#eaw fic
zaffrin · 2 years
Super short little Wooho fic I wrote with my coffee this morning that I thought I’d share ☕️ T rated fluff 🐳
Yawning, Junho stirs his coffee in the Hanbada break room, mentally running over his list of tasks for today in his head.
There’s a group of women chattering just outside of the room round the corner, and their conversation is a low buzz in the background he isn’t really paying attention to, until suddenly he hears her name.
“Woo Young Woo? You’re serious?”
“For a few months now apparently. Haven’t you seen them leaving together?”
“I never really noticed - but why is he with her?”
Junho sets down his coffee spoon, hands balling into fists as he listens to the conversation.
“It’s weird, right? He could have anyone in this office if he wanted.”
“He could have me,” one of the women says lowly and they all giggle.
“It can’t be a normal relationship, right? He must be more like her carer than a boyfriend…”
“Maybe he just feels bad for her. He’s such a nice guy.”
“That’s true, he is. Ugh - and so handsome too, it’s not fair,” comes a sigh, and then a murmur of agreement.
Junho is gritting his teeth, trying to decide the best way to march right over there and set them all straight, when another voice sounds out a polite greeting to the women, and there’s a couple of gasps and stammers of reciprocation, and he turns to see Youngwoo rounding the corner into the break room.
Her face lights up when she sees him, and she bobs her head.
“Lee Junho ssi, did you know that a blue whale weighs as much as twenty four elephants?” She asks as she crosses the room to the fridge. She doesn’t seem to have heard any of the women’s conversation outside the room, and he’s glad. He musters up a smile for her.
“Aigo, twenty four? That’s heavy.”
“Yes,” she nods, closing the fridge with a water bottle. “Although nobody’s ever actually weighed a blue whale, but we can calculate their weight going by their size.” She crosses over to him and holds out the water bottle, and he smiles and takes it from her, opening the top before handing it back.
“Thank you,” she says and takes a sip. “It was very handy that you were here, otherwise I would have had to go to your desk so you could open it for me.”
He chuckles fondly, when he hears a titter of hushed voices again round the corner, and strains his ears to tune in to the whispers, just hearing ‘told you -‘, ‘more like a carer…’, ‘can’t actually be a real relationship…’
He can see them peeking round the corner out of the corner of his eye, and Youngwoo isn’t paying attention, chattering on about the correct formula to calculate the weight of a whale, but irritation and some other feeling he can’t identify rise inside of him, and determined to prove those nosy, ableist women wrong, he takes her water from her hands and sets it down on the side.
“Come here,” he tells her, motioning with his chin.
Halted mid-sentence, she glances at the water and then back up at him. “Huh?”
“Come here,” he repeats, dropping his voice a little, and when she steps hesitantly closer to him, Junho carefully takes hold of her face in his hands and leans down to kiss her deeply.
She makes a sound of surprise against his mouth as he coaxes her lips apart, and then she melts into him, small hands fluttering up to rest on his shoulders, body swaying into him until he can feel all of her tiny form pressed up against him.
He groans when they break apart, resting his forehead against her own.
“God, love, the things you do to me…” he murmurs loudly enough for their audience to hear.
“Junho ssi!” Youngwoo gasps, cheeks flushing delightfully. “We’re at work!”
He huffs softly, lowering his voice for only her to hear the next part; “Tell that to him.” A subtle nod downwards helps her catch his meaning and she looks briefly surprised - before she surprises him by leaning down suddenly, bringing her face right down level with his crotch.
“We’re at work,” she says quite firmly.
“Jagiya,” Junho can’t help but laugh, rubbing a hand over his face as he tugs her up with the other.
“I didn’t -“ he shakes his head. “Nothing, he chuckles, planting a kiss on her forehead before stepping back and retrieving her water for her. “I adore you,” he tells her earnestly as he hands her the bottle.
Her face lights up in the most brilliant smile, and his heart swells even more.
“Come on, I’ll walk you back to your office. What was that you were telling me about the blue whales?”
They leave the break room side by side as she happily launches back into her explanation, and Junho walks her from the room with a hand on the small of her back.
