#yv recap
yaoiverseupdates · 1 year
Yaoiverse Recap - Sept. 1, 2023
Fit's Party
Primarily made up of liveblogs from the participants, along with a few shorter threads. Most are standalones
For those who do not know the context, Fit made a deal with Lil J. He would get an end crystal if he threw a party. This is that party
Bad tells Mariana about finding Quackity's communicator, but decides to wait to tell Charlie. Mariana leaves immediately after this.
Bad then tells Phil about the communicator. Phil gets upset with Bad.
Ramón stumbles across TNT and runs to find Fit. He does not have time to warn him before everything explodes
The rest of the event is reactions to the explosion. Only a handful of characters are injured, though Phil dies from his injuries.
Phil dies after offering to get Bad a drink (part of HIS deal with Lil J), then the TNT explodes and he uses his body to protect Bad.
Cucurucho and Jeremy learn that Lil J is the one who lit the TNT, though there is some confusion among the residents since Fit still retrieves the end crystal before fainting.
In the aftermath, Bad tries to heal everyone they can find.
Bad takes Fit, Ramón, Chayanne, Tallulah, Dapper, and Gegg back home with him. Everyone else goes their own ways. Outside of Phil's death, some burns, and some shrapnel, everyone seems to be okay.
Cellbit's Escape Attempt
Cellbit sees the various posts about the party, gets jealous over Luzu, and generally is just upset that xe is not there with xir family.
Then the bomb goes off.
Cellbit panics, writes a final love letter (Eng. translation: "to my island"), and rushes off to go find everyone to escape
Xe makes it to the kids' wing, and meets Trumpet. Cellbit promises to get him and his siblings out.
The Federation tells Cucurucho to stop Cellbit from interacting with Trumpet. When it refuses, they take control and pilot it themselves.
Cucurucho appears behind Cellbit, giving Trumpet a moment of hope before it tases xem and pulls out a gun, shooting Trumpet in the shoulder
Juana finds them, then runs when Trumpet tells her to. She asks Jeremy for help, who is unable to do anything, and Cucurucho takes Trumpet to (presumably) get healed and Cellbit to get frozen.
Cucurucho is cut off from everyone else by the Federation for its disobedience, and is not allowed to contact anyone anymore.
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elbackflipo · 4 months
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[Yaoiverse roleplay blog, now managed by @patorucho]
[Note: A general recap with previous storylines from the previous blog will be made soon. Changes will be made.]
[Admin only knows English/Tagalog, but will try to provide a Spanish translation]
🦷 Things to know about y!Charlie:
☢ He uses he/him pronouns, occasionally she/her but he doesn't care. Sex? Yes please!! Oh- OHH. You mean gender. Uhhh. Schlime.
☢ He goes by Charlie or Slime, full name Charlie Slimecicle. Nickname El Backflipo. Petname uhh fuck you only my WIFE gets to know. Unless you're uhh ahahaha... seeing me later if you catch my drrrift ;) Organ swapping am I right? [I'll take your liver and your lungs and you can have a piece of my uhh left nipple]
☢ She's an eldritch slime demon, but tends to hide it with a flesh disguise. Charlie's uhhh. Not adopted but surely a little ~different~ from his siblings. Isn't that quirky of him? [Gross slimy fleshy unconvincing giggling]
☢ Disgusting freak of nature
☢ Mostly goofy, sometimes not. Do you get to know? No, fuck you.
☢ From SCU and Tommyinnit Mod Videos! Not c!Slime, but you fucking wish don't you fuckers.
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🧠 Tags he'll use:
✘ #schlop posting - text posts
✘ #you gunkin? - asks
✘ #sludge dissolve - in character reblogs
✘ #slime right in - lit rp threads
✘ #slime you later - end of roleplay
✘ #all schleeing eyes + #ooc - out of character
☣ #yaoiverse - general yv tag
☣ #straightverse - general angst tag
☣ #sexoverse - general suggestive tag
☣ #yuriverse - general non canon tag
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🏳️‍🌈 Tags when talking to Faggot Funland:
[Can- Can I even reclaim that? Chat can I say schlaggots instead? Chat I need to know what schlurs I can reclaim]
🫀 I'm not the dad that stepped up, I'm the father that fucking FORGOT [Family]:
✂ @elwifeguy (Mariana) - #my bitch wife ♡ [GET YOUR OWN!!]
