amigoways · 3 years
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Customer-Centric Web Development Services for your upshot. Wondering how? Amigoways Technologies will make it possible. 👉 Know More: www.amigoways.com/web-developmentConnect with us: 📨 [email protected] 📲+91-94426-36875.
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bendathierrycom · 3 years
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Quand on me demande pourquoi je suis au-dessus des taux journaliers de beaucoup de prestataires, mes années de travail me permettent d'être beaucoup plus productif que beaucoup d'autres développeurs, pour des prestations de qualité supérieures. Et puis, voici quelques livres que j'ouvre régulièrement pour répondre à des besoins plus précis, si nécessaire. #dev #devlife #devbooks #devlibrary #devskills #devwork #sql #mariadb #mysql #oracle #mongodb #java #javaweb #javaswing #javaspring #javaspringboot #springboot #php #zendframework #laminas #codeigniter #html5 #css3 #js #es6 #webpack #babel #frontend #backend #fullstack (à Draguignan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUsIHLJqZ0x/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nehaarticles · 3 years
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dignityexpert · 4 years
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Urgent Hiring!! For Zirakpur (Punjab ) based company Profile- PHP DEVELOPER EXPERIENCE - 1-2 YEARS SKILLS-PHP, LARAVEL, MySql, API Salary-Hike on current salary E-mail- [email protected] or [email protected] web - www.dignity.expert
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shelinawilliam · 5 years
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freizeithomie-blog · 7 years
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i 'll be doing some updates for a customer today. some applications have to be ready for zend framework 3. i gutes i 'll code factories the whole day. anyway. it 's wednesday. the so called bergfest over here in germany. half of the week is done. #surface #surfacebook2 #microsoft #php #zendframework #homeoffice #developer #wiesbaden #javascript #html (hier: MM Newmedia - Agentur für neue Medien)
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jön ma egy üzenet
Szia Zolika lenne tudod ez a melo
munkatapasztalat, rutin: git, php, react, nodejs, maven, npm, apache & hadoop jartassag elony, alapfoku modern c++ ismeretek, cobol + ruby\python tapasztalat elvart
ezen kívül ha strapi gatsby zendframework szavak számodra nem ismeretlenek annak külön örülünk
Kuldd mar be 3 freelance projekted, cvd + ket motivacios levelet/ajanlast
ha minden ok tudunk probafeladatot kuldeni aztan interju telefonon egy interperszonalis, aztan egy szakmai kores utana meg akkor be kene jonni !elbeszelgetni live coding tablanal stb
fizura havi netto 300at tudunk !!
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designscodesonline · 6 years
A PHP framework provides the basic structure on which the web applications are built, Laravel being the best and the most commonly used framework.
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endivesoftware · 6 years
Zend Framework
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Zend framework is the best framework of PHP. It is used for developing modern web apps. It is an open-source MVC and object-oriented web application framework.
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samwebstudio · 6 years
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Move Towards professional framework, That is commonly used for high-performance enterprise-level applications. Find the Best PHP Framework For your Website... 1) Laravel 2) Zend 3) CodeIgniter 4) For more about Visit: https://goo.gl/FUhaa7
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realdragonbe · 7 years
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Woot! Zend Framework Devel announcing their move to PHP 7.1 for all upcoming releases http://ow.ly/EZmd30cnjmp #gophp7 #zendframework (at In2it vof)
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bendathierrycom · 4 years
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🇨🇵 Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Vous voulez savoir qui je suis ? Et bien voilà l'occasion de mettre un visage sur mes posts ! Belle journée à vous ! 🇬🇧🇺🇸 Hello to everyone! Some of you are so curious so I have decided to offer to my followers the opportunity to discover my face. Have a wonderful day! #people #face #webdeveloper #softwareengineer #webmaster #webmarketing #seo #sea #smo #sitewebsurmesure #sitevitrine #ecommerce #logiciel #crm #cms #erp #dolibarr #vtigercrm #zendframework #php #java #javascript #python #datas #database #dataanalyst (à Draguignan, Var (83)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLR-FSVgdgG/?igshid=1nkjdsiqmgapn
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maxpronko-blog · 7 years
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In case you are passionate about software development have a look at Magento 2 platform. There are great examples of SOLID principles, Design Patterns, ORM, MVC, MVVM. #magento #php #javascript #mysql #doctrine #symfony #oro #orocrm #orocommerce #magento2 #b2b #b2c #ecommerce #checkout #platform #developer #devblog #devletter #magentodevchannel #designpatterns #solidprinciples #mvc #mvvm #zendframework #development (at Dublin, Ireland)
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freizeithomie-blog · 6 years
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This week was quite long but finally it 's weekend I guess. This week was filled with two projects based on Zend Framework 3. On one side a really nice Rest API which will provide housing insurance offers to third party consumers. Actually insurtec is a really big thing over here in europe. This API is for an insurance broker and was planned years ago. The second project is a search engine for a well known marketing agency. This one is already pretty done. Anyway ... it 's weekend. No code for two days. Just sunshine, friends, beer and grilled meat. #tgif #weekend #coderlife #php #developer #zf3 #zendframework #freelancer #javascript #html (hier: MM Newmedia - Agentur für neue Medien)
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chawtechsolutions · 5 years
Importance of PHP Development For Businesses
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PHP programming is a great choice for your business. It can be employed for uses, such as rapid prototyping, developing of both the dynamic and also the static web-portals. Businesses in the form of startup, for media agencies and also for advertising, software businesses, are the most-popular industries where people use php programming. If you are thinking about popular social media platforms, well these are also powered by PHP.
