xols-ex-girlfriend · 10 days
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This comic was all I could think of while playing as Veso in New War.
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seekingcylem · 2 years
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THERE WE GO part 5 of my expedition thru tennotober 2020. i have no idea if the queue is going to spit these out in order or not.
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rynswarframebrainrot · 9 months
*In a squad preparing for mission*
Teammate: "We don't like Alad V in this house. He's so annoying."
*Later, during the mission*
Me, seeing the lights flicker: "ZANUKA!"
That same teammate: "Oh, we can take it do- wait!"
Me: "...Wait!"
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grineerios · 1 year
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I have not, in fact, forgotten about Tennotober! Haven't had the opportunity to ink much and I've learned that I often bite off more than I can chew, but here's some sketches for "Uplift", "Rally", and "Courage"!
I'll have some time tomorrow so hopefully I'll get at least one inked and uploaded to the forums.
On the bright side, super proud of how good I'm getting at sketches. Especially for "Uplift".
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technocite · 28 days
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volt monsterframe. it should be fuzzy
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plastidgremlin · 6 months
Why is Zanuka Hunter's spawn rate so low
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I wish Stalker could show up in circuit for no reason other than "it'd be really funny"
Spiderman pointing meme with the amount of ppl who pick him for circuit every time he shows up
Doubly so for the delightful rare squads where you have multiple of him
Stalker convention
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alteredsilicone · 1 year
time to write the next parts of my corpus timeline, but now I have to look up in-game events so I am a little bit more lore friendly
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goldenboisoysauce · 7 months
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main frame and tenno oc height comparison
"(Base)" refers their first appearance. they end up changing their looks down the line. (Zippo gets a growth spurt, Valk heals from the Zanuka project, K mutates more and more)
I tried my best to draw Tae's crutches but I need practice!
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holy-market · 20 days
[holy-market has uploaded an image.]
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Zanuka — a teal, dark grey, and black quadruped robot — is curled (seemingly) contently under the desk of the picture taker. The picture taker has pulled his chair out a bit, capturing only his boots next to the robotic animal.]
Yes, good morning Zanuka.
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A.K.A. Brackets yet again uses that same Predator handshake meme template.
A thought that I've had ever since I've gotten more into the Forever Ocean setting asdhadksjs.
I noticed that both Warframe's Valkyr and @kenopsia-official 's Insinera both share: Being skinned alive. (Bonus: They were skinned alive by characters heavily associated with the color blue). Valkyr's a bit weird at first, but then you look at the Gersemi (a.k.a "Pre-Corpus") skin, and then you look at Zanuka, aaaand you get the picture. No skin gang.
Both of them were a pain in the ass to draw lmao. Insinera because 1) trying to figure out whether to draw her with individually-defined fleshy fingers or with weirdo mitts with bendy claws made me want to commit war-crimes, and 2) trying to figure out how to draw the transparency of the overlapping digits. Valkyr because... well, Warframe designs are just Like That™ (and by "Like That" I mean "overly complicated and greebled to hell").
I have a feeling that the proportions are shot to hell, but idgaf because trying to draw Insinera's hand in general was enough of a pain in the ass to get to look right lmao.
vvv No-text version under the cut vvv
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hunger--endured · 6 days
A tight ring of pain encircles his entire torso every time Ram tries to breathe. Tries to, at least. There is no air in this... Place. This.
The metal maw of the railjack that he'd been caught in. How could he possibly forget?
His body felt pinned up inside of the great metal thing. A living derelict had eaten him whole and now there was nothing left for him to do except to die. For his body to be crushed up inside of the railjack as the cephalon screamed at him to evacuate. To leave. He feels the waning tether between himself and Grendel, feels even the beating rush of life start to leave him.
No one would come to collect his body. Dissel would never send someone out here for this. Certainly not to help him, even as his seconds of life drag on into absolute agony. To help him would be to risk another life, another sibling. She would choose to mitigate the deaths as much as possible.
I'm the only one who can make that call.
Or at least she was the one who had decided. So no one else had to. And in this crush of metal, pain cycling on as the Void leaked in, he resents her at least a little for it. Because he would die, maybe, but that was a choice that he had already made. The dedication of his life to the preservation of others. Why would he ever want his sister to bear the burden alone? He could never be so selfish as to expect her to carry it alone. But still she would choose, wouldn't she?
