roughridingrednecks · 9 months
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Enter Captain Pellaeon. 
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eteleu · 4 months
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I'm a pretty princess.
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pumpkidgrove · 3 months
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"Die Hexe"⁠ "The witch"⁠
Funko POP!⁠
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nanotide · 7 months
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Zahn's doing considerably well out of containment all things considered
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razieltwelve · 1 year
Dog Park Conundrum (Final Rose)
“Hmm...” Korra rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “Maybe this wasn’t the best idea.”
“On the upside, they’re both very well trained, so I doubt they’ll do more than glare,” Weiss said.
In the middle of the dog park, Naga and Zahn were squaring off. It was the only time outside of Oerba that Zahn had met a canine that was larger than he was, so naturally he was wary of the polar bear dog. Indeed, he had very deliberately put himself between Naga and Luna.
However, the ice was broken, so to speak, by Ruby, who skipped over to Naga. The polar bear dog lowered her head and gave Ruby an affectionate nudge before receiving a treat in return. Zahn’s stance relaxed ever so slightly. If Ruby thought Naga was okay, then he would trust her judgement.
Of course, he would still keep an eye on her. It wouldn’t do to get careless.
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Author’s Notes
Polar bear dogs are the largest canines on Remnant. Naga isn’t fully grown when Korra is attending Beacon, so she is truly enormous by the time she reaches her maximum size. The average polar bear dog is noticeably larger than the average Oerban timber wolf.
However, Oerban timber wolves tend to be faster and have better endurance. This is largely due to polar bear dogs being ambush predators whereas Oerban timber wolves are persistence predators. In single combat, Zahn would beat most polar bear dogs due to his excellent training, particularly the training he has received in Aura usage. However, Naga would beat him in a fight since Naga has extensive training in general combat and Aura usage due to being Korra’s partner. That said, in a fight to protect Luna (not that Naga would attack her), he would be able to ensure Luna could escape.
Out of the animal characters in Final Rose, Naga in her prime beats just about everybody except for the top tier of chocobos (e.g., Chirpy, Mangler, and Fury). She’s just too big a target while being too slow to dodge or land blows of her own despite her immense physical strength and endurance.
As an aside, the strongest animal character will, at a certain age, be Sally since she just gets bigger and stronger over time.
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shiny1jux · 9 months
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Jetzt ergibt der Spruch endlich einen Sinn 🤯
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julesfriend2 · 2 years
Congratulations to #ZahnMcClaron for his Gotham Award nomination for best actor in a limited series
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In Dark Winds on AMC+
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mariahjade2 · 1 year
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My Luke came today.  Now they are together...forever.
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jadecrusades · 2 years
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Character Concepts by Olivier Vatine. “Star Wars: L'Héritier de L’Empire” Volume #1. February, 2002.
The first volume of Delcourt’s french “Star Wars: Heir to the Empire” anthology includes character concept art by Olivier Vatine. The (loosely) translated text from the “New Characters” behind the scenes feature reads:
Olivier Vatine reflects that the most interesting part of the project concerned the creation of new characters. Unfortunately, some of the work had already been done for the Star Wars roleplaying games. Despite this, he tried to inject his vision, hoping that Lucasfilm would not reject everything altogether. In the end, apart from a few hair tweaks (like adding hair to Mara, removing some from Thrawn, and redoing Joruus’s goatee), the other suggestions were accepted.
Talon Karrde is a smuggler, and that’s the only thing he has in common with Han Solo. Unlike Han, Talon is a very organized, methodical person who surrounds himself with a crowd of associates. He is determined to remain neutral in the conflict between the New Republic and the Empire. He remembers the unfortunate events of Jabba the Hutt too well to attempt any association with the Rebels or Imperials. In the comic, he appears as a sort of adventurer, cigar in the corner of his mouth (an object that no character, even secondary character, smokes in the Star Wars universe! So exotic…)
We know very little about Mara Jade’s past, and that’s what she wants. She has allied herself with Talon Karrde and quickly becomes his right-hand woman. She hides her secret identity, despite her loyalty to him. There’s something feline about Mara’s appearance. Everything about her evokes dynamism and strength of character. She gives the impression of being constantly on her guard. Mara appears in many other books after Zahn’s trilogy. She is presumably destined to play a very important role in future Star Wars series.
In this saga, it would have been a shame not to find a few new villains worthy of succeeding Vader. In “Heir to the Empire,” there are two that share the limelight for this role: Grand Admiral Thrawn, supreme leader of the Imperial forces, and Joruus C’boath, a Jedi master dedicated to the Dark Side.
Grand Admiral Thrawn has one peculiarity for an Imperial: he is not human. It’s amazing that he achieved such a rank, considering the physical and racial characteristics required of the Empire’s top leaders. It is probably because of his ruthlessness, his very particular sense of obedience, and his genius for strategy. Through intrigue, Thrawn ensures his succession to the Emperor and obtains new weapons to destroy the Rebellion: cloaking technology, Spaarti cloning cylinders, and above all, he seals an alliance with the Dark Jedi C'baoth. Ultimately, he represents the last hope for reviving the Imperial Order. On the advice of Lucasfilm, Thrawn was given a handsome uniform and a regulation haircut.
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sammeldeineknochen · 2 years
'Ich habe ein zahnloses Leben geführt', dachte er. 'Ein zahnloses Leben. Ich habe nie zugebissen, ich wartete, ich hob mich für später auf - und gerade habe ich gemerkt, dass ich keine Zähne mehr habe.
Jean-Paul Sartre: “Zeit der Reife”, S.270
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musikblog · 8 days
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https://www.musikblog.de/2024/06/maifeld-derby-2024/ Bei seiner 13. Auflage im 14. Jahr trotzt das Maifeld Derby durchwachsenem Wetter mit einer zusätzlichen Open Air Bühne. Ausgerechnet, könnte man meinen. Doch weder sporadischer Regen noch der etwas sperrige Zugang können der neuen Arena-2-Stage etwas anhaben. Sie wird am Freitag zunächst vom Berliner Krautrock-Trio Zahn und anschließend noch intensiver von Sextile auf ihre […]
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detournementsmineurs · 2 months
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"Neckpiece" by Helga Zahn in silver and Cornish pebbles (1966-67) presented in “A History of Jewellery: Bedazzled (part 9: Contemporary Jewellery 1960s into the 21st Century)” by Beatriz Chadour-Sampson - International Jewellery Historian and Author - for the V&A Academy online, april 2024.
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eteleu · 4 months
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Dr. Zahn committing violence on her junior, acting upon boredom (colorized 2024)
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Wer geht schon gerne zum Zahnarzt?
Keiner oder ?
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nanotide · 7 months
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Human drugs effect shapeshifters a little differently.
(Jesse is a good bean and won't do drugs still)
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