#yv updates
yaoiverseupdates · 1 year
Yaoiverse Recap - Sept. 1, 2023
Fit's Party
Primarily made up of liveblogs from the participants, along with a few shorter threads. Most are standalones
For those who do not know the context, Fit made a deal with Lil J. He would get an end crystal if he threw a party. This is that party
Bad tells Mariana about finding Quackity's communicator, but decides to wait to tell Charlie. Mariana leaves immediately after this.
Bad then tells Phil about the communicator. Phil gets upset with Bad.
Ramón stumbles across TNT and runs to find Fit. He does not have time to warn him before everything explodes
The rest of the event is reactions to the explosion. Only a handful of characters are injured, though Phil dies from his injuries.
Phil dies after offering to get Bad a drink (part of HIS deal with Lil J), then the TNT explodes and he uses his body to protect Bad.
Cucurucho and Jeremy learn that Lil J is the one who lit the TNT, though there is some confusion among the residents since Fit still retrieves the end crystal before fainting.
In the aftermath, Bad tries to heal everyone they can find.
Bad takes Fit, Ramón, Chayanne, Tallulah, Dapper, and Gegg back home with him. Everyone else goes their own ways. Outside of Phil's death, some burns, and some shrapnel, everyone seems to be okay.
Cellbit's Escape Attempt
Cellbit sees the various posts about the party, gets jealous over Luzu, and generally is just upset that xe is not there with xir family.
Then the bomb goes off.
Cellbit panics, writes a final love letter (Eng. translation: "to my island"), and rushes off to go find everyone to escape
Xe makes it to the kids' wing, and meets Trumpet. Cellbit promises to get him and his siblings out.
The Federation tells Cucurucho to stop Cellbit from interacting with Trumpet. When it refuses, they take control and pilot it themselves.
Cucurucho appears behind Cellbit, giving Trumpet a moment of hope before it tases xem and pulls out a gun, shooting Trumpet in the shoulder
Juana finds them, then runs when Trumpet tells her to. She asks Jeremy for help, who is unable to do anything, and Cucurucho takes Trumpet to (presumably) get healed and Cellbit to get frozen.
Cucurucho is cut off from everyone else by the Federation for its disobedience, and is not allowed to contact anyone anymore.
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hannahstarshade · 2 years
Wonderful and Strange
PART 1: Their Simple Dreams Have Become Nightmares
Oh shit we’re doing parts now. Oh okay yeah. This was an entirely different post, a little one strictly focused on Finn and what his other “versions” might be. Then the latest episode of Bittersweet dropped and I am still picking up the pieces. Here I am diving a little deeper into the lore because I hyperfixate and cannot let things go. I’ve gone over characterization and theories based on the events of Bittersweet and it’s sister series Echoes of Evalas and Shattered (formerly titled [REDACTED]). Looking at this post now, it’s more of a breakdown of what we know combined with wild speculation. So more of the same, but broader. I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be worthwhile in the end.
PART 2: He’s Watching
It’s been established that Finn is weird. He’s throwing off the vibes. He is the most flexible character in the Yuuriverse canon. While different original characters have had AUs (see Cowboy Seth and SW Alphonse) Finn shows the most range. The main point of interest is Source Finn, the storyteller, “scribe and steward, lover and friend, protagonist and antagonist.” [1] He is capable of crossing between the world of Evalas and the worlds of the Dreamers, memory manipulation, and time displacement. Through studying the portals to these dreamscapes he learned everyone’s story doesn’t end with death. They carry on in some distant plane. It is Finn’s responsibility to sooth the souls that pass on [2] and make sure the power held by those souls is not abused. Why he began this work in the first place is still unclear.
Source Finn, although not the first to premiere in audios, is considered the “blueprint” for all other Finns in the canon: the gardener, the bunny, and the barista. All of them share similarities, such as a bright personality and an affinity for magic. It’s thought that the beings that exist in the Dreamers’ worlds are those that have died and moved on from Evalas; a kind of afterlife. With that in mind, it could be concluded that these versions of Finn that live outside of Evalas should not exist. One could argue these are doppelgangers. However, doppelgangers are oftentimes depicted as harbinger of bad luck or evil twins. [3]This might be the case for Yandere Finn. However, the rest may simply be shadows of the original. Echoes perhaps. The existence of Bunny Finn is a big clue that they may have been thoughtforms all along. He is a literal plot bunny, "an idea for a story (usually used to refer to fanfic) that gnaws at the brain until written." [5]
It’s very possible these Finns were not made with intention. The existing fragments of Finn are the memories he left behind. Finn should not have been in these other worlds because he had not yet passed on. Still, he left a large enough impression. Dreamers remembered him. The worlds beyond Evalas compensated for his presence when Source Finn returned home. Residual memories of a strong enough being became autonomous thoughtforms. These echoes are real inside the Dreamers’ worlds, left to their own devices, some more concrete and tangible than others. The longer their storyline persists, the stronger they become, blissfully unaware of where they came from.
