#zebra coloring page
pdfcoloringbook · 2 years
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Zebra coloring pages pdf
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Some coloring sheets I did!!! (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡
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☆Coloring Sheets found on MondayMandala! :)
♡Agere/Petre COD & R6S requests: Open!
☆Dividers by: @agere-explorer
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whimsy-bairn · 2 years
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transparent coloring pages! to be colored in on your computer :3
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schemmentis · 5 months
La Cosa Nostra - Pt. 14
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13
Cowritten w/ @janeyseymour
@janeyseymour's evil is keeping y'all guessing. Mine is making y'all wait for parts to be posted. Sorry not sorry. Love you ;)
Summary: Tensions and the disagreement between you and Melissa rise...
WC: 2k
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You do your best to hide the absolute rage that you’re feeling from your girls, sat together at your regular table in the corner, but you're pissed. The longer you sit in the restaurant trying to watch after the twins as your wife is in the back, it brews- not just over the fact that she would make this decision essentially over your own head, but that she would draw your girls into the life- even just this little amount that they have no idea about. It was rule number one from the start: business never comes home. Not after Mickey. Yet here home was, sitting right in the middle of business.
“Yes, sweetheart, that's a zebra you're coloring…purple. Great job, á storin.” You murmur as you glance at a haphazardly colored page.
Rosie beams up at you, and Cat is immediately tugging at your arm to show off what she’s been working on- a lion that she’s colored different shades of pink. Out of the two of them, your eldest twin definitely has better fine motor skills. 
You look back up at the motion of someone sitting across the table from you. You expect it to be Melissa, taking her dinner break. Your eyebrow raises when you see someone else.
“Luca.” You greet as neutrally as you can manage. “What are you doin’ up here?”
“Ah, y’know, pickin’ up take out for Ma.” He answers with a slight shrug of his shoulders.
“Your ma gets take out from here?” You ask, incredulously. “Aren't her and Mel sworn off from eating the other's cooking?”
“What she don't know won't kill her,” Luca chuckles softly. He runs a hand through his hair before scratching the back of his neck. “Just don't go tellin’ her, huh? It's my turn to make dinner ‘fore she's home, and I'm runnin’ late.”
“You couldn't bribe AJ to do it for you tonight, huh?” You tease with a small smile. You may be pissed at your wife, and not thrilled at everything else going on. But Luca was still your family.
“Not tonight.” Luca agrees.
“Y’know,” your wife’s voice sounds as she comes to stand at the side of the table, a bag of Styrofoam containers set close to Luca. “You're lucky I don't tell Kristen Marie about this arrangement myself, Luca. What a hell of a brag I could get.”
Luca smiles, getting to his feet as he takes the take out bag in hand. “Yea, ya could but ya love your nephew more than braggin’ on your sister, Aunt Mel.” He says before kissing both her cheeks with a muttered thank you. 
“I’ll see youse at Sunday dinner.” He adds when he pulls away. A hand reaches out to lightly tickle each of your twins to get a laugh. “Be good, tikes.” He says before making his way out of the restaurant.
Melissa drops into the seat Luca left, sighing. “It's a busy night. I think we got more in here than usual.”
Your smile fades as Luca leaves, your gaze falling to your wife. Your anger slowly returns as you remember where you are and why.
“Maybe.” You murmur noncommittally as you look back to Cat and Rosie and their drawings, despite them not calling for your attention. It's rare that you wouldn't want to be looking at your wife when you can. Tonight, though, you know it's just going to simmer your anger. Especially with her acting as if nothing is wrong.
“Yeah?” You answer her call for you without looking, helping Rosie's little fingers pull a crayon from the box.
“C’mon, ya can't even look at me?”
You finally turn your gaze back to Melissa, raising an eyebrow. 
“Look, I'm sorry, amore—”
“Don't.” You quickly cut her off. “Not here and not when I know you're saying that just ‘cause you hate me bein’ mad at you-not ‘cause you really mean it. We’ll talk about it later.”
“Yeah, later.” Melissa grumbles as she gets up, stalking back to the kitchen.
Melissa doesn't take her dinner break. You roll your eyes when Val brings out three plates with an apology. You assure her it isn't her fault.
It's when she brings the girls dessert that Val apologizes again, stopping you when you try to tell her not to. “Mel said she's gotta stay late tonight.”
You take a deep breath. Finally, you nod and mutter a thank you to Val. “Tell her to come say goodbye to the girls then.” You add, any pretense of hiding how you feel lost with how your voice sounds. 
It's a few minutes longer than it should be before Mel makes it out. She lingers in her goodbyes to the twins. Kissing each of their little cheeks multiple times and saying to be good for Mam. You cross your arms when she glances to you, not bothering to say goodbye yourself. 