Ram's fingers twitch as his vision switches back and forth between the darkness lit by some vague machinery to-- To. Her face. Dissel's face as she had walked in. Her tear-welled eyes as she'd looked at him and had seen just how much damage had been done. He swears he can feel his own ribs creak, his own sternum bending under the pressure of it. There's no breathing here.
He could take it. Because they were it. The System's last chance. They were it. And this Void-warped thing had snapped down over him and it was scared. He was scared. And Ram's blood-soaked hand smooths numbly over a panel like he's trying to soothe an animal. To take a broken thing and to take away its pain. Because they were the last. And this is what he would give his life to. And his siblings--
When do we get to be selfish?
What could he have said to Arrioe? That it hadn't been their choice but now it was their responsibility? Did Ram want to die? Most days, no he didn't. But there had always been that creeping itch in the back of his head. Something that demanding and screamed and pounded in the back of his skull. Something that begged and pleaded for freedom of any kind. Any kind of choice that he could warp to be his own.
They couldn't save everyone. But they had to try. They couldn't save everyone. And sometimes they couldn't even try. And sometimes--
"Gee, kiddo, you sure get yourself into trouble a lot."
His vision locks on to the body before him. A body like his own, smile stretched too wide, crushed and contorted into the gears of some great machine. Limbs bent, folded, bone and blood and tissue exposed and oozing. Its eyes, black and empty, stare at him with nothing but a sort of amusement that comes from a predator realizing that the catch is now inevitable. A cold sweat breaks out on the back of his neck.
"You know who could get you out, don't you?"
Ram sits up from the couch. His motions aren't snappy or fast, they're slow. Deliberate but, sluggish. His body hurts but the agony had faded into something that was more manageable. Something that, with time, would fade in and out like a station on the rails. But his heart was racing and he could feel his face soaked with sweat. He takes a deep breath, trying to soothe himself, feeling some weight on...
Oh. Zanuka was laid across his lap, her mechanical head now perked up and looking at him. He reaches out, touching her head with a shaking hand and she moves her body up, tucking herself against his side as if understanding the pressure on his chest would probably worsen the situation. He takes a long, slow, inhale and listens to the shifting mechanics of her build as she settled -- then resettled -- against his side.
It hadn't happened. He hadn't been there. That had just been some construction of his nightmares. He had stayed away and they could keep Him away for as long as it took.
Ram closes his eyes again, listening to the distant roar-hum of the Gas City pumps, the Corpus vessels. He'd slept on this same couch as a boy and he probably would again, wouldn't he? He knew himself well enough.
But for now, he settles again on the couch, heart slowing but agony far away.
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the-alad-v · 21 days
You know him, you love him, you love to hate him: it's Alad V! Currently it has been more than 20 years since the New War.
Alad exploded in the New War (he got better; don't worry about it).
No he will not tell you what the V stands for.
He is 100% still up to his old tricks, and his new tricks have only a slightly higher success rate.
He's given up on being an antagonist to the tenno. It's much easier to work with them than against them. They're terrifying.
Zanuka is a very good girl.
The current timeline is up to date with Lotus Eaters. There have been some slight divergences from canon...but you'll cut an old man some slack, won't you?
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"10 Years of Kicking Corpus Assets" (2023, digital)
Here's my warframe 10 year anniversary contests submission! Inscription as follows:
I wasn’t sure if I would finish it in time and learned a lot from making it but here it is; A recreation of the moment that started it all for me. Back in 2013 my friend handed me the PS4 launch trailer featuring Alad V to showcase the Zanuka update and when I saw it I was stunned by how much this little game had grown since I first heard about it during the closed beta. And here we are 10 years later with that statement being true now more than ever. So much has happened for all of us, especially with Duviri and cross-save on the horizon. I can’t wait to bring my darling baby back to PC and see what other wonders y’all have planned and not yet planned. Here’s to 10 years of warframe and another 10 more, of hanging out with space mom, securing grineer defectors, cleansing the infested, helping small communities, and kicking the corpus right in their assets.
