#zanzibar gem
seismic-tartness · 2 years
Indoor plant care guide
Indoor plant care guide by apairandaspare on Flickr.
[Image Description: Ink drawings of houseplants on a white background with text in the center that reads: "a pair & a spare: Indoor Plant Care Guide"]
Organized by increasing light needs:
Low-light tolerant
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Indirect bright light
(Your plants see the sun; the sun doesn't see your plants)
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Bright light
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rubeau-art · 23 days
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some watercolour studies!
This paper super wasn't made for this, but it takes just enough punishment to get some layering done.
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sainurserypendlehill · 2 months
Growing roses in containers
Growing roses in containers is a fantastic way to enjoy these beautiful flowers even if you have limited garden space. Whether you live in an apartment, have a small yard, or simply want to add a splash of color to your patio or balcony, container roses can thrive and provide stunning blooms. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you grow roses in containers successfully.
Choosing the Right Rose Variety
Not all roses suit Nerium Oleander Pink growing, so selecting the right variety is crucial. Look for roses that are compact, disease-resistant, and have a manageable growth habit. Some excellent choices include:
Miniature Roses: These are ideal for small containers due to their compact size.
Patio Roses: Slightly larger than miniature roses, they are bred specifically for container growing.
Floribunda Roses: Known for their clusters of blooms, they perform well in larger containers.
Hybrid Tea Roses: While they can be grown in containers, they require larger pots and more care.
Selecting the Container
The size and type of container you choose can significantly impact the health and growth of your roses. Consider the following:
Size: The container should be at least 18-24 inches in diameter and depth to accommodate the rose’s root system.
Material: Containers can be made of plastic, ceramic, terracotta, or wood. Ensure the material is durable and has drainage holes at the bottom to prevent waterlogging.
Weight: Consider the weight of the container, especially if you plan to move it around. Lightweight materials like plastic are easier to handle.
Soil and Planting
Roses require well-draining soil to thrive. Use a high-quality potting mix designed for roses or make your own by mixing garden soil with compost and perlite or sand. Here’s how to plant your roses:
Prepare the Container: Ensure the container has adequate drainage holes. Add a layer of gravel or broken pottery at the bottom to improve drainage.
Fill with Soil: Fill the container with potting mix, leaving enough space for the root ball of the rose.
Plant the Rose: Place the rose in the container, ensuring the bud union (the swollen area where the rose is grafted onto the rootstock) is just above the soil surface. Fill in around the roots with more potting mix and gently firm the soil.
Water Thoroughly: Water the rose well after planting to help settle the soil and eliminate air pockets.
Care and Maintenance
Proper care is essential for container-grown roses to thrive. Here are some key tips:
Watering: Roses in containers dry out more quickly than those in the ground. Water regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. During hot weather, daily watering may be necessary.
Fertilizing: Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer formulated for roses. Apply according to the manufacturer’s instructions, typically every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.
Pruning: Regular pruning helps maintain the shape and encourages blooming. Remove dead or diseased wood and spent blooms to promote new growth.
Pest and Disease Control: Monitor your roses for common pests such as aphids and spider mites, and treat as needed with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Ensure good air circulation around the plant to prevent diseases like powdery mildew and black spot.
Winter Protection
Roses in containers are more susceptible to cold damage than those in the ground. In colder climates, move your container roses to a protected area such as a garage or basement during the winter months. Alternatively, insulate the container with bubble wrap or burlap to protect the roots from freezing temperatures.
Growing roses in containers can be a rewarding experience, adding beauty and fragrance to any space. By selecting the right variety, using suitable containers, and providing proper care, you can enjoy vibrant and healthy roses that bloom profusely throughout the growing season. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a beginner, container roses offer a delightful way to cultivate these timeless flowers.
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
Namjooning - Namjoon & Grace
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It was cute to watch Namjoon buzz his little socks off in the passenger seat of her car. He already had accumulated a list of plants that he thought would be suited for her apartment and for her needs, especially since she was going to be getting a cat soon. He had extensively researched local shops and suppliers, had done his own research into each plant and how it needed taking care of, which ones could survive on their own essentially and which ones would bloom lovely with the right amount of care. 
