#yuuri timeranger
himitsusentaiblog · 2 years
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Yuuri/Time Pink portrayed by Mika Katsumura from 2000′s Mirai Sentai Timeranger
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absolutelyfibulas · 5 months
It's the Dutchpinions On Red/Pink post!
Under a cut due to length, this is the result of me struggling to sleep at 3am, and wondering about the potential red/pink pairs possible in post-2000s Sentai.
Behold, my incredibly incorrect (but also completely right and infallible) bad takes!
(Warning: There's spoilers all over the place, because it was kind of hard to avoid in certain cases.)
Canon red/pink and total asspull. They already had Domon and Honami for the star-crossed Can’t Be Together tragic pairing, and Tatsuya/Yuuri seemed to just manifest out of nothingness. It’s like the writers realised they’d forgotten to have the sole woman on the team fulfil what we ALL KNOW THAT SOLE WOMAN’S PURPOSE IS and threw a dart at a wheel of the remaining guys.
Rating: Ugh.
Being an inoffensively forgettable series I don’t remember much about the team and their dynamics. I do remember that they have white instead of pink, and that white is way too young for red. 
Rating: No pair up, good call.
Doesn’t have a pink, unless you consider Ikkou’s colour pink-adjacent enough to count. In which case it’s a top notch match up. Those boys are in homosexual love. 
If we’re counting “woman on team” as the pink, then it’s Nanami, and I think she and Yousuke would murder each other if they tried dating. So they lose points for that.
Rating: A+ for potential gay. B- for potential murder.
I don’t like pairing any of the adult men in their twenties with the girl still in high school. Obviously red and pink aren’t a thing here, but my point still stands for the canon blue/pink they huffed paint and decided to go with post-canon.
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The red/pink here wouldn’t be awful, I don’t think? But Ban is too Like That, and Umeko has a sweet canon thing with green. They managed to make a complementary colour contrast combo work in a whole other way.
Rating: Not the worst. Which isn’t exactly an endorsement.
Not applicable for obvious reasons. Does get bonus points for the canon last minute pairing being so hilariously stupid (complete with magical shotgun wedding overseen by a catholic cat) that I can’t even hate it.
Rating: Houka’s bi and Tsubasa’s gay and that’s all that matters.
Another canon red/pink. This is one that I personally was completely blindsided by, but have had mutuals tell me that it was built up over time so I have to take their word for it. I actually thought if anyone was getting paired up it’d be yellow/black, which would have been weird on its own given they’re more like siblings. 
I suspect I was just too distracted by pink being an autistic gun lesbian to even remotely consider her having any romantic plot with a dude, and I sure as hell don’t remember her interacting with red for anything non-work related at any given point. God knows what they talk about on that rocket. 
Rating: This is the sentai version of that movie where Jennifer Lawrence is trapped on a starship with Crisp Rat.
Jan legally can’t date anyone, and there’s no pink. So let’s instead take a minute to think about Mele/Rio, the canon pairing who miraculously made me like a pairing that uses a trope I cannot stand.
Rating: I know they’re off having the most Addams Family Goth romance in the afterlife. I feel it in my bones.
Everyone on this team is homosexual. The only way red/pink is happening is if Gunpei persuades Hant to engage in roleplay.
Rating: They literally have an entire episode about Sousuke’s tragic summer romance with Kento Handa.
We did it. We found the milquiest of toasts. He’s a boy, she’s a girl. The only other girl option is 15, so red/pink it is. 
Rating: I don’t think Takeru knows what a girl is.
Another inoffensively forgettable series. I do remember that the red and pink in this are kind of sweet? Like they’re not canon, but I wouldn’t hate it if they were. They actually get to be friends onscreen and are both Cute Chipper 20yos, so sure, go ahead.
Rating: Eh, 's fine.
I have to admit I never really thought about Marvellous/Ahim romantically at any given point. They’re friends, they’re bros, they have the Sweet Princess Meets Snarky Pirate thing going for them. Not really my bag but sure why not. That said...
As a last minute pairing they would have been annoying as fuck.
Rating: Luka gets REALLY salty for like three months after they get together and no one’s brave enough to bring it up.
No pink, but also the only girl on the team is Yoko. Refer back to my Abaranger “20yo men dating girls in high school” notes, and consider that they’re siblings, Your Honour.
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Canon red/pink, and the last minuteiest of last minute pair ups. I have legit no idea why they decided they needed a romance in this show. It’s perfectly okay without it and even as someone who doesn’t particularly ship it, Nossan/Candelira is very cute! They didn’t need to add another romance!
Daigo spends the whole thing about as interested in Amy as a concrete brick, and Amy seemed way more concerned with Yayoi in a Not Heterosexual way. 
Rating: Whatever the writers were on, I want no part of it.
I don’t really think about shipping for this one (again, for obvious reasons), but I wouldn’t be particularly bothered by the red/pink here having a similar puppy love crush situation to blue/yellow. I’m just not really interested.
Rating: They have better things to do. Like drink apple juice.
Another team rendered Not Applicable. I mean technically it would be legal but it’s. Y’know. Still weird.
Rating: You stop that.
White instead of pink again. I think these two repel the idea of romance between them so strongly that if they’d got them together the universe would have suffered a minor meltdown and just erased the franchise from existence.
Rating: ????
Lucky and Raptor would be a wild pairing, if only for how out of left field it would be. Morbidly fascinating, if nothing else.
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Pairing either red with Tsukasa would be punishable at the Hague.
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My opinion is going to be biased by the fact I didn’t really buy the team as being particularly close anyway; this series’ red/pink would be…fine. In the way breathing nitrogen with my oxygen is fine. I didn’t ask for it, I don’t particularly want it, but also it’s not going to kill me instantaneously. These two do at least have an onscreen history of friendship, and aren’t hideously ill-matched. 
