thornfield13713 · 9 months
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So, starting another round. Here's my gnome ranger. Her name is Jandia Josilyn Hebberdesh, and she is not from Faerun.
Specifically, she's from the Witchlight Circus, which passes through Faerun, and in which she had an animal act with her companion. She'd gone out for a night out when the illithids picked her up, and since it was the circus's last night on this plane, she's pretty much permanently marooned. This would be a big enough problem even if she were actually from Faerun originally, but...nope. Josilyn is from Eberron. Zilargo, to be precise. She's been to Faerun before, because the circus passes through semi-regularly, but she didn't leave the circus much. So, that'll be fun.
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Okay - so far as I know, the tattoos here aren't cultural theft. I haven't seen any posts going around about these ones, at least. If I've got this wrong and someone knows, please tell me, so I can fix things.
This is Josilyn's dream guardian, which takes the form of her best friend - a strongman from the Witchlight, originally from the Dwendalian Empire on Exandra, because...Wild Beyond the Witchlight is like that. Not sure about a name yet. They were together when Josilyn got taken, and she has no idea what happened to him.
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burntheartist · 11 months
Finally had our first Eberron game. Session 0, a little break, and Thursdays are back to being D&D.
Did a lot of explaining, exposition, Q&As to get the players (all still fairly new to D&D in general) comfortable with the dense setting of Eberron. Thankfully the books for 5e are proper setting books, so they can read what I as the DM has to read to get the world built around them. This group has mostly played the 5e modules before with me. So they're looking forward to a more open ended style campaign. But, the choice paralysis was real.
As a more improv minded DM it's really fun kinda sitting back and listening to the players kind of finding their footing. Yet, I as the game runner also have a lot of tools to ease that.
During our session 0 I gave them a plethora of patrons to choose from. Whether they cultivate that option as a source for things to do later on will be up to them of course. But I had a few goals for these first few sessions to aid them in finding their grounding.
1. I wanted them to see and be in Sharn.
2 I wanted them to interact ic-ly with quite a few of the Dragonmarked Houses.
3. Get them on the Lightning Rail.
Gendrick Tribeard was the patron they chose. He's a dwarf who, along with his family, worked as arms dealers for House Cannith out of Cyre during the Last War. The Day of Mourning happened and this caused a bit of introspection from the middle aged dwarf. He's now a member of an Adventuring Guild with a side project to try and undo a lot of the evil he's perceived he perpetuated during the conflict. He's hiring aspiring adventurers to look in to illegal arms proliferation during this era of post-war peace.
Sharn has been the staging point for smugglers who are looting the Mournland and bringing these unaccounted for weapons to the various criminal factions in Sharn. This sent the party to eastern Breland to watch a possible route along the border with Zilargo for these evil do'ers.
The thing is, the smugglers are a few Warforged who are just trying to find their place in the world. In typical D&D, you murder the thieves and split the spoils to gain some XP. Presenting a more nuanced moral dilemma is one of the tenants of a Eberron campaign. So that's where we started.
As a DM I had to weave their motivations for doing what they're doing (the PCs and the NPCs) together in a pretty brief amount of time. While trying to achieve my goals... I'll share the results of that in another post shortly. I'm up way past my bed time.
