max-rainet · 2 years
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ART FOR SALE ~ Zamon 1960 Lady with Butterflies * Mid-Century Art Print, Semi nude Blond Nymph | eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/265939769088 #zamon #qamon #lady #butterfly #vintage #Chagall #femme #portrait #picasso #seminude #midcentury #ModernArt #wallart #serigraph #Dreamy #homedecor #art
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blexbees · 2 years
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Alt Text: Two digital drawings of Armand from Interview With The Vampire.  The first features Armand looking down on the viewer.  The coloring is natural, if slightly green.  The second Image is the same as the first but an overlay of the image repeats on itself.  It is vibrant yellows and reds. He looks demonic or holy. Choose your poison. 
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wot-tidbits · 11 months
The Darkfriend Social
It is not like we haven't seen the previous 8 episodes but this is new content and new reminder for us of how adaptation works on that production.
I would like to describe one very quick example of how you can do both - make good storytelling and satisfy your pretentious audience. You want to show the girl and the indoctrination of the Shadow (because oh my god, you whiny babies, dont you know how all this is in the books?!?!) - get her out of the Darkfriend Social and use the girl as our introduction scene to Mesaana. The proper Chosen One for the association you want to create. I would be the first to applause and praise this kind of solutions in the adapation process. This is good example of how to do adaptation that satisfies every point of expectations.
There is no such scene in the books between any girl and Mesaana and yet this kind of approach to adaptation's process shows us: respectful nod to the source material, clever use of the limits of the visual medium which cannot present the actual line from the books, creating distinctive character through distinctive trait which the audience will immediatdly remember for the rest of the series, and showng how people can be manipulated and indoctrinated into following the Shadow. We have only heard glimpses of what Mesaana was doing in the Age of Legends, so yeah, show us now through that special visual medium of television even that it is not the Age of Legends anymore. So much stuff in just one scene. One example.
Why anyone would be against such example which is definetely not 1 to 1 adaptation from the books?
The whole process of the production boils down to get this stick from here and get that stick from there and match them together with tape. And pray that no one notices the tape.
The same thing with Ishamael for whom they want to show the audience his stick - his edge lord's views of intellectual philosopher. Ok.
But what the other stick is doing taped to the first? Ishamael revealing his view of the world to unknown little girl? Ishamael has very specific mantra of thoughts which are very different than the school of indoctrination the Shadow would create and which people try to quote from the books. Ishamael is unique on that point of view from any other Chosen One. This is why Mesaana is the teacher in those schools, not Ishamael.
Why Ishamael behaves in such manner to that girl? Ishamael acts respectful only to other Chosen Ones and Lews Therin/Rand. His actual equals. When we see Ishamael in the presence of subordinates he never acts that way. We have plenty of evidence and not only at the Darkfriend Social. He doesn't care for subordinates. They are nothing but mindless zomara. And at the end Ishamael is sitting on the table with his subordinates as his equals...
So what is that second stick doing in the match again? Because it is not what you think is from the books. It is just a random stick taped to another well known stick and expecting people to not notice the incompetent work on that tape.
Again, Exhibit A above, Mesaana - use one stick, the indoctrination of the child, to match it effortlessly with another stick, the teacher.
Even if we leave the scene untouched as it is presented, the decision Ishamael to sit on that table is enough evidence, again, that these people do not know what they are doing with the scene. Oh, yeah, focus on all these other details and try to identify all these other figures while we totally forgot the most important detail from that very specific scene which we are supposed to adapt. Ooops.
How you can forget how Ishamael behaves?
Oh, you want to create different kind of evil guy that subvert expectations of 21st century modern audience who is tired of old kind of evil. You are doing it better than some boring insane guy. Now look he has class, kindness, humanity, he is so much more than Baal-Zamon. Ok. Do you know why this "intellectual philosopher" stick was successful in the first place? Because we have seen his other face of insanity first. Ishamael is so good at getting our attention the whole time because of his duality. You do not show any duality of him in that scene. Ishamael is not just a boring evil guy or just an intellectual philosopher. But this is getting too long to go on another tangent. Wrap up. You don't get it. Ok.