PART 3: Reality is an Illusion, the Universe is a Hologram
By the end of Bittersweet Chapter 3, we know that Finn has not the unintrusive voyeur. He had reprimanded his fellow steward before he too became a Dreamer. After his passing, Finn began to indulge. Seth recalls someone telling him about how someone can cast a spell under the right conditions. [7] After speaking with him, Alphonse remembers meeting Finn at a gas station long after his parents had passed away. [8] He may have been the driving force behind Alphonse returning to Seth one last time and saving him. There may have also been instances overlooked that could have been Source Finn instead of one of his fractals. Bunny Finn acts so confused about his situation, and doesn’t recognize he’s in his own garden. [9] Garden Finn is cryptic and poetic when describing a honeysuckle and the deeper meanings behind flowers. [10]
Things are not as they should be, and it’s not just taking a toll on Source Finn. It’s heavily insinuated that Bunny Finn found his way into Garden Finn’s world. [11] Barista Finn is nowhere to be found, with Faust being the only one who might remember he even existed. One of the Bittersweet Chapter 3 Part 11 promo tweets reads "Always the hero. Always the one to act first, ask forgiveness later. It's all perfectly clear to me, you haven't changed a bit, you're just a bit shattered these days." [12] Although the picture associated with the tweet is Alphonse, the wording seems more fitting of Finn’s situation and the shards of himself left behind in the other worlds. This feels more like a quote from Alphonse directed at Finn.
PART 4: Temporary Psychosis
Faust, Derek, Jessie, Alphonse, Seth, and BS!Listener have all been influenced by Finn in some way or another, to a point where they each have some memory of him and what he is capable of. So far the ones who are shown to have remembered the most have had near-death experiences. Alphonse was nearly done in by Derek’s goons, Seth got knocked out with a baseball bat, BS!Listener may have been the one to have been shot at the end of Chapter 3 Part 10, and Derek was stabbed repeatedly by Alphonse all those years ago. This theory does not hold much water, however, when we think of Faust and Jessie. The only thing remotely close could be Faust’s comment about a storm and waves and Faust himself being the sea while Finn is a lighthouse, which could imply an incident with drowning. [13] The title of the audio in question is “Drown It All.”
How much someone knows seems to be proximity and frequency based. Seth, and BS!Listener recall the rewritten events in the city as a dream. Seth knows someone told him about magic under the moonlight, but never puts a name to it. Alphonse has had at least two encounters with Finn. The first was long after his parents had passed, at a gas station. The second is when Finn disappeared the goons who were attaching Al and turned back the clock. Afterwards, Alphonse will get headaches from trying to remember it all. Faust has these same symptoms. He remembers Finn enough to know his proper shift at the coffee shop he frequents, and can describe small traits such as waxing poetic and needing to wear glasses. From this, we can gather that Faust knows Finn well.
Derek seems to be the one who knows or remembers the most. He’s picked up on how convenient the world seems to be for certain individuals. Alphonse was able to get a second chance after a chance meeting with BS!Listener and the town began to accept him. Seth, convicted of attempted murder, involvement in drug dealing, and who knows what else, was released on good behavior after a short period. The Bittersweet trio were seemingly able to have a picturesque Christmas after a turbulent first meeting. Derek believes this may have been orchestrated because they are special in some way, and wants to use this to shape the world in his favor. [14] He insinuates that Jessie was going to use the trio to achieve her goals and refused to explain her knowledge to them. Although it may be a torn scrap of paper, there is possibly a piece of Source Finn’s original purple and red cloak sticking out of the journal Auron found.
Speaking of Auron, after the time shift, he may have been displaced as well. The events of this timeline changed to where Auron made the effort to get the trio out of the way so he could deal with Derek personally. Additionally, although he may not have directly interacted with Finn in the series yet, he has some inkling of Finn’s tower. We could also make the argument that Faust’s barista listener may have been displaced as well. They insist they’ve always worked the same shift and don’t know of anyone who worked there whose name began with F, despite Faust’s argument to the contrary. The veil between Evalas and the other realities is crumbling. The Dreamers are waking up.
PART 5: The Owls Are Not What They Seem
One of the biggest questions that remains unanswered in the Bittersweet/Shattered/Echoes of Evalas saga is who Finn’s fellow steward is. This person was just as invested in the world of the Dreamers as Source Finn is now. They were as close as could be. Together they kept the world of Dreamers a secret from the population of Evalas, all while being scrutinized by the Lord Bishop of the realm. In the end, Finn’s fellow steward fell, and became a Dreamer in the Bittersweet world Finn watches so closely. Based on the evidence we’ve gathered, and their connections to Finn and the world of Evalas, the two most likely candidates are Faust and Auron. 
Auron and Source Finn mirror each other as far as story beats and characterization. Auron is associated with tower imagery. He has a lofty office space overlooking the city. He calls his Listener Rookie, or Rook for short, much like the tower chess piece. His stepbrother makes a comment about how out of touch he is, looking down from his ivory tower. [15] The Tower holds great significant to Finn, as that is where his work is done. And of course, there is a large painting of a tower that hangs above his desk. They each deal in indulgence, addiction, and selfishness. They both self-isolate, choosing to carry heavy burdens on their shoulders. 