“Mam you didn't kiss Mommy!” Cat is saying as you buckle her into the backseat. 
“Well you don't want cooties, do you?” You do your best to lighten and tease so the girls don't think much of the difference in your goodbye to Melissa, or lack thereof. 
By the time Melissa gets home, you’ve cooled off enough to get the girls into their own beds, after plenty of stories.
You stay up, sipping on wine, until she comes strolling in through the door. 
“You didn’t have to wait up for me,” she tells you as she drops her bag and kicks off her heels.
You roll your eyes, and the anger and hurt that you were feeling earlier comes back when you look at her again. “We’re talking about this.”
“Do we have to tonight?” she groans. “I’m exhausted.”
“And I don’t give a shit,” you say bluntly. “What made you think that you could just go over my head and make the executive decision to bring the girls to the restaurant? What the hell, Melissa. You preach all the time that we’re a team, and that sure as hell didn’t feel like a team effort there.”
“It is,” your wife folds her arms over her chest and raises a brow. Usually, you would find that pose of hers sexy, but not tonight. “I told you my thoughts behind it, and I think we’re doing the right thing.”
“You were the one who created the rule that home and business never meet,” you argue. “And then you go back on it without any regard to my thoughts or feelings on it.”
“And I tried to apologize,” she huffs. “But you didn’t want to hear it.”
“Because I know you aren’t sorry!” you half shout. Then you take a deep breath and sigh. “You know what? Whatever. If you want to mix it, be my guest. But if something happens to either of our girls because of it, know that all of that guilt will be on your shoulders because I tried to stop it. Goodnight.”
You pull the blanket draped over the back of the couch down and over your body before laying down.
“Y/N,” your wife rolls those green eyes of hers. “Come on. Come to bed.”
You just turn over and close your eyes, ignoring her pleas for you to join her in your bedroom. 
Melissa huffs. You expect to hear her trudge off for your bedroom. Instead, you feel her at your back, nudging her way to share the couch with you.
“Melissa Ann, what are you doin’?”
“You won’t come to bed so I guess we’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”
“The point of me staying on the couch was to be by myself. Alone.”
“Yeah, but we said we’d never go to bed mad at each other, so.”
You roll your eyes. “Right, just like we said we’d never mix business and home.” You retort, shrugging the blanket off your shoulder and attempting to do the same to your wife.
Melissa doesn’t relinquish her arms wrapped around you though. “Y/N. Would you stop and just…talk to me if we’re really gonna go through this tonight?”
“Now you want to?” You say, twisting enough on the couch to get her face within your sight. “Melissa, you deliberately made a choice, completely without me, which you have doubled down on because you think it’s the right one. Isn’t it bad enough that we’re already putting them in danger just by being who we are? Now we’re gonna take ‘em somewhere and make the risk bigger? What, just ‘cause it isn’t too much so it’ll be okay? I’m not willing to gamble their lives like that! You or me, we know what the hell we’re doin’. Nobody can say we don’t. But them?” You point towards the girls’ bedroom, imploring your wife to get it. “They don’t understand why they can’t have cookies for breakfast. They don’t understand what they’d be putting on the line, not even a little bit.”
Melissa takes a shaky breath. “Why are you so up in arms about this? It’s the safest thing right now. You and I both know that the Feds will get off our backs with the girls always being around, and none of the goons are going to touch a hair on either Cat or Rosie’s heads because they know if they did, there would be hell to pay on all sides.”
“You don’t know that!” you hiss at her. “They ordered a hit on Bobby for somethin’ he did years before they killed him off- an’ he didn’t even deserve it. Who’s to say that they aren’t going to sink that low to get back at one of us?! Or to get us out of the way and to keep La Cosa Nostra up and running?! Melissa, if something happened to you or either of the girls, I would not be able to make it through. La Cosa Nostra would fall to the ground, and so would I. Do you not understand that?”
“We knew the risks we would have to take when we got into this business, and we knew exactly what risks we were bringing to the girls when you decided that you wanted children!” your wife points an accusatory finger at you.
“You and I both know that you were just as excited to have those two as I was, so do not pin this on me!” you seethe. “And I know you chose this life, but I did not. I got mixed up in it young, and I never wanted it to begin with! I certainly do not want our girls to get involved in it either!”
“You didn’t have to stay in this life!” she argues. “You chose to.”
“You know what?” you huff as you stand up abruptly, nearly knocking your wife to the ground in the process. “I’m done talking about this for now. I’m over it.”
“Listen,” Melissa grabs your wrist. “I’m sorry they took the salon out from under you, I’m sorry they handed the business over to me because they trust me more, and I’m sorry that you’re feeling like you aren’t contributing to the family anymore, but you do not get to just be a bitch like this!”