When Grace had gone to Namjoon for some advice over what plants to get for her apartment (they literally lived in the same complex) and which ones wouldn’t be harmful to her future cat, she didn’t realise it would become a thing. She knew he loved plants, his little bonsai tree was proof of that and the amount of plants that used to live at the dorm as well under his care meant she was putting her trust in the right person. 
So he had got his list together, found a trusted shop to go to and arranged with the owners for a private hour for them to buy plants. It had amused her greatly at how serious he was taking this. 
After parking in the back and making their way to the main front door, it was clear that the shop in question was a plant lover's dream. Named the Gardener’ Wife, run by a gardener and his florist wife, it had been in Seoul for the past fourteen years. And it was clear they were going to be the experts in the field.
For Grace, she just showed her bank card and let them have it. 
She found a cart full of Pothos, zanzibar gem, areca palm, spider plant for the cat, and so much more. Her apartment was going to look more like the garden shop than it was an apartment. But at least they were easy to look after and she would only have to give them a water when they needed it.
“Thank you so much,” Grace said as she took her bank card back. “Namjoon is going to have fun now trying to find the right home for all these.”
Namjoon blinked from where he had been looking at a handmade pot, small enough to fit in his hands but large enough to hold a plant. “Isn’t this cute?” he asked, holding up the pot for Grace to see. 
“You’re cute,” she gave as a response and grinned when the dimples came out. “I guess we’ll have that as well.”
The pot found its precious place on Namjoon’s lap and all the plants were secured in the boot. It smelt like a garden nursery in the car, a mix of nature and soil, as well as plastic from the watering can Namjoon had made her get. 
“Thank you for doing this for me,” she said as she put the car in neutral when they reached a heavy amount of traffic on the way back to their complex.
“More than welcome, Gigi. Thank you for my pot,” he said as he held it tightly in his hands.
“Just don’t break it. Maybe we should have got you a plastic one,” she teased as she glanced at the younger man next to her. He may be her leader but he was still five years younger than her and you could tell that by the way he glared at her. 
“If this is what you call Namjooning, then I might Namjoon a bit more with you,” she added once the traffic started. 
“I’d be more than happy for you to join me as I Namjoon,” he chuckled as he looked at the pot in his hands then towards the woman he had met all those years ago when he was an early trainee. “Thank you as well, Gigi.”
“For what?”
“For always believing in me.”
“Anytime Namjoon, anytime.”
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pb-dot · 6 months
Film Friday: Bohemian Rhapsody
This week I want to try something a bit different. So far I've mostly written about movies I really like. Hidden gems, movies that are, if not 10/10s are for the most part good and clever and made by people who really care about making a good flick. Today, I'm going to talk about a movie that I don't like. I'm actually going so far as to say the movie pisses me off. I'm going to try to be fair and explain my reasoning because there are some interesting points as to why this thing sucks, and I don't want them to drown in the bile. So, let's talk about Bohemian Rhapsody.
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For the uninitiated, Bohemian Rhapsody is the story of Freddy Mercury, lead vocalist in the British classic rock leviathan Queen. Born in Zanzibar and later immigrating to the UK, Mercury's truly stunning baritone tonal range and operatic songwriting sensibilities paired with his flamboyant and powerful stage presence made him and Queen an unstoppable force in the music scene up until his tragic death from AIDS in 1991.
Now, if you're thinking this is the kind of life story that the typical musician biopic yearns for if you could write a bit less of a bummer ending somehow, you'd be right. The screenwriter has solved this by climaxing the movie at the triumphant note of Queen's legendary Live Aid 1985 performance, where Freddy, by now aware of his HIV diagnosis, reunites with the band to pitch one for the angels and sing his heart out for a good cause.
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So, to cover the good things first. The Live Aid recreation is some truly impressive stuff, best viewed on the biggest screen you can. The soundtrack is, of course, Banger City, although it's mostly the crowd-pleasing hits. Not a lot of Innuendo, Barcelona, or Brighton Rock on the soundtrack if you feel me, but I suppose there is something to be said for the mass appeal. I also like Rami Malek in the lead role. He plays Freddy with a vulnerability that feels very genuine, and although he doesn't quite reach the peaks of Stage God Grandure that ol' Freddy operated on, he does sell the simulacra reasonably well.