“Ah - sorry,” he apologies when they nearly bump into the group of women just round the corner. “Good morning,” he bows his head politely at them, keeping that hand on Youngwoo’s back as he guides her past them.
There’s dead silence behind them as they walk away, and Junho smiles smugly.
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darknessoulz · 2 years
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ebwhales · 2 years
The next installment in my new girl series is live. An ex-client of Youngwoo’s takes an interest in her making a certain someone upset. Maybe Junho is jealous 🤣
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cometchasr · 11 months
the differences between changing expectations and EaW really do show you how little worldbuilding mlp has while still having all the worldbuilding
i mean we have salt alcohol and we have no history. its incredible
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aylinaliens · 2 years
[fic] thinking of you
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fandom: extraordinary attorney woo
pairing: youngwoo/junho, youngwoo/original character
tags: Post-Canon, Heavy Angst, Breaking Up & Making Up, Hurt/Comfort, Insecurity, References to Depression, Eventual Happy, Ending Eventual Fluff Self-Worth, Issues, Implied Sexual Content, junho my beloved it’s time for you to suffer, eaw whale nation, Non-Linear Narrative
summary: Junho hoped she would always cherish the gift and it was the cruelest of fates that the singular reason that spurred him forward despite the difficulty came to fruition. Youngwoo cherished the gift so much that she still wore it while another man's arms were around her shoulders, holding her tight and shielding her body from the breeze that had risen from the frigid night air with his own.
•°. *࿐
Loving someone is hard but Lee Junho and Woo Youngwoo decided that they would do it anyways. Until they no longer did. The most heartbreaking thing in the world is when despite finding the right person, the timing never works, but maybe one of these days it can. Youngwoo and Junho would find their way back to each other—eventually. Someday. Because they were good people who deserved to be happy.
preview: He had assumed that this was not an official goodbye and her departure was always colored with the promise that she would return to him, even if it took a year, two, or three. It was not the amount of time it took for them to find their way back to each other, it was about the end result. But while he spent the last year patiently waiting for Youngwoo to wade the murky waters and swim back to him she had found a new pod to join.
Read chapter one on ao3 now!
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itsmoonpeaches · 2 years
i have too many wips and so many ideas and my brain is to the left somewhere but my stories want to be to be elsewhere
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deliriosdeladama · 2 years
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llycaons · 2 years
I also like that EAW hasn’t had any whodunits yet. I get bored by them easily and I think they’re usually done really badly. the show has a fair amount of detective work, but it’s not about finding out who did the crime, but rather medical and legal investigation, which I quite like
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magixfairyix · 1 month
I just find it funny as hell that my top listened to song last year was Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA, and even funnier that I would have never known that song existed if not for EaW brain rot
EaW being Even a Witch by @no-white-dress
Literally such an amazing winx club fic.
Read it please it will change your life.
Genually, I am not lying. I am truthing. Half joking but still
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theprissythumbelina · 4 months
Well, to answer your questions, the fic that excerpt comes from is currently my first and only piece of Star Wars fanfic, so it's not like I've ever brought it up outside of that.
Also, I'm pretty sure I'm probably with you there, as far as the whole 'Good VS Evil' thing the Jedi and Sith have going on. I'll take the force as a Magic system of dubious hardness, I suppose, though for some reason you barely actually see it at scale. The grand politics and machinations is what gets me going, see all of the 12 Worlds for why, so that's what I'm going for here! Also, haven't played, well, any Star Wars games... ever, I think?* I've watched a few on youtube, though, and from what I know of it EaW is absolutely incredible.
#now I wanna read a star wars fic again
Well, you're in luck! June's a school holiday period in these parts for me, and I absolutely intend on getting some work done for this fic over the month. I will absolutely tag you in any future stuff I get out ;)
*Well, not counting Angry Birds Star Wars and some crappy mobile tower defence game, that is. That was... a while ago
I highly recommend EaW, it's very good. And yes tag meee. I once read a fic that was incredibly detailed on a battle between two star destroyers, and it was really a blow by blow. Unfortunately it was unfinished, but it sparked my interest in sci-fi, and I was inspired to start a sci-fi wip. It's dormant right now, but not dead.