When it comes to Faust, he and Finn compliment each other thematically. Both have a cosmic aesthetic; silver and gold, celestial bodies, blues, purples, and black. Both practice magic in some form. Faust reads tarot and understands auras. Finn can manipulate magic and travel through time and space. Religious iconography and theming surrounds both characters. Faust, for having a made a still unexplained “deal with the devil,” is appropriately named after Doctor Faustus. [16] He assumes the alias Judas at a Halloween party. [17] Evalas may be a theocracy, with members of the religious body such as the Lord Bishop in control. Finn cannot reveal the knowledge he’s become privy to, let alone his own father, or else the faith of may will be shaken and the order enacted will crumble. [18]
While both could fit the role, I believe in Faust slightly more than Auron. The bond Finn and his fellow steward shared was formidable. Although it’s not clear how long ago the steward died and joined the Dreamers, the way Finn mourns speaks volumes. He can’t even bring himself to disturb his old room. [19] Faust hints at how he came to the coffee shop to be comforted by Finn. When his barista Listener urges him to try to remember Finn, he can only describe him as a lighthouse, a guiding light. [20] This sounds like what Source Finn does in his tower as a “soother of souls,” not just a barista Faust saw regularly. When he can’t remember any more, he finds himself crying, as one would over the loss of someone dear to them.
However, there is another player. Finn mentions someone else. “The last person who sought to treat the Dreamers in their worlds as a source of power was stopped before he could perfect his methods.” [21] If we take the dialogue at face value, we could infer Finn is referring to Derek. Upon looking behind the curtain, Derek became power hungry and sought out the Bittersweet Trio. When time was rewound, he was silenced and put to rest. However, that doesn’t make sense with the context of Chapter 3 Part 12, when Auron stumbles upon Derek’s journal. It could be Yandere Finn, who has in past videos made references to other worlds and realities, and a “pathetic mage.” [22] But again, this doesn’t track. To our knowledge, Finn is unaware of the different versions of himself.
If Faust was Finn’s fellow steward, I would propose that Auron was their predecessor. Auron has residual memories of his past life and of Evalas. There’s that portrait of the old tower above the desk in his office. He calls himself a Dreamer very pointedly during his conversation with Jessie. [23] The description of the [REDACTED] playlist reads “Storyteller? Quaint, but I am the ink, and these are my pages.” [24] Auron is a writer, a Dreamer of Dreams. Shattered is his side of the story. This could be a message from his point of view, directed towards Finn, possessively, smugly maybe. To explore how Finn and Auron can have opposing morals and goals, look no further that the Squid Game simulation. [25] Auron is labeled Player #218, while Finn is labeled Player #199. In the Squid Game series, Sang-woo (Player #218) deceived Ali (Player #199) in order to survive and make it to the next challenge. In the YV simulation, Auron wins the final game against Finn. Although created for fun and likely the biggest reach I’ll make in any theory post here, it’s interesting it worked out like that. (Source Finn is labeled Player #001, so yeah it’s more theming than actual plot relevance. Disregard this blurb and let me have fun.)
PART 6: Three Things
Three is a magic number, as the saying goes, and can be an effective writing device. The number three is prominent in the connected Yuuriverse works. As of now, there are three connected series: Bittersweet, Shattered, and Echoes of Evalas. The Bittersweet Trio are a group of characters that are connected on emotional level, and more powerful for it. Finn, Faust, and Auron are a mysterious trio grouped together due to a possible connection to Evalas and the magics Finn experiments with. There is said to be three portals to the Dreamers realms, which is mirrored in the cape Source Finn wears. [26] And finally, there are three Finn fragments—garden, bunny, barista—that were created from the storyteller.
There is the concept of the Rule of Three. The law states that energy of any sort put out into the universe will be returned three-fold. [27] We see this in action in the story of Bittersweet. Small offers of kindness and understanding in the beginning leads to forgiveness and unbreakable bonds. It is strongly implied throughout the later episodes of Chapter 3 that the Bittersweet Trio is powerful. [28] Derek and Jessie could have used them, and Finn confirms that those in Evalas could harness their power as well. [29] The continuous cycle of love could make the trio unstoppable.
Looking more into Evalas, the concept of the afterlife and soothing the souls of the deceased brings to mind chthonic deities and the underworld in Greek mythology. Hecate the gatekeeper, Hermes the guide, Hades the king, all have a role to play in the grand scheme of things. [30] Perhaps Faust, Finn, and Auron will be revealed to have played similar roles. The Underworlds is made up of three planes: Elysium, the Asphodel Meadows, and Tartarus. [31] Elysium is meant for heroes, a paradise where all aspired to go. The Asphodel Meadows is for the normies, left to wander in grayness. Tartarus is well know for imprisonment and punishment. The three portals to the worlds of the Dreamers may parallel these locations.
