#zero tof
djudjuxd · 9 months
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More pixel art uwu
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durchlauferhitzr · 2 years
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nekonyam · 2 years
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Artist: @dubhevolt on Twitter ✨
Zero x Reader
“Especially For You”
It’s your birthday and everybody’s giving you gifts.
Then there’s your Boss, Zero minding his own business.
You are actually waiting for him but I guess he is’nt really that kind of person.
You were comforting yourself thinking that maybe he really does’nt like you at all forgetting all the moments you had together that it means nothing to him.
It gets a little warm inside your chest.
You faked a smile and thanked everybody for giving you gifts.
They now all went back to their busy worlds.
Suddenly, you felt all alone again looking at Zero.
Your beautiful eyes are filling up with tears. You said you’ll just go out of the office to inhale some fresh air but you went to the farthest bathroom and cried your heart out. It was soundproof so it’s alright.
Zero went out of his office to look for you.
He’s actually worried about you even though he may not show it.
You finally went out and came back to the office but Zero’s not around.
Where is he?
You retouched and composed yourself so you could get back to work.
It’s almost 5pm and office hours’ almost over.
Zero’s not back yet.
You were expecting to see him before the day ends patiently waiting for the door to open while you were getting your work done.
Loneliness filled your eyes again.
Office hours ended, you packed up your things so you could go home. You are about to open the door but suddenly it opened.
You and Zero are now facing each other.
It felt awkward so he shied away looking at a different direction.
“You’re going home now?”
He asked with a low tone of voice.
“Uhm. Yeah.” Looking down.
“You go first, I’ll need to finish some things.”
He was going overtime.
Maybe he was entrusted with a difficult mission that’s why..
You smiled softly and waved a goodbye.
He gave you a faint smile back.
You were still sad and disappointed the fact that he did’nt gave you anything or greeted you on your birthday when you actually gifted him an expensive game console. It’s not like you were expecting but you thought you have mutual understanding..
Finally, You arrived at your apartment safely.
throwing yourself on your bed burying your face in your pillows..few seconds later, your phone is beeping wildly.
“Oh jeez come on I just want to rest!” You muttered in annoyance.
You picked up your phone seeing a message flashing:
“Happy Birthday Y/N!
Followed by a doorbell..
You rushed to open the door..
You saw a big box with chocolates and flowers on top of it with a note saying :
“Please don’t get mad at me, the preparations are’nt that easy but here it is, so smile! :)”
Your tears started flowing..you look around to see if Zero’s around but you could’nt see him. You’ll meet him at work tomorrow again so it’s okay.
You picked up the big box, flowers and chocolates and placed it on your table..
You slowly opened it and there you saw a huge brown teddy bear. (Exactly what you wanted so you could always hug it and feel him near you)
He took note of what you wanted!
You were crying your heart out of so much happiness!
Zero is’nt what other people think of him. There’s something more about his personality that he only let few special souls to behold it. Especially for “you”.
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lmeol · 11 months
thoughts on simulacra stories, change in mc's lore and aesperia's main story skip
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im late on this one probably (and this is more of a ramble) but i created a new acc yesterday and said a lot of wtfs to the changes made in the first part of aesperia's mq (im currently otw to banges).
i mean i did like that shirli accompanied us from the start of waking up till the end of exploring the ruins cuz' 1. more shirli time helps establish a bond between her and mc, 2. zekes initial reaction to shirli disobeying fits in the scene better now
tbh i did miss the part where we fly up the sky and shoot a plane/skyship(?) down during the assault cuz i thought that was cool, and i liked it better when franz didnt straight up say zeke is connected to the heirs and he didnt almost spill what time retracement was all about- LIKE, FRANZ SHOULDVE STAYED AS A DISCRETE/SECRETIVE CHARACTER WHO KNOWS MORE THAN WHAT HE LETS ON
and i think it disrupts mc's lore a bit cuz in the old version we had gone through our first time retracement there in hykros and have realized with the second one in claire's quest that mc is currently the only one in the game who isnt affected by time retracement/remembers the past timelines, (mc's connection to time retracement is important i feel) pointing out the motifs here
i also noticed that they added more emphasis on the mystery of mc's identity with shirli continously questioning it and franz (and elric probably) having his suspicions(?) i like that they changed "mc being part of district 9" to "mc being part of an unknown district but will work with district 9 for now"
defintely making a seperate post to ramble about mc's lore more
i started spewing extra wtfs in the events afterwards, CUZ SERIOUSLY WHAT. it felt like i got hit with a pan after that dialogue with franz about uploading the memories 😭 then all of a sudden im going to vera, LIKE WHAT IN THE AIDA IS GOING ON.