You rip your arm out of her grasp. “I’m the bitch?! I’m the bitch! I’m not the one who went over your head and gave the ledger to Barbara Howard- a rookie move! I’m not the one who disregarded everything and mixed our girls up with the business- despite the fact that we vowed to never do that! But yeah, okay… I’m the fuckin’ bitch. Don’t even try crawling into bed with me tonight.” You storm your way to your bedroom, locking the door as you slam it shut hard enough to shake the entirety of your little townhome. 
And then you absolutely lose it. You begin to curse the day that you ever stepped into that blasted salon. You wish you never got caught up in all of this, and you would’ve taken the out that you had been offered years ago. Maybe in another life you would’ve found your way to Melissa and fallen in love, having the blissful, domestic life that you had dreamed up when you were a kid. But now, you’re in deep, and you know it.
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miikpal · 3 months
hi! what pens do you like to use in your sketchbook? :o
FORGOT TO ANSWER THIS these are my most often used ones
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from top to bottom:
LePen fineliners. they bleed thru pages like a motherfucker but i like the color options and line quality
Zebra MildLiner. great for quick mono color highlights
UNI POSCA. MY MVP!!!!!!!!!!
placeholder for any cheap pen i buy at flying tiger. surprisingly decent stuff for sketchbook fuckery for the price
the next two are a double tip marker + brushpen from MUJI. great for beta fill but the bleed is also kinda nasty
Tombow Fudenosuke brush pens. I have both the soft and hard variety but hard is my most used. again mvp - have used these for almost 10 years
on top of that recently i caved and bought some gpen nibs and ive been having a lot of fun with that as well!!! i loooove pens and ink
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sunsetsandsunshine · 2 years
~ Ticklish Hands ~ 
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THIS FIC IS A GIFT TO THE WONDERFUL @rottmnt-supremacist
Ler: April👩🏾‍🦱💚
Lee: Raph🐢❤️
Warnings: None :)
Summary: Donnie, Leo and Mikey inform April on a little secret Raph has been keeping from her; chaos follows.
Raph was chilling in his bedroom, listening to music with his headphones on while snuggling his favorite squishmello: Mr. Stripes the Zebra. He was sitting criss-cross applesauce on his red fluffy carpet he put next to his bed a couple days ago.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the side of his curtains. He took off his headphones and put them on his desk. It was most likely one of his siblings…and to be completely honest, was scared for the reason why they would come into his room…not that they would do anything bad of course! It’s just his siblings always found a way to make they’re visits to his room…interesting.
If it was Leo, he probably wanted to show Raph yet another TikTok of the Lightskin Stare trend with Olaf from Frozen that Raph’s sworn he’s seen more times then he’s even breathed. If it was Mikey, he probably wanted to show him another recipe he made. Mikey was getting…creative in the kitchen and wanted to try some different flavors! Like his famous Pickle-Pizza-Chocolate Cake-Ice Cream wrap…sounds delicious, right? If it was Don, he probably was coming in with a 25-26 page slideshow on why Raph should allow him to steal the government's secret stash of uranium…
Don’t ask…
And if it’s April? She probably came in to trash-talk her classmates about how they were just “stuck up rich kids who can’t pull their heads out of their own asses.” Which Raph knows more than 89% of April’s classmates deserve that insult.
Has all those scenarios happened before or is Raph being oddly specific?
Take a guess.
“Come in!” Raph exclaimed, preparing himself for whoever walked into his room.
“Hi Raphie! Your brothers told you your little secret…” April grinned as she went directly in front of Raph, sitting down. Raph cocked his head to the side in confusion. “Wait…what? What secret? Raph doesn’t keep secrets…” The snapper turtle said, putting his finger to his chin and wondering in thought. What secret? 
That time he ate all of Mikey’s leftover birthday cake? No…that couldn’t be it. He was caught red-handed by the birthday boy himself for that one. He has the bruises to prove it…
What about when he stole all of April’s nail polish for himself to try? Uh…no, couldn’t be that either. She actually found him in the bathroom trying to paint his nails with her light blue nail polish: Periwinkle. He knows that blue is Leo’s thing but he must admit he did look pretty good! But he does remember having more colors than periwinkle on his nails, and with April’s help he was able to have pretty nice nails. So that can’t be it.
The snapping turtle wondered, what in the actual shell did my brothers tell her? Because if he himself can’t even remember what kinds of secrets he’s told his brothers who knows what they told his elder sister. And judging by that Cheshire grin April had plastered on her face, it was something really funny he did or really embarrassing. 
“What did they tell you?” Raph gulped, fiddling with his fingers in his lap. April innocently smiled, cracking her knuckles. “Give me your hand.” April said, reaching out to Raph with one of her hands as if she was grabbing something. The snapping turtle hesitantly put one of his hands in hers as she turned it upward so his palm was facing the ceiling.
