#zuffer talk
glassartpeasants · 9 months
Trafalgar Law x F!Reader
Warnings: Reader has a drinking problem, Law being emotionally distant, mentions of past abusive relationships,
A/N: As you can all see I AM A LIAR >:) also I've ne er written for Law before so don't hang me if it's not perfect. Also not as long as my kid fics
(Phone acting up so if format is weird that's why)
The Polar Tang has never felt more cold than it does now. Even though you were deep into the freezing sea, the cold was nothing compared to the freeze you felt in your heart. Every passing second felt like an eternity as you suffered in silence. Watching the man you worked so hard to let you in pushed you away like you meant nothing.
You didn’t know what you’d done for him to act the way he was. One minute, he smiled whenever you entered his office with coffee; the next, he looked at you with disdain. Like you were a burden, it took a lot for you not to break down in tears every time he sent that look your way.
You couldn’t even avoid him if you wanted to. Being in a submarine miles underwater left you stuck with nowhere to go. Avoiding him was impossible, and the tension between the two of you was insane. Everyone inside the Polar Tang could feel it. It was thick enough to suffocate on, and you hated it. You didn’t want the crew to suffer or walk around eggshells just cause you're having relationship issues with your boyfriend.
Boyfriend? Captain? You didn’t know anymore. All he did was order you around instead of giving you a small good morning smile that you used to look forward to. Now, he barely acknowledges your presence and simply gives you a blank look.
You know that Law has his difficulties and trauma, so you never force him to do something he didn’t want to do. Let him take his time to trust and come to you. Everything you’ve done was to ensure that Law knew he was loved and could confine in you. Let him know he wasn’t alone and that you’d always be here for him.
Yet now, it feels like that wasn’t enough.
You only saw him when he addressed plans for the heart pirates or when he came to eat. Other than that, he was like a ghost that haunted the submarine. A rare sight to see him out of his office. A sight that you couldn’t take anymore.
Which brought you right outside his office door, your arm raised as you get ready to knock on the door, yet it stayed in its place. Biting your lip, you start to regret your decision to approach him, but the overwhelming pain in your heart gives you the slight boost you need.
You slowly open the door, and you see him glaring at you. The sight alone had you shaking nervously.
“Law? Can we talk?” Walking out from behind the door, you breathe before closing it behind you.
“I just…Did I do something to upset you? It feels like you're making an effort to avoid me. Please tell me if I did something wrong instead of avoiding me.” You can feel your voice shake as you confess your concerns.
“I’m not avoiding you.”
“But you are! Whenever I try to talk to you, you look so uninterested in what I have to say, and you turn around to leave before I even finish talking! I can’t remember the last time you smiled at me. For the past three months, you’ve done nothing but ignore me and look at me with disdain!”
“(Y/N)-ya, can we do this later? I need to make plans for Sabaody.” You let out a shocked gasp hearing his words. That’s what he’s been saying whenever you ask him to do something together. Now he’s saying it when you need to have a mature conversation.
“Nuh-uh. You’ve been saying that for two weeks! Every time I want to be next to you, I get that same damn response! That’s not gonna work this time. We need to have an adult conversation. An important adult conversation."
“What do you want from me (Y/N)-ya? I’m the captain. It’s obvious I'm going to be busy.”
“Busy, yeah! But you shouldn’t be busy to the point you don’t even come to bed! I bet you’ve been so busy sleeping in here that you haven’t noticed that I’ve slept in the crew bunks for almost a whole month!” You saw Law’s body slightly tense upon hearing your words. His eyes widened before going back to normal.
“That’s your choice.” Now, it’s your turn for your eyes to go wide. You can feel rage bubbling in your gut hearing his words. With a scowl, you throw your hands up in surrender.
“You know what? Fine. I’ve got more important things to do with my time instead. Since obviously I’m not important enough to have even a second of your time.” Turning around, you open the door before slamming it shut behind you. Tears slip down your cheeks as you stomp towards the kitchen to grab yourself a drink.
You’ve been drinking a lot more than you like to admit recently. It was hard not to when your struggling emotionally with your lover and mentally to get over your original drinking problem. It was horrible when you first joined the Heart Pirates, but slowly, they helped you start to overcome it.
There have always been alcohol problems in your family, and only did it hit you when you got into an abusive relationship before Law. Some people called you a ‘sad’ drunk type, so that could also be part of the problem. It made you only want to drink more. When the Heart Pirates took you in, you were fresh out of the relationship and suffering from alcoholism to the point you needed at least 3 alcoholic beverages every day. It's thanks to Law that your liver isn’t fucked.
It might as well be again with how much you started drinking again.
“Dare I ask how many so far?” Looking towards the door, you see Penguin entering the kitchen before sitting next to you at the table.
“Not enough.” You say before taking a big gulp. A small drop hits your uniform.
“Another problem with Captain, I assume?”
“Yeah, like always. Damn, bastard. Is there something I’m doing wrong?” Desperation slips from your lips as tears continue to stream down your cheeks.
“No! Of course not! I’m sure Captain has something planned for you guys! He’s just a difficult man to read, is all!” Penguin's loyalty to his Captain was admirable, but it's not what you want to hear during the time you wanted to punch said Captain in the face.
“I hope for my heart and liver's sake that you're right, Penguin.”
The next few days went by, and neither you nor Law spoke a word to one another. It broke your heart not speaking to him but you didn’t want to go crawling back to a man who didn’t care about your feelings. You’ve done plenty of that before joining the crew.
The hangover you were suffering from the hard-drinking the night before finally hitting you at full force. It felt like an ice pick stabbing into your head, and it only got worse as the crew got ready for the day.
Today was the day you’d be docking at Sabaody. Horrible time to get plastered the night before going to a busy place.