I think it has a little something to do with the first introduction I had to star wars actually being Rogue One, which is focused on the average person and not space wizard evil battles. I was summarily disappointed by most of the other movies. One of my favorites is actually Attack of the Clones because of the politics going on.
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hi hi!
i love your fics! you're a great writer!
for sentence starters, could we maybe get "hey two, lemme tell you something!" with lee! Peter 2 and ler! peter 3 and 1? pfff
hopefully this makes sense but i think a cute scenario would be like P3 pretending to wanna tell P2 something, (like whispering it into his ear) just as an excuse to give him gentle ear tickles? like him cupping his hands there and just being like "pspspspsp tktktk" and gently blowing on two's ear SGHDJFGK and as two struggles to keep his cool three is just like "mAn iM jUsT tRyna tElL yOu sOmeThinG hOlD sTill!"
then P1 catches on and does it to his other ear :)))
have a great day! (its ok if you dont feel like doing thisSS HAHAH)
(Eeeeee! Gotta love Peter 2 and his loving little brothers ❤️ Thank you so much for suggesting it Anon :) I hope you love it too!)
"Hey Two, let me tell you something!"
The oldest's eyebrow knitted together. "Okay?"
The taller Spiderman leaned closer and cupped a hand around Peter Two's ear like he had an important secret to tell.
"Pspspspspsp!" Three whispered.
The oldest jumped. "Ah! Whahat ahare yohou--"
"Tickie tickie tickie big brother."
Two squealed loudly. He brought his shoulder up, but with Three's head in the way, he couldn't block the sensation in his ear.
"Awwww, big bwothewr want tickies?" Three cooed, still next to the oldest's ear.
"Ohh yes, he wants the tickies. Tktktktktk!"
Peter's 2 face blushed bright red as the whispers tickled his ear. His ears were always a super ticklish spot that his brothers loved to take advantage of . . . And maybe he like it too.
Two felt movement on his other side. "Awhaha, hehes all blushy."
With Three attacking his ear, he forgot One was there too.
Instead of getting Three away, One gently pushed Two's other shoulder down so he could whisper too. "Tickietickietickie!"
One cupped his hand around Two's other ear and whispered, "You need some cheering up. You look sad with MJ out of town."
Two would appreciate the sentiment if those sentiments werent whispers driving him up the wall. It was true, with MJ off visiting a friend for a week, Peter Two had been lonely in the evenings.
Maybe a tickle attack wouldn't be so bad.
Okay, maybe it was a little bad.
"Dawww, youwre eaws are sow tickwish!" Three teased. "And sow cuwte!"
Suddenly, the middle brother attacked Peter 2's ears with kisses.
"AHH!" Two snorted from the attack.
"Great thinking Three," One added as he slid forward to add kisses to Two's other ear.
When the kissies got to be too much, the younger two switched to nuzzling their noses their instead.
"What is it he always does to us? Oh yes," Three teased before nuzzling his nose on his older brother's ear. "Nosynosynosy!"
Two's squealing laughter raised in pitch.
One giggled. "Ihi knohow that ohone!"
"You should! He does it to your neck all the time."
One smiled brightly. "Nohow ihits mhy tuhurn!" The youngest nuzzled into Two's other ear. "Nosynosynosy!"
With the double attack on each ear, Two was reduced to a laughing, blushing mess that snorted occasionally. Once his ears were thoroughly "loved" by his two younger brothers, Two gently pushed the two away.
Three chuckled. "Hahad enough?"
Two nodded. "Thahank yohou."
One snuggled closer. "Of course! You're our big brother!"
Three snuggled in on the other side. "We love you!"
A warm feeling filled Two from the inside out. He affectionately ruffled both of their heads. "Ihi love you too you little stinkers."
And he meant every word.
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zaffrin · 2 years
Sickly soft and sweet Wooho first time smut 🐳💕 rated M (1.2k words)
Holding his weight over her on his forearms, braced on the mattress either side of her, Junho gazes down into her face. Her thighs cradle his hips, and their torsos are pressed closely together, their hearts beating in tandem against their chests as Youngwoo looks back up at him, meeting his eyes and holding his gaze.
