#zaffrin fic
zaffrin · 2 years
Super short little Wooho fic I wrote with my coffee this morning that I thought I’d share ☕️ T rated fluff 🐳
Yawning, Junho stirs his coffee in the Hanbada break room, mentally running over his list of tasks for today in his head.
There’s a group of women chattering just outside of the room round the corner, and their conversation is a low buzz in the background he isn’t really paying attention to, until suddenly he hears her name.
“Woo Young Woo? You’re serious?”
“For a few months now apparently. Haven’t you seen them leaving together?”
“I never really noticed - but why is he with her?”
Junho sets down his coffee spoon, hands balling into fists as he listens to the conversation.
“It’s weird, right? He could have anyone in this office if he wanted.”
“He could have me,” one of the women says lowly and they all giggle.
“It can’t be a normal relationship, right? He must be more like her carer than a boyfriend…”
“Maybe he just feels bad for her. He’s such a nice guy.”
“That’s true, he is. Ugh - and so handsome too, it’s not fair,” comes a sigh, and then a murmur of agreement.
Junho is gritting his teeth, trying to decide the best way to march right over there and set them all straight, when another voice sounds out a polite greeting to the women, and there’s a couple of gasps and stammers of reciprocation, and he turns to see Youngwoo rounding the corner into the break room.
Her face lights up when she sees him, and she bobs her head.
“Lee Junho ssi, did you know that a blue whale weighs as much as twenty four elephants?” She asks as she crosses the room to the fridge. She doesn’t seem to have heard any of the women’s conversation outside the room, and he’s glad. He musters up a smile for her.
“Aigo, twenty four? That’s heavy.”
“Yes,” she nods, closing the fridge with a water bottle. “Although nobody’s ever actually weighed a blue whale, but we can calculate their weight going by their size.” She crosses over to him and holds out the water bottle, and he smiles and takes it from her, opening the top before handing it back.
“Thank you,” she says and takes a sip. “It was very handy that you were here, otherwise I would have had to go to your desk so you could open it for me.”
He chuckles fondly, when he hears a titter of hushed voices again round the corner, and strains his ears to tune in to the whispers, just hearing ‘told you -‘, ‘more like a carer…’, ‘can’t actually be a real relationship…’
He can see them peeking round the corner out of the corner of his eye, and Youngwoo isn’t paying attention, chattering on about the correct formula to calculate the weight of a whale, but irritation and some other feeling he can’t identify rise inside of him, and determined to prove those nosy, ableist women wrong, he takes her water from her hands and sets it down on the side.
“Come here,” he tells her, motioning with his chin.
Halted mid-sentence, she glances at the water and then back up at him. “Huh?”
“Come here,” he repeats, dropping his voice a little, and when she steps hesitantly closer to him, Junho carefully takes hold of her face in his hands and leans down to kiss her deeply.
She makes a sound of surprise against his mouth as he coaxes her lips apart, and then she melts into him, small hands fluttering up to rest on his shoulders, body swaying into him until he can feel all of her tiny form pressed up against him.
He groans when they break apart, resting his forehead against her own.
“God, love, the things you do to me…” he murmurs loudly enough for their audience to hear.
“Junho ssi!” Youngwoo gasps, cheeks flushing delightfully. “We’re at work!”
He huffs softly, lowering his voice for only her to hear the next part; “Tell that to him.” A subtle nod downwards helps her catch his meaning and she looks briefly surprised - before she surprises him by leaning down suddenly, bringing her face right down level with his crotch.
“We’re at work,” she says quite firmly.
“Jagiya,” Junho can’t help but laugh, rubbing a hand over his face as he tugs her up with the other.
“I didn’t -“ he shakes his head. “Nothing, he chuckles, planting a kiss on her forehead before stepping back and retrieving her water for her. “I adore you,” he tells her earnestly as he hands her the bottle.
Her face lights up in the most brilliant smile, and his heart swells even more.
“Come on, I’ll walk you back to your office. What was that you were telling me about the blue whales?”
They leave the break room side by side as she happily launches back into her explanation, and Junho walks her from the room with a hand on the small of her back.