✂ @bulletflips (Juanaflippa) - #my daughter flippita ♡
✂ @tazeredmike (Mike) - #brother from another gunker
✂ @duckduckquackity (Quackity) - #paraschlocial much
✂ @witheredlilacs (Tilín) - #girlfreak two
✂ @goo-amalgamation (Gegg) - #smaller sludger
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🫁 Love is in the air? WRONG. GAS LEAK. [Quesadilla Island]:
✂ @catboyarg (Cellbit) - #pussy out? erm yea
✂ Residents will be re-added, once connections are re-established
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🦴 Reminder: Do NOT fucking click or even MOVE. [Eggs/Kids]:
✂ @inventorswag (Ramón) - #derailing your fucking train
✂ Residents will be re-added, once connections are re-established
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✂ Residents will be re-added, once connections are re-established
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[dividers 1/2]
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princessdreamie · 11 months
DBH part 17
At the cemetery
Na stood infront of the gate, starting to have doubt's. She was hesitating if she should really go further with her mission or just forget it all together. But after gaining some more confidence in herself she passed through the gate.
The place was for the most part empty. Just a few ppl were present to visit their loved ones. She approached some old lady that was tending to the yard and asked for Yv's grave. The old lady chatted with the little girl as she took her there.
The woman was pretty helpful with her information. She was apparently someone who was some what close to Yv's mom, they werent talking a lot many years ago tho. The news about her friend's daughter's death hit the whole family hard.
She just knew that she had to go through a lot of misery, especially at the end. Na got to know about Yv's husband as well. Le gave her some information about him too but Na wasnt sure if he was of any importance in her opinion.
The lady heard that the man committed suicide after his wife's death. Na felt sad hearing that but her thoughts were interrupted as they arrived at the gravestone. Yv's name was somewhat legible but the weather over the years took a number on the writings.
Na ask the woman if ppl still visit her regularly. The adult thought for a bit and answered her truthfully: „The first few years, yes. But you know how it is. Things change, visits decline but there are still a few who visit every now and then.”
That got the little girl thinking. Aunt N and her mom sometimes go away once or twice a year but they would come back after 2 hours or so. She used to ask where they went but both of them avoided her quarries until she stopped entirely. „Come to think of it”, Na realized „They usually go out roughly the same date. If they had more work to do they would either go a few days earlier or later. Maybe their reason for going out on that date was to visit Yv's grave?”
Her mind was turning and only came to a hold when the lady excused herself to go back to her duties. Na thanked her and stayed for a couple more minutes. She didnt want to leave immediately not to raise suspicion but mainly to pay respects to her mom's late friend she never came to know.
A bus ride and short walk later
Na was about to enter the house, as suddenly the door flew open, seeing an anger K towering over the little girl. Na was very certain that she was in big trouble.
And she was right. K angrily berated his daugher of going out w/o their permission. Or not giving them any kind of way to find her. J was mad at her as well but she hardly said anything. Na was aware that she was supposed to inform them but she wanted the reason to herself in the moment.
The day passes and the Stanton's were invited for a family dinner at Fl's house. While his sons and their wives were acting normal, Na noticed something was not right. N was uncharacteristically quiet and Br was just hanging on her phone. Which wouldnt be unusal for her cousin but this time the teenager was very cold looking.
Na's parents acted like their usual self's but she knew that these 2 were still angry at her for leaving unannounced. At the end of the main course, N had an announcement to make.
N asked for the kids attention. Especially from her own daughter. Na was confused what she was doing but she didnt need to wait for too long.
N started by saying that the last couple of months have been chaotic and that things have strained their relationship.
The younger kids (Na and Ke) were not sure where she was going with this but the teenagers werent as interested as N would have liked. Thats were she finally told them the story about Yv and her kidnapping.
|dont feel like recapping bc some might know already and if not just know that i skipped at least 80% of her story bc the Yv arc went on for way too long.|
After finishing the story and revealing how it ended for Yv's husband, it went quiet. Br was shocked to say the least. She knew that her aunt Yv had an accident but he ad no clue how it actually went down. And now it made sense why she never saw her husband after that day at the ski resort. Lv wasnt as close to Yv as the others really, but he really felt bad for the unfortunate couple. Ke sat there as if he was not sure what he was supposed to do with that information.
