitburg, Germany. He described the SS soldiers interred there as "victims of Nazism, just as surely as any others". <Victims> i) Are the members of TISM also "victims of TISM" in this context? <Victims> ii) Who would TISM like to visit their graves? <eggy> TISM - hhow come you DIDNT answer my faxes on jjj??!?! <KickiTT> RON, WHY DO YOU BLEACH YOUR HAIR? <the_fiend> quit the repeats people..... <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <KickiTT> RON, WHY DO YOU BLEACH YOUR HAIR??? <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <the_fiend> if they will answer it they will.... <clem> cyclonic  are you out there??? <Vort_X> WHY DID HE STRIP FOR THE METRO..BUT NOT FOR US NOW.. <Vort_X> WE WANT RON NAKED <Flaubert> TISM, did you invent you name as a sonorous compliment to JISM? <Vort_X> WE WANT RON NAKED <cyclonic> cyclonic is still here.... <TisM> TISM, do you use post modernism as a legitimate mode of zeitgesity expression, or rather a hip bi-word to lure self important Generation WHy'ers? Dear Kelpie,242, tism formed a band to engage in coital relations. we are unfortunately married and consequently too dumb to answer your question. Our new single is called "smack my bitcher" And did you know Kelpie 242 that the prodigy received help with the title of their previous album "music for the ji <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <hogie> we want ron to keep his clothes on.... <dork> We want TISM <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <KickiTT> RON, HUMPHREY, REMOVE YOUR MASKS! <HNB> 2 years down the track, people STILL argue about whether or not your first/only Darwin gig so far was MIMED...welll? <woolfie> what do you think of the trouble in Indonesia at the moment - have you considered touring there? <james> woolfie, are you upstairs or down? *** meson ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <FunkyGroo> What is behind your constant evasion of questions of sartorial integrity?  Will you clearly and finally admit the dirty secret? *** revulva ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <BULO> ADZIE WANTS RONS COCK! <woolfie> I'm upstairs! <sohardoh> tism are infact extremely PoMo as they are a simulacrum, and a bad one at that, of the seminal American band of the 70s The Residents <KickiTT> WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY WEB PAGE??? *** RonBarass has quit IRC (Leaving) <BULO> FUCK YOUR WEB PAGE! <Flaubert> Nothing is happening, except that I think I'm being noticed. Isn't that exciting? <Vort_X> CAN I HAVE ONE OF THOSE WATER BOTTLES <Vort_X> CAN I HAVE ONE OF THOSE WATER BOTTLES <Rooter> why are sports journalists taking over the english language (eg. moving the goal posts, level plying field, BIG ASK)?? <hogie> how did all the noisy tossers up the back manage to get admission to the live broadcast??? <TisM>  come on, admit that your public performances are psychosexual at heart, Dear Grrich our performances are deeply deeply psychosexual. the only time we do not perform sexually is in bed. <Doombu> residents blow <bernard> punky bulo must die * cyclonic greedily kissing ^Medea^ *** sdw ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Kittie> Would someone tell me if they say that they're gonna post this clip later? <sohardoh> who the fuck is ... <Flaubert> Would people please stop talking about postmodernism. <wellonnec> when are you guys going to write a hit? <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <Vort_X> WE'VE SEEN JACK HOLT'S FACE..WE WANT RON NAKED. <Victims> In 1985 Ronald Reagan visited a war cemetery in Bitburg, Germany. He described the SS soldiers interred there as "victims of Nazism, just as surely as any others". <Victims> i) Are the members of TISM also "victims of TISM" in this context? <Victims> ii) Who would TISM like to visit their graves? <dork> where are TISM? <clem> cyclonic are you out or just out there? <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <Planet_N> >>> TISM, It would appear you are ignored by the mainstream media, forcing you to resort to the Internet as a form of promotion.  