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444namesplus · 9 months
a adar adderport aelyndar aerenal ahdryatmin ak an and aqat arcanix ardev ardhmen areksul argarak argonnessen argonth arolangard aruldusk arythawn ash ashtakala askelios athandra atoll atur aundair avaroth aventus b baran barra barrel barren bastion bay below bitter black blackbriar blackcaps blackwood blade blades blood bluespine bluevine boneyard borunan brek breland brey bright broken brom bull by byeshk c cairdal castle category cauldrons caves cazhaak cerulean chance chasm citadel city clanhold corvagura cove crag cragwar crescent crimson crossing crown crying cyre d dagger dannel danthaven dar darguun dark daskaran dawn dead deathsgate deep deepdark delethorn demesne demon desert desolate desolation deth dhak dhakaani dhavin dol dollen dolurrh dor dowron draaka draal dragon dragonreach dragonroost dragonwood dread dreadhold drik droaam drum durat duskwing duskwood dvaarnava e eastwood eberron eldeen empire endworld erlaskar esk eston everice eyes eyrie f face faded fairhaven fairhold fangs farlnen festering field fields fire first fist five flamekeep flint forest fort frostfell g galethspyre galifar games ganitari gap garay gate gatherhold gathering ghalt ghoza glass gloaming glowing glyphstone goradra gorge gorgonhorn gray graywall great greenheart greenland greentarn grimwall gulch gundrak h haka halkhad hall harbor harrowcrowns harrowgard harvest hatheril havrakhad haztaratain highwater hills hilt hoarfrost holds hollow holt howling hydra i ice icehorn icemaw inner ironroot irontown island isle j jarp jern jhegesh jin jungle k ka kalazart kanatash karnel karrlakton karrnath karrnwood karthoon kasshta keep keeper kenn kennrun ker kerkulin keth khashana khorvaire khyber king kingdom knowledge korranberg korrandar korth korthos korunda krag kraken krona l lair lakashtari lake lakeside lanamelk lanharath larunor last lathleer lessyk lhaz lhazaar lidless light liugwen location locations loom loran lorn lost lyrenton m making maleer malharath malshashar mar maradal marches marguul marketplace marquan marsh mel menechtarun merylsward metrol mevakri minharath mirrors mist mistmarsh monastery moonshadow moonwatch mordai morningcrest mountains mournland mror mun n nail narath natek nathyrr nations nevitash new newthrone nightbit nightwood norinath novakri nowhere o obsidian of olath on onatar orcbone orgalos orioth orthoss oskilor otharaunt overlord p pain panitari parmelk pass passage paw peak peaks peninsula pillars pit plains plateau port post pra pride principalities pylas q qalatesh qat quesk questor r rage rath ravar reaches realm red regalport region rekkenmark rellekor rest reven rhashan rhenshia rhonewatch rhukaan riedra ring ringbriar river rock rotting ruins ruukosi s sarlona saval scions sea seaside seawall senne sentinel seren seven shadow shadukar shae shalquar sharavacion shargon sharn shavalant shield shining siber siberys sigilstar silver sinara siyar skyfall smuggler sorashana sorrowdusk sorrows sound springs starilaskur starpeak sterngate stone stonespur stormhome stormhorn stormreach storms straits sun sunscale sword swoz sylbaran syrkarn t taer tal talaear talenta tamor tanar tangleroot tansend tantamar tapestry tarandro tariston tarn tashalatora tashana teeth tellyn tempest teryk thakakhad thakashtai thaliost tharkgun thatari the thinharath thousand thrane three threnal thronehold thunder thunderwall thurimbar til titan tol tooth tor torch torvhak totens tower traelyn trag traglorn trebaz trolanport tronish tundra turakbar twilight type tzanthus ul underdark v valaestas vale valenar valiant valiron valley valshar varna vast vathirond vedykar venomous verge vigilant vom vralkek vulyar vurgenslye w ward warden wastes water whisper white windshire wolf woodhelm wroat wrogar wyr wyrmwatch wyvernskull x xandrar xen xephanan xirek y yrlag z zantashk zarash zi zilargo zilspar znir zolanberg zombie
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eldritch-baby · 10 months
The Treaty of Thronehold
The treaty officially ended the Last War. The treaty recognized the following nations as sovereign states: Aundair, Breland, Darguun, the Eldeen Reaches, Karrnath, the Lhazaar Principalities, the Mror Holds, Q'barra, the Talenta Plains, Thrane, Valenar, and Zilargo. These nations abide by a common set of laws and maintain diplomatic relations. The Demon Wastes and Shadow Marches regions have no unified government. Droaam has declared itself a nation but has yet to be recognized by the treaty nations.
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xykos-of-eberron · 11 months
Dragon shards, and their uses
Dragonshards! Such lovely little gems!
I've began studying these beautiful things a while ago! My studies have led me to many discoveries about the gems and their uses. All three deriving from the powerful progenitor dragons .
Eberron shards
Eberron shards! Potent conductors and enhancers of magic! Much like the copper wire to electricity they can focus magic on a single point! These are the most common and potentially useful dragonshard! If you live in areas that has soft soil you can usually find them in topsoil! Q'barra and the shadow marches are perfect places to find them!
Khyber shards
Khyber shards! Used to bind and can be seen in lots of khovairian advancements! These dragonshards can be seen in the lightning rail, ships, and airships of the dragonmarked houses. Zilargo is big on binding! These can be useful when you want to imprison an extraplanar being... Or the souls of the dead!