“Ah - sorry,” he apologies when they nearly bump into the group of women just round the corner. “Good morning,” he bows his head politely at them, keeping that hand on Youngwoo’s back as he guides her past them.
There’s dead silence behind them as they walk away, and Junho smiles smugly.
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evanescentdawn · 2 years
Rules: pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
thanks for the tag @icebluecyanide <3
Sunshine brewing under your skin
idiot, touka thinks, as something warm engulfs her chest. “baby,” she calls him, out loud, and ken does not deny it.
“Um,” he says. “Want… to watch the sunset together?”
That’s the most lamest thing he could have said. Saying want to stay longer? would have been too embarrassing, even if it’s closer to the truth.
in the small space of our kitchen, as soft sunlight swarms your silhouette, I breath
He’s none of the cool Papa she thought he’d be. He doesn’t fit the legacy and history attached to him. Most of the time, he’s just her Papa.
double faced
Yukio raised his eyes to Shima’s. “You’ll be keeping this a secret, won’t you?”
and in this spring, love finally meets u
“...Thank you.”
She jerks her head up, startled. Did she hear that right?
me and u
Swallowing, Kaneki shakes the thought away — that’s in the past now, he’ll do better now, it’s what they promised, and he leans closer, pressing his cheek to her neck.
within this uncertainty of us (what r u thinking)
What had happened next in the book? What had the kissing also included? He can’t recall, his thoughts keep disconnecting. And Touka’s hand on his hand, moving slowly up, is — distracting.
do you want to kiss me or smth?
“Yes, you were! I caught you.” Nobara says, grin spreading across her lips. “What? You want to kiss me or something?”
completely appropriate question to ask
“…You just came out of the shower.” Kim Dokja comments, like he didn’t expect that. He sounds a bit odd, too, but Bihyung could care less to think about that now.
March on
He tightened his hold on Renzou’s shirt and pulled him closer, and he demanded, breathless from it all, “Kiss me.”
tagging(if you wanna!): @kylermalloy @rosekasa @zaffrin
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zaffrin · 2 years
Sickly soft and sweet Wooho first time smut 🐳💕 rated M (1.2k words)
Holding his weight over her on his forearms, braced on the mattress either side of her, Junho gazes down into her face. Her thighs cradle his hips, and their torsos are pressed closely together, their hearts beating in tandem against their chests as Youngwoo looks back up at him, meeting his eyes and holding his gaze.
Gods, she was beautiful. He never thought he’d have this… from the moment he met her and he fell head over heels, at first she had seemed so… perfect she was surely unattainable - and then when she’d - miraculously- returned his affections, he’d had to be so careful around her that having her like this some day still seemed like it was merely a distant fantasy. He’d have been okay with that - even if Youngwoo had never been able to tolerate his touch or closeness like this, he would have been fine with it. He loved her so completely that all he strives for was to make her happy.
The way he could do that and have her like this too was… mind boggling.
He shifts his arm, bringing a hand to her face, reverently stroking his fingers through her hair.
“I’m scared,” she admits, voice small.
“We can stop,” he says immediately, stomach flipping in concern. “We don’t need to go any further than this.”
“Ani… I don’t want to stop, but I’m… I’m scared I’ll disappoint you.”
Junho’s face softens, and god he could cry because what did he do to deserve her? Surely nothing surmountable to what she gave him in return. “My love,” he says, stroking her face, “you could never ever disappoint me. Just having you close like this is more than enough.”
She’s chewing her lip, mouth moving from side to side. “But… what if I’m not good at it?” She says, and hurries on before he can argue. “Or… or what if I can’t handle the sensation, and we can’t do it at all.” He small voice gets quieter as she speaks until she finishes on a whisper, now avoiding his eyes. His wants to cry again. Has she been fretting about this? Did she really not understand that all he wanted in life was to make her happy?
“If you don’t like it, then we stop, and we don’t have to do it again. Sex isn’t… the be all and end all. And besides - there’s other things we can do - things we both already enjoy, isn’t there?”
“Like walks in the park? Or watching documentaries on your sofa with ice cream?”
“No, love,” he chuckles. “I’m referring to uh… things we do in the bedroom.”