Now, onto the less good parts. Now when I say Freddy's story fits the musician biopic, that isn't necessarily strictly a compliment. The by now well-worn ruts of "Rise To Stardom but Oh No Being Famous Kinda Sucks And Is Bad For You Actually but You Get Together With The Band Again and Rock Out Because That Is The Most Important Thing" is the kind of thing even a causal watcher of the subgenre can dictate in their sleep. Being a bit formulaic isn't strictly wrong of course, but it does feel a bit disrespectful when applied to the life of an actual real person.
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Of course, I say that, but for being a film about Freddy Mercury, Bohemian Rhapsody doesn't actually feel like that as much as it feels like a movie about the band members of Queen's perception of the guy. Now I say this in part because Freddy's interactions with the LGBTQ community (more on this later) feel a bit told from an outside perspective, as the filmmakers have chosen to tell this slice of the story as the poor lad's downward spiral. Freddy's in a bad place and he goes to gay clubs and truck stops and whatnot. Like, considering what ended up killing the man I can see where that came from, but it also feels like a flattening. Freddy didn't hang out in gay bars to die from aids, one assumes, and the fact that Freddy's soon-to-be shitbag ex looms in the background of several scenes dressed and lit like a villain on Star Trek does not help.
The reason why I say this really is "Freddy as understood by Queen" is because of what I have to assume is historical revisionism going on. Our protagonist does bicker with his bandmates, and he's late for rehearsal, and it does come up of course, but the rest of the band is just so goddamn reasonable. Yeah, he's a flake and he's out there partying all night with those scary gays (not that there's anything wrong with that) but y'know, he's Freddy, he's a bit of a tosser but he's a good lad. Nobody loses their temper with him, nobody says an ill word about this obviously spiraling man, and if anyone does bring anything up it is in the gentlest, most understanding tones you've ever heard. While that isn't bad in itself, it does feel highly suspicious, especially when you take into account that bar Freddy, all of Queen's original lineup is still alive and was, in fact, involved in producing the movie. Honestly, if they had owned this perspective a bit and made Freddy this Jesus Christ in Spartacus-esque figure, too large to be contained on film alone, that would be neat, but no, it's a tell-all story told by people who at the best have a fraction of the story.
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This isn't the film's biggest sin in my eyes though, no, it isn't even the atrocious editing although yes it does break several core tenets of good editing for no discernable reason. No, the most atrocious thing this movie does in my opinion comes down to one particular scene in Act 2. Here, Freddy has a heart-to-heart with his long-time friend and, in the actual man's own words, "common-law wife," Mary Austin. In a moment of melancholy Freddy confesses to Mary that he is Bisexual, to which she responds "Freddie, you're gay" and in essence cuts the conversation and the relationship right there. Now this isn't outrageous in itself, people have assumed that bisexual men are just gays in disguise up until very recently. What is somewhat unforgivable though is that this statement, and Mary's followup on it is literally the last words on Mercury's sexuality.
Now, the exact thats and whiches of Mercury's sexuality are a bit murky to my understanding, so this could be an attempt at hedging their bets in that regard. That said it is just incredibly disrespectful to let someone else than the character in question have the last word on anyone's sexuality, fictional or not.
Now I can see what the filmmakers were going for here. "You're lying to yourself and me when you say that you love me (in a way that we both find meaningful)" can be a place where a relationship ends, and it's an appropriately grim one for the start of a downward spiral. That said, it's hard not to read this as "This FAIRY thinks he can trick us into thinking he's BISEXUAL but he's LYING because he's GAY and then he gets SAD and has DANGEROUS GAY SEX about it."
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It's a whole mess of a scene, and even without all the other issues, it soured the entire experience for me. This wasn't the story of a musical genius with a complicated relationship with his own sexuality and the degree to which he was public with that sexuality in a time when that kind of openness was sought with destructive intent. This is the story of a musical genius whose understanding friends and bandmates love and support despite being a silly little gay. This is celebrating the works of a man despite the inner life he led that fueled those works, not because of it. I wouldn't call this movie explicitly hateful exactly, but it's so thoroughly saturated with what esteemed philosopher and playwright Abigail Thorn calls "yer da'-thinking" that it'd honestly be better if it just called Freddy a slur and got it over with.