But Na? Na was furious. Most of the things she already knew from Le's findings but those didnt mention anything about the hospice visit, or the earrings or any other instances they could have helped her. And she called out the whole tabel: „You call yourself her friends but she was not imoprtant enough for you to get her out?? You could have just let uncle Ct find her and see how to rescuse her from her ex. Or even better, HAVE HER TAKEN STRAIGHT FROM THE HOSPICE AND DEAL WITH HIM AFTER THAT!!!!”
The whole room was in shock at her outburst. Fl was about to order his granddaughter to behave but he didnt get a word in as the little girl jumped up from her chair, slamming the table glaring at Gr: „And as for her not being family. Have you ever considered that not every person has to be blood to be be one?”
She glared around the table: „Mom and Aunt N were Clearly worried about her. But all she got from you all was one visit and some useless earrings she never even used in the end?! You call yourself her friends but all i see are victim blaming, selfish, ENTITLED FAKES!!” Her voice raised with ever word when stating the last part.
N stood up, arguing with her that it was not true while at the same time trying to justify her actions. But that only made the girl more infuriated.
„Dont try making it about you, Aunt N. I know that you are nothing but a Self-centered woman, not caring at all for ppl that Actually need desperate help. You are not better than the ppl that took your friend-, No, sister from you. Her blood is on your hands. And thats a fact.” Her last 2 sentences shook them to their core.
With that the girl ran out of the dining room, J & K followed suit, calling out to her.
The table was silent for a long time. It was only when Lv spoke up first: „Wow. I cant really say i am shocked but my little cousins is right. You guys practically Abandoned her.”
Gr slapped his son at the back of his head pretty hard for his remark.
After some looking, k & j found their kid ouside in the garden under a tree. Crying her eyes out. Na didnt know why she was so upset. She never met the woman and only knew about her bc of their stupid fight on that day.
But she still found it so unfair. She didnt see any morality in their actions. Just self serving protections.
K wanted to hug her but the girl just shoved him away. Screaming at their hypocritical behavior. She once thought that the Stanton family was about standing up for others and take on leadership. But that was obviously a lie. She saw the signs, the big red flags but she tried to see beyond that. That night her trust in her family, especially N & Ct, was broken. She didnt blame Lv since he also was not aware of the truth. Or Ke, The boy obviously had no part in this what so ever. But the grown ups had no right to be idolized as they have been over the years.
After she calmed down more, J apologize for not telling her sooner but she wanted to leave the past behind and make the best of what she had now. After some time Na left with her parents, even tho she was asked to say sorry to the others for her outburst. But she refused to do so, only wishing to leave the place and to sleep in her bed.
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Pablo Hidalgo’s Many Revelations About The Last Jedi at Comic Con Chile
Pablo Hidalgo, he of the witty Tweets wrecking Reywalker (exhibit 1), cat lover and Lucasfilm Story Group top banana, was recently at Comic Con Chile for a panel called “Mysteries of Star Wars”. One of our Spanish-speaking members from Reylo Skyforum has made a recap/translation of the panel. Behold the wisdom gleaned from this video.
Pablo (PH) opened by revealing that he wrote the captions that appear under the Annie Leibovitz photos in the Vanity Fair spotlight of The Last Jedi. He went on to scroll through the photos and added commentary about the characters and filming process as follows:
About Kylo Ren:
“Here are the bad guys in The Last Jedi -  Kylo of course, carrying the scar that he got from Rey. Kylo has a lot to prove. Even though the First Order was successful in a lot of what it did in TFA, you can't forget that Kylo was defeated by a newcomer. The Last Jedi starts off right where TFA ended, and he has to go visit his boss. We can all imagine how that's gonna turn out."
Audience member question: “Does Kylo Ren know that Darth Vader turned good in the end?” PH: “I think Luke would have told him. He may only have heard a certain side of the story from someone else, and he decided to choose what he chose to believe.”