Do you see yourselves appealing to Nerds as well now, and what social minority will you draw the line at? <sohardoh> when are we going to get the free cd <PunkyFunk> v <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond * ^Medea^ ASKS TISM: DOES THE FACT THAT YOUR MUSIC IS SPREADING TO NORTH AMERICA FRIGHTEN YOU GUYS OR IMPRESS YOU? <PunkyFunk> v <PunkyFunk> Are the masks a post modern attempt at hiding the truth, we have a theory that you are all the unibomber please respond <BULO> BERNARD IS PUNKY FUNK'S LOVE CHILD <KickiTT> YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! <dork> PhunkyFunk are you feeling like a tool, TISM aren <eggy> Tism, i used excerpts from your book, "guide to little aesthetics"" and your album "Form and Meaning reach ultimate communinon"" as arguements against wankers like Owen, Elliot, Blake etc in my english essay. I failed. do you see this as fair? <BoBcat> Pete!! where are ya <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett! <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett! <Vort_X> AND MY ARSE. <Flaubert> How do you do that repeat thing, Punky Funk, as we'd all like to dominate the screen. Fifteen inches of fame. <PunkyFunk> Humphrey you bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett! <woolfie> what do you think of the Hi-Fi bar - is it a hole? * cyclonic cyclonic congratulates ^Medea^ on an insightful question while he gets nasty... <BULO> PUNKY FUCK YOU CUNT! <clem> doombu clem here anyone out there we are not amused <KickiTT> YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 <wellonnec> Can you guys possibly write a song without swearing in it? <dork> PhunkyFunk are you feeling like a tool, TISM aren't even there, this is a hoax <PunkyFunk> Pete's hiding .... <Luke> hey tism, how long ago did RON get married is that the ceremony on the front of the I might be a cunt video? <Kelpie242> See, Post Moden again, the bi-word for the intellectually barren <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <james> Tism Take me now Ron <HNB> what do you think of the rumor that u guys were actually Painters & Dockers in disguise/ <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? *** clem ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (clem) <sohardoh> the postmodern condition is something that we are all living with, so there is no way to stop the discourse, besides, postmodernism holds no truth, only allusion, surfaces... <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <Kittie> You hit the up arrow on your keyboard.... <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <BoBcat> ok <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <Flaubert> Sexual innuendo. <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <Luke> shut up acehole! <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <BULO> TISM ARE SITTING ON ADZE'S COCK! <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <sohardoh> you cannot hide the truth since there is none <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <TisM> RON, CAN YOU SLEEP WITH MY SISTER??? Dear Kickitt, I cannot sleep with your sister. I do deeply want to. Unfortunately she does noit awant to sleep with me, I asked her, backck in hyear 10. No-one wants to sleep with me. I'm deeplu in touch with my sexuality, nobobdy else is I respect women. Yours isncerely RHB PS I don't really respect women. <FunkyGroo> is your new album a 'concept' album? please explain? love pauline <hogie> stop the god damn repeats....... <Planet_N> TISM, is there any truth to the rumour that the real identity of the girl in the clip "I Might be a Cunt, but I'm Not a Fucking Cunt" is Lisa McCune? <Vort_X> HBF LOOKS STONED *** ^d00bie^ is now known as zb <sohardoh> objectivity is over <dork> i don't think you heard us Phunkyfuck where are the band? <Flaubert> Acehole, you hab muk to ofer us. <the_fiend> acehole! they are not the klf. get over it allready!!!! * ^Medea^ sits in cyclonic's lap.... <wellonnec> are you guys really graduates from monash uni? <Kelpie242> In the CUNT song you say you have to wonder about Tarantino, what exactly is it you're wondering? <BULO> Why don't you all just drink piss and fall over! *** RonBarass ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 * cyclonic *LMAO* <sohardoh> tism wrote the screenplay to clueless <KickiTT> I GOT MY QUESTION ANSWERED, AND THEY SAID MY NICK!  MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE!!! <TisM>  who do i have to root to get backstage? We've been asking that for years. Maybe we should've called ourselves TOnic. <Kelpie242> In the CUNT song you say you have to wonder about Tarantino, what exactly is it you're wondering? <sohardoh> unknown fact <^Medea^> HA HA HA! <Victims> In 1985 Ronald Reagan visited a war cemetery in Bitburg, Germany. He described the SS soldiers interred there as "victims of Nazism, just as surely as any others". <Victims> i) Are the members of TISM also "victims of TISM" in this context? <Victims> ii) Who would TISM like to visit their graves? <PunkyFunk> we heard yoy dork ... the band are here ... in the bar <dork> are you all suckers noone is listening to you except phunkyfuck <Vort_X> U GO KICKETT <BULO> Mr TISM's I know who you are! <Kelpie242> In the CUNT song you say you have to wonder about Tarantino, what exactly is it you're wondering? * cyclonic ^Medea^ sits DOWN on his "lap" <Flaubert> Monash University doesn't produce graduates. <Kittie> Did they tell you to fuck off, and that no, you couldn't have one of their water bottles? <zb> TISM, you strike out against many groups of people in your gusty emphatic music. But a lot of your songs strongly commit to a dance/techo rhythm. This means that the most likely audience for your songs are those that you are striking against. Do you feel that your message is conveyed better this way? or is it just getting lost down the shitter? <woolfie> have the members of TISM remained the same in your long and illustrious career? <GrrrRich> why aren't TISM the KLF?  the KLF were just a bunch of annoying wankers with a few intruments inc samplers <wellonnec> in which century are you going to answer any of my questions? <PunkyFunk> bully for you BULO <Luke> Hey TISM, do you think that all your fans should wear mask like the yob on sunday night? <GrrrRich> monash uni produces undergradute humour ;P * ^Medea^ purrs at cyclonic <Flaubert> TISM, what is your relation to Mr Michael M. (UNSW)? <eggy> which band(s) would TISM most prefer to do tism tributes or cover versions? <Vort_X> RON GRAB ME.....ONE OF THOSE WATER BOTTLES. <Flaubert> Fart? <the_fiend> planet no it;'s shelby stevens! the porn starr!!!!!! <Victims> In 1985 Ronald Reagan visited a war cemetery in Bitburg, Germany. He described the SS soldiers interred there as "victims of Nazism, just as surely as any others". <Victims> i) Are the members of TISM also "victims of TISM" in this context? <Victims> ii) Who would TISM like to visit their graves? <Kittie> Stupid question, what's a yob, anyway? <sohardoh> Is it coincidence that Ron Barassi sounds uncannily like Mike moore <Kelpie242> In the CUNT song you say you have to wonder about Tarantino, what exactly is it you're wondering? <KickiTT> GUYS, THROW THE WATER BOTTLES AT THE CAMERA!!!!!!!!!! <FunkyGroo> tell us about the album...pauline hanson loves your 'verk'!!! <dork> what water bottle? is this a club v thing? <revulva> Which one of you is related to Peter Stevens (not the motorbike dealership)? You Know WHO YOU ARE!!!! <Victims> In 1985 Ronald Reagan visited a war cemetery in Bitburg, Germany. He described the SS soldiers interred there as "victims of Nazism, just as surely as any others". <Victims> i) Are the members of TISM also "victims of TISM" in this context? <Victims> ii) Who would TISM like to visit their graves? <sohardoh> late show/tism <Flaubert> Why can't I stop this? I could be picking up? <eggy> RB sounds like mick molloy! <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <sohardoh> never tour at the same time, <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <hogie> HOW DID ALL THE NOISY TOSSERS UP THE BACK GET ADMISSION TO THE LIVE TRANSMISSION????? <Kittie> If they throw the bottle, then I would get even LESS feed than I am now.... <HNB> is anybody logging any of this? <the_fiend> kelpie you idiot!!! it's wondering about if they are lying...... the atrantino line is sperate.... <sohardoh> surely there is an excuse for such nonprolific discography <BULO> I do remember having convo with Ron-Hilter backstage with his mask shoved down me pants. You must have been admiring my ginormous cock. Why didn't you take me home ? <KickiTT> I am logging it, HNB <james> Hogie this IS the music business <^Medea^> THANKS FOR THE PIC VORT!!!! <woolfie> please say hello to the folks in Sydney - they're all getting a little bored... * cyclonic Anne Lidell is very cool....she can do amazing things with polystyrene <Kelpie242> the-fiend: Not true, listen to the song you gimp * hillary proposes to TISM <HNB> *bows down to KickiTT <Flaubert> Sohardo, don't you (th)ink about the poss(ibility) that you are somehow under the spell of French couture?