#zedaphplays x reader
hermit-lover · 7 months
can you write a zedaph x reader!! reader would be a spider hybrid, but i want general fluffy antics if possible :D
i hope you have a lovely day <33
More to love
Character: Zedaph x Spider!Reader
Type: Blurb (~1k)
Theme: Romantic, fluff
Summary: Seeing Zed's creations after some time apart never failed to wow- but maybe all you wanted was to steal away and cuddle.
TWs: Respawning/Death, shenanigans, usage of petnames.
A/N: I'm trying to get back into writing, so I'm sorry for the shortness of the fic!! No beta we die like Zedaph.
The clinks of bottles and gentle gurgle of running water would be relaxing had it not been for the various cries and honks from the many animals dangling above the dish-like base. You stare up at them in strange fondness, pondering how he managed to sleep at night when not tucked in your arms. Squinting your eyes (many...many eyes) you scour for your golden-haired lover, trotting around the odd structure. He had called you here for some unknown reason- you had been off world recently so you secretly hoped for a relaxing, cuddly evening. The odds of which was low knowing your lover.
Turning around a bend, you peer down the long hallway lined in shiny golden trophies.
"Zed?!" You call, fangs clicking gently in thought. Did he want to come and find him or something?
"Ah! Over here!!" His voice calls from a different tunnel, and you turn to skitter in his direction.
"This place is somehow a maze!" You huff, finally seeing his familiar form.
Seemingly ignoring your dismay he throws himself towards you- not fearing being dropped due to your extra limbs. Catching him effortlessly you indulge, nuzzling into his hair and flicking sheep ears. He smells as you remember- like sunshine and grass. A satisfied hiss pulls from your lips. You truly needed and evening just holding him in your arms.
"Hi darling." Zedaph sighs, head resting on your shoulder, arms looped under one pair of your own. He's warm pressed against you, soft cardigan brushing the skin on your arms and letting your palms sink into it. His hair is curly and bouncy, catching the light and nearly reflecting it into your eyes. Soft, precious, and just as wonderful as you remember.
"Hi lovely." You respond, smile tugging your lips. You bask in each other for a long moment, before Zed seems to realize something.
"Ah-" He leans back, and you scramble to not let him fall on his ass. "I forgot! I have something to show you." Zed's eyes glitter with that familiar mischief, and earnest excitement to show me his creations. His tail wiggles, matching the curling grin. You cant help the twinge of worry- his creations had a tendency to be...explosive.
"Should I be worried?" You raise an eyebrow. His grin only sharpens. Ah, definitely then.
"It's just over here-" He shifts and you plop him to the ground, snatching your hand he guides you a little further down to an inconspicuous cubby with a bed inside. His palms are soft, with small odd scars from freak accidents, he squeezes one of your hands suddenly buzzing with energy. Thinking something less pg- you raise another eyebrow, heat crawling to your cheeks. Noticing your suspicion he giggles. "Well I wouldn't jump to conclusions." Zed releases you and steps onto the bed. "Prepare- To be amazed." He waggles his fingers as if performing magic- before stepping into a piece of tripwire- and plunging downward. Your heart leaps into your throat-
'Zedaph Withered away.' The chat pings. You almost reach forward to grab him when respawns on another tripwire and plunges into the depths- abruptly you realize he was trying to die.
'Zedaph was squished too much.' Pinged the next, you chuckled letting some tension from your shoulders- squished???
You saw him for just a moment before-
You could guess this one from the loud pop- 'Zedaph went off with a bang.'
'Zedaph was killed by magic.' Declared the next hole.
'Zedaph went up in flames.' You winces sympathetically at the painful manor.
'Zedaph was shot by arrow.'
'Zedaph was impaled.' You stifled a giggle.
'Zedaph was pricked by a pufferfish.'
Finally the last block fell from beneath him.
'Zedaph was pricked to death.'
When he respawned you gave in, reaching forwards and snatching him into you arms. As impressive as the death loop was- it was never a fun experience.
"Zed!" You scolded, "That was probably the stupidest thing you've ever created." Holding him close, you feel his heartbeat slow from the adrenaline rush. He welcomes the cuddles in a boneless slump.
"You promise?" He manages with a giggle. You cant hold back a huff of fondness. He was the stupidest smart person you've ever met. Cradling him a little tighter your protective instincts calmed a tad.