i did realize eventually that the story was skipped for some reason, so i watched a vid the next day to get it cleared up. this change was terrible really 😭 maybe convinient for some older players (who like me, intended to get things done quick upon creating a new acc) but not for newcomers, cuz it ruins the flow of the story and the surprise of entering new places gradually.
its a better experience to slowly connect with characters as the journey progresses instead of suddenly meeting a bunch of em in the middle of the desert like "am i suppose to know who you are already??"
(ALSO THEY REMOVED COBALT B FROM THE START AND FRANZ GAVE US THE VEHICLE INSTEAD NOOO. this contradicts her simulacra side story, as it was emphasized there that they had met before and we meet her again in mirroria)
speaking of which, i feel that the simulacra stories shouldve been integrated into the main story instead of it being on the side for players to come back later (ig i just enjoy lining up the plot in order instead of it being out of sequence)
yes i understand that the mq would take longer if they did that BUT THE FUTURE INTERACTIONS WITH CHARACTERS WOULD MAKE MORE SENSE/FEEL NATURAL
like something twitches in my brain when i think about how much i love the reunion of shirli and zeke but realize its a side story LIKE WHY. THE REASON MC ACCOMPANIED SHIRLI ON THIS TRIP WAS CUZ THEY NEEDED TO FIND THIS MAN AND DRAG HIS ASS BACK TO ASTRA AND YOURE TELLING ME ITS A MF SIDE STORY 😭 I THOUGHT THIS WAS THE POINT OF THE PLOT.
also is it just me or the simulacra stories have better "atmosphere/mood" than the mq? like i love the camera shots and angles during dialouge sequences and cutscenes, and mc seems to have more reactions/personality? i need more of them 😔💚 and i will continue to ramble on a different post.
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tof-writings · 1 year
how about some romantic headcanons with zero if you're okay with it? thank you <3
I guess you're okay..
Zero x GN!Reader HC!
A/n: Getting back into writing these!! Feel free for more scenarios or more ideas!!
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Zero was never for love, never feeling it was his top priority.
He always focused on making his little inventions and hacking back into Hykros for the 50th time..
He would then meet you, not really caring or focusing on you to be honest.
He just thought you were another person who might hinder his work, so he didn't like you much.
You and him try to work together..but mostly it's him trying to work independently..but then he has to get reminded you are helping him for a reason!
He would begrudgingly work with you, even if you don't match his 'smarts', or if you do, he would be slightly impressed but wouldn't show it.
"Hey, you're supposed to place that here. Huh? No, you read it wrong, it's supposed to be right there! Wh- read it again? Urgh.."
He would slowly work with you more until he was finally used to it and finally let you do your work.
You would invite him for a break or something, making him try to relax.
He would be quite skeptical, and didn't want to..but the workers encouraged it as he needed a break from his hard work, both of you.
He would go..but wouldn't relax much.
He was used to the sandy area of Vera, not really finding most of it relaxing..maybe you two went to Mirriora instead.
You take him and you two have an okay time, going to some of the food areas, chatting about anything, but Zero was mostly quiet as always, annoyed on how he had to go, and how he had to be with all these loud annoying people.
It would take a bit to finally break his walls down, go places with him, work with him, just be friendly..
It would take a long time, but it would be worth it in the end.
Let's just say one day it's just a normal day, and you took him to a secluded area inside the research center..if there even is.
You spill it out and when you look at him..he seems like he was frozen like the bots you and him try to fix.
He would be frozen indeed, but also really red. You almost wanted to call out for a doctor..
He would stumble over words.
He was indeed shut off from most of the researchers, but he seemed so flustered and unsure if you're being true with him.
After you calm him down, which might've taken a bit, he would shyly accept.
He was quite nervous, which was a change from his normal self.
You two would officially start dating at that moment. It's your choice if you want the other people to know or not, but Zero himself would be too shy to tell them.
When you're together, you get special privileges of course, he seems more calmer and less rude, claiming you fit his 'genius'..if that makes sense.
He is very shy from any affection, but he doesn't exactly say no.
You do understand his discomforts and let him take his time to get used to this.