\ <the_fiend> i have..... <Vort_X> WE GOT U UNMASKED RHB. PUSSY <Kittie> No, they are not Ozzy Ozbourne, and they are not going to eat any animals onstage. <PunkyFunk> Humphrey yoou bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!!!!! <PunkyFunk> Humphrey yoou bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!!!!! <the_fiend> you goit.... <KickiTT> been logging since 4.30pm!!! <PunkyFunk> Humphrey yoou bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!!!!! <Acehole> 0,1WILL 0,1TISM 0,1EVER 0,1DO 0,1A 0,1SLOLO 0,1WITH 0,1 HILLARY 0,1CLINTON??? <PunkyFunk> Humphrey yoou bear a striking resemblence to Jeff Kennett!!!!! <dork> who are all you morons talking to? <Acehole> 0,1WILL 0,1TISM 0,1EVER 0,1DO 0,1A 0,1SOLO 0,1WITH 0,1 HILLARY 0,1CLINTON??? <wellonnec> what do tism look like in the nude? <Acehole> 0,1WILL 0,1TISM 0,1EVER 0,1DO 0,1A 0,1SOLO 0,1WITH 0,1 HILLARY 0,1CLINTON??? <BULO> Punkyfunk, well said dickhead <Flaubert> Does anyone want me to stay? Does anyone love me(at)? <sohardoh> we are budding intellectuals, with your help we could get there... <woolfie> jeff kennet is way more interesting - stop repeating that crap * cyclonic passionately kissing ^Medea^, while doing...... <sohardoh> love is over <meson> <luke> rhb, do you get off on the fact that the people you put shit on in your songs ie-'yob' are probably your biggest fans?/ <eggy> are silver chair a driving force in the otherwise dry wasteland of Australian rock, or are they simply another dead cattle skull infested with the scorpions of the Angels and ACDC, lying on the road westward to the ultimate home of rock, the USA. <Kelpie242> The-fiend: A direct line "I might like Tarantino but sometimes you gotta wonder, <next line> I mightn't tell the truth all the time hey what's your mum's number" <james> woolfie if you think we're bored now, wait till the bar tab runs out <BULO> Answer ... naked! <revulva> Your film clip (I dunno which one, we just saw it tonight) enlists the help of the commerdcial personages, radio/music/etc. They must have felt supacool and cutting edge and proactive and on the upside of something 'new'. Yet, we know how it is, don't we? <Kelpie242> so... <GrrrRich> are tism the hunter or the hunted in this world of corporate slavery? <Flaubert> I am a budding flower, not a budding intellectual. <Kelpie242> The-fiend: A direct line "I might like Tarantino but sometimes you gotta wonder, <next line> I mightn't tell the truth all the time hey what's your mum's number" * cyclonic a lower back workout... * ^Medea^ asks cyclonic what it is he is "doing" while kissing her... <Kelpie242> In the CUNT song you say you have to wonder about Tarantino, what exactly is it you're wondering? <TisM>  TISM! WHAT IS A CLICK CLACK? Dear the fiend, do you introduce yourself at parties as hello I'm the fiend, or hello I'm fiend. I used to introduce myself as hello I'm the humphrey and found this to be a very unsuccesful way of meeting people. I have a suggestion for the Mavvii, if they were to call themselves the Mavis, they would be very successful. In answer to your question, there is no such thing as a click clack. <RonBarass> hello <bernard> bulo licked punky's arse <woolfie> ah, yes, we are meaning to talk to you about that bar tab... <KickiTT> WHO ARE THE ACTORS IN THE "CUNT" VIDEO??? <the_fiend> it's not tarantino you gotta wonder about!!!! <eggy> Explain your reasons, using reference to other 'rock' bands, and Australian bands, such as yourselves. <dork> james were you talking to us? is your keyboard really grubby like ours? * cyclonic LMAO!!!!!!! <Vort_X> HELLO ,I HATE LACHLAN 'THE WANKER' MEAD AND WILL NEVER SLEEP WITH HIS DOG AGAIN......YOURS SENCIERLY..RON HITLER BARASSI *** MarkandCo has quit IRC <Acehole> 0,3TISM 0,12TAKE 0,7OFF 8,2YOUR 0,4MASKS <Acehole> 0,3TISM 0,12TAKE 0,7OFF 8,2YOUR 0,4MASKS <Acehole> 0,1WILL 0,1TISM 0,1EVER 0,1DO 0,1A 0,1SOLO 0,1WITH 0,1 HILLARY 0,1CLINTON??? <the_fiend> you gottawonder do they tell the truth all the time! * ^Medea^ laughs hysterically <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <Flaubert> Ron, how dare you interrupt. * cyclonic grinding into ^Medea^......grunting.... <sohardoh> we all live within masks, it is just the explicit mask that bothers you? <bernard> Tism, Do you get angry when your masks get ripped