“Tell me, Raph. Do your hands happen to be ticklish?” April asked, not even waiting for an answer before she scribbled her fingers over Raph’s palm.
Raph was SO going to get them for this later…
“Pfft- Ahahaprihil!” Raph giggled, curling his fingers inside of his palm but only was able to curl them midway as April gently pulled back his fingers, not letting them curl. Raph came out of his sitting position and started squirming; lightly kicking his feet and squirming from left to right. “Stop squirming, Raph. I need to see if this tickles!” April demanded.
“Ihihit dohohoes tihihickle!” Raph yelled, covering his face with his free palm blushing a bit because- really?! Why did she think Raph was a giggling mess right now lightly kicking his feet at her feather-like touch across his palms? 
April then lightly started tracing over Raph’s wrist, causing the snapping turtle to throw his head back and cackle, kicking his legs on the floor trying to get his hand out of April’s grip. “AhahaHAPRIL! PleHEASE!” Raph cried, falling down on his shell due to how much he was laughing which gave April an opportunity to climb on him and scratch her fingers along his sides. 
Raph clamped his hands over his mouth, not wanting to get April satisfied about his reactions to her tickly touches. His sides weren’t even that ticklish! He’s fine. Pfft, tickling? What’s tickling? It doesn’t tickle at all  he’s fine-
April lightly grazed a finger on his shoulders, causing the red banded turtle to let out a girly scream, descending into laughter. 
Well, fuck. 
“There we go~! There’s my laughy Raphie!” April teased, now scribbling back to Raph’s sides. The snapper mentally cursed himself for even letting himself let his underarms be exposed in a situation like this. Because- it’s April. Not that he would openly admit it but she was probably the best tickler of the family. I mean- Look how much he’s laughing right now!
April started slowly moving up and down Raph’s side; only tickling him with her pointer finger on the both of her hands. “AHAHAPRIL NAHAHO WAHAIT!” Raph squealed, trying to push April’s fingers away from his ribs.
“What are you getting so worked up about, hmm big guy? Oho, you didn’t think I was gonna go…there, did you?” April teased playfully, poking near but nowhere close to Raph’s underarms as the turtle let out loud shrieks at the poking. 
“Stop squirming, buddy~! You’re making it really hard to tickle your good spots~!” April smiled, but the tease only worsened the squirming. 
“AhaHaPRIL! IHIT TIHIHICKLES! ReeReEhEEheE! PLeheHEASE!” Raph laughed, shaking his head and kicking his feet lightly, trying to get out from April’s hold. April smiled at the childhood nickname Raph said throughout his laughter, chuckling as the snapper turtles face started glowing a bright red. She hasn’t even been tickling him all that long!
“Stop squirming or I’m going to tickle your underarms.” April threatened which caused Raph to immediately stop thrashing and just laugh his heart out, weakly kicking his feet behind April here and there. “YOhohoHOUR’E tihihiHICKLING MEEHEE! Ihi caHAHAN’T hehelp ihit!” Raph whined as April only rolled her eyes in amusement. 
Suddenly, the second youngest of the Hamato Clan walked into the room, closing the curtain and walking to April, standing next to her, completely unbothered by his brother getting completely tortured by they’re older sister.
“Hey, April. Do you know where Mikey is? I wanted to show him this meme I found!” Leo giggled, rewatching whatever meme he had pulled up on his phone. “Oh! Mikey said that he was going to go to Baron’s place today, didn’t he tell you?” April said turning, her head to Leo but still tickling the sides of Raph’s ribs, switching between pokes and light scratching to keep him in stitches. 
“Ugh! No one ever tells me anything!” Leo groaned, turning his phone off and putting it in his sweatshirt pocket. “Thanks, I’m gonna go bother Dee. See you later, Riri!” Leo chirped, turning around to the exit. “Also, make sure to not kill Raphie over there, okay?” Leo chuckled, opening the curtain and leaving Raph’s room. “I won’t~!” April sang, kneading both of Raph’s thighs behind him.
Raph whined throughout his laughs as he kicked his feet and lightly pushed at April’s hands, trying to get April off of him. “NAhah! StAHAP! AHAHAPRIL!” 
“Raph, you literally tower over me, bud. You could EASILY stop me if you wanted to, but here we are~!” April teased, leaning in closer to give Raph a kiss on the cheek and scribbling her hands all over him tummy. “SHUHUT IHIHIT!” The snapper yelled, gripping his fingers on April’s wrists trying to ceases her tickle torture and then she suddenly…stopped?
“What did you just say…?” April asked, looking Raph dead in the eyes as she slowly started making her way up his sides. Then to his ribs. Now hovering over-
Oh no.
Oh. NO.