About that humanization of the trollocs, of the monsters. This would be nice touch and "subverting expectations", I guess. If there wasn't a catch later. We ain't gonna humanize the Seanchan, are we? My bet is that they won't do the same approach for Seanchan. Because Slavery Bad! The Seanchan are the real monsters! But literal manifestation of The Evil... is not so. On that note we wait and watch.
Let the Light keep you safe.
P.S. Well, I lied yesterday. That one post, one glimpse of sanity in the tag, inspired me to get further today.
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borntodie523 · 8 months
Jadę jutro ze znajomymi chłopaka 2 godziny do innego miasta i się boje ze będę taka strasznie spięta i nie będę wiedziała co mówić 😐 Niby już się z nimi spotkałam kilka razy ale mnie wkurza ze ja nie mówię dużo, chciałabym być otwarta i dużo mówić jak inni ale ja nie wiem nie potrafię. Przynajmniej taki plus ze dostanę wódkę w aucie to najwyzeh jak nie vede wiedziała co mówić to się zamone w swojej pijackiej głowie i sama ze sobą pogadamxd
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antariies · 1 year
well now i Have to ask about folks' thoughts on logan asjldljkf (and anyone's thoughts on kerra if you want to do that too!) :) @kerra-and-company
harley and logan :•] oh boy.
bit of context! harley spent the first 14 years of his life traveling around kryta with his circus and has only ever had very brief encounters with any form of police (seraph and lionguard) so moving to divinity’s reach where they have THREE whole militant police forces was a big change for him. and his first real interaction with the seraph is after his dad dies in The Accident. where they tell his mom that bc she never officially married his dad, legally she has no claim over his stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and they can’t take anyone to court bc they’re outsiders
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they got their hearing, the seraph can’t do shit about it, go home.
so harley is already going in with the mindset of “this place fucking sucks and the ppl in charge can’t/refuse to help” and it’s exacerbated by the seraph, ministry, and shining blade being at each others throats all the time. like why even have three militaries if they’re constantly undermining each other?
with logan specifically. he and harley have this complicated relationship where harley sees him as a washed-up loser cop, but logan sees him as a rebellious troublemaker who has the potential to be a great loyal soldier! he just needs a good mentor figure! to show him how cool being a seraph is :D
except every attempt at trying to bond with harley ends in Disaster bc they’ll be searching minister zamon’s manor in lvl 10 personal story and logan will say something like
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thinking harley will agree but he just looks horrified like?? logan you’re the fucking CAPTAIN of the seraph. you are STATE-SANCTIONED you can’t just destroy ppl’s property bc you think they’re rich douchebags.
and then more choice logan lines that make harley go “YOU’RE A COP YOU CAN’T DO THAT”
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rinse and repeat. the copaganda is strong with logan and the only reason harley can see thru it is bc he didn’t grow up surrounded by it. if he had lived in divinity’s reach his whole life he definitely would’ve fallen for logan’s friendly “you and i, we’re the good guys! ;) but sometimes i need to go outside the law. that’s where you come in!” hand-on-your-shoulder tone. it’s framed as heroic!
to this day logan still thinks he’s on good terms with harley and thinks of himself as the commander’s old mentor. if asked about it, harley would say bongo the one-eyed was more of a mentor to him than logan ever was.
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salty-medley · 2 years
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Moar dresses for her because I CAN !
Still not decided on the colors but here you have two dresses inspired by my headcanon Orr civilization. Both are inspired by ancient civilizations but the first one is actually based on game clothing:
GW2 gown ( visible on Madeline Zamon and Queen Jennah ) for the top of the dress and the belt
Orr emblem for the top ( beige) part of the skirt
Lyssa Orr priestess for the bracelets
And few antiquity hairstyles combined in one
The second looks more classical grecian/roman with a hint of orient with pointy shoes.
My main problem with the undead or ghosts in Orr is that they are wearing modern armors or clothing... Which isn't logical at all. I understand that they didn't took more time to design minor characters proper clothing but as they said arabic influences, I chose to mix south krytan with elonian stuff.