PART 7: One Hundred Percent Certain That We’re Not Sure
Obviously the story isn’t over yet. Not even close. The Bittersweet trio are finally going home to deal with the aftermath of their excursion. Jessie and Seth have cut ties. Auron has found the breadcrumbs Derek was following. Charlie’s off on his own. Finn is an enigma. Faust is nowhere to be found, waiting to make his grand reappearance. There are still countless unknown variables that will reveal themselves in due time. And we’ll be waiting.
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Characters and scripts written by Yuurivoice Artwork created by Jackie Eleanor Sources (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31)
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disintegore · 2 years
update real
edit: im making the next chapter rn. and knowing my ass it'll be done in an hour and this update was for nothing
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edgarallanpoestan · 1 year
okay now that ive successfully killed my wife i think its time to do laundry
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matan4il · 5 months
I think one of the worst things I've heard from the head of Yad Vashem's International Education Department (YV is the Holocaust research and education center dedicated to the Jewish POV during that time, the IED is in charge of seminars for teachers and educators on the subject of the Holocaust from all over the world), is that some teachers and educators are no longer teaching the Holocaust since Oct 7. A part of them decided on this of their own accord, others because they say the students / principals at their schools refuse to have it taught.
It reminded me of that time when in YV's IED survey of UK teachers and educators, many chose to answer the question, "Who was Anne Frank?" with "A girl hiding for her life from the Nazis." When asked about the omission of the specific reason why Anne had to hide (meaning, why did they leave out that she was a Jew and was in danger because of it), their replies indicated that if students hear that Anne Frank was Jewish, then they're no longer interested in learning about her. I'll admit, I was shocked by this. If you leave out that Anne was a victim of specifically antisemitism, because of the students' antisemitism, what are you even teaching them anyway?
Similarly, in YV's IED international surveys of teachers and educators, when asked to choose a definition for what the Holocaust was, the most popular answer is the one that doesn't mention Jews.
Basically, the anti-Israel crowd isn't the start of the All Lives Matter'ing of the Holocaust, erasing Jews out of the story of our own persecution and genocide (which you can see even in the fact that too many don't realize 'The Holocaust' is a term coined to specifically talk about the Nazis' crimes against the Jews, and that there are other terms for the Nazis' crimes against other populations). But the anti-Israel crowd isn't just hijacking the Holocaust, it's also actively weaponizing it to be used against Jews, and it is even actively preventing Holocaust education altogether.
This should infuriate everyone.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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yuurivoice · 3 months
Posting here before Twitter so I know the hardcore YV stannies get first crack 😂 if you're playing ZZZ and want send a friend request my UID is 1002250929. I'm letting Faust play on daddy's account so don't be surprised if he whales and you can tag in some overpowered units.
Also, Ben cosplay update. Found white denim that'll fit me right, going to get his shirt made, already had a gold chain (ya boy lowkey drippy sometimes), have perfect sneakers that are brown and black because I'm not walking around in public with bear bare feet, am getting sick ass bear paws commissioned, and have the perfect cardboard box to use as a base for his weapon.
Anywho. For some reason I'm a furry every time I go to San Japan??? I'm sure that doesn't mean anything. ✨️
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xskullytonx · 11 days
I need to update my emote stuff for commissions
(I'll try to do all of them within time depending on how much requests I'll get! ^^)
some samples of the ones I've done:
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Thank you artists of the yv community for being so patient with me. Good news the dtiys is done
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The bloody version is optional depending on how comfortable you are with drawing blood. Now the deadline is mar 13th I will select 3 winners those 3 will get a piece of art from me of anything they ask with some limits 1 no NSFW 2 no shipping minor and older characters 3 no spamming me for updates. if you follow me on other social media this dtiys is only being announced of Tumblr for convince. But are welcome to post your submission on other platforms. Please @ me so that I may see it,.Thank you and happy drawing
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drgreysonmd · 5 months
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"See, the ways of the world they'll just bring you to tears."
-pt 1
『Closed Starter- LnDS RP』
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7 hours and 22 minutes.
That's how long Greyson's hands spent working on Ethan's heart today, and that was 11 hours ago now.
His eyes burned as he reached up to rub them, blinking the family before him back into clarity before attempting to roll the tension from his shoulders. It didn't work. He watched as the young boy's parents sat beside his bed, doing their best to keep themselves busy while their son remained sedated with reading and work. It didn't seem to work for them either. And he couldn't blame them.
The moment he opened the door, he was greeted with the sounds of the various monitors and ventilators; a chorus he knew by heart now. His easy, comforting smile returns as the parents he's come to know so well now stand, their thank yous and praise warming his sleep weary bones as they reach for his hands to show their gratitude. Greyson isn't the first surgeon to treat their son, but he's been following Ethan's case since his birth back when he was still in post grad, and they treat him like family for it. Christmas and birthday cards and everything.