He does like affection..it's just he's never had any or much before, so it's a big step. He enjoys attention and affection in private though.
Praise him for his work!! He will be red, coughing and thanking you to not show how flattered he is.
"Ahem..uhm- yes, thank you. My work truly is..ahem..good!"
You don't know how to feel worried or amused at how flustered he can get..
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rca1188 · 2 years
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Illustration in my on going code giveaway. #ToFArts #ToF #TowerofFantasy #toweroffantasyglobal #ZERO #MiA #arts #simulacra https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckj9GcwBHVv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reilliane · 2 years
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Mundane Conversations - Carmen Twins
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“What are you even reading? I just got back from eating a snack and you're already off the console.” All huffy with traces of breadcrumbs being wiped by his sleeve, Venti pouts.
Zephyr looks at him with a mix of bafflement and disgust.
“None of your-”
“That's [Name]! [Name] hiiiii!” his yelp is ignored as the older twin all but throws himself forward, reaching for the phone displaying the call profile of their friend. Sadly, the moment his endeavors reach fruition, the profile disappears. “Ehh? The call just ended..”
Groaning at the crushing weight, Zephyr thrashes about, howling when his twin's elbow hits him square in the nose. Oh gosh, the tears in his eyes.
“Get off, Venti-!”
The pair of eleven-year-olds roll off the window sill in their entangled mess, chides and complaints amassing into a series of shouts. They barely are able to notice the intrusion in their living room, not until the newcomer makes themselves known.
They both freeze, heads peeking from the sofa.
“[Name]!” Venti hastily untwines himself from his younger brother, stumbling about to stand up. Then, stricken with realization, turns back down with wide eyes and a goofy smile.
“No way, did you invite her over??”
Bummed over the slight wooziness, Zephyr frowns. “What does it look like?”
“I heard you both got the game recently so,” [Name] fishes out a handheld console of her own, waving it with a growing grin. “Let's play on multiplayer? If you don't mind me here.”
The response comes without any sort of delay.
Venti is beaming.
“So you did care!” much to the other's chagrin, he is being shaken back and forth in some kind of way to maybe express the eccentric thanks.
When Venti lets go, Zephyr is helplessly stumbling about for the nth time. It's by some stroke of luck that he hasn't tripped at all.
His bearings return after a solid minute, just when his eyesight has cleared and he doesn't feel like throwing up.
He lets out a slight grumble, the atmosphere far too spirited for him to keep up. He attempts to plug his ears from hearing the giddy, almost lovestruck exclamations of his brother, who has begun to pull [Name] toward the sofa—to no avail.
Seeing that it is fruitless to try and silence them, he makes his way toward the entryway, nudging the footwear to align them more neatly, and checking the lock on the door. Their parents are working overseas, so it's usually just them and a couple of housemaids in the abode.
It's a weekend, however, so they're left to fend for themselves.
When he ambles back to the living room after a short detour to slot a toast between his teeth, there are already an array of ushers for him to hasten so they can start the game. Zephyr answers with a muffled sigh but does as he's told.
He leaves his phone on the counter and takes his console instead, heading over to the couch as the pair hurriedly tells him to come and sit.
The bright gleam in his twin's eyes is seen without difficulty and, for a moment, he looks at the [c]-haired girl whilst munching on his bread.
She's grinning just as brightly as Venti, lost in their conversation.
Zephyr finishes his small snack as he waits for the screen to load.
He wonders what his brother sees in her, sometimes.
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He may look like him but no, that is not Xiao - that is none other than Zephyrus with unbraided hair :') heheee~ notes and taglist utc!
little disclaimer: voices aren't mine!
