nicole-kidmans-wigs · 2 months
That zicam nasal spray might be bad for you but it sure does keep me from wanting to kill myself when I can’t breathe through my nose at 1 a.m.
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I'm definitely fighting off a cold and boy I'm annoyed about it. I had plans this weekend. Tattoo plans. My mental health needs some new ink.
(So far plans are not canceled but if I have to everyone will hear me screaming)
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theafrochick · 6 months
Took some medicine yesterday before work cus I felt vaguely feverish. Woke up this morning with the same feeling and I'm back in my not tasting era. Love this for me. I swear the temperature rises and I get sick what kind of nonsense is this?
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oh-katsuki · 10 months
if you can, then take zicam, it really helps like a lot, and has made my colds clear up way faster than usual- and hey, take that medicine for your pain, don't suffer through it when you have options to help you, you're just hurting yourself if you try to power through.
i don't have any in my house since i usually don't take stuff like that, but that's really good to know!! i gotta go to the grocery store today or tomorrow so maybe ill pick some up if im still feeling sick!
i did take a tylenol bc my throat felt like i was swallowing glass ;( and it's really helped (trying so hard to just continue resting LOLL). idk why i don't take meds when im not feeling good!! i think it's mostly just bc im like "ehhh it will clear up on it's own" which is usually not false but also makes things harder for me LOLLL
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nebula--garden · 2 years
Someone please bless me with sniffle be gone
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insertlovelyperson · 3 months
Do you have any headcanons for how the hacketteers would deal with being sick? Maybe how often they get sick, what type of illnesses they are prone to, etc….
Ahhhh this has been sitting in my askbox forever sorry! Great ask tho!
Abi - Had childhood asthma that has the occasional flare up in cold weather. Nothing serious, but her lungs get all rattle-y and her chest feels tight. Other than that, she’ll get the occasional cold that might keep her in bed for a day, but nothing life threatening. 
Ryan - Unless it’s enough to incapacitate him, he’s pretty business as usual (while still limiting his exposure to other people. He’s not an asshole). However, when it does incapacitate him… he just opts to rot in bed the whole time. Thankfully, he has people around to take care of him, or this could prove fatal.
Dylan - Has developed a fear of throwing up (dreads the ‘mouth sweats’), and as a result, has managed to willpower his way out of doing so for the last five years. Fortunately, he doesn’t get sick often, which might’ve played a bigger part in that achievement than any act of his own.
Emma - Prone to stomach bugs; has a brief bouts intermittently through the year. Due to their frequency, she’s pretty good at doing what she needs to do on her own. However, that doesn’t mean she is not opposed to some pampering.
Laura - Rarely ever gets sick, but when she does, she usually tries to power through it. I think she’d be prone to colds during her finals weeks, and Zicam nasal swabs would be her best friend. 
Max - Allergies. Pollen specifically. Has to take a Zyrtec every morning to function, but other than that, doesn’t really get sick. 
Jacob - Probably gets sick like once or twice a year and its always an ordeal. When he’s sick, nobodies ever been as sick as him before and he needs someone to take care of him. Immediately. (Kaitlyn drops off some pedialyte and saltines, and leaves him to it).
Kaitlyn - Doesn’t get sick super often, but when she does, she’s probably used to caring for herself. She’d have to literally be  on death’s door to let someone (other than her parents) care for her. 
Nick - The kind of guy who never gets sick unless its some kind of deadly ailment. Has been sick three times in the last ten years and was hospitalized for all of them (appendicitis, pneumonia, and then pneumonia again).
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kernyen-xo · 4 months
I got out of bed at 3:30p because I’ve been sick and slept a lot. That’s what I get for working instead of healing.
I just spent almost 2 hours browsing Temu and put about 100 journal stickers/acrylic stamps in my Temu cart, and then promptly deleted every item from my cart.
The kid got laid off on Valentine’s Day :(. My heart broke. She loved her job. I’ve never seen her so happy. She is devastated to say the least and still can’t believe it because she never saw it coming. After returning from her leave of absence, she specifically asked her boss if her job was safe, knowing that the company was going through layoffs. Her boss told her yes, you’re good. That was back in December. Since then, they got a new CEO and obviously things changed. The kid told me their revenue was below expectations in 2023, plus they lost crops. Others in the department were also laid off. I believe a company should be transparent to its employees that will be impacted by a layoff.
The kid is a strong woman, and I’m proud of her accomplishments. Not only has she gained valuable experience, she’s very good at what she does. I wonder what she’ll do next :)
Even though I’m sick, I feel warm and cozy. This feeling brings up good memories of my childhood. I have nowhere to be this weekend, so I plan to rest and kick this virus out of my body.
I tried Zicam RapidMelts. I couldn’t handle it. It was horrible and the orange cream flavor couldn’t disguise the grossness.
I watched the K-drama, Gyeongseong Creature. Han So Hee and Park Seo Joon star in the show. They’re both very good. The show was good, not your typical K-Drama, which made it extra-good. It looks like they will be coming out with Season 2 sometime this year. I enjoy Han So See. I’ve watched other shows she’s been in. She’s played some bad-ass characters, including her role in Gyeongseong Creature. She was also in the music video Seven with Jung Kook, which was a pleasant surprise.
I’m glad we have Monday off. More time to recover. I would like to go into the office next Tuesday. Actually, I’d rather retire, but you guys already know this :D
Toodles -xo!