Gods, she was beautiful. He never thought he’d have this… from the moment he met her and he fell head over heels, at first she had seemed so… perfect she was surely unattainable - and then when she’d - miraculously- returned his affections, he’d had to be so careful around her that having her like this some day still seemed like it was merely a distant fantasy. He’d have been okay with that - even if Youngwoo had never been able to tolerate his touch or closeness like this, he would have been fine with it. He loved her so completely that all he strives for was to make her happy.
The way he could do that and have her like this too was… mind boggling.
He shifts his arm, bringing a hand to her face, reverently stroking his fingers through her hair.
“I’m scared,” she admits, voice small.
“We can stop,” he says immediately, stomach flipping in concern. “We don’t need to go any further than this.”
“Ani… I don’t want to stop, but I’m… I’m scared I’ll disappoint you.”
Junho’s face softens, and god he could cry because what did he do to deserve her? Surely nothing surmountable to what she gave him in return. “My love,” he says, stroking her face, “you could never ever disappoint me. Just having you close like this is more than enough.”
She’s chewing her lip, mouth moving from side to side. “But… what if I’m not good at it?” She says, and hurries on before he can argue. “Or… or what if I can’t handle the sensation, and we can’t do it at all.” He small voice gets quieter as she speaks until she finishes on a whisper, now avoiding his eyes. His wants to cry again. Has she been fretting about this? Did she really not understand that all he wanted in life was to make her happy?
“If you don’t like it, then we stop, and we don’t have to do it again. Sex isn’t… the be all and end all. And besides - there’s other things we can do - things we both already enjoy, isn’t there?”
“Like walks in the park? Or watching documentaries on your sofa with ice cream?”
“No, love,” he chuckles. “I’m referring to uh… things we do in the bedroom.”
“Ah,” she replies. “You like when I touch your…” she trails off, glancing pointedly downwards.
“I definitely do,” he chuckles. “And you like it when I touch you too, don’t you?” She nods and he leans in, pressing a kiss to her jaw, just under her ear, lowering his voice. “And when I use my mouth on you, when I make you come with my tongue…”
She gives a whimper, and he feels her shift beneath him, squirming a little.
“I like that a lot.”
“Yeah?” He sinks down, because how can he resist? Sliding down her body, shuffling until he’s settled between her spread legs and opening his mouth, letting his tongue slide up between her legs.
“Ah!” She exclaims, head tossing back against the pillows as her hands go to his hair.
He’s quite content down there - content even if she changes her mind and decides this is all she wants tonight, but after just a few short minutes, she stops him.
“Junho,” she tugs desperately at his hair. “Junho… Junho!”
“Mm?” He lifts his head, mouth shining, looking up her her, panting hard, her chest rising and falling rapidly, nipples hard, cheeks flushed.
“I think… I think I’m ready now.”
“Yeah?” He glances down. “Don’t you want me to…?”
She shakes her head, tugging urgently at him.
“Ani, I want… I want you to do it now.”
He groans, heat shooting through his already extremely aroused body like a bolt, and he crawls up from between her legs, settling over her again. His cock gives a twitch, bumping between her legs, heat radiating from her.
“Are you sure?”
She nods, and he shifts into position, reaching down between them, taking hold of his cock with one hand to guide it to her entrance. He circles her there, rubbing the tip of his cock around, teasing her, testing the give as he presses a little way against her.
“Just -!” She squeaks out, and he pauses. “Go slow,” she releases with a little puff of air. Her eyes are dropped below his eyeline, searching, moving across his chest and shoulders and off to the side and back. Nerves. Of course she was nervous - honestly, Junho was too, but he’s determined to keep his cool, be the calm steady presence she needs in a moment where she feels so outside of her comfort zone.
“As slow as you want,” he promises, dropping a kiss to the tip of her nose. “And we stop whenever you want,” he assures her again.
Youngwoo takes a big breath, and nods, holding it, and he presses in, easy and gently, inching slowly inside of her. It kills him to go this slow, and his arms shake with the effort of holding himself back but he doesn’t falter, watching her face carefully for signs of discomfort as he eases into her. He realises she’s still holding her breath, and drops another kiss to her nose.
