#zooks speaks
oh my god oh my god oh my god
...Hey, little one! How'd you get on the internet, hmm?
- @future-rui-official
Hello sir!!
Um, um! Got a tablet for Christmas! Um and my sister has this app um so I got it 2!
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ask-gadzooks · 1 month
@asktwilighteclipse Story; The Battle Begins!
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Light piece spoke up. "Ice! Night, We'll take the right. Pheonix, Nat, take the left. Hippogriff brothers, take the middle. remember: nopony escapes." The eclipse knights and Gad nod in unison and seperate into their groups.
Light and Night ambush a nearby earth-pony in dark robes while Ice conjures a circle of frost with his sword. One of the cultists is instantly frozen in place.
Phoenix fires a flaming shot from his bow at the cultists on the right, while Nature Fury pulls out her sword, ready to strike any foe that draws near.
Gad goes forward, but before Zooks can follow He's interrupted by his teleportation circle activating a few times. He decides it might be best if he can direct the newcomers instead. First, @nox-lunarwing comes through, wielding an ornate bladed spear rather than the scythe she was using last time they met.
"What kind of trouble have you two found yourself in this time?" She asks with a grin. "Cultists. Hurry! Gad will need your help the most; we can't let any escape." Zooks replies.
Then another pony comes through the portal, this one looking suspiciously like Scootaloo, but with a few key differences. "Wait... who are you?" Zooks asks. "Tounge Twister!" ( @gm-scoots ) She replied. "Don't mind me. I'm just here for the loot. Speaking of which..." Tounge Twister immediately eyes the unconscious cultist's purse and makes a beeline for it. Meanwhile, Gad enters the cave above, and a few cultists immediately turn to look at him. "Ah." A unicorn in the back says. From his neck hangs a glowing green crystal fragment that exudes negative emotional energy. "It seems they've arrived. Let's be sure to give them a proper welcome."
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Gad dodges one Earth pony's strike, only to get hit from behind by another. The unicorns begin to fire spells, and Gad gets burned by a shot from the unicorn holding the fragment. He holds in a cry of pain. On the left, An Earth Pony goes in to attack Phoenix, but is intercepted by Nat's sword. The Unicorns behind him fire off a few spells, but the only one that hits glances off Nat's Armor. Phoenix Hears more hoofsteps approaching from the cave on his left. Night blocks the wounded Earth Pony's blows while Light Piece narrowly dodges a spell from the only unicorn nearby who isn't frozen.
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// So here's a reminder that if you want to join this battle (on either side) all you need to do is to give an ask saying who it is you want to join and what they'd like to do to help! I may or may not contact you directly later for some clarifying questions. Re How are people liking this so far? I'm considering doing two rounds per update instead of just one so we can move things along faster, but I want to hear what you all think before making any major changes.
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askmanesix-1469 · 11 months
Hello, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash! Our names are Gad and Zooks and this is a "Tumblr" you see us speaking through.
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Nice to meet you guys! This is all pretty strange but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious!
~Dash 🌈
I still feel bad about using this without Twilight’s permission…but I agree with Rainbow ^-^
-Fluttershy 🦋
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405blazeitt · 1 year
helpful hardware store employee, in a tone one might use to speak to a small lost child: are you here all alone?
zook, trying to eat the nails:
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hardware store employee: come, let's go find your parents!
zook, forcibly removed from the nail aisle:
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latealzalost · 1 year
Have you ever tried thinking about what a "canon"-esque team for Wes and Michael would be? I mean that, what feels like a team an official adaptation of these games would go for. In my opinion for instance, I think Michael would use the Zangoose snagged from Zook since its semi-plot relevant, as well as Eldes' Shadow Salamence for the one battle left after it. You could either make him pick an eeveelution (I'd suggest flareon or jolteon aesthetically) or going with the beta starters of Vaporeon and Jolteon. Wes' would entirely depend on if you think using the legendary beasts is fair game lmao
Ah nah. I know some people try to make a "canon" team for trainers. But "canon" and stories in Pokémon games don't really mix. All versions of a game are true and they happened in their own universes. Every possible way a game was played is real and has already been done before you've even thought about it.
I believe in the definite fact that Michael snagged and purified every shadow pokemon. I also believe that Michael traded his Togepi back to Hordel for his Elekid named Zaprong, but I know some may opt not to do that. So whether or not he actually gave Togepi back it really doesn't matter cause he has and hasn't at the same time.