“Ah,” she replies. “You like when I touch your…” she trails off, glancing pointedly downwards.
“I definitely do,” he chuckles. “And you like it when I touch you too, don’t you?” She nods and he leans in, pressing a kiss to her jaw, just under her ear, lowering his voice. “And when I use my mouth on you, when I make you come with my tongue…”
She gives a whimper, and he feels her shift beneath him, squirming a little.
“I like that a lot.”
“Yeah?” He sinks down, because how can he resist? Sliding down her body, shuffling until he’s settled between her spread legs and opening his mouth, letting his tongue slide up between her legs.
“Ah!” She exclaims, head tossing back against the pillows as her hands go to his hair.
He’s quite content down there - content even if she changes her mind and decides this is all she wants tonight, but after just a few short minutes, she stops him.
“Junho,” she tugs desperately at his hair. “Junho… Junho!”
“Mm?” He lifts his head, mouth shining, looking up her her, panting hard, her chest rising and falling rapidly, nipples hard, cheeks flushed.
“I think… I think I’m ready now.”
“Yeah?” He glances down. “Don’t you want me to…?”
She shakes her head, tugging urgently at him.
“Ani, I want… I want you to do it now.”
He groans, heat shooting through his already extremely aroused body like a bolt, and he crawls up from between her legs, settling over her again. His cock gives a twitch, bumping between her legs, heat radiating from her.
“Are you sure?”
She nods, and he shifts into position, reaching down between them, taking hold of his cock with one hand to guide it to her entrance. He circles her there, rubbing the tip of his cock around, teasing her, testing the give as he presses a little way against her.
“Just -!” She squeaks out, and he pauses. “Go slow,” she releases with a little puff of air. Her eyes are dropped below his eyeline, searching, moving across his chest and shoulders and off to the side and back. Nerves. Of course she was nervous - honestly, Junho was too, but he’s determined to keep his cool, be the calm steady presence she needs in a moment where she feels so outside of her comfort zone.
“As slow as you want,” he promises, dropping a kiss to the tip of her nose. “And we stop whenever you want,” he assures her again.
Youngwoo takes a big breath, and nods, holding it, and he presses in, easy and gently, inching slowly inside of her. It kills him to go this slow, and his arms shake with the effort of holding himself back but he doesn’t falter, watching her face carefully for signs of discomfort as he eases into her. He realises she’s still holding her breath, and drops another kiss to her nose.
“Breathe,” he reminds her.
She lets it out, a shaky exhale, and then another sharp inhale, and then she’s panting, breath coming short and rapid, hands flexing on his shoulders.
She nods.
“Are you sure?”
She shifts underneath him, and gives a sigh that sounds like she’s relaxing. “Yes,” she breathes. “I’m… good. It’s good.”
He can’t help the smile that comes to his face. “Yeah?”
She nods again. “Yes.
His chest swelling with what he realises is pride, he leans down to press a heated kiss to her lips, pouring all the love her feels for her into it. His body gives a throb, and he breaks the kiss, panting against her mouth.
“Are you ready then?”
“Yes,” she says again, hands gripping his back, and Junho takes a breath, and starts to move.
Afterwards, when he lays by her side, both of them panting and a sheen of sweat glistening on their skin, he feels her reach for his hand in the dark.
He glances at her, curious as he takes it, carefully linking his fingers with her own, and squeezing tight the way he knows she likes it for the brief periods when she lets him hold her hand.
“Are you counting?” He murmurs, “or shall I get my phone?”
Youngwoo draws in a deep breath, and releases it, turning her face to nuzzle into his shoulder and pulling their joined hands over her chest.
“I don’t think I need the timer anymore,” she tells him.
Junho falls asleep that night with a smile on his face, and the knowledge that the ring in his bedside drawer wouldn’t stay hidden in its box for much longer.
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zaffrin · 2 years
Little snippet of life with your roommate’s girlfriend 🐳 T rated wooho
The first time he’d bumped into her at their flat, she was wearing one of Junho’s shirts. Just one of Junho’s shirts, the huge garment covering her small frame nearly down to her knees, but her legs bare beneath it as she’d bowed her head to him and scurried into the bathroom.