To pull back from that frothingly rage-filled abyss for a second, it is perhaps too much to expect even a biopic to even-handedly handle its subject matter. After all, when making a movie about someone dead, all you have is whatever they left behind and the perspectives of the people who survived them. Adapting anything also requires some changes made, if nothing else because setting a start and an end to a story changes the story even as it creates it. That said, this isn't an excuse to remix historical events to your liking. Live Aid 1985 did not struggle until Queen turned the tide, it was a highly successful event in which a very famous band did one of the best rock performances of all time, to name one example.
So in short: I don't like Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) very much. The song is still a banger though.
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abba-enthusiast · 5 months
ok i'm bothering you with questions: top five houseplants, top five favourite foods to cook, top five rivers/other bodies of water
Sammyyyy hiiii <3
These questions are so good!!!
Top five house plants in no particular order:
Pothos, Monstera, Zamioculcas (I think they’re called Zanzibar gems?), Dieffenbachia and the money plant 🌿
Top five foods to cook (also in no particular order)
Fucking Fondue. Because I like eating the unmelted cheese pieces when they’re soaking in the wine sdjdkkd; any type of Risotto (looove stirring in that bouillon <3) but especially this one; soups of all kind (hand blender wheeee); and i love this recipe because it’s sooo easy but so delicious) aaand my grandma’s Spinatwähe <33
And top 5 bodies of water (in a particular order)
5. Lake Baikal (Have I been there? No. Does it look incredible and do I want to go there? Absolutely)
4. The Mediterranean (listen. that’s maybe a basic bitch answer but it’s the first ocean I ever saw and love it)
3. Lake Brienz (where my friend and I go swimming every year at the beginning of April when the water is So. Cold. Always fun <3)
2. The creek beside my house
1. THE RHINE BABEY!!! (And all her tributaries but especially the Aare and the Limmat) THEEE RIVER OF ALL TIME. To me <3
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emudi · 5 months
Top 20 Most Beautiful Cities In Africa | Travel Tips
Certainly! Africa is a continent known for its diverse landscapes, rich cultures, and vibrant cities.
You may choose to watch Top 10 Most Beautiful Cities In Africa | Best Places
Here's a list of 20 of the most beautiful cities in Africa, each offering its own unique charm and appeal:
Cape Town, South Africa: Nestled between the iconic Table Mountain and the Atlantic Ocean, Cape Town boasts stunning natural scenery, vibrant neighborhoods, and a rich cultural heritage.
Marrakech, Morocco: Marrakech mesmerizes visitors with its bustling souks, intricate architecture, and the vibrant colors of the Jardin Majorelle.
Nairobi, Kenya: As the gateway to East Africa, Nairobi blends modernity with wildlife conservation, offering attractions like Nairobi National Park and the Karen Blixen Museum.
Fes, Morocco: Fes is a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its medieval medina, elaborate mosques, and labyrinthine alleyways.
Cairo, Egypt: Cairo is a bustling metropolis steeped in history, home to ancient wonders like the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, as well as vibrant markets and lively streets.
Zanzibar City, Tanzania: The old Stone Town of Zanzibar City is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, featuring ornate doors, winding alleys, and beautiful beaches.
Luanda, Angola: Luanda is a coastal city with a mix of Portuguese colonial architecture and modern skyscrapers, offering stunning seaside views and a vibrant nightlife.
Johannesburg, South Africa: Johannesburg is a dynamic city known for its cultural diversity, thriving arts scene, and historical sites like the Apartheid Museum.
Dakar, Senegal: Dakar is a lively coastal city with colorful markets, vibrant music scene, and stunning beaches like Yoff Beach and N'Gor Beach.
Cape Coast, Ghana: Cape Coast is known for its picturesque beaches, colonial architecture, and its historic role in the transatlantic slave trade, evidenced by landmarks like Cape Coast Castle.
Asmara, Eritrea: Asmara boasts a unique blend of Italian colonial architecture, modernist buildings, and palm-lined boulevards, earning it recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Windhoek, Namibia: Windhoek is a city surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, offering visitors a blend of German colonial architecture, lively markets, and nearby safari adventures.
Kigali, Rwanda: Kigali is a clean and green city known for its orderly streets, cultural attractions like the Kigali Genocide Memorial, and stunning views of the surrounding hills.