Raph couldn’t help but immediately start cackling as his sister's fingers hovered over his death spot: his underarms. He could feel the tingly sensations of her fingers slowly getting closer and closer. Raph tried kicking his feet, bucking her off, pushing her shoulders lightly but she did not move an inch. 
Oh…Raph was completely SCREWED. In the famous words of his second youngest brother: “Eugh boy…”
“AHAHA! WAHAIT WAHAIT WAHAHAIT! IHIHI’M SOHOHORRY!” Raph tried to reason. He wasn’t a scientist like Donnie but he’s pretty sure there’s a 99.9% chance that April’s going to go for his death spot no matter how many pleas he gives.
“Too little, too late, bud.”
April blew multiple raspberries on the right side of Raph’s neck, so much that he doesn’t even know how April isn’t out of breath yet while also tickling his underarms. But he couldn’t worry about that- he had to worry about not dying by the clutches of his big sister and her tickling hands. And ohmigosh did it tickle a whole lot…
And if things couldn’t get any worse, April started now randomly switching the sides of Raph’s neck where she was giving tickly kisses too; making the snapper scrunch his shoulders and shake his head. 
If you know Raph, you know for a FACT that he cannot STAND tickly kisses- it’s the actual death of him. He’s so used to roughhousing (he grew up with 3 little brothers, can you really blame him?) that he’s not used to these feather-like touches. Which makes it tickle so much f*cking more than it should.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” Raph cried, hands still holding wrists and she continued her tickle torture. “Please, what little brother?” April asked, before blowing raspberries on Raph’s tummy. “IHIHI DUHUHUNNO!” He screamed.
“AHAHAPRIL AHAHA! PLEHEASE! IHIHI’M SOHOHORRY! MEHEHERCY!” Raph cried, tears building up in his eyes. April got off Raph, knowing the safe-word and lying down next to him on the fuzzy carpet as he caught his breath. “You okay, big guy?” April asked, turning her head towards her little brother. “Ihi’m fihine, sis.” Raph giggled, as April rubbed the ghost tickles away. She then got up to get Raph a glass of water that was on his desk and gave it to him. “Thahahanks…” Raph chuckled as he drank the water
The two eldest suddenly heard a crash nearby presumably in Donnie’s lab, followed by some yelling and shrieking, and…whirring?
April sighed at the recus her other younger brothers were making, pinching the spot between her eyes as Raph erupted into laughter by his sister’s reaction. “We can’t leave those three alone for a second, can we?” April groaned, crossing her arms. “Yeah…” Raph sighed, standing up and taking April by the hand, helping her up. “Besides, I need to get revenge on them anyway for telling you I have ticklish hands anyway…” The snapper said, cracking his knuckles as April only chuckled at the statement.
“And don’t think you’re safe from Raph’s Revenge™, Riri” Raph grinned, poking April in the side causing her to squawk and squirm away from the touch. She glared at Raph before playfully shoving him as they exited his room. 
“Oho, I’d like to see you’d try, Raphie.”
——————————————————————— 📢❗️LEE RAPH! LEE RAPH! LEE RAPH! LEE RAPH❗️📢
As always, hope you all enjoyed!
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chaoticelegant · 8 months
How do you take your notes?? Love your blog <3
Thank you!
I use a modified version of the Cornell note taking system! I’ll explain it below.
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I use multiple things to take my notes:
Black fountain pen (Lamy Safari medium nib or Platinum Preppy fine nib)
Multicolored gel pens (Zebra Sarasa, 0.5)
Highlighters (Zebra Midliners 5ct)
Clear stickie notes of various sizes
Black permanent pen (for writing on plastic, 0.3)
Mechanical pencil and Eraser (Pentel Graphgear 500, 0.5; General’s Factis Eraser)
These all have a specific meaning to me within my notes so that I can easily see what I am looking for on a page at a glance.
I take my main notes in pencil so I can easily change them as I need to, I often mis-spell things so this is useful for that or if I got information wrong and need to change it
Gel Pens:
I use these to separate different sections of notes that are within the same larger note module. I also use them to add information in margins when they are big enough as they are easily distinguishable from the pencil.
Fountain Pen:
I use this to do my main heading and date for normal notes, and for notes that do not directly apply to the class but are still in that classes notebook. (My history notebook has history notes in pencil and the notes we took on writing in fountain pen. I know I’ll be using the writing notes a lot so I want to find them easily)
The highlighters I use come in a five pack, and there are green, tan, grey, light pink, and brown colors. Each one has a highlighter tip and a bullet tip.