off? <eggy> what happend to tony Coitus? *** reddy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Acehole> 9TISM 9HAVE 9YOU 9CONSIDERED 9A 9STRIP 9SHOW? <Kittie> How the FUCK do you do a SOLO album with other people?!!?!? <KickiTT> Go Cyclonic! <Luke> everyone shut up and we will get answers sooner! <Acehole> 0,1DEAR 0,1TISM..... 0,1DO 0,1U 0,1HAVE 0,1PLANS 0,1TO 0,1EAT 0,1ANIMALS 0,1ON 0,1STAGE? <Vort_X> IS ANYONE TAPING THIS. <woolfie> it's gone a little quiet - are you all still there? <RonBarass> How's Ken Done <BULO> Fortune favours the fuckwit! <Vort_X> KEEP IT DOWN AT THE BACK CYC. <KickiTT> Vort - I'm logging the channel <dork> james where are you? you seem to have a sense of humour. <Acehole> 0,1WILL 0,1TISM 0,1EVER 0,1DO 0,1A 0,1ALBUM 0,1WITH 0,1 HILLARY 0,1CLINTON??? <sohardoh> flaubert, the tism lyrics seem to have a strong intellectual debt to irigaray no? <Vort_X> K <eggy> iis aanyone getting straming audio? <Flaubert> Ken's very well, thanks Ron. <KickiTT> dunno about the sound though. . . <Kittie> It won't allow me to tape it.... * ^Medea^ love-bites cyclonic's chest.... <james> here * cyclonic wheres your camera KickiTT? this is better than the video... <BULO> Woolfie we're here! How's upstairs going! <Flaubert> The TISM lyrics have a strong debt to any number of proper nouns. <sohardoh> la la la <Kelpie242> IS your new album going to be any good? <james> there <woolfie> upstairs is rocking - come on up! * ^Medea^ giggles at cyclonic... <james> everywhere *** chubby has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <eggy> when does the album come out? <sohardoh> where is the pipster? <KickiTT> I'll post you and Medea's lines on my page!!! <Kittie> Do TISM answer their e-mail, or do they get other people to do it? <HNB> eggy; album due on june 1 *** Freshy ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <wellonnec> are you ever gonna have an orderly perform with you agin? <dork> is there anyone using this internet chat JOKE with a ponytail? <bernard> When are you launching your album? * cyclonic groans loudly, as he positions her..... <revulva> Woolfie, doya wann have sex tonite? <sohardoh> pipstar pipstar you are defined by lack <eggy> well why launch it now? <BULO> hi woolfie, downstairs is rockin too <Flaubert> We all have ponytails. <dork> maybe a short one? * ^Medea^ asks cyclonic-HEY! WANNA RE-DO THE "CUNT" VIDEO FOR THEM?! <woolfie> only if it's with a music director and national promotions manager <KickiTT> THAT'S IT???????? <Kelpie242> <ponder> I still want to know what they're wondering about Tarantino... <eggy> tism you look like homeboys in those stripy traacksuits <james> male or female ponytail <sohardoh> more red <HNB> GYPPED!!!! <the_fiend> TISM NO I HAVE OTHER FRIENDS WHO INTRODUCE ME AS THE FIEND>>> I DO USE MY REAL NAME BUT MY FRIENDS THINK IT'S A GREAT GIGGLE.... the bastards. <revulva> Aww, jeez, a music editor? <Flaubert> Less red. <Vort_X> ALL HOMEBOYS ARE DICKHEADS..INCLUDING TISM <Elvis2> I don't want TISM... <TisM> AOne tended to use two of these in a very rhythmic manner in order to prduce a sound which was the reason for the onomatopaeic title click clack. it is not widely known that the click clack was in fact the origin of techno music. Never mind Frankie Knuckles in Chicago, it was in fact Sandra Smallmen at St Josephs, primary school who invented techno. Sadly, she died. Her last words were you'll never get a dance out of me Humphry, but at least I inve <dork> who cares about TISM there not out there, so what's on your mind boys? * cyclonic tells ^Medea^ we'll do it far better than that piece of low budget nonsense!!! <hogie> i think the guys look like a couple of gymps <wellonnec> what do you guys think about triple M and triple J as rock and roll....stations? <BULO> Suck more piss woolfie *** clem ([email protected]) has joined #tismlive1 <Flaubert> Can anyone show me how to use the internet? <dork> male baby <james> sorry my fucked punctuation. must be all the free piss <Freshy> TISM: when are you gonna enter your country music phase??? <Kelpie242> I love the fiend... he's such a good old dinkum character <chuckle> <KickiTT> that's it, they've gone <Freshy> all turn up with cowboy hats and masks on <hogie> we would if the friggin albom was out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <TisM> That's the end of that for tonight everyone. Thanks for dropping in........................TISM <Vort_X> DOH <hogie> fuck off baldy <Kittie> Oh?  