Accra, Ghana: Accra is a vibrant capital city with lively markets, beautiful beaches, and historical landmarks like Independence Arch and Jamestown.
Lagos, Nigeria: Lagos is a bustling megacity with a vibrant atmosphere, offering a mix of beaches, bustling markets, and a thriving arts and music scene.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Addis Ababa is a city of contrasts, blending modern skyscrapers with traditional Ethiopian architecture, vibrant markets, and cultural attractions like the National Museum.
Maputo, Mozambique: Maputo is a coastal gem with a laid-back atmosphere, colonial-era architecture, vibrant markets, and stunning ocean views along its scenic waterfront.
Stone Town, Zanzibar: Stone Town is the historic heart of Zanzibar, known for its narrow streets, ornate doors, and rich Swahili culture, offering a glimpse into the island's past.
Gaborone, Botswana: Gaborone is a modern city surrounded by natural beauty, offering visitors botanical gardens, wildlife reserves, and a thriving arts and crafts scene.
Abuja, Nigeria: Abuja is Nigeria's modern capital city, known for its impressive architecture, lush greenery, and cultural landmarks like the Nigerian National Mosque and Aso Rock.
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serpulalacrymans · 7 months
any tips for beginner plant caretaker? also i hope you know you're adorable
I have plenty. But, I'm adorable? No one's ever said that before. Not sure I would use it to describe myself even, but... Thank you? Thank you.
Succulents are a beginners best friend. They're very generous considering time restraints. They only need to be watered every other week unless it's a colder season, then it's about once a month, so if you forget sometimes it's okay. Don't mist them else their leaves can wither and roots can rot. Just give them enough to satiate their thirst, then do it over again once the soil has become "bone-dry." Having a well-draining pot can help a lot. And also, if the pot is too big the succulent can reject it, so make sure it's a nice fit. (Even if you have a really nice one you've been wanting to use...)
Rotating them to get enough sun helps sometimes. Leaving them in the window is easy but when it gets cool at night it's beneficial to remove them and just put them back in the morning.
Succulents can be boring. For beginners wanting to avoid the common succulent, I would recommend a cactus or a Zanzibar Gem instead.
Thank you very much.
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Bringing in the House Plants (900+ Followers ‘Yay Me’ Celebration)
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a few of them are foundlingsー here’s one i picked from a pot. ー tony connor
a mini series of four oneshots of genshin charas and some house plants that remind me of them as a present to myself for being so close to 1k followers, especially after the accidental deletion of my previous blog. so it’s time for the self indulgence and if you guys happen to enjoy too, that’s a bonus!
jelly bean plant
beginner-friendly, direct sunlight lover, easy to propagate
patterned foliage, needier than they appear, indirect bright sun
zanzibar gem
low maintenance, needs little attention, sturdy
peace lily
ideal for office growth, not prone to bugs, striking
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neverendingparable · 11 months
character associations — Ulmar Deluxe
animal: pigeon or dove
color(s): white, bright blue, turquoise, yellow
month: april
number: 3, 6, 16
day or night: midday
plant(s): zanzibar gems (zz plants), orchids, white dogwood trees
smells:  the fresh, slightly artificial smell you get when you enter new shops, new cars, open new magazines, the smell of freshly brewed capsule coffees (like nespresso) they reserve for customers at car dealerships or business rooms
season: spring
place: the set on tv for informercials, the tall, minimalistic decorated rooms in big businesses, clean wide open spaces that look expensive and empty with no sign of human life, corporate spaces,
food: prepacked sandwiches you get at vending machines, mall food samples such as little toothpicks with ham or cheese, vending machine snacks, cotton candy and popcorn they sell at the movies, all you can eat buffet
astrological sign: taurus
element: air
drink(s): fancy wine, cheap soda, bubbletea, capsule coffees, vending machine coffees, sparkled bottled water, water from a fountain in a mall
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Events 10.29 (after 1950)