The hardest part is having to tell them that his recovery is still very unsure. Ethan's condition is delicate, but he'll do everything in his power to make sure he's given that chance. They nod along- they've heard this before. Greyson told them the same thing last year when he performed a similar surgery. He gives Ethan one final check, adjusting a few tubes and pillows to keep him as comfortable as possible, gently smooths the hair back out of his eyes, and tells his parents he'll be back to update them in the morning if all goes well.
All of his senses tingle and burn with overstimulation; he's exhausted and past the point of needing sleep. With Ethan's file in arm and the nurse's station in sight, he can almost feel the comfort of his bed wrapping around him already. He's so tired that he doesn't even have the energy for banter when he realizes who it is standing at the desk. Greyson just hopes she takes pity on him for once.
"Yv, I have a special case tonight." His voice is low, both in pitch and volume, the fatigue clearly wearing on him. "A young boy, 6 years old, Ethan. Room 807. Cardiopulmonary Bypass. He was here less than a year ago as well." He tries to fight the yawn as he slides the file across the desk, knowing she's going to have some witty remark. And if she didn't then, he's sure she will after this.
"I'm- they're... I'm very attached to them, Yvonne. Please, be extra kind to them? I'll do your duty roster work for a week if you just make them as comfortable as possible while I'm gone? I'll be back in the morning, early."
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yaoiverseupdates · 1 year
Welcome to Yaoiverse Updates!
Below the cut, you can find all the important information about Yaoiverse, as well as all the information about Yaoiverse Updates! Happy yaoiing!
(Note: this blog was created on Sept. 2, 2023. Any events that happened before Sept. 1 will gladly be summarized if asked, but will not be posted here as a standard recap.)
What is Yaoiverse?
Yaoiverse is a canon-divergent QSMP roleplay group! It currently consists of seventeen roleplayers, and two spectators! Others can join in on Yaoiverse, too, by sending asks to the characters!
Why make an updates blog?
It can be difficult to keep track of everything that happens in the Yaoiverse. Sometimes we get busy, and it can be difficult to catch up. With so many people, most with multiple blogs running Yaoiverse lore at the same time, there is a lot. So, an updates blog!
What will be on this blog?
This blog will contain daily recaps of everything that happened that day, along with completed threads and plot-relevant posts. These will all be tagged accordingly, so do not fret! I will not be reblogging every single post, primarily just those that are plot-relevant. And some that I personally find entertaining.
Who runs this blog?
Hi, my name is Bee! I run a few different Yaoiverse blogs: Cellbit's, Dapper's, Walter Bob's, and Tina's (once she is added to the Yaoiverse). My main blog is @edgarallanpoestan! I will be taking input from other Yaoiverse members, and may have some of them help me run this blog!
Okay, that's all for questions, so let's get into everything else!
Tagging system
#yv updates - any update post
#yv recap - standard recap post, just a bulleted list with all that has happened that day
#yv thread - a reblog of a completed thread
#yv post - a reblog of a Yaoiverse post
#yuriverse - this is a common tag among all Yaoiverse blogs, meaning the post is not canon to Yaoiverse
#straightverse - this is a common tag among Yaoiverse blogs, meaning the post is heavy and contains some degree of angst. Posts reblogged here that use this tag will be tagged with additional warnings
#sexoverse - this is a common tag among Yaoiverse blogs, meaning that the post is implied to be sexual or explicit. There will never be any graphic smut, but some posts do get somewhat NSFW
Posts will also be tagged with the names of every character included in it, including anons!
English-Speaking Characters
Badboyhalo - @daddestboyhalo
DanTDM - @thediamondmodcart
FitMC - @spawnradio
FoolishGamers - @builderfreak
JaidenAnimations - @the-bird-behind-the-slaughter
Philza - @crows-father
Quackity - @duckduckquackity
Slimecicle - @elfagflippo
WilburSoot - @signed-in-song
Spanish-Speaking Characters
AgebteMaxo - @maximum-father
ElMariana - @elwifeguy
Lil Jesus - @theyaoidevil
Lil Satan - @jesusyaoi
Luzu - @tilinsfather
Missasinfonia - @cringefailskeledad
Roier - @psicologoier
SpreenDMC - @cringefailabsentdad
VegettaGaymer777 - @constructor777
Portuguese-Speaking Characters
Cellbit - @catboyarg
Felps - @felpsederation
ForeverPlayerG - @love-youforever
Mike (TazerCraft) - @tazeredmike
Pac (TazerCraft) - @packedtazer
French-Speaking Characters
Antione Daniel - TBD
AyPierre - @shitfactory-official
BagheraJones - @theducklady
Etoiles - @tueur-de-donjon
Kameto - @frenchsasuke
A1 - @egg-a1
Bobby - @bobby-el-mas-chingon
Chayanne - @cha-cha-cha-chayanne
Dapper - @autismbeamsyou
Gegg - @goo-amalgamation
Juanaflippa - @bulletflips
Leonarda - @minibuilder777
Pomme - @carmalized-apples
Ramón - @inventorswag
Richarlyson - @footballpigeon
Tallulah - @music-among-the-amapolas
Tilín - @witheredlilacs
Trump(et) - @yaaay-propellerhat
(Character list continued in reblog, due to tagging limit)
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It's so funny following YV on Twitter bc you get like updates on his content then you get this
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I fucking love him he's so funny
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bloody-bread · 4 months
Well, I follow a streamer who says a lot "You are nuts", so I knew it was like haha "you are crazy!" but yesterday I was listening to the monthly patreon update and yv said something like "And for those who are here to just get a nut" and I was like "AHA! A new use for the word!"
