#yuzu please have mercy
yuzu-all-the-way · 2 years
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2012 vs 2022
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taichoh · 4 years
old friend
pairing: hitsukarin word count: 5298 (oopsies) warnings: none note: this is my self-indulgent fix-it fic because i can. technically post-canon, there's a hint of ichiruki but this is about my babies, who aren't babies anymore. :') ao3 link
Upon entering her adult years, Karin was coming to terms with her growing list of responsibilities, wishing she was just a kid again when the list was much smaller. Everyone can relate to missing things from their childhood, kicking a soccer ball around on a summer day, only having to stress about a simple book assignment instead of the plethora of things you’d worry about now, coming home to a full house even if it was chaos sometimes.. Most of the time. The house wasn’t quiet now, but it wasn’t as chaotic either. Karin missed it.
Ever since Ichigo decided to live the rest of his life in the Soul Society, things calmed down a bit. She was happy for him, he’d gotten a semblance of his life back after the Winter War, but it only took a couple years for him to crave a different life. She saw how morose her brother had gotten going day by day without a certain short black haired, newly appointed captain, and it only took him this long to realize some things everyone else could plainly see.
The Human World was boring anyway. She wouldn’t tell anyone yet, but she planned to follow in her brother’s footsteps. Karin wanted to wait much longer of course, for a multitude of reasons, one being she was stubborn and wanted to do what she set out to, fully prepared to hurdle any obstacles, and there were plenty.
But now she’s here, having finished school and now fully runs the family clinic with her sister. For a while their dad was with them, but after a very heartfelt conversation and a boatload of tissues, they all agreed that his time in this world was up as well. It was funny, how instead of his daughters, he was leaving the nest and going back home where he was welcomed, especially after the war. They missed him but Karin and Yuzu didn’t miss how much easier it was for their dad to smile whenever he visited. Still, with their brother and dad in a different world, reaching out wasn’t as easy as a phone call away, though Karin figured it wouldn’t be long before Urahara remedied that with yet another invention.
She still hangs out with old and new friends, but feigning disregard to Yuzu’s nagging about finding someone to settle down with was getting old. And so was she. Well not really, but she felt old. She was only in her 20s but she considered herself old when she found a gray hair in her hairbrush. It was most likely stress but regardless, the next thing would be wrinkles or joint pains and the stress from that is just gonna cause more grays to show up so really there’s no upside. She missed the days before puberty, and how much she didn’t care about her appearance. She doesn’t much these days either, but even Karin, with her confidence, had a list of insecurities that piled up over the years. It was part of being human she supposed. She missed when all she worried about was beating the stupid juniors at soccer, getting a scrape on her knee, grass stains, etc.. But she was skirting around the elephant in her room. She couldn’t ignore it any longer. She missed him. A lot. A huff escaped her as she stood at the sink in the bathroom connected to the clinic. She was watching the last of the suds from the soap disappear down the drain when she thought of him for what felt like the first time in ages. But it hadn’t been ages, she thought of him just a couple of days ago, when Yuzu mentioned yet again that she noticed how lonely Karin seemed. It was a bit harsh but Yuzu was right, and Karin knew she was just worried for her sister. “Have you talked to Hitsugaya recently?” The question caught her off guard and made her stop halfway from spooning more soup into her mouth. The answer was no. They hadn’t talked in quite a long time. She half expected to see him amidst the aftermath of the war, but she assumed he had a lot on his plate, so the idea was dismissed. “We barely talk to Ichigo or dad Yuzu, they’re all busy over there.” She knew it was bullshit the second it left her mouth. Acting nonchalant was getting harder and harder around Yuzu, because even though Karin is skilled at it, her sister was one of a handful of people that could break down those walls with a single push. The others are her brother and a boy with snow white hair and eyes you want to swim in, as much as she hates to admit it.
“But I remember you guys being pretty close, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you reaching out... I know you miss him.” It was so embarrassing being read so easily, and it was making her lose her appetite. “Yuzu he’s a captain, he’s got plenty on his plate as it is.” I’m sure I’m the last thing on his mind. “So is Rukia and she along with the rest of the gang visits us ! And from what we’ve heard from Ichigo and Dad, things have been going pretty smoothly.” Yuzu had a point. The last time they saw their family including Rukia was maybe a month ago. Karin was just getting in her head. She knew Toshiro probably wasn’t that busy but she also knew that he wasn’t the type to sit and do nothing. He was a busybody. When he wasn’t eating, sleeping, or visiting her, he was working. And when the time between his last visit continued to stretch, she figured he must have been as busy as can be. Or, maybe he forgot about me. “Toshiro would never forget you!” Yuzu shouted across from the table, making Karin jump and her cheeks flush. Did she say that last part out loud? “I can’t believe you would even entertain the idea! No one could forget you !” Even in an accusatory insulting tone, Karin knew Yuzu was being pragmatic. She always was. Karin groaned and hung her head over her dinner, not wanting to look at Yuzu’s disappointed glare. “I know,” she said dejectedly. “It’s just... A lot has changed. There was a war, we’ve graduated, Ichigo and Dad moved out. It’s been a while.” Karin couldn’t even remember the last time she saw him. It’s been years. Karin was a full fledged adult in her 20s. She wondered if he’d grown an inch or two by now. She missed whenever he’d roll his eyes at her height jokes. “Well I think it’s been long enough.” It seemed Yuzu was going to take matters into her own hands. Getting up from her seat, Yuzu started gathering their empty plates and explained her plan,“Ichigo, Rukia, and Dad are coming to dinner soon, so when they go back you are going with them.” This made Karin open her mouth to object but was immediately cut off, “And don’t use that excuse about leaving me alone. I can take care of myself, and I can call Jinta if I need to.” Karin sunk into her seat as she watched her sister clean up their dinner. Yuzu’s mind was made up, and Karin knew better than to argue with her. Every Kurosaki had the potential to be increasingly scary when they wanted to and that included Yuzu. Karin shivered at being at the mercy of her sister’s wrath hidden under that bubbly exterior.
So, it was happening. She was going to the Soul Society. To see Toshiro. After years of no contact. That’s fine. The more she thought about it the more her thoughts turned intrusive, and it was taking everything in her to not punch her reflection. That would end up with bloody knuckles and a broken mirror, so all Karin could do was take another breath, and leave the bathroom. Yuzu’s plan was panning out, as days from their conversation, their little family reconvened over dinner and it was time for them to go back home. Karin excused herself to go to the bathroom and grab her bag of necessities that Yuzu forced her to pack because apparently her trip was extended to a couple of days and not hours as Karin presumed. When it was announced, Yuzu simply explained she had some extra work to do so she would join next time, which everyone accepted much too easily. “You ready?” Ichigo asked as Karin rejoined them all on the main floor. Karin nodded and gave Yuzu a small smile which she mirrored and nodded as if to say ‘good luck’. The four of them filed onto the empty street and before she knew it they were walking through the Senkaimon. Isshin and Ichigo walked a couple steps behind Karin and Rukia as they walked the dark path that was the Dangai. Karin had only done this a handful of times, to visit her family but it still gave her chills everytime she made the trip. “So, you got anything planned?” Rukia’s voice broke her out of her reverie. She glanced over to see Rukia smirking, looking a little too proud for Karin’s liking. What she could be insinuating?
“Uh, not really.” Karin tried her best to seem nonchalant, but Rukia was getting better at reading Kurosaki’s much to Karin’s chagrin. Her only plan was to see Toshiro, but she’d probably visit some others. A simple little reunion. Part of her wanted to confide in Rukia, but she had a feeling Rukia would absolutely make sure this reunion happened. She gulped willing her anxieties to shut the hell up. “Ooh, I see, so Captain Hitsugaya has no idea you’re coming.” “How did you-” “Oh please, I’m not as dense as your brother,” Karin suddenly appreciated the distance between them and the two idiots behind them, who looked to be having their own conversation after she took a glance over her shoulder. “Plus Yuzu might have filled me in.” Her smug grin made Karin’s blush deepen but there was no hiding it.
“You can’t say anything!” Karin kept her voice low but still full of urgency, which Rukia took in earnest. “Of course Karin! I would never! Unless you wanted me to, and I won’t say anything if you feel the need to deck the Captain in the face, though I have a feeling you won’t want to-” “Why would I want to punch Toshiro?” Has he done something? What did he do? Does he have a girlfriend? What happened? Her mind was racing at Rukia’s admission and the urge to turn around and go back home popped into her head.
Rukia only sighed at Karin’s confusion, “Well according to Yuzu, it’s been a long time for you two. And he never reached out. When me and Ichigo parted ways when he lost his powers, I couldn’t reach out to him as much as I wanted to. And I wanted to. So badly,” Rukia’s voice turned solemn and Karin relaxed, suddenly thinking about how much she envied their relationship. They were so good together, and they’ve been through so much, yet they managed to traverse all those obstacles and found each other again.
Karin vaguely wondered if she’d ever have that kind of connection with someone. Suddenly Toshiro’s name was written all over her mind, but she was getting ahead of herself. Just because she’s had a crush on him for years and years doesn’t mean he feels the same. He could already be with someone for all she knew. Rukia was right, Karin might want to punch Toshiro after all.
“Anyway, he’s had all this time and he hasn’t visited! I’ll have you know things have been just fine in the Seireitei, so really there’s no excuse.” Rukia sounded like Yuzu, and they both had a point, but- “That could go both ways though.” Karin admitted, frowning and going to scratch the back of her neck. “Well I suppose, but I still think the Captain should’ve done something. He always visited you didn’t he?” “Yeah, but I’ve been to the Soul Society before, and I chose not to go see him or anything.” “Why not? That doesn’t seem like you.” Rukia was so right. It was not like Karin at all. If she was her younger self she’d kick down his door and demand him to abandon all paperwork for a game of soccer. But that was younger Karin, who barely considered her crush on the Captain of the Tenth. This was older Karin, now an adult who had to deal with her feelings. Ugh. “I know. I guess I didn’t want to bother him. He is a Captain and all. And now that I’m older I kind of understand that it’s a lot of responsibility.” Once again, she was spouting absolute bullshit and Rukia was prone to picking up on it after dealing with this family for so long. “I’m disappointed in you Karin,” She said with a hint of mockery, not meaning it wholeheartedly, but still being genuine, “It might not be my place to say, but I know I’m not the only one that noticed how much happier Captain Hitsugaya was in your company. Don’t forget I’m a Captain myself, does that mean you think my relationship with your brother hinders me in being one?” “Of course not! I never meant to-” Karin exclaimed, immediately sorry for her backwards thinking, but instead Rukia chuckled. “I know, I’m just saying. You’re right in that we have a lot of responsibilities as Captains, but you know Hitsugaya, he’ll take on more than he needs to, and you were always good at reminding him there was more to life than paperwork.” A couple moments passed as Rukia’s words sunk in. Karin considered herself an adult but she still had so much to learn. She was so grateful she had someone like Rukia to show a different perspective. Karin had to admit, she had definitely mastered the art of handling a Kurosaki. They’re family was so crazy and complicated and Rukia had no problem at all. In the back of her mind Karin reminded herself to kick her brother’s teeth in if he didn’t propose soon. There was a difference though. Ichigo and Rukia lived in the same world. Karin and Toshiro did not have that luxury. But that thought was for another time. Just focus on one thing at a time. Soon Karin was squinting when a bright light washed over the group as they entered the Soul Society. The sky above them was blue with only a couple of clouds hanging, a gentle breeze wrapped itself around Karin, and she felt oddly relaxed. She regrets not visiting more often, this could easily become her second home.