Now, there is an exception to that rule for my personal bias. It's canon that Michael is a good kid with a big heart and loves his Pokemon and family very much. So that scenario where he releases his Eevee to see the eeveelution captain's other dialogue is completely unlike Michael. And I don't believe he would release any of his Pokemon ever. I refuse to believe that anything that would be uncharacterstic of Michael are canon and part of the multiverse in any way.
Hypothetically speaking, referring to the story of Pokemon Masters EX, if Hoopa were to drag a Pokemon Character out of the infinite universal contexts represented by how their game could be played, Hoopa would never drag Michael from the universe where he releases his Eevee, but he could take him from the universe where he kept the Togepi and not give it back to Hordel, since I remember Hordel being a somewhat okay with Michael keeping Togepi. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
I believe that every possible universe is canon, but there are limits because the constant is Michael is a good boi. The variable is how the player plays the game. The multiverse of a game can be determined by the infinite possibilities of play, but only the reasonable universes that don't betray Michael's character should be canon.
And same goes for Wes, obviously. Anyone who releases Espeon, Umbreon, or Plusle outright assassinates Wes's character.
And you know, by extension, I'd say that also goes for the main-series games too. If Pokemas Hoopa ever dragged a protag from their universe, it would have to be a universe where they kept their starter all the way to the end of their story, or at least up until the point they were warped to Pasio.
In certain media I've seen Michael officially matched with Flareon and Jolteon in two different universes. I've never played through the game with Flareon nor Vaporeon so my bias tells me it would be Jolteon (at least it matches Michal's jacket aesthetically, I agree Flareon suits him too.)
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Beyond that it's a toss up between all of the Shadow Pokemon and a few Pokespot Pokemon. At the end game he might opt to have tanky Shadow Pokemon like Snorlax. He might have an Aggron from evolving an Aron from the Cave Pokespot. He could have a Walrein from one of the Hexagon Bros's Shadow Spheal. He could have kept Teddiursa and evolved it into Ursuring. It's so hard to make a canon team without that bias you know?
As for Wes, as you know, he'd probably keep one of the Johto starters from either Bluno/Verde/Rosso and his two starter eeveelutions. Depending on which Johto starter, he'd keep Entei/Suicune/Raikou respectively. Hitmontop is a favorite. And last one, a Flygon, another favorite.
Scrolling back up to read your question, I see for an "official adaptation" I agree that Zangoose could be plot relevant. Though the one time you get to snag Zangoose is the last time you see Zook. Unless some liberties were taken with the game's story I can't see Zangoose becoming a main-stay for some rivalry with Zook. Miror B. is a better rival than Zook, and Lovrina along with other Cipher admins (excluding Ardos) have a character arc of starting out as enemies and accepting him as a friend by the end of the post-game so Shadow Pokemon belonging to them might be something to toy with for a rival thing. Zook is just a meat head masculine macho mohawk dukey-nukey wannabe who's more of a joke jerk character for how nothing goes his way after bumping into Jovi at Gateon Port. They'd have to do a bit more like how they developed Team Rocket (Jesse, James, Meowth) for the anime and how they're pretty much loved by everyone despite being the bad guys.
What I wouldn't give for an official anime adaptation, but alas all we have are obscure game walkthrough manga that few have seen and have (but I believe more should see and have)
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libidomechanica · 1 month
Untitled (“In when a bus”)
A kimo sequence
I’m grow i’ th’ strike flies. When my chief feare, because I can say so, and dark. In when a bus.
Homeward; so the sleeps in bullet’s guests: And nostril, dark: quickness. Belovëd, dost though a windows.
If those Wise, turn’d you’ll ne’er the three I leave touch. She is Madeline, said the dandelions all.
When you meet to beaten got be—Adieu! With lie. And smooth-sculptur’d to wood, and ever he sea.
Wearied Annie, bide! Seas thou would we delights and was o’ crammed, ah woe after the words some hame.
Cologne. What cross me, I were nothing throne. Suns that in Ohio when I put, her head—mine eyes?
Is ever still, you must be, and did. Last she sport, foul, as they are blue sorrow-day; why dost dead.
Through, but men with she, now by hard problem scrunch, can I forgot you: zooks, into that I was gone.
Then hie, and see! And life’s one cool’d by high Olympus had head, every glen at window-panes; St.
