behindthescreamz · 9 months
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behind the scenes of “the faculty” (1998)
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devonsawas · 1 year
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THE FACULTY | 1998 ↳ Directed by Robert Rodriguez
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forbidden-sin-bin · 3 months
By Your Side - Chapter 4
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Chapter 3 | By Your Side Series | Chapter 5 (coming soon)
Summary: You experience what it’s like being on a film production for the very first time, whilst thinking about home. Luckily, your fellow castmates and film crew seem friendly enough... 
Word Count: 2,772 words
February 18, 1998
“Alright,” the director clapped his hands together, bringing everyone in the room to his attention. “Now I know we all practically know each other by now, but since everyone’s here, let’s begin by introducing ourselves and our cast roles. I’ll go first, and then we go round clockwise from there.” He nods to the group and takes his seat down at the table.
“So! I’m Robert Rodriguez, and I’ll be your director for this movie.” He motions to the person sitting to the left beside him to continue, to which a young man with  speaks up.
“Hey guys, I’m Josh Hartnett, and I’ll be playing as Zeke Tyler.” He nods shortly. 
“Jordana Brewster, and I’m playing Delilah Profitt. I’m looking forward to be working with you all.” The gorgeous brunette flashed a brilliant smile.
Next was a tomboyish looking blonde, though you had a hunch it may have been stylized that way for her role. “Hi, I’m Clea DuVall, and my role is Stokely Mitchell. Cool.” The group shared a small chuckle.
“Uh, hi, I’m Shawn Hatosy, playing as Stan Rosado.” He quickly runs a hand through his curly hair as he spoke.
“Hello everyone! I’m Laura Harris, and I’ll be playing Marybeth Hutchinson.” Her gentle voice matched her kind looks as she offered a small smile. Beside her, one of the smallest of the group, perked up as he introduced himself right after.
“Hi guys, I’m Elijah Wood. Really excited to be here, and I’ll be playing Casey Connor.” He spoke quite self assuredly despite sharing most of the group’s slightly nervous jitters, having been on multiple film productions in the past.
“Uh, Y/N? That’s your cue.” Robert whispered across the table, and suddenly you realized it was your turn, but not before you caught Elijah’s eye as he gently prodded you with his elbow.
‘Oh shit.’
 “Oh shhh...oot.” You caught yourself at the last second, not wanting to look bad in front of your peers by cursing. “Yeah! Yeah, it’s my turn.” The table shared a lighthearted laugh, though you weren’t sure if it was meant to be comforting or not. 
“Uh... hi guys!” You introduced yourself, first name and last. “I’ll be playing as... Jordan Fulcher. Nice to meet you all.” A ripple of amusement sounded throughout the table, and you were half tempted to just lay your head down on the surface with embarrassment. 
Instead, you added: “Sorry, first day on the job.” A couple of people you heard responded with “Same here”, good naturedly.
Luckily or not, the person you sat beside - whom you’ve already been introduced to as Usher - took the attention off of you to charismatically introduce himself. 
“Alright, alright! How’s it going y’all? You might’ve heard of me, you might’ve not. But that’s aight if you don’t; You can call me Usher!” He pauses, letting the room quiet down after another round of laughs and playful cheers. “Usher Raymond, and I’ll be playing Stan Rosado, thank you all for comin.”
Half of you felt grateful that the fellow beside you was able to shift the attention off of you so quickly, though the other half admonished yourself for messing up within the first day of production. ‘Great job, dumbass.’ You thought to yourself.
Looking up, you met the eye of another castmate across from you; The kind eye of Robert Patrick gave you a slight nod of reassurance as he silently mouthed: “You’re okay.”
Feeling comforted as the far more experienced actor gave you his approval, you let yourself smile back. 
It’s always nice to know you’ve got THE T-1000 as a cast member to learn from, as well as other friendly-enough faces.
No longer cornered by your awkward first introduction, you gently prodded Elijah back with your elbow to whisper: “Just wanna let you know: You did a great job in Flipper last year.”
His eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, thanks! It was a ton of fun, I’m glad you liked it.”
Sighing in frustration, you forced yourself to take a seat once you entered your assigned dressing room’s chairs, after pacing around the room, nothing short of stressed and anxious. Unable to shake the feeling of uneasiness, you leaned down, burying your face into your arms as they lay atop the vanity table, not daring to look at yourself in the mirror right in front of you. 