"Yes, I do. Now let's go find somewhere to cuddle thats not the death bed- alright?"
"Mmm fiiinnneee." Zed relented, leaning back to stare lovingly at you. Purple eyes hooded in tiredness and fondness. Pressing a small kiss to his button nose you not so subtly trotted from the death loopificator. "You missed." He declares smugly.
"Oh did I? My apologies." Before he can gloat at the win you lean in to steal his breath. His lips are soft and plush, so easy and tempting to sink your fangs in and claim. But this kiss was sweet- pouring in the love you two bottled up in the small time apart. You dont want to pull away- missing his touch as soon you lean back.
"I love you." He sighs, so absentmindedly it clenches your heart. His eyes flutter open, simply watching you watch him.
"I love you too." You promise, leaning to steal another sweet kiss.
You shuffle him to one side, using an extra arm to fish a bed from your inventory and plop it down. You don't even let go- crawling forwards and placing the two of you onto the sheets. You pepper his face gently with kisses. "No more death loops- okay love?"
He groans as if it was an impossible feat.
"No more death loops- this season?" He offers, puppy dog eyes glittering in hope- and guilt tripping. You sigh, pretending to think about it before chuckling.
"Fiiinnneee." You agree, in much the same tone he had you.
"Thank you lovely". He plunges back into your neck, resting against you delicately.
You cant help the rumble of appreciation that flows through you. Such a lovely, soft person trusting you wholeheartedly. Few others dared got as close- spiders weren't exactly the most popular creatures.
But this fearless little sheep loves you with his entire heart.
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frog-writes-for-fun · 2 years
Hello everyone! This was written as part of the unofficial underrated hermits week project by @boop-ity! Thanks for asking me to be a part of this!
Curiouser and Curiouser
c!Zedaph x gn!Reader
Summary: Your husband is a scientist, and you’re his assistant. One day, he asks you to step into the experiment, and something stranger than either of you expected shows up in the results.
Notes: Established relationship (married), set in Season 8 of HermitCraft, scientific experiments, mentions of loud noises, reader has superpowers (kind of?). 
Ever since you learned of Zed’s plan for the season, you claimed the role as his assistant. Not that there was much competition, as your husband wouldn’t have even considered asking anyone else.
When he decided to start experiments on his fellow hermits, you were happy to help with the proceedings. You set up the test chamber and helped to come up with the various parts to the examination, right beside Zedaph the entire time. When he (inevitably) asked you to be one of the subjects, you were more than happy to oblige. You didn’t expect your results to be anything unusual, especially with how arbitrary the tests were designed to be.
How wrong you were.
It started out the same as any other experiment, and you dropped into the testing chamber without ceremony. Soon, Zed’s voice came through the speaker system you’d helped to set up.
The first test was nothing simple item association, and you came up with suitably reasonable items, certainly nowhere near the strangest of answers. 
The first unusual thing happened when Zed asked you to create an automatic system. With the materials provided, you figured it would be simple to make an automatic bamboo farm, much like those of previous subjects. Once the structure was completed, you began to lay out the redstone dust. Somehow, though, an observer was not in the provided items, despite you being pretty sure that it had been there for the other experimentees. 
“Well, this kind of throws off the plan.” With a slight grumble, you began to painstakingly pull up the strips of redstone dust. Without a power source, you couldn’t even set up a simple loop. 
As you thought power source, something twitched in your fingers. Instinctively, you jerked back from the wiring in time to see a red glow emerge from your hands. The wiring began to spark, and you only watched in shock as the circuit whirred to life under your fingertips. 
Turning to your husband, he looked just as stunned by this development as you were. After a moment, he began scribbling at his clipboard, adjusting the microphone by his mouth before speaking over the intercoms again. “Fascinating! I take it from your reaction that this hasn’t happened before?”
You shot him a small glare, even you couldn’t help but smile at him. “Zed, you know this hasn’t happened, just as well as I do. You’ve been there every time I’ve done redstone. That’s your specialty, not mine.”
Despite that… unusual event, the rest of the tests seemed normal. At least, until Zedaph asked you to make as much noise as possible using only the items in the chamber with you. 
Immediately, you were drawn to the minecart. You’d heard enough people complain about how loud they could get. If only you could get it moving quickly… Kneeling down, you rearranged the track to make a loop rather than a squiggle, then looked around at the other objects. What could you use to power the minecart so it would move on its own?
