#zenix supremacy
forestcat000 · 1 year
Do have any more Dante and Zenix stuff? They are just so cute!
I know i love them so much! thank you for the ask these two are definitely one of my OTPS
(on wattpad i do have a few things about them in my 'Aphmau Fics' book, my wattpad link is in my pinned post, the first few chapters of that book aren't very good but after awhile they get a bit better.)
they have video game nights, they love the sims, farmville, and final fantasy.
they have frequent movie nights, they get as much junkfood as possible and cuddle.
they are always touching each other, when they walk they hold hands, when one of them gets especially clingy the other one carries them around.
Zenix taught Dante Russian and German. (i headcanon Zenix is Russian and German.)
Zenix does not take baths willingly and the only one who can make him take a bath in a non violent way is Dante, and thats only if Dante takes a bath with him.
Zenix once pierced Dantes nose, Dante cried and whined for an hour, not because it hurt but because he wanted Zenix to comfort him with cuddles, (Zenix knew he was faking but he also wanted cuddles.)
they only ever argue about stupid things, like whether or not to buy chocolate milk, (Dante and Zenix are both werewolves in my au and allergic to chocolate, its basically like being lactose intolerant for them, Dante doesn't want the trouble of eating chocolate and Zenix is a chocolate fiend.)
Zenix always adds ten spoons of sugar in his coffee, Dante doesnt let Zenix drink coffee.
they both smoke weed, get high and make out every saturday.
Zenix gives Dante love bits all the time, its always in really noticeable areas because Zenix wants everyone to see that they are together.
they told Gene that they were dating by Zenix picking up Dante and screaming at the top of his lungs "THIS IS WHO IM GAY FOR!!!!!!!!!"
thanks for the ask, i don't get many so thanks (:
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t4tdanvis · 11 months
Zenix is 100% a femboy. Not an uwu femboy but still a femboy.
hes a femboy that also brings a butterfly knife to school and definitely never killed anyone before nope just dont look up any crimes from november 5th /j
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S1, Ep19, Zenix attacks Aphmau when she finds him after he kidnaps Burt, but I stay true in my ‘he cares about her allegations’ because why else would he say:
“This is for the good of everyone, you will know his rule. I’m sorry Lady Aphmau.”
Note, he only attacks her when she finds his little hidy hole, not in the nether when she first sees him, and he sees her too. It wasn’t his first plan, even though he probably would’ve had the advantage in the nether, with the other SKs being there… so attacking her is clearly just a result of circumstance. Whatever his plan is, he can’t have her interfering. It was fine back when she just knew he was probably involved and an SK, he didn’t hurt her at that point, it was only when she got too close.
As for his plan: I know he’s saying his plan is with bringing back the Shadow of the King (current lore, later changed to the Shadow Lord), but I don’t really believe that, at least not fully? It’s not his sole motivation at least. We know Zenix later on doesn’t subscribe to the SK cult mentality, and Early Zenix even enjoys having Aph as a Lord… so, Shadow Lord supremacy seems like a weird little… thing to put between that, unless it’s sort of just part of his whole ‘anti lord’ thing that he’s working through. He’s got issues, I’ll let him be a little messy about his reasonings.
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What are the ships for your rewrite? and how will you incorporate Vylad into the story (seeing as how you are theythem Vylad supremacy)
out of the ships currently set in stone that are gonna happen/have happened, only one of them is actually together at the point the fic starts (though the other prominent ones are being built towards. Slowly, but it’s happening). So I’m gonna list the ships and when we’re planning on the to actually officially be together
Vylad x Zenix: Currently together and have been together for centuries by the time the fic begins.
Garroth x Laurance: Not currently together and it’s gonna take Laurance working through a few issues for him to even admit to liking Garroth. Gonna be at least the rewrite equivalent of Lover’s Lane before they actually do end up together. Though you can expect to enjoy tons of pining before then if that’s your cup of tea.
Travis x Katelyn: Not currently together but Travis does have a very big crush on her. Most of their development, both as individuals and in terms of their relationship will stem from the equivalent to the Love Love Paradise season.