a/n: the moment i learned that zero in tof is voiced by venti's japanese va i scrambled to put voiceclips together lmao- it's oddly convenient that zero encapsulates the personality that i'm going for in zephyr's character
also, i changed a bit of the translation! after 'be quiet', it's meant to be 'i'm analyzing information' :>>
i swear the publishing of these shorts are all over the place and are spontaneous asdhsajdh but it's an extra and not listed in the chronological order of events so hehee-
nomygosh look who's becoming more exposed here? is this to prepare for withering? ohoho 🤭
@cherryflushz @e7t3 @scarlet-halos @lordbugs @nebulaera @annoying-and-upset @hanniejji @applepi1415 @tjjjrsj @azirajane @hey-comrade-hold-stil @limelightsuperhero @chloeloe @loptido @windyventi @nejibot @ganyuqrt @justrinnn @yasunamilk @alana5021 @www-rosalesluvsyou @uwu-dreams @nomnom21 @milksnake-tea @layla240 @normalisthenewnorm @abbynxisys @ghostlystudentvoidbat @meinoballs @lost-in-alula @aryllechan @xiaosalmondtaro @yetchann @rayskyee @lunavixia @estelwrld @nightfloweruponahill @o0soup0o @little-fiinch @blueberrysauce @iineikoo @aestherin @hakobuns @monicahar @sirinxei @mundanenights @minitao @randomweebly @bluebeomz @emperatris-rinaka @durptwit @shioriryke @crapimahuman @cianalikesbeans @feverish-dove @sassyglassesbunny @m1chijou @galacticmei @dollpoetwriting @yamtwt
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andre-wolfs · 2 months
Zomerbreak gestart, volgende trainingen 30 augustus en 1 september 2024
Dat was het dan. Het zit er weer op. Het tiende seizoen van Keeping the Zero is afgerond. De keepers gaan nu dan ook echt genieten van de rust die ze toekomt. De zomerbreak is gestart. De volgende trainingen zijn op vrijdag 30 augustus en zondag 1 september 2024. In die week is ook ons 4 daagse keeperskamp in Groningen. 4 Dagen trainen als een profkeeper. Inclusief een tof Adidas keepersshirt en…
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wishpact · 1 year
mak / kai. she/they. 18+. est. independent GENSHIN IMPACT MULTIMUSE ft canons and ocs. selective & activity will vary. feel free to send any questions, ims are open, and discord is available to mutuals! unaffiliated with fandom.
active blogs: shackld, mischiiefs, damagecompilation, ojustice, insamsara, dcgfight, dominihilist, angeliicon
OCs currently without a doc but still available:
Kaito / 20 / Agender (He/they) / FC: Zero from TOF / Pyro Claymore / A blacksmith living on the edges of Fontaine, Kaito isn't interested in trials or entertainment but rather the steady flow and trustworthiness of his work. Short but strong, calm but merciless, he isn't a fan of people messing with him and will make swift work of tresspassers.
Haoyu / ??? / Genderfluid (Any) / FC: Lee from Arknights / Hydro Polearm / A Fatui Agent formerly from Liyue but now living underwater in Fontaine, Haoyu is of dragon-origin and finds nothing sweeter than the down-on-their-luck victims begging for more time to pay off their debt. He also knows quite a bit of healing magic, but doesn't use it on just anyone. Why would he heal someone he doesn't like?
Arjun / 23 / Demiboy (He/they) / FC: Ethan from Arknights / Dendro Catalyst / Arjun is a chameleon-hybrid, currently studying in the Akademiya. Thanks to his ability to camouflage into his surroundings, he can relatively get by with ease and not worry about anyone interrupting his studies. A blessed ability too, considering what he's researching most would try to stop. The dead should stay dead, but Arjun wants to push that boundary and see if the dead could walk again. He's always been surrounded by it, death, thanks to a plague that wiped out his village. He'd been taken in by the Akademiya, who told him he shouldn't feel bad for being the sole survivor but Arjun was the opposite of distraught. He was thrilled, he was curious and soon shot up his class by drive alone. It was around that time that some students noticed some of their stuff has been going missing, Arjun using his camo to his advantage to do anything to get ahead and fund his research. But he couldn't do this constantly so he turned his attention to those who wouldn't notice. The dead he was trying so hard to revive and dug up every so often, taking their things as well as trying out his experiments on them.
Shouya / 20 / Cassgender (He/they) / FC: Aak from Arknights / Pyro Catalyst / As a young boy living on the outskirts of Inazuma, Shouya's homelife wasn't the best but he managed. With cruel and strict parents, it often drove him to his limit and one harsh night was when he received his vision and then the house (and his folks) quite literally burst into flames with his bottled up emotions and there, in the ashes, the villagers around found one feline boy grinning and laughing like it was the funniest thing ever. Regarded like the devil, Shouya left soon after that, vowing to himself he'd never bottle anything up again even if that meant leaving scorch marks and ashes everywhere he went.