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gameshowquickies · 1 day
TPiR Quickcap: 6/24/2024
First Four: Zamone Lott, Kathryn Wilhoit, Timothy Kellum, Christine Hernandez $1 Bid: Christine Cliffhangers: Timothy from MI ($1,574) falls to his doom (GT: $1,627) Next: Darryl Hamilton (Detroit) Bargain Game: Darryl ($1,880) gets a bad bargain Next: Patricia Myers +$1 Bid: Kathryn Any Number: Zamone ($3,026) piggies out for a skunked first half (GT: $3,032.03) SCSD #1 Winner: Zamone (banked…
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missfinefeather · 3 months
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Oh also, welcome to the #1 egregious cut of this episode! It's so overt that no trace of it is still here.
So, ever thought it was odd that Yuna agreed to ride with them, and then they made it to the capitol with no more incidents? Well, that's not how it plays out in the books...
The Zamon Bandits. In the books, they were actually foreshadowed for a while. They wind up targeting this group. It doesn't end well for them.
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This is an interesting encounter considering well...
See, Yuna does terrible things to people, at least early on. But despite everything, she doesn't kill.
But she comes incredibly close to taking it to the first degree the few times Fina and Noa are in danger.
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Thankfully, the adventuring party I mentioned earlier talked her out of it.
Probably for the best. Considering she can lob someone's head off with a single spell, it's better if she's hesitant to take human life.
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444namesplus · 5 months
Aal Aalanoe Aaleo Aaloerneo Aam Aamaalaa Aamaan Aamdeon Aameo Aameoso Aamesa Aamsaaska Aamvoeloe Aan Aanaa Aaneor Aaneoro Aar Aardarne Aarn Aarnomeo Aaro Aart Aartaam Aartoem Aartoert Aaseom Aask Aaskmen Aaskoerte Aaskveoroe Aasol Aasola Al Almaara Aloe Amaa Ame Amheske Amoerte An Anaa Aneo Angeor Anlame Anoen Anroert Antaane Antal Ar Are Areo Arneosk Arnmoesko Arnnarn Arno Arnoe Aro Art Arta Artemeo Artheoroe As Asaarnaa Asdolaa Askaa Askaarnoe Askrarn Asvoen Baararteo Baloe Ban Barno Basbon Belkal Beolarn Beos Beoskaan Bero Beskoern Boenven Boernan Boertaan Boes Bomzeom Caammaasoe Caasaar Came Ceolaskaa Ceolhol Ceom Ceor Cesosk Coenter Coernaala Coernoem Coertem Corn Corneo Daas Damere Demeo Deon Deornxaask Deoro Doelo Doeskaan Dol Doneorta Dos El Elkenaa Elorn Em Emola Enaa Enbeska Endaask Eneos Ennes Eno Enrern Enroer Eol Eolcaal Eolen Eoleo Eolo Eolsorteo Eom Eomaareo Eomdonoe Eomneol Eomoesk Eono Eonoe Eonoel Eor Eora Eoraa Eorn Eorndaaskaa Eorne Eornoe Eornsaarneo Eoro Eoror Eorta Eorteorn Eortoes Eortteosa Eos Eosben Eosgorn Eosk Eoskeo Eosoenoe Eosoerto Eosoesk Era Eren Ermaarnaa Erngeol Ernnaareo Erno Ero Ert Ertcaal Erttosk Es Eshaam Eskaa Eskmanoe Eskoelaa Eskzemaa Esloesk Esnas Esseom Gaamaa Gaanose Gas Gask Gasoe Geomoe Georneraa Geortor Gernbaskeo Ges Goerteska Goeskoer Golnaarneo Gor Goreneo Gornos Gort Haane Haaraam Hala Hamaar Hanarnoe Hask Haskosa Hoshoert Kaan Kaaskeo Kansoera Kaskcaameo Kaskeoroe Kentaare Keolaarnoe Keolo Keor Keseo Kol Kon Korhar Korno Kortkoeroe