“Come on (Y/N)! We finally get to see the sun! It’s been so long!” Bepo shook your blanket-covered body. If it weren’t for the fact that you haven’t seen the sun in 2 weeks, and if it wasn’t, Bepo was the one shaking you, you probably would have slept late. But you could never say no to Bepo, and you did need some vitamin D before you got sick.
“Alright, alright. I’m getting up. Give me a sec, and I’ll meet you at the sub opening.”
“Okay! See you then!” You could practically hear Bepo’s smile as the bear ran off. Taking a breath, you get ready to see the archipelago Law is so obsessed about.
“Everyone gather round here.” Once everyone was out of the Polar Tang, Law immediately laid out the plan. It was going good so far until he said where you’d be.
“(Y/N) you’ll be on watch while Me, Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi-”
“Wait, why am I on watch?”
“Because I said so (Y/N). It’s easier that way.”
“Easier? Law you can’t just-”
“Captain. And my decision is final.” You simply look at the man in bewilderment. He never put you on watch.
If you weren’t going through a rough patch in your relationship with him, you’d just think it’d just cause he misplaced you. But now, with all the arguments and how Law’s been avoiding you, it’s like he just didn’t want you around. You could be looking too much into it, but with how Law talked about Sabaody, it sounded dangerous. If that were the case, wouldn’t he want you more around for more defense?
Not to mention how he ‘corrected’ you in front of the whole crew. You’ve called him Law in front of them before, and he didn’t say a thing. So why now?
“Okay, everyone, let's go.” The sound of the crew dispersing made your hands curl into fists. All you could do was stare at the ground as you heard everyone part ways. Law and his crew go to town while everyone makes their way back to the Polar Tang. There was no way in hell you were going back in that submarine after not seeing the sun in two weeks. If you wanted to crawl into a dark, cramped space, you’d just go to one of the many bars this place probably harbored.
In fact, you're gonna do just that. More than half the crew is on ‘watch.’ No one would notice you're gone. Just a few drinks, and you’ll be right back.
“Hey, Captain, why’d you put (Y/N) on watch? She’s never on watch.” The sound of Penguin’s voice breaks through Law’s thoughts.
“I have my reasons. She was unneeded, is all.” A complete lie that he hoped Penguin would just take without another word. In reality, he wanted you to stay safe. And in a place crawling with Marines, bounty hunters, and other pirates, the only safe space was the Polar Tang.
He knew you were strong and that you could handle yourself. But there was a fear that if he simply blinked for a single second, then you’d be gone. He loved you too much for that to be a reality.
Even though his actions beg to differ.
Whether intentional or not, he tends to push you away. He doesn’t want to get hurt and lose someone he loves once again, so it’s easier to be closed off. But the touch of your hands when you massage his tense shoulder or when you kiss his cheek when no one is looking is a token of ‘good luck.’ Times like this are where he wants to be close to you forever, but the fear of losing you becomes too strong so he pushes you away.
And he’s noticing that you're getting fed up with his hot/cold behavior.
When you told him that you hadn’t slept in your shared bed for about a month, Law could feel his heart stop. Has it really been a month since he’s slept in his own room? The thought ate him alive and his head raced with possible responses, and of course, he chose the worst one possible. He remembered seeing the hurt in your eyes and the faint tears that threatened to spill.
“Oh, Captain, look! I think there’s two other rookie pirates fighting!” Penguin snapped Law from his trance when he pointed to 2 pirates causing a ruckus. A small smile worked its way to Law’s lips at the sight.
“Well, let’s go watch, shall we?”
“Here you go, miss, another one for the pretty lady.” The bar you found yourself in was packed with all kinds of questionable people. All pirates and drunken commoners. There weren’t many women occupying the bar, so you stood out more than you would have liked. Not to mention how your uniform caught many eyes as well, your crew’s Jolly Roger plastered on it proudly. That and the many empty glasses of booze surrounding you.
“Thanks.” The bartender placed a huge jug of alcohol in front of you as you sat on the bar top. You can already tell that you’ve had more drinks than you originally were gonna get, but each passing minute that you thought about Law made you down another drink. It was easier to drink away your problems instead of working to fix said problem and it not working.
“Well, look what we have here. A lone heart pirate. Where's your Captain dolly?” Turning your eyes, your met with a trio of men standing next to you.
“None of your business. And don’t call me that.” What you could only assume is the leader started snickering before slamming his hand down next to you on the bar top.
“Your Captain and crew destroyed our ship, completely destroying our lives. But now that your here and alone, I think a small revenge message would be sent if you go back to your captain in pieces, right boys?” The two other men laugh, and you notice knives shining out of their pockets.
“I’m not drunk enough to deal with you. You want to go fight my Captain? Go for it. He’s on the island somewhere. Attacking me isn’t gonna do a damn thing.” Taking a hard swig of the alcohol of your glass, you’ve emptied it before you know it. You signal the bartender for another one, knowing that it isn’t gonna be near enough if you are dealing with even more annoyances.
“We know we stand no chance against the ‘Surgeon of Death’ woman. Which is what makes you the perfect message carrier for your Captain to know what happens when you mess with the Rubber Pirates!” You couldn’t help the laugh that escapes you upon hearing their names.
“Rubber Pirates? That’s the stupidest name I’ve ever heard. So stupid that I don’t even remember destroying their ship. I say we did you a favor.” You down your next glass like a champ and, once again, motion for another one. The sound of the liquor-filled glass had you slightly lip your lips. Before you could take another sip, the man grabs yoru forearm and pulls you to your feet.
“Don’t you dare laugh bitch!”
“Oh, I’m laughing, alright.” The man gripped you tighter before pulling out a small blade.
“I’m gonna cut out your tongue!” Grabbing one of the many empty glasses on the counter, you bash it against the man's head at full force. The glass broke against his head, leading the man to fall to the floor like a doll.