Minwoo had looked between the closed bathroom door and Junho’s room, gaping a bit, then shook his head, smiling in disbelief as he continued on his way to the kitchen.
She had left a short while later, bidding him a polite good morning as Junho had walked her to the door, and Minwoo had pretended not to hear the sounds of them kissing goodbye as he’d washed his cup out at the sink.
Junho had wandered back inside, clearing his throat and muttering a greeting as he set the kettle to boil.
“So, Youngwoo stayed over huh?” Minwoo grinned at his flatmate.
“Nice,” he’d smirked at his friend, offering his fist for a bump. Junho frowned and shoved it away.
“Ah - it’s not like that, man.”
“No? You didn’t nail her then?”
Junho scowled at him. “Don’t use that kind of language. And don’t… act like it’s like I “scored” or something. I love her. It’s more than that.”
Minwoo stared at his friend with narrowed eyes. “So you did?”
Junho had rolled his own eyes then, turning away to sip at his coffee and Minwoo laughed.
“I knew it. What’s it like, eh? Does she talk the whole way through? Does she talk about whales while you’re insi -“
“Shut up,” Junho had said, picking up the dishcloth and flinging it at his head.
Minwoo had laughed as he’d stalked back off to his room.
That had been a couple of months ago. Now, Youngwoo seemed to stay at their place more often than her own. Seriously - she should start sharing the rent. It had been… odd at first, for his best friend/flatmate to be together with his biggest rival at work but… Minwoo had gradually let that go. Suyeon had taught him a lot, and even though Youngwoo was still irritating as hell, he felt a little bad for the way he’d treated her when she first joined the firm. Besides - since they’d both got their contracts renewed, he guessed he didn’t need to compete with her anymore.
It’s a Monday morning, and she skids into the living room, already dressed for work, hunting for her headphones.
“Attorney Woo, want some coffee?” He asks from the kitchen.
“No thank you, I don’t drink coffee first thing in the morning.”
“No? Tea, then?”
She shakes her head.
“Well what do you usually have?”
“My father usually makes me Woo Youngwoo gimbap.”
“What - every morning?”
“Ay - Youngwoo you’re so spoilt. Can’t you make your own gimbap now?”
She pauses at that, tilting her head with a furrow in her brow. “I… don’t know how to.”
“You don’t? But it’s easy. Once you’ve cooked the ingredients you just have to roll them all together. I’ll show you some time. Wait, what do you usually have when you stay over then?”
“We go to work via my father’s shop and eat there. Woo Youngwoo gimbap for me, and bibimap for Junho,” she explains as the latter walks out of his bedroom.
“Ready to go?” He asks her with a smile.
“Ah,” says Minwoo, “so that’s why you always head off so early. Junho - I told her she needs to learn to start making her own gimbap.”
“Hey, leave her alone Minwoo,” he waves a hand at his friend.
“I think,” Youngwoo speaks up, “Attorney Kwon is right. I should learn how to make my own gimbap. Then… then I could have breakfast here in the mornings.”
“Yeah?” Junho smiles, wrapping an arm around her middle from behind and nuzzling her hair. “Breakfast in bed, hm?”
“Aniyo. It’s unhygienic to eat where you sleep,” she states, and Minwoo snorts as he sips from his steaming mug of coffee.
Junho turns his face into her, murmuring something Minwoo can’t hear into her ear, but he can guess what it was when Youngwoo’s cheeks flush bright pink. He rolls eyes, deciding it’s a good time to excuse himself and taking his coffee off to his room.
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zaffrin · 2 years
Short lighthearted wooho ficlet, G rated 🐳
It’s Monday, Youngwoo hasn’t seen Junho since last week since he’d been visiting his family this weekend, and it’s a little ridiculous but she’d missed him, and apparently so had he, from the way he backs her into the elevator wall as soon as the doors slide closed and leave them alone.
Seventeen floors is a long ride up, and Youngwoo throws her arms up around his neck, determined to make the most of every second of it, a little moan escaping her into his mouth as he kisses her thoroughly.