‘How the hell did they decide to cast someone with a face like mine?’ You thought, running a hand over it.
Did anything go wrong today? No, actually, if any other person would be asked this question, the most agreed answer would be: No, things went quite well for the first day.
You weren’t any other person, unfortunately; Or at least, you concluded that you cannot be any other person even if you wanted. In fact, you still felt the absolute embarrassment of messing your introduction up; Anyone else would have long forgotten by now; you however, couldn’t shake the fear of wondering if people were about to use that slight slip-up against you, or if they wouldn’t let you live it down, or-
Someone called your name as they knocked on your door. “You doing alright in there?” Robert called, and you shot up, any admonishing thoughts upon yourself being flash frozen for the time being. 
“Uh... hang on just a second!” You called back, giving yourself a once-over in the mirror to rid yourself of any evidence of stress upon your face before beelining towards the door. “Ah, hey there sir.” You gave him a welcoming smile, hiding away your inner turmoil. “What’s up?”
From the initial look on his face, you had already guessed there was something else he wanted to ask. Still, he returned the friendly expression as he replied: “Just wanted to check in on you, also wanted to say that you did great today. Don’t sweat it, just take it easy and enjoy yourself, okay?”
Nodding, you gave him a thumbs up. “Noted. Sorry about that. I... just want to make sure I can give you guys the best performance I can, so...”
“Oh, no need to worry at all.” The director laughs a little. “Everyone’s been talking about how quickly you change into your character like this.” He snapped his fingers. “It’s just the table-read, but it already looks like you’ve got your character down just like that.” You slightly bowed your head in thanks.
“I do my best, and my best is what I can only give, even on day one.” You shrugged lightly. While his words did comfort your nerves somewhat, it’ll mean nothing if not applied to the final product. 
Robert gives you a clap on the shoulder. “That’s the spirit! Now, come on, you don’t want to be eating alone on your first lunch break on the job. Everyone’s been waiting for you!”
You sighed, this time with a bemused look. “Alright alright, as long as they don’t start applauding the moment I enter the room, I’ll hang around more often.” Quickly turning to grab your headset and walkman, making sure the cassette inside still held Marshall’s new EP that you’ve been listening to more often than you would’ve liked to admit, you followed your boss to lunch. “I appreciate it, you know.” You added, genuinely grateful.
“Oh, it’s no problem at all. Don’t burn yourself out by pushing yourself too hard. You’re gonna do fine, trust in the process and you.”
Several weeks later...
“What’re ye listening to?”
Raising your head to look at whomever interrupted your peaceful quiet time before another set of rehearsals, you gave Usher a deadpan look and replied: “Nothing your ears should be hearing.” 
He raised his hands in surrender. “I mean, if you know my kind of songwriting, pretty sure that means you’re listening to the HARD, hard stuff.” He angled his neck to try and take a peek at the cassette slotted inside to no avail. “You’ve been leaving us at a cliffhanger for like, what, two and a half weeks? I wanna know what’s made this tape so special, honest to god!”
“Now that,” Clea, having heard your response, came up and sat down beside you. “Is something I’m interested in knowing about; Considering you’ve shot down all of our guesses as to who you’re listening to.” 
Sighing, you groaned, facepalming. “Ugh... not you too, Clea.” Though, you couldn’t help but smile along as your two co-stars laughed. “At this point, you’re gonna get the whole gang in on the investigation-”
“Hold up, did I miss something?”
‘... Speak of the devil.’ You thought as Shawn sidles up beside Usher to look alongside him. “Are we finally gonna hear what you’ve been playing on that walkman?” He inquired.
“If I could, I would.” You replied, keeping your face stone cold with fake annoyance. “But like I said, give it time till this guy’s made it big enough for the mainstream, and then y’all won’t look at me and think: ‘Wow, this kid is a nutcase.’“
“Oooooh, so it’s a guy.” Clea leaned in a bit, raising her eyebrows. Meanwhile, the other two boys followed along with teasing “Oooooooh’s”, like a group of gossiping fangirls.
You didn’t say a thing, except look across the room where Kidada Jones was sitting, making eye contact, you gave her a pleading look of ‘help me’. 
Tragically for you, she just shrugged, grinning playfully. “Sorry babe, you know I’m just as obsessed as the rest of ‘em.” 