“Who do you think you are?!” His two goons yell at you before charging at you with knives as well. Reaching behind your back, you grab another empty glass. One of the men swiped at you, and you once again quickly bash the glass against his skull. Knocking him to the floor and landing in the already shattered glass mess.
The last man almost got you, but you managed to hit his face with the next fresh glass of alcohol. The liquid splashed everywhere on his clothes and on the ground. The floor turned slippery as he fell on top of his incapacitated buddies. With an annoyed huff and noticing everyone staring at you, you talk to the spectators.
“Anybody else wants to bother me for no fucking reason?” The room was silent, which you took for a no.
“Good now go back to drinking and pretend this never happened.” You turn around to sit back down on the bar top. You grab some berri’s and give them to the bartender.
“Here’s for the broken glass. I’m still not drunk enough, so keep those drinks coming.” Getting in a bar fight was something you weren’t planning on doing. You just wanted some drinks and to go home.
“What shitty pirates they are if a single girl can take them out.” A gruff voice said next to you. Furrowing your brows, you snap your head towards the voice, only to be speechless.
“Holy shit.” Your eyes widen when you see the most wanted new-gen pirate sitting next to you. All the stories you’ve heard about him show their worth.
“What? Scared?” Quickly pulling yourself together, you answer.
“Maybe a little. It’s not everyday you see the infamous Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid sitting next to you.” A small chuckle leaves your lips, and it pulls one from his in return.
“What’s a heart pirate doing by herself drinking in a dingy bar?” You knew that he was bad news. That you shouldn’t talk to a rival Captain. Especially with someone as strong as Eustass Kid. But who’s gonna stop you? Plus, the effects of the alcohol you’ve been consuming have finally started to take its toll.
“Drinking away my frustrations and problems. What about you, Captain? What’s the infamous Captain Kid doing in such a bar?”
“Passing time till it’s time to head back to my ship and get into the New World.” Ah. The New World. A place where you’ve heard countless stories of beasts, crazy islands, and weather. Insanity that only the strong survive.
“Same for us, I'm sure. It’s a little nerve-racking. Hearing all the stories about it. But you only live once, right?”
“Exactly. Which is why I’m going to be King of the Pirates and obtain the One Piece! And I’ll kill anyone who stands in my way.”
“Sounds on brand. I’ll cheer for you. How's that?”
“What? No faith in your Captain?” Kidd’s laughter was slightly contagious as it made you laugh while drinking.
“My Captain gets my faith when he stops acting like a jackass.”
“You know, some would call that mutiny.”
“Some may call it a mutiny. I call it losing faith in a relationship.”
“Surgeon of Death ain’t a good boyfriend? Go figures.”
“That is what lead me to this dingy ass bar. Got into another fight with him and now I’m here. Can say I haven’t drank this much since my last relationship.” You take another big gulp of alcohol before sighing.
“I just don’t fucking understand. What’s the point of being together if all that bastard does is push me away! If he wants to break up with me, he should just be a man and do so! I’m a grown woman; I can handle it.” The feelings of anger and hurt soon started bubbling up, and before you knew it, you're spilling your problems to a man you don’t know.
“Doesn’t fucking help that when I want to, I can’t even escape him when we're stuck on a ship together! This is the first time in two weeks that I’ve actually been on land and seen the sky.” You grumbled while finishing your drink.
“Tell you what, Heart Pirate, how bout you come join me and my crew to check out the auction house. I’m feeling charitable, so I’ll take pity on your sorry ass to get your mind off your shithead Captain.” A small part of you told you it was a terrible idea. Going alone with a rival pirate group? Yet, the sound of just being near other people sounded too good to pass up. Even if the offer was worded horribly.
“Sounds like a deal I’m willing to take. Lead the way, Captain.”
“What’s the point in being here again? I’m confused.” Bepo’s hushed words to Shachi didn’t go unnoticed by Law but he decided to not comment. He originally just wanted to see what it was about but as time grew on, he couldn’t help but have his thought travel back to you.
Scenes of the two of you just doing mundane things played through his head, and had a small smile tugging at his lips. When the two of you would speak over some coffee or simply sitting in the same room was nice. It didn’t need to be a big thing. Just your company was enough for him.
Yet he pushed you away once again by making you stay back on the ship. Even if he wanted you safe, no place was 100% safe on Sabaody. Not with Marine headquarters being so close. And knowing that, had him fearing for you and the crew’s safety.
Just then, your laugh trickled into his eats as looked around the room, trying to pinpoint where it was coming from. Once seeing nothing, he realized it’s probably just his conscious making him feel guilty for leaving you behind. It wouldn’t be the first time your voice haunted his thoughts after he pushed you away. The guilt always kills him, but it’s easier to keep you at a distance. It wasn’t fair to you that he knew. One moment holding you close then the next pushing you away.
Suddenly, your laughter filled his ears once again. It sounded too real to be in his head this time. But why would you be here? A million places on the archipelago, and you managed to make it to the auction house? Not to mention you were supposed to be back on the Polar Tang. So when Law turned his head towards the entrance, his eyes went wide seeing you standing next to Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid giggling.
What the fuck were you doing next to him?
“I can’t believe how you didn’t get tetanus! Any other death-defying childhood stories, Kid?” The sound of you calling him by his name had Law gritting his teeth. Since when did you get so close to the red-headed brute?
Law watched you and Kid continue talking and laughing. His fists clutched tightly when he saw Kid pull you closer and put his hand on your hip. Red plagued Law’s vision when he saw Kid smirk at him when he noticed the doctor’s vicious staring. The final straw was when the man made a sexual innuendo towards you when you weren’t looking while looking at Law with mocking eyes.
Standing up, Law marches towards you with a threatening aura surrounding him. You didn’t have the chance to say anything before Law grabbed your wrists and pulled you through the entrance before stopping just before reaching the outside.
“(Y/N)-ya, what the fuck are you doing away from the sub? And what are you doing next to Eustass-ya?” Rage dripped from Law’s words, but you paid no mind to it.