I know it's also used for other things of the same nature but I will not be saying any of them (?
Y me dio risa porque mi amiga el mismo día dijo "Ja! le dieron una patada en las nueces" So we also say nuts for that part haha, how charming is to know two languages.
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jollyinha · 6 months
50 (+3) Facts About My Rook Listener (aka Félix)!
Because I love him in a hiperfocus kind of way 😭💙 If you want to see how he looks like, go to my yuurivoice tag, and you will find all my listeners! Although I probably should make an updated version, he has gotten a 2.0 version ever since... Also, tagging @itsargyle since they suggested taking other YV fans! I'm... Too shy to tag anyone else tho lmao
Anyway, here goes my big infodump on my favorite sunshine boy:
1 - Hey, I'm Félix Torres... Or not, because that's my middle name, and my actual name is Victor. But I'm not that fond of Victor, so I go by Félix!
2 - Victor was my mom's grandpa's name, and Félix is a tribute to my dad, whose name was Feliciano.
3 - Thanks to the acute accent, the correct pronunciation of Félix would be "feh-liks", not "fee-liks". Oh, and the "c" in Victor is mute. It's Vitor. But sometimes even I forget that it isn't supposed to be spelled like the gringos do, haha!
4 - My mom is Brazilian and my dad was Colombian. I was born in Brazil (Aracaju in Sergipe, to be more specific), but have been living in the USA for most of my life now. I used to spend the holidays in Colombia as a kid, but haven't been there ever since dad passed away... I really should pay it a visit again soon, though. It's a real nice country.
5 - I speak native Portuguese, fluent English and intermediary Spanish. I've been studying ASL (as of right now I just know basic stuff like "hi", "how are you?", how to introduce myself... But hey, at least I know the whole alphabet off the top of my head!) and French too, but it has been hard to find some free time... And when I do have it, I always end up drawing, crafting, cooking... Duolingo's owl wants to eat my ass.
6 - Speaking of which, these are my favorite hobbies! Drawing and painting are main passions in life, though. I've been in love with art as far as I can remember. I was in a few-years-long hiatus when it came to painting, only came back to it recently, but have been drawing non-stop ever since I was a little boy!
7 - When it comes to crafting, I enjoy many aspects of it... I've been really into papercraft these days. Origami, paper dolls, collages... But I also really like jewelry making and fabric painting (even if I find it so damn hard, haha!). I just love personalizing things in general. Sometimes, I see a piece of furniture, have an idea and just have to put my personal touch.
8 - I also know how to sew, but I can't say that I'm a big fan. I've tried crochet once, per example, and almost fell asleep on the couch. It's just a bit boring to me... But I'll gladly sew back a button or fix a hole if you ask nicely!
9 - And, last but not least, I love cooking! Not as much as I love to eat, but anyway. I picked up cooking as a way to deal with my pyrophobia and to bond with my uncle (he owns a restaurant!), and really took a liking to it... And modesty aside, I'm damn good at it!
10 - Speaking of which... I'm a bit of a bottomless pit when it comes to food! I'll eat (mostly) anything, am willing to try (mostly) everything and am hungry 24/7. Please, feed me.
11 - My favorite food is kind of specific, but: I love Thanksgiving pies. And breakfast foods. But anything that's chicken or has corn is also very damn good.
12 - I don't really like fruits. Most of them feel either bland (apples taste like NOTHING!) or straight up gross. I hate, HATE peach. Mango, guaba and pineapple too. Disgusting. I'm team vegetables all the way. Lemon and watermelon are the only ones that get a pass.
13 - My favorite ice cream favorite is chocomint!
14 - When it comes to drinks... I like coffee, as long as it has milk and unholy amounts of sugar (hate bitter coffee, as contradictory as it is). And while I'm not too big on alcoholic drinks, I like champagne.
15 - I also like biking, but, much like studying ASL and French, I don't have enough free time nowadays to really get into it again... But I try to bike every weekend I can!
16 - As a kid, I was in singing classes! I really enjoyed it and was pretty decent at it, but nowadays I do it just for fun. Love singing and listening to music around the house while doing other things.
17 - I have eight tattoos on total: Flower sleeves on both arms (featuring a clock among the flowers on the left arm and a bird on the right), music player symbols on the left side of my chest, "keep going" on the right side, an anchor on my upper back, a sun and a crescent moon on my lower back, a sea monster's tentacles going through my right hip and a paper plane on my left ankle!
18 - I also have a bunch of moles. On my face, on my back and on my chest. I used to be embarrassed by them, but nowadays, not nearly as much.