Roch Fournier / 19 / Agender (They/them) / FC: Tabito Karasu from Blue Lock / Anemo Catalyst / Born the youngest in a huge family, instead of being spoiled like the babies often were, Roch was treated as the spare. Always the last to be picked, the last to be in the know and had every secret and inside joke kept from them. Their siblings treated them as the scapegoat and parents seemingly forgot they were there. And one day, Roch just had enough and left one night as it wasn't like anyone would notice otherwise. But the kicker was, it wasn't that they were always chosen last but rather, it only felt like it and Roch was just stuck in their own delusion that they were always the victim and didn't notice the array of missing person posters that arrived the morning after. They were gifted with an Anemo vision the moment they chose life for themselves however, but instead of training with it in combat, they manipulated it to their will and learned how to carry people's voices on the wind so they'd always know what was being kept from them. Soon, they knew everyone's business everywhere and used this to become an info broker and be the top dog for a chance.
Feliks / 25 / Demiboy (He/they) / FC: Horropedia from Reverse 1999 / Visionless
Former Fatui soldier but got gravely injured on the field (havent thought about where/how yet) so he retired very young
Still remains in Snezhnaya, doing odd jobs for the Fatui that call for a lighter or stealthier touch
Kind of an errand boy / gofer
But is pretty much a genius when it comes to blending in and working undercover
Jack of all trades, The Idea GuyTM
Designed the blueprints for the skirmisher's weapons
Doesn't have a vision but tbh he doesn't need one
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djudjuxd · 9 months
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Hhe owo
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leshitshow · 1 year
Only because I've stopped numbering them... I'm trying to keep track by numbering again.
Went to a job fair last week and it was terrifying. Getting myself to actually prep my resume, find something to wear, and go and talk to strangers when I have zero personal confidence in my abilities really got my anxiety on another level. But I did it. And, at first, I was lie - wow this was helpful. And now I'm like fuck... it was enlightening and I don't like what I saw.
I was attempting to apply to a research assistant position. They pay is ok. The drive isn't. The fact that I'd be back in academia also isn't ok. Academia is so toxic to work in. I did it once in my 20s and regret it to this day... even in my 40s. But I also hat emy current job so, like, I gotta make a change. But what?
I've been working for four years on the premed tract. I have two more classes. I would prefer to be a researching doctor but I don't want to deal with patients directly. OK fair. So that would mean I could be a doctor "behind the scenes" in my mind. Great? But I have to still pass the MCATS and have the stamina for at least asell nother six years of school. If that's all I had to do with no financial concern then, sure! But I have to work and pay bills and then school. I am ou tof steam. I was telling someone my need to work is going to probably kill my dream. I'm trying still, though. But in the interim I guess I need work in medicine in some capacity. Incoming, research assistance.
At the job fair the talent acquisition agent basically said research assisting is being a paper pusher. That.... doesn't sound remotely interesting to me. I want to work in databases and software. I want to participate in the planning of the study structures. I want to learn and grow. I don't want to be someone's secretary. So now I feel like I'm back to square one. I have my writing degree.... maybe I just need to do medical writing. I don't know.
I'm starting to not care anymore. I know I don't want to be shit on at a job but at this point... I could just go sell cuttlery door to door. I kinda feel like finding a rock, laying under it, and giving up.
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nekonyam · 2 years
Look at how precious they are!
I’m so sleepy so I won’t color it for now lol. (Feeling tired too)
Just happy to see these two cute beans in love with each other.
OC x Zero 💍✨💖🥹
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lmeol · 10 months
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low effort doodles
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veiledfox · 1 year
} I'm actually kinda wanting to replay Death Stranding
But I'm also still needing to finish Trails into Reverie, and I was wanting to play From Zero and To Azure after it, and there's a number of other games I still have in my back-log
Tower of Fantasy comes to Playstation on the 8th of August, so that'll be a new in-game Kyuushi visual, and Armored Core VI is next after that on the 25th
I'm not entirely sure how into ToF I'll get, cause I've just not really felt like playing Gacha things for the last while. Which has kept me from touching Genshin in months and that's kind of a problem given I have Genshin OC. But I absolutely want to at least check it out.
Depending how much I get into it, I'll have anywhere from 20 to 27 days - assuming I finish Reverie on wednesday - to play other things before Armored Core. Which, after Armored Core, there's 2 weeks before Baldur's Gate 3 comes to Playstation, which I want to play. Though that itself is 3 days away from Cyberpunk2077's 1.7 update which is supposed to overhaul the entire game, and just over two weeks after that is the Phantom Liberty expansion.
