ceoanam · 2 years
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I’ve always struggled inking my drawings. That must be why I love sketches, early design researches and rough animations more then the final product. I don’t own this character, by the way. Credit goes to Zainoos.  More there: https://www.forum-dessine.fr/auteurs/zainoos
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That’s how many days it’s been since you shouted my name in the club and my heart fell and landed in your hands.
8 years
6 months
3 weeks
And you kept it ever since
I cannot do this. I can’t take it. You’re my fucking dream. And I’ve watched someone else live my dream…
You’re my best friend, the light in all the darkest spaces of my life. The stars in my night sky. The rising sun in my mornings. You’re the light that I chase when I run through this tunnel that I call my life. The gold at the end of the rainbow. But I’ve been shooting for those stars, running towards that light, and chasing that gold for far too long. Even when I think I’ve stopped, my body aches, my mind cries for rest, because unknowingly, I never stopped running towards that light for 3127 days.
Insha Allah, in another life, or if I’m worthy of paradise, I will know that I’m there when I look beside me and I see you standing with me. You’re not my soul mate. You are my soul. My life started and ended with you. There’s no Sal without Zainoo.
I love you so much.
One day, you’ll understand. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll stand beside me in paradise. Insha Allah. I make dua, not that you’ll be with me, but that you’ll be happy.
And my heart cries out in hope that you’ll be happy beside me. Because for me, paradise cannot exist without the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen
I’ve lost people in my life. Permanently. And I know how it feels to lose someone and never get the chance to say one last thing to them. The regret is unbearable.
After this message I won’t trouble you with this anymore. We’ll carry on as normal. But I’ll be damned if I don’t tell you the whole truth just ONE more time.
I regret every second that I didn’t hold your hand, every second that I didn’t hug you tightly, every second that I didn’t kiss you, every second that I didn’t tell you that you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on, and every second that I didn’t tell you and show you how much I love you
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zainooofficial · 9 days
Zainoo Sigma Edit
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nanajaems0308 · 4 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out! *evil laugh*
I-why’re laUgHinG aT me👁👄👁
But still thAnk yOu, I wuv you🧡🧡🧡💖💖💖💖💚💚💚💚
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
HI GWEN I'm here to request 🥺🥺🥺 Can I request johnny as your college boyfriend (fluff please ☺) Ily byeeeee
AN• hi zainoo sorry i didn’t actually really do what u asked :( I’m Sorry:(((( if you want me to do another one, just ask 🥺🥺🥺🍓💖
You wanted to smack all of your friends for being the stupidest people on Earth. It wasn’t that you didn’t love them, or that they weren’t good people, they were just so stupid.
You should have listened to your gut when it told you to reserve a study room in the library. Exam season was coming up, and kids were cramming before they had to deal with the worst two weeks of their life, so of course there wouldn’t be a group study room open to take. You offered going to the library before hand and reserving one, yet your friends insisted that one would be open, and worst case scenario, the whole group would have to go back to the home of your friends - the NCT frat house - in order to study. The thought made a deep sigh bubble from your throat.
All in all, you respected the NCT frat house. The members were pretty nice, they kept their house relatively clean, and they always had the best parties.
That being said, it was a terrible place to study. There was always someone in the living space, so it was never peaceful, there seemed to always be music blasting from god knows where, so it was never quiet, and there was always something going on, so it was distracting. It was the perfect recipe to retain zero information, and you were surprised some members even had good grades. You really didn’t want to study there, but, unfortunately and unsurprisingly, you all had made it to worst case scenario.
So there you were, trying to store the boring and repetitive information about the process of dissecting a starfish - all the while two younger members named Haechan and Renjun haphazardly made brownies in the kitchen with Michael Jackson blasting, the front door was wide open - as were all the windows - and a couple of members were moving kegs in for a party not even 6 hours away, and you were trying to focus while your best friend, Lucas, shoveled chex mix into his mouth at an alarming rate.