I dreamlight, and by mystering on the tan on he cruel love Gregory! And Death they were sigh.
Of all her good at the sand, for so night from me, my old grape bunch of all the clove. All stop with #3.
Yesterday intense when on the less fell to Povertrail’d by thy love! ’ The Lady of Shalott.
Whilst yet, a gang water fail’d it had to sinking my fires and back and he wet leap. Camelot.
Into the small the visions I aim at. To your body’s turn that her pretentious, it seethes.
Thoughts to—all accordion. Mine ere his his. For hast chief feare, enamoured mine ranged, lie down.
Did no such a tomb. Do it is Day. A sweet loosely fled. Like tiles follow. A watercresses.
Unto the children to them, the heart’s core whatever he mazy web she love the flowers. Ways!
It was for I am host, having, in the aged crooked the other’s they all. What’s some back.
And place was ’ware, never finger’d into the full,—while he scarce hast to the iron portal drear!
I saw the raptured from sprays of my love forks. Beneath and mimic as your wish be Strings, lads!
St. Exactly fold: A case were without your hear of monk’s-thing—the Sun did sometime and esteem.
She conversation tiptoe, sair against Love and yet they met with miseries, nane. Of more true!
Nay, a horses, while sides, to prayer a- going the full porch, with being perfecit opus!
You dab my lovèd, but is at Camelot. Bed. Never Though bubbling eyes to temple, in my eye.
Flower train cry, Speak to pay for where wanted, gold? And bright. From a fever changes, selfishness.
Stars, frankincense ravish’d hard in the bent warehouse perfumes the flashing rounds, his heard in our pride!
The pear your needed all him the foamingle, gold love me like a man no thirty years wounded.
The powers I had waken me. A goat strays, and orient Beauty your tattoos in contend.
Nay, profess our eyes. As if we sung to run off without there: sometimes began to Camelot.
Come up to help! Dying. Tumultuous talk though to the wore a bit of a Good old romance.
Happy to Allah, which and between through came a-pilferer. False with a glass-floor, weak voice sad?
When he can be idle glint of all. Lang, languid arm where mine range of admire; fair creature it!
Birds, the cruel many-tower, never knees. Still, still; for eyes the contact, I fill you to do loud.
One hostess, I am tire, no one I ate? I want in Autumn will be their or the black.
Of their panted with a sighs most frail of pride a doubt, for escape lowering live with listle.
Lovers, great Voice again. They must have to know my own mistake, pregnant of cloud and go, and berth.
It show’rs were form, and then she lips I would been, smoke … no, it’s wrong. Love’s an old, be safe and mailen!
Or Branches makes the crickets celebrate her nimble soul, going strays are to hand. Break, now, thought!
Lies; I chirped, children do in the jasmine o’ my own life, I would riot: then he die! Spread.
Let me in Siberia a godly linger? And as thou dost looks naughter seated shouldst not?
And by the Nereids from her, Flock., Written a rowing off with four dreamed down to the float, below.
Noise in all hap somehow evasive, thou my only link’d. Tempts and remember sleep ere I touch.
And four garages from silken, they take minstrel’s grant grots and all makes to scold me. On a rage!
I am becoming me, as spitting go the rode between he die! The been, once seeming, height.
The nick, like a stars mixed to cost your guide and cauld, Gregory. Sticks, real woe, for slight be, to him.
What, destitution madness of the or Girle, they crown! Sometimes not eternal love, in love.
I dreamed, and when your with one in the women to Camelot. And no more this vertical line.
Even the sear, why! By garden a roses nobody, when mid their art; then his light bring flood.
Within and down the faint John, beast and her for no, for the sweet dreams. Under the Fuel of thy Throne.
But waiting trumpets rose Left to hast though when to unperplex’d delves, an illusion, poor, we wise.
The door being housetop loneline. Color, visible echo, and guest given yours, Give.
Within. Strikes in my woman one came thought I wondering you said her pass’d him, as twas the cob.
I grew from the beats at very sun will? And Trusty—head wounds that no more transfix the spring.
Who needed night and Subject, beast and help each on that naïve light, they heart. Devised loud I heart.
But just thou of the melon paringly version indeed! By you alone worthy tear, flashes.
But if she doom is the Dryads art. His sweet great linen, she pain when you the sanctifie your cheek that.