“Well it’s about time!” Karin noticed the voice immediately and watched the beautiful woman with strawberry blonde hair walk up to them. “Lieutenant Matsumoto! What brings you here? We weren’t expecting a welcome party.” Rukia chimed in for Karin, who smiled at Rangiku. Just like it had been a while since she’d seen Toshiro, it had been a while for everyone else too. Rangiku and Karin managed to strike up a friendship when Karin was confronted by Toshiro’s second during one of their visits to the human world. Karin got that ‘don’t hurt him, or I
I’ll hurt you’ talk, which Karin quickly concurred and vowed to be a good friend to him. It shocked Karin to see her jaunty personality freeze over to solemnity, and immediately melt again after the serious words were said. She knew Rangiku wasn’t an idiot, she wasn’t a Lieutenant for nothing. Above all she was glad Toshiro had her. “I heard Karin was coming to visit so I wanted to come say hi!” And when she meant ‘hi’, that meant suffocating Karin in her bosom, and not for the first time. Though after learning first hand about Rangiku’s affectionate nature, she could understand how someone like Toshiro found it a tad aggravating. Karin smiled up at her as she pulled back from the hug, “It’s nice to see you again Rangiku.” “Likewise,” Rangiku smiled gently and stepped back, “So what does Karin Kurosaki have planned for this visit?” She seemed much too hopeful for some reason, and Karin had a feeling she knew what it entailed. Again, Rangiku wasn’t an idiot. But lying wasn’t Karin’s forte so she might as well be honest. “I was gonna visit Toshiro, if he isn’t busy.” She gulped. Rangiku’s eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning, squealing and giving Karin another hug that once again suffocated her. Seems like that was exactly what she wanted to hear. “Oh wonderful! He’s not busy at all, and he’ll be overjoyed to see you! You really grew up didn’t you?” Rangiku’s narrowed gaze and lilted voice made Karin blush. Her tone was definitely suggestive but she wasn’t wrong. Karin had a small growth spurt amidst puberty, her hair got longer, still in a ponytail. “Who knew you’d grow up into such a beautiful woman?” She didn’t know how but her cheeks flushed even more. “Wait until the Captain sees you-” “Rangiku!” Karin exclaimed, throwing her hands up to cover her face, suddenly feeling self conscious. Not only at Rangiku’s boldness but the fact that Rangiku, who was one of the most beautiful women she’d met, just complimented her like that. Rangiku only laughed, brushing a lock of hair behind her shoulder. “Come on let’s go!” Suddenly Karin was being dragged away to the 10th barracks no doubt, left to look over her shoulder to watch Rukia smirk and give a wave before turning to leave the gate as well. Rangiku let Karin catch her breath, and they walked in silence, until Karin had a thought, “I can’t help but wonder if Toshiro’s grown at all, like an inch maybe? He told me you guys aged differently here.” “Oh yes, we do! I haven’t done much aging in a looong time. Kind of a perk dontcha think? I’ve looked like this for ages,” Rangiku smiled brightly while flaunting and she had every right to, she knew she was beautiful. Karin would be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t envious. As a human you have so little time compared to the time you have as a shinigami. Though the profession is dangerous, so there’s that to consider. Karin remembers when Toshiro explained the way of reincarnation and the way things worked for souls. A weight she didn’t realize she had was lifted from her shoulders that day. “And Toshiro?” Rangiku’s smile turned mischievous again but Karin was too busy looking ahead at the continuing street. “The Captain’s grown a tad, nothing too drastic.” “Oh.” Karin chuckled, that meant she’s probably still taller than him. “So I can still make height jokes.” She smiled smugly, looking forward to his disgruntled face, it was so cute when he got embarrassed. “Oh I’m sure,” was the last thing Rangiku said before they rounded the corner and they arrived at their destination. Karin’s stomach started doing somersaults, and while it had to do with the fact that she was incredibly nervous, she was also very excited. But the reality of their time apart is hitting her once again and she didn’t know how to feel about it. “Don’t be nervous.” Rangiku’s voice was suddenly softer, warmer, almost motherly. And once again, Karin was being read like a book by another shinigami. Damn, she needed to work on her poker face. All Karin could do was give her a small smile before she realized they were right outside of his office. All that stood between them was  a sliding door, and suddenly her hands were clammy.
One last gulp, “Okay,” was all Karin could say.
And Rangiku being Rangiku, gave Karin no time to think before she promptly shouted, “Oh Captaaain!” and slid the door open with gusto causing Karin to jump and for the captain seated at the desk to snap his head up in alarm. But it was not Toshiro. No, Toshiro was cute and albeit attractive according to Karin, and this man was not cute. He was downright gorgeous. He was devastatingly handsome. Nope, not Toshiro. This was an imposter.
But, amidst her gaping, Karin noticed his hair was white, like Toshiro’s, and his eyes were that cerulean color that made her weak in the knees, like Toshiro’s. He was sitting in Toshiro’s seat, wearing a white haori like Toshiro did, and they were definitely in the Squad 10 offices. So, it has be- “Toshiro?” Karin croaked. Her eyes blown wide, her feet still planted at the doorway, while Rangiku buzzed next to her watching the whole exchange.
“Karin?” Oh god, even his voice was an octave lower. His eyes mirrored hers in that they were wide with shock. He couldn’t believe she was here, in the Seireitei, in his office. He also couldn’t believe that was Karin. But the more he looked at her the more he saw the familiar features he made sure to memorize, along with some noticeable new ones.. She was beautiful, and he thought he had the term defined already with a picture of her. It was still her, but he needed to update his memory it seemed. Her hair was still jet black and in a ponytail, only it was longer and a lock laid over her shoulder, her eyes were still as captivating as always, a grey abyss he’d gladly succumb to if asked. And her body, she was definitely an adult. She definitely grew up, but, so did he. What must she think of his new look? He was too starstruck to notice her eyes darken and her brows drop down in anger. “I can’t believe you!” Her fury replaced her nerves and she was suddenly marching across the threshold, fists tight at her sides, “You are such,” She grabbed the nearest object to her which was a pillow from the couch in the middle of the room and lobbed it at his head which Toshiro barely dodged, “an asshole!” Another pillow, only this time he caught it with both hands, using it as a shield for the third pillow. Toshiro wasn’t unfamiliar with Karin’s wrath, however, that didn’t mean he was happy with being at the end of it. Speaking of, her aim has dramatically improved. Anyway- “Karin-” “It’s been years Toshiro-” “I’m sorry-” “You could’ve visited-” “I know I-” “And you went and grew up! Looking like a fucking model all of a sudden and not even telling me!” A model? “Let me explain-” “No you are going to listen to me!” Karin was panting, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she stood in the middle of the room staring him down. Toshiro fought against his instinct to shout back and promptly shut his mouth, his brows creased in regret. She was shaking with rage and she was on the precipice of breaking something, preferably his face, but- shit Rukia was right. Again. “You don’t get to sit there on your ass when you never bothered to visit after years Toshiro. Years! When Ichigo got back from the war I had to hear that you were okay from him because of course I worried. I thought we were friends, I thought we-” “We are friends!” Toshiro couldn’t take that disappointed look anymore, but she was wrong. They were friends. Friends. “I thought we were closer than that.” Karin finished her thought, her energy depleting, shoulders starting to sag. He didn’t know which was worse. Karin angry, or sad. He just didn’t like it when she was upset. And he was the cause of it. Seeing her hang her head made his heart ache, and not in the way it usually did when he looked at her.
Toshiro had all the words he wanted to say on the tip of his tongue, but he was speechless. Part of him knew this day was bound to come around, he just wished he could’ve been prepared. But then again, expect the unexpected, especially with Karin. He couldn’t hate himself more than he did at this moment.
“I’m so sorry Karin,” His voice lifted her head and they locked eyes, his full of regret and hers, disappointment. “I-” This was harder than he thought, his chest hurt, his hands were stiff, and all he wanted was to see Karin happy, but he didn’t know how to make it happen, but she deserved an explanation. “I should’ve visited you. I wanted to. So badly. Even after things settled, I was so caught up in everything, I didn’t realize how long it’d been. I lost track of time. I’m sorry Karin. I was- I am an idiot. The last thing I wanted was to make you feel neglected and I went and did it anyway.”
Taking a hasty breath, he pushed himself to stand, rounding his desk and standing in front of her , only the usual roles were reversed and he was now looking down on her. No, it didn’t feel right. He towered over her and yet he felt as small as can be. Karin was still silent, ignoring his height for the moment, though she wasn’t entirely surprised given his changes. Changes she wished she could’ve witnessed sooner. Her eyes were glassy, tears on the brink of falling down her cheeks, but she willed them to stay. Until she watched Toshiro drop to his knees and bow before her, resting his head at her feet. She almost didn’t hear the tiny gasp that came from behind her, she’d completely forgot Rangiku was here, witnessing this all. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness Karin, but still, I’m so so sorry.” Karin was.. astonished to say the least. She expected an apology, but she didn’t expect this. Toshiro did many things, overwork himself, scowl, eat unhealthy amounts of amanatto, but he never did anything half-assed. Here was Toshiro Hitsugaya, a Captain of the 13 Court Guard Squads, bowing with his head at the feet of a simple human. Maybe not simple, but human nonetheless. Any bystander would argue that this was completely preposterous, but they wouldn’t know that Toshiro viewed Karin in the highest regard. He knew how much he royally fucked up, and he’ll spend the rest of his life trying to make up for it. “Look at me.” The closeness of her words startled Toshiro and he slowly lifted his head to see her knelt in front of him. Now it was his turn to be astonished. It wasn’t unlike Karin to be gentle when she wanted but Toshiro couldn’t understand why she would want to, he neglected their friendship for years and now she was smiling at him. Expect the unexpected. Toshiro held his breath. Karin huffed and her smile widened, “Don’t be so dramatic,” she didn’t stop herself from using her finger to brush his hair from his face. The gentlest touch, from hands that could do plenty of damage. She should’ve socked him, he knew he deserved it, he would’ve taken it. But instead, she was caressing his face. Not that he was complaining, it was just oddly uncharacteristic of her. She really had changed after all this time. They both did. Toshiro kicked himself for not witnessing it. “I forgive you, but don’t do it again.” She smacked his head, not enough to actually hurt, but enough to get the point across. He spoke too soon. This was definitely Karin though. Rubbing his head, he slowly sat up and back on his haunches, even while hunching, he was still looking down at her. It was so odd to him. But he’d have to get used to it it seems. At least there wouldn’t be any more height jokes. “Thank you, I don’t deserve it.” He said, watching Karin get to her feet and offer her hand to help him up. “Yes you do. You said sorry. That’s all I wanted. We’re adults now.” “You threw pillows at me.” “You deserved that. ” “...Yeah.” Toshiro sighed. A moment of silence passed until Karin spoke again. “I mean it, don’t do this again. I won’t be so forgiving.” “It won’t happen again. I promise.” Toshiro gave a gentle squeeze to her hand which he never let go. The simple action made her blush, looking down to their entwined hands and up his arm, which were much longer, and then to his broad shoulders, and finally back up to his face, much higher than she was used to. “And don’t grow anymore. You’re like a giant now. It’s gonna be annoying having to look up at you.” And as easy as that they were back to bickering, the tension filtered out of the room as easily as a simple breeze, and they were both thankful. “For what it’s worth, I’m not a fan either.” Toshiro noted, scowling at his new height and features which he still hasn’t gotten used to. All these years he complained about his height and now he realizes he should’ve been more careful with what he wished for. And on top of that, he was getting an increasing amount of attention which Rangiku pointed out was thanks to his sharpened features. Not his cup of tea. “I never said I wasn’t a fan.”
Karin’s words made blood rush to Toshiro’s face, did she just- Maybe it’s his cup of tea after all, if it’s Karin’s attention. That being said, he’d never wanted anyone’s attention more than hers, and now that he has it, he’s just a little alarmed. But in a good way, he thinks. And it made it easier to smile at her, even with a face redder than ever. But it was quickly replaced with a frown when he realized his Lieutenant just witnessed this entire scene with Karin, where she yelled, he bowed, she smiled, and he blushed. Her squeal made both Karin and him wince, looking over to see her jumping up and down with glee, then running over to pull them down into an uncomfortable hug. “I’m so happy for you too!” Rangiku was sniffling, squeezing the life out of them, and when she let them go they gave each other a confused glance before Toshiro spoke. “Why are you crying Matsumoto?” He asked, slightly worried and as well as confused. Karin looked softly at Rangiku, but still confused by her tears. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. You guys are just too cute together!”
Karin almost interjected to say that they weren’t together but what stopped her was another squeeze of her hand from Toshiro. A slow shake of his head told her to just let it go, and with further thought she realized convincing Matsumoto of anything was a difficult feat.
Later, after Toshiro escorted her to her family for dinner, dropping her off with the promise of seeing each other the next day, Karin thought about how even when walking through the Seireitei, they continued to hold hands. Toshiro paid it no mind it seemed, and while Karin wasn’t complaining, it still puzzled her.
Correcting his Lieutenant from time to time was normal for him, especially when it came to bold claims like this, but this time he refused. Did Toshiro reciprocate Karin’s feelings? Something about his behavior made her feel elated as well as nervous, they’d have to talk about it eventually. It would take some time for her to completely forgive him, but if what happened today was any consolation, everything would be okay.