“Lucas!” You finally snapped after the fourth handful, and you startled your friends so much, that mark yelped a bit while dropping his pencil, Jaehyun looked up almost immediately from his book to look at you in surprise, and Lucas just about choked on his chex mix. “Shut the fuck up, stop chewing so loud! And take smaller bites, you’re going to choke!” After swallowing his mouthful, Lucas pointed at you with an accusing glare.
“Don’t project your frustration about the working environment on me, y/n. It’s not my fault there was no open study rooms for us.”
“I- yes, but it IS your fault we didn’t have one reserved! You were the biggest advocate for winging it.” Lucas scoffed while he reached for another handful.
“Hey, don’t just blame me, okay? These two idiots weren’t complaining with the idea!” At the mention of themselves, Mark - who was watching you both already - raised his eyebrows and lifted his hands in defense, and Jaehyun sighed while setting his book down once more, seemingly ready to throw it at the first person who tested his patience.
Mark seemed like he was about to debunk Lucas’s accusation, when his eyes went wide and he smiled and waved someone behind you over. You turned just in time for whoever it was to walk out of your peripheral vision, and when you turned back towards Mark, you were surprised to find a tall boy standing next to him and smiling down at the four of you.
“Mark, Jaehyun, Lucas, girl I don’t know, how are you on this fine day?” The unknown boy smiled at you, and you could have sworn that smile went straight into your stomach and turned into a butterfly.
“Johnny, please tell this dumbass-“ Mark motioned to Lucas’s hunched frame, “-that our failure to score a group study room was all due to him?”
“Johnny tell this idiot that I’m not the only one with opinions in this group, and he totally could have spoken up if he didn’t believe it was the right thing to do?” Lucas rebutted.
Johnny pretended to think on it for a second - even going as far as to place a finger on his thumb and stare up at the ceiling while making a hum noise - before answering with, “tell you what, I’ll give you my answer - IF someone tells me the name of the pretty girl in the middle of our frat house,” while looking at you with a smirk painted on his features.
Before anyone could say your name, a smile etched its way onto your face as you calmly stated, “oh that’s Mark”.
Everyone was silent for a second, and you thought you had overstepped a line with this stranger (you didn’t care about Mark, you had known the dude for four years), but when “Johnny” looked up at the ceiling out of sheer force from how much he was laughing, you knew he was quite okay with your joke.
“I don’t know who you are, but please let me take you out on a date,” you thought it was pretty smooth of him, so even though all three of your friends groaned, moaned, and practically begged you to tell Johnny to fuck off, you just laughed, smiled up at the tall boy, and said,
“Why not, stranger?”
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mull3ts · 4 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out! AHHAHAHHAHA I sent it back cause I wuv you
thank u wuv you too :D 💖
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pazena-blog · 6 years
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The story of a handwoven Mexican backpack in Morocco 🇲🇦 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #savetheplanetearth #savetheplanet #savetheplanet🌍 #backpacks #backpackstyle #wow #ohfuckyes #ohfuckno #ohfuckyeah #bloopers #pazenabackpacks #backpacklife #backpacklifestyle #zaino #zainoinspalla #zainosmanabdullah #zainoo #zainoinviaggio #zaini #ranselmurah #ranselwanita #handmadebackpack #backpackhandmade #followthebutterfly #brandstotrust #positiveluxury #slowfashionstyle #bagoftheday #backpackoffer #slowfashion •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• https://www.instagram.com/p/BqBA9twFzLC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nb8wj72pfd7j
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alzainn07 · 5 years
5gait ur dp zainoo ❤️ miss u tbh
Miss you too 💗
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mezitli33 · 5 years
Es wurden noch keine persönlichen Reiseziele und Sehenswürdigkeiten zur Tour hinzugefügt! Kapiteln aus den Reiseführer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Jahrhundert untergebracht, das seine ursprüngliche Einrichtung fast beibehalten hat. Es gehörte der adeligen Patrizierfamilie Pisani. Am liebsten gehen Touristen auf den San-Marco-Platz spazieren.