“Breathe,” he reminds her.
She lets it out, a shaky exhale, and then another sharp inhale, and then she’s panting, breath coming short and rapid, hands flexing on his shoulders.
She nods.
“Are you sure?”
She shifts underneath him, and gives a sigh that sounds like she’s relaxing. “Yes,” she breathes. “I’m… good. It’s good.”
He can’t help the smile that comes to his face. “Yeah?”
She nods again. “Yes.
His chest swelling with what he realises is pride, he leans down to press a heated kiss to her lips, pouring all the love her feels for her into it. His body gives a throb, and he breaks the kiss, panting against her mouth.
“Are you ready then?”
“Yes,” she says again, hands gripping his back, and Junho takes a breath, and starts to move.
Afterwards, when he lays by her side, both of them panting and a sheen of sweat glistening on their skin, he feels her reach for his hand in the dark.
He glances at her, curious as he takes it, carefully linking his fingers with her own, and squeezing tight the way he knows she likes it for the brief periods when she lets him hold her hand.
“Are you counting?” He murmurs, “or shall I get my phone?”
Youngwoo draws in a deep breath, and releases it, turning her face to nuzzle into his shoulder and pulling their joined hands over her chest.
“I don’t think I need the timer anymore,” she tells him.
Junho falls asleep that night with a smile on his face, and the knowledge that the ring in his bedside drawer wouldn’t stay hidden in its box for much longer.
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darknessoulz · 2 years
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a wooho 7 dates fic but this time its junho's date list <33
coming soon but since i couldn't resist, here's the moodboard
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cometchasr · 8 months
an updated list of things
unspecified number of chinese fics
i still wanna write gay spirax submod for eaw :(
a stupid amount of paused projects because life and ive stopped thinking
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aylinaliens · 2 years
[fic] loving you is hard (but i’m still going to do it anyways)—chapter four “ambergris”
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summary: Youngwoo could never figure out how Junho always smelt like the sea—the earthy hints from the sandalwood and the briny ocean spray. It was like he bottled up Jeju-do during their visits, forever reminding her of the best (and worst) times of their relationship. aka: youngwoo really likes the way her boyfriend smells
you can read the fic down below or on ao3 here:
Woo Youngwoo does not look up when her boyfriend enters Attorney Jung Myeongseok’s office, nor does she do anything besides let out a soft hum when he leans down to brush a kiss to her cheek. He was used to this by down, settling down in the seat next to her as he straightens the jumbled of police reports that Youngwoo discarded after thumbing through them, quietly watching as she worked.
She already memorized all the witness statements and accident reports that were gathered at the scene. There was not much else to be done besides go over them again and again. Dips in her memory did not occur but it was never a bad idea to see if there was another way to look at things.
The case was a perplexing one; no matter how many times her eyes scanned the documents and listened to the initial court proceedings, Youngwoo could not find any loopholes or solution to the issue. It would, like it always did, happen eventually. Revelations typically were triggered by the smallest words or items. Forcing them out by sheer will alone would not make it feel like the ocean breeze was slapping her in the face, hair flying as she envisioned the grandest sperm whale taking the biggest leaps out of the water. All it would do is intensify the throbbing pang behind her eyes as she squinted at the laptop that was laid on the conference table.
Youngwoo pushes the laptop away after a few minutes of scrolling through the deposition Suyeon sent a few hours ago and reaches for the eye drops that she always kept in close range on the table but before her fingers could make contact Junho grabs it, twisting off the lid. He gestures for her to lean her head back as he stands, intending to do it for her.
Youngwoo still had occasional bouts of puzzlement when it came to her relationship with Junho. The confusion stemmed less from the emotional or physical variety and more from not always seeing the appeal of doing these mundane things that required zero assistance. She was quite capable of titling her own head back and placing droplets of the solution into her eyes to ease the irritation and the double spots that made reading difficult, but Junho liked doing these things.