Green: highlight definitions or very important information. I only ever use this color in this way so that if I see green flipping through my notebook I know I need to go back at look at it no matter what
Tan: Context, sub definitions, or extra information. This is the color I go to after the green
Grey and Pink: I use these colors interchangeably as the page needs to highlight things I personally think I will want to go back and read
Brown: This color is too dark for normal highlighting so I use it to separate different note modules
Plastic Stickies and Pen:
These are for extra context when I have no room and for adding diagrams. I most often use them for when I have taken a full page of notes from the textbook before class and the professor adds extra information during lecture. I prefer the clear notes to the (more ‘aesthetic’) brown and tan ones because I can see through them and more easily remove them or lift them up to see the notes underneath. I do need a special pen to mark on them without smudging, but that is not an issue for me.
As the are clear, if I want to add a diagram, I can pull it up on my phone, add a stickie over it, and trace it with the pen. So no more messy diagrams.
Note taking:
I have two different times when I am taking notes and the things I do change order depending on that. If I am taking notes from something like a textbook, a documentary, or a slideshow on my laptop, I do all my highlighting and extras as I am taking the actual notes. When I am in lecture, I take my notes all in pencil except for the note sections in pen, then go back during breaks in the lecture and highlight/add where I need to.
I take very very extensive notes, so do not be alarmed if you don’t have a lot of notes. You want to have at least (In order of importance):
Definitions and Big Ideas
Important Context
After you have those, you can add things that you want to remember, things that are less important but maybe still good to know, and extra facts or figures.
My note taking follows this pattern:
Section Title (pen)
Definition word - definition (always highlighted in green)
Idea (level of importance determines green, tan, pink or grey, or no highlight)
Sub ideas
Bulleted under idea
Sometimes the sub ideas also have sub ideas that are bulleted under them
I don’t bother with the summary in the Cornell system as I don’t usually have time in a lecture to do them, if you have time and want to do it, go for it!
My handwriting can vary from a little shaky but very legible to scribbled based on how fast I am writing. If you don’t have great handwriting, don’t worry about it as long as you can read it later. It is not easy to notice this right after you have written it because you know what it says, but if you even think it might be a little too messy, erase it and write it again. You’ll thank yourself later.
If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the askbox!
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letmewriteitdown · 2 months
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For August I’m trying to do more art journaling. Mostly because I want to practice different stuff, but also because I find it relaxing.
Collage materials:
Watercolor page from Grabie watercolor coloring book and used Grabie watercolors
Golden Pig ink from Noodlers mixed with highlighter ink from Preppy
Zebra inking pen
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hiyeaj · 1 year
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A digitally colored page from my sketchbook. Zebra doves and flowers!
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objecthusbandry · 9 days
do you have any info on books?
books are a species descended from the same common ancestor as nearly all paper objects. they're generalist omnivores with a preference for plant matter. they spend most of their time in the wild foraging for seeds, berries, leaves and shrubs, but will sometimes eat insects as well. their covers can be just about any color and any pattern, with their pages mostly containing zebra-like stripes that sometimes appear sentence-like. it's much rarer for books to have other markings on their pages.
the collective noun for books is a library, though i've also heard them referred to as shelves. books are a social species that lives in family groups; they form large groups of up to 50 (the most ever recorded being 63), though 10 to 15 is most common. they're highly intelligent creatures! they're commonly observed grooming each other's pages in the wild to remove parasites, but this also is a bonding activity between them. they form strong bonds with other books within their group.
during mating season, books will approach each other and attempt to court a mate by opening their covers up and fluttering their pages. generally speaking, the more pages a book has, the more desirable it's considered. books give birth to between four and seven babies at a time and the mother and father will both contribute to raising them, taking turns staying with the babies and gathering food for them. the babies will leave the nest at around six weeks.
in captivity, domestic books make for great pets. they're curious, smart and affectionate, so they're common as a beginner species for new object owners. they require a LOT of enrichment, though, so i wouldn't recommend adopting a book unless you have enough time to bond with them every day for at least three hours. they enjoy having a variety of toys to play with too! puzzle toys are their favorites in my experience but they'll also play with small cat toys.
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The Undertaker™ wants your PC.
The 1997 Undertaker Screen Saver & Trivia/Puzzle Game
From the dark world of gravestones and tombs straight to your PC. The Undertaker, at 6'10" and 328 pounds, looms over the World Wrestling Federation and your monitor.
(One small image of the Undertaker making his entrance with a caption reading "Where is he?" A second small image of the Undertaker performing a Tombstone Piledriver on Mankind with a caption reading "Here we go!" In the centre of the page is a 1993 Dell Dimension 433SV 486 desktop computer, with keyboard and monitor. The monitor displays a third image of the Undertaker, serving as the desktop background.)
