gentlehands · 1 year
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joyejoyu · 1 year
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Hey guys! I'll be tabling at Yeticon with @weiyi-swy from June 17th-18th at Artist Alley table A78! ^-^ I'll be premiering a bunch of new prints as well as trying to sell off some of my old merch~ Please drop by and say hello if you're attending~
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jillraggett · 2 years
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Plant of the Day
Wednesday 8 March 2023
In the early spring sunshine at Edinburgh Botanic Garden, Scotland, a large specimen of Zelkova sinica was casting a great shadow. This deciduous tree was introduced by Ernst Wilson from Central China in about 1908. The crown is typically fan-shaped often low branching and with several heavy boughs.
Jill Raggett
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spumonibones · 2 months
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I don't know how to explain this, but same vibe.
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tikuo2007 · 1 year
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falseandrealultravival · 11 months
Today's Haiku with Picture 520
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Huge zelkovas
The rise and fall of a temple
They came to see it
Trees in the precincts of a temple.
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fu-kunugi · 1 year
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2t2r · 9 years
Un jardin d'enfants construit autour d'un arbre légendaire
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/un-jardin-denfants-construit-autour-dun-arbre-legendaire/
Un jardin d'enfants construit autour d'un arbre légendaire
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foodblueprint · 1 year
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【新潟県謡曲古跡めぐり中越編】2箇所目  2021/6/28
松苧神社 《 十日町市松之山湯山 》 湯山の大ケヤキ跡
1974年(昭和49年)6月〜10月撮影写真 https://jpsearch.go.jp/item/cria-NM_P_062_012_01
湯山の松苧神社境内に、国指定天然記念物となった樹齢2000年の大ケヤキの御神木がありました。平成8年に根元が老化し亀裂も入り倒木の危険が増した為、伐採。 跡地には記念碑が建立されています。碑の土台は幹の大きさを、周りに伏せてある石は根張りを表しており、幹の直径は3mもありました。この大ケヤキには、平安時代初期の征夷大将軍 坂上田村麻呂が蝦夷征伐の途中に立ち寄り、愛馬をつないだという伝説が残されています。 なお、松之山公民館では、この大ケヤキで作られた「総玉杢の衝立」を見ることが出来ます。 また松苧神社境内には、石碑「松之山温泉記」がある。(本文要約)「天下に名高い草津、熊野、有馬の温泉に匹敵するのが北越一の松之山温泉であり、諸方より大ぜいの浴客が訪れている。山美しく水清く山合いの村は平和でのどか、花咲き霧立つ様は仙人の住む地と思われる。しかし道中は危険で難所も多く、村民協議して石を起こし岩を砕いて湯山から湯本への道を整備した。おかげで教養人なども多く訪れ、松之山温泉は益々有名になった。」
#能楽 #能 #Noh #申楽 #猿楽 #狂言 #風姿花伝 #世阿弥 #芸術論 #幽玄 #歌舞劇 #演劇 #能面 #マスク #文化 #旅行 #トラベル #名所旧跡 #神社 #寺院 #像 #碑 #巡礼 #古跡 #謡曲 #新潟 #中越 #伝統 #Travel #GoTo #ruins #wreckage #Zelkova #serrata #tree #Giant #stump #stubble #snag #stock #stubby #切株 #木 #巨木 #けやき #欅 #馬 #samurai #侍 #けやき #欅 #将軍 #general #Shogun
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watermonkeystuff · 2 years
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Zelkova live.
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forestofdragons · 5 months
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I’ve decided to give that wof a-z character challenge thing a whirl! But Im starting at z to give some attention to the ones on the bottom of the list lol
These were fun to do so i’m going to ramble under the cut
My fav! I just love how her colors turned out, and her leaves and horns. I didn’t mean for her crown to be crooked, I just forgot I wanted to add it until after I got her leaves how I wanted lol.
Decided to give her a second set of horns. It just seemed empty there but I didn’t want the first bigger so made another.
My only complaint with her would be the transition from scale to leaf is weird. It didn’t look as weird in the sketch and then I wasn’t sure how to fix.
I quite like how sharp and simple she turned out. Did mess up with the designs on her neck. There was supposed to be more black but I did the line-art wrong lol
Originally I was going to have her be pale/white for various reasons but decided to base her palette on the butterfly that’s her namesake. Which I am glad I went with, it’s nice!
And I feel I really nailed her head shape and scale pattern. Though I don’t plan for these all to be perfectly in line with the canon drawings, she really is in line with that and I like it.
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5tarfru1t · 3 months
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[Image description: A digital drawing of a green sapphire in a transparent background. She is wearing a cropped halter top and a sarong, both the same shades of muted yellow-green and dark moss green. She also wears a gold waistband and anklet. Everything is decorated with bright green diamond emblems. Her hair is pale yellow and tied in three braids, two on the sides and one bigger braid in the back. It reaches the floor and trails behind her. She is barefoot, with her gem shown on the left side of her left ankle. She has a content smile and is brushing one of her braids away from her face. End image description.]
Hippie sapphire
Here is her Toyhouse
[Plain text: Here is her Toy house. End plain text.]
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who-do-i-know-this-man · 11 months
⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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tikuo2007 · 1 year
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Today's Haiku with Picture 431
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large zelkova
push the road
line up
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