Koskosaa Laareo Laart Laask Lalerto Lamoroe Lamsaal Lare Leorn Leornloese Lert Loel Loelxolo Loertxoel Loraanoe Lorn Maameskeo Maan Marneoloe Marnoeroe Memo Meorn Meornem Meortoemaa Meorzoeskeo Meosern Meoskroer Molo Moreo Naammosoe Naarne Naleo Nalhaaskaa Nammaask Narcoer Narn Nas Nena Neongan Neortoernoe Neoskeo Neoskgeonaa Neska Nosaa Nosmas Oelaa Oelaanoe Oelbaaskaa Oeloertaa Oem Oemarn Oemdore Oemeo Oemgern Oemmaalaa Oemo Oemoeleo Oemvaamo Oen Oendomeo Oenen Oenoleo Oenvaamoe Oenvemaa Oer Oereor Oereornoe Oern Oernaaneo Oernbal Oerner Oernkar Oernmas Oernoe Oernsesk Oero Oertaa Oertaaske Oertela Oerteo Oertort Oertzeskoe Oes Oesaarne Oesk Oeska Oeskaa Oeskgerte Ol Oloe Olona Omaaske Omeo Omeoloe Omeone Omzaas On Onenoe Ongorn Onoe Onoske Onzeorto Or Oraarteo Orgera Orngarn Ornmas Ornoer Ornosoe Orserna Ort Ortala Ortask Ortbort Ortvoes Os Osaas Osal Osk Oskaas Oskboma Osko Osksero Osoes Raamoen Raanaas Ran Reol Reolesaa Reomoe Roenoer Roeskeo Roncosk Rorna Rortorne Saamcaarn Saar Saaskeo Sanaa Sareoloe Sasleskeo Selo Seolelaa Sesoe Soemven Soencoem Soert Soeshomo Somgoer Taalgem Taamo Taan Taarn Taarteo Taas Taasaa Talkeorno Tarzasaa Teol Teorask Toela Toen Toer Tomoe Toskeomo Vaalbal Vaana Vaaneo Vaareme Vam Vasaam Veolzase Veomortaa Veor Veorn Veornon Veortmaaskeo Veos Voemkoern Voergeon Voerneoskoe Voesk Vome Vomeo Vorlaal Vortarno Vorteom Xaar Xaarem Xaaskesko Xaasvarn Xarn Xart Xen Xeoloseo Xeorxos Xeosk Xeosoerteo Xere Xesmeolo Xoernalo Xoeroert Xoert Xoes Xoleo Xolnaam Xone Xornar Xortaa Xosk Xosktask Zaaneosk Zaar Zaason Zamon Zan Zarnomoe Zasheleo Zaskomaa Zelgoso Zenaa Zeolo Zeort Zeorteo Zoemaal Zoernaa
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notdoni · 7 months
نت گیتار آهنگ سال کبیسه از محسن یگانه به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
نت گیتار آهنگ سال کبیسه از محسن یگانه به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
نت دونی , نت گیتار , نت متوسط گیتار , نت گیتار محسن یگانه , notdoni , نت های گیتار محسن یگانه , نت های گیتار , گیتار , محسن یگانه , نت محسن یگانه , نت های محسن یگانه , نت های امیر عبدالهی , نت های متوسط گیتار , نت گیتار متوسط
پیش نمایش نت گیتار آهنگ سال کبیسه از محسن یگانه به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
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نت گیتار آهنگ سال کبیسه از محسن یگانه به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
دانلود نت گیتار آهنگ سال کبیسه از محسن یگانه به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
خرید نت گیتار آهنگ سال کبیسه از محسن یگانه به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
جهت خرید نت گیتار آهنگ سال کبیسه از محسن یگانه به همراه تبلچر و آکورد روی لینک زیر کلیک کنید
نت گیتار آهنگ سال کبیسه از محسن یگانه به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
نت گیتار آهنگ سال کبیسه از محسن یگانه
به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
تنظیم امیر عبدالهی
متن آهنگ سال کبیسه از محسن یگانه
منم یه تقویم پر از زمستون چله نشین دلی درب داغون سال کبیسمو شگون ندارم از هیچ کسی خاطره ای ندارم جز یه نفر که درب و داغونم کرد بره بودم گـرگ بیابونم کرد اما دلم تو غربت بیابون از راهی که رفته نشد پشیمون
دل ای دل دیوونه کی قدرتو می دونه
Del ey dele divoone ki ghadreto midone
برو فکر خودت باش پـر از گرگ زمونه