They both can definitely sleep better tonight, and there was always tomorrow.
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voltage-vixen · 5 years
A Fornicating Faction (NSFW-Request)
(This is featuring the trio from MK.) *Warning: This fic contains group sex, and some s&m references.
“Oh, that’s tight Kei,” MC grunted in response to the erotic Englishman’s bondage job on her wrists and ankles.
Kei’s erection strained tightly against the constricting fabric of his pants, while he watched the vulnerable agent struggle helplessly, as she attempted to free herself from the leather bondage restraints that were keeping MC compliant to his every fantasy. Ignoring the throbbing feeling coming from below his waist, Kei straddled her naked body, and slowly crawled up towards her face. His long fingers wrapped the fleece lined blindfold over her smoky eyes, robbing MC of her most subservient assets. The blond Englishman chuckled in approval, and deliberately brushed his covered cock in her face, before leaving her abandoned on the bed.
“I never thought the day would come that we would see our MC be so submissive,” Kazuomi’s voice boomed throughout Kei’s bedroom. He confidently strutted into the private chambers, while Yuzuru quietly trailed behind him. “Sorry, Yuzu and I are running a bit behind schedule. Thanks for preparing our little lamb for tonight’s slaughter Kei.”
MC’s coils tightened in anticipation at Kazuomi’s dominating words, and her lips curled into a small smirk. A few nights ago, after having one too many drinks, MC enrolled into a wager with the trio formerly known as 3S. If she lost to the men in a game of poker, MC was to surrender her body to their wildest sensual desires. Although casual sex was not something MC normally engaged in, she had grown close to these attractive guys, and the prospect of them dominating her was something that sounded extremely arousing.
“We had a bet, and I’m a woman of my word,” she purred in response to the lone finger that was now trailing down her body.
“Hot already? I’ve barely touched you MC,” Kazuomi crooned into her ear, “Although, I guess that seems about right considering I can bring any woman down to her knees.”
MC wanted to wipe that arrogant smirk off his face, she knew that he was wearing in true Kazuomi fashion, but his simple touch was already making her melt. Tonight-and just for tonight-she would obediently allow them to execute their whims, while MC passively adhered to each and every command.
“Stop trying to take her for yourself Kazuomi,” Kei huffed, “Even back in school, you never were any good at sharing.” Kei disrobed his clothing and sighed in relief when his thick cock was finally sprung free from its confinement.
Yuzuru, who up until this point had been silently observing, removed the clothing from his lower half. Taking his long length into his cold hand, Yuzuru slowly started to stroke up and down, while he curiously watched his two friends caress the brass woman.
Kazuomi’s tongue was presently worshiping her swollen breasts, and Kei’s fingers were working their magic to gratify MC’s dripping cunt. Her nipples were erect, and Kazuomi gently kneaded them with his teeth. Kei’s withdrew himself from her and MC let out a growl of displeasure.
“Patience MC,” Kei ordered the withering spy. Kei licked his fingers, and sucked hard, ensuring that he lapped up every last drop of her bliss. “I’m going to get a toy, that I know a bad girl like you would enjoy.”
“Damn it! You guys are all talk, but let’s see how you are in action!” MC proclaimed out in aggravation. Her body was ready, and MC needed a lot less foreplay, and a whole lot more fucking in order to really savor every second of this crazy night.
“Sweetheart, you have no idea what you just initiated,” Kazuomi groaned, as he pulled away from the bed. He started to strip his clothing, while Yuzuru haltingly strode over to the bed, gazing at MC in a similar way a lion surveys its prey.
MC’s body was glistening with sweat. The satin sheets on the bed were sticking to her back, and MC’s hair was a disheveled curly mess. God, she needed to touch them. Any of them would do just fine, but MC NEEDED to feel them. Throwing her pride out the window, MC wriggled in sheer desperation, and tried to arch her pelvis up from the bed.
“Please. PLEASE, I need one of you fine gentleman inside of me,” she begged with no shame, “I can’t take this any longer. Not without someone fucking me.”
Firm hands suddenly clutched her hips, and MC could tell by the faint scent of the natural cologne, that her assailant was Yuzuru. His nails dug into her rosy colored skin, and he teased MC by pressing the head of his member against her entrance.
“You might regret saying that,” Yuzuru whispered, “Especially when I end up breaking you.”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle,” she retorted, while biting the inside of her cheek. That bastard knew what he was doing felt good, yet he continued to draw out his torture session.
Fortunately for MC, she didn’t have to wait much longer, because she felt Yuzuru’s hands grab onto her firm breasts and give them a few hard squeezes.
“Don’t forget you said that then,” Yuzuru remarked, before taking the deep plunge into her awaiting core.
“Ahh! Yes! God, yes!” MC panted in rhythm to his powerful thrusts.
“Not God. Yuzuru. It would be in your best interest if you remembered that,” he muttered in response to her incoherent babbling.
“You must be quite the special woman MC,” Kazuomi called out, “Yuzuru’s animalistic side has been fully awakened.”
He watched while her breasts bounced and smacked around, and pumped his cock a few times, before pushing his cock between her pouted lips. She readily accepted his erection and ran her tongue down the thick penis that was fully occupying her mouth.
“That’s it. Can you feel Yuzuru and I stretching out the different areas of your body?” Kazuomi cooed. MC tried to nod but gagged when Kazuomi’s erection pressed further into her mouth.
Meanwhile, Kei had finally returned from his closet and took a moment to appreciate the sight that was taking place before him.
“Beautiful,” he admired, “All three of you are absolutely beautiful.” Kei approached the threesome, and revealed to his friends the anal beads he planned to use on their unsuspecting MC.
Making his way around his two friends, Kei sucked on his finger, and tested the waters by sliding it into her tight asshole. He felt her initially clench her muscles, but soon relaxed when Kei softly massaged his thumb along her sensitive hole.
“Let yourself unwind,” Kei smoothly guided. Pushing the beads into her, MC roughly grasped the bounds containing her wrists, and started to violently thrash around.
“Oh, yes! I’m ready to cum! L-Let me cum,” MC whimpered in hopes they would show mercy on her desperate soul.
Kazuomi soon shot his load into her mouth, and MC swallowed the hot seed, while he removed his limp penis from her. He shared a private glance with both Yuzuru and Kei, and the three longtime friends all exchanged a nod.
“Only if you declare us the winners of tonight’s love fest,” Kazuomi proposed, “Acknowledge your role as the mouse in our game, and we’ll have you screaming to the heavens in no time.”
MC openly scowled, knowing very well that the men were probably all grinning at each other, relishing the fact that she was at their mercy. Normally she was never one to let a man tell her what to do in bed, yet tonight was an exception. Her orgasm was within reach with the help of these tricksters. If they were going to use her, MC was going to take a page from their rulebook and use them right back to find her release.
“Fine, but only if you release my ankles from these shackles,” she negotiated, “I want to change positions to ensure that I’m guaranteed to fully receive your “happy ending” services.”
“You drive a hard bargain, but we’ll allow it,” Kazuomi neutrally responded.
Soon her ankles were free, and MC took a moment to stretch them out. Once she was comfortable, she lifted them up into the air, and Yuzuru helped situate her onto his shoulders. This angle allowed him to penetrate MC even deeper, and Yuzuru’s penis was once against surrounded by her sweltering dampness in between her soft thighs.
Yuzuru rammed into her, and MC let out sharp cries of bliss. Kei’s fingers were toying with the anal beads, yet he made sure his tongue was focusing on her hypersensitive clit. Kazuomi also joined back in and was groping the fleshy mounds of her chest. Every caress, squeeze, fondle, and pet the guys were unleashing on MC, was enough to send vibrations pulsating throughout her boiling frame. She let herself go, and her walls came crashing down around Yuzuru. “Hmm,” Yuzuru and MC moaned in unison, and MC howled, as they rode the waves of their climax together. Yuzuru’s hips resumed their gyrating, until both had finally reached the end their euphoria.
MC yelped when she felt Kei withdraw the anal beads, and gasped when Kazuomi freed her wrists. She quickly tore off the blindfold and was now facing the three winners of the bet. Swinging her legs to the edge of the bed, MC tried to stand up, but collapsed when her wobbling knees refused to support her weight. Opening her mouth, MC went to speak, yet was unable to since her throat was scratchy and hoarse.
“There’s no need to push yourself,” Kazuomi reassured. He pressed himself against her back, and Kei went to fetch a glass of water. MC nodded her head in thanks, and gently rubbed her slightly sore wrists.
Yuzuru broke the silence by offering a suggestion that had caught everyone off guard. “Since we’re the ones that made you feel this way, I think it’s only fair if you allow us to pamper you. I’ll go run a bath.”
Without waiting for a response, Yuzuru lifted MC’s petite frame, and started to carry her towards the bath.
“Oh, I can’t wait to see her reactions when we pound her this time,” Kei cheerfully admitted to Kazuomi.
They entered the bathroom, and Yuzuru began to run some hot water. Kei poured in some foamy bath salts, and Kazuomi initiated a foot massage. She uttered a content sigh, which only urged the impatient men to commence their explorations of her body. MC knew she was in for a never-ending night of intense lovemaking, nevertheless, her core was ready to be filled with the toe-curling gratification she was sure only this trio could deliver.
Throwing her head back, MC felt hands run along the side of her neck, and all the way down to her defined curves. Kazuomi tugged her hair and bit her responsive earlobe.
“Let us be your fuck boys for the evening. After all, our guests’ satisfaction, is our number one priority here at the Raven Hills.”
Succumbing to her own lusts, MC omitted a small cry of consent, before submerging into the next round of their thrilling game. This game was rare in the fact that even losers were winners.
“O-Oh,” she murmured at the feel of licks and bites marking her skin. Just for the remainder of their evening together, MC would submit, and allowed their claiming marks on her body.
Feel free to check out my Masterlist!
@agustd54, @joanneshiba
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mewtonian-physics · 5 years
I got tagged by @spaceblue (thanks so much, blue! i love these)
RULES: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
1. HEIGHT: Right on the line between 5′6″ and 5′7″. Not quite sure of the exact height there.
2. ZODIAC: Capricorn sun, Sagittarius moon, Pisces rising
3. LAST MOVIE I SAW: Last movie... Uh... Gee, I don’t know. The last movie I remember watching is Murder on the Orient Express, but since that was last month I’m pretty sure I'm just forgetting the actual last one.
4. FAVORITE MUSICIAN: Hatsune Miku music is so good do you expect me to choose ONE person???
5. FAVORITE AUTHOR: Agatha Christie or Lewis Carroll!
6. FAVORITE FANFICTION: Um... After Images, by hypermoyashi! Actually it was a gift fic to me, and was everything I could have asked for and more. 
7. FAVORITE MOVIE: Alice in Wonderland
8. FAVORITE ANIME: I can’t choose just one, so have my top three: Death Note, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Puella Magi Madoka Magica
9. PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS?: Yes, I play the piano!
10. RANDOM FACT: The most out-of-place thing in my room is a red, gold, and white full-face mask with feathers, embroidery, and musical embellishments that hangs on my wall. It’s absurdly fancy and totally mismatched with the rest of my room’s decor, but I literally could not care less. It’s beautiful. And I love it. And that’s that. 
12. DO YOU GET ASKS?: Sometimes? Not as often as I’d like to, tbh.
13. FAVORITE FANDOM(S): Death Note, Evillious Chronicles, Bungou Stray Dogs
14. FAVORITE SONG: At the moment, I can’t stop listening to Hyori Ittai by Yuzu.
15. WHAT ARE YOU WEARING: It is evening and I am in pajamas.
17. EYE COLOR: Blue
18. FAVORITE FOOD: Rice is my staple food XD
19. HOBBIES: Reading, writing, music!
Let’s see... I have to tag twenty-one people? Wow... On the one hand, this sounds like a great way to learn more about some folks I like! On the other hand, I’m afraid of tagging people because they might decide to go homicidal. I’ll... I’ll try to not get killed. @eyecicles, @daughter-of-gray, @chatoyqnt, @gayfyodor, @hypermoyashi, @shadows-in-the-light-of-day, @eveillious, @rosescarves, @askbungoudetective, @nsisbest385, @vivalashitpost, @mihaelkeehl, @akutathotwa, @lowkeylightyagami, @mirei191, @ughchibi, @levinenoel, @sarcasrnspasrn, @bananatrashsenpai, @13eyond13, and @gabedr888!