1953 – BCPA Flight 304 DC-6 crashes near San Francisco. 1955 – The Soviet battleship Novorossiysk strikes a World War II mine in the harbor at Sevastopol. 1956 – Suez Crisis begins: Israeli forces invade the Sinai Peninsula and push Egyptian forces back toward the Suez Canal. 1957 – Israel's prime minister David Ben-Gurion and five of his ministers are injured when Moshe Dwek throws a grenade into the Knesset. 1960 – An airplane carrying the Cal Poly football team crashes on takeoff in Toledo, Ohio. 1964 – The United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar is renamed to the United Republic of Tanzania. 1964 – Biggest jewel heist; involving the Star of India (gem) in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City by Murph the Surf and gang. 1967 – Montreal's World Fair, Expo 67, closes with over 50 million visitors. 1969 – The first-ever computer-to-computer link is established on ARPANET, the precursor to the Internet. 1972 – The three surviving perpetrators of the Munich massacre are released from prison in exchange for the hostages of the hijacked Lufthansa Flight 615. 1980 – Demonstration flight of a secretly modified C-130 for an Iran hostage crisis rescue attempt ends in a crash landing at Eglin Air Force Base's Duke Field, Florida, leading to the cancellation of Operation Credible Sport. 1985 – Major General Samuel K. Doe is announced as the winner of the first multi-party election in Liberia. 1986 – British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher opens the last stretch of the M25 motorway. 1991 – The American Galileo spacecraft makes its closest approach to 951 Gaspra, becoming the first probe to visit an asteroid. 1994 – Francisco Martin Duran fires over two dozen shots at the White House; he is later convicted of trying to kill U.S. President Bill Clinton. 1998 – In South Africa, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission presents its report, which condemns both sides for committing atrocities. 1998 – Space Shuttle Discovery blasts off on STS-95 with 77-year-old John Glenn on board, making him the oldest person to go into space at that time. 1998 – ATSC HDTV broadcasting in the United States is inaugurated with the launch of the STS-95 space shuttle mission. 1998 – While en route from Adana to Ankara, a Turkish Airlines flight with a crew of six and 33 passengers is hijacked by a Kurdish militant who orders the pilot to fly to Switzerland. The plane instead lands in Ankara after the pilot tricked the hijacker into thinking that he is landing in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia to refuel. 1998 – Hurricane Mitch, the second deadliest Atlantic hurricane in history, makes landfall in Honduras. 1998 – The Gothenburg discothèque fire in Sweden kills 63 and injures 200. 1999 – A large cyclone devastates Odisha, India. 2002 – A fire destroys a luxurious department store in Ho Chi Minh City, where 1,500 people are shopping. More than 60 people die and over 100 are unaccounted for in the deadliest peacetime disaster in Vietnam. 2004 – The Arabic-language news network Al Jazeera broadcasts an excerpt from a 2004 Osama bin Laden video in which the terrorist leader first admits direct responsibility for the September 11, 2001 attacks and references the 2004 U.S. presidential election. 2005 – Bombings in Delhi, India kill more than 60. 2008 – Delta Air Lines merges with Northwest Airlines, creating the world's largest airline and reducing the number of US legacy carriers to five. 2008 – A pair of deadly earthquakes hits Baluchistan, Pakistan, killing 215. 2012 – Hurricane Sandy hits the east coast of the United States, killing 148 directly and 138 indirectly, while leaving nearly $70 billion in damages and causing major power outages. 2014 – A mud slide; the 2014 Badulla landslide, in south-central Sri Lanka, kills at least 16 people, and leaves hundreds of people missing. 2015 – China announces the end of its one-child policy after 35 years. 2018 – A Boeing 737 MAX plane crashes after taking off from Jakarta, Indonesia killing 189 people on board.
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emiratesviisa · 2 years
Exploring the UAE: 10 things to do in Umm Al Quwain
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Even while Umm Al Quwain isn't the most well-known emirate in the United Arab Emirates, it does have some undiscovered jewels. There are numerous benefits to visiting, even for just one day, including outdoor activities and traditional Emirati culture. The following are the top 10 things to do while you're there after receiving your emirates visa for South African citizens. 
Mangrove Beach
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The picturesque setting in Khor Al Yeefrah, hitherto a hidden gem in the emirate, is currently being improved with things like thatched parasols, swings, a cafe, and BBQ spaces. For those who want to explore the diverse flora and fauna in the emirate's protected area, kayaks are available for rent, and on the weekends, a DJ spins music. Although there is a minor entrance fee for cars, the amenities, and the picturesque setting make the trip worthwhile. Already, people like to picnic there at dusk.