“Captain! What are you doing here?” The overwhelming smell of booze finally hit his nose as he heard your slurred speech.
“Are you drunk right now?!” Your giggling told him everything he needed to know. How much you had was up in the air as he saw you stumbling and struggling to stay on your feet.
“Pfft, since when does that matter? I’m speaking, aren’t I?” Law grabbed your forearms and held you in place, his eyes staring directly into your own.
“Don’t you know how irresponsible your being?! Drinking in this dangerous place and not to mention with Eustass Kid!” Your giggles soon stopped as you stared at Law with a sharp glare.
“Oh, cut me the crap. Since when do you care? It’s not like I’m that important enough for you to care. Plus! I was just talking to the man, and he seems to be just fine to me!” Law could hear an almost silent tremble in your voice as you spoke to him.
“If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t be reprimanding you!”
“You sure have a funny way of showing it. Cause I could have sworn you were only Captain to me. Funny how I can call the most infamous new gen pirate by his name, but I can’t call my own boyfriend by his name!” His conversation with you earlier popped back into his mind.
“I was…upset, alright?!” You threw Law’s hands off you as you stumble back, a small hiccup forming in the back of your throat.
“Oh, so you can take it out on me then? Sounds like a healthy relationship.”
“Listen, I’m sorry, okay?! Happy?”
“No! I’m not! I don’t know what you think gives you the right to police what I do when you’ve shown time and time again to give a shit less about me! I’ve talked to Kid more than I’ve talked to you all month, probably!” Law rubbed his eyes as he tried to talk you through your drunken state.
“I don’t want to hear anything more about that hot-headed idiot, alright! God, how many drinks have you had?” He could feel his blood freeze when he saw you using your fingers to count the amount of drinks you’ve consumed.
“So if I had four this morning…and seven not too long ago…-”
“You’ve had eleven drinks today?! It’s not even three pm! Are you trying to drink yourself to death?!”
“Maybe I am huh? Ever think about that?!” A cold quiet settled between the two of you as Law watched tears finally fall from your eyes as hiccups left your throat. He could feel his heart twist and turn with each tear that slipped down your cheeks.
“What’s the point in anything if I cause so much trouble that my own ‘boyfriend’ ignores me for something I don’t know I’ve done! What’s the point in getting help if I just fall back into addiction, only harder?! I’m tired of all the pitiful looks I get from the crew when I walk away in tears after a fight! Sick of getting looks when I enter the kitchen! I know I’ve got problems, but it's hard to solve them when the whole world fights against me!” The man stood quiet as he listened to you.
“I’m not that strong, alright?! I’m not strong enough to just shrug off your words and actions! I’m not you, okay?! I can’t get over my problems by dismissing it! I can’t solve my problems by myself, and that’s what I feel when I’m near you! I feel alone! I…” Your sobs soon echoed in the hallway as your uniform started catching your tears. Law could only stand still as he felt frozen, your confession ripping him to shreds.
“I’m not strong enough to be alone…”
“Don’t. I-I think it’s best if we go back to the way things were. Your my Captain, and I’m just the crewmate who can’t get her shit togther. I’ll met you back at the ship Captain.” Turning around to leave, Law finally moves to grab your hand before you could walk away.
“Your not alone! I’m here alright! Let’s get you some water to sober you up so we can talk rationally okay? You shouldn’t be alone right now okay?! Your not! I’m right here so let’s just-” Tugging your hand from Law’s grip, you look at him with hot tears slipping down your cheeks.
“Even with you ‘by my side’ I'll always be alone.”
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gojos-fr-bae · 6 months
Daddy's Day
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Pairing: Gojo x fem!eader
Warnings: Heavy Heavy angst, cussing, dyuszcbjsuifk
Word Count: 884
A/N: Heyy, so I've been experiencing writer's block recently with Liar pt.7 so I decided to take a break & write this. Loving the Gojo family au. Also, this was ipired by something written by @zuffer-weird-girl (I love her writing so much, omd)
Hope you enjoy <3
(Requests open)
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Satoru had been away for the past week on a mission that had been meant to last two days.
He stepped into the house, expecting to be welcomed by you and your son Kaito at the door, but he was met by complete silence.
All the lights in the house were off except for the one in the living room and the kitchen. He walked into the living room and saw his son Kaito seated on the couch facing the tv which was playing whatever cartoon it was that he was obsessed with recently. He was in his dinosaur onesie and was hugging his monkey plushie tightly against his chest.
“Hey buddy!” Satoru said, walking to Kaito with his arms open,ready to give him a hug, but the seven-year-old looked up at his father with sadness coating his features before he got up and ran to his room, slamming the door behind himself.
To say Satoru was confused would be an understatement.
He slowly walked into the kitchen and saw you seated at the counter drinking whiskey…WHISKEY.
You only even drank whiskey when shit was getting deep, so now he knew for sure that something was wrong.
“Hey wifey, " he said in a soft voice, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, placing a kiss against your cheek.
“Mmm”is all you could respond to him, you didn’t even have the energy to respond to it.
“What’s up, and why is Kaito so upset?” he inquired, taking a seat next to you. You stared down at your drink ,swirling it slowly in your glass.
“Satoru, where have you been? Your mission was only meant to last two days.”
“Yeah, I know, but the mission ran a bit later and I also chose to stay back an extra two days after we finished just to make sure that there were no more curses left in the area.” he responded nervously, not sure where you were going with this. 
“So, yesterday, and today, you were away…by choice?” you questioned in disbelief.
“Y-yeah, um…why?” 
“Satoru, what promise did you make to your son? What day was it yesterday?”
He was so lost, he was trying to wrack his brain and remember wha- oh. Oh Fuck.
Oh no. No No NO NO NO NO NO!
How could he forget? How the fuck could he forget?! 