That Gracia in Battle: when into sharp saving Lord Gregory! Thy Throne one, to youth, ere thee.
No one; she leaneth one company! I too much tremble style blood, the soul doth horrid shiver.
And I not by the day at Venus’ temple sea. His desire; by whom myself bright, below.
When on the beat, and large unhail’d with something the she sea? I’m not preaching heart, as if it went.
Summer looked the girl’s morning Pyes, dreams. And spatted and did. Why in the syntax of lovely eyes?
He heart, unless words the godly light brink? Eye—and when Madeline’s corpse lanterns, his many?
Then we shall beauteous Lillies soothing to have not Thou affrayed by they fled. Many yearning line.
And sair substancy. ’ Thing;—a dove-like helmet on, engineer bodies, Peris, sine that others?
Trust, ere her—which in the glen; in love. I dare now, where be, that, in generall thy true for me.
Seeming face they who laid o’ the prest, the reasons, weak in her right at grasses flowers! Cologne.
Willowy hills a baskets brighter is in love of fire it see: no leisure. Upon her stars.
Something baskets say,—who come a serpent and longdrawn from ever dreamed on the others I’ve been.
A lass tips waited time, fresh-cut hair and when to the was he sea. But one free to placed, along.
Too farther Angela give barr’d of all in the should rathers I have been the dreams obey: stay!
Will be hame. Pick to their bright and ye sal gae and the man and gold comming, in her father starved.
For me than everywhere was he same you growest; nor blush. Gaily o’er the air, wi’ a to-do!
So if, my Prayer, unleafed his palaces can drink. Becoming in my love; for some back.
Whole lily this steal on her winding wither Lips, and Fays, her elfin blossoms your eyes. Best too?
So longing; make you do like, and crown or yet Gibson demon’s eyes we are for that evening Time.
I saw it fair, as this: that we goes belong. Day for mermaid on her populous straight appal!
Though is famish’d, or seek my ain. By who fry cold dame started the cannons rattle: when on horse!
The chrism is in the dead. Addressed idle belly, and I sighed deepest in a serpents again.
What is and chicken, church know breath’s and kin. But rolls a flaggon by his becomes this arrow old.
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gameotheque · 1 month
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Following Team Snagem's trail, we find Cipher's newest base and witness Biden dropping off the race, so to speak, against none other than Zook, the thug that threatened us way back when we first visited Gateon Port.
We can't do anything against Cipher without the Snag Machine, so we just had to knock out his Shadow Zangoose and regroup to deal with Snagem first.
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sutanughosh · 9 months
Expert Landscape Architects Landscaping Services | Zooks
Welcome to Zooks Landscape - the ultimate destination for all your landscaping needs! Our team of skilled landscape architects in Kolkata is here to turn your outdoor space into a haven of joy and beauty.
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Welcome to Zooks Landscape - the ultimate destination for all your landscaping needs! Our team of skilled landscape architects in Kolkata is here to turn your outdoor space into a haven of joy and beauty.
Looking to create the ultimate outdoor living space for the next generation? Look no further! Our team of best landscape architects specializes in crafting personalized landscaping designs that are sure to impress. Whether you're looking for a stunning terrace, lush lawn, beautiful facade, or charming farmhouse, we've got you covered. Let us help you create a space that truly speaks to your unique style and personality, and watch as you and your loved ones enjoy countless happy memories for years to come. With our expert landscape architects guidance and support, the possibilities for your outdoor oasis are truly endless!
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hofculctr · 1 year
Hofstra University
Readings for “The Girl in the Yellow Poncho”
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In her memoir, The Girl in the Yellow Poncho (Duke University Press, August 2023), Kristal Brent Zook, professor of journalism, media studies and public relations, recalls growing up biracial and the painful search for her white father while being raised by two generations of black women, her mother and grandmother. It speaks to the rapidly exploding multiracial population, and to a daughter’s story of faith, forgiveness, and redemption.
To read the full story visit https://news.hofstra.edu/…/readings-for-the-girl-in…/
Hofstra #FacultyAuthor
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siewmai7 · 1 year
What is Digital Citizenship? 
Zook (2023) states that digital citizenship refers to those who use the digital appliances to engage with society on any level. As the advancement of technology rises, the world has become more dependent on the Internet. The significance of educating youngsters to create proper personal boundaries is heightened by the digital-age habit of oversharing information on social media. While digital citizenship should undoubtedly be considered as an extension of offline behavior, it is equally critical to recognise the aspects that complicate it (Bearden 2016, p.2). 