These shards are found anywhere in khyber!
Bloodglass is a khyber Dragonshard mixed with obsidian. Some people said the giants used this to bind elementals into large houses made of bloodglass, and they could manipulate it and make openings through the bloodglass or close it! Now these are often used by the drow of xen'drik. A notable item is the shifting blades they have! A short sword that turns to a great sword?? Amazing! I'd love one!
Siberys shards
Siberys shards! These shards enhance innate abilities! Often used for magic items to increase the power of them! They can help with psionics, sorcery, or the breath attack of dragons! The inspired of sarlona sometimes embed these into their skulls! These are very useful and far rarer as they randomly fall from the ring of siberys, thus these shards can be found in, the sea of rage, xen'drik, argonesson, and the thunder sea!
It's also said the umbragen draw power from a large siberys shard that crushed an ancient civilization of elf!
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codexanathema · 1 year
Escribas Sivis
Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la Casa Sivis en un solo artículo.
Si bien todos los miembros de la Casa Sivis son gnomos, no todos los miembros llevan la Marca del Escriba. La Casa Sivis contiene tanto el Gremio de Notarios como el Gremio de Oradores, aunque cualquiera que trabaje para esos gremios no se considera inmediatamente miembro de la Casa Sivis. Ésta tienen su base en la ciudad de Korranberg, dentro de la nación de Zilargo, pero tienen enclaves a lo…
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eberronm · 2 years
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Characters get into their Wano arc outfits. Gil has a wolf mask, looking like Mugen. Bruno looking good in pink.
FYI our Zilargo somehow became Asia-themed.
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The library officer pressed his thin goatee between his fingers as the band of misfits hastily asked for access to the Inner Archive.
Alright, so, you're adventurers, right...
And you say you're with House Cannith... I assume you have your papers?
Oh, this... is wet parchment. So you went underwater. I see.
His brow rose highly as he assessed the group, and then, as the group's spokesman tried to embellish over the importance of their mission, the officer raised his hand and concentrated his gaze toward his desk.
Oh, wait... Yes... It would seem that you have friends in high places indeed. Korlita Yulgeri from the Chronicle sends her regards.
The officer stood up and pulled open a long drawer from which he took a few copies of a paper form, and gave each party member a copy.
In any case, I will need to register you all with our records before you can enter the Korranberg library of House Sivis, in order to establish a level of trust. I take it you have spellcasters between you?
More paperwork was given to those in the group who cast spells.
In any case, make sure to visit one of the Civil Service Bureaus; paperwork such as this gets done a lot faster through their identification service; pretty useful when you spend a lot of time in Zilargo.
As the party finished up, the officer called a few guides, who seemed positively well-armed for just being guides. In the end, the party entered the Inner Archive.
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cepheidelta · 4 years
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Eberron Pokemon #14 - Zilargo
The goblinoids have a legend that the gnomes of Zilargo are descended from wererats...so a mouse pokemon seemed like the natural choice!
Zilagents love to gather secrets to get the upper hand. They scribble rumours down onto dead leaves.
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indigobluealchemy · 5 years
Eberron cuisine by nation
Note: This is not canon. This is "In My Eberron" and evolves over time. Assumptions about Cuisine. They eat what they are able to find or grow or trade for. The Five Nations have domesticated meats and farmed vegetables and if not for the Last War, would eat well. The ring nations that used to be part of the five nations tend to have some farming. The outer nations tend to have game meats and wild vegetables, since their lifestyles do not lend themselves to growing crops.
Aundair. Known for their fine wines and ornate complex meals, of small portions, a wide variety of ingredients and sauces. They specialize in wine and soft cheese and bread. Harmless magic is usually part of the meal presentation. They map closest to French cuisine. 
Breland. They are the breadbasket of the continent, they grown most of the wheat and other grains eaten by the nations. They are known for their breads. Like the fashions, the meals tend to be functional more than flashy. A single plate or bowl for meat and farmed vegetables and always a variety of breads. Breland has a warm climate, so many of the food are served at room temperature. Their food maps similar Mediterranean cuisine spice profile.