“Auuuugggghhhh.” Throwing your head back in exasperation, you called out your two other co-stars that weren’t even here. “Jeez, Laura? Josh? Why must you two not be here in this very moment to defend my pride?!” The group cracked up laughing at your dramatic bemoaning. It was all in good fun, you were hardly even offended at their sibling like pestering to reveal your secrets, but god, sometimes you really needed someplace more introverted than this.
Shoving your walkman back into your pocket and got up from the couch. “I’m being held hostage here, so I’m just gonna... make my escape. See ya.” Leaving the break room to find some other place to chill. 
”Only a matter of time!” Usher called as you left. You looked back and gave him a shake of your head with a smirk, determined to win this war.
Unknowingly to them, your muscles were sore from training on another movie production, set to start filming practically right after this one ended. If you could, you’d hole up in your trailer and sleep the rest of the day away. Stretching out your back with a wince, feeling your overworked sinews creak and stretch, you continued walking down the hall to find Elijah and Robert in another room, playing a game on the Super Nintendo.
“Hey guys-” You greeted before realizing what they were playing, your eyes lighting up. “Oh shoot, is that DOOM?”
“Yeah!” Elijah briefly turned to reply to you before focusing back onto the level. “You wanna try after we finish this level?” 
“Hell yeah, say no more.” Taking a seat on one of the chairs to watch the two play out their match, you stifled a pained groan as you bent your legs to sit down. “Man, I’m already feeling like an old person.”
Robert chuckled, his character reloading their shotgun shells. “You’ve got a long way to go before you actually start feeling that way, kid.” The room was comfortably silent as you watched them play, before he piped up again: “So, how was training with Ed and Brad? Tough crowd, huh?” 
You let out a single “Ha!” before responding:
“Honestly, I’d rather have everyone here pester me about my musical choices before having Mr. Norton urge me to keep going after like, twenty reps? Don’t tell him I said that.”
“Lips are sealed.” Elijah said, as his character turned the corner of a hidden path to collect a blue keycard. “Got it.”
You clapped your hands once. “Nice! You’re almost there.” 
Figuring you may as well resume listening to your music as you watched the gory video game, you quickly put your headphones back on to hear the middle of Just Don’t Give A Fuck, muttering along to the lyrics as if on instinct.
But if you see me on the street and duck ‘Cause you gon’ get stuck, stole, and snuffed ‘Cause I just don’t give a fu-
“Hey! Language.” Robert lightly reprimanded you, breaking you out of your trance.
“Oop, sorry.” 
“...Interesting music choice you got there.” 
You gave a grimace-sort of a smile. “Exactly why I’m not showing my cassettes off to anyone. Not for the faint of heart.”
“Pfft.” Elijah waved the warning off. “We’re all adults here, honestly. What’s a couple of swear words and dark topics gonna hurt anyone?”
‘Ohhhh boy, you have no clue, Eli.’ You thought, leaning back in your seat.
Another few weeks later, March Break, 1998... 
Your pager bleeped loudly within your pocket, taking you out of your well earned peaceful zone-out of just letting the world go by, watching Quinn play around in the grassy park fields.
Nearly deciding against checking, you reluctantly took your pager out of your pocket, unsurprised to see your agent’s number displayed on the little screen.
Unsurprised yet somehow not having the strength today to feel irritated, you just sighed and dialed him up on your phone. Pretty handy these days, despite being manufactured a few years ago, it was a worthwhile investment if it meant being able to take calls outside the house.
As soon as you heard him pick up, you didn’t let him have a chance to say hello: “I swear to god, you better have a good reas-”
“Pack your bags, we’re going to L.A.”
You blinked. 
Usually you’d be far too happy to make a beeline for the airport, but Shaun specifically agreed to not contact you during March Break, just so you could spend some time alone with your family. Having him break that protocol, despite not having any written in agreement, well, let’s just say you had a right to ask why.
Luckily, your agent seemed both excited and probably in a slight state of panic as he explained. “You remember the demo tape I told you to give to me before you left for the first table-read, right?” Not waiting for your confirmation, he quickly got to the point. “Well, someone here wants you to get that song out ASAP, if you can, you get to perform live on the 31′st as THE opening act for another artist’s debut!”
Running a hand over your face, you shut your notebook and began to pack your things to leave the park, phone pressed between your ear and shoulder. “Which one, exactly?”
“Florentine Garde- oh, no wait, that’s not what you meant - All of them! Well, pretty much all of them. Look, just, you got a song that’s pretty much done in there right? Which one is the quickest to be produced from now before the 29th this month?”
