#zoltan boros & gabor szikszai
mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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Cast Through Time
Artist: Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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art-of-mtg · 25 days
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Smoldering Butcher (Eventide) - Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai
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art-the-gathering · 9 months
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wildfield borderpost
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[OTC] [EN] [0269] Trailblazer's Boots [2] [MV2] [UNC] [COL] [ART] [Equipment] [EQ2] [Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai] [2024]
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prosperity-post · 11 months
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40 Serra Avenger, by Scott M Fischer for "Time Spiral"
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41 Erratic Mutation, by Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai for "Planar Chaos"
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42 Pact of Negation, by Jason Chan for "Future Sight"
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geekynerfherder · 3 years
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'Priestess of Astarte' by Zoltán Boros & Gabor Szikszai.
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lieutenant-kettch · 2 years
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Cover art for Star Wars Adventure Journal 7
Art by  Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szlkszai
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Incinerate by Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai
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gamingisalifestyle · 2 years
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Star Wars: The Kathol Outback Cover Art by Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai
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70s-pop-80s · 2 years
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Artist: Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai
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worldofwarcraftart · 4 years
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Gabor Szikszai & Zoltan Boros, mind wipe Source: https://ift.tt/2CnInHi New news website for furry fans: http://awoonews.com
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mtg-cards-hourly · 8 days
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Master Warcraft
Artist: Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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art-of-mtg · 1 month
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Whitemane Lion (Planar Chaos) - Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai
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newretrowave · 5 years
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(Zoltan) Boros and (Gabor) Szikszai
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[OTC] [EN] [0187] Avenger of Zendikar [5GG] [MV7] [MYT] [CRE] [Elemental] [5/5] [Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai] [2024]
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mishas-workshop · 5 years
Chainer, Your Opponents’ Worst Nightmare
I have to say, when the deck themes were revealed for Commander 2019, I was not very excited. Flashback decks have been done, same with tokens. Morph was kinda neat. The only one that gave me any bit of excitement was the madness one. After the full spoilers, the madness deck was still the only one that had any appeal to me. A big reason for this was Chainer, Nightmare Adept. I have wanted to build a deck around the original Chainer, but Bontu and Skithiryx were already in my rotation, so I didn’t really want to add another mono black commander. The Nightmare Adept had me up all night, brainstorming ideas for how I could build around him. So, I did. Shortly after my LGS opened, I went and picked up a copy of the Merciless Rage precon.
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Chainer is essentially, a fixed version of Recurring Nightmare, a card so powerful, it was banned from commander. Not to mention, I am a huge fan of reanimator style decks, so that is the direction I went. In short, you fill your graveyard through looting type cards, then reanimate your creatures and take out everyone! The preconstructed version focuses very heavily on the madness mechanic, and while this deck still utilizes the abilities, it is more focused on accruing value through the graveyard.
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Since this is a reanimator deck, let’s start by taking a look at the cards that we will be using to cheat death. Animate Dead is going to be very useful. Very little drawback, not to mention that it combos with Worldgorger Dragon, which allows the deck to do all sorts of crazy infinite combos. Reanimate will bring anything back at the cost of some life. Stitch Together is also in here because of the threshold synergy with a big discard pile. Grave Betrayal has a cmc of seven, but I put it in the deck because taking opponents’ dead creatures is just extra value, especially when someone drops a boardwipe. Not to mention a handful of other things like Boneyard Parley and Mimic Vat.
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There are many great reanimation targets that the precon already gave us. Archfiend of Spite is a madness costed Phyrexian Obliterater, Flayer of the Hatebound is a second Warstorm Surge for the deck and Meteor Golem is removal. A few other targets I added include Demonlord Belzenlock, for some additional card advantage. Tsabo Tavoc, to destroy legends at will. Sepulchral Primordial to get even more reanimation value. Finally, Archfiend of Ifnir is a force to be reckoned with in a deck that has so much discard.
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That demon is far from the only card in the deck that rewards discarding. Faith of the devoted can help us win over a longer period of time if we need to grind out a win in a control matchup. Bone Miser is a new card from the precon and it is outstanding in a deck like this, it is an inverted Waste Not. Some cards with the original Madness mechanic are: Call to the Netherworld (free Raise Dead), Big Game Hunter (removal), Stromkirk Occultist (card advantage) and Fiery Temper (bolt) among others. Plus, Anger and Filth to benefit all of our creatures if they wind up in the yard. Squee, Goblin Nabob and Sanitarium Skeleton are also here to ensure that we always have something to pitch.
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Looting is another mechanic that is a huge part of this deck. Red and Black have a hard time drawing cards without a cost. However, this deck tries to turn that cost into a benefit, seeing as how we want the graveyard to be stacked. Anje Falkenrath, Mad Prophet and Rummaging Goblin are all looters on bodies. Similarly, this build of the deck also runs Magus if the Wheel for an all out discard and draw en masse, if necessary. Tormenting Voice, Cathartic Reunion, Faithless Looting and Burning Inquiry all do a great job at filling both our hand and discard pile. I also put Ill-Gotten Gains in the deck as a way to not only disrupt opponents, but to get extra value out of discarded cards.
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Rakdos decks tend to have a bit of a problem with ramp. Solemn Simulacrum is great, especially when it can be used multiple times. However, that isn’t nearly enough. The full ramp package also includes: Rakdos Signet, Rakdos Locket, Sol Ring, Hedron Archive and Gilded Lotus, plus an Armillary Sphere for additional fixing. At some point, I might increase the size of this aspect of the deck by one or two cards. As of right now, it seems a little light to me. More play testing is required before I make a decision.
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Removal is something that Rakdos, as a color combination, has loads of. Excluding anything mentioned previously, here is the full removal package: Decree of Pain, In Garuuk’s Wake and Nightmare Unmaking are all mass creature removal. Shattering Spree works as both single and multi target artifact destruction. Bedevil, Dreadbore and Chaos Warp are the other single target removal spells. Chaos Warp can be great at removing enchantments, as Rakdos has an extremely hard time dealing with them in general.
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Lastly, I want to touch on some cards that are hard to categorize. Swiftfoot Boots is great and can easily be upgraded to a Lightning Greaves, or paired with on for additional protection and haste. Key to the City helps fill the grave, allow our creatures to get in unblocked and can draw cards to replace those we discarded. Read the Bones is just a solid draw card that can fix the deck before drawing. Entomb puts any one creature i to the graveyard *cough* Worldgorger Dragon *cough*. Wildfire Devils are in here because... I want to see how they do. Garna, the Bloodflame is also here because they allow us to save some of our graveyard if someone threatens it.
This deck is a very fun, very strange deck to play. Often times, it feels like you are shooting yourself in the foot and then suddenly, you have the upper hand. I am pleased with how this deck turned out, but I know there can be even more modifications made. I hope this guide helped some people who may have been interested in a Chainer deck or a reanimation deck, or were on the fence about which of the new Commander 2019 products to pick up. Happy Brewing and as always here is my list: https://manastack.com/deck/chainer-nightmare-adept-5
Artist Credit:
Steve Prescott - Chainer, Robert Bliss - Reanimate, Michael Sutfin - Tsabo Tavoc, Greg Staples - Squee, Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai - Burning Inquiry, Dan Scott - Solemn Simulacrum, Mathias Kollros - Decree of Pain, Wayne England - Worldgorger Dragon
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