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tokuhugs · 2 years
Tatsuya & Yuuri (Mirai Sentai Timeranger, Ep. 50)
submitted from Twitter
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hi! For the kissing prompts! Could I request Ayase and Tatsuya from Timeranger for number 10!
Hell yeah you can. 10 is a neck kiss and all right all right all right, let's do this!
Tatsuya is a little bit drunk.
There's a reason for it, but Ayase can't remember why, possibly because he's had a few drinks himself. It's because of some holiday, he knows that much, Tatsuya keeps telling them about all these different Past holidays that nobody apparently remembers when they're from. There are so many holidays, how did they lose so many holidays? What happened in the intervening thousand years that made them lose so many holidays?
What was he thinking about?
Right. Tatsuya. Who has had a little too much to drink, and is thus sitting on the couch next to him, head resting on his shoulder, humming some popular song that Ayase's heard on the radio. Ayase feels like maybe making him move would be a good idea, but that would take a lot of energy, and he's busy watching Shion--who's stone cold sober, of course--trying to teach Domon and Yuuri some kind of complicated card game. Yuuri is only lightly tipsy, so she's doing all right, but Domon is having trouble not showing everyone his hand.
The humming stops, and after a moment Tatsuya says, "I remember...once, in university, the one time I got Naoto to come to a party with me I had to carry him back to his place. Because he's a lightweight."
Ayase glances down at him. "And you're doing so much better."
"No, you don't get it, he'd only had one drink." Tatsuya grins. "He was so mad when he woke up."
"You should drink some water."
"Yeah, but then I'd have to get up, I'm comfy. You have comfy shoulders." A slow blink. "And you smell good."
"I was fixing cars earlier, Tatsuya, I smell like engine grease and sweat." Ayase scowls faintly. He's already changed and showered and he can still smell it, it might not ever come out of his hair.
"That's...that's sexy, though. You get how that's sexy, right?"
Ayase's ears are suddenly burning. "Tatsuya..."
"You smell good. And you have nice hair." Tatsuya shifts over a little bit; now he's distinctly snuggling, not just leaning against Ayase's side. "And you're hot."
He had something he was going to say. He's sure he had something he was going to say, something about how everyone's in this room all together and it's not just them. Which is important. In fact it's probably extra important given that Tatsuya's lips are now pressed against the side of his neck. But it's also very difficult to get the words in order, given that Tatsuya's lips are pressed against the side of his neck. Makes it hard to concentrate.
In a truly amazing feat of timing, Shion chooses this moment to turn away from the card game and say, "Hey, are you guys sure you don't want to learn how to--oh," and then politely covers his eyes. "I was going to ask if you wanted to learn how to play but maybe you're busy?"
"Mm," Tatsuya says into the side of Ayase's neck.
Ayase says, "Tatsuya, we are. There are. Everyone's looking at us."
"Ok," Tatsuya says, sounding unconcerned, and doesn't move his face or the rest of him. "They don't get to kiss you, though."
Yuuri is visibly stifling laughter as she reaches for a bottle of water. "Maybe you should, maybe you should hydrate a little bit, Tatsuya."
"I'm fine, it's cool. Ayase smells good."
"Ayase smells like engine grease and sweat," Domon says, quietly switching his hand of cards for Shion's while Shion and Yuuri have their backs turned.
Ayase feels Tatsuya frown. "Why are you smelling Ayase?"
"Oooook. I think I'll take that, please, Yuuri." Ayase leans forward, despite Tatsuya's weight against him, and takes the bottle of water, twisting the cap off and pressing it into Tatsuya's hands despite his grumbled protests. "You need water."
"I'm fine," Tatsuya says, taking a sip of water, still leaning against Ayase's side. "It's fine. This is good water."
"I'm glad. Stop kissing me in front of everyone."
Another, "Mm," from Tatsuya, now back to resting his head on Ayase's shoulder and not kissing the side of his neck. "Can I still kiss you when we're not in front of everyone?"
Shion, turning back to the table and the card game, puts a hand over his mouth to stifle a giggle and then lets out a dismayed squawk of "Domon," when he picks up his hand of cards.
Ayase stares fixedly at the wall, because if he looks down at Tatsuya right now he'll crumble completely. "...yes. Now drink your water."
"Ok, Ayase."
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tokusatsugirlsfans · 3 years
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vrexrobo · 3 years
So funny that they’re trying to demonstrate that Sentai leaders aren’t always red but five out of seven of them were still red. They had to use a powerup for Lucky. Yusuke just has white pants 
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naraozu · 5 years
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kabutoraiger · 5 years
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you know, tatsuya, you could absolutely help yuuri out with that 👀
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shylax · 5 years
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Timeranger on Jetman
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tokuadvisor · 5 years
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biomic · 6 years
Really? I haven't seen Timeranger yet, but I feel like I heard people whining that Tatsuya/Yuri were kind of just tossed in at the end? I was hoping there was actual build up with them first, so I'm just honestly asking.
well the first half of the show is them slowly becoming friends and bonding, and then during the second half they’ll have little moments where they’re realizing they like each other more than they thought until the show really gets into the romance stuff near the endgame
i guess if you watch it and prefer them as friends it might seem forced, but i personally found it really cute and genuine. either way it’s objectively leagues above the “setup” for umika/sakuya, that’s for sure
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drivebeet · 6 years
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Ok time robo Alfa Ready time force megazord red
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tokusatsugirlsfans · 4 years
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w-chan00 · 7 years
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Belo sincronismo!
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