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Get away to Kite Beach Center, where Bali and Zanzibar collide. The first licensed kitesurfing school in the emirate is located at this laid-back beach resort. All instructors are qualified by the International Kiteboarding Organization, and classes are offered for all skill levels. Although there is a little admittance fee (see the website for the most recent costs), it's a terrific place to spend the day relaxing in the sun and taking part in other water sports like kayaking or snorkeling. Additionally, visitors may stay overnight or rent cabanas for four hours, however, reservations are advised due to the busy season.
Tarzan Gym
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This unique idea creates a space on the beach that resembles something that might appear in The Flintstones more so than a typical gym. This entertaining gym is tucked away in Kite Beach Centre and is made up of several wooden pieces of equipment. Giant wooden dumbbells, barbells, and monkey bars are just a few of the adult-only "toys" available, making it a fun spot to go with friends and one that looks great on Instagram.
Thunder Road Pizza & Grill
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Although Dubai is frequently mentioned as the nation's culinary capital, Thunder Road is a true hidden gem. With hundreds of handcrafted cheeses, mouthwatering pizza, and, to top it all off, stunning ocean views from the patio, this Italian restaurant run by Italians will transport you to Italy. You must taste their handmade burrata. It's Italy meets the US with a pool table and kids' playground at the Barracuda Beach Resort, making it well worth the day trek up the coast. There is even a grocery store there where you can stock up on genuine Italian treats after applying emirates visa for South African nationals.
An abandoned aircraft
On the coast of the tiny emirate, an abandoned Russian cargo jet has become quite the attraction. The former skydiving airport is now home to the Barracuda Beach Resort, and the Soviet-era aircraft is visible from the E11 that leads to the hotel. It has been there for over twenty years. It is a fascinating location for aviation enthusiasts that was once cloaked in secrecy. We now know that the Ilyushin IL-76, sometimes known as "Candid" under NATO operations, originally flew for the Soviet Union in the 1970s to replace the equally illustrious Antonov 12.
Vida Beach Resort
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The Vida Beach Hotel, the newest addition to Umm Al Quwain's tourist scene, enables pet owners to enjoy the emirate's lovely coastline without having to locate a sitter. The hotel is stylish and, as one would expect from Emaar, the attention to detail is excellent. It is one of many hotels that have seen a market niche for the growing number of staycation travelers in the nation looking to bring their pets with them.
Umm Al Quwain Fort and Museum – Fort Al Ali
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The fort-turned-museum, one of the emirate's most cherished assets, provides tourists with a wealth of historical information. The Al Mualla royal family's founder, Sheikh Rashid Bin Majid Al Mualla, ruled Umm Al Quwain in 1768, making it the city's oldest historical structure. The fort was initially used as his residence and administrative center, but since becoming a museum in 2000, it has become a memorial to the history of the little emirate. Visitors can tour the property's former prison, weapon room, military room, and numerous other household spaces, providing a glimpse into construction methods used long before the contemporary UAE was created.
Siniya Island
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Take a boat from the shore to Siniya Island, which is eight kilometers east of Umm Al Quwain, where the island provides a fantastic glimpse into the historical and ecological splendor of the emirate. Before relocating to the mainland 200 years ago, Umm Al Quwain residents first settled on the island. Visitors can see a variety of wildlife on the island, including birds like the Socotra Cormorant and the Arabian Gazelle. The island is known for its mangroves, ghaf trees, and desert flora and fauna. On the island, there are 65 different archaeological sites, including burials, building remnants, and towers.
Dreamland Aqua Park
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Dreamland, one of the oldest water parks in the area, has established itself as a landmark. The park, which opened in 1997, is 250,000 square meters in size and has more than 30 rides, slides, and other attractions. Families can camp overnight or rent an air-conditioned cabana for a day to enjoy the park's beautiful gardens on the coast. This area is more than just a waterpark.
Labsah Camel Racing Track
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Camel racing is one of the oldest Emirati customs and is popular with both royals and commoners. It is a unique event in the nation and gives locals an opportunity to show off their cherished possessions. This is where the more genuine aspect of the country can be seen, even though it's a little bit rougher around the edges than events like the Dubai World Cup. Weekends in the winter are often when races take place around the 4 km track. Watch this amazing camel race after getting your emirates visa for South African passport holders.