Again, you felt a trembling in your fingers. Glancing back towards the iron cart, the red glow was back. Sparks flew from your hands to the cart, shooting down into the wheels and the track, and jolting the minecart forward. 
The minecart shot forward at a speed that made you jump back with a yelp. It was certainly loud, and a screeching came from the wheels, which were skidding along the tracks at a speed that was just a bit too fast. 
Clapping your hands to your ears, you stepped back. A pressurised hiss came from somewhere to the side, and you turned to see Zed moving quickly towards you, the glass wall that had been separating you still sliding to the side. Stepping toward the device you’d created, he took his pickaxe and broke a piece of the track, stopping the cart just as swiftly as it started. 
He turned towards you, and the half-panicked look on his face melted into something of reassurance. “Are you alright, darling? You’re shaking.”
You looked down at yourself. He was right. “I hadn’t even realised!” Smiling gently at you, your husband spread out his arms. You practically melted into his grasp, wrapping your own arms around him. “I was not expecting these results when I agreed to be one of your test subjects.”
He let out a chuckle, the vibrations carrying more than the sound as you pressed into his chest. “Well, none of the hermits are exactly normal. I suppose you’re just a bit curiouser than we realised.”
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nix-writes-mcyt · 2 years
Are you still taking requests? And if you are, may I request a Zedaph x reader?
I am starved for Zedaph fics pls help me :D
This took me a little while but I think it's really fun, and I hope you enjoy it :D I always love writing for Zedaph
Elytra Racing Finals
Oneshot Contains: Fluff, Fluff!, Impulse and Tango are up to no good (well...) -----------------------------------
The heat of the afternoon air was beginning to wear off, your hands covered in dirt from tending to your flowerbeds when your communicator buzzed.
With a playful roll of your eyes you patted the dirt in front of you. "I hope this is important." You say to the small stem poking out of the ground.
You smile at the silliness of you talking to your garden, even though it happens a lot. It just helps the plants to grow a little better. Well, that and the de-weeding you've made a good start on.
You wipe off some of the dirt onto your clothes, picking up the small device to see who was messaging you at such a time. Seeing a notification from your good friend Impulse you opened it up.
ImpulseSV: Hey Y/n, you still coming to watch the game this evening?
The game, yes. The elytra race. The finale is tonight, and it's going to be a good one. You've always watched it with your friends, either Impulse or Tango usually held it at one of their homes and it was a little group meet up and a chance to watch the two of them get very excited.
For you elytra racing was fun, but you enjoyed the time with your friends much more. Speaking of, you typed your response.
Y/n: Of course I will be, you know I wouldn't miss it
You don't get chance to put your communicator down before he replies, prompting a short exchange between the two of you.
ImpulseSV: Great! I hope you don't mind but we have someone else joining us tonight as well
Y/n: Not at all. Are we still good for 5?
Impulse: We are, I'll see you then
Y/n: See you then Impy
With that you put your communicator in your pocket, giving a thumbs up to your plants before heading inside to get ready.
After a well needed wash and a change of clothes you put on your own elytra and flew off in the direction of Impulse's base. It's a long walk from yours, thankfully you have wings which makes the distance seem much shorter.
You land not the most gracefully outside of Impulse's, knocking on the door. It swings open not seconds later and your greeted with a large smile and a hug.
"I can't believe this is the last race of the season." You state as Impulse let's you go, letting you into the house. "I know, we're going to have to come up with some other excuse to hang out now." He chuckles.
"You know as well as I do that we don't need an excuse." "Y/n's right, we don't. It never stopped us before." Tango's voice has a serious yet playful tone as he too hugs you tight.
"I suppose you're right." Impulse smiles sheepishly. Tango lets you go and steps out of the doorway, the two of them following you into to the next room.
"Oh, yeah, introductions." You hear Tango mutter behind you. As you pass through the kitchen and enter the living room you finally see the other person that has been invited today.
His messy blonde hair frames his face, brown button up tucked neatly into his blue denim trousers, not that you can tell if they are denim. His footwear, although it looks heavy duty, doesn't unbalance the ensemble at all.
He's incredibly pretty, and that thought causes blood to rush to your cheeks and your whole body to heat up.