Karrnath. Their harsh winters made the karrnathi cuisine a mix of heavy and filling food. They specialize in creative ways to preserve food to last the winters. But during the Last War, many starved.  Sausages, sauerkraut,and hard cheese making are considered an art form. Meals have little meats, lots of grains, beans and pasta and winter vegetables, like broccoli, cabbage, beets. Strong alcohol are a standard of Karrnath meals and it’s excellent. Karrnathi are renowned for being able to turn anything that doesn’t poison them into decent hard alcohol. They map closest to German and Northeastern European cuisine. 
Thrane. Because the region is home to several hot and or strong spices that only grow there, they cook very spiced cuisine profile. For example, they make roasted garlic into a full meal.  They do three course meals, salad, main dish and dessert. 
Cyre (The Mournland), was known for their candies and cakes and fusion dishes, mixing foods from everywhere else  They were know for adapting (or stealing) the recipes from everywhere else and combining them.. Like their deep fried candied crickets..
Darguun. What ever tropical food the slaves cook. things that can be prepared quickly and/or lend themselves well to traveling (almost like military rations) are probably commonplace ( I treat the globlinids like Babylon 5 Centari, they eat simple military ration type food, but they reminisce constantly about the glory days when they ruled the known world before the pink skins invaded and they could make recipes that used ingredients from all over the continent.)
The Demon Wastes. Known for their vermin meats cooked over fire. Rat on a stick is quite popular.
Droaam. The area has abundant fruit trees, It was Breland’s orchard district long ago.. Known for their fruit influenced meals. Apples, peaches, plums, pears trees grow especially well. They eat a lot of goat and sheep and pig and what that ghastly stuff is that is made from troll.  
The Eldeen Reaches. Known for their game dishes, with wild spices and local vegetables.
The Lhazaar Principalities. Known for their seafood and sea vegetables dishes.
The Mror Holds. Mushroom and fungus are most every dish. Centipede and giant worm make for good proteins.  
Q’barra. Simple meals made from mostly found vegetables and lots of raw and cooked insects and lizards. Cooked small mammals and fish.   Fresh fruits abound.
The Shadow Marches. Simple meals made from swamp creatures, swamp vegetables and hot spices to mask the taste of the swamp creatures. Their food is like a mix of Thai and Cajun cuisine. Thrane may be spicier, but shadow march food is HOT
Talenta Plains. They tend to be nomads, so their meals are made up of goat, dinosaur, bird, sheep and eggs. Veggies are found greens. 
Valenar - Very, very ornate meals for special occasions, military rations the rest of the time. 
Zilargo  Their meals feature whimsical and complex meals of eggs, bugs, grubs and meat from small animals tuber and imported grains. Fresh fruits are in every meal. 
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dwollsadventures · 3 years
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The principal dinosaurs of the plains, whether hunted and domesticated by halflings since time immemorial. All of these dinosaurs, of the medium to small, unadorned and ornithopod variety, are called fastieth. Dryosaurs are the most famous fastieth, known for their use as steeds by the tribal halflings. Unlike Camptosaurus, Dryosaurus utilizes speed as their primary defense against predators. This, coupled with their striped tails, makes a herd of dryosaurs running zig-zaggedly across each other's paths hard on the eyes and obscures them from predators. Dryosaurs live in relatively large, 100-150 member, horse-like herds with a small group of breeding males and many females and youngsters. Lesser males usually trail behind. These fastieth live in the wide brushy basin year-round, but can also be found in the forests. Forest dryosaurs are smaller, less social, but also faster. Despite their speed, dryosaurs are not very agile and cannot jump high. In the wild they run parallel to one another in straight lines as defense against predators.
These fastieth have been domesticated by halflings for millennia and are incredibly ingrained into their society. Wild ones are not hunted as often as camptosaurs and rarely bred due to their jumpy tendencies. Halfling religion, a mixture of animism and animal worship, contains many references to the dryosaurs and treats them like the "other half" of the hunter. They are treated with honor, and killing one, even for practical purposes, is very taboo. It's even believed that the halfling hunting mask is specifically designed to look unthreatening and friendly to their saurian mounts. Other races find them too small to ride, but a small riders club in Zilargo, populated by gnomes, has gained in popularity ever since the Last War's end.