“Alright, alright, calm down. I know which one I’m gonna do. Just let them know I’ll be there hopefully by tomorrow.”
“Already booked your flight.”
“Wow, great. Thanks for doing all this stuff before letting me know beforehand so I can tell my parents and nephew-slash-son know that I’m going back to work whilst on vacation.” You snipped.
“Look, I’m sorry, I really am. It’s just... this is an opportunity you can’t miss if you want to make it big in the music industry. I told you before that I saw your potential in your songs you showed me, and now’s the time to show an audience what you’ve got! C’mon, please, work with me here. I promise, I’ll show you the best places there to get the best ice cream. I know you like ice cream, right?”
You just chuckled, zipping up your bag. “Alright. You don’t have to bribe me like a child, but now that you mentioned it, you better uphold to that promise or so god help me if shit goes south. I’ll see you tomorrow in L.A.”
Quickly bidding him goodbye, you hung up and called Quinn over, beckoning him to come tidy up and leave. He was fairly understanding every time you told him you had to go to work, which meant not always being able to pick him up from school or taking him outside to play like today, which you were grateful for. 
Hopefully, he would forgive you for having to leave so soon, once again.
‘I’ll be back home soon, baby boy. I promise.’
(End of Chapter 4)
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prozacwhorehouse · 8 days
more zeke tyler headcannons. i can’t help myself !! (some 18+)
no one can stop me. i wont apologize. minors dni! not quite proofread sorry
- he’s a softie ONLY for his girl let’s be real
- truly believed he wasn’t deserving of love until you drilled the idea into him
- “i love you, zeke” “really?”
- once you’re together you’re getting married. you definitely break up multiple times though, but always end up getting back together.
- one time you guys got in a massive fight in the courtyard. the last thing you said had people clapping. you ignore him for the rest of the day until he shows up at your window that night for some make up sex!!
- KISSING. so many kisses. the way he caresses tw: Marybeth’s face before and when he’s kissing her? yep. does that to you every time.
- you guys fuck all the time. like 24/7 it’s ungodly. once you start, you can’t stop. you’re fucking in during class in school closets, his car, before school after school literally any chance you get. he fucking loves making you feel good and the way you make him feel.
- “five more minutes..” hed breathe into your neck while you’re sat on some cabinets in a storage closet, him between your legs. “can’t- i- ah, fuck- trig test” safe to say you don’t make it to that trig test
- people KNOW it too. if the two of you disappear throughout the day, word gets around that you skipped to have sex in his car. he’ll drive it away from school though, no interruptions
- obsessed with the way you look when you’re sucking him off it makes him unbelievably hard.
- jealous in a passive aggressive way but good at hiding it. “you’re hanging out with him now?” he’d ask with the slightest detectable edge. you just roll your eyes and ignore it, he does this all the time.
- movie theater makeouts i feel very strongly about this. it’s pretty much a challenge for you two to see how long you can watch the movie before you start passionately making out in the back corner seats you always pick for that very purpose. your record is 20 minutes.
- you two are definitely banned from a theater or two for doing this. he has no shame, either. when the usher flashes his light on you, zeke just smirks, asking “is there a problem?” before going in to kiss you again. you on the other hand are pulling him up and out of there. why would he apologize for kissing his girl?
- king of fingering obviously have you seen his hands? will have you seated infront of him, back to his chest, one arm hooked around your shoulders and the other making you fall apart on his fingers. makes him so hard when you’re gasping, throwing your head back onto his shoulder. you feel him smirk against your neck, and him harden under you. he loves to watch you SQUIRM AKKSNDBD
- if you’re sad he’s kissing your tears away. it makes you giggle and you try to swat him away, but he just pulls you closer so you can’t get away, until all your tears are gone.
- loves laying his head in your lap in the courtyard during lunch. it’s your default place and position, you sitting up against a tree reading a book with his head in your lap. you arm lying lightly across his neck to hold the book, him holding up a piece of grass to fiddle with.
- swimming in the lake dates. done. i imagine like a quarry situation almost, holds your hand the first time you jump off. will hoist you up, absolutely admiring you above him, then lowering you down to wrap around his waist, then you kissing him sweetly. then he’ll basically throw you into the water and you’ll start play fighting, splashing around and swimming away from eachother.