Zane x Nana: Neither of them like each other yet, but they will eventually. Still gonna get together in Starlight Wonderland, particularly after both of them work through some of their issues *cough* *cough* Nana
There are a few other ships being considered, as well as some background ships that aren’t gonna be as prominent.
Now onto the Vylad stuff.
Not to spoil too much, but the vast majority of Vylad’s arc is gonna be about them dealing with a lot of their lingering issues regarding their mortal life (same for all the Shadow Knights tbh) but Vylad specifically is about the very complicated feelings they have towards certain family members
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thebeeshaveknees · 3 months
Back on aphblr because thar be mental illness anyways pdh but they did it right:
- Laurence is still blind, he just has been since he was a kid, this doesn't stop him being a manwhore, it just enables him to constantly fight with teachers that his bearded dragon is actually a service animal and they can't argue because his dad's on the school board. Also long red hair Laurence supremacy
- Garroth Is Not a school heartthrob he isn't even enrolled, he got himself emancipated, dropped out of boarding school, changed his last name, lied about his age, works there as a janitor with a mask, glasses and a faceshield on at all times so no one recognizes him. He's also very dedicated to his job so will regularly ream the werewolf history teacher for letting his students make a wreck of the classroom and the shadow knights hate him because the principal has made them formally apologize to him multiple times for graffiti. Aphmau catches him taking notes outside a math class once, and he has to explain be never finished highschool, then they become friends
- Zane is the school heartthrob, he does not like this, sadly he's rich, confident, smart, pretty, and at the popular kids' table, so there's no turning back
- Dante has a huge crush on KC and one time as the protagonist Aphmau has to help him get into the drama club to get closer to her except he picks ventriloquism as what he Needs To Learn to impress KC even though he's great at just normal singing and dancing but No it Has To Be Ventriloquism even though Aphmau is pretty sure it doesn't have to be, and she's never seen anyone in the drama club do that, but then at the end Dante fumbles but he tried and KC thought it was adorable then whipped out her own puppet because Surprise she's an S-tier ventriloquist but only Dante knew this
- Garroth and Laurence both got their bearded dragons from the same lizard shop
- No sexual assault because why was that a plot point and why did everyone act like it was Aph's fault also it added nothing to the story and took away from the characters' personalities
- Zenix is the one trying to get into the shadow knights near the beginning, he succeeds by attacking Garroth on his way home from work and pulling a knife on him, Aph finds him and gets the Tragic Backstory Rundown on the walk to a clinic with him to get stitches. Garroth still goes into work the next day but can't wear his usual face coverings and assumes the bandages will be enough (they're not Zane finds out and freaks out because he's 14 and he thought his brother was dead. Garroth has to beg him not to tell their parents, Zane is Upset abt it)
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captain-lonagan · 1 year
MCD Rewatch S1 Ep10: Devil Cat
Do you need to watch this? 0%
Is it fun to watch this? 0%
Plot Summary: Aphmau fails to understand that if you bring an animal into your home you must take care of it. A guy says there will be merchants coming in soon. At the very last minute there’s a reveal that Zenix and Brennan have found a locked cellar below the old Lord’s house, and Aphmau remembers she has a rusty old key.
Personal Notes:
“I’ve been super busy making things nicer” fuckin bet
she’s “cleaned” up her inventory? what? that takes less than a minute to do? her house is still a barren wasteland of stone and oak planks
cobblestone rectange basement
oh its a mob from a mod, jesus
OSHA Well pavilion has expanded! OSHA Well supremacy!
Kiki is going to destroy the local ecosystem
something genuinely upsetting about Aphmau hearing constant, loud animal pain noises and laughing and calling them annoying and ignoring them
every Aphmau build is an r/malelivingspaces build
locked cellar beneath Lord’s house
Brendan is carrying this village
Aphmau is unintentionally making herself into a character thats...i don’t think the term is sadistic because she gets no joy from the pain, but she’s dismissive of and laughs at the pain of both her pets and her citizens in a story where her citizens are gaining sentience
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psshhiidk · 2 years
sorry for the thirst on my last post guys :( /j
anywho heres some ms! Zenix hcs,enjoy
has a scar that goes diagonally across his face from his childhood
he has a medusa piercing and his septum pierced
wears earings
his tongue is split
has never got a piercing from a professional
he either does it himself or gene/sasha do it
is mean for fun
his fav color is pastel pink
pretends he knows how to skate but he sucks at it
doesnt shower often because he has little to no motivation
he smells but is in denial
bites his nails severely (im projecting)
hes pan and aromantic
mommy and daddy issues
works in retail and hates it
he likes to stare at people for long periods of time for fun
   and thats all i got for now
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forestcat000 · 2 years
shadow knight
after i decided to make the shadow knights more chill and not have them stalk, harass and abuse other people, I realized they probably wouldn't have the reputation of being scary and dangerous but i sorta want to keep their reputation so i decided to give them a reason to be feared.