Yesterday, all the kids in Kaito’s class were meant to come to class with their dads, and Kaito asked Gojo if he would be able to make it, and he promised he would.
“Satoru, Kaito waited, and waited, and waited, and you didn’t show up. All the kids in his class started making fun of him, telling him that you didn’t even love him enough to show up. Satoru, he was crying for HOURS! And he hasn’t spoken to me, or anyone else the whole day. And you didn’t show up BECAUSE YOU FELT THAT DOING A JOB YOU WEREN'T EVEN ASKED TO DO! WHAT THE FUCK GOJO!?” You screamed, eyes tearing up as you lost your patience with your husband.
Shit. Words couldn’t even begin to cover how much Satoru HATED himself right now. He was actually an awful father. He was speechless. He couldn’t even move, and his breath was stuck in his throat.
“Please, go talk to  him, he needs it.” you said softly, patting his back softly, before making your way to bed.
Satoru could feel his eyes begin to sting as he was beating himself up. He could only imagine how Kaito must have felt. He had to go through all of that because of his stupid decision. 
He slowly made his way to his son’s room before knocking on the door gently.
“Kai, it’s daddy, please I come in.” he said softly.
No answer.
He opened the door and saw a sight that absolutely broke his heart. Kaito was sitting on his bead, with his back against the wall, facing the door. He had brought his knees up  to his chest and he was clutching his monkey plush as hard as his tiny fingers could. But his eyes were bloodshot and he had tears steadily flowing down his face as he sobbed softly.
“Buddy,” Satoru’s voice broke as the buy completely broke down and started wailing uncontrollably. 
Satoru ran to him and pulled him into his chest, hugging him tight, as he felt his own stray tears flow down his cheeks.
“I love you so much, buddy, and I’m so so so sorry.” He kept on apologizing over and over again, until Kaito had cried himself to sleep. He  slowly tucked Kaito into bed, before kissing his forehead and leaving the room.
He slowly dragged himself to your room, closed the door behind him before sliding down with his back against it. You looked at him and made your way to him as he broke down. He clutched you with his all as painful sobs racked his body.
He was beating himself up for being a horrible father and you tried to console him but nothing seemed to be working. He wanted to be a good father, and a good husband but he couldn’t even seem to do that. 
How was he meant to be the strongest when he felt so weak?
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Hope you enjoyed!
@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller , @havens-not-here
© gojos-fr-bae
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
Anon request: hey glad to see you're back zuffer! No pressure or anything, but I would love if you write a fic about Chisaki x fem reader inspired by the song 10 things I hate abou you by Leah Kate... actually is the chorus of her saying the ten things not the actual whole song 😅
You can do wtv it fits you. It can be before or after the Hassaikai arc or even the break down of tartarus.you choose the ending :3
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'Despite the destruction it caused, the infamous villain All For One used his Quirks to free as many prisoners as he could to-'
"Bullshit." You mumbled before roughly pressing the buttons of the remote and turning off the TV.
Japan was pretty much know by now as the country which was falling apart. You didn't even remember getting shocked when the Paranormal Liberation Front, which were the league of villains some months ago, made their appearance and caused all this chaos around the country.
Now? As you watched the news about Tartarus, the prison which was know to be extremely distanced from civilization and have thethe highest security standards possible, apparently just was freacking destroyed.
A bunch of villains escaped. Some were captured again and brought back by some heroes who didn't caved under the pressure of the current moment. .. but still that didn't meant nothing.
No one was safe. If even heroes were struggling, imagine innocent civilians? Children? Elders?
You bited down on your bottom lip before releasing a shaky sigh while grasping on the side of your head in hopes to calm down... even if just a little.
"I need tea..." You mumbled more to yourself before settling the kettle on the stove, rather abruptly, already filled with water.
A notification sound of your cellphone made you turn change your focus to your cellphone... picking it up you heaved a sigh at recognizing the number .. still not saved on your contacts.
'His fingers twitched this morning... I can't give any affirmation that he will wake up, but is a progress.'
The doctors had been quite... emphatic with you. More about the elder even despite being a ex gangster.
You guessed it was only fair. You would also feel pity towards a old man who had absolutely no body left. His daughter simply disappeared, his grabddaughter was given custody to Eraserhead and was currently being raised on the grounds of UA... the only human being that was inside his room besides the nurse was you....
And of course, you couldn't forget about Kai.... that fucking asshole.
Teeth sinking in each other you tried to breath in and shake the thought away of that disgusting guy away from your head... easier said than done.
Two years of your life now seemed like you just had tossed them on the trash can and was only noticing it now... Your... "relationship" with the infamous Overhaul was rather...intriguing by many.
He wasn't by any means affectionate to a normal level, he didn't allowed you to interact much with the Hassaikai... the time Eri was introduced to you and him was your last time seeing her because he claimed it wasn't good for neither you or him to have that kid near since you could get "ideas". The rare fights you had with him were majority one sided because in the heat of the moment he just simply wouldn't show any traces of care. His sickening goal of putting the Hassaikai back to the Golden years were far more important to him rather than your one fucking year anniversary apparently.
Yeah, there were sweet times... but now you couldn't focus and wouldn't allow yourself to remember them.
Because now you hated him. And you had to remind this yourself every damn day.
You had been know as every sickening name by the hassaikai members... such as "Overhaul's fuck toy", "Poor woman" or "The devil's spouse."
But now? The most hurtful ones you could remember were the tittle that your ex father in love called you: "a miracle to his boy" and the disgusting pet name Kai had called you for all these years... angel.
Most of your friends stopped talking to you the moment the news spread and knew you were on a relationship with him. You didn't had many before that, so now you were completely alone asides from very few people that stood by... or the people who saw your expression of not only broken heart, but also betrayal.
Your neighbors always talked about how you had no obligation to go and check on the old boss... but you always would brush them off with a weak and fake smile.