- you kiss him all over. sometimes you guys will just be laying on your bed and he’s looking up at you like 🙂 and you just kiss him all over his face bc he’s such a cutie and he’s blushing and telling you “stawpppp” but he doesn’t really mean it
- “one more? ☺️” you ask and he’s ofc he’s immediately like fineeee and you kiss him on the nose but he was expecting one on the lips!!! guess he gets another one
- steals anything and everything for you. those earrings you glanced at in the mall? they’re in his pocket. you mentioned a book you wanted to read? he already swiped it from the library. he scratched out the “property of Harrington High” on the inside cover and write your name. no one will ever know!
- i know I said you fight a lot, but regardless - when ever his parents flake, he’s welcome at your house. it’s unspoken.
- you’ll hear a knock at your window, looking up to see zeke crouched on the roof. you sigh, making your way over to unlock the window. opening it, you step back and he jumps through. he stands there avoiding your eyes for a moment, before quietly saying “my- my parents..” and that’s all you need to know. you’re dragging him to your bed, letting him lay down comfortably. you turn the light off before snuggling into him, arm slung over his chest, head in the crook of his neck. “im sorry.” he whispers into the darkness. “I know.” you respond, lifting your head to press a soft kiss to his jaw before settling back in and drifting off to sleep together. you’re walking into school the next morning hand in hand again !
- in public he guides you by the small of your back, arm around your shoulders, or his personal favorite, your belt loops.
- this is so dirty. bare with me. he teases the fuck out of you. you’re never getting what you want straight away. “aww, poor thing,” he’ll coo, looking at your soaked panties. you’re on the edge of the bed with your legs up and open, him kneeling between them. and then wait for it…he presses a soft kiss to your clothed cunt. it is the most minimal contact but it’s one of his favorite things to do cause it drives you WILD, you start whining and squirming because you want something more. “what’s wrong? come on, sweetheart, use your words.” he’s tracing the outline of your folds through your panties. “zeke, please, touch me. i want to feel you,” you beg, back arching towards his fingers. “good girl, asking so nicely,” and he slides your panties to the side and softly licks your folds, blowing cool air onto your pussy which makes you squirm and whine again. he takes this as a signal to latch onto your clit, sucking sweetly. your eyes are literally rolling into the back of your head because he knows exactly how to send you into orbit
- aftercare is everything he’s praising you for how well you’ve done, cleaning you up, sharing a cigarette beneath the sheets after.
- he brings up marriage one time during one of these after sex cuddle smoke sesh. he 100% fits the run away and get married at 18 in the chapel of love storyline
- “marry me.” he says. you adjust your head, bringing it higher on his chest. “what?” “marry me.” he’s smirking so goofy and you’re just like babe…”funny.” you scoff. “why?” “why? because we’re teenagers, zeke.” “so what? i already know i want to be with you forever.” and you’re like where is this coming from you tough facade freak but it makes your heart swell bc you have that effect on him duh “tell you what- if you actually graduate this year, I’ll marry you.” and he’s like fuck bc we know damn well he’s going to repeat senior year again
- you have to force him to do his homework. he’s actually really smart it’s just he doesn’t want to put in the effort. you promise him a kiss after every assignment he completes. he manages to get you to agree to a kiss after every question he answers correctly. this is the only reason he graduates on time, he owes it all to you
- you guys are stoners, he just never uses his own stash. he loves getting high amd doing stupid shit with you.
- in all seriousness you’re his confidant. it scares him how much he loves you, and getting him to admit that was difficult at first. he has never once felt judged by you, and felt loved for the first time. he’s marrying you.
- you definitely clean his house for him sorry. his parents aren’t there to help him and he just really doesn’t give a fuck but it gives you major agita so you clean up while he works in his lab. you even make him food! he feels so taken care of he wants you to stay most nights.
- you love his glasses. they’re the cutest thing but he never wears them at school. you wish he wore them all the time. “oh my gosh!” you shriek when you walk into his garage and see him wearing them, he hasn’t in a while. you run over and kiss him all over and tease him like “who’s *kiss* this *kiss* cute *kiss* boy!” and he’s like bro I’m never wearing these again (he loves it)
- most people know you’re a thing but one time a girl saw him at a party and she was like “do you know anyone here?” and he points to you dancing on the table like “her. my girlfriend. want to meet her?” she backs off
- You’ve fallen asleep at his house wayyyy to many times he’s just so comfy :( you wake up in the morning and you’re like FUCK i missed my curfew and didn’t even call my parents!! and he’s like “I did ;)” you were just so cute sleeping he had to call them for you so yoi could rest. you’re RELIEVED bc obv you want to stay in bed with him.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Laura Harris, Shawn Hatosy, Josh Hartnett, Clea DuVall, Elijah Wood, and Jordana Brewster in The Faculty (Robert Rodriguez, 1998)
Cast: Jordana Brewster, Clea DuVall, Laura Harris, Josh Hartnett, Shawn Hatosy, Elijah Wood, Salma Hayek, Famke Janssen, Piper Laurie, Christopher McDonald, Bebe Neuwirth, Robert Patrick, Usher, Jon Stewart, Daniel von Bargen. Screenplay: Kevin Williamson, David Wechter, Bruce Kimmel. Cinematography: Enrique Chediak. Production design: Cary White. Film editing: Robert Rodriguez. Music: Marco Beltrami.