Name: stadtplan venedig Format: ZIP-Archiv Betriebssysteme: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Lizenz: Nur zur personlichen verwendung Größe: 46.33 MBytes
Erstens, weil diese Kanäle das Hauptbild des lokalen Lebensstils bestimmen. Stadtplan zur Orientierung Die schönsten Plätze Venedigs im Überblick Obwohl Venedig selbst schon eine einzige Sehenswürdigkeit ist, ist es venedif schlecht sich einen Überblick zu verschaffen wo sich die wichtigsten und schönsten Highlights befinden. Wollten Sie nicht schon öfters einen einfachen und bequemen Stadtplan, der kein Studium von Zusammenfalttechniken erfordert? Tipps für Reisende 4. Heften Sie empfohlene Orte auf der Karte fest. Besonders die unzähligen kleinen Gassen und Kanäle machen die Orientierung in der Lagunenstadt oft ungewöhnlich schwer und man ist gut bedient einen Fähren- und auch Stadtplan immer dabei zu haben. Besuchen sie uns jetzt auch auf Facebook Mein Zainoo:
Sammler lieben diesen Markt, da es nicht schwer ist, alte Statuetten, Gemälde und Zeitschriftenausgaben venedog finden. In dieses Futter mischt man … Stadtpllan.
Am liebsten gehen Touristen auf den San-Marco-Platz spazieren. Ulmon GmbH Mehr ansehen. Jahrhundert stsdtplan, das seine ursprüngliche Einrichtung fast beibehalten hat. Stadtrundfahrten, Ausflüge und Tickets in Venedig und Umgebung. Frauen halten in der Regel an Ständen, die Vintage-Schmuck verkaufen.
Stadtplan von Venedig
Benutzername Passwort Zugangsdaten vergessen? Besonders die unzähligen kleinen Gassen und Kanäle machen die Orientierung in der Lagunenstadt oft ungewöhnlich schwer und man ist gut bedient einen Fähren- und auch Stadtplan immer dabei zu haben. Zainoo ist und bleibt kostenlos.
Bewertungen Richtlinien für Rezensionen. Eine Tour planen 0 Meine Venwdig.
Ähnliche Tapeten
Alle Sehenswürdigkeiten auf einen Blick. Tipps für Reisende 4.
Besuchen sie uns jetzt auch auf Facebook Mein Zainoo: Wir verfügen über stadtplxn als Es venediy der adeligen Patrizierfamilie Pisani. Fügen Sie eigene Stecknadeln zur Karte hinzu. Sie befinden sich hier: Während des Palastbaus blieben mehrere ältere Gebäude in seinem Territorium, und das macht Gritti Palace zu einem wichtigen historischen Wahrzeichen.
Route fertig — was jetzt? Es wurden noch keine persönlichen Reiseziele und Sehenswürdigkeiten zur Tour hinzugefügt!
Orientierung & Karte – Stadtplan von Venedig
stadtpan Man muss auch auf die Kleidung achten, wenn man in die Kirche geht. Lassen Sie sich mit der Karte in Blickrichtung zu den gewünschten Orten führen. Stadtplan downloaden Stadtplan drucken. Die Gäste des Hotels haben die Möglichkeit, in alten Steintreppen zu gehen, auf geräumigen Terrassen zu entspannen und im malerischen Innenhof zu … Öffnen.
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Stadtplan Venedig – Vliestapeten & Designtapeten bei Extratapete
Entdecken Sie was sich in Ihrer Gegend befindet mit einem zoombaren Detailgrad. Ihr übersichtlicher und verlässlicher Stadtplan. Reiseführer, Inspiration, Stadyplan und alles auch Offline! Wir freuen uns über jeden Kontakt.
Einfache Orientierung am Stadtplan. Finden Sie Tankstellen und Benzinpreise in Australien! Zweitens ist der Wassertransport der einzige öffentliche Verkehr in Statplan. Es ist verboten, offene und bunte Kleidung anzuhaben, wenn man die Kirche besucht.