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grineerios · 11 months
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fanframesftw · 7 months
Warframe Concept: Justiciar, the Invisible Hand
General Ability: Advanced telekinesis.
In-Game Abilities:
Passive - Increase credit pickup per enemy killed with Long Arm and Of The Market, or while utilizing the effect of Turncoat.
Turncoat - The ability to "blend in" amongst any faction, barring Narmer. This includes not being attacked by enemies, even while in plain sight, and unique enemy voicelines regarding the Warframe.
Long Arm - Extends pickup radius in accordance with a highly extended melee range, by floating melee weapons through the air to slice, dice, and smash enemies. The Warframe can only walk and run while using this ability.
Of The Market - Using telekinesis, pick up pickups and throw them at enemies for devastating damage. Including Credits, nav coordinates, and resources, alongside ammo boxes and even dropped weapons and corpses.
Hand of Justice - Mark an enemy for execution. If killed using other abilities, gain temporary armor, energy, and health in accordance with how elite said enemy is.
Summary: Hail the Justiciar, the long arm of the invisible hand, of the market. Legend has it that before Zanuka, before any other Corpus Warframe project, Alad V did something awful in the pursuit of reverse engineering and bettering Warframes for Corpus use. Use the Invisible hand to turn your foes own confusion against them. Never run out of uses for dropped ammo crates. Execute the justice within us all.
Background: "The Infestation. A marvel isn't it? Just one infection, and it spreads like a wildfire, overriding the mechanical and flesh alike… Or at least, that's how it usually goes. See, before the Infestation, before all of that, there was only the Helminth. The say that's what created the Warframes, afterall, correct? Anyways, I digress. The point is that wisdom is gained through suffering, and tonight, I intend to make you very, very… wise." ~ Alad V The output of the Justiciar Project was flawed. The input: A single, healthy male test subject. His family's debts would be paid off entirely if he agreed, so Alad V promised, and to his credit, he did deliver. But not before the helminth sapped away everything that the test subject was, leaving an insane husk to be just barely controlled by void-touched individuals in Corpus possession. The Justiciar was at first hideous, but after careful molding of the Helminth (torture) at the hands of Alad V's crew, it began to take on a more aesthetically pleasing shape. Now? Covered from head to toe in drapped cloths and veils, only the glowing bits and the outline of it remain 'visible', a testament to how far it has fallen out of Corpus' hands, and its growing personalization. Eventually, the void-touched individuals I mentioned staged an escape, nearly killing Alad V. After that? There was no trace of them. Apparently, they had been rescued, alongside the Justiciar, by a Tenno. The experiment was a resounding failure, and set Alad V back quite a bit, or so the story goes. Appearance: With a large, corpus-inspired head, molded and shaped into something similar to the form of common corpus helms, this warframe is draped in cloths and veils, concealing it's overall form. Not because it's horrifying or too disgusting to view, but because it doesn't want to be viewed as the corpus enforcer it once was. Still, the Invisible Hand of the Market it is, and it acts as judge, jury, and executioner to its former masters and all those that threaten the stability of everything. The cloth and veils are pulled tightly with coils and rope, outlining the form everywhere but it's head, where heavily draped veils refuse to let its former allegiance shine through.
Signature Weapons: Red Hand - A colossal, two-handed blade with a squared off tip. Energy pulses through the center, and crackles with regularity across the surface of the blade. It is like an old-fashioned executioner's sword, only designed by the corpus. The hilt actually functions as a storage for the batteries used to power it. Deals high amounts of Electricity and Slash damage, while also short-circuiting shields. When wielded by Justiciar, it deals cold damage, combining to create an effect of magnetization.
Dead Hand - A particle disintigration beam inspired by the Atomos of Grineer fame, this corpus-designed beauty can fit perfectly around the hand of any Warframe, but especially so for the one it was meant to be wielded by. However, it is now very infested, and deals high corrosive damage, spewing acid from the giant tumor that now covers it. Say thanks to the Helminth!
Dread Hand - A corpus anti-gravity tool, used in high-gravity environments. This weapon has been reverse-engineered to increase the gravity of objects and people, typically crushing them violently.
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