19 - I have been dyeing my hair blonde ever since college. I'm actually a brunette! I like being a blondie, but I'm considering going back to my roots... My hair is screaming for help. [He goes back to being a brunette and lets his hair grow after the events of Escape]
20 - Oh yeah, speaking of college... I have a Law degree. And am working on this field. Ya-hoo... Unfortunately, I needed a more lucrative career to support my family. But my long-term life goal is to be able to quit and live from art! And I like to believe I'm almost there.
21 - I pierced my ears in college too! I usually only wear my lucky sun earrings, but if I'm feeling fancy, I can go with a larger one.
22 - I considered becoming an English major for a while, but didn't happen either.
23 - I have a weird love for plaid jackets (of any color, but especially blue ones) and grungy bracelets. If you wanna give me anything that's wearable, going with either of these is the safest bet! Can't ever have enough of these!
24 - My favorite animals are octopuses (I had an obsession with sea monsters as a kid and this love never really died) and peacocks (they're just awesome)!
25 - My lucky number is sixteen, because my birthday is on February 16th, and because if you put "Félix Victor" together, there's a sixteen in Roman numerals right in the middle: XVI!
26 - Also, I'm 30 as of 2024, and... It's terrifying, to be honest. Buuut I'll find comfort on the fact that I look like I'm 20, hehe.
27 - This one will be hard to explain, but... I really like the sun. From summer to sunflowers to sun imageries... I like the sun. And all because of my dad. It's a long history, but yeah.
28 - I have a younger sister, her name is Alice! She's in college right now, she's History major! And... She's my pride and joy.
29 - And I also have five younger cousins: Ariel, Rafael, Leon, Joyce and Mercedes! I love them all, they're like my siblings. [Joyce is actually my Sunflower listener!]
30 - I... Have a... Weird relationship with my mom. It has been getting worse these last few years... Ah, nevermind, I shouldn't have brought this up.
31 - I had three relationships in my life... Well, three and a half, if you count that high school fling, but I digress: My first boyfriend lasted, like, half a year of my freshman year in college. It was nice, we just realized quickly that neither of us were serious. And my second boyfriend... Ergh. Tristan. We began dating in my junior year, and had a pretty messy break-up right after my graduation...
32 - ...But, nearly a whole decade after that, he sent me a DM on Instagram asking me how I was, and I mistakenly thought he became a decent human being. Hell, he was the one who got me my current job. He works in the Marketing department and was kind enough to tell me that Legal was hiring. I thought that we could at least be friends again, but... He's still a pain in the ass, at the end of the day. And still wants me back. ERGH...
33 - ...But, actually, I should thank him for that. Ironically, by trying to get back with me, he got me my third and current boyfriend... And... I won't talk too much about our relationship, but... This is the happiest I've ever been with someone. I mean it.
34 - Ok, how do I say this? I... Have been told that I... Have a pretty high libido. Or, if you want to be meaner, I'm a horny bastard. I... Will not elaborate if that's true or not. [It Is Literally Canonical]
35 - But even if I WAS a horny bastard, I'm a romantic at heart, believe it or not! I like being swept off my feet! I like flowers! I like cheesy pick-up lines! I like cuddles, god, I really like cuddles... Anyway.
36 - I'm a petite lil' guy. I'm 1m69cm tall... Or 5'8ft.
37 - I have ADHD. I was diagnosed when I was 20. I've been taking meds to help with my lack of focus, and it really has been helping.
38 - I also have insomnia. It isn't as bad as it was a few years ago, but it still sucks.
39 - My favorite song of all time is "Don't Stop (Color on the Walls)" by Foster The People!
40 - My favorite movie of all time... It's a tie between Footloose and Burlesque.
41 - My favorite animated movie of all time is Ponyo!
42 - My MBTI is ENFP, my Enneagram is 2w3, and I'm an Aquarius!
43 - In my opinion, my biggest strengths as a person are that I'm pretty charming, I can get along with nearly any kind of person (given enough time), and that I'm notoriously hard to piss off. As long as you're not messing with my loved ones, it takes A LOT to make me actually angry.
44 - And my weaknesses... Well, I let people get away with stepping all over me pretty frequently... And I'm very restless. And I don't mean only physically, I mean like... Mentally. I feel like I'm a shark: If I stop moving, I'll die, y’know? Oh, I've been told that I can be pretty shameless and a bit nosy... And, welp. I... Can't really deny that.
45 - I hate the cold. I hate winter. I hate snow. Fuck you, northern hemisphere.
46 - I really like sitting on the floor, ever since I was a little boy. It just... Grounds me. No pun intended.
47 - My favorite color is blue, but yellow and orange are also lovely... And I've been getting real fond of red these days. Hehe (Can't believe that it took me this long to say my favorite color, we're on fact 47th...).
48 - I'm a dog person! I never got to have one, though...
49 - I, not-so-secretly, really like cute things. I may or may not have a big octopus plushie on my bed. And may or may not love Pompompurin and Gudetama.