About Luke/Mark Hamill:
Luke's gloved hand is touching "an ancient Jedi book" in the trailer.
Ahch-To is the site of the first Jedi temple, but the stone hut featured behind Rey and Luke in the VF picture is not a temple. PH: "The island is home to caretakers, and these aliens live in those huts - so Luke hasn't been entirely alone."
“The space siblings (Luke and Leia) have moments (in The Last Jedi) as well.”
Audience member question: “What can you say about Mark Hamill's displeasure with the creative direction of Lucasfilm? He has talked about this in a lot of articles.” PH: “Mark has been quoted out of context. He said he had disagreements with how his character was shown because he didn't think it was going to work out, but then he said ‘I was happy to be proven wrong.’ I think that Mark gives an amazing performance in TLJ and he has nothing but incredible things to say about Rian Johnson. I think any reports about him being unhappy are probably being framed that way for some reason.”
About Rey:
Rey has inherited Anakin's saber and the pilot's seat in the Millennium Falcon, and Chewbacca is a loyal co-pilot. 
     That’s it, wop wop :(
About Carrie Fisher/Princess Leia
"Carrie Fisher's role is much bigger in TLJ than in TFA. We didn’t intend for it to be that way at the time, but TLJ will be an amazing tribute to Carrie Fisher and Princess Leia.”
“Even though we lost Carrie Fisher it doesn't mean we're done telling stories about Princess Leia. There's chapters of her life that haven't been told yet. We have a book coming out by Claudia Grey which follows sixteen-year-old Leia. I think we have opportunity to tell more stories about her.
About Snoke: 
Audience member question: “Was Snoke's first appearance in TFA, or have we seen him before? Is he related to Darth Plagueis?” PH: “Snoke was first seen in TFA. He is a new character we have never seen before.
About the new characters:
“Kelly Marie Tran’s character Rose Tico is a mechanic in the Resistance, her sister Paige is a gunner on a bombing ship.”
Laura Dern’s character: “You had best not underestimate Vice-Admiral Holdo."
"Here is Benicio del Toro as DJ. There are all sorts of rumors about DJ on the internet; he is so shady that there's probably all sorts of rumors about him in the galaxy as well. If you shouldn't judge Holdo by her looks, you can probably judge DJ by his looks."
About Phasma:
"We'll learn a lot more about Phasma this year": there is a new comic about how she arrived on Star Killer Base. There is also a forthcoming novel from DelRey which “talks about how the First Order came to find her in the first place, her past, her home world.”
The picture of Phasma in Vanity Fair “is Gwendolyn behind the scenes, not what Phasma looks like without the helmet.”
About the filming process of The Last Jedi and episode 9:
Rian Johnson went to Skellig Michael to film the continuation of Luke and Rey’s meeting scene for start of The Last Jedi about 2 weeks after JJ wrapped up filming the end of TFA - so before TFA was released.
Audience member question: “Did Carrie's death affect The Last Jedi?” PH answer: “No, because she had already completed her part in its entirety. It did create a challenge for Colin in episode 9, because we all wanted her to feature quite prominently in it, but that can't happen anymore. We are evolving the story from the loss of that, to tell us where it should go.”
About the Force:
“If the Jedi have existed for thousands of years, they would have explored all aspects of how the Force works, from the spiritual to the biological. Only thinking of one side of the equation is an incomplete understanding.”
General Star Wars questions from the audience:
“Was Anakin Skywalker created by Darth Plagueis? PH: “All clues point to yes. This is just a theory, everyone can believe what they want; I think Sidious and Plagueis tried to provoke the creation of The Chosen One so that they could control it, and it didn't work out.
“Did Palpatine have any involvement in Padme's death?” PH: “You can theorize about it; I doubt we're ever going to get any more detail as to exactly how she died. That is a story George presented and we'll leave it as is in the movie.
“Did Palpatine influence Anakin's dreams?” PH doesn't think so. “He is a fearful person, and Palpatine took advantage of it.”
“How did you guys get over the criticism of the PT?” (lol) PH: “Lots of kids love the PT. That generation will get a chance to get out of the shadow of the previous generation. Then they also have to deal with the next generation, who have staked out episode 7, 8 and whatever comes next as THEIR Star Wars. That's healthy.”