Dryosaurs produce their green coloration with two different coloration systems: both yellow and blue (cyan) pigment cells. How many blue pigments they produce depends on the amount of water they drink. This means during the dry season they produce very little blue, making them yellow, while in the wet season they produce a lot of blue, making them green, and allowing them to blend in with the lush ferns. Because of this, domesticated dryosaurs range from bright green to cyan. Recent breeding has even produced pastel blue mounts. Their dark masks are harder to select for when breeding as they are an ancient trait (the exception being the piebald morph popular in Zilargo). Selecting for and against stripes is easier, as there is a lot of variation in wild dryosaurs. Normally they have light stripes on only their tail, but forest dryosaurs have dark melanin stripes.
Depicted above is a typical wild fastieth and the most common breed of domesticated fastieth used by the Talenta. As well as a piebald variant found only in cosmopolitan breeding circles in Zilargo.
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thornfield13713 · 8 months
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So, this is fun. I've been enjoying contrasting Josilyn's usual ditziness with the fact that she has actually got a pretty good WIS score and an Insight proficiency, so she's a friendly little airhead who barely seems to know anything about the world...right up until you try and lie to her, at which point she turns into a bloodhound and won't stop calling you on it, without ever dropping the friendliness.
This...might've been part of why she didn't do well in Zilargo. She's bright enough to spot the schemes, but not a player, and far too fundamentally honest not to point them out even when politeness or social norms dictate she should.
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silva-vinandi · 3 years
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Name: Vynania d’Lyrandar Birthday: June 29th Star Sign: Cancer Voice Claim: (tba) Theme: “Taking Over Me” - Evanescence Class: Paladin lvl 7 (Oath of the Open Sea) Race: Half Elf Height: 5′6″ Weight: 124lbs Age: 22 Gender: Female Sexuality: Demi-Romantic, Demi-Sexual Relationship status: Single Family: Eris d’Lyrandar (Mother, unknown), Trenton d’Lyrandar (Father, Unknown), Estoria d’Lyrandar (older sister, unknown), Dantian d’Lyrandar (Uncle) Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR - 13 (+1) DEX - 8 (-1) CON - 15 (+2) INT - 11 (+0) WIS - 8 (-1) CHA - 18 (+4)
Wisdom Save +1 Charisma Save +6
Athletics +3 Insight +1 Perception +1 Persuasion +6
Passive Wisdom (Perception) 11
Languages & perks:
Common, Elvish, Celestial Proficient in Navigators Tools Proficient in Water Vehicles (also including air ships) Carries the Mark of Storm
Physical Notes:
Vynania has long blonde hair that she usually keeps tied up into a loose, low hanging bun. Her eyes are a dark, stormy blue color.
Her Mark of Storm usually manifests on her right arm.
Mental Notes:
To many, Vynania usually comes across as an emotionally stunted person, who harbors a violent temper.
Vynania keeps herself at arm’s length from others, which attributes to her distant nature. Despite this, she still cares greatly for her family, and her friends can still depend on her when they need her.
Four Years Ago...
Four years from the start of her journey, Vynania was an 18 year old girl with dreams of sailing the open seas and skies of Khorvaire. She lived in Seaside, one of the Southern-most cities of Cyre, and her hometown had once been a popular tropical vacation spot for many, even during the Last War.
On the Day of Mourning, when much of Cyre was covered in a deadly mist, Vynania just barely managed to escape via boat into the Kraken Bay. However the shockwave of the event still reached the waters, and sent her boat crashing into the oncoming storm. She woke up alone just north of Pylas Maradal, an elven city to the SouthEast of Seaside.
Much of the next four years was spent in Pylas Maradal, where Vynania worked at the shipyard that had been established by the Lyrandar family. Once she earned enough money, she set sail to the West to Sharn so that she could hopefully meet up with her Uncle, Dantian d’Lyrandar.
Present Time...
Instead of meeting with her Uncle, Vynania instead met a group of adventurers in the Clifftop Guild, where she is now taking on jobs. The rest of her team consists of the following:
Bastion, Warforged Paladin     Not the brightest of the bunch, but he makes for a powerful and intimidating ally. He seems to be currently piecing together his forgotten past.
Shazer, Gnome Bard (MIA)    A former soldier from the Zilargo army, turned con-man. He’s got a way with words, but often makes questionable decisions. Recently, the group discovered that Shazer had been forging false treasure maps and selling them to unsuspecting, fresh adventurers. He has been the cause of several dozen reckless deaths. Now, he roams the Mournland after killing an innocent woman, and subsequently leaving the group after being branded by Bastion.