50 - I'm overall pretty confident on my looks... Except for my smile and my laugh. My ex-boyfriend (Tristan) once said that my smile is wide enough to be scary, and my mom said that my laugh is too loud, and I've been restraining myself from truly smiling and laughing out loud in public ever since. But I tend to let go when near people I trust.
51 (bonus!) - I have a very sensitive neck... Now, if I see it as a good thing or a bad thing... Depends on what your intentions are... If you know what I mean.
52 (bonus!)² - I'm also pretty great at typing. My words per minute game is insane, modesty aside.
53 (bonus!)³ - I... Can be a little bit jealous when I'm dating someone. I was never a pain in the ass about it, I mostly just sulk in silence, but... Yeah. It's my toxic trait.
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Update: [Err̸̲͇̙̱̹͓͌͂̈̈́͌͠ò̵̧̰̖͇͕̬̖̫̺̙̦̠͜ͅͅŕ̸̥͉̱̹̤][Ṋ̷̠̮̼̻̪̜͉̗̉̉e̶̜̠̯̯̣͂͐͛w̴̘̪͇͍͕͎͔͍͖͂͒̋͆̉̋͘͜ ̵̢̡̧̡͉̥̟̼͈͍̰̮̮̻̏̅̋̎͂͐̐̌̆̋̚͜U̶̪͗̓͗̓̐͌́͂̑ş̴͉̭̫̲̠̩͇̟̬͈͍̦̯̘̌͆͋ę̷̢̜̣̗̺̲̳̱̏̃̃̏̈́͒̇̀͆̐̐͝r̷̢͈̳̳̼̩̭̦͎̝̲͖͚̭͑]
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Wlm'g dliib. R xzm trev blf gsv rmulinzgrlm blf dzmg
R droo svok blf
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matan4il · 10 months
Daily update post:
The IDF confirmed that yesterday's barrage of rockets at Tel Aviv and its vicinity was fired out of a zone that it defined as "humanitairan" (meaning an area it encouraged civilians to evacuate to).
We're seeing more and more Palestinians who speak up against Hamas. In the past (even during this war), Al-Jazeera "journalists" cut off Gazans who were criticizng Hamas. Now we have a small shift, where this journalist is still trying to persuade this woman not to criticize Hamas, but he doesn't cut her off as she insists on expressing her anger, that all of the aid to Gazans is being stolen by Hamas terrorists:
After a battle with terrorists inside a UN school in the neighborhood of Shujayiah in Gaza, IDF soldiers documented finding weapons hidden inside a teddy bear (first vid in this article).
As you might remember, I work at Yad Vashem, Israel's national Holocaust museum, research and education center, which also studies Jewish history in general, a subject that obviously includes the history of antisemitism. However, the scope of the history we covered always stopped roughly at when the last Jewish Holocaust survivor left the last DP (displaced persons) camp, which is 1956. The assumption was always that we will research historical antisemitism, and people will be able to take that knowledge, learn from it, and apply it to current ("new") antisemitism, without us tackling it directly. Following the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, the global rise in amtisemitic attacks in reaction to it, and the academic rot we have witnessed in dealing with antisemitism on the campuses of some of the most important universities in the world, this is going to change. YV will expand the work of our research institute into new antisemitism (anti-Zionism, really).
Yesterday, three Hezbollah terrorists were killed in a strike in Syria. You absolutely should be asking yourself why Hezbollah, a terrorist organization that claims to be the "defender of Lebanon," had a unit operating in Syria. Just a reminder: there have been rockets fired at Israel from Syria.
Another thing that happened yesterday, is that we got confirmation Hamas is also using female terrorists. So when you hear, "This is the number of children killed! This is the number of women killed!" (beyond a healthy suspicision we should all have of the uncorroborated figures provided by a terrorist organization), remember that Hamas uses teenagers and women as terrorists, not just as human shields. And it will NEVER report them as such. It barely recognizes that any terrorists were killed in this war, even though independent estimates indicate that "above 5,000 terrorists" is the most conservative estimate on this matter.
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Unlike Hamas, which doesn't admit when women fight and die for it, Israel is proud of its female fighters. Here's a vid about a group of soldiers who made history on Oct 7, being the first female tankists in the world to fight in an armored battle.
This is 25 years old Sahar Baruch.
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On Oct 7, he was kidnapped to Gaza. Hamas has published a vid that first showed sahar captured, and then showed his lifeless and bloodied body, indicating that he was murdered in captivity. May his memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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not-5-rats · 2 months
silly lil update post
I'm going away to Wales for a couple of weeks :D Still going to be posting but probably not as much whilst away, and who knows maybe I'll post smth to do with my trip idk
Also I'm going through a bit of a creativity flop phase, like my ability to come up with ideas has evaporated-
So if you guys have any hc/ short story/ drawing requests to do with YV, Bug Army, Knight Squad, Roommates, wtv please send them in and I'll get to them as soon as possible ^^
Love you guyyyyys <3 /p & stay safe
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