Please, none of you kill me. Have mercy, and tell me stuff about you. I am curious!
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darkfromday · 6 years
on the hunt
Prompt: Day 5 - Rumor
Pairing: orchestrashipping (Yuzu/Yuuya/Reiji)
shoutout to @timahina for having the same idea of orchestrashipping + rumors! I’m giddily reading their fic over again right now. here, please accept my pirate!AU because I’m weak for these three dorks making out in long coats and tricorner hats in some distant future.
For the third time that night, Hiiragi Yuzu checks her stolen compass.
She’s ready to throw it away after two near-brushes with death since she took it, but something tells her that it will lead her to whom she seeks. Eventually it will steer her right.
The ship she’s on sways and bumps the gangplank, and as it does the compass arrow swivels to keep pointing faintly northeast--toward the derelict warehouse the people of Poole all whisper about.
It’s now or never.
Her prize is now resolute, and so is she. Yuzu slips off her ride with the smallest splash possible, swimming quickly to shore and the cover of some pathetically-shabby house. There’s barely time to pause and evaluate the best path across these outskirts, but it would be more suspicious to run pell-mell in the streets while dripping wet.
Hmm. Maybe the roofs are close enough together...?
Yuzu peeks down the street and--yes, the distance is manageable. The houses on this side of town have been crammed together to fit and segregate the poor, which is both cruel and convenient for her. Yuzu can, and does, huff and climb her way to the top of Shabby House A, back up and leap to the next structurally unsound rooftop, and the next, and the next. It’s a miracle she doesn’t fall through any of them on the way to her distant destination. That, or my swordplay and stamina classes from childhood.
But everything turns out fine in the end, and she’s able to drop into the warehouse’s second floor through a wide open window, silent as the grave. The compass even goes quietly nuts in her hands.
This place is meant to look common and disgusting to shake potential peacekeepers and other intruders. But even thirty more layers of dust and grime can’t dispel the rumors among the workers and the wealthy on Yuzu’s side of town--that one of the most famous pirates in the Seven Seas can be found here on occasion, forging new swords for his crew or sleeping off rum-comas.
Yuzu believes every whisper and it’s why she’s here. I won’t turn back until I’ve found him and secured his help.
Carefully, she tiptoes over the damp boards, moves to and down the stairs. Light and movement from the lower level draw her attention, and she slips behind a rusty old table to peek around--just in time.
A young man hums some creepy tune as he sharpens a sword with a crimson blade, pausing only briefly to nudge some of his bi-color Christmas hair back under his extravagant hat. Yuzu recognizes him as the Performer--a pirate so unpredictable that surviving an encounter with him on the seas is down to a coin toss. Skilled in acrobatics, brawling, petty theft and escaping custody--truly he is someone to be admired no matter which arm of the law one is nearer to.
Since she has slipped across the line of propriety and morality long ago, Yuzu feels justified in both standing in awe of him and doing whatever it takes to bend him to her cause. Including standing and moving to block the main exit.
“Sakaki Yuuya?”
He flinches; it takes him a small age to turn around and face her head on. But his words are almost cocky. “Occasionally I answer to that, yes. Among other things.”
“The other things is why I’m here,” Yuzu says bluntly.
“So you know whose tail you’re stepping on right now? Who you’re disturbing?”
“Performer, I need your help. I stowed away on a ship to find you, and I won’t leave here without you.”
Yuuya tilts his head so, so slowly. There’s a candle on the desk to light his work, and in its dim glow, the defender of the downtrodden looks a little sinister. This changes to seductive when he tilts his head again to look her up and down. Yuzu abruptly remembers that she’s only got one soaking wet layer on and flushes.
“Normally bedmates wait for me at the brothel,” he eventually says with a wink.
Yuzu insists, “I’m here for business. Something that would help me and be profitable for you.”
“And what if I’m not interested?”
Shit, Yuzu thinks, checking the room surreptitiously again for exits. “That’s not an answer I’m prepared to accept.”
“First time for everything,” Yuuya says grandly.
Gods, the mouth on him. In any other scenario Yuzu might have dragged someone so handsome and intellectually stimulating to the nearest brothel or bed herself. Here though, she knows nothing of the Performer’s more personal tastes or habits beyond hearsay. He might indulge her in name and then handcuff her to the bed, making sure as he escaped that they would never meet again. Losing him is not a chance she can take, at all.
Time for Plan B.
She pulls out the compass, lets it gleam and spin in the low light.
“Maybe you’ll be interested in this.”
Yuzu expects Yuuya to hum, or feign ignorance of his own misplaced possession--anything so a mysterious young woman doesn’t appear to have him at a disadvantage. What she does not expect is for him to draw the sword he’s been sharpening and advance on her.
“Where did you get that?!”
“So it is yours,” Yuzu half-taunts, but cautiously--her eyes dart about the room, searching this time for a weapon to commandeer. Her other hand holds the compass steady.
Yuuya’s gritted teeth gleam at her. “It is mine,” he confirms. “Nicked from me almost two weeks ago. You’ll return it, love, or lose the arm.”
“No. I think I’ll keep it as insurance--”
“It’ll ensure your death!” Yuuya snarls, and lunges.
Yuzu is ready now, though: she spotted a dull but trusty-enough sword resting near her hip, and brings it up now to parry the Performer’s furious first strike. Just like that, the fight is on.
She twirls, jabs at him and uses the old tables and trinkets in this place to her advantage, willing to toss or hold whatever will shield her and give her time to plan her next attack. The Performer is surprisingly adept with swords beyond maintaining them for his crew, as he slides and slashes just like Yuzu did the day she finally defeated her instructor.
Even so, it’s her who draws first blood--a small cut across his cheek that backs him up a bit, humming like he’s impressed with her.
Not that it would matter. Not that it does.
“Well done! You’ve marked me. Guess you aren’t just a pretty face with pretty words.”
“Now will you listen to what I need?”
“Not before I get my compass back,” he insists, and then they’re back at it: trading parries, taunting form, pushing and shoving. It’s after one well-timed shove that Yuzu gasps, because Yuuya has taken advantage of that shove to stab her dangerously close to her abdomen.
Shit. He’s serious about this compass. ...All the more reason I can’t let him have it until I have his aid.
“I don’t like killing civilians,” Yuuya says. “Messy. Wasteful. But I’ve done things that fit both those categories before.”
So have I, Yuzu thinks, using his merciful pause to charge him. She’s lucky; the move startles him, meaning she can push him to the grimy ground and hold her shaky sword in his face after kicking away his own.
“Listen up, Yuuya. You can help me of your own free will, or you can do it with a nice wound to match mine, but either way--”
“Either way, you will stop moving, or I will be helping the Performer carry your corpse.”
The blood still in Yuzu’s body turns to ice. There is someone at the back of her neck, holding her tight and pressing a blade there. It’s someone she’s also never formally met, but like Yuuya needs no introduction. He is another of the most feared pirates in the world, while also being one of the most respected in multiple circles. Smooth, analytical, wealthy beyond counting, the Royal Navy’s worst nightmare and, just now, holding her life in his hands.
“The Pirate Prince,” she whispers, raw with awe and despair.
“Indeed.” Akaba Reiji adjusts his hands so one is over Yuzu’s wound, pressing--protecting her and letting her feel the pain. His silky baritone vibrates almost directly into her ear from his lips, and he doesn’t hesitate to flex one of the reasons for his nickname.
“Drop your weapon and kick it away, and we’ll get to hug for a little longer.”
Yuzu drops her sword and kicks it with a snarl. She literally can’t resist his order. No one can, not once he does whatever it is he’s been gifted with by the cruel gods.
“I appreciate it,” Reiji says in the same voice he’d use for a dog not shitting on his ship, probably. “Now we can have a nice little talk. Stay where you are and I’ll retrieve your sword partner.”
The warm, steady bulk of him behind her disappears, moves around to her front. Yuzu can’t move now, so she has plenty of time to study the Prince as he ambles over to the Performer. Shiny hair the color of a standard sword; cold violet eyes said to rival the sea in turmoil; missing his blood-red monocle, but still wielding the wickedly-sharp custom purple blade he had used to threaten her; and a flamboyantly royal blue coat to rival Yuuya’s rust-red one. If the Performer is handsome, his rescuer is breathtaking. Yuzu’s just glad he hadn’t asked her not to breathe.
Now that she has time to think (and breathe, and bleed), she can’t help but... be puzzled. Why is Akaba Reiji here? How did he even know something was going on in this ratty old hideout? It doesn’t make sense on the surface.
Reiji kneels, offering his hand to Yuuya. The younger man is seemingly uncaring of their audience and gratefully accepts the lift up, grunting a bit.
“Thanks. But argh, why do you always come in when I’m getting my ass kicked?”
“There is no alternative,” Reiji responds, dryly. “You could start winning fights; perhaps then I’d re-evaluate my interventions.”
Yuzu keeps her expression neutral. Now that I think about it... Just as there are rumors about the Performer’s schedule and habits and how to exploit them, there have also been whispers about the close company the Prince and the Performer keep. Two apparent opposites, attracting.
It shouldn’t be alluring, or cause envy. It is doing both.
Now the Prince has gently turned Yuuya’s cheek toward him and is examining the cut there, caressing the skin around it. “This... will heal soon on its own. Are you injured anywhere else?”
“Just superficial stuff, and my pride.” Yuuya signs. “This girl isn’t a pirate, but she’s good. I almost considered helping her with whatever just because of that.”
Yuzu can’t keep quiet any longer at those flippant words. “Almost?!”
And Reiji, fucking Reiji, glances over at her as though he’s forgotten he put her on pause. But his words are at least fair and measured. “I didn’t announce myself so you two would bicker further. This conflict was foolish, and now you will compromise.”
“Compromise?” Yuuya sputters. “This vixen marred my face!”
“And you nearly stabbed me in a vital organ!” Yuzu fires back, since she’d been coming to talk peacefully and he had escalated--
“Children, hush,” Reiji orders. He looks too amused. “Yuuya, I will kiss your face better once we’re on my ship. And you will accept the lady’s deal in exchange for your compass back, so long as the aid requested is reasonable.”
“As for you, my dear... your name?”
“Hiiragi Yuzu.”
His eyes glint. “Yuzu. You will explain what it is you actually need from Yuuya, and then we will decide whether or not to help.”
She makes him release her from the weird body-bind on principle before she starts.
“I did steal your compass from that bar you got plastered in, Yuuya. Sorry, but I needed it to find you later. There’s a man--you don’t need his name yet--who’s threatened my life. He’s one of the most powerful figures in England. No one’s stood up to him and lived--not politicians, not pirates, and certainly not some slip of a girl he’s taken a fancy to.”
“...Understandable,” Reiji hums, at the same time Yuuya says “Yeah, you are fucking gorgeous.”
Yuzu doesn’t have the time to feel hot or fluttery. She has to get this out, lance the boil. “I’d thank you, but the one he’s after is my baby sister--I’ve just been threatened for being ‘in the way’. I’ve had to hide her away from him and his men, but it’s only a matter of time before he uses minions or money to find her and hurt her. The only way I can stop him is to take everything he has: his followers, his resources, and his life.”
Yuuya--snorts. And looks much friendlier all of a sudden. “All that and you just want us to fuck up a rich wanker to protect your sister’s virtue? I’d almost do that for free. Especially the robbing part.”
“That’s not all. I need him dead. He can’t be allowed to get his hands on her or me, ever.”
Reiji steps forward, eyes on hers. “What does killing a man have to do with us, specifically? We are quite good at it, but we’re not the only ones with that trade out on the sea.”
Yuzu looks between the two--friends. Lovers. Something. “I’ve... heard stories about your compass. That it can find you or any mystical item you seek.”
“The walls really do have ears,” Yuuya murmurs strangely. He approaches too, hand held out for his compass, and Yuzu relinquishes it in a gesture of goodwill. And because his hand is very warm and feels nice to touch, even for a second.
“My family’s tormentor is protected by some kind of magic--he can’t be fought head-on, only killed with magical aid. I’ve heard tell of a sword that can cut any foe, put any man in the ground, and I’ve already stole, seduced and killed to find out how it may be found. Now I aim to get your help to find it, and use it.”
The air is quiet. Reiji doesn’t speak, just nods. Yuuya does too. Yuzu is willing to bet pounds that they both know the man she fears, and why she needs that particular sword. That they don’t push shows that even pirates respect privacy on occasion.
