#zero energy
icedmetaltea · 7 months
Can pms be banned in every country please and thank you
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pleasetakethis · 1 year
Queue is empty and real life is kicking my butt, so it'll be quiet for a few days. I'll be back!
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soniabigcheese · 1 year
Today is zero energy day
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golly-missmolly · 1 year
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Garage Large Example of a large trendy attached three-car garage design
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cichocicho · 2 years
i’m sorry but how do people have social life and plans™️ on a friday night when they had to wake up every day at 6 am and go to work for the last 5 days..??
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captainchokchok · 3 days
Feeling absolutely abysmal today lol
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fall24iksection · 4 days
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BIG, Zira Island Master Plan, Baku / Azerbeijan, 2009
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Un gran paso hacia delante en materia de Eficiencia Energética de Edificios… y algunos puntos por aclarar
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En marzo se aprobó el nuevo texto del Parlamento Europeo de Eficiencia Energética en Edificios. Entre otras cosas, nos propone ⬇️
✅ Reducir un 20% la energía consumida para 2035 (se estima que consumen el 40% de la energía a nivel europeo).
✅ Obligar a que todos los edificios de nueva construcción sean de emisiones cero a partir de 2030.
✅ Promover la facilitación de préstamos de entidades financieras para actuaciones de índole energéticas.
✅ Acabar con las calderas que usan combustibles fósiles para 2040.
✅ Introducir aspectos de movilidad sostenible en los edificios de nueva construcción.
Esto supone un gran avance cara a los objetivos de emisiones cero. Pero la implementación de la normativa depende del gobierno de cada país y debemos asegurarnos de que se haga de una manera justa. Así, debemos presionar para que, entre otras cosas ⬇️
👉🏻 El gobierno tome las medidas adecuadas para romper con las barreras que hace que las familias más vulnerables no puedan rehabilitar sus hogares.
👉🏻 Que las denominadas calderas híbridas (combustible fósil + otro renovable) no sean la solución a las calderas fósiles.
👉🏻 Que las viviendas de alquiler no queden exentas de obligaciones o que las sanciones para quienes no las cumplan sean realmente disuasorias.
Sigue leyendo… https://www.vidasostenible.org/un-gran-paso-hacia-delante-en-materia-de-eficiencia-energetica-de-edificios-y-algunos-puntos-por-aclarar/
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otterlinormal · 5 months
sometimes its a bad mental health day.
You can't generate energy for shit.
Today (April 14) was that day for me.
But I'm gonna take my victories where I got them.
did I wake up early? No. I woke up at 10 but didn't get moving until 12.
Did I shower? Yes, a quick one to wake me up, but I showered and brushed my teeth even
Did I do the grocery shopping? No. But I have the list of must-have prepped and ready to go.
Did I do all the laundry that's been sitting in the hamper for the past two weeks? No, but the shirts, socks, and other assorted undergarments are hung/folded into their respective spots, hangers for pants are hanging to one side and ready for their turn, and my uniform shirts are folded and ready to go.
Are the dishes done? Yes. Washed, dried or drying, sink cleared and drains empty.
Did I clean the cat's food station? Yes. Her carpet has been shaken out, her plastic mat washed, food bowls washed, water fountain washed, and the fountain filter has been changed.
Did I eat? Yes, even though the thought of food physically made me ill, I still made a quick meal, ate all of it, washed the dishes I used.
So maybe I didn't get all of what I wanted to get done.
But I still did something, even if it was only part of the full task
It's better than nothing.
Anything is better than nothing, and I'm going to take comfort in that.
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belobogindustries · 3 months
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massacre-rade-magician · 11 months
Infinity - Contemporary Pool
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Ideas for a remodel of a mid-sized modern backyard with a rectangular infinity hot tub
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1001aus · 3 months
Phantom is a member of JLA when everyone finds out that the Bats have contingency plans against everyone else.
While everyone else is shouting about trust and betrayal, Danny can't help but be relieved. He's seen his bad future, after all. Dan is reformed now, but that doesn't retroactively save the timeline he wiped out.
Danny only has one issue with the contingencies for him: Batman mistakenly believes that his intangibility works the same as Martian density shifting.
It doesn't. In fact, they're very different powers. Intangibility is more of a phase shift where he turns his physical form into energy.
This means that none of the contingencies in his file will work because they don't accurately account for one of his basic powers.
(The shouting actually gets derailed for a bit when he brings it up. All the scientists are a bit horrified about the implied energy conversions happening whenever he uses this "basic" power. As a halfa with an actual physical form, Danny should be giving off enough energy to blow up the planet whenever he transforms.)
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hollywoodumc · 1 year
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Uncovered Deck in Tampa Dock - huge modern rooftop dock idea with no cover
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shannonofrp · 1 year
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Wood - Midcentury Exterior Image of the exterior of a medium-sized, one-story, mid-century modern wood house
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Uncovered Deck in Tampa Dock - huge modern rooftop dock idea with no cover
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Flat Roofing Example of a large beach style multicolored three-story mixed siding exterior home design with a mixed material roof
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