Selroe, Gnome Rogue     A woman who took to spy work in order to make money to help support her family. Currently goes by “Baul” as an alias, a name of which she stole to gain access to the Clifftop guild.
Kiera, Tiefling Bloodhunter     A quirky character, Kiera is very far from home and it shows. Likes to experiment with her powers. However, she is definitely much smarter than she looks.
Alistair, a Human Cleric     A resident of Sharn, and a former worker at a local orphanage. He has a heart of gold and urges the group to do good deeds. Though even he must learn that nothing is black and white.
Jacob, Human Gunslinger    Having just recently met, Vynania knows little of this strange man. Though they have a similar goal now: Hunt Shazer. After learning what their former comrade did prior to their meeting, she wants to see him pay for his crimes. Jacob wishes the same.
Hawth, Drow Bard    A mysterious and dark-clothed man, easily mistaken for a thief or a rogue. He speaks little and Vynania trusts him even less so. Thus far he has yet to prove himself trustworthy. At least they have a similar personality..
Main Verse - Born in the city of Seaside on the southern bay of Cyre, Vynania lived a life of excitement from day one. She learned quickly from her father about the art of sailing both sea and sky and dreamed of owning her own ship one day. This all came to a halt when she was 18 years of age, on the Day of Mourning. 
Her home destroyed and having barely survived the encounter by some miracle, she spent the subsequent four years working to earn enough money to travel to Sharn and begin her adventure to find her missing family...
FFXIV Verse - Vynania found that her life was made for the sea from the day she was born. Being a child borne of an Elezen mother and Hyur father, her existence was not going to be welcomed in Ishgard. So, her family turned to Limsa Lominsa to make their home. Growing up around pirates and the like, Vynania took quickly to learning the trade of sailing.
When the Calamity struck, her parents were on the sea. Their boat never returned from its trip. Mourning and bitter, Vynania sails to Ul’dah, unable to stay in her childhood home. There, she learns the trade of the gladiators, and while her temper runs hot and the sea beckons her, she has turned her life around and vows to always protect those who cannot protect themselves.
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Steph's Quick-n-Dirty guide to the nations of Khorvaire
Aundair- Magic France- Fancy Cheese, Fancy Clothes, Fancy Spells
Breland- Fantasy Chicago circa 1900s- bustling, gleaming hub of industry, also festering cesspool of corruption and crime
Cyre- Fantasy Baghdad- The cradle of civilization, hub of art and culture, then it got blown up.
Darguun- Goblin Mezo-American AU where they kicked out the Human colonizers.
Demon Wastes - You know that abandoned Trump Casino in Jersey?? That, mixed with that one coal mine that is just forever on fire.
Droaam- Russia, but what if Putin was three Baba Yagas in a trench coat??
Eldeen Reaches- West Virginia as one giant Hippie Commune
Karrnath- Switzerland, now with Zombies!
Lhazaar Principalities- Pirates of the Holy Roman Empire
Mror Holds- Hey, here's a unique concept, dwarves as an allegory for capitalism and greed. Wow, very novel. Dig too deep and you'll get a Balro- er, daelkyr
Q'barra- There's dragonshards in them thar jungles
Shadow Marches- Is this not just Louisiana?
Talenta Plains- What happens when you watch the Hobbit and Jurassic Park at the same time
Thrane- Spanish Inquisition v2.0
Thronehold- Khorvaire's old Washington D.C.
Valenar- Elfy McElfertown
Zilargo- Gnome Mafia
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sageadvicednd · 4 years
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Does Zilargo have a navy? Like, an on the ocean one. Does Zilargo have a navy? Like, an on the ocean one. "Navy" sounds so aggressive, and Zilargo doesn't DO aggressive.
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wearebloodhunter · 6 years
Blood Hunters in Eberron: Part Two
I promised this a while back, but unfortunately life has a habit of getting in the way of stuff like that.
When last we left our heroes...we were talking about what blood hunters from each region are most likely to be like, particularly as far as subclass, race, motivation, equipment, and that sort of thing. Let’s continue that now.
The Lhazaar Principalities: This collection of islands is a haven of pirates and renegades. It’s intensely factional, and no two places in the Principalities is alike. It seems like blood hunters wouldn’t be widely supported, but that’s pretty typical for the class. 