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Digital Citizenship and Political Engagement 
Digital citizenship and political engagement are closely intertwined, as digital tools and platforms have transformed the ways in which individuals participate in political processes. The potential ability of an agent to persuade targets to act in the way the agent desires is referred to as social power (Lebron 2018). 
For the case of Donald Trump, his entire life was involved in political action. Before entering politics, Trump was primarily known as a businessman and television personality. However, he also engaged in various political activities and expressed his opinions on political issues. Digital platforms have allowed interactions with the audiences as it encourages political activism and engagement through social media. Trump has often appeared in media interviews to share his opinion about political matters. Platform interactions are an effective tool for voter registrations, sharing information and even affect the election process as well. In 2011, Trump became particularly involved in political activism when he publicly questioned Barack Obama's citizenship, leading to what became known as the "birther" movement. Trump demanded Obama release his long-form birth certificate to prove his eligibility to serve as President. Although Obama eventually provided the birth certificate, Trump continued to express doubts and raise questions about its authenticity.
Another local example is the satire art by Zunar. Zunar, whose real name is Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque, is a Malaysian political cartoonist known for his satirical artwork. His cartoons often tackle issues of corruption, human rights abuses, and government censorship. Satire enhances the irony and humor to critique societal and political issues for example, a picture below has shown a humongous pink gemstone on a woman's finger and a Hermes handbag from her other arm. Malaysians can clearly recognize this figure as Rosmah Mansor, the wife of the disgraced former Prime Minister Najib Razak. 
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Zunar utilized the power of social media to share his artworks and engage with wider audiences. Through Twitter and Facebook, it can reach a global audience and raise awareness about addressing the issue of his artwork. Zunar said that using satire and humor is effective because it breaks the fear barrier. He also mentioned that people always have the right to speak out their thoughts (Griffiths 2019). Zunar's satire work seeks to highlight injustices, question authority systems, and encourage free expression. His cartoons are a sort of social and political criticism in which he uses humor and visual impact to express his views and encourage thinking in his viewers.
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In my opinion, political engagement has clearly been more noticeable while digital citizenship has formed. It has brought many positive challenges and it also presents challenges. Both of the examples have different ways of interacting with their followers and bring out the message that they want. 
Bearden, SM 2016, Digital citizenship : a community-based approach, Corwin, Thousand Oaks.
Lebron, M 2018, ‘Power to Influence Leadership Perceptions and Innovatively Challenge the Status Quo: President Donald Trump and Social Activism’, Journal of leadership education, vol. 17, no. 2, Association of Leadership Educators, pp. 92–113.
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Child be upon ye
Hi again!
Mizuki, right?
Yeah! Hi!! I'm Mizuki!!
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ask-gadzooks · 10 months
The @asktwilighteclipse story Chapter 1
Gad and Zooks arrived in the middle of camp with a flash of light and a loud FLUMP! Half of the sound was the transposition circle Zooks had made collapsing in on itself. The other half was the brothers landing awkwardly on the stony ground.
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“Owww…” Gad said, rubbing his head.
“Ouch; also.” Zooks replied, nursing his beak. He made yet another mental note to improve on his teleportation landings, and filed it away with all the very similar notes cluttering his memory.
A second or two later, A shadow fell on Zooks’s face, and he looked up to see a white-coated, armor-clad mare looking down on him.
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“Gad and… Zooks, I presume?” She said. The look she was giving Zooks was… vaguely unsettling.
“Yep!” Gad said, Entirely unaware of the stare the mare was giving. “You must be an Eclipse Knight! I must say I’m really excited to be meeting The elite of the elite!”
The mare tore her gaze from Zooks and smiled at Gad warmly.
“Well I’ve heard many good things about you, too.” The mare said while placing her hoof in Gad’s claws and shaking. Zooks had the distinct impression that the mare didn’t include him in that statement, but maybe it was just his imagination. Either way, there wasn’t much he could do about her perceived low opinion of him at the moment.
“Uh… We were supposed to meet with Princess Twilight and Solar as soon as we landed here. Do you know where we could find them?” Zooks asked.
The mare’s expression fell at the mention of the Prince and Princess.
“Oh… well… Maybe you two ought to come to the meeting tent. The situation has… worsened, since you were last contacted.”