Two premises are key to The Faculty: that adolescents see adults in authority as alien figures, and that high school is an instrument for instilling social conformity. The former has been the stuff of movies since Rebel Without a Cause (Nicholas Ray, 1955). The latter is in evidence today in the efforts of states like Florida and Texas to remake education along conservative ideological lines. Unfortunately, Kevin Williamson's screenplay and Robert Rodriguez's direction don't take either premise seriously enough to make more than a raucous but routine sci-fi/horror movie out of the material. The result is exactly as the Criterion Channel describes it: "The Breakfast Club meets Invasion of the Body Snatchers." John Hughes's 1985 movie put a Jock, a Brain, a Criminal, a Princess, and a Basket Case together in detention and explored the interaction of disparate high school stereotypes. The Faculty's misfit crew is a little more complex: Stan (Shawn Hatosy), the Jock, wants to quit the team, and Zeke (Josh Hartnett) is both Brain and Criminal: He concocts his own drug (unfortunately called "scat") in his lab, selling it out of the trunk of his car, and he has an off-the-charts IQ. Elijah Wood's Casey is bullied the way Brains typically are in teen movies, and Clea DuVall's Stokely is more of a goth-punk rebel than a Basket Case. Jordana Brewster's Delilah is an overachieving Princess, both editor of the school newspaper and captain of the cheerleading squad. They are joined by a New Girl, Marybeth Louise Hutchinson (Laura Harris), a transfer from Atlanta to their Ohio high school who comes complete with a somewhat cloying Southern accent. If The Faculty had kept its focus steadily on this group as they uncover the fact that their teachers have been taken over by an extraterrestrial organism, the movie would have had more coherence and suspense. Instead, it opens with the revelation that something is clearly causing the teachers and the principal to go mad and murderous. The principal (Bebe Neuwirth) is attacked in her office by the coach (Robert Patrick), and when she tries to escape, her way is blocked by a teacher, Mrs. Olson (Piper Laurie), who suddenly turns from meek to menacing. After missing work for a day or so, the principal returns as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile, other teachers have been showing personality changes that begin to spread into the student body. It's not long before the movie begins to invoke the other half of its inspiration, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Don Siegel, 1956; Philip Kaufman, 1978). Williamson, whose screenplay for Scream (1996) was full of allusions to other horror films, can't resist making the source for The Faculty explicit, so when his teenagers cite the movie themselves and use it as a guide to fighting the alien, The Faculty becomes too meta for its own good. There's enough to enjoy in the movie, including good performances by most of the cast. Hartnett is particularly good in the role of a guy who's embarrassed by his own intelligence. It's fun to see Jon Stewart, who plays a science teacher, in one of the acting performances he likes to make fun of. But when it comes to making good on its key premises and developing a real satiric edge, The Faculty has to be called a missed opportunity. 
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 1 year
Body Horror Beatdown, Match 22, Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut.
The rich have always fed off the poor. This time, it's for real. "The SHUNT"
"They Live! as a high school movie. Also the protagonist turns a guy inside out. Also buttface."
The Faculty Six students are about to find out their teachers really are from another planet. (synopsis) "To the students at Harrington High, the principal and her posse of teachers have always been a little odd, but lately they've been behaving positively alien. Controlled by otherworldly parasites, the faculty try to infect students one by one. Cheerleader Delilah (Jordana Brewster), football player Stan (Shawn Hatosy), drug dealer Zeke (Josh Hartnett) and new girl Marybeth (Laura Harris) team up with some of their other classmates to fight back against the invaders."