It's over? <HNB> SCAM!!! * ^Medea^ tells cyclonic-YEAH! AND LET'S HAVE ALL OF TISM IN THE ROOM AT THE TIME! <Vort_X> I AGREE... <Flaubert> Great finish TISM! * Kittie sighs. * cyclonic BYE GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! <the_fiend> yay! <woolfie> i'm as dry as a ..... c*(t to use a tism turn of phrase <Vort_X> SEND ME SOME DRINK.. <GrrrRich> did I mention TISM are _fucking cunts_ <sohardoh> there once was a girl called collette dinigin, she flew to france but had to fly back inigin, because she showed them too much skinigin, poor old collette dinigin <Vort_X> so now what.. <BULO> Hey Woolfie lets just fuck this TISM hype and suck piss! <wellonnec> andy from shock in sydney would like to say you guys are way better than glide! <KickiTT> BYE CUNTS!!! <eggy> that sucked. <Kelpie242> Oh... *** hillary has quit IRC (Leaving) <the_fiend> horay fro tism for putting up with such a bunch of turds like us!!!! *** TiSmLoVeR ([email protected]) has left #tismlive1 (TiSmLoVeR) * cyclonic rams into ^Medea^ <BULO> Seeya cunts <eggy> i hope they realese this video <Kelpie242> YOU CUNTS WHAT ARE YOU WONDERING ABOUT TARANTINO??? YOU BASTARDS!!!! * ^Medea^ yells at TISM:BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! <eggy> okay i spelt it wrong <Vort_X> kicket...talk to ya later...icq#8527204 <james> fdzrheshs <Flaubert> Sohardoh, Sohardo, Sohardo.... <hogie> well that was informative...NOT <woolfie> i thought TISM were glide * ^Medea^ SCREAMS!!!!!! <dork> so does anyone have ponytails? <Luke> thanks guys, see me in a mask at the next gig! <Elvis2> seeya Session Close: Tue May 19 19:47:53 1998
0 notes
John was at his first munch, which was a meeting for people interested in kink. He sipped his beer as he saw the waitresses of the pub rush past him. Animated conversations were going on around him, but he didn't find them to be of any interest. He was too young to worry about mortgages. He didn't even have a job.
John took out his phone and started swiping through different social media apps.
"You look bored," came a voice.
John looked up to see a young woman with purple hair, piercings and tattoos. She was wearing a black dress and had cat's eye glasses on.
"What makes you think that?"
"You're on your phone. Whenever I see someone on their phone at a munch, I can tell they're bored."
"I guess you're right. This is my first munch and I'm not really feeling it."
"Understandable. It can be quite a strange and overwhelming experience for people. Wanna come over to my table?"
John got up and followed her to another table full of people. They sat down beside each other.
"I forgot to introduce myself," she said, holding out her hand. "I'm Danielle."
"John," he replied, shaking it.
"Nice to meet you, John."
"Nice to meet you, too."
"So, what brought you here?"
"Well, I used to do kinky stuff with my girlfriend. We were the only ones in our friend group who did that kind of stuff. After she broke up with me, I stopped doing it. It's been three years since then. Kink used to be a big part of my life and I've recently started missing it. A friend told me about this event and I thought I would go and try to meet new people."
"Cool. Are you a dom or a sub?"
"Dom. I like to be dominant in bed. I'm pretty submissive in everyday life, so I like to have power and control when I can."
"Cool. Me, too. I enjoy doing evil things to people. It's a lot of fun."
John laughed. "I know, right?"
"What kinds of stuff did you and your girlfriend do, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Oh, spanking, hair pulling, scratching, biting, some whips, a bit of bondage."
"Okay, so pretty basic stuff."
"Yeah. We were pretty vanilla when it came to kink."
Him and Danielle both laughed.
"That's okay," replied Danielle. "Everybody's gotta start somewhere."
"That's true."
"What kind of music do you like to listen to?"
"Heavy metal, mostly."
"Oh, have you heard of Sunn O)))? They're really good. I went to their concert."
"I listened to them a bit. I'm not that into doom metal."
"It was great seeing them live. Their concert was at an abandoned power plant. I felt my whole body vibrate with every note they played. My hands were completely numb after the concert. It was quite an experience."
"Really? That sounds cool. I should check them out sometime."