it's Gene Sasha and Zenix's freshmen year, Balto is probably the toughest person in the school, as well as the main werewolf alpha of the school.
Trigger Warning for abuse
Gene ended up dating Balto during this time (Zenix introduced them) after about five months and Gene being in a relationship that reminded of his parents relationship (verbal, physical and mental abuse) as well as help from zenix and Sasha, they broke up.
this pissed Balto off so he took it out on Zenix since Zenix introduced them and since Zenix is his cousin and in his mind Zenix was one of the people who MADE Gene leave him so, Balto broke Zenix's arm leg nose and some ribs.
after Gene found out what happened he was seeing RED in Genes mind people could mess with him people could hurt him but you do not hurt one of Gene's family members and get away with it.
next time Gene saw Balto at school he beat him half to death. breaking bones leaving bruises and knocking out teeth. the only reason Gene didn't do worse was because he pulled of by teachers.
after that people were to scared to do anything to or about the Shadow Knights.
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forestcat000 · 2 years
I have realized something. In a previous post, I said Ivan and Balto would possibly have a romantic relationship. This is now false. In my rewrite, Ivan, Zenix, and Balto are now cousins(mainly because they all have red eyes and brown hair). most of my lore about Balto is also now false. All of the back story I gave him on my redesign is now false. The actual redesign is still correct, just not the information about Baltos' back story. I may post his actual back story later (as well as Ivan's and Zenixs)
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forestcat000 · 2 years
the free folk
Tw for mentions of incest and lose of a parent
-Gene is the "king beyond the wall" of this world. he used to be lord commander of the nights watch but on a mission beyond the wall he was separated from his group and presumed dead. his weapon of choice is a sword, he only uses one sword that has the name Dante written on the hilt of it
-Sasha was born beyond the wall. her parents were killed by crows so when she found gene passed out after being separated from is group she was planning on killing him but she couldn't something inside her told her he was special, so instead of killing him she brought him back to camp. She can see very slightly into the future hence trusting that she should not kill gene. it took awhile but Sasha and gene became friends. Sasha weapon of choice is a bow and arrow
-Zenix's father marries his daughters and sacrifices his sons to white walkers, Zenix was one of the sons that was supposed to be sacrificed but his mother could not let him die and they tried to find safety. eventually they found a group of wildlings that took them in but unfortunately she died from a sickness shortly after. Zenix grew up in the same group as Sasha, after Sasha brought gene to there camp for the first time Zenix very interested, gene and Zenix became fast friends. Zenixs weapon of choice is two little daggers he carries with him.
-Balto was born beyond the wall and views everyone who isn't born beyond the wall as cowards and slaves. Balto HATES Gene with a burning passion and was really pissed when gene united the free folk and people started to listen to him. he hates sasha for bringing gene here and hates zenix for helping gene. he refers to zenix as the "inbred brat". Balto weapon of choice is a sword
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forestcat000 · 2 years
feral baby
if i do all of the aphmau seasons then Dimitri won't appear till the end of pdh or maybe even till fcu but I'm still gonna write some stuff about him
Dimitri is feral he bites kicks punches and screams in his first few years of living (its one of the reasons everyone knows its Zenix's kid)
the shadow knights are the only ones who can babysit Dimitri not because Dante and Zenix don't trust anyone else but because Sasha and gene are the only ones who will come back another time
Zenix and Dante once got Akemi and Travis to babysit and they came home to paint on the walls and Travis and Akemi crying in the corner (they were not allowed to babysit again)
gene spoils Dimitri whenever he can
Maria gets Dimitri to help with her garden because Dimitri really likes to dig holes in the ground
when Dimitri really likes someone he'll go up to them and bite them not hard just chew on them a bit
Dimitri loves cookies there his favorite deserts on birthdays he gets cakes topped with cookies
Dimitri learned how to role away from his parents when he was 5 months old and learned how to run away a 1 year old (Zenix is very proud and Dante is very terrified)
anyways these were all the Dimitri headcanons i could think of
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t4tdanvis · 10 months
Before you think you're alone in your transfem mystreet Gene truther-ness. I accidentally missclicked and clicked on transmasc Gene instead. So just imagine a small percentage there.