Boro fekre khodet bash pore az gorge zamone
ترانه آهنگ سال کبیسه از محسن یگانه
باز منتظر نشستی آب می شی دستی دستی تـو هم باید مثل اون دلش رو می شکستی
دل ای دل دیوونه کی قدرتو می دونه
Del ey dele divoone ki ghadreto midone
برو فکر خودت باش پـر از گرگ زمونه
Boro fekre khodet bash pore az gorge zamone
کلمات کلیدی : نت دونی , نت گیتار , نت متوسط گیتار , نت گیتار محسن یگانه , notdoni , نت های گیتار محسن یگانه , نت های گیتار , گیتار , محسن یگانه , نت محسن یگانه , نت های محسن یگانه , نت های امیر عبدالهی , نت های متوسط گیتار , نت گیتار متوسط
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namenerdery · 9 months
Babies with interesting names born in Missouri in 2021 [K, L, M & N]
-note that this dataset didn't include gender so your guess as to whether a name belongs to a girl or boy is as good as mine-
K'mahyree Damoni K'nahlei Chauntia A'miya Ka'nibre Dahila Ka'varee Terranova Kaderick Lee
Kahlanniie Athena Rose Kaibriel Kimberly Ann Kaige Alexzander Kailor Reighd Kairys Rae
Kaiston Lloyd Kally-R Kam'breah Stormy Kayy Kamourra Zamon Elaen Kandaisey Raylien
Kansas Grace Kaplyn Jane Kapone Beloved Luciano Kascity Lynn Kasiahus Amenadiel
Kaspious Paul Michael Kasseus Valyn Katalie Marie Michel Katybell Joann Kayaos Royalty Reign
Kazayla Simone Keirstyn Creative Marie Kencade Wisdom Kentley Elena Kenya Lou
Kerowyn Ramsey Kesden Micheal Kessiah Island Kylo Kyze Kezlynn Claire Khalisee A'marie Khaos Justice
Kharli-Jhea Ariele Khazym Jesse-Mune Ambro Khillyan Charles Khizir Varis Khoryne O'phelia
Khosen Osheone De'nae Khyzer The-Truth Kihlyn Christopher Kikiope Joanne Kindred Lamb
King'xavier Geraldon Kingzley Austin Kinslynn Jane Kinviann Gomorrah Klarity Kurrency A'lan
Klassic Jalia Kneekeytah Joe Everlynn Knightz Imperial Lotti Knine Contrail Knolyn Roxas
Knovah Rae Knoxon Jameslee Kobaine Ray Alan Kohver Dean-William Kortlyn Marie
Kortt William Kramer Rae Kratos Dean Kreation Lavender Kroslyn Scarlett
Krypton Blaize Kurrency Lee Kwynn Ameliah Grace Kyng Bizzie Kynzlin Lou Marie Kyrix Blaise Kyvree Belinda Lorene
Laighla Rose Kay Lakaden Kyrie Lakelenn Asher Scott Laker Olivia Lakeson Allen
Lamborghini Trayson Colt Lark Breta Laulus Dean Scott Layazhini Layneston Joe
Lazuli Selene Le'leighonna Paig Idae Legaceigh Mae Legiona Mary Jane Legolas Zen-Quincy
Legoria Anoited Lemon Mae Lenasilver Azua Lielah Lanette Limeryck Jack
Linex Patrick Linux Herbert Lion Oziel Liriel Elizabeth Livvian Jewel
Logic Andrew Lord Humble Lord X'zahquary Malachi Lorentheous Elijah Loveis Amena
Lowgyn Wade Lucellia Ariadne Lucipher Zayne Wilson Luck Andrew Lukka Noctis
Luxley May Lyllyan Blaise Patience Lyricalyn Luna Alma
M'pryss Julia-Vera Ma'zylah Karlie Macenize Starr Macgyver Lupin Madalynnrea Louise
Madam Avery Krisa Lafaye Maevery Rose Magic Caprie Mahogani-Queen Lee Maizy Dee Maree
Majestic Sunshine Majesty Messiah Makaitlyn A'miracle Maleficent Rain Mandilyn Beatrice
Marjestic De'andre Samuel Marvel Quinn Maserati Joseph Matrix May Alexandra Mauntana Marley
Mayvva-Faye Jolee Mazeabella Lee Melahdee Mi'amour Melanin Eva Vivian Merveille Menge
Messiaz Malakai Mi'kyngg Ares Miavella Calypso Mickheala Erviana Million Major
Mircale Evettelyn Marie Missandei Dawn Amelia Mister Sir Monarch Steele Moon Monet