"You should. They're great. So what kind of bands do you listen to?"
"Mostly melodic death metal. Arch Enemy, Amon Amarth, old In Flames, that kind of stuff."
"Oh, nice. Been to any concerts lately?"
"Yeah. I was at the Black Dahlia Murder concert a few weeks ago. That was the first time I entered a mosh pit, and I think it will be the last. One guy accidentally elbowed me in the face and my nose started bleeding."
"Yikes. Yeah. Moshing isn't for everybody."
"I know, right? You're pretty cool."
"You're quite cool yourself."
"Wanna keep in touch?"
"Sure. I can give you my phone number. I'm usually available to text."
"Sounds good. Maybe we can hang out sometime and have coffee."
"I would like that."
"It's good to see you again," John said, sipping his coffee.
"It's good to see you, too," replied Danielle.
"You're looking very beautiful, as always."
"Aw, thank you. That's so sweet."
"You're welcome."
"I'm debating whether I should get something. I haven't had breakfast yet."
"Just get something. Why do you need to debate?"
"Well, the only thing I can get here is a sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes and a hash brown. Asking for that is quite a pain for the staff, because it's a special order. They don't have it on the menu."
"Oh, are you vegetarian?"
"Vegan, actually. It can be quite annoying at times, but I do it for the animals."
"Oh, okay." John stared at the BLT he had already bitten into.
Danielle laughed. "Don't worry about it. I don't mind people eating meat in front of me."
"That's good. I forgot to ask, but what do you do for work?"
"I'm actually on disability. I have this rare medical condition that gives me quite a lot of pain sometimes and interrupts my sleep, so I can't work. I also have ADHD and depression, which don't help things."
"Really? I have autism and depression. It can be quite a bitch sometimes."
"Oh, wow, I didn't know. I've met quite a few people with autism, and they've all been quite awesome."
"Yeah, it's not that bad for me. I'm just socially awkward at times. I have trouble picking up on subtle social cues."
"Ah, I see. I just have trouble concentrating and am always late for things. It's the reason why I was late today, actually."
"Oh, really? I was wondering about that."
"Yeah, it's not just you. I'm late for everyone. It annoys some people."
"I'm okay with it. It's worth waiting for you."
"Aw. You're so nice."
"Thanks. Anyway, what have you been up to?"
"I've been watching a bunch of old horror movies, actually."
"Oh, nice. What's your favourite?"
"Alien. I love the claustrophobic feel and the art design."
"That's a good one. Mine's Hellraiser. I'm a huge fan of Lovecraft, so I love the Lovecraftian atmosphere that Hellraiser gives off."
"That is also a good pick."
"I didn't know you also liked horror movies. That's one more thing we have in common. Huzzah!"
Danielle laughed. "My partner got me into them. He's a huge horror fanatic."
"Oh, cool. How long have you two been together?"
"Two years."
John whistled. "That's a long time."
"Yup. We live together and everything."
"Nice. The longest relationship I had was seven months."
"That's not bad. That was a while ago, right?"
"Yeah. Three years ago. I kinda miss having a girlfriend, but also kinda not. I have ways of dealing with it now."
"Oh, really? What are those ways?"
John's face turned red. "Um... I hire escorts."
"Oh, cool. I know quite a few people who are sex workers. You're the first person I've met who actually hires them."
John blew out of sigh of relief. "I'm glad you're cool with that. I found there's a lot of stigma behind hiring escorts."
"Yeah. It's stupid. As long as it involves two consenting adults, what does it matter if money is exchanged? The laws and social norms around this are just silly."
"I totally agree. Sex work should be legalized. I thought Canada was supposed to be progressive. I'm surprised at how conservative they are when it comes to sex work."
"Yeah. Canada's on the right track, but it still has a long way to go."
"Agreed. Do you have anything planned for tonight?"
"Nothing much. Just more horror movies. You?"
"I have a movie event at a friend's house. I'm part of this anime group that meets regularly at a person's house. I found them online. I'm quite enjoying it so far."
"Oh, nice. I never got into anime."
"I used to watch it as a kid, but I didn't get really into it until I joined this group."
This is the last conversation John had with Danielle over text.
Hey Danielle. How's it going?
Not too bad. Yourself?
I'm not doing too well. I just got kicked out of the anime club.
Oh, no. I'm so sorry. What happened?
The guy whose house I was at said I was flirting with his girlfriend. I didn't even realize.