Tango and Impulse almost push you over to where the mystery man is sitting, until you're right in front of him.
"Y/n, this is Zedaph. Zed, this is Y/n." Impulse says, with an almost giggle. Which strikes you as odd because introductions aren't funny. Most of the time.
"Nice to meet you." Zed beams. You have to stop yourself sighing as you realise his voice is just as attractive as his face.
"Why don't you two get to know each other, Impulse and I have some uhh.. stuff to do in the other room." Tango pushes you forward, almost into Zedaph.
With a bit of readjusting your weight to stop you from landing in Zed's lap you manage to, somehow, end up seated right next to him.
When you look at Zedaph for his reaction you instead find he's staring at the door to the other room, where you presume the other two went.
"That was.. interesting." He mumbles, "are you okay?" He turns to you now, those gorgeous eyes meeting yours. His concern for your wellbeing almost makes you swoon.
"I- yeah. I think so." You feel giddy, it's a sensation that is increasing more and more. You can feel it in your stomach, like butterflies all dancing around in there.
You're pulled out of your thoughts when your two friends reenter the room, making their presence well known.
"It's time to start!" Tango says excitedly, taking a seat beside you. Impulse sits beside Tango, just about. It seems odd to you that he isn't sitting in his usual chair. But the race is about to begin and you want to focus on that.
The race starts well, it's a lot of fun to watch. Plus you happen to know one of the competitors, Grian. But with each lap you find yourself a little more distracted.
Impulse and Tango can't seem to sit still, it's the final yes but they seem much more active than they were during last years final. With each lap Tango is slowly creeping into the spot you started. And you're just getting closer and closer to Zed.
At this point your entire side is up against him, you hope he's comfortable where he's sat. You can feel him shifting every now and then, adjusting the arm you're pressed against as much as he can.
"Are you okay?" You ask him quietly as to not disturb the others little racing bubble. "Mostly, I will say pins and needles down your arm are not comfy." He chuckles.
You frown leaning into Tango slightly to give Zedaph a little more room to move. "It'll be alright." He smiles, putting his arm back where it was. "Are you sure? If it's more comfortable you can always put it over my shoulders rather than squashing it between us." You take a second once you've stopped talking. Did you really just say that?
Zed shrugs "if you're okay with that?" You nod. "I am, I wouldn't have suggested it otherwise." The two of you laugh a little. How did you get away with that? It was possibly the least smooth thing you could have suggested. But it worked.
Sure enough he puts his arm over your shoulder, which only makes you feel a little bit warmer and a little more full of excitement. You look back over at Tango and Impulse to see both of them have huge smiles on their face, smiles that seem oddly large for an elytra race that isn't over.
Even with the adjusted position, as the race goes on you seem to be nudged closer and closer to Zedaph. His arm lies lazily over your shoulders, it seems as if you being so close doesn't bother him at all.
Not that it bothers you, no. Well, you're flustered but who wouldn't be in the presence of someone so gorgeous.
It distracts you from the race more than you'd like to admit, the closer you get the warmer you become, hands getting more clammy with every lap.
So close that when the first racer crosses the line and Tango jumps up out of his seat to cheer you almost fall into the vacant space beside you. But you don't, Zedaph's arm keeping you in place.
It takes you a second to realise that he's holding you there, laughing along with Tango and Impulse, who are pretty much bouncing off of the walls in excitement. "He won! He won!" They cheer.
You adjust your postion so you're comfortably sat, Zedaph's arm instantly relaxing once your weight isn't on it. "Are they always like this?" He asks you quietly.
"Nope." Zed chuckles, adjusting his position so he's facing you more. "They're definitely acting strange today."
You nod at Zedaph's words. "They really are, I wonder what's up with that." Zed shrugs. "I've not got a clue. Wait, where have they gone?"
You look around the room, noticing they are in fact gone. You mustn't have realised how quiet it got, your heartbeat is so loud.
"I'm not complaining." You chuckle, causing Zed to smile. "Me either, I've only just met you but it's nice to be just us." "Yeah." You reply, getting lost in your thoughts.
Such a handsome man with a voice that could make you melt on the coldest of days. What a combination. A true experience.
How you've caught feelings so quickly you don't know. Well, actually you do. Just look at him.
"You okay?" He asks, bringing you back to the present. "Oh, yeah. I just got lost in my thoughts." You smile.