“If we help you,” the Performer eventually ventures to ask, “what besides my compass do we get out of it?”
“Any riches I find. I don’t care about them, I just want the sword.”
“Seems unbalanced,” the Prince observes, “but that is on your own head. Yuuya, I will lend her my crew and sword arm. There’s little danger in it.”
“You mean there’s a ton. Which you love, since you love rescuing damsels and kicking people’s asses, not necessarily always in that order. Yeah, all right Yuzu, if he’s in, I’m in. Scratch that, I’m definitely in.”
Relief overwhelms her--that and hope. “Thank you...”
“Don’t thank us yet,” Yuuya warns. “Like I said before, you’re a good fighter for an Englishwoman, but if you’re messing with someone who’s such hot shit, you need to have the best sword and kick it up to pirate-level fighting. We’ve gotta train you!”
“We have to get her a change of clothes first,” Reiji corrects, and hooks one arm around Yuzu. Yuuya grumbles good-naturedly and supports her other side, and she’s on the move toward locations unknown before she even registers leaving the warehouse. Or maybe that’s less their speed and more the bleeding.
“Wh--hey! Where are we--my clothes are--”
“Very seductive, but not practical,” Yuuya teases.
“We’re taking you to our ship,” Reiji explains in the meantime. “For the clothes and the wound, among other things. Don’t worry. If we were going to kill you, we’d have done it back there.”
“Thanks. I definitely feel better about you two flanking me now.”
The Prince smirks. “Relax, Yuzu. Think of this as a little pirate hospitality, and you didn’t even have to say parley.”
It sounds ridiculous. Mad. Frightening, even. But Yuzu watches Yuuya and Reiji exchange smirks and gentle bickering as they look from her to each other and hold her closer between them, and she doesn’t feel afraid. She feels exhilarated. She is one step closer to the end of her journey to leave her family’s predator powerless and lifeless. That will be such a burden lifted.
And hell, maybe in the process she can get some swashbuckling in.
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smxmuffinpeddling · 7 years
“Mei, I told you I can cook whatever, you don’t have to worry about it!” Yuzu said as she pushed the cart through the soup aisle at the grocery store. Mei walked ahead of her, considering cans of soup.
“You’re working just as hard as I am, there’s no sense in burdening yourself with all of the housework as well.”
“Yeah, but canned soup? I can teach you to make regular soup!”
Mei narrowed her eyes at the subtle dig that she had to be taught anything. “I like the clear instructions.”
“I can give you clear instructions!” Yuzu insisted. 
“Saying ‘a handful of this and that’ is not clear instruction.” Mei dumped a bunch of cans into the cart with finality. Yuzu chuckled in defeat. Even when Mei was being stubborn, she was still cute. She almost crashed into another shopping cart while thinking about how much she loved her girlfriend of several years and how she wanted to spend the rest of her life with her.
Yuzu patted her pocket, looking for that reassuring box-shaped lump that also inspired an odd mix of dread and excitement and an entire bouquet of feelings that was just so much that Yuzu couldn’t even wrap her mind around actually whipping the complicated thing out to ask Mei to marry her and-- it wasn’t there.
The ring box she had been carrying around for the last few weeks was missing from her pocket.
Her heart stopped beating for five entire seconds.
“Yuzu, you dropped something.” Mei was bending down to pick something up.
Was Yuzu stuck in a dream? A nightmare? Where time seemed to be going slow and fast at the same time and her limbs were made of spaghetti and instead of resuming beating her heart just did this weird lurching thing a dozen times in a row like it was drowning and was this what a panic attack felt like?? The last time she felt this paralyzed was when she had accidentally sent Mei nudes--
“You dropped your… Ring box?” Mei held the white velvety box in the palm of her hand. Mei peered at it curiously, then looked back to Yuzu with an eyebrow quirked up in curiosity. In the span of that time Yuzu’s hands had found themselves buried in her hair in distress and all the blood had been drained from her body.
“Th-That’s that uh, um--” she stammered.
Not caring that Yuzu has been legally dead for about thirty seconds, Mei opened the box without preamble. Yuzu screamed silently in place. Mei seemed to be having a staring contest with the pair of engagement rings that presented themselves to her proudly. Sweat poured out of Yuzu like a waterfall in the meantime.
Mei slowly swallowed. “How long have you had this?”
“Eh?” Yuzu squeaked. “Three… weeks,” she breathed hesitantly.
Mei continued staring at the ring and she released the very longest sigh ever from her lips, and that was saying something. “Yes.”
Yuzu’s brain short-circuited. “What?”
“Yes,” Mei said like it was the most obvious thing in the world
Yuzu couldn’t take much more of her body trying to fail on her. Her arms flapped to jumpstart her brain. “W-w-wait A MINUTE LET ME ASK THE QUESTION FIRST!” she yelled, pretty much drawing the attention of whoever else wanted soup that evening.
Mei’s eyes were shining with tears when she looked at Yuzu again. “Hurry up.”
Yuzu was hyperventilating and her head was blank. “Mei, will you… wife? With me?” Yuzu had forgotten how language worked.
“Yes,” Mei shot at her impatiently once more.
Yuzu gasped at that, reaching towards Mei to beg her for mercy. “I’m sorry. I screwed this up so bad,” she laughed in clear distress. Tears were gathering in her eyes and she reached up to wipe them in embarrassment, but Mei stopped her. She took her hand and kissed it before getting down on one knee. “Eh?” Yuzu said in confusion as Mei presented the rings Yuzu had bought for Mei to Yuzu.  
Mei’s dark eyes held Yuzu’s with the strength and surety of a goddess. “Yes.”
“Ehh?!” Yuzu put a hand over her mouth in shock at these unexpected turn of events. She was still crying and didn’t know how to stop at this point.
“I will say yes to you a million more times,” Mei declared lovingly. “Growing up, I never even imagined that I could ever experience a love like what you've shared with me. You are everything I never knew I needed and I'm so proud to be yours.” Mei smiled at her. “Yuzu, please marry me.”
Mei’s hand and warmth grounded Yuzu’s mind to the moment. She took in how serious Mei’s face was, and how she’d never seen her more determined or sure of something in her life, and why did Yuzu even hesitate to pop the question? The ring wasn’t complicated at all; she just wanted to be with the woman in front of her for the rest of her life. Hands trembling, Yuzu hiccuped, “Yes. Oh my god! Yes, of course I will!” With cans of soup as their witnesses and scattered applause from the other two people around them (who probably wanted them to get out of the way so they could get to their soup.) They quickly slipped the rings on each other’s hands. Yuzu grasped Mei’s face and pulled her up to kiss her sweetly right there in front of everyone without a care in the world. The kiss lasted for only a moment before they hugged each other tightly, faces buried in each other’s necks.
“Were you afraid I would say no?” Mei’s voice was muffled in her neck, amused and annoyed and happy somehow rolled together.
“I was just waiting for the perfect moment!” Yuzu replied in embarrassment. In perspective, it all seemed so silly now.
Someone was pushing their cart out of the way so they could squeeze by. “Alright, could you two cool it down already?” the random person grumbled as they reached past their joined heads to get at a can.
Yuzu managed to separate herself from Mei to point at the man. “Don’t you dare talk to my wife that way!” she asserted so loudly and confidently, it was almost like she hadn’t forgotten how words worked just two minutes ago. She turned back to Mei with an excited grin. “I’ve always wanted to say that!” She had never seen Mei look at her with such awe and such hunger.
Getting through the checkout lane was torturously slow (and uncomfortable for anyone around the newly engaged couple because of all the sexual tension). They ran to their car hand in hand, cans of soup abandoned in the parking lot in their haste before Mei was shoving Yuzu into the cramped backseat to officially consummate their engagement.
The man who Yuzu had yelled at before was sitting in the car parked next to them and couldn’t get his car to start. “Oh no. OH NO.” 
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yuzusorbet · 7 years
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A friend shared with me about her Sendai trip to see Yuzu's photo exhibition.  I was very touched by her words and she gave me permission to share with other fans.   These are her photos and messages shared with me: (I translated her Chinese to English.) ~~~~~~~~~~
Photography is not allowed in the exhibition, so I took photos from outside only.
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All the support posters were very touching.  Noto-san's photos are especially good at capturing Yuzu's different moments.  Although we have already seen some photos before, this is a proper photography exhibition, the photos are of a high level, and very beautiful.  
I found myself standing before the photos for a long time.... because each one brought back memories of what happened at that competition..... I was very moved.  The next day, I went back there again. It was an exhibition that was really worth going for. As for the posters put up at the subway stations, what was really great was that not only did the selected photos look good, each poster also had some description that was relevant to that specific station;  it was really done with a lot of thought and care!  (see photos at the top of this post) The posters were put up near the entrance and exit of stations, and were very easy to see from inside or outside the gates. 
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In the public buses, there were also advertisements of the photo exhibition. 
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I also visited Ice Rink Sendai.  It was open for skating but the renovations were not completely finished and no photography was allowed.  But I saw the bus that they bought with the money Yuzu donated from the royalties of his autobiographies, and I took a photo of it.   
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(my note: I love the licence plate!  December 7.  Someone’s birthday is coming soon. ^^)
Then I went for a walk in Nanakita-koen (七北田公園).  Many people travel around Sendai following the photos in 'Weekend Sendai' magazine. :))
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This photo below (cr: ‘Weekend Sendai’) was actually taken in the carpark outside International Centre Station (where the photo exhibition was held).
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On the 2nd day afternoon, I went to Akiu-jinja (shrine) [秋保神社].  Many flags were put up (from fans) to pray for Yuzu's success.   (my note: this shrine is famous for the god of victory.) I really like this photo that I took....  this huge 350 year-old tree blessing and watching over Yuzu's flags. 
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When I went to the exhibition on the 2nd day, I saw a board with Yuzu's signature and it was dated just the day before!   I asked the staff about it and they said he came at night after the exhibition was closed.   We were not allowed to take a photo of the board but this was what he wrote: (she copied his words down) --------------------------- いつも応援、本当にありがとうございます! こ��シーズンは私にとっても特別なシーズンです。 これからも 全力で ’羽生結弦’らしい演技をしていきます! よろしくお願いします!! [his signature] 2017.11.12 ありがとうございます!Thank you!   Merci!  多謝!  카무사무니다 !  Спасибо! 本当にありがとう!!   羽生結弦 ------------------------------ My note:   This is my translation from his Japanese: “Thank you very much for always supporting me! This season is a special season to me. I will put in all my efforts to give performances that are like "Yuzuru Hanyu". Please give me your support and favour!!!” He wrote 'thank you' in Japanese, English, French, Chinese, Korean, Russian and then Japanese again.   I smiled when I saw the Korean words. (I studied some Korean before.)  I think he was trying to write "kam-sa-hamnida" (감사합니다).... but what he wrote was "kamu-samu-nida" (카무사무니다). ^^  haha..... I was so tickled and so touched at the same time!  He was trying so hard to write in another language for his fans.  How sweet and funny and adorable is this guy....... :D My friend had a wonderful trip.  I thank her for sharing all this with me and for giving me permission to share it with other fans. (she prefers not to be named) (please do not re-post her photos nor use them for any other purpose.)
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chromsai · 7 years
I uh really like your stories you write, can I request this prompt? A prophecy says that everything you love will die. Zarc could only laugh at his self loathing. He would live forever...
Okay first off I am absolutely genuinely sorry I couldn’t get to this sooner (in truth the day you sent this I actually finished about half of it lmao but I hit 2 obstacles: 1) work stole all of my free time and 2) after that first day writer’s block hit me up hard) so again sorry so much this took forever!! I hope it’s at least worth it if not welp at least I tried and I finished another fic either way so woo!
And secondly, you don’t know how much your ask really made my entire past 2 weeks and also motivated me! Even tho I hit writer’s block swear I tried working on it every night after work but none of the right words ever came to me after that first day augh. But again thanks for motivating me to write something!!
Anyways, here ya go!
Nothing’s Reprise
Words: ~1700
“Indeed, mortal. I can grant you the power you seek. However, this comes with a cost.”
Fate had chosen him, it seems. To hear these words. He knew that only he could. After all, he’d never met another like him able to communicate with Duel Monsters spirits. Zarc smiled at his luck. Whatever the price might be, it didn’t matter now. If this was the path the world and fate itself wanted him to follow, who would he be to hold back? No, he’d step forward into it without hesitating.
Anything to exceed their expectations.
“Tell me, O Astrograph Magician.”