The post STADTPLAN VENEDIG HERUNTERLADEN appeared first on Mezitli.
source http://mezitli.info/stadtplan-venedig-57/
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mull3ts · 4 years
KiDs since i love my childrenz so imma tag them and display what i love the most abt them 😌✨💖🤧 im doing this coz i realize it's been like a month with my kids-
Starting from thy oldest -> @nct127grass
GRACE! You're my oldest child and overall one of my favourites 👀. You're my Australian child, but idk where the Australian came from- bangchan from straykids jkjk bUt I always like your hyperactivity. I had no clue a person could always be so active like wot? It's in the best way possible tho so dont worry fam 😎 걱저하지마ㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏ so what we hot we young AnywhO in a summary, i will 100% help you sceme to fight nct 😎💖
Thy second oldest -> @sunflowerhae
GWEN! As always, such a dope name 😎🤧. I always thought we were my child that just keeps it real ya kno? 😌 You're my child that I would 100% deck someone for and yEs✨ Coz sweetie if you ever come across a hooman that tries to come @ you just tell me and I will end them 😌💅🏻. I like your confidence tho, like I could nEvEr 😔. Even tho I haven't read all of your fics, im sure you're a fabulous writer✨💖😎🤧
Thy 3rd oldest child -> @nanajaems0308
JUJU! You know a secret I've never told my mom so, mAd reSpEcKt fAm ✨😎. I even told you abt minecraft tiddies and you know what my bro looks like and you know his name so mAd reSpEcKt 😎. I like your easygoing-ness? If that's a thing? 👁👄👁. Idk you're just easy to talk to coz I can always slide into your asks 😌✨. anywhOdleZ you're pretty dope n ✨jazzy✨ fam 😎💖
Thy 2th youngest child -> @bbjisungg
CISSY! I haven't known you for a while but dw I wuv ya anyways 😌✨💖. You were Gwen's accomplice so why wouldn't i wuv ya? AnywhOooOOo I'm sure over time we shAll get to know eachother and all that fun stuffs :D 😎✨💖
Thy 4th oldest child -> @http-stan-nct
ZAINOO! Fam, I feel like you're ok and I don't have to deck anyone for you. but i will deck anyone for you coz i wuv you chiLd 🤧💖. Congradulations on your marrige that I wasn't aware of 👀😌✌🏻💖. mY chiLd iS sO grOwn uP 👁💧👄💧👁. Thank you for calling me a 69 year old, I wanna be that age so i have 49 years to go 😌✨. I like your top notch sleep schedule 😌👌🏻✨. I wanna sleep for 20 hours one day 🤧🤧🤧. anywhOoO I look forward to your youtube channel 👀🍵💖✨😎.
Thy youngest child -> @ciaojunnie
ELIE! Sweetie ilysm :D Tbh, you're ooper mature for your age and that's kewl fam 😎✨. You're alsO an aMaZiNg wRitEr sometimes i feel like you're better than me- BUT I shall protecc the child coz you're the youngest and have a lOng life ahead of you unlike me who's oLd 😌✌🏻🤧✨. So if some hoE comes @ you, I will deck them for you and you an dispose of the body. AnyWhOdleZ i like that youre ooper mature coz i thought hoomans your age these days would be ooper snArkY and 🤢. But dw fam you're dope 😎💖✨
Yes ladies and absolutely no gentlemen as far as I'm aware of 👀. These are mi kids ;-; so HAPPY ONE MONTH AS A FAMILY CHILDREN I WUB YALL 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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Did I really just do this I-
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
I’m not the mom of the group, I’m just the annoying loud one that gives too much affection to her wife, but it’s our one month anniversary of being a gc and I have literally S O MUCH affection to give🥺🥺✋
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Emoji set that reminds me of her: 😊👉👈💘✨😩🤢(this one bc shes h*t, she knows what that says)
-> @earth-to-that-asian
Abi ur my favorite momma literally ever. You’re super shy, which is so cute, and u seem like,,,like? Kinda have ur life? Together? I mean who does really but youre a really good example of where one should probably be at your age. You say “I-“ literally all the time and are always secretly encouraging our bad behavior so all in all ur a great mom. You are also always sending me asks that are just you giving me love and affection and tbh they make me so happy I love you sm and I’m so glad you accepted me into this amazing gc a whole ass month ago
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Emoji set that reminds me of her: 🥺✋💖✨🏳️‍🌈☁️😭💛😍💍
-> @nct127grass