transfem gene is so real 🙏
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forestcat000 · 2 years
i love this au
i just thought of a au where zenix is a ro'meave.
zenix is gartes son from an affair garte had
garte didn't interact with zenix for the first seven years of zenixs life because he didnt want anyone to know about him especially since he didn't tell zianna about zenix.
garte only got custody of zenix because zenixs mother died.
garte was going to put zenix in the foster system but Zianna stopped him and they ended up keeping zenix but they told everyone they adopted him so they wouldn't go through the shame that they went through when vylad was born.
only the Ro'meaves know zenix is actually related to them.
in the au zenix HATES garte because of how absent he was in his early childhood and how absent he is even now. garte hates zenix since zenix questions everything he does and zenix calls him out for being cruel to zianna garroth zane and vylad
zenix is on decent terms with zianna but he doesn't always like her
zenix and garroth are pretty good with each other since garroth seees zenix as a little brother and zenix sees garroth as a annoying big brother. garroth makes sure zenix does his homework eats and sleeps enough
zenix and zane's relationship is zenix finds zane annoying but sees him as a annoying younger brother and zane admires zenix and follows him around since (in zanes opinion) zenix is cooler then garroth
vylad and zenix are pretty good friends since they both know how it feels to be outside of the family. they also like to prank everyone especially garte
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forestcat000 · 2 years
Tumblr media
this is the shadow knight x zane shipping chart (I love this ship so much)
this is the base i used
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forestcat000 · 2 years
if i write fcu
zenix and sasha are legally married in fcu not because they are in love but because they want the tax benefits.
if i write fcu the only thing this will have effect on is when sasha or zenix get home they'll say "honey I'm home"
gene fell very left out of this marriage since gene wanted to merry one of them for tax benefits
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forestcat000 · 2 years
zenix ro'meave au
part 1
7 year old zenix pov
i was at my "dads" house sitting in the living room.
i dont think i like it here all i can hear is my "dad" and Mrs. Ro'meave yelling. i hope it isn't always like this Mrs. Ro'meave said this was my new home.
after what felt like an hour of hearing them yelling they stopped.
Mrs. Ro'meave walked over where i was sitting and sat down
"hi xanax" she said with a smile and tear stained cheeks.
i puffed out my cheeks and said "NO Zen-ix not xanax"
she raised her eyebrows when i said that "i could have sworn garte said xanax" she mumbled under her breath
"oh well it's lovely to meet you zenix. im zianna your daddys wife" she said with the smile from before
"NO he's not my daddy i dont have Daddy" i said huffing.
she looked like she was about to say something when the door opened and three boys walked in.
zianna looked at the boys and said "boys come here i need to introduce someone."
the three boys walked towards me
zianna turned to me and said zenix these are your new brother this is garroth" she motioned to a boy with black hair tan skin and crystal blue eyes.
"this is zane" she motioned to a boy who had blonde hair pale skin and crystal blue eyes
"and this vylad" she motioned to a boy with reddish brownish hair green eyes and brown skin
"boys this is zenix your new brother" zianna said
the boys looked confused.
the boy named garroth said "but we didn't have a brother before where did he come from"
Zianna looked distressed for a moment before saying "GARGAR thats a very rude question.. don't ask that again!"
garroth looked down at his feet and said "sorry"
Zianna patted him on the head and said "its fine how about you three take zenix to his new room"
the boys smiled as they brought me up the stairs to my new room
end of part one
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