Maybe I can get around to replaying Death Stranding via the new Director's Cut edition before the recently announced sequel releases.
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Van 2 tot en met 8 juli vond in Breda de tweede editie plaats van de Zero Waste Week. Een week die inwoners én bedrijven inspireert tot minder afval en verspilling. De week trok ruim 2.500 bezoekers en deelnemers, en vrijwel alle workshops zaten een week voor de start al helemaal vol. De organisatie kijkt zeer tevreden terug. “We krijgen erg veel complimenten over de inhoud van de week. Mensen kunnen er écht mee aan de slag.” Actuele thema’s Elke dag had een eigen thema, van kleding tot spullen, van voedselverspilling tot zwerfafval. E-waste en waterverspilling zijn nieuw toegevoegd aan het programma. De organisatie: “We kunnen goed inspelen op de vraag en behoeftes die er liggen. Zo houden we de Zero Waste Week actueel. We hebben vorig jaar goed geluisterd naar waar de bezoekers blij mee waren en waar ze nog meer over wilden weten. Zo merkten we veel belangstelling voor praktische workshops en handelingsperspectief. Het antwoord op de vraag: “wat kan ik doen?". Dit jaar stonden er daarom meer dan 50 activiteiten op het programma, waarvan het grootste gedeelte bestond uit praktische workshops. Ook de onderwerpen ‘digitaal’ en ‘water’ hebben we op verzoek vormgegeven. Zo is het een heel divers en compleet programma geworden waar we trots op zijn.” Liefde voor… Zero Waste! De Zero Waste Week had als overkoepelend thema: Liefde voor…, want want waar je van houdt, verspil je niet en gooi je niet weg. Daar zorg je voor. Meer liefde betekent dus minder afval. En dat sloeg aan. “Liefde is een universeel thema, dat iedereen aanspreekt. Iedereen herkent zich wel in het hebben van een favoriete trui, of een meubelstuk van een dierbare. Dat zijn dingen die je koestert. En hoe mooi is het als we dingen met meer aandacht, zorg en liefde doen? Is dat niet het mooiste alternatief voor de wegwerpmaatschappij?” Een goed voorbeeld van deze filosofie was de workshop kintsugi, waar kapot serviesgoed met goudlijm werd gerepareerd. Bijzondere locaties De organisatoren wisten een aantal bijzondere locaties te strikken voor het festival. De Zero Waste Week vond namelijk plaats op 10 aansprekende locaties in de stad. Op Boerderij Wolfslaar werd een Zero Waste Camping gebouwd, inclusief zomerkledingruil, spelletjes, tweedehands campingspullen en koken op kampvuur. De dag over digitale impact trok veel bezoekers naar het internationaal bekende Bredase techbedrijf CM.com. Op de maandagavond waren daar sprekers te beluisteren van Marktplaats, Natuurhuisje en Pieter Pot, over de digitale dilemma’s die zij zijn tegengekomen. De vrijdag had als thema water, en vond toepasselijk plaats in de prachtige tuinen van kasteel Bouvigne waar ook het Waterschap huist. Het werd een spetterende en culturele dag, met muziek, dans, poëzie en een film. Een goed begin De week trapte af met een pre-loved modeshow, op de dag die ging over Liefde voor Kleding. Meer dan 15 modellen, waaronder bekende Bredanaars, waren gekleed in tweedehands, gerepareerde of geruilde outfits, die later weer verkrijgbaar waren in de ruilwinkel. Wethouder Carla Kranenborg – van Eerd gaf het startsein. “Het was een spectaculaire eerste dag, en voor ons ook spannend, want een modeshow is niet niks om te organiseren. Maar de openingsdag zorgde voor zo veel reuring dat er direct nog 300 tickets voor de rest van de week gereserveerd werden. Mensen raakten geïnspireerd om vaker te komen en vertelden het positieve bericht weer door aan anderen, dat er iets leuks te doen was. En dat is precies ons doel: Zero Waste, duurzaamheid en minder verspilling leuk, lekker, gezellig en interessant maken, zodat het aanstekelijk is om ook aan te haken. Geen wijzend vingertje, maar iets tofs waar je wat aan hebt en waar je blij van wordt.” De organisatoren hopen dat er meer gemeenten een Zero Waste Week willen aanbieden aan hun inwoners.
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rca1188 · 2 years
Can’t get off my mind about Ruby’s chat. Maybe there will be a big chance MC will reset and forget everyone? 
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