“Is Return of the Jedi plural or singular? PH: “People should figure it out for themselves, it's magical that we're still arguing about what it means 30 years later. This is like our religion and we are not done studying it; it doesn't matter what I think about that, it matters what you believe."
“Is Jango Fett Mandalorian or just a mercenary wearing Mandalorian armor?” PH: “All we have to go by is Prime Minister Almec's word. if Jango is Mandalorian he has to be of such shaky standing that someone like Almec can say "No he's not," but there's more to come about this.”
“Are you going to make movies about the survivors from Order 66?” PH: “The era of the early Empire while Jedi were being hunted is an area of storytelling we're interested in. We just launched a new Darth Vader comic series that takes place right during that era. We're not done telling those stories, so it's always a possibility.”
“We saw Mace Windu fly out the window but we never saw his corpse. Is he alive or dead?” PH: “Depends on who you ask. Sam Jackson says he's alive and well, and I don't want to argue with Sam Jackson.”
PH: “Dave Filoni wants to do something special with stories he didn't get a chance to tell. I'll leave that for him to describe.”
“Is Disney interested in doing films about the Old Republic era?” PH: Creative direction for Star Wars is under Lucasfilm - we are always looking along the timeline to see what stories to develop, if we find a filmmaker passionate about that era we may consider it but for now the story is told through the video games.”
“There's a rumor that the First Order will fight against an external galactic threat like the Yuuzhan Vong; will there be something like the YV in the Sequel Trilogy?” PH: The First Order has its hands full trying to take over the known galaxy... The Yuuzhan Vong where going to appear in Clone Wars, they were going to be different than what we read in the books, and it was going to be mysterious aliens encountered by the Jedi - but it was never produced. In our mind there is a version out there where the Jedi encounter Yuuzhan Vong.”
“What do you think about the "Jar Jar is evil" theory?” PH: “Poor guy, he's been through so much but still has  a heart of gold.”
If you made it this far, we regale you with our quick-fire impressions:
As discussed in our podcast analyzing the The Last Jedi teaser trailer, we believe events shown in the teaser will be occurring in the first 1/3 of The Last Jedi. Pablo’s comments about continuity and Kylo having something to prove after just being defeated support that. Don’t expect to see Kylo Ren appeased at the start of TLJ, he will probably be a hot mess. (Hot because he’s attractive, get it? u_u)
The picture of Rey and Chewbacca in Vanity Fair + Pablo’s brief comment about Rey inheriting the Millennium Falcon and a loyal co-pilot in Chewie point to her eventually leaving Ahch-To in The Last Jedi. Some have speculated she will probably spend the entirety of the film on the island, but we disagree.
We are relieved and thanking the Maker after hearing Pablo say “WE are evolving the story (episode 9)” - it’s not just riding on Colin Trevorrow’s shoulders (sorry, Colin). This should also be reassuring in light of PlotGATE: the filmmaker has freedom, but Lucasfilm is always a part of the process. 
They have more Princess Leia stories to tell! And Claudia Grey is involved, huzzah!
Barely any questions about Kylo Ren and zero questions about Rey - but y’all ask about Darth Jar Jar? Get it together, my dudes. -___-
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asiadiamond · 7 years
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Recap of the CEO @_wali_b birthday party ・・・ I want to thank everyone that attended by birthday party last night. Special thanks to my special guest @tomikeogugua from the Starzs hit show "Power". Thank you very much to the two great performances from recording artist @theofficialtoninicole and @reecy101. Shout to the YV Family for rocking with me @asiadiamond @tashimajonesmedia @djluvher @qlickphotography @makeitfunnyc @cherrystylessings. Major salute and special thanks to @nabeharlem for letting me celebrate my birthday at their restaurant. Pictures by YV Official photographer @qlickphotography. Music by @djluvher (YV Media Official DeeJay) and DJ Got It @modeldspence. YV Cosmetics private labeled via @haviic_cosmetics founded by Aleah Alvarado. #yvmag #yvmagradio #yvmaghiphop #yvmagphotography #fashion #rap #reggae #pop #rock #soul #writer #model #host #dj #modeling #singer #songwriter #nyc #la #atl #entertainment #actor #actress #magazine #marketing #nycbusiness #nycradio #Hip-Hop #business
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yaoiverseupdates · 1 year
Welcome to Yaoiverse Updates!