"Is not his fault what Chisaki did to me or that kid. He has no one now... He was always nice to me and treated me like his own daughter, so I guess I'm only returning his kindness." The old lady frowned at you with a hand resting on the right side of her face in worry once she asked why were you going to the hospital again.
"Dear is not good for your health... Look at you, you lost weight again I can tell... have you been eating enough?"
"Yeah, of course..." You haven't "Sorry, I got to go now or else they won't let me in."
"You can't keep doing this (L/n)-chan... knock on my door in case you need anything, ok?"
"I will, thank you." You bowed in gratitude and left that day with tears escaping your eyes in a alarming rate that even the doctors had asked you if you needed something...
That was the most you got with anyone on a conversation... asides from your therapist of course.
At least in all those months you made some progress. You weren't having the same amount of panic attacks and crying like before... so it's a start.
The kettle started to whistle as you jumped to turn it off the heat and make your tea... humming at the smell and preparing it just the way you like it before sighing in bliss.
Until a fucking brutal knock on your door made you jump and almost drop your hot beverage.
It was three am. Who on the whole world was going to visit you at this ungodly hour?
Your anxiety started to oick up and you couldn't help but curse under your breath as whoever was outside your door banged on it once again. Grabbing the most neat object to defend yourself you warily walked towards the door and grabbed on the handle of it before mustering the courage to say something.
"Who is it?!" Curse you for not getting a magic eyes just to see whoever it was through the door...
"I'm sorry ... is this (L/n) (Y/n)'s apartment?" You furrowed your eyebrows and grabbed on your macaroni roll tighter as you hummed loud enough for that broken voices owner to hear you.
"What's the issue? I paid my rent." You mumbled while unlocking the door wide enough for you to peek outside and almost gasp at who was at your door.
That kid... that green haired kid who... what was his name..? God he looked horrible.. what happened to this kid?
"Oh.. oh my.." You whispered, looking down at the boy whose eyes were avoid of any emotion "I.. I know you."
"You do?" You nodded in brief disbelief as you lowered your "weapon" down.
"Yeah. You're the kid that was along the heroes that destroyed my former house and beat the shit out of my ex's ass." You forced a smile to ease the tension and you a tinge of relief appeared when the boy let out a weak giggle.
"I'm sorry about your first impression of me..." the boy mumbled broken lyrics as you shaked your hands desperately.
"No no no! Trust me, if I was in your shoes and knew at the time all of things that happened I would have done the same.. even worse to be honest." You mumbled the last part to yourself as the boy exhaled.
"Miss... I'm so so sorry for bothering you... but we need your help in something..."
"We? My help?" You mumbled before finally noticing the winged hero behind him "Oh shit sorry! I didn't noticed you!"
"That's alright." Hawks spoke with a smile to apparently ease your nerves. "But... you might want to sit down to listen to this though.."
"No." You hissed, arms crossed in your chest as you gave one of your best death glares at the older male since you didn't had the courage to even raise your voice at the poor teenager whose looked like it had been through hell and back.
He tried to speak again as you raised your voice a little more.
"I am not fucking seeing that piece of garbage again. Don't get me wrong, but I bet none of you would be comfortable with a sociopath especially since he is my freacking ex boyfriend."
Deku looked up a bit at you and you couldn't quite understand what was his expression.
"So the answer is no. I'm not going to talk with him to convince that thick skull to apologize to Eri. I would like him to be on his knees to beg forgiveness for her. But I know him. Sadly."
"He spoke about you." You scoffed at the boy comment automatically "The only thing he kept muttering was how he needed to apologize to the old man and .... you."
Just now he decided to apologize? You thought with a disgusted frown.
"I'm so sorry... but I wanted him to apologize to Eri... so I promised that if he did that, he could see the man he kept talking about and you."
"Wow, without consulting me if I wasn't traumatized by him or anything." You spoke in harsh sarcasm before regretting your attitude at seeing the boy get more and more depressed.
"... alright." You sighed with eyes closed, catching both of their attentions "did he already talked with Eri?"
"Poor girl." You mumbled with a grimace before uncrossing your arms. "The old man is his mentor, more like a adoptive father really. He is on this hospital." You went to grab your cellphone and show them the address.
"... do you think you need time to.." Hawks started as you blinked.
"Where even is he?" You answered him with another question and not liking how both of them were suddenly hesitant to give you an answer.
"... outside."
You cursed yourself for widening your eyes and accidentally letting out a gasp at seeing his appearance when they escorted the man inside.
What the hell happened to his arms?!
"Shigaraki Tomura was the main responsible for this is what we heard off." Hawks answered and you face palmed mentally at noticing you had actually voiced your thoughts out loud.
You stared in horror at the man you once called yours in front of you.... surely prison hadn't done him any good.. Every since the moment he was practically dragged inside he hadn't looked up from the ground. His once big and dangerous frame now seemed so broken.. so small and fragile.
No. No pitying him. He deserved every second of his torture.
"You want us inside?" Hawks asked in a gentle tone of voice buy you shaked your head no.
"He can't do much and I will shout if I see him trying to escape." You managed to spoke in a cold tone of voice, not how Chisaki seemed to suddenly be aware of your presence.
They left but you noticed how they didn't exactly closed your door... probably they were just leaning against the wall and waiting for the time you two had to be finished.
A pregnant silent was in the room as you glared at the figurine in front of you.
"So." You decided to spoke first, ignoring how you felt your hands trembling "You finally lowered yourself down to beg something from someone, and you stay quiet?"
At that jab, he finally looked up... his golden eyes seemed so broken.. he had eyebags now possibly due to his mind plaguing and not allowing him to sleep... or simply couldn't due to well, being in prison. His hair was longer, a stubble had grown on his face...