They are so engrossed in each other that neither of them hear the lift come to a stop after just a few floors, or the ping of the doors sliding open.
Someone clears their throat, and Youngwoo’s eyes slide open, and then bulge, and she shoves Junho backwards.
“CEO Han! Good morning.” She blurts out, bowing deeply to her boss who stands on the other side of the open doors as Junho fumbles out an apology.
Han raises an eyebrow. “I see you figured out the kissing and breathing conundrum.”
Junho looks between them. “The…?”
Youngwoo bobs her head. “Yes, thank you.”
CEO Han clears her throat again. “But perhaps, we can keep the displays of affection to outside of working hours? And public spaces…”
“Ah, yes! I apologise,” Junho says, bowing to their boss again as she steps inside the elevator with them. “Sorry,” he mutters again, laughing awkwardly, hand rubbing over the back of his neck.
“No kissing during working hours or in public spaces,” Youngwoo says, stashing that rule away in her head. The doors close, and the lift starts up again. Her brow furrows, a thought occurring to her. “Although… public spaces is a broad term. Technically, streets are public spaces but Junho always kisses me goodbye in the street outside my house and it seems unnecessary to deem it off limits. Also - it means that we’d only -“
“The office, Attorney Woo,” CEO Han stipulates. “Keep it outside of Hanbada, yes?”
“Ahh. Okay.”
She thinks for another moment, the new rule still refusing to settle right inside of her brain, niggling at her in a way she realises is displeasure. Kissing Junho is one of the best parts of her day, and she’s a little upset about being restricted on when and where she’s allowed to do it. She falls silent for a moment, considering.
“What if the situation calls for kissing?”
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zaffrin · 2 years
When Youngwoo had asked her younger brother to extend an invitation to their mother for her and Junho’s wedding, she hadn’t really expected her to turn up.
“Are you leaving?” She says as she catches up with the older woman outside the hall, Junho right behind her.
Tae Sumi turns to face her. “Yes. I have… somewhere I need to be, but I wanted to… well. I just - congratulations,” she settles for. “I left you a wedding gift on the table.”
Still feeling a little stunned, Younfwoo is glad when Junho opens his mouth and speaks for her. “Thank you - and thank you for coming. I know it meant a lot to Youngwoo that you did.”
“Yes,” her estranged mother says, and glances between them before bowing her head. “Well - enjoy the rest of your day.”
“We’re expecting,” Youngwoo blurts out before she can turn away, and Tae Sumi’s eyes widen.
“We’re expecting,” she repeats, “and by expecting I don’t mean ‘something about to happen’.” her hand goes to her belly, still mostly flat to anyone who wasn’t specifically looking, but she can feel the ever so slight curve of her abdomen as she rests it there. She feels Junho’s hand on her back.
Tae Sumi’s gaze flickers between where her hand rests, and her and Junho, seemingly unable to find words a moment, before she gives herself a shake.
“I see,” she replies, and forces a smile. “Well. congratulations.”
She makes to turn away and Youngwoo hurries on.
“I wanted -“ she waits until her mother turns back to face her. “I wanted to ask if…” she glances at Junho who gives her a nod. His hand is still warm on her back, and she focuses on it, the feeling grounding her. “This child will be your granddaughter,” she continues. “You weren’t a part of your daughter’s life at all, but… but if you would like to be part of your granddaughter’s… well, I think she would like that too.”
Tae Sumi appears frozen, face going through a number of subtle expressions Youngwoo can’t identify. After a moment she speaks. “You’re having a girl?”
Youngwoo nods. “Yes. I’m four months along, at the last scan they were able to identify her gender. We haven’t decided on a name yet but the name ‘Has’ means ocean, so it’s one we’re considering to be a part of it, since Junho says we can’t name her golae.”
A flicker of a smile appears briefly on Sumi’s face at that. “I’m glad one of you is sensible,” she agrees.
Youngwoo shuffles on her feet. “Okay,” she says, content that she’d said what she wanted to, and nods at Junho, turning to head back inside.