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ZZ Plant: The Resilient Beauty of Zamioculcas zamiifolia Unveiled
A Brief Overview of Zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ plant) The Zamioculcas zamiifolia, commonly known as the ZZ plant, is a fascinating and resilient houseplant that has gained tremendous popularity among plant enthusiasts. This tropical gem belongs to the Araceae family and is native to Eastern Africa, specifically Zanzibar, Kenya, and Tanzania. With its unique appearance and impressive ability to…
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callsignbaphomet · 1 year
Up in the mountains again today. We're just waiting on a to go order and then we'll get back home. Not a fan of going out on Sundays as it's my decompression day but made an exception today. Not gonna do this again as long as I'm in school.
Took more pictures of my plants. They've really sprouted!
Here's Aurora looking green, lush and lovely.
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And here's Anya. She's looking gorgeous!
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I didn't take a pic of Aurelia bc her stem seems to have gotten brown and weak, she kinda bent some. Used an app to see what I can do to help so I propped her carefully and put her outside because apparently she needs direct sun to help her. I hope she recovers but I'm not sure she will she's been a bit difficult to care for tbh.
And here is the new girl Alina! According to the plant app she is a Zanzibar Gem.
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I'll update on Aurelia when I can. Here's hoping she recovers.
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ammoniteflesh · 2 years
❓Unusual OC Associations ❓
Thank you for the tag, @dragonologist-phd!! (& I will get to the other memes that I've been tagged in - I am, alas, very busy atm but I WILL complete them I promise). Tagging: @breadedsinner @demandthedoodles @cumbiazevran @flashhwing @transfenris-truther @delicatefade @about2dance and anyone else who would like to take part!
Without further ado, for my three main gals:
Ghila Mahariel
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Seasoning: pepper
Weather: the air just before a storm begins
Colour: dark red
Sky: dark, cloudy, the barest hint of a sunset
Magic Power: Blight manipulation (yes this is just canon shh)
House Plant: zanzibar gem
Weapon: daggers
Subject: ethics
Social Media: callout post (subject of) (undeserved)
Make-up Product: none
Candy: toffees
Fear: cultural annihilation
Ice cube shape: cube
Method of long distance travel: aravel
Art style: expressionism (Jackson Pollock is coming to mind)
Mythological creature: werewolf
Piece of stationary: fountain pen
3 emojis: 🩸🌿🗡️
Celestial body: the sun (but in a strictly negative and oppositional sense)
Threnody Hawke
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Seasoning: honey and lime
Weather: rain
Colour: purple
Sky: mid-morning sunrise
Magic Power: illusion
House Plant: monstera deliciosa
Weapon: wit
Subject: theatre studies
Social Media: instagram
Make-up Product: lipstick
Candy: boozy truffles
Fear: irrelevance
Ice cube shape: heart
Method of long distance travel: the most ornate ship you've ever seen
Art style: art nouveau
Mythological creature: siren
Piece of stationary: glitter gel pen
3 emojis: 🎭⚡🥰
Celestial body: Pluto
Maryam Trevelyan
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Seasoning: little-to-none
Weather: cloudy and still
Colour: green
Sky: perfectly, impossibly blue
Magic Power: healing touch
House Plant: cactus
Weapon: shield
Subject: literature
Social Media: christian mingle
Make-up Product: eyeliner
Candy: mints
Fear: being unloved
Ice cube shape: sphere
Method of long distance travel: on horseback, backed by troops
Art style: medieval devotional art (Byzantine, specifically)
Mythological creature: biblically accurate angel
Piece of stationary: lockable diary
3 emojis: 😇🛡️😤
Celestial body: the sun (but in a positive sense this time)
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investigaticns · 2 years
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spice: black sesame
weather: fog
colour: black
sky: dark blue, overcast, cloudy
shoe: Red Wing Heritage Blacksmith (briar)
house plant: zanzibar gem 
weapon: garrote wire
subject: fine art
social media: twitter
makeup product: eyeshadow palette
candy: stick of rock
fear: pistanthrophobia 
ice cube shape: ball ice
method of long-distance travel: train
art style: baroque
historical period: classical era
mythological creature: cat-sìth
piece of stationery: masking tape
three emojis: 🐱‍👤🎨☕
celestial body: Pluto
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