Blood hunters from the Lhazaar Principalities likely have the Sailor background, like most people from the region. Honestly, any subclass would probably work.
The Mror Holds: This collection of twelve dwarfholds is on the rise. They have a heavily materialistic culture.
Blood hunters from the Mror Holds are likely important: who knows what lurks in the mines, after all. While playing a dwarf is the obvious choice, the Jhorash’tar orcs that are being forced away from dwarven territory but are in some cases being incorporated into the hold and culture open up interesting opportunities for unique characters. Because the clans are so important, put some thought into your character’s clan and what their focus is on: the more martial clans are most likely the ones blood hunters will come from. Blood hunters from the Mror Holds are likely Order of the Ghostslayer, but are there many things cooler than a dwarf werebear Order of the Lycan blood hunter? I don’t think so.
Q’barra: Q’barra is a new frontier for the people of Khorvaire, but it’s already occupied by lizardfolk, dragonborn, and yuan-ti. Dragonshards constantly draw newcomers to the region, but they also cause any truces between Q’barrans and the “scales” to be shaky at best.
There’s a lot of options here. A yuan-ti pureblood from the confederacy of the Poison Dusk could make a great Order of the Profane Soul blood hunter with a Fiend patron. I could see a tradition of alchemy among the lizardfolk of the Cold Sun Federation that would make for interesting lizardfolk Order of the Mutant blood hunters. Dragonborn are always great, too. If you want to play a race that doesn’t have scales, Q’barra is still very much untamed wilderness: there’s going to be creatures that will attack people out there. You might also consider an Order of the Ghostslayer blood hunter who has fought a guerrilla war against the Poison Dusk.
The Shadow Marches: This marsh is home to the orcs, but there are also humans living there. It’s a place most people stay away from, but there’s a history of fiends coming into conflict with the mortals living there.
There’s a lot of places in Eberron where Order of the Profane Soul blood hunters would fit right in, and the Shadow Marches are another one. If you want to play a blood hunter who’s definitely a good guy, I’d consider playing an Order of the Profane Soul blood hunter with an Archfey patron and be part of the Gatekeepers: they’re druids who defeated the fiends before and continue to hold the line against them. And blood hunters love fighting fiends.
The Talenta Plains: Halflings riding dinosaurs.
That may be an oversimplification, but it’s probably the most likely thing to draw you to playing a blood hunter from the Talenta Plains. This region favors Order of the Profane Soul blood hunters because the halflings there believe they are surrounded by spirits, which include various entities you could make a pact with. Of course, it also means that blood hunters have a lot of work available because there’s fey and fiends running around out there. But, like, riding a dinosaur while swinging a flaming sword? I’m in.
Thrane: Ah, Thrane. The complicated theocracy that has the opportunity to produce awesome Oath of Devotion paladins...or really sucky ones.
But we’re not here to talk about paladins, are we? No. That said, blood hunters are likely part of the Church of the Silver Flame. I think they’d lean more towards the darker parts, though, and that provides some great opportunities for looking at how blood hunters, who are products of darkness, interact with it. I’d say that a blood hunter from Thrane would be an excellent opportunity to play a ranged blood hunter: archery is a big thing there, and I feel like there’s not enough blood hunters out there using bows, despite how ranged combat compliments the glass-cannon nature of the blood hunter.
Valenar: Feudal elves. I mean...I’m in. They’re certainly a different philosophy regarding the elves than in the Forgotten Realms.
I don’t think you’d have a lot of blood hunters from Valenar - if you can fight, after all, why aren’t you in a warband? That said, there’s still monsters running around, and monsters mean blood hunters. I don’t see any specific subclass being favored, but if you’re in Valenar you’re most likely playing an elf.
Zilargo: The gnomes’ home, a place of intense intrigue.
I think Zil characters could be really interesting. There’s a serious disconnect between the intrigue of Zilargo and the “I hunt monsters” mentality of the blood hunter, and playing this character who is just not interested in the tangled web everybody else is could be very interesting. I mean, it might also get your character killed, but that comes with playing a blood hunter anyway.
So, there’s all of the places blood hunters could be from in Eberron. Next I’ll tackle the races, and then it’s time to look at the dragonmarked houses and see what dragonmarks would best be suited to blood hunters.
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