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zaffrin · 2 years
Super short silly little fic where Youngwoo’s father catches her and Junho doing the horizontal tango 🙊 all under the cut as it’s rated M nsfw 🔞🐳
Her knees spread wide up by his ribs, small hands clutching his shirt, Youngwoo’s head tips back against the cushions of the sofa, mouth open as her boyfriend’s hips pump into her fast.
“This good?” He pants as he works, “you like this?”
Youngwoo didn’t know why, but Junho loved to ask her obvious questions while they were doing this. She’d have thought the way she’d been moaning since he started, and the litany of ‘yeses’ she had cried out would have made it fairly obvious how she felt about what he was doing, but he seemed to like the reassurance.
“Yes! I like it!”
“Yeah? Like me fucking you like this?”
She nods frantically, clawing at his shirt, lifting her knees higher to let him in deeper. “Yes, yes, just like that!” It felt like heaven, his cock striking a deep, wonderful spot inside of her, hips smacking against hers as he pumped into her, sweat on the back of her neck and Junho’s strong, muscular form over hers. “Yes, yes, yes -“
“Youngwoo-ya? I’m ho - ah!”
Youngwoo yelps at the sudden loud noise as her abeoji shouts and drops his shopping bags with a thump, potatoes rolling across the floor where he stands by the open front door.
Her stomach drops, Junho has frozen on top of her, and she stares with horror as her father looks across the sitting area right at them.
“Abeoji!” She squeaks, and Junho swears and springs to action, scrambling to pull out of her and grab his discarded jacket off the floor to cover them.
Youngwoo can only stare in horror, eyes wide, as her abeoji’s face goes through several shades of red and purple and then - to her horror - he springs to action, grabbing the kitchen knife off the side.
“You! What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” He yells, launching across the room and pointing the knife at Junho as he leaps backwards, cushion clutched in front of his crotch. “In my house!?” Her father splutters as Youngwoo covers her ears, “in my daughter!?!”
“Abeonim-“ Junho tries, backing up hastily, tripping over his own feet.
“Abeoji! Threatening someone with a weapon of any kind is an offence, this falls under article 267 and you can be charged with threat of assault and given a prison sentence of up to six months.”
“It’ll be life if this punk doesn’t get out of my sight right this minute!”
Squeaking at his threat, Youngwoo tumbles off the sofa and to her feet, clutching Junho’s jacket to herself tightly as she runs across the living room, grabs Junho’s hand, and drags him to her room.
“Not to your room!” Her father shouts after them.
“You said out of your sight!” Youngwoo calls back before shoving her boyfriend into her bedroom and closing the door behind them.
“I meant - Woo Youngwoo!”
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zaffrin · 2 years
Very fluffy future married Wooho fic snippet, rated G 🐳💕
Her alarm clock blares out, and with a groan, Youngwoo reaches out a hand and switches it off before sitting up in bed, pushing up her eye mask. She rubs at her eyes, blinking blearily into the room before glancing at the rest of the empty bed.
Monday. Her first day back at work in three months. While she had popped into the office a couple of times during her time off, this would be her first day working again, and she has mixed feelings about it. She’s missed work, and she’s looking forward to being busy again and getting stuck into new cases but… she’ll miss her quiet life, here at home, the little slice of peace they had carved out for themselves.
“Youngwoo-ya! I’ve made breakfast!” A familiar voice calls out, and she perks up. Breakfast already? He must have been up early this morning.
She pulls on a robe and tosses off her mask, shoving her feet into the slippers by her bed, and she’s still yawning when she pads into the kitchen.
“There you are,” Junho says, grinning at her from his place by the cooker. “One Woo Youngwoo gimbap for eomma,” he places a plate down at her place at the table as she plops into a chair. “And one warm milk for you.” He sets down a bottle on the high chair, ruffling their daughter’s non-existent hair before shucking his apron and grabbing his own mug of coffee, setting it down in front of him and dropping into a chair, picking up the bottle.
“Shouldn’t I breastfeed this morning?” Youngwoo says, touching her daughter’s little cheek with her thumb fondly. “Since I’m going to be out all day.”
“I thought it would be better if I fed her, since you have to get ready for work.”