Grace. Grace. GRACE. Idk when we go married, but I think it’s been like a good two weeks? You are my favorite favorite person ever and definitely my favorite Australian (don’t worry luv we don’t hold it against u). Literally I love flirting on main w you and definitely being the best example of a healthy married relationship to the youngies (and abi bc she’s the only one older than us but she’s L O N E L Y and that’s what she gets for being a he-🤢 I can’t even say it). You’re the Jeno to my Jaemin, and I love ur vibe and ur energy sm idk what the gc would be like without u. Maybe I would have left idk we ALL know how I am in gc’s (you’ve all seen the many many screenshots😔) n e ways MY WIFE I LOVE UUUU😍😍😚😍🥰😘😘🥰
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Emoji set that remind me of her: 😌✋😳👀🤑🤰🏼🌞🌼🌹
-> @nanajaems0308
Juju my forever fav memory of u is the first video call we all had when u came a bit late and I accidentally called u abi and elie had to correct me and I wanted to leave the call and the gc and never show my face then and there. You had the cutest lil voice too omg 🥺🥺 I was like “juju protection squad: assembled” although I never said anything hahaha. Ok I think realistically you’re someone who I don’t interact with TOo much. Like ofc we’re friends but we’ve never had like close close talks before, that being said I think you are still literally amazing. YEp! U heard me! A M A Z I N G! I hope no one lets ur cute lil self fool them bc when u get into fights w zainoo I get ScAred like oh my god zainoo is BRAVE brave. I think ur adorable also tho and u definitely are a good friend that cares for the people u love😩🥺🥺🥺😘
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Emoji set that reminds me of her: ☁️💘🥵👁👅👁🧚🏻‍♀️👑
-> @bbjisungg
cissy you haven’t been in the gc for long, and I kinda forced you to be in it after u were my accomplice, but tbh I couldn’t have asked for a better person to commit crimes w. You were so wildling and open to everything I roped u into, and then when I forced u to join my gc full of cRaCkhEAds, u were just like “sure fam” and then boom u were in. You had to change ur pfp On Instagram and EVERYTHING. I hope u don’t regret joking our mess of a gc, bc I definitely don’t regret making u join. Idk what gc we originally knew each other from, I just remembered knowing who you were, which is why I messaged u to spy for me (bc u were the only other person who I knew in that messy messy gc that I don’t wanna talk abt) and you just like,,I’ve said it befor I’ll say it again THANK U for going w the flow if you had said you wouldn’t do it I would have cried into the gc ur NOW APART OF and elie and abi would have offered to beat ur ass and it would have been a THING but now they’re willing to beat someone’s ass for u so see it’s the cycle of life🤩 I’m drowning on and boring even myself so I wanted to say I hope we all become much much more closer w each other and that ily vv much😩✋💖✨
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Emoji set that reminds me of her: 💅🏻🐙🍃✨🍡🔪💌💛
-> @http-stan-nct
Zainoo Imma lay it all out on the line here and say u scare me sometimes 😳✋ you have this strong personality that can sometimes be intimidating but once someone gets to know you, ur actually just a huge softy that hates bugs and wears lemon socks. And Ik it might not seem that way to you, but idk that’s just how you come off to me,,, u are married to another person named gwen, so ofc you’re already ahead in the game - you and grace seem to have it all figured out correctly - and you are just adorable when u get excited abt something and just have to let everyone know ~lemon socks~ u fighting w juju in the chat is genuinely hilarious to watch it’s free entertainment I don’t think I need Netflix anymore , and ur a comedy legend although if me saying that inflates ur ego even a lil bit then I’m out. I LOVE U😩😩😭 oh and ps STOP USING CLOWN EMOJIS TO REACT TO EVEEYTHING I SAY
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Emoji set that reminds me of her: 🔪👁👄👁😭✋😳😩🔪🖤
-> @ciaojunnie