[ Transcript below ]
Each includes:
1997 Shawn Michaels™ Screen Saver & Trivia/Puzzle Game (small image of Shawn Michaels stripping in his red and white zebra print gear)
1997 Marlena™ Screen Saver & Trivia/Puzzle Game (small image of Marlena in white, sparkly lingerie)
1997 Sunny™ Swimsuit Screen Saver & Trivia/Puzzle Game (small image of Sunny in a bikini top)
1997 Sunny™ Lingerie Screen Saver & Trivia/Puzzle Game (small image of Sunny in a blue lingerie)
1-4 Player Trivia Game
Puzzle Game
Sound Effects
On Screen Date/Time
And More
ONLY $9.95 ea.
Shipped on 3.5" Diskettes for Windows™
System requirements: IBM PC or Compatible, 486/33 MHZ or Higher, Windows™ 3.1 or Windows™ 95, 4 MB RAM, 4 MB Free Hard Disk Space, 256 Color Display or Higher, Sound Card (optional). Shipped on two 3.5" diskettes for Windows™
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sleepygirlmind · 3 months
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Hi angels, this is my first time creating/ running a blog on Tumblr! I want to give y'all the overview of what I will be posting with some rules to follow.
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Things about me!
I love the color pink!
I love things girly!
I go by the pronouns she/her!
I'm 18!
I'm a POC ( African American)!
I love to manifest!
I love Zebra print!
You can call me M or Tina!
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Overview/What I will be posting
law of assumption
girly things
digital diary
manifestation ( I am not a manifestation coach, I just like to talk about it.)
girl blogger memes
the year 2000s
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Rules for my page
Don't be mean
Be respectful to me and other people viewing this blog
Don't be racist or homophobic
Please be kind
Be mature
Don't be disgusting or inhumane
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nottamoxxie · 5 months
Masterpost: NottaPossum
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Give me something to hold onto:
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Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Littles for this AU:
(Age 3-5)
(Age ??)
(Age 2-8)
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> Request page <
-The great and powerful Oz (Little!Vaggie CG!Angel)
-Banana pudding the horse from outer space! (CG!Ozzie Little!Fizz)
-Surprise! (Little!Fizz CG! Ozzie)
- Stolas's little secret (Little!Stolas CG!Blitz:)
-Little Spider 🩷 Little Angel
Caregiver Vaggie and Charlie
-Little Nightmare Cg!Stolas Little!Blitzo
-Coloring!! CG!Stolas Little!Blitzø
-Cg!Stolas Little!Blitzø: The zebra horse war
-Beautiful bird 🦉 Little!Stolas CG!Blitzø
-Speech! 23 Little!Blitzø CG!Stolas
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Joan Mitchell's Barbie - Personal Work
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Joan Mitchell was someone I wasn’t familiar with—not with her art, not with her, or that she existed. There was one fateful day, though, in the summer of 2021 when I went to a weird used bookstore in Chattanooga, Tennessee and found a college-level, hardcover textbook being sold for $60. So, I got the textbook for $60. On the covers, there was an abstract painting—which an off handed comment was made about “what has art come to? is this art?”—and I quite enjoyed it. The colors made sense, I liked the strokes, and I liked it. That’s it. But I personally had a thought—I’m sure a man made this, because they’re more likely to get away with this. And based off the date (and me ignoring the feminine first name), I assumed I was right. Well, I was wrong. The artist was Joan Mitchell (1925-1992), a female artist who had a sect of her works which were abstract expressionistic works. But I wouldn’t find that out for two years because I was lazy and didn’t read the painting credit on the literal second page of the textbook. It should be said, I use this textbook for everything. It’s The Gardner’s Art through the Ages 14th edition. I use it so much. And I just ignored that page.
For the next few months into 2022, I had stopped doing more expressionistic work to focus on my college work which took up a lot of my time and creativity. However, one of my professors at the time was Dana Finimore with her paintings in the gallery, being abstract, expressionism. She had told us when she was in art school, she got stupid critiques like “it’s too sentimental”, so she wouldn’t critique us like that. I thought that was an interesting statement, because if your art isn’t sentimental, I don’t think it has a point. Give me the artist, give me medium, and give me the museum lighting. In that order.
So, in February of 2022, I had an assignment to replicate a painting in my sketchbook and I’ll tell you—I took it way too seriously. I was actually shaking thinking about a critique over it. I was so strung up about it. So, I went a little crazy and took out every bit of me that I had thrown away and threw it on a canvas. And that became this painting—Untitled Pink, for the time being. And the day I got to critique, someone I knew had passed away and my professor had no bad things to say about my paintings. So. A lot of worry for nothing.