He never liked facial hair... but a memory flashed in your eyes of every single time he was about to shave he would begrudgingly let you caress it with a soft tinge of pink across his face as you gushed how he would look good with beard.
Damn you... stop this... stop torturing yourself like this...
"I..." his voice shocked you for a bit... he sounded like he had coughed or shouted at the top of his lungs due to how weak and hoarse it was "I just... can't exactly muster how..." he sighed, apparently giving up as you arched a eyebrow.
"If you're going tk stay standing like that and not mutter a word you just as might as well go. The door is right behind you." You growled and for the first time in your knife you saw Chisaki actually finch.
Flinch at how unforgiving was your voice, flinch at how you just seemed to not even want to talk with him.
That must have had stroked him on a sore spot because soon he started to speak again.
"I... regret everything." He mumbled "Everything I did to cause all this... mess. It... wasn't my goal to hurt you nor him this deeply.." a minute passed before he looked up at your bitter chucke.
"Oh it wasn't huh?" You chuckled humorless "Sure sure. I will believe that. Why not? I will trust your words after the whole lie and chaos you caused Chisaki." His eyes squinted at how you used his last name.
"It... truly wasn't. You knew I was trying to return the favor to the old man and-"
"And when he told you no you put him into a coma. What a way to say thank you for getting me out of the street, huh?" You growled, glaring at him as he fidget on his.. or was he nervous or he was feeling extremely awkward.
"(Y/n)... I-" a loud slap sound echoed in room as he hissed at the lain forming in his cheek.
When did you go so close to him enough to slap him that harsh?
"You don't call me that every again. You don't get that privilege." You growled, hand still in the air as he blinked before lowering his head.
"I.. apologize. For everything."
"You had to be prisioned and lost your arms and quirk to utter a apology to me?! After 2 freacking years?!"
"I was in the wrong I know... I acknowledge that I don't deserve your forgiveness but I just couldn't... I couldn't go back without heating your voice once again... even if you despise me now." You pushed him hard enough for him to almost lost his balance.
"Are you fucking serious?! Despise is not even considered a nickname to how much I hate you Chisaki kai! Not even close!" You yelled as he widened his usually jump looking golden eyes at your outburst.
"You always in out relationship would have that arrogance so high that you never once thought about how much you hurted me back then! Your ego was stick up in your ass and you wouldn't even accept a freacking advice from the people you deemed to care about! And now you think you deserve to utter a word to me or to Pops?!" You screamed as his jaw clenched. But you didn't stopped.
"I remind myself every day now how fucking awful you are! I got a number of reasons!" You exclaimed with your hands raised high as you started to count "You're selfish enough to let someone die to gain whatever you want! You're jaded; and for the record even if you are smart you sure are the most dumb guy I dated to even think that fucked up plan of yours would work!" You face palmed and he hissed at the harsh sound but not muttering a word.
"Always freacking acting like a top dog but to.my surprise you were a fucking virgin and talked a big game about it!" You approached him angrily as you started to harshly poke enough he felt a tinge of pain on his chest as you glared up at him "You're toxic, I couldn't even trust you wholly when we were together and let's not even talk about your mysophobia and parent issues." You growled between teeth as he fought back the urge to just tear up.
You punched his chest as he let out a oof sound as he widened his eyes at you as you trembled with your face down.
"2 years of my life that I can't just go back and undo... but I hate you so much." You looked up at him with tears rolling down your cheeks as you did your best to not sob "I hate that despite all this you made this idiot love you despite all of that!" You let out a sob on the end as just eyes got impossibly wider.
He couldn't move when you headbutt him on his chest and started to harshly slap his chest... his eyes suddenly starting to water...
"I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU CHISAKI KAI!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as he sniffled and sinked his head on yours... the only thing he could actually do to be honest.
Your sobs and screams would torment him for life... but the way your hands stopped to slap at his chest to just cling onto his white clothes and muffle your cries on him was enough for two tears to drop from his eyes as he still stood in shock at your outburst.
He really fucked up, didn't he?
He started to panick when you suddenly got yourself off of him only for him tk notice how harsh your trembling was... how many tears you were shedding because of him as you hugged yourself to provide some comfort... sobs still stuck at your throat.
"Get out."
"(Y/n)... angel I-"
Don't go...
Don't give up on me... please.
You hated yourself for still loving the man whose was forced out of your apartment.
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invertedromance2 · 9 months
<3< Zufferer f0r m0d 2ec0nd. 1 haven't actually talked t0 m0d Eleven en0ugh t0 categ0r1ze them.
youre right avyril my life i2 a con2tant 2hit2how but i dont tru2t therapy
al2o damn ju2t realized how little eleven talk2
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wholesomey-artist · 4 years
Mind me doing some fanart in retribution of the amazing works you sended me so far?
Mate if you draw me anything I'm gonna sob n cherish it for life
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ramblehour · 4 years
A little smth to smoothen the uhh "struggels" between @glassartpeasants and @zuffer-weird-girl 👁️👁️ (Gifs aren't from me) (and Spoilers for Shiggys Backstory-)Get your man's and Stop that Madness even though I think it's funny-
A/n:Rn when I reread it I think I wrote it too short and weired👁️👁️And I know it's late to Post it-(btw once I am finished with Nemoto,Shiggy and glassartpeasants I will try to make Overhaul and Hari.I could make ya too Zuffer :D)
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Tenko was playing in the Garden when He heart His sister greeting you.He immeriatly Stopped playing and Went to Look for you.Since He doesn't really has Friends you really grew onto him. A faint Blush was in His cheeks when He thought about her.But as soon as He saw you He widen His eyes in Shock.
On your whole Body were injuries and big bruises.He saw Many Cuts With dried Blood on your face and Legs.