Importance of PHP
According to several well-known researchers working in the field of technology, around 82 % of the World Wide Web, is powered by the programming known as PHP. Well, reduction in the cost of the development. PHP is open-source and enables for building prototypes. The worldwide coding community works with the programming of PHP. It enables lots of freely and useful available documentation.
Fast creation of agile web applications
Employing the medium of PHP, one can frame web based applications quite faster. It also facilitates application maintenance along with providing scalability, thus allowing the applications for evolving. Some of the most sought-after frameworks employed are Codeigniter, Laravel, Symphony, Cakephp, YII, ZendFramework, nad many-many more.
Get In Touch
Source Link: https://www.chawtechsolutions.com/php-frameworks/
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masaa-ma · 5 years
gibo - プロジェクト用の.gitignoreを生成
from http://www.moongift.jp/2019/06/gibo-%e3%83%97%e3%83%ad%e3%82%b8%e3%82%a7%e3%82%af%e3%83%88%e7%94%a8%e3%81%ae-gitignore%e3%82%92%e7%94%9f%e6%88%90/
$ gibo dump Swift Xcode ### https://raw.github.com/github/gitignore//Swift.gitignore # Xcode # # gitignore contributors: remember to update Global/Xcode.gitignore, Objective-C.gitignore & Swift.gitignore ## Build generated build/ DerivedData/ ## Various settings *.pbxuser !default.pbxuser *.mode1v3 !default.mode1v3 *.mode2v3 !default.mode2v3 *.perspectivev3 !default.perspectivev3 xcuserdata/
$ gibo dump Java ### https://raw.github.com/github/gitignore/310f125d232a837c93f482bc8b8703227b312419/Java.gitignore # Compiled class file *.class # Log file *.log # BlueJ files *.ctxt
$ gibo list Actionscript Magento2 Backup Octave Julia ROS Ada Pimcore Bazaar Otto KiCad Ruby Agda ThinkPHP BricxCC Patch Kohana Rust Android Puppet Calabash PSoCCreator Kotlin Sass AppceleratorTitanium JupyterNotebooks Cloud9 PuTTY LabVIEW Scala AppEngine Nikola CodeKit Redcar Laravel Scheme ArchLinuxPackages Racket CVS Redis Leiningen SCons Autotools Red DartEditor SBT LemonStand Scrivener C++ Splunk Diff SlickEdit Lilypond Sdcc C Xilinx Dreamweaver Stata Lithium SeamGen CakePHP Composer Dropbox SublimeText Lua SketchUp CFWheels Concrete5 Eclipse SVN Magento Smalltalk ChefCookbook Coq EiffelStudio SynopsysVCS Maven Stella Clojure CraftCMS Emacs Tags Mercury SugarCRM CMake CUDA Ensime TextMate MetaProgrammingSystem Swift CodeIgniter D Espresso TortoiseGit Nanoc Symfony CommonLisp Dart FlexBuilder Vagrant Nim SymphonyCMS Bazel Delphi GPG Vim Node Terraform InforCMS DM Images VirtualEnv Objective-C TeX Kentico Drupal JDeveloper Virtuoso OCaml Textpattern Phoenix Eagle JEnv VisualStudioCode Opa TurboGears2 AtmelStudio Elisp JetBrains WebMethods OpenCart Typo3 IAR_EWARM Elixir Kate Windows OracleForms Umbraco Exercism Elm KDevelop4 Xcode Packer Unity Hugo EPiServer Lazarus XilinxISE Perl UnrealEngine JBoss4 Erlang LibreOffice Go Perl6 VisualStudio JBoss6 ExpressionEngine Linux Godot Phalcon VVVV Cordova ExtJs LyX Gradle PlayFramework Waf Meteor Fancy macOS Grails Plone WordPress Nuxt Finale MATLAB GWT Prestashop Xojo NWjs ForceDotCom Mercurial Haskell Processing Yeoman Vue Fortran MicrosoftOffice Idris PureScript Yii Snap FuelPHP ModelSim IGORPro Python ZendFramework Logtalk Gcov Momentics Java Qooxdoo Zephir Bitrix GitBook MonoDevelop JBoss Qt CodeSniffer Anjuta NetBeans Jekyll R Drupal7 Ansible Ninja JENKINS_HOME Rails Magento1 Archives NotepadPP Joomla RhodesRhomobile
giboはShellスクリプト製のオープンソース・ソフトウェア(Public Domain)です。
simonwhitaker/gibo: Easy access to gitignore boilerplates
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