“By accepting the power I grant unto you, mortal, you shall forfeit all that you hold dearest. All that you love… shall die. So are the terms of accepting power from me, ruler of Space and Time.”
With arms outstretched and a fiendish smile manifested on his face, Zarc could only laugh.
That’s it?
It seems fate had him be born the luckiest man in the world. The last time he remembered feeling “love” for anything was… when? He continued laughing because he couldn’t remember.
Love… How foolish, he thought as his laugh reached its end. Even not caring for the price, Zarc was still expecting he’d have to give up something more… significant. But this… The price for this was nothing. He almost felt he was being pitied. Especially knowing he was willing to give up anything. Anything. Even himself. In fact…
“I accept! O Astrograph Magician, ruler of Space and Time! With your profound power, overlay our desires!”
His desires. Their desires. The Four Heavenly Dragon’s desires.
He wasn’t forfeiting anything. He was gaining everything. Just as he wanted. Just as they all wanted.
And he had paid nothing for it.
Walking through the ruins of his hometown, Yuto wondered why he was born so unlucky. Ironically unlucky, at that.
Everywhere he turned, all he saw were stills of life that he’d cherished not so long ago. Swings where children used to play, parks where duelists used to entertain. His school where he, his best friends, and his Ruri had laughed together before on a day-to-day basis.
The central tower with a shattered heart lying at its base.
He’d grown up in a city called Heartland. But now that name only reminded him that everything he ever loved about his life was taken from him. Taken from his heart.
He didn’t want to continue fighting, but what choice did he have left? If he wanted to regain everything they’d taken from his heart, he had to keep fighting. Keep hurting. Both himself and others.
Yuto hated that.
He tried to avoid it. But it seemed fate had him set on a different course.
A boy appeared. One that looked just like him. One that said he worked with the enemy.
He fought him. He didn’t care if he had the same face as him. He was the enemy. And he hated the enemy.
Because the enemy, no matter who it was, had taken everything he loved from him.
Yugo loved lots of things.
He loved his hometown, The City, even if it didn’t love him back.
He loved food, even if he’d gone days without seeing a crumb.
He loved dueling and dreaming of championships, even if he never even made it to second place.
He loved his freedom too, but he never had a choice where fate would place him.
But above all, he loved his childhood friend Rin, even if she was taken from him. And then turned into an unrecognizable witch before his very eyes. He still loved her. But then she destroyed his last remaining freedom.
Yugo forgot about love. He remembered only hate.
He found the boy from before again. The one who’d taken it all away from him. The one who toyed him into his fate.
The one he wanted to defeat more than anything else in the world. The one who laughed so coldly at him when he couldn’t.
The one with his very same face who he hated the most. The very same one that promised to love him back.
There were only very few things in this world that Yuya Sakaki hated.
He hated going to school, but never hated school itself. He hated being bullied, but never hated his bullies. He hated losing, but never hated the winner. He hated war and fighting, but never truly hated those warring and fighting.
He hated being separated from the ones he loved, but still never truly hated those who separated them.
Yuya hated certain things, but never people. Never an actual person.
After all, the one thing he wanted most in life was to make others smile. And how could one make others smile from hatred?
Yuya kept asking himself this through his rage.
He couldn’t seem to understand why that sick bastard was smiling. What about Yuya’s hatred towards him could possibly make him smile?
Either way, Yuya couldn’t care less; he was unforgivable. This boy’s sick, twisted smile looked exactly like his. And it disgusted him.
Never before in his life had Yuya Sakaki ever hated someone so badly that he’d want to kill him.
“Unforgivable. You’re unforgivable! Give him back! Give my father back!”
Yuya thought of his father, of his friends, of his family. Of his precious Yuzu. He wanted to remember all the things and the people he loved. He wanted to let go of the hatred. But still, his rage continued. And it wouldn’t be quelled until he’d seen this boy’s, Yuri’s, fated end.
He lost himself in his rage.
“To think that I’d lose… But I’m glad that you are the first one to defeat me…”
He’d won. Yuya won. But Yuya hated this feeling now too. Because the smile on Yuri’s face now… was his too.
“...Because you are me…”
How ironic fate was that the very same and only person that Yuya would ever truly hate in his life… was himself.
Zarc was himself again. Complete. Whole. Just as he’d remembered.
Missing nothing.
...Or perhaps not?
He felt like himself, but strange. Like something had been taken from him, then replaced with something else.
It didn’t matter now, though. He was alive once more as his true self and that meant he could fulfill his fated purpose. He smiled at his luck again. Even after all this time he was gone, the world and the people he loved entertaining were all still there, waiting for him. Waiting for him to use his new powers to give them more. And he was about to grant their very desires yet again.
But yet again, she was there as well, too. The girl who ruined him before. The girl he vowed he’d ruin this time instead first. The girl he hated more than anything in the world.
The girl that was nothing to him.
He smiled at her.
The path that fate had chosen for him was one of victory this time. He’d never felt luckier.
He continued on that path, fulfilling his promise to the world and its people.
“As thanks to you filthy humans, I’ll overlay my newfound godlike powers with your desires! Just as you all wanted!”
Just as they all wanted. Just as his dragons wanted. Just as he wanted.
Zarc exceeded their expectations, and his own as well, and he left the world in utter ruins, the same way it had left him before as well- broken and irreparable. For once, the one that felt satisfied with his performance was himself.
Just then, something inside him awoke amidst his fading madness and smile, and he looked around him at the unlucky world before him.
Everything he’d ever once known and… loved… became…nothing. Now all Zarc had left was himself.
And he hated that.
He needed to fix things. To go back. To find a way where this entire nothingness before him wasn’t lost… because of him.
“Indeed. As the ruler of Space and Time itself, I am able to grant you that wish.”
“Please, Astrograph Magician!”
Zarc was relieved. Even despite everything, fate was kind enough still to have blessed him with luck one last time. Or so it seemed…
“Then, by accepting the power I grant unto you, you shall forfeit all that you hold dearest. All that you love shall die. So are the terms of accepting power from me, ruler of Space and Time.”
This. Again?!
...But then again, he thought, what does it matter? He looked around him and saw… nothing.
I have nothing left to lose.
Zarc was himself again. Complete. Whole. Just as he’d…
No. This time it wasn’t just as he’d remembered.
It was strange, though, because he still felt like himself. But he couldn’t shake off the feeling that something had been taken from him… but what?
It didn’t really matter right at that moment, though. He didn’t care. He had power. Just as they all wanted him to. He was lucky that fate had placed him along this path of victory.
Or so he thought… up until the world ended by his hands… again.
No. No no no no. This can’t-
Something inside him awoke and reminded him of what he truly hated the most.
He had to go back. He had to fix this.
“Indeed. As the ruler of Space and Time itself, I am able to grant you that wish.”
Relieved again. Fate seemed to be merciful still, or so he believed.
“Then, by accepting the power I grant unto you, you shall forfeit all that you hold dearest. All that you love shall die. So are the terms of accepting power from me, ruler of Space and Time.”
The pendulum he didn’t remember he was wearing around his neck began to sway back and forth in the silent wind up until his voice broke out into the air.
All that I love…?
Zarc could only laugh at his self loathing.
“Please, O Astrograph Magician,” he spoke those words again as something within Zarc awoke once more and pleaded him to put an end to his madness, but, to him, nothing seemed to be worth it. “I have nothing left to lose.”
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authoratmidnight · 8 years
Arc V Episode 142 Translated Script
Script and Translation from DMC3444 on NAC
Last Time’s Egao Count: 263
Nico: Participant Sakaki specializes in using Action Cards to turn the tables! Shuzo: I feel like I’ve seen this before… But just what is it? A tangerine? No… It’s something else… Nico: Sawatari, Gongenzaka, and Tsukikage have not suffered any damage so far, While Sakaki Yuya’s Life Points have been whittled down to 2200 due to Tsukikage’s attack! Ayu: Hang in there, Big Bro Yuya! Reiji: Show him no mercy, Tsukikage! Give Sakaki Yuya a thorough beatdown! Himika: Reiji-san! If you do that, that child will… Yusho: If he is defeated just like that, then Yuya is still not that good as a Duelist yet. Reiji: Mother. I’m sorry to say this, but should he fail, you’ll have to give up on Reira’s smile. (Egao Count: 263+1=264) Himika: *gasps* Himika: This poor child became like this because of me…It’s all my fault. I treated this child as nothing more than a tool to enact my revenge against Akaba Leo. As a result, this child can no longer smile… (Egao Count: 264+1=265) Reira: I won’t let this happen again! I will seal Zarc away! Zarc: AAAAAHHHH! Reira: AAAAHHHHHH! Himika: I was wrong! Please forgive me, Reira! Tsukikage: My turn is still not over yet! Kagen’s Pendulum Effect activates! It gains the Pendulum Effect of the Jogen in the Pendulum Zone! Yuya: Jogen’s effect!? Piercing damage again!? Tsukikage: Battle! I attack Hippo Token with Getsuga! Yuya: Getsuga’s ATK is 2000! GONGENZAKA: Hence, the amount of piercing damage will be 2000. SAWATARI-SAN: However, Yuya’s Life Points are 2200. He could’ve done better. Tsukikage: Kagen’s second effect activates! Once per turn, when my Ninja monster attacks, it will gain 500 ATK! Yuya: What!? Nico: Whoa! If this attack goes through, his Life will hit zero! Is Yuya going to lose this early in the game!? Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass. This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one, And send the audience into a storm of excitement. (Opening Sequence) Yuya: Hippo! Tsukikage: How pitiful! A decoy!? Yuya: Action Magic, Miracle, activate! Hippo Token is not destroyed, and the damage is halved! SAWATARI-SAN: Interesting. I’m joining in! Trap Card, Abyss Improvisational Theater – Improv, activate! The battle damage will be increased by the ATK of a Level-4 or below Abyss Actor monster! Yuya: What!? Nico: Whoa! Sawatari is lending Tsukikage a hand!? GONGENZAKA: Hold it! When there’s no Magic or Trap Cards in my Graveyard, And damage is inflicted through a battle with a Defense Position monster, I can send Superheavy Samurai Otasu-K to the Graveyard, and activate its effect! (Notes: Otasu-K is a pun onお助け (Otasuke), which means assistance, help, etc.) GONGENZAKA: I activate Otasu-K’s effect! During damage calculation, the DEF of a Superheavy Samurai monster on my Field will be added to the DEF of another Defense Position monster! Nico: Oh! Now, Gongenzaka is lending Yuya a hand! Nico: and due to the effect of Abyss Improvisational Theater – Improv, the damage is increased by 1100! Tsukikage received a total of 1600 damage! SAWATARI-SAN: Whoops, sorry about that, Tsukikage. I was planning to help you, but it backfired instead. Tsukikage: Don’t worry about it. Tsukikage: When the Battle Phase ends, Getsuga’s ATK returns to normal. I end my turn. Yuya: Thank you! You’re a lifesaver, Gongenzaka! GONGENZAKA: Don’t get the wrong idea! It’s not like I wanted to help you. Yuya! I will be the one who will defeat you! Yuya: Hah. Okay, then. But first, we have to deal with those two! GONGENZAKA: Right! Nico: My goodness! This has turned into a Tag Duel, with Yuya and Gongenzaka teaming up against Sawatari and Tsukikage! Ayu: Big Bro Yuya and Gongenzaka are teaming up! Tatsuya: Amazing! This looks fun! Futoshi: SHIVEERRRS! Yuya: The fun… Yuya/GONGENZAKA: …has just begun! Yuya: It’s my turn! Using the Scale-1 Stargazer Magician and the Scale-8 Timegazer, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 7! Swing, Pendulum of the Soul! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! The one who bears heroic and beautiful dual-colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Yuya: Battle! I attack Curtain Raiser with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Spiral Strike Burst! Yuya: Ah… Riding Duel...!? Why am I riding on a bike? Wait… It’s not a bike. It’s a D-Wheel! Yuya: That’s right… We Lancers went to the Synchro Dimension! SAWATARI-SAN: Not so fast! I activate Curtain Raiser’s Monster Effect! When the only card on my Field is Curtain Raiser, During damage calculation only, its ATK will be doubled! SAWATARI-SAN: Even your ace monster, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, can only inflict 300 damage. That’s how great I am. I’m the Super Ultra Hyper Strong Duelist— Yuya: I attack Sawatari Shingo directly with Entermate Discover Hippo! SAWATARI-SAN: AAAAAHHHHH! Yuya: I end my turn! Yuya: But why did I go to the Synchro Dimension? Why exactly did I go… SAWATARI-SAN: All right! It’s time to open my magnificent entertainment theater! SAWATARI-SAN: Even the genius Duelist, Akaba Reiji, has great expectations for me and entrusted me with the task of conquering Academia! Now, I, Sawatari Shingo, shall show you the greatest Entertainment Duel ever! Yuya: We’ll see about that. You’re not the one who will perform the greatest Entertainment Duel! It will be me, the son of the pioneer of Entertainment Dueling, Sakaki Yusho! SAWATARI-SAN: Hah! Then, let’s have a match to decide who is the true Entertainment Duelist! Yuya: Sure! SAWATARI-SAN: It’s my turn! Draw! Using the Scale-3 Abyss Actor – Extras and the Scale-8 Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-4 and 7! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Abyss Actor – Big Star! Return to the stage once more! Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser! Yuya: Trap Card, activate! Entertainment Dragon's Shadow! Yuya: Ladies and gentlemen! Huh… Edo Phoenix… The torn Smile World card… (Egao Count: 265+1=266) How did it end up like that… SAWATARI-SAN: Hey, what’s up with you!? If you’re going to do entertainment, do it properly! Yuya: I release Hippo Token, And equip Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon to Discover Hippo! It is now a formidable, three-story dragon! SAWATARI-SAN: Hah? So you’re just using it as a ride? Let’s go! Sawatari Theater’s Dragon Slaying Saga shall now commence! The first act! I activate Funky Comedian’s Pendulum Effect! Once per turn, I can put an Abyss Actor Pendulum Monster on my Field into the Extra Deck, And add its ATK to another monster! SAWATARI-SAN: Big Star’s Monster Effect! Once per turn, I can add a Magic Card with Abyss Script in its name to my hand! I activate the Magic Card, Abyss Script -  Amanojaku! SAWATARI-SAN: Battle! I attack Discover Hippo with Abyss Actor – Big Star! At this moment, due to the effect of Abyss Script -  Amanojaku, The ATK of the monster battling against an Abyss Actor monster will be equal to its DEF! Nico: Ah! Now, the gap between their ATKs is 2800! If this attack goes through, it will be the end of the line for Sakaki Yuya! Yuya: AH! (ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb) Yuya: Good job, Hippo! Action Magic, Encore, activate! I activate the Action Card, Evasion, from the Graveyard! Big Star’s attack will be negated! Yuya: Phew… That was close. Tsukikage: Due to the effect of Hazy Shuriken, I can send a card added to my hand to the Graveyard, And inflict 300 damage to Sakaki Yuya! Yuya: Ouch… This is why an Entertainment Duel never gets boring! Shuzo: AAAAHHHH! Get fired up! Get fired up! Get fired up! It’s not working… I can’t remember anything. But I can’t stop thinking about this thing… A tangor? AAAAHHHH! Stop! Stop! For now, I’ll just leave this thing in the storage room, And go see Yuya’s Duel! Yuzu: Don’t come in without my permission! Shuzo: Heh!? What was that voice!? This room is not a storage room! SAWATARI-SAN: It’s not over yet! Let’s start the second act! From my hand, I activate the Quick-Play Magic, Abyss Performance! I halve the ATK of an Abyss Actor monster on my Field, allowing it to attack again! Yuya: That’s right! The Lancers left the Xyz Dimension, And headed to the Duel Academia in the Fusion Dimension. I was searching for someone back then… SAWATARI-SAN: Why are you spacing out!? Battle! I attack Discover Hippo with Abyss Actor – Big Star again! Yuya: Due to the effect of the Trap Card, Entertainment Dragon's Shadow, The cards on my Field won’t be destroyed during this turn! SAWATARI-SAN: BUT YOU’LL STILL TAKE DAMAGE! GONGENZAKA: What’s wrong, Yuya!? SAWATARI-SAN: I end my turn. At this moment, Big Star’s ATK returns to normal. The effect of Abyss Script - Amanojaku will also end. Yuya: At this moment, the effect of Entertainment Dragon's Shadow also ends! Well then, next up is the turn of my partner, Gongenzaka! GONGENZAKA: It’s my turn! Draw! Using the Scale-1 Superheavy General Jade and the Scale-8 Superheavy General Coral, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 7! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Superheavy Samurai Kaku-5! (Note: Kaku-5 is based on the word 覚悟 (Kakugo), which means readiness, resolve, etc.) GONGENZAKA: Then, I Normal Summon Superheavy Samurai Soul Double Horn from my hand! Double Horn’s Monster Effect activates! Once per turn, I can equip it to one of my Superheavy Samurai monsters! Nico: This Entertainment Duel is not as exciting as I’ve expected so far, But hopefully, with Gongenzaka’s turn… Shuzo: Hey! Give me the mike! Nico: What!? What are you doing!? Shuzo: Look, just give me the mike! Yuya: Gongenzaka has equipped Double Horn to Big Benkei! Now then, what kind of Duel will he show us!? Shuzo: Yuya! Yuya: Looks like someone’s asking for me… Nico: I’m the hos-- Shuzo: Yuzu isn’t here! She’s not here! Shuzo: Yuzu is… Yuzu is gone! Ayu: Big Sis Yuzu? Futoshi: That reminds me… She’s been gone this whole time… Tatsuya: Why didn’t we notice until now? Yoko: Yuzu-chan! SAWATARI-SAN: Yuzu! GONGENZAKA: Yuzu! Yuya: Yuzu… Yuzu… Yuzu… YUZU! Reiji: He remembers now, huh? Leo: The world is breaking into four again! Reiji: Zarc will be reincarnated in the four dimensions again, and the same things will repeat! Reira: I won’t let it happen again! I will seal Zarc away! Reiji: Back then, Reira drove Ray’s soul out of himself with his own will, And sealed Zarc’s wicked soul deep within himself. Yuya: Reira? REIRAAAAAAA! Reiji: And as a result of the dimensional split, Reira was reborn as a baby, and lost his smile… (Egao Count: 266+1=267) Himika: But I still have faith… Himika: …That some day, this child will have a gentle smile on his face again… (Egao Count: 267+1=268) Reiji: Yeah… We regained our memories for that purpose. Yusho: Yuya. Your real trial starts now. GONGENZAKA: No… At this rate, Yuya will… GONGENZAKA: I’ll end this Duel on this turn! I activate Superheavy Samurai Kaku-5’s Monster Effect! I pay 1000 Life, and reduce the ATK of an opposing monster by 1000! GONGENZAKA: I choose Big Star! GONGENZAKA: I activate its effect one more time! GONGENZAKA: I activate its effect a third time! SAWATARI-SAN: W-What was that for!? Yuya: That’s right. I was travelling across the dimensions to search for Yuzu… And then, I finally met Yuzu again… Yuzu! It’s me! Yuya! Can’t you tell!? Yuzu: Yuya!? Yuya: Yeah! It’s me! You’ve returned to normal… Thank goodness! Yuzu! GONGENZAKA: Big Benkei’s Monster Effect activates! Big Benkei can attack while it is in Defense Position! SAWATARI-SAN: AAAAHHHHH! GONGENZAKA: Then, due to Double Horn’s effect, When there’s no Magic or Trap Cards in my Graveyard, The monster equipped with it can attack one more time! Yuya: And then, I… I… Yuya: Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon can attack twice during the Battle Phase! I… Yuzu: Stop it! Yuya: Yuzu… Yuzu: Please… Don’t let your anger control you! Yuzu: So, come back. Return to your true self! Smile like you always do! (Egao Count: 268+1=269) Ruri: No! Yuto: Ruri! Yuya: I attack Pendulum Ruler with Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon! Yuzu: YUYAAAAAAAAA! GONGENZAKA: Super heavy Samurai Kaku-5’s Monster Effect activates! When a Superheavy Samurai monster on my Field destroys a monster through battle, I can destroy the two cards in my Pendulum Zone, allowing to attack one more time! Tsukikage: My role is now over. Yuya: I… Yuya: And I will keep on winning! Until I destroy everything in the world! Yuya: My Astrograph Magician, who rules over space and time,! With your unfathomable power, Overlay our desires together! Yuya: I… I WAS ZARC! (Sing with us in the ending!) (Preview for Episode 143) Yuya: Zarc’s evil spirit, which was locked inside me, is now residing inside Reira. Reira can no longer smile as a result. (Egao Count: 269+1=270) If I can bring Reira’s smile back, (Egao Count: 270+1=271) The evil spirit inside him might go away… But…What am I supposed to do!? GONGENZAKA: If you’re going to keep moping around, I, the manly Gongenzaka, will save both Yuzu and Reira myself! Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: Soul of the Supreme King The fun has just begun!
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the-sayuri-rin · 8 years
Super late but that doesn't stop me from saying GIVE YUYA A BREAK, HE'S BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH 😢
Credit to :DMC3444
Last Time’s Egao Count: 263
Nico: Participant Sakaki specializes in using Action Cards to turn the tables!
Shuzo: I feel like I’ve seen this before… But just what is it? A tangerine? No… It’s something else…
Nico: Sawatari, Gongenzaka, and Tsukikage have not suffered any damage so far, While Sakaki Yuya’s Life Points have been whittled down to 2200 due to Tsukikage’s attack!
Ayu: Hang in there, Big Bro Yuya!
Reiji: Show him no mercy, Tsukikage! Give Sakaki Yuya a thorough beatdown!
Himika: Reiji-san! If you do that, that child will…
Yusho: If he is defeated just like that, then Yuya is still not that good as a Duelist yet.
Reiji: Mother. I’m sorry to say this, but should he fail, you’ll have to give up on Reira’s smile. (Egao Count: 263+1=264)
Himika: *gasps*
Himika: This poor child became like this because of me…It’s all my fault. I treated this child as nothing more than a tool to enact my revenge against Akaba Leo. As a result, this child can no longer smile… (Egao Count: 264+1=265)
Reira: I won’t let this happen again! I will seal Zarc away!
Himika: I was wrong! Please forgive me, Reira!
Tsukikage: My turn is still not over yet! Kagen’s Pendulum Effect activates! It gains the Pendulum Effect of the Jogen in the Pendulum Zone!
Yuya: Jogen’s effect!? Piercing damage again!?
Tsukikage: Battle! I attack Hippo Token with Getsuga!
Yuya: Getsuga’s ATK is 2000!
GONGENZAKA: Hence, the amount of piercing damage will be 2000.
SAWATARI-SAN: However, Yuya’s Life Points are 2200. He could’ve done better.
Tsukikage: Kagen’s second effect activates! Once per turn, when my Ninja monster attacks, it will gain 500 ATK!
Yuya: What!?
Nico: Whoa! If this attack goes through, his Life will hit zero! Is Yuya going to lose this early in the game!?
Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass. This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one, And send the audience into a storm of excitement.
(Opening Sequence)
Yuya: Hippo!
Tsukikage: How pitiful! A decoy!?
Yuya: Action Magic, Miracle, activate! Hippo Token is not destroyed, and the damage is halved!
SAWATARI-SAN: Interesting. I’m joining in! Trap Card, Abyss Improvisational Theater – Improv, activate! The battle damage will be increased by the ATK of a Level-4 or below Abyss Actor monster!
Yuya: What!?
Nico: Whoa! Sawatari is lending Tsukikage a hand!?
GONGENZAKA: Hold it! When there’s no Magic or Trap Cards in my Graveyard, And damage is inflicted through a battle with a Defense Position monster, I can send Superheavy Samurai Otasu-K to the Graveyard, and activate its effect!
(Notes: Otasu-K is a pun onお助け (Otasuke), which means assistance, help, etc.)
GONGENZAKA: I activate Otasu-K’s effect! During damage calculation, the DEF of a Superheavy Samurai monster on my Field will be added to the DEF of another Defense Position monster!
Nico: Oh! Now, Gongenzaka is lending Yuya a hand!
Nico: and due to the effect of Abyss Improvisational Theater – Improv, the damage is increased by 1100! Tsukikage received a total of 1600 damage!
SAWATARI-SAN: Whoops, sorry about that, Tsukikage. I was planning to help you, but it backfired instead.
Tsukikage: Don’t worry about it.
Tsukikage: When the Battle Phase ends, Getsuga’s ATK returns to normal. I end my turn.
Yuya: Thank you! You’re a lifesaver, Gongenzaka!