Elie ur the youngest. And yet,? U have the soul of an 80 yr old murderer😌✨ you are literally the toughest person I’ve ever met, and u genuinely scare me sometimes buT I would pay to watch u beat the ppl at ur school up. You’re the queen of the 🏳️‍🌈 scene and I wish I wish We could all protect u from all the ASSHOLES in ur life but just know that even though we’re not there irl, we are always here to listen to you and we’re all older so we can give 10/10 advice (lmao sure) (see even I laughed at that) (6.5/10 maybe!) also I love ur notes (u were making them on the call I think) ALSO the amount of times u CURSE should be ILLEGAL everytime u say s*x or *ss I literally am like “NOOOOooooOOOOO” and grace and abi encourage it which makes me 👊👊👊🤬🤬😡😡😡 at them but not for long bc they’re literally my mom and my wife so- N E WAYS I’m rambling but you I wouldn’t be surprised if you wanted a knife set for ur birthday or something which is iconic and u remind me of a younger me so keep doing u🥺🥺🥺i🥺L🥺y🥺💖
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All in all you guys are the best gc I’ve ever been in and I hope we stay friends for a long time guys🥺🥺🥺🥺 I will never forget that my journey into the center of this hell pit of a gc started w a fanfiction abt jaehyuns belly button but it really set the scene for the next coming month so I’m thankful for it. I love u all, ur all eggcellent, and ur my favorite nctzens ever 😩😩😩✋✋✋💌🍃💘😳😳🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 HAPPY 1 MONTH!
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nanajaems0308 · 4 years
Sooooo my friends @earth-to-that-asian and @sunflowerhae have made a post regarding our one moth anniversary, I thought I should make one too!
Please forgive my inability to speak coherent words
@earth-to-that-asian 😎✨. You were so nice when I first joined the gc and you were the first person I talked to in the gc other than zainoo ofc then I got to know you more. I just really like your personality and your humor. You were extremely sweet and you made me comfortable and made me bring my inner idiot out. I’m just really thankful to you because if you didn’t talk to me in your usual crackheaded nature first I probably wouldn’t have been this close to you guys. And your pretty smOrt and hOt. And I wuv youuu 🥺🥺💝💝
@nct127grass you were the last person I got to know in the gc. And you are sooo sweet, you are literally the nicest person ever. I just love your outgoing personality, you are truly like a supportive older sister ( speaking of you’re the same age as my sis). You are truly a responsible and sweet person overall. You also encourage us in anything we do which I’m truly grateful for 🥺🥺💖💖💖. I wuv youu also you’re pretty hOt.
@sunflowerhae okay I think I met you in a gc first in your another account @soleilchannie was it? I think so cos i remember you👁👄👁. Anyways like you said, we haven’t talked much but I think you’re a really sweet and awesome person. You’re pretty realistic and I like that side of you. You’re pretty dope and you see to know where you stand, I love that. Anyway I WUv YOu A LOT💖💖🥺🥺🥺. I wish we could talk more🥺.
@http-stan-nct oh dear god. I love and hate you at the same time👁👄👁. But anywayyy, you are literally the first friend I made when I joined tumblr. We seem to have a lot in common and we understand each other pretty much, you’re pretty much my favorite person here but sometimes I just wanna strangle you, but isss ogay I still love you. We’ve grown a lot closer in the past few months and I’d like to grow even more closer, you’re really mature and you’ve never failed to make feel better if I was feeling s a d, I can rant and you won’t even judge even if the rant was stupid 🤧so I WUV YOU 🥺🥺💝💝💝💝💝
@bbyjisungx I’ve not really talked to you a lot, but I think you’re pretty amazing. You seem chill and you fit right in that mess of a gc, I’d really love to talk you more🥺🥺🥺
@ciaojunnie loOk we may argue but I wuv you, and we literally share the same braincell. I think you’re pretty mature, idk what the hell i was doing when I was twelve. Believe it or not, I admire your sassy ness and your blunt way of saying things, I could never do that 🤧. You’re always doing your own thing without thinking about others opinions which I LOVE . I strive to be like that. You’re literally like my baby sister( my bro is the same age as you and we fight a lot, so you kinda remind me of him) . You’ve already figured out your morals and I say that’s pretty dope for someone your age, in short I really admire you and I wuv youu🥺🥺💖💖💖
Anywaysssss now that y’all listened to my rant of love BYE I WUV YALL🥺🥺🥺🥺💝💝💝💝💝💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
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Wow! It’s the second part!