Youngwoo shakes her head, sticking a mouthful of gimbap into her mouth and setting down her chopsticks, reaching for her child. “I’d have to pump anyway, or I’ll be sore by the end of the day. I can feed her while I eat.”
“Alright jagiya. Let’s go to eomma, huh?” Junho stands to swing his daughter from her highchair, placing her carefully in Youngwoo’s arms and helping her unbutton her pyjama top, pushing it aside so she can settle the tiny child at her breast.
“Ah,” she hisses as she latches on.
“Still sore?”
“A little. It’s okay once she starts.” Getting used to the sensation of her daughter suckling from her had been bizarre - but Youngwoo had thought about how whales nursed their young, and imagined the little child as a whale calf. Whales were notoriously wonderful, nurturing mothers, and Youngwoo was determined to be the same.
“Here, eat,” Junho prompts, picking up the chopsticks and a piece of gimbap, offering it to her. She opens her mouth to take it, snickering around the mouthful. “What?”
“You’re feeding me like a baby while I’m feeding the baby.”
He grins. “Well I’ve gotta make sure my wife is well fed too,” he says, offering her another piece of gimbap. “How you feeling about work today?”
“Good,” Youngwoo nods. “Although the routine will take some getting used to again.” Truthfully, she was feeling more than a little stressed about that - it had been hard at first with a new baby, but she’d settled nicely into a routine with her daughter now, feed, nap, and changing times all down to a schedule. Now she’d have to get used to getting up and going to work again, and alter her new daughter’s routine around it too.
Since she earned the most money out of the two of them, it had made sense that Junho would be the one to stay home whilst she kept working - although attorney Jung had promised him some hours from home once he was ready. Youngwoo knew it was a bit unorthodox, for the wife to go to work whilst the husband stayed home with their new baby (his mother had pursed her lips and made a few snide comments here and there), but Junho didn’t seem to give a damn, more than happy for her to be the breadwinner whilst he took care of their daughter.
She looks round in surprise as her best friend bursts in through the back door of their kitchen.
“Geurami! She’s feeding her!” Junho exclaims, moving to cover his wife’s chest.
“Ah, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before,” Geurami waves a hand and Junho’s eyes bulge.
Youngwoo nods. “She helped me buy my first bra. I was fifteen and I’d never worn one because I didn’t know how they should fit.”
Geurami is nodding, and Junho drags a hand over his face and sits back down.
“What are you doing here so early Geurami?” Youngwoo asks. She glances at the time. “Shouldn’t you still be sleeping?”
“Ah - I haven’t been to bed yet. I wanted to see my best friend before she goes back to work this morning.”
Ever since Geurami and Hairy had opened up their own bar/late night dining club, as Geurami had dubbed it, her friend had taken to sleeping during the days so she could be up all night. Usually, Youngwoo didn’t see or hear from her until the late afternoon or evening.
“It’s your favourite auntie!” Her friend coos at the baby, leaning in to gently poke her little cheek as she suckles from her mother. Youngwoo bats Geurami’s hand away. “You’ll put her off, and she needs to drink; I won’t be able to feed her for approximately ten hours and fifteen minutes after this.”
Geurami snorts. “It’s not like she’s going to starve Youngwoo-ya! Junho can feed her too, you know.”
“Yes, I know but…” she trails off, chewing her lip. Her friend was right; Junho could feed her. Her breast milk had been stored for this reason, all safely stashed in the fridge, and she’d given him the schedule of feeding times written neatly out. They would be fine. She would be fine.
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zaffrin · 2 years
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My nanowrimo 2022 project ✨
Not Regarding Something as Likely to Happen
Pregnant. She was pregnant. And, as of two weeks ago, single too. Not that she and Junho had ever officially become an item before she’d had to break things off.
What was she going to do?
Chapters 1 - 5 are up now!
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zaffrin · 2 years
I often post these on twitter and I need to start using this tumblr a bit more sooo here’s a little sneak peak snippet of the next chapter of my wooho omegaverse AU Scented
Junho’s hands curl into fists on his lap.
“Are you suggesting that I shouldn’t have asked her?”
“Mm,” the doctor nods. “But no matter - the situation can be easily rectified - you’ll find her much more compliant in general once she’s mated too, and it should settle your hormones right down.”