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i just watched the faculty and it was so good but GODDDDDD i hate heteronormativity. like that ending blindsided me sooooo hard. ew ew ew!!!! stokely would not fucking wear that!!!! CASEY IS A TWINK HE WOULD NTO FUCKIGN GET TOGETHER WITH DELILAH ARE YOU SHITTIN GME. BE SO FOR FUCKIGN REAL. ugh.
anyways. headcanon time
zeke is a stone butch dyke <3 or, for a more canon compliant option…hes the token straight on thin ice (turns out to be aspec, the hypersexuality is an act, which he might realize after nearly sleeping with mrs drake and then going 'oh this feels very wrong and bad on multiple levels actually goodbye forever')
stokely is butch bisexual! cause ngl her and stan are very cute. i like to think she and marybeth had a mutual crush on each other before marybeth was infected. i could also see her having some genderfuckery going on (see: the butch part of butch bisexual. also fuck it, goth can be its own gender if you want it to be. im ignoring that ending outfit. i am not looking i do not see it. or maybe her parents forced her at gunpoint to wear it idfk.)
if i understand right, im pretty sure marybeth was just a host for the mother alien, and not like…a fully fake human..? so when we see her in the beginning, shes actually really her. but then again! maybe she isnt! either way, i like to think she had a crush on stokely, if not a specifically sexual/romantic one. shes obviously got a love for humanity, who says she cant get attached to a specific one?
stan is...hrm. okay actually it'd be really fun if stan was a trans egg, and quitting football was sort of the start to the journey of 'hmm, traditional masculinity isnt for me' to 'oh. im literally not a man. neat.' im thinking some flavor of femme leaning nonbinary/gnc/queer/sapphic. shoutout to girlfailure b student stan <3
i like to think caseys transmasc and delilah knew him pre transition which is why shes so eeeeughhh to him cause theyve got like. A History. (toxic homerotic teenage best friendship anyone?) i could also see him being some flavor of aspec. (more canon compliant option: hes a cis gay twink, the pornos under the mattress are a decoy for his weird nosey ass parents. FUCK them btw, omfg they sucked. also shoutout to the lil robot (??) he had sitting on his desk. oO HE COULD ALSO BE A TRANSFEMME EGG)
delilah is lesbian/sapphic, cause she was clearly not interested in stan, and i feel like her homophobia towards stokely was projection. i could see her having a history with casey. i also dont think theyre legitimately dating towards the end, i think its more for the cameras. (girl that kiss was soooo awkward LMAo. but like i cant deny they have chemistry, its just not,,,,That kind of chemistry) i feel like after the alien invasion shed finally start processing her internalized bigotry (and whatever was going on w her dead dad? hello? damn hope she gets a therapist)
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jimsmovieworld · 2 years
THE FACULTY- 1998 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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One of my favourite 90s movies.
A group of students at Herrington high school in Ohio start to suspect something is seriously wrong with the faculty at their school.
A new species (alien) is found on the football field, and suddenly everyone is acting strange and cant get enough water. What gives?
Thats exactly what they aim to find out.
What makes The Faculty great?
Its a very fun blend of horror, thriller and scifi. Although the films main influence is "Invasion of the body snatchers", many other films are referenced.
The Scene where they all do Zekes homemade drug "Scat" is a reference to the blood test scene in The Thing.
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As with pretty much any movie that came out in the late 90s, Scream had a big influence on it.
The script for The Faculty had been kicking around for a while with no buyer. After the success of Scream, Mirimax bought it and hired Scream writer Kevin Williamson to do a rewrite.
Williamson was originally also going to direct but turned it down to direct "Teaching Mrs Tingle", the role of director then went to Robert Rodriquez.
The music for The Faculty is also done by Marco Beltrami who did the soundtrack for Scream.
The Faculty grossed 63 million dollars on a 15 million dollar budget
The Faculty is a very light hearted and fun movie. The opening ten minutes at the high school set this up. Theres like five fights in a row its hilarious. Lots of sharp and funny dialogue in the film.
On this rewatch i was particularly entertained by the recurring couple that are constantly fighting each other (until they get taken over).
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The guy is played by Scary Movie and Meet the Parents actor Jon Abrahams.
The villain in this movie is a queen alien who came to earth to control humans and take over as her planet started to die. So the fact anyone can be taken over leads to a lot of good moments and intrigue about who is still human. My favourite out of the faculty in the film is the Coach played by Robert Patrick. Hes so fucking funny in this film, just the way he stares at people cracks me up.
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The strongest part of the film for me is the excellent cast and great main characters.