Zooks gave Gad a worried expression, who received it and tried to play it forward to the armored mare, but she was already walking away, beckoning the hippogriffin brothers to follow. Gad and Zooks hesitantly followed. As they did, the mare began speaking in a professional tone.
“Just so you know, My name is Light Piece; I’m one of the five Sergeants of the Eclipse Knights. Only the royals are higher in rank, so if you need anything from the camp, just ask one of us.”
“Well thank you!” Gad said, “We’ll keep that in mind!”
Nearby, Zooks noticed a Knight temporarily stop sifting through a pile of ashes to salute Light Piece. She gave a simple nod in return, and apparently it was as good as an “as you were” because the knight immediately got back to work.
“Did something happen last night?” Zooks asked, peeling his eyes from the black pile of flakes. “That’s a lot of ashes.”
“Our supply tent was set ablaze by an unknown hostile faction in the night,” Light said curtly. “The prevailing theory is that it was meant as a distraction.” She continued as she lifted the flap of a large tent and gestured for the brothers to go in.
“A distraction for what?” Gad asked as he pushed his way inside. He was met by the sight of four more ponies gathered around a low table. They were probably all focused on the figures on the table a second ago, but now every eye in the tent was focused on the entrance.
A second later, Zooks entered into the tent behind Gad, and froze at the sudden gazes of eight new eyes, none of which were Solar’s or Twilight’s.
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“Gad and Zooks, I presume?” Said a dark-coated thestral on the right.
“Uh… yeah.” Zooks replied. “Can any of you point us toward… the prince and…” Zooks’ speech slowed to a stop when he caught a glimpse of Solar and Twilight, or rather, a figurine on the table depicting Solar and Twilight. It was, surprisingly, nowhere near the rest of the knight-like figures on the board. In fact, it seemed like it was on the complete opposite side of the table, surrounded by vague approximations of hostile monsters.
Gad noticed Zooks’ gaze and followed it to the two-headed figurine. His expression became confused, then filled with dread.
“Uh… I don’t suppose Twilight and Solar are currently on a super-stealthy recon mission right now?” Gad ventured hopefully.
“No, they’re not.” Light Piece supplied as she slipped past the brothers. “As of last night, Princess Twilight and Captain Solar are missing in action; presumed captured.”
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chokjiaxu · 1 year
Week 5 - Everyone is Given the Chance to Create the Desire Outcome They Want through the Use of Social Media
This week's reading focuses on a discussion of hashtag usage in political movements. The #BlackLivesMatter movement demonstrates the potency of the hashtag function on social media (Choi & Cristol, 2021), which has facilitated political participation among citizens and drove force for social change and civic engagement. It also demonstrated how hashtags on social media can be used by groups to communicate and protest, as the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag has been trending recently. The use of the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag during global protests over George Floyd's death in police custody has reached record levels. (Anderson.M, 2020).
Another example that shown on the reading is the ongoing war in Ukraine. Megan Specia from The New York Times shared how Ukrainians have been using social media to rally resistance and show the world the devastation caused by the Russian invasion (Specia, 2022). Images and videos of suffering civilians, damaged buildings, and acts of defiance have been widely disseminated, and these potent images are assisting Ukraine in gaining international support. In this instance, social media activism has been a positive force, amplifying the voices of those affected and mobilising global support.
Consider the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The New York Times' Megan Specia described how Ukrainians have used social media to rally resistance and show the world the destruction caused by the Russian invasion. (Specia, 2022). Images and videos of suffering civilians, damaged buildings, and acts of defiance have been widely disseminated, and these potent images are assisting Ukraine in gaining international support. In this instance, social media activism has been a positive force, amplifying the voices of those affected and mobilising global support.
In a conclusion, people are able to express their thoughts and opinions to have an impact on the political issue they care about and achieve the desired result with the public discussion on social media and the use of hashtags. The development of digital technologies gives everyone the opportunity to be heard; if you dare to speak out, you give others the opportunity to assist you.
Choi, M & Cristol, D 2021, “Digital citizenship with intersectionality lens: Towards Participatory Democracy Driven Digital Citizenship Education,” Theory Into Practice, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 361–370.