Zed nods, "I know what that's like. All my best ideas happen when I'm in there." He motions to his head, letting out a small laugh. "Actually, I've got one I'd like to share. If you don't mind that is."
You shake your head, noticing the slightly deeper breath he takes. "Maybe you and I, we, could arrange some time together again. Just the two of us." He looks nervous, for the first time you notice the way his cheeks begin to glow slightly. He looks cute blushing, maybe you can make him blush more.
"Like a date?" Your question gives you an answer to your last thought as his eyes seem to scan your face, his blush becoming more evident. "If you want it to be. I wouldn't mind." His words are spoken with both more and less confidence than the first time.
"I'd love to go on a date with you." Zed visibly relaxes at your words, despite never seeming tense. His confidence returns too. "Great, it's settled then. We'll go on a date." Before you can speak it more two faces appear, one from either side of the couch.
"Victory!" Tango cheers. "We've done it!" Impulse cheers with him. "Everyone's a winner!" They both cheer, somehow having known what the other was going to say.
You look back at Zed, confused. Luckily it seems he's caught on. "You two set us up." Zed tries to sound serious, but the smile on his face gives his true feelings away.
"We sure did!" Tango giggles. "You've got no idea how much planning went into this." Impulse beams.
"I'm not sure I want to." You state. "Me either." Zed agrees, the two of you shaking your heads at your friends.
"Good, because we ain't telling." Impulse and Tango dance around the table, celebrating their victory. And your victory too.
With the strange behaviour from your friends figured out and a date with someone very attractive in the making you feel this may just be the most memorable elytra race final you've ever been to. And you don't even know who won.
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hermit-lover · 2 years
Requests are: ✅OPEN✅
(Rules here)
Anon list!
📚=X Reader
🖋️=Character X Character
Various Hermits:
Trash Panda -☀️📚☁️- ~1.2k Boatem Babysitters - ☀️📚☁️- ~3.3k (pt3 kid)
Possesive - ☁️🌹📚- ~1K
Reassurance -📚🌹☁️🌪️- ~1.3k
Nightmares - ☀️📚☁️- ~1.1K (pt1 kid)
Uh-Hi - ☁️🌹☀️📚- ~1.5K
Oh no -☁️🌹📚- ~1.5K
Evil Xisumavoid:
Babysitting -☀️☁️📚- ~1.7K (pt.2 kid)
Teach me to fly - ☁️🌪️🌹📚- ~1.8k
Trinkets! - ☁️🌹📚- ~1.3k
More to love -☁️🌹📚- ~1k
Fetching Wood! -☁️☀️📚- ~2k
Fetching Wood! -☁️☀️📚- ~2k
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nix-writes-mcyt · 3 years
May I get some fluffy Zed X reader headcanons? -🎩
Absolutely you can 🎩 anon I really love writing Zed he's so bubbly and fun.
Spending Time With Zedaph Headcanons
Contains: Fluff, Pranks
Spending Time With Zed Would Include:
Zed loves to make everything he does fun, which includes the things he does with you.
He adores making you laugh, something which leads to him spending a lot of time setting up little things that will make you giggle
He'll set up little pranks to make you laugh, often times ending up pranking himself which is arguably more funny
At times you're sure he does it on purpose.
Zed will create amazing little contraptions to wow you
He also loves to make you blush
Sometimes his contraptions are made to be used just once to give you a compliment
He's always inventing new ways to make you blush
Although he doesn't allude to making them, often denying building them at all
He always does a poor job at convincing you they just appeared and had nothing to do to him You both know full well those contraptions don't make themselves, no matter how much Zed says otherwise
Zed also loves to involve you in making contraptions.
Helping Zed often leads to a lot of laughs, the two of you will goof off a lot
But you'll eventually get projects done
It won't be long before the next one, Zed is always working on something
You do offer him short breaks, getaways from working so he isn't doing it constantly
These breaks include a lot of cuddles Scenic walks Even more cuddles
Zed loves to hold you
He also loves to be held
He really loves to be held (Zed is usually the little spoon for this reason)
He enjoys when you play with his hair, he'll hum quietly while you do
Zedaph just adores spending time with you and will jump at any chance he gets Whether you come up with something to do or he does
Being around you is Zed's favourite pass-time Which makes every day with you the best it can possibly be
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