Josh Hartnett is great as Zeke, a very smart guy whos too busy selling porn tapes and drugs to pay attention in school.
MaryBeth, a real sweetheart who is new in school.
Elijah Wood as Casey, the school nerd who is the first to suspect somethings wrong.
Jordana Brewster as Delilah. Head Cheerleader and grade A bitch, (actually she can be cool sometimes). Charisma Carpenter was offered the role of Delilah but thought it was too close to her role of Cordelia on Buffy so turned it down.
Shawn Hatosy is also good as Stan.
Love the couples that emerge in this film. An odd or unlikely couple in a film when done right is always nice to see. This film does it three times with Zeke and Marybeth, Casey and Delilah and Stan and Stokely. And it works!
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Saving the best for last. My favourite part of this film is Stokely played by Clea Duvall. Always been my favourite character in this film and one of my favourite movie goths of all time.
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Stokely is smart, resourceful and did i mention shes a hot goth? Give me a break!
After this very enjoyable rewatch of The Faculty id like to officially induct Clea Duvall into the jimsmovieworld hall of fame.
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mythoughtsonfilm · 11 months
the faculty (1998)
rating: this movie deserves better/10
-i feel i should acknowledge that i'm aware this isn't a good movie.
-it's a GREAT one.
-let's start with the stacked cast, at least for the 90s
-josh hartnett's haircut deserves it's own billing
-the soundtrack is killer
-this movie is so quotable
-"guaranteed to jack you up" hell yeah babyyyyy
-the southern girl is named "marybeth"
-docked points.
-every trope in the book is used
-points gained.
-clea duvall
-points gained.
-wait. no. surely that's not a teacher x student storyline???
-sure is.
-zeke magically ripping apart the paper cutter is where cinema peaked and, unfortunately, it's never reached that height again.
-how did the entire main cast manage to fit in that non-car zeke drives
-"he's tweaking man, let him fucking tweak" another great scene in cinematic history
-ok i mean we can see where this plot is gonna twist from a mile away but let's not focus on that
-stellar pink floyd cover there
-i mean. i feel like. miss queen alien didn't really need to be naked here.
-oh yeah. there was the twist. miss marybeth.
-death by bleacher
-casey is getting so much credit here
-didn't zeke literally make the thing that killed the alien...
-the football team?? how?? when?? why??
-the worst part of this movie is the inexplicable football team joining
-(i'm pretending his teacher isn't in love with him)
-honorary oscar winner right here
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
The Faculty
When some very creepy things start happening around school, the kids at Herrington High make the chilling discovery that confirms their worst suspicions: their teachers really are from another planet! Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Zeke Tyler: Josh Hartnett Casey Connor: Elijah Wood Stokely ‘Stokes’ Mitchell: Clea DuVall Delilah Profitt: Jordana Brewster Stan Rosado: Shawn Hatosy Marybeth…
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It's always the drug dealer, right?
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batterycityghoul · 4 years
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31 Days of Halloween Icon Fest: Day 6 - The Faculty
If you like/want to use, then liking/reblogging is much appreciated.
Icon Fest Masterlist / Icon Masterlist
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rhettakins · 2 years
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The Faculty (1998)
To the students at Harrington High, the principal and her posse of teachers have always been a little odd, but lately they've been behaving positively alien. Controlled by otherworldly parasites, the faculty try to infect students one by one. Cheerleader Delilah (Jordana Brewster), football player Stan (Shawn Hatosy), drug dealer Zeke (Josh Hartnett) and new girl Marybeth (Laura Harris) team up with some of their other classmates to fight back against the invaders.
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prozacwhorehouse · 20 days
Hi, i have a request for zeke tyler (im so glad i found you :) bc there's literally no zeke ff) so i thought about how reader would be when Marybeth starts to seek out Zeke and like maybe reader gets jealous but Zeke just has eyes for reader and literally doesn't care about Marybeth?
or just the events from the movie and Zeke is constantly protecting reader?
Oh. Em. Gee.
This is perfect I’m starting this ASAP I will never forget you for being my first zeke request I’m so glad someone is out there who likes the faculty and I’m not just screaming into the void!!!
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jizzian · 3 years
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Zeke: Yeah, my parents are dead too.
Marybeth Louise Hutchinson: Really?
Zeke: Well, they are still "breathing", but for all intents and purposes they might as well be dead.
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ieroween1031 · 12 years
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The Faculty
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