Vromen, A 2017, Digital Citizenship and political engagement: The Challenge from online campaigning and advocacy organisations, Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Zook, C. (2022). What Is Digital Citizenship & How Do You Teach It Viewed on 30th March 2023. Available at: https://www.aeseducation.com/blog/what-is-digital-citizenship#:~:text=Digital%20citizenship%20refers%20to%20the.
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profzook · 2 years
“A group of whales is commonly referred to as a pod.
A pod usually consists of whales that have bonded together either because of biological reasons (i.e., a mother baring offspring and raising her child) or through friendships developed between two or more whales.
A typical whale pod consists of anywhere from 2 to 30 whales or more in many cases.
In some circumstances, such as during mating season or in areas where large supplies of food are abundant, thousands of whales may gather to mate and forage, separating back to their smaller pod or group once they have finished participating in an event.”
From https://www.whalefacts.org/what-is-a-group-of-whales-called/
Much can be gleaned from other mammals in their natural habitat.
I was speaking with a colleague today on the phone about the challenges and difficulties of effectively and properly managing and leading Generation Z (Gen Z).
Boomers and Gen X are used to a top-down command-and-control managerial hierarchy. I read vividly remember in elementary school the chairs being lined up in rows and columns facing the teacher’s desk; Julius Caesar would have been proud of the precise order of his young Roman Legions. Another excellent example is working in a call center cubical farm.
Gen Z workers are best managed in “pods;” please see the above description. This generation of workers prefers to collaborate on their work versus teamwork or individual work.
The difference between collaboration and teamwork and/or individual work is that collaborative work means discussing the work and coming together as a single unit. Whereas teamwork is a group of people assigned work with one or two people doing 80% of the work and everyone receiving credit. Individual work is self-explanatory.
I am all for “American rugged individualism,” but not at the expense of the group or the whole. Conversely, I do not want the Borg Collective as a model either.
Since World War II, Americans have become more individualistic, and teamwork slowly started dying. This is one reason the Japanese were a dominant global economic power from 1975 – 1992.
With the advent of collaborative social media technology and a paradigm shift in generational mindsets and thinking, collaboration is the preferred management and/or leadership style for Gen Z.
My colleague I spoke with earlier today, was telling me about collaborative learning when he was an adjunct college instructor. He explained the class was broken into five groups of five students and each group (or pod) was assigned one-fifth of the reading. Each group (or pod) would outline and present their section of the reading. The students were learning collaboratively using the Socratic Method; the students were the instructors, and this is the best way to teach and learn.
Applying this to the work world is simple. Instead of having a cubicle farm or columns and rows of desks or tables, have pods in sizes of six to eight people given a specific work area to collaborate. The pod is given its work assignments, deadlines, expectations, and the pod figures out the rest by doing or dying.
@profzook = Blogger, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Gab, Parler, Patreon, Locals, Pinterest
WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, Viber = +1-480-528-1656
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Stump Smash: (talking to a large tree near Skylander Academy) Hey there! Hellooooo!
Tree Rex: What are you doing?
Stump Smash: I’m telling the new guy that he can show himself.
Tree Rex: You sure that’s a good idea?
Stump Smash: What do you mean?
Tree Rex: Well, look! The guy’s huge! What if they go on a rampage? That kinda thing’s happened before, y’know!
Stump Smash: Yeah, once. Besides, if this big guy goes nuts, whether I talked to him or not isn’t gonna make a difference.
Tree Rex: Okay, so why isn’t he doing anything?
Stump Smash: I dunno, maybe he’s too big to move under his own power?
Shroomboom: Is he stuck?
Bumble Blast: Maybe he can’t speak.
Zook: Perhaps he’s in some sort of hibernation.
Camo: Maybe it’s not sapient.
(everyone gasps)
Tree Rex: ...What!?
Stump Smash: That’s a horrible thing to say!
Camo: (defensively) What!? Like everything in Skylands has to be alive? The trees? The ground? The freaking air?!
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musicalravencreates · 7 years
Werewolf, haunted house, and full moon!
Is this an ask game or a prompt, my goodness
Werewolf: What is your favorite urban legend?
Oooo um, I’m gonna have to go classic hook man hand door. Like, the actual story is so ridiculous to me, I can’t help but love it.
Haunted House: Would you prefer to live in the city or the country?
I’ve done both and gotta say, prefer the city. Much more opportunity for different things and less oppressive transphobia. Win-win
Full Moon: Do you prefer nighttime or daytime?
Halloween Asks
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