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callmearcturus · 5 months
/sits in chair zoned out on too much dayquil and chewing a zicam
god. i love bradley rooster bradshaw. what a fucking asshole. he's great. what an only child. truly apex.
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bunny-hoodlum · 9 days
I've been having sinus issues for a couple months now. I stopped taking my OTCs for maybe the past ten days or so until last night. Idk if any of my recent posts reflect how emo I've been feeling, but I def did a 180 somewhere along the way where all my confidence and zest was just gone. But anyhoo, I feel great today! I probably slept better and I don't have any brain fog today either. So, I don't have nasal congestion, so I've always been breathing just fine and never suspected I could still be having poor sleep. What I have is head congestion and stiff neck and Sudafed ain't been doing shit. (Actually, wasn't there like an exposé revealing that Sudafed has an ingredient that doesn't fucking work because they had to stop using this other ingredient that does work becuz of the law or some shit? Like, some law trying to crack down on addiction or homemade drugs, I forget). So I ended up trying Zicam nasal spray a month ago, and I'm using offbrand Mucinex and Advil in conjunction.
It's only rly now that I actually feel noticeably better. The past month has just been like, trying to aleviating discomfort but I still didn't feel any better mentally, really.
Once I gots money again, I'm gonna try to go see someone or go to QuikCare or whatever. Been putting it off becuz my SO was going to PT for his back pain but now he doesn't need to go anymore.
I totally feel like I can do some writing today. :3 Or anything creative, rly, I'm so behind on practicing art and it's bothering me. 😭
That's all I rly wanna say. 🤭
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good-cop-bad-cop · 29 days
I'm dying with legitimate cold. 🤧
What is your "down-with-a-cold-get-better" ritual? What works for you? Any good home remedies?
▫️ Oh no, we're so sorry to hear that! Being sick is never fun. Bad's especially diligent about taking vitamins C & D during cold and flu season, and keeps either Zicam or zinc on hand for when we start to feel under the weather. In our experience, it helps to shorten the duration of illnesses, and makes them less severe too. Bad also likes to make homemade chicken noodle soup with good stock instead of bouillon, fresh vegetables, and extra garlic. No idea if it actually helps any, but it's a nice comfort food for when we're sick. Tea, especially any kind that helps to soothe your throat, is also nice to keep stocked. And make sure to get plenty of rest if you can!
We hope you feel better soon!
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fitgothgirl · 7 months
Trying so hard to be healthy lately and was hoping I might meet able to make it one season without getting sick. Welp it’s November and that’s already failed! Woke up and immediately felt that unmistakable feeling in the back of my throat. 😫
I fucking hate my immune system. 😣 I always get sick multiple times per season. But maybe I can keep it down to one this time?… Also hoping it’s not covid ofc but it literally just started so it’s hard to tell and idk if it’d even show up on a test yet. (I did get boosted back in late September, but could still happen ofc.)
Anyway. At least it means no driving out to see my mom today. I wasn’t super dreading it for once tbh but it’s still a relief. Although I just texted her and she’s saying how she “needs to see me” because she misses me and is trying to bargain for me to still come for just a little bit… Lol that’s now how being sick works, at least for me, and especially when you live an hour and a half away…
Time to start poppin Zicam and DayQuil.
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callmedrwyrm · 3 months
idk how my parents got the idea that zicam is like a real medicine or anything but it DOES feel good to put in and it smells good so I’ll still use it when they’re like “oh you should do a zicam…”
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ddejavvu · 3 months
mei, how did the zicam work (if you ended up trying it)? i think i caught your illness through the screen and now i also cannot breathe properly
I didn’t end up trying it my mom said we had medicine at home 💔💔💔(it’s all expired 💀)
I’m sorry my love!! Good luck, I’d still recommend it though anon totally sold me
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emeto-things · 4 months
I caught a nasty cold from my family, and for some reason even when I just have a cold I get worked up about getting d* and n* with it. Nobody else had these symptoms. I think my stomach is just a bit upset because of dinner&possibly tail end of my period. But I am trying to calm myself down enough to sleep. Anyway, hope all is well. ❤️
I've had (no exaggeration) about 5-6 colds this winter because my daughter keeps getting sick from school. I have not once felt n* or had any d*. You will be just fine! Drink lots of water, tea, rest. Take a bath, relax. I really like Zicam supplements it helps shorten colds! Feel better! -Kaitlyn
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that-one-anon · 11 months
*he's curled up in a ball in a very painful and bad-posture'd position in his tree. he still has a cold, but that Zicam or whatever helped. he also fell asleep.*
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suniix · 1 year
hi hello! I saw your new series of miyamura and I am so excited to read it, could you please add me to your tag list?
Feel better soon! If you have honey eating a spoon full can coat your throat. If you like marshmallows I heard they do too, but haven't tried it. Hot tea with a peppermint at the bottom tastes a little weird, but it does help! Breathing in steam can help with the cough bc it opens your lungs. And Zicam really helps shorten colds if you follow the directions. Feel free to message me for more tips! Feel better and don't forget to drink lots of water, stuff that has electrolytes would help best (like propel, or smart water, but not Gatorade it's more sugar than water) it helps with the soreness from coughing and fights dehydration.
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hello and yes! you’ve been added!! :D
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