Below the cut, you can find all the important information about Yaoiverse, as well as all the information about Yaoiverse Updates! Happy yaoiing!
(Note: this blog was created on Sept. 2, 2023. Any events that happened before Sept. 1 will gladly be summarized if asked, but will not be posted here as a standard recap.)
What is Yaoiverse?
Yaoiverse is a canon-divergent QSMP roleplay group! It currently consists of seventeen roleplayers, and two spectators! Others can join in on Yaoiverse, too, by sending asks to the characters!
Why make an updates blog?
It can be difficult to keep track of everything that happens in the Yaoiverse. Sometimes we get busy, and it can be difficult to catch up. With so many people, most with multiple blogs running Yaoiverse lore at the same time, there is a lot. So, an updates blog!
What will be on this blog?
This blog will contain daily recaps of everything that happened that day, along with completed threads and plot-relevant posts. These will all be tagged accordingly, so do not fret! I will not be reblogging every single post, primarily just those that are plot-relevant. And some that I personally find entertaining.
Who runs this blog?
Hi, my name is Bee! I run a few different Yaoiverse blogs: Cellbit's, Dapper's, Walter Bob's, and Tina's (once she is added to the Yaoiverse). My main blog is @edgarallanpoestan! I will be taking input from other Yaoiverse members, and may have some of them help me run this blog!
Okay, that's all for questions, so let's get into everything else!
Tagging system
#yv updates - any update post
#yv recap - standard recap post, just a bulleted list with all that has happened that day
#yv thread - a reblog of a completed thread
#yv post - a reblog of a Yaoiverse post
#yuriverse - this is a common tag among all Yaoiverse blogs, meaning the post is not canon to Yaoiverse
#straightverse - this is a common tag among Yaoiverse blogs, meaning the post is heavy and contains some degree of angst. Posts reblogged here that use this tag will be tagged with additional warnings
#sexoverse - this is a common tag among Yaoiverse blogs, meaning that the post is implied to be sexual or explicit. There will never be any graphic smut, but some posts do get somewhat NSFW
Posts will also be tagged with the names of every character included in it, including anons!
English-Speaking Characters
Badboyhalo - @daddestboyhalo
DanTDM - @thediamondmodcart
FitMC - @spawnradio
FoolishGamers - @builderfreak
JaidenAnimations - @the-bird-behind-the-slaughter
Philza - @crows-father
Quackity - @duckduckquackity
Slimecicle - @elfagflippo
WilburSoot - @signed-in-song
Spanish-Speaking Characters
AgebteMaxo - @maximum-father
ElMariana - @elwifeguy
Lil Jesus - @theyaoidevil
Lil Satan - @jesusyaoi
Luzu - @tilinsfather
Missasinfonia - @cringefailskeledad
Roier - @psicologoier
SpreenDMC - @cringefailabsentdad
VegettaGaymer777 - @constructor777
Portuguese-Speaking Characters
Cellbit - @catboyarg
Felps - @felpsederation
ForeverPlayerG - @love-youforever
Mike (TazerCraft) - @tazeredmike
Pac (TazerCraft) - @packedtazer
French-Speaking Characters
Antione Daniel - TBD
AyPierre - @shitfactory-official
BagheraJones - @theducklady
Etoiles - @tueur-de-donjon
Kameto - @frenchsasuke
A1 - @egg-a1
Bobby - @bobby-el-mas-chingon
Chayanne - @cha-cha-cha-chayanne
Dapper - @autismbeamsyou
Gegg - @goo-amalgamation
Juanaflippa - @bulletflips
Leonarda - @minibuilder777
Pomme - @carmalized-apples
Ramón - @inventorswag
Richarlyson - @footballpigeon
Tallulah - @music-among-the-amapolas
Tilín - @witheredlilacs
Trump(et) - @yaaay-propellerhat
(Character list continued in reblog, due to tagging limit)
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