Mooney Paloma Mordecaiyah Maccabeus Moux Jackson Ray Moxen Andrew Mydae Promise Mylynium John Myraqahl Quardai-Whittier
Nadyx Alan Naiellie Natalia Naivee Rose Nashville Elliot Nation Amarii Juelay
Newera Ellada Newt Tyler Nexin Dinos Nigelle Reeana Nipsey Dominic Armon
Nirvanajane Rea Normandy Normie Jean Notorious Adonis Hussle Noxx Oliver Nyeleigh Marie Nyxx Raine
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max-rainet · 2 years
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ART FOR SALE ~ Zamon 1960 Lady with Lily * Mid-Century Art Print, Semi nude young nymph Vintage | eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/385174999091 #zamon #qamon #lady #lily #vintage #Chagall #bluehair #femme #portrait #picasso #seminude #midcentury #ModernArt #wallart #serigraph #vintage #homedecor
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A lifetime with you
Over the past centuries, humans had been at war with a demon-like race called Zámons. Over the years humans have unfortunately run the Zámons out of their world and a majority, due to an illness, of the human race had been wiped out. Only a few Zámons remain and humans only exist in tiny villages dotted around the world. During the very end of the war, a human named Riley met a Zamon named Madu and after spending long days and nights together they grow fond of each other. The two can't help but fall for each other as they travel the endless world and explore the various landmarks of the old world. after years of spending time with each other Madu can't help but ask Riley to be their partner. Riley had no idea how to respond take a moment to think before breaking into tears and reciprocating Madu's feelings, the two spending their lifetime with each other as they did before, but the endless feeling of love following the two as they travel the world.
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e-icreator23 · 1 year
what is zamon's personality
He usually quiet but can be nice and secretly is a huge hugger
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abdullapulatov · 1 year
Qo‘rqinchli tushlar, axborotlar oqimi: uyqusizlikning 10 ta sababi va uni yengish yo‘llari
#salomatlik , #саломатлик Qo‘rqinchli tushlar, axborotlar oqimi: uyqusizlikning 10 ta sababi va uni yengish yo‘llari
Uyqusizlik hozirgi zamon odamlari orasida eng keng tarqalgan muammolardan biridir. Yaxshiki, uni keltirib chiqaradigan sabablarning ko‘pini bartaraf etish mumkin. .............(Davomi)........... https://qwert.uz/2023/02/07/qorqinchli-tushlar-axborotlar-oqimi-uyqusizlikning-10-ta-sababi-va-uni-yengish-yollari/
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bookishnerdlove · 2 years
˚。✧NTG✧。˚ - Capitulo 73
˚。✧NTG✧。˚ – Capitulo 73
Hay tigres en la montaña   Mucho tiempo después, cuando Lin Qian recordó esos días llenos de fuego y furia, se dio cuenta de que todo estaba sucediendo exactamente como lo esperaba Li Zhicheng. Por ejemplo, cuando DG promocionó sus marcas de segundo y tercer nivel después de poner un pie en China, o cómo DG llevó a ZAMON al frente del campo de batalla después de que Li Zhicheng usó la táctica de…
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