Well, you do seem to flirt with women quite a bit. What kinds of things did you say?
Just my standard stuff. You're looking very beautiful today. That dress looks good on you. That kind of stuff.
Ouch. Yeah. You should be careful about that. I don't mind you being flirty with me because I know you mean well, but others might take it the wrong way.
I understand that, but I don't think it was fair for him to just kick me out. He should've given me a warning first.
I disagree. What you were doing was a huge red flag. He was just being careful. I'm sure he's dealt with people who have made women uncomfortable before.
I still think he should've talked to me first.
Then we will have to agree to disagree.
So you're taking his side now? I thought you were my best friend.
I'm not taking anyone's side. Besides, I don't see you as a best friend. We're not even that close. We've only known each other for a few months. We may have talked about sensitive topics, but that doesn't make us best friends.
I didn't know you felt that way.
Well, now you do.
Well, I'm still angry at them. Not only my friend, but also his girlfriend. If I was making her uncomfortable, she should've said something. It's their fault, not mine.
That's not how it works, John. She probably just didn't want to make a fuss. Women are conditioned to keep quiet about these kinds of things. There have been women killed over less.
How am I supposed to know they're uncomfortable if they don't tell me?
You pick up on the subtle social cues.
But I have autism. I have trouble with that.
Now you're just making excuses.
It's not an excuse. It's an explanation. I know now what I did was wrong. I just wish people wouldn't be so harsh on me.
John, this conversation is making me really uncomfortable. I think we should stop being friends.
What do you mean?
Goodbye, John. Hopefully you can learn from this.
Oh, so I'm the creep now. Gotcha.
John was standing the subway platform.
I'm worthless, he thought. I don't deserve to be close to anyone. I'm a stupid, worthless failure and a horrible person. I deserve to die. I'm gonna jump in front of the next train that comes.
As the train neared the platform, John steeled himself up. As he went closer and closer, his heart began to race and he began to feel a coldness in his chest. His hands began to shake. Thoughts of death clouded his mind.
I can't do this, he thought as the train passed.
With tears in his eyes, John went to one of the crisis intercoms and pressed the big red button.
"Hello," came the voice from the intercom. "What is your emergency?"
"I wanna kill myself."
"Okay, we will have someone with you in a minute."
John sat and waited on one of the red benches, alone.
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suckitsurveys · 8 years
Have you ever seen a whistle pig? I’m not sure. Do you know anyone who had to have tubes put in their ears as a baby? One of the neighbor kids I grew up with had tubes in his ears. Have you ever received a video message on your cell phone? Yeah, my sister sends me some of my niece sometimes. What is the nearest glass object to you? My glasses.
Were either of your parents baptized? My mother was, my father wasn’t. When was the last time you slapped someone? I’ve never seriously slapped someone. The last concert that you were at, was there a mosh pit? Actually yes, it was my friend’s band’s show and they are a death metal band, so. What was the last computer game that you played? Minecraft kinda. Do you think pepperoni would be good on a meatball sub? No, too much meat. If you had to choose a new cell phone, what phone would you pick? I want the newest Galaxy but one the one that explodes haha. Has anyone killed one of your pets before? Fuck what a horrible thought!!! Does your bathroom have a theme to it? Not really. It’s kinda floral. I’d like our new bathroom to have a theme though! Or at least a color scheme. Are any rooms in your house themed? Not really. Again, most of my house is floral. Is there a song that as soon as you hear it you are happier? There’s a lot. Do you have a push lawnmower or a riding lawnmower? My dad has a push lawnmower. When was the last time someone teased you? Recently. Would you trust a vehicle that automatically parallel parks for you? Sounds kinda scary honestly. Have you ever hit a car while parking? Yup oops. What is your favorite breakfast food? Bagels or hasbrowns. When you are eating fast food, do you tend to get burgers or chicken? Chicken. Is there an upcoming movie you would like to see? I can’t think of any really. What is your pet[s] doing at this moment? I’m sure Ramona is sleeping right now. What do you think of the GoDaddy commercials? Eh, do they even still have those? Is there someone that you have lost respect for recently? Not recently, though. When was the last time you used Microsoft Excel? Literally right before I did this survey. What was the last thing that you recorded? My sister, my niece and I letting balloons go for my mom’s birthday. Are there photos of your parents as children in your house? Yes. Have you ever edited an article on Wikipedia? No. Do you like the show Futurama? It’s definitely one of my favorites.
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