Maknae line *air horns*
Read part 1 here! ✨
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Ggtrj / Gwennie • @kunswifegwen
I’m actually so thankful Z added u to the gc bc I seriously think you made us complete. I just adopted u (without abi knowing) and I feel like it’s a GOOD fit bc u remind me a lot of well,,me (in a good way) and not just bc we have the SAME NAME. This is ur first peach anniversary, and I hope it’s not ur last bc I love u being in the gc, and ur public fights w Z are amazing to witness anyway I wanna get closer to you in the future and love u Etc etc ok byeeeee!!
Things that remind me of you •_•
•3/4 of the couple line
•1/3 of the chain smokers line (🌿)
•my child
•model trains
•hot Cheetos
•lionel Ritchie
•the color blue
My favorite memory of you •.•
•it wasn’t long ago, but when u accidentally Ft the gc and I was the only one who answered. We only talked for like 2:30 but I had fun 😌and it was like our first time talking irl it was cute haha
Ur fav memory of me •.•
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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧
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Cissy • @bbjisungg
Cisssssyyy!!! I wish u talked more😔but Ik that even tho u aren’t that active, ur still close and I’ll always consider u a close friend and I WILL ALWAYS TAG U IN TAG GAMES UNTIL I DIEEEEEE
Things that remind me of you •.•
•ferns 🌿
My fav memory of you•.•
•obvi when we sluthed together but also when u first joined the gc bc of the energy and the vibe we all had together I thought it was great 🥺
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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧
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Zainoo / z • @huangvibez
Z Ily so much omg I think ur so funny and cute and watching u fight Gwen is iconic. I think this past month we didn’t really get much closer, BUT THATS Ok! Ur still someone who I really love and I’m glad we’re pretty close all n all. Keep doing u sweet child😌 and treat my new kid RIGHT (I don’t really get ur relationship but good for u)
Things that remind me of u •_•
•we bare bears
•Gwen (I’m not kidding)
•the letter Z
•4/4 of the couple squad
•🍑🧀🧦👁👄👁 these emojis in that order
•lactose intolerance
My favorite memory of u •.•
•when we were the last two on the first ft call (on discord) and we talked abt that cute brand but we couldn’t remember the name, like I can’t remember the name now
Your fav memory of me•
•I ran out of pictures but I’ll type it out
“Hmmm that one call where you were making that power point”
“When you tried convincing your parents to let your best friend to live with you”
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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧
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Elie • @bbyyangiex2
elie ur the bb of the gc but ur not a bb, ur like the toughest person Ik. The amount of times the gc turns into a cult for u should be worrying (our current name is elievators) but I’m not worried at all. U are disgusted by the couples and I respect that,,, but also am anxiously awaiting the day u get a gf and realize how great marriage is😌 I love hating on men w you, and comparing u secretly to the gum wayv picks up on their shoes (not that I think ur the gum, just that u stick to them like it 😌)
Things that remind me of u•
•50s dance shoes
•getting bit by a dog
•the Addams family
•FINGERS (mmuuhahahaha)
My favorite memory of you•.•
•it’s actually when u wanted to be an admin for nctnetwrite and you helped make all the photos and such,, I really feel like we got closer doing all of that idk if that makes sense
I love all of you, happy anniversary 😌💞💕
For the three month we’re having a video call idc what you have to say
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