But back to the thought of “I went a little crazy and took out every bit of me that I had thrown away and threw it on a canvas.” I was a part of the generation of girls, like every generation of girls, who had to say “I’m not like other girls” because being like other girls is… meant to be bad, I guess? But when I was little, I loved Barbie, I loved pink, I loved glitter, I loved unicorns and Pegasus and mermaids and fairies and ballerinas—you get the point. I got bullied for that, though. When you’re young, you don’t realize that you’re being bullied because you’re easy pickings, but instead that something has to be wrong with you. So, I threw all that away and covered it in black and red and anger and Green Day. And I still didn’t fit in after that. And so, I covered myself in brown and beige and drank black coffee and listened to classical music. And I still didn’t fit in after that. And then there was a whole plague, so I had time to think about it. I don’t have to fit in. I’m not meant to. I’m meant to be me. That’s hard to come to terms with when you hate yourself, but I had a good bit of alone time to think about it. So.. I realized I do still like pink. I still like Barbie. I still like Green Day and glitter and black and mermaids and brown and fairies and coffee and everything else—I’m still who I was when I was 4, when I was 7, when I was 10, when I was 13 and 14 and 16 and 18 and now. I’m the same person. I might have grown, and I know I have, but I’m still me. I’m still Annie. I’m still the bad eyeliner I wore when I was 13 and I’m still the same zebra and hot pink Sketchers I wore in 4th grade. Now I just know how wear them better.
All of that is to say, I used Untitled Pink to pull all that back out. I can love pink. I can love glitter. But I can still have skill, and intellect, and interest. Then I got the whiff of the Barbie movie. A movie by a woman who doesn’t shy away from being a woman. I still have to remind myself that I’m allowed to like pink, and the resurgence of Barbie pulled that back out. I watched all those 2000’s Barbie movies. I loved all those very badly designed mini games on Barbie.com. And now that movie is out. And that is something that I’ll carry with me till I die. So, what does all of that have to do with the painting? Well, Barbie is the feminine that I’m allowed to be and should embrace what I have of that, and Joan Mitchell is the woman who kept making art and didn’t define herself as a woman artist, but as an artist who was a woman. Basically, I’m allowed to be a woman. And I will be. I’ll be the woman who likes pink and brown and black and coffee and classical music and Green Day and Fall Out Boy and eyeliner and glitter and mermaids and fairies and ball gowns and ballerinas and I’ll still wear Dr. Martens with all of that on top. And I hope you enjoy my sentimental painting because that’s what it is.
i hope you enjoyed all that, this went up early on my tumblr before my website. https://crosseyedcricket.art | crosseyedcricketart here + Pinterest
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munmun · 2 years
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some draft pages when i was trying to figure out some designs + color swatches in traditional media
zebra 0.8 fineliner (lineart) + crayola colors of the world markers (skin tones) + posca paint (black and white) + prismacolor pencils (for everything else)
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focsle · 2 years
Not sure if anyone asked you this, so if someone did I apologise, but how did you get the hang of inking?
This is going to maybe sound pat, but lots of practice. I’ve drawn hundreds of comic pages over the years and, if we break them down into panels, that’s thousands of individual drawings…which gives me a lot of opportunities to work on the skill, and I’m always still learning!
Going to Weather is digital, but it’s the first comic I’ve done where I wasn’t inking traditionally. Everything I’m doing in it now is translated from how I work with traditional inks. I’d recommend practicing with traditional ink because it gives you the opportunity to try out all kinds of different tools to find what sings to you: crow quill pens, microns, rapidographs, brushes, dip pens, etc. The Winsor Newton Series 7 Kolinsky brush is a really nice one for inking, though quite pricey. And my absolutely favorite inking tool are Japanese G-pen nibs, particularly the Zebra brand. They’re really stable and have a great line variation for a nib. I’m ride or die for Zebra G Pens--super versatile tool. But everyone has their favorites.
Practice textures! My favorite professor had many-a-mantra, but one of them was ‘it looks like this, it feels like this’, thinking that as you’re rendering something, render it with intention. The bark on a tree is going to look different from a knight’s armor, or someone’s hair, or a wheat field. Think about how you could best convey what something feels like through your linework.
Also practice different kinds of shading. Try some straight linework with nothing but the line weight to imply light, some stippling, some hatching, some ink washes, some stark black and white chiaroscuro. Try experimenting with how you might render different colors, using just the black ink. It can help you find the ways you like rendering things, and help your brain process light and tone with something that’s just black and white. I learned a lot while having to render sunrises in greyscale for GTW, for instance.
And also look at the work of other artists! It’s helpful to see how others use the medium to do what I mentioned above. I’m most inspired by 19th century engravings, ranging from illustrations to just like…drawings of furniture in the Sears catalogues of Olde before photography did it all. And some artists I personally find very inspirational and masters of the kind of inking style that appeals to me are Bernie Wrightson, Charles Dana Gibson, Rockwell Kent, Henry Clarke, Aubrey Beardsley, and Edward Gorey.
Happy inking!
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