Simple and unremarkable they may be to anyone else, these small acts of service were what he had described as being apart of his “love language.” He liked taking care of Youngwoo even when he was well aware that her hands, feet, and body was more than capable. The quizzes that she took online always came back with different results each time she sat down to take them but she supposed that this—simply occupying the same space and air, not requiring words to be spoken but also not being opposed to when they are—was her love language.
He threads a hand through her hair and pushes her bangs back so that he could kiss her forehead; starting to sense that perhaps Junho was up to no good and was secretly trying to entice her into do something else, she holds her breath but nevertheless widens her eyes so that he two drops were placed in each eye. I can do this myself, Youngwoo remembers telling him when he had offered to do it a few months back so that she could make the most of her few minute break in working to speak to him about where they would go for their date this weekend. His reply was short and simple: I know. I still want to.
She was not one hundred percent positive but it was possible the reason he liked pressing a palm against her cheek to hold her steady was because he wanted to enact that moment in time when he slowly took the eyelash that was stuck against her cheek. Removing an eyelash was difficult but it did not require his hands to slide to her arms and push her back, stepping into her personal space as his fingers attempted to grab hold of the barely there piece of hair. Placing eye drops took an even shorter amount of time; precision was important but there was no excuse or reason for his thumb to move so softly against her forehead or lips to pucker in concentration.
He was teasing her.
Lee Junho was a tease. A “fox” as Geurami likes to say.
And she was in love with him. Youngwoo could not remember the exact moment Junho had invaded her mind, his smile and laugh and voice and hands and body her new favorite and spectacular thing to fall for rather than whales, but she was so glad for it. She was glad to love someone like Junho and that he loved her right back. He only reminded her of this every single day—sometimes verbally but mostly she felt his love radiate through his actions.
Youngwoo straightens her head once he’s finished, taking a moment to let her eyes readjust to new moisture, blinking as she uses her fingers to swipe away the artificial tears. Junho remains a blurry outline until but the image of his smiling face soon peaks out.
Junho sits back down in his rightful seat next to Youngwoo. He has one one arm propped up against the back of her chair, leaning close enough that she could smell the light mist of cologne he sprayed on this morning, and he’s still smiling. Youngwoo finds it impossible to not beam right back at him. She finds it even more impossible to not let her thoughts stray from work to Junho and Junho’s smell.
Youngwoo could never figure out how Junho always smelt like the sea—the earthy hints from the sandalwood and the briny ocean spray that was always shining through. It was like he bottled up Jeju-do during their visits, forever reminding her of the best (and worst) times of their relationship.
That comforting smell of one of her favorite places seamlessly blended in with the fresh linen of his washing detergent. On anyone else it would have been overpowering—sometimes just standing next to someone in the elevator who had overindulged on their cologne or perfume was enough to make her wince, but not when it comes to Junho.
Youngwoo believes she had a higher threshold when it comes to handling smells, still her nose was sensitive. Yet, she found Junho in all his Jeju-do and clean linen and…what was it called? Musk? His natural fragrance? Woo Youngwoo was an attorney, not a perfumer. She did not have this never ending list of descriptors to define his scent.
Junho just smells like Junho. Sometimes, when they were this close and she could inhale deeply, Youngwoo would think that if she were a perfumer she would not search for ambergris.
She would just find some kind of way to capture every unique and notable aroma that came from Junho. The lingering smell he leaves behind on her bed or on her desk chair was nice but it was not enough to satiate her desires.
Hm. Maybe she would just borrow another one of his jackets or shirts until she can look up the chemistry behind perfume making and press her cheek to the fabric because it doesn’t feel like tags and allow herself to fall asleep, dreaming that she was in his arms instead of her own bed.
There are no words that have to be exchanged. None at all. The two just sit in comfortable silence, Youngwoo: reinvigorated from the eyedrops and the warmth that came from Junho’s arm against the back of her chair. And Junho: content in watching the woman he was planning to marry give her undivided attention to something she was so passionate about.
He would wait until she had her big whale moment before stealing a kiss (and more) but for now this was okay, simply basking in each other’s presence.
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mercydellirium · 2 years
Not me posting my first risky eaw fic only for ao3 to go down T-T
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