GONGENZAKA: Don’t get the wrong idea! It’s not like I wanted to help you. Yuya! I will be the one who will defeat you!
Yuya: Hah. Okay, then. But first, we have to deal with those two!
Nico: My goodness! This has turned into a Tag Duel, with Yuya and Gongenzaka teaming up against Sawatari and Tsukikage!
Ayu: Big Bro Yuya and Gongenzaka are teaming up!
Tatsuya: Amazing! This looks fun!
Yuya: The fun…
Yuya/GONGENZAKA: …has just begun!
Yuya: It’s my turn! Using the Scale-1 Stargazer Magician and the Scale-8 Timegazer, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 7! Swing, Pendulum of the Soul! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! The one who bears heroic and beautiful dual-colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!
Yuya: Battle! I attack Curtain Raiser with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Spiral Strike Burst!
Yuya: Ah… Riding Duel…!? Why am I riding on a bike? Wait… It’s not a bike. It’s a D-Wheel!
Yuya: That’s right… We Lancers went to the Synchro Dimension!
SAWATARI-SAN: Not so fast! I activate Curtain Raiser’s Monster Effect! When the only card on my Field is Curtain Raiser, During damage calculation only, its ATK will be doubled!
SAWATARI-SAN: Even your ace monster, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, can only inflict 300 damage. That’s how great I am. I’m the Super Ultra Hyper Strong Duelist—
Yuya: I attack Sawatari Shingo directly with Entermate Discover Hippo!
Yuya: I end my turn!
Yuya: But why did I go to the Synchro Dimension? Why exactly did I go…
SAWATARI-SAN: All right! It’s time to open my magnificent entertainment theater!
SAWATARI-SAN: Even the genius Duelist, Akaba Reiji, has great expectations for me and entrusted me with the task of conquering Academia! Now, I, Sawatari Shingo, shall show you the greatest Entertainment Duel ever!
Yuya: We’ll see about that. You’re not the one who will perform the greatest Entertainment Duel! It will be me, the son of the pioneer of Entertainment Dueling, Sakaki Yusho!
SAWATARI-SAN: Hah! Then, let’s have a match to decide who is the true Entertainment Duelist!
Yuya: Sure!
SAWATARI-SAN: It’s my turn! Draw! Using the Scale-3 Abyss Actor – Extras and the Scale-8 Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-4 and 7! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Abyss Actor – Big Star! Return to the stage once more! Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser!
Yuya: Trap Card, activate! Entertainment Dragon’s Shadow!
Yuya: Ladies and gentlemen! Huh… Edo Phoenix… The torn Smile World card… (Egao Count: 265+1=266) How did it end up like that…
SAWATARI-SAN: Hey, what’s up with you!? If you’re going to do entertainment, do it properly!
Yuya: I release Hippo Token, And equip Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon to Discover Hippo! It is now a formidable, three-story dragon!
SAWATARI-SAN: Hah? So you’re just using it as a ride? Let’s go! Sawatari Theater’s Dragon Slaying Saga shall now commence! The first act! I activate Funky Comedian’s Pendulum Effect! Once per turn, I can put an Abyss Actor Pendulum Monster on my Field into the Extra Deck, And add its ATK to another monster!
SAWATARI-SAN: Big Star’s Monster Effect! Once per turn, I can add a Magic Card with Abyss Script in its name to my hand! I activate the Magic Card, Abyss Script -  Amanojaku!
SAWATARI-SAN: Battle! I attack Discover Hippo with Abyss Actor – Big Star! At this moment, due to the effect of Abyss Script -  Amanojaku, The ATK of the monster battling against an Abyss Actor monster will be equal to its DEF!
Nico: Ah! Now, the gap between their ATKs is 2800! If this attack goes through, it will be the end of the line for Sakaki Yuya!
Yuya: AH!
(ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb)
Yuya: Good job, Hippo! Action Magic, Encore, activate! I activate the Action Card, Evasion, from the Graveyard! Big Star’s attack will be negated! 
Yuya: Phew… That was close.
Tsukikage: Due to the effect of Hazy Shuriken, I can send a card added to my hand to the Graveyard, And inflict 300 damage to Sakaki Yuya!
Yuya: Ouch… This is why an Entertainment Duel never gets boring!
Shuzo: AAAAHHHH! Get fired up! Get fired up! Get fired up! It’s not working… I can’t remember anything. But I can’t stop thinking about this thing… A tangor? AAAAHHHH! Stop! Stop! For now, I’ll just leave this thing in the storage room, And go see Yuya’s Duel!
Yuzu: Don’t come in without my permission!
Shuzo: Heh!? What was that voice!? This room is not a storage room!
SAWATARI-SAN: It’s not over yet! Let’s start the second act! From my hand, I activate the Quick-Play Magic, Abyss Performance! I halve the ATK of an Abyss Actor monster on my Field, allowing it to attack again!
Yuya: That’s right! The Lancers left the Xyz Dimension, And headed to the Duel Academia in the Fusion Dimension. I was searching for someone back then…
SAWATARI-SAN: Why are you spacing out!? Battle! I attack Discover Hippo with Abyss Actor – Big Star again!
Yuya: Due to the effect of the Trap Card, Entertainment Dragon’s Shadow, The cards on my Field won’t be destroyed during this turn!
GONGENZAKA: What’s wrong, Yuya!?
SAWATARI-SAN: I end my turn. At this moment, Big Star’s ATK returns to normal. The effect of Abyss Script - Amanojaku will also end.
Yuya: At this moment, the effect of Entertainment Dragon’s Shadow also ends! Well then, next up is the turn of my partner, Gongenzaka!
GONGENZAKA: It’s my turn! Draw! Using the Scale-1 Superheavy General Jade and the Scale-8 Superheavy General Coral, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 7! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Superheavy Samurai Kaku-5!
(Note: Kaku-5 is based on the word 覚悟 (Kakugo), which means readiness, resolve, etc.)
GONGENZAKA: Then, I Normal Summon Superheavy Samurai Soul Double Horn from my hand! Double Horn’s Monster Effect activates! Once per turn, I can equip it to one of my Superheavy Samurai monsters!
Nico: This Entertainment Duel is not as exciting as I’ve expected so far, But hopefully, with Gongenzaka’s turn…
Shuzo: Hey! Give me the mike!
Nico: What!? What are you doing!?
Shuzo: Look, just give me the mike!
Yuya: Gongenzaka has equipped Double Horn to Big Benkei! Now then, what kind of Duel will he show us!?
Shuzo: Yuya!
Yuya: Looks like someone’s asking for me…
Nico: I’m the hos–
Shuzo: Yuzu isn’t here! She’s not here!
Shuzo: Yuzu is… Yuzu is gone!
Ayu: Big Sis Yuzu?
Futoshi: That reminds me… She’s been gone this whole time…
Tatsuya: Why didn’t we notice until now?
Yoko: Yuzu-chan!
Yuya: Yuzu… Yuzu… Yuzu… YUZU!
Reiji: He remembers now, huh?
Leo: The world is breaking into four again!
Reiji: Zarc will be reincarnated in the four dimensions again, and the same things will repeat!
Reira: I won’t let it happen again! I will seal Zarc away!
Reiji: Back then, Reira drove Ray’s soul out of himself with his own will, And sealed Zarc’s wicked soul deep within himself.
Reiji: And as a result of the dimensional split, Reira was reborn as a baby, and lost his smile… (Egao Count: 266+1=267)
Himika: But I still have faith…
Himika: …That some day, this child will have a gentle smile on his face again… (Egao Count: 267+1=268)
Reiji: Yeah… We regained our memories for that purpose.
Yusho: Yuya. Your real trial starts now.
GONGENZAKA: No… At this rate, Yuya will…
GONGENZAKA: I’ll end this Duel on this turn! I activate Superheavy Samurai Kaku-5’s Monster Effect! I pay 1000 Life, and reduce the ATK of an opposing monster by 1000!
GONGENZAKA: I choose Big Star!
GONGENZAKA: I activate its effect one more time!
GONGENZAKA: I activate its effect a third time!
SAWATARI-SAN: W-What was that for!?
Yuya: That’s right. I was travelling across the dimensions to search for Yuzu… And then, I finally met Yuzu again… Yuzu! It’s me! Yuya! Can’t you tell!?
Yuzu: Yuya!?
Yuya: Yeah! It’s me! You’ve returned to normal… Thank goodness! Yuzu!
GONGENZAKA: Big Benkei’s Monster Effect activates! Big Benkei can attack while it is in Defense Position!
GONGENZAKA: Then, due to Double Horn’s effect, When there’s no Magic or Trap Cards in my Graveyard, The monster equipped with it can attack one more time!
Yuya: And then, I… I…
Yuya: Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon can attack twice during the Battle Phase! I…
Yuzu: Stop it!
Yuya: Yuzu…
Yuzu: Please… Don’t let your anger control you!
Yuzu: So, come back. Return to your true self! Smile like you always do! (Egao Count: 268+1=269)
Ruri: No!
Yuto: Ruri!
Yuya: I attack Pendulum Ruler with Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon!
GONGENZAKA: Super heavy Samurai Kaku-5’s Monster Effect activates! When a Superheavy Samurai monster on my Field destroys a monster through battle, I can destroy the two cards in my Pendulum Zone, allowing to attack one more time!
Tsukikage: My role is now over.
Yuya: I…
Yuya: And I will keep on winning! Until I destroy everything in the world!
Yuya: My Astrograph Magician, who rules over space and time,! With your unfathomable power, Overlay our desires together!
Yuya: I… I WAS ZARC!
(Sing with us in the ending!)
(Preview for Episode 143)
Yuya: Zarc’s evil spirit, which was locked inside me, is now residing inside Reira. Reira can no longer smile as a result. (Egao Count: 269+1=270) If I can bring Reira’s smile back, (Egao Count: 270+1=271) The evil spirit inside him might go away… But…What am I supposed to do!?
GONGENZAKA: If you’re going to keep moping around, I, the manly Gongenzaka, will save both Yuzu and Reira myself!
Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: Soul of the Supreme King The fun has just begun!
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Title: Messy Matters
Pairings: platonic JinKarinUru, mentioned familial KarinYuz
Words: 400+
Summary: Canon divergent, post TYBW arc. WARNINGS-- blood, injury, death, suicidal ideation, smoking; Random fate intervenes where Karin isn’t yet brave enough to.
She was just on a walk, that was it. She was just on a walk, Ururu between Jinta and herself and he in the gutter because they’d virtually shoved him off. They had just been walking and talking and accidentally bumped into them.
Her shirt felt warm and grimy. She looked down and lost her breath. The red spot on her uniform grew around the black, plastic shaft buried in her bosom.
Jinta’s bat swiped the stranger out of sight. Her legs gave, Ururu caught her, and then tremors wracked her appendages. Her shaky hand wrapped around the shaft of the knife and pulled it out. Ururu shrieked as she lowered her to the concrete and pressed her palms against the wounds.
“Don’t,” she wheezed. “Please, don’t....”
“Shut up, you idiot!” Ururu barked over the chorus of metal-meet-bone. It was bizzare to see her so expressive-- with her blue eyes watery and the size of dinner plates. “You’re so knowledgeable about emergency medicine, but you pull it out? Your sister’s going to cry, you know!”
Tears streaked down her temples as she shook her head. She felt so faint, so cold, her every breath felt like another achy stab. But it was like her daydreams had come true-- she’d finally die, she’d finally become a shinigami, but she didn’t have to do it by her own hand. She wouldn’t hurt anybody, she wouldn’t betray anybody.
“No, I can’t keep doing this. Please, have some mercy.” She begged as she tried to pry Ururu’s hands off her chest.
“You’re a terrible sister. Yuzu doesn’t deserve you.” Her friend wept as she leaned her weight into her hands.
“I know....” A film of sweat still covered her skin. She was still cold and getting colder, her senses still dulled. Jinta sounded so far away, the edges of her vision were a dark, dark grey. She was so tired, she couldn’t keep her eyes open....
When she could open her eyes again, she felt lighter, warmer, her chest didn’t so ache. Ururu wailed, her fair skin smeared with blood as she held her face in her hands. Jinta was crouched with his back to her a few meters away, the mystery attacker hidden by his back.
It was odd to see her body on the ground. It was odd to see the chain that attached them protrude from her still-bleeding wound, it was odd how beautifully her viscous blood accented her pallid skin. She watched her chain crumble as her body gave one last sigh, too numb to feel anything let alone horror.
It was... freeing.
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