Junho stands abruptly. “I don’t think you can be any help to me,” he snaps. “I’m leaving.”
“What - now wait a minute -“
Unwilling to listen to another word, he marches from the room, heading straight down the corridor and through reception towards the exit.
“Sir!” Squeaks the woman on reception. “Sir, you haven’t paid!”
“Sue me,” he snaps, shoving the doors open and storming right outside.
He paces, furious, berating himself for even bothering to come. Hands shaking a little, he pulls out his phone, checking the time to see that it was almost one, and hitting call on her name as he seethes about the encounter.
“Fucking asshole,” he growls, stomach simmering with fury as the phone rings.
“Attorney Woo! Sorry - not you.”
“Are… you okay, Junho ssi?”
“Yes - sorry, I just… are you free for lunch? I’m in the city nearby, I thought I could take you somewhere and we could eat together.”
“Yes,” she says brightly. “Okay! I’ll meet you outside of Hanbada since you probably shouldn’t come in.”
“Agreed,” he sighs. “I’ll see you soon.”
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zaffrin · 2 years
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Sort of made this tumblr and forgot to do anything with it whoops well here’s a mood board I made for my EAW omegaverse AU 🖤 (18+ only🔞)
Youngwoo wondered sometimes, if her indifference to scents was something to do with her autism. She experienced the senses differently to neurotypical people - perhaps scents just weren’t tangible to her in the same way. Honestly, she was glad - the inconveniences of heats, along with the way society viewed her as an omega were enough to contend with without the willingness to jump any alpha’s bones who smelt good to her.
That wasn’t to say she couldn’t smell at all. Of course she knew that everyone had their own particular scent, and that alphas and omegas tended to smell stronger generally than betas, and this intensified when one was in heat or rut, but, apart from being occasionally strongly repelled, Youngwoo had just never found herself affected by them. She had certainly never been drawn to a scent anyhow.
That was until she’d met Lee Junho.
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ao3feed-doctorwho · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3kgnwq9
by zaffrin
She’s just in the little clearing up ahead, and he squats behind some bushes to watch as she waves her ridiculous sonic around, frowning at it. Silly Doctor. She thought that gadget was the answer to everything, whereas if she just put it down and tuned into her senses she might realise that she was being hunted, and just how close to being caught she was.
A Cheetah Virus fic for a prompt fill!
Words: 3113, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Thirteenth Doctor, The Master (Dhawan), Yasmin Khan
Relationships: Thirteenth Doctor/The Master (Dhawan), Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan (implied)
Additional Tags: Cheetah Virus (Doctor Who), Prompt Fill, Dubious Consent, this is... weird, Feral Master, Biting, Scratching, Rough Sex, Feral Behavior, Dark, fangs, Cheetah People, Animal Instincts, Feline behaviour, Cheetah Master, Hunting, Mating, Mating Rituals
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3kgnwq9
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ao3feed-doctorwho · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33oWENE
by zaffrin
Scrolling through profiles on Heat is… an experience. She sees way more pictures of genitals than she ever needed to, but she supposes… that was what the app was for. This wasn’t a dating app or matchmaker - this was for omegas looking for an alpha for the duration of their heat, and alphas wanting the same. It was about sex, and nothing else. Which is exactly what the Doctor wanted, wasn’t it? No strings, just a random alpha to see her through this heat. Forcing herself to wipe the look of distaste off her face, she continues scrolling through, trying to keep an open mind. Some messages pop up, but she ignores them after she opens the third knot picture.
Something makes her stop scrolling and hover on a profile.
  Alpha. Humanoid. 5”8. Male. Dark hair, brown eyes. Seeking petit blonde female omega to use for impending rut.
Words: 9736, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Thirteenth Doctor, The Master (Dhawan)
Relationships: Thirteenth Doctor/The Master (Dhawan)
Additional Tags: Omegaverse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Master, Omega Doctor, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating, Spanking, Nipple Clamps, Anal Sex, Knotting, Gags, BDSM themes, Dom/sub, Dubious Consent, Trash Fic, Basically, enjoy xx
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33oWENE
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