"Glassartpeasants (please say you have a Nickname π-π)!What happend to you?!Did somebody so this to you?!",He exclaimed worriedly."I am fine Tenko!I Just Fell of a tree and accidently Rolled from there in a little flow.The Stones are kinda Pointy.You should watch Out there!", glassartpeasants grinned."FINE?FINE?You feel of an tree!Look at you!",at that Statement He pointed at your face and Legs. "I will Ask Mom for help!"MOOOM!" and Tenko Ran Off With glassartpeasants behind,telling him Not to worry so much.
A few minutes later glassartpeasants and Tenko where playing Heros.They both Sometimes switched the role of the Hero and the villian. Sometimes you two pretended to save Toys from Tenko.
The Fun Lasted until Tenkos Father came Back.Tenko shiverd and Grabbed glasspeasants Hand and Ran away.After some time of running they arrived at a beautiful place surrounded With trees and a Lake crystalclear in the Middle.Both of you played in the Water,climbed on the trees until you Fell asleep on eachother. :,)
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Kai was Reading a book when He heared Pops Talk to someone.A voice He knew Just to Well."Zuffer!",He thought and Put the book down.
He Walked down the Hall until He saw her.With an broken Arm.And a Lot of bruises."Zuffer?What the hell did you do?!",Kai asked while He rushed to her Side.
"Ohh nothing.I Just drove With my bysicle and it Slipped.You can Imagine the Rest.",Zuffer explained."You are stupid.",Kai tchd.It was for a few Seconds silent until He asked very silent,"Can I Help you?You probably have Germs from those doctors."
"No.It has to heal itself.But thank you for asking",Zuffer smiled."Yeah whatever!",Kai Tried to Look in a other Direction to hide His Blush.
You both Walked into His room and sat down.He Tried to offer you place so Zuffer was kinda comfortable.After some minutes of Kai Reading and Zuffer lolking around in His sparkly Clean,Like cleaningproducts smelling room,she noticed a Wand with some Pictures.She quickly got Up to Look at them.As Kai noticed where she Wanted to Go He Jumped Up and tried to Stop her.But her eyes were locked on the pictures.It was her with Kai,Hari with Kai or all three together.She smiled as she saw the Photo of Hari being Stück,Kai being annoyed and Zuffer trying to climb the tree.Or in the Winter when the Camara caught the Moment when Kai Slipped,oulling Hari with him who instantly Grabbed Zuffer in her scarf.She never knew that an 10 year old could Run so fast on ice.
"You kept them?",she asked."Yeah more or less.Pops Said I should Keep them as memory!",the Brown haired Boys explained and tried to pull her away from the Pictures.
As Kai Pushed her away and Led her Out of the room to Drink tea With Pops He turned His Head around to Look at the Pictures.He smiled and thought:"I am Lucky to have them in my Life."
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draken1322 · 4 years
If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get back even better. 😳💖
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Ok for real tho I rarely interact with people in here and just like and sometimes reblog amazing things and time to time maybe talk or go anon to ask or say things but even with the minimum I CAN MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY? YEIIIII
Now I'm feeling happy!!!
And Zuffer!! You are the best!! No for real I love your writing and I get happy when I see a notification and it's you
0 notes
biotechniczeal · 8 years
-- choriocytosicInquisitor [CI] began pestering biotechnicZeal [BZ] at 15:03 --
CI: H!.
BZ: what'z up??
CI: WHADDUP !S... me wonder!ng when you w!ll be v!s!t!ng Lauct!s? >80
CI: W!ll that be soon?
BZ: YEAH, ACTUALLY. i've been packing my zhit.
BZ: i juzt had to make a few arrangementz firzt...
BZ: lmao it'z weird being productive.
CI: !t's not we!rd. !t's good ?or you! And there?ore, TERR!BLE ?or th!ngs !? you mean ?or them to be ?un.
CI: ! m!ss you. 8(
BZ: i mizz you too. B(
BZ: IT BLOWZ... but at leazt i'm keeping myzelf buzy at leazt.
BZ: alzo... zoon... ZOON.
CI: HOW SOON. ! can come see you R!GHT NOW.
CI: !? you tell me where you are.
CI: !'ll go ?!nd you!
BZ: in that caze i'm at my dadz' houze.
BZ: plz.... they're probably too buzy zmooching each other or zomething.
CI: Strangely enough, that doesn't make me ?eel better about the arrangement.
BZ: LMAO i know it'z grozz.
BZ: but ztill.
CI: Okay.
CI: ! w!ll now proceed to vo!ce my compla!nts !n success!on.
CI: Aaa.
CI: ?!ne. !'m go!ng over anyway.
BZ: u fuckin' better.
BZ: >8P
BZ: that'z my butt'z zecret, ruleuz...
BZ: it'z alwayz ready.
CI: 8)
BZ: B)
CI: *Perhaps close to a whole hour later, Ruleus is STORMING into the Casa de Strider English Captor and bullying J Dad awake from his nap. WASSALLA HULLABALO? It's Ruleus in the main living area.*
BZ: *citrin floats in when he hears a whole lot of hollering, which isn't unusual, but there's the distinct sound of RULEUS HOLLERING so he's here.* RULEZ ZTOP HAZZLING MY DAD GOZH!!
CI: *Here he is, the tall lanky fish caveman spongebob meming at Citrin.* CITRIN!!!
CI: JAKE: *still blinking heavily and sleepily, half waving an actual pistol around* Hoh rascals... you boys. You know better than to-- *mumble mumble, he's getting comfy back into the couch.* Take it to your room fellazzz.... zzzz
BZ: *snorts at ruleus and jake... they're both dorks... but here comes the peach, rocketing himself in ruleus' direction so he can cling to him.* eheheheheh!
BZ: you heard the man, let'z zplit.
CI: *HUP, naturally ends up carrying Citrin up in his arms.* GLUB. RIGHT! As you wish!!!! *scurries out of there, peach in tow.* Sorry Mr. English!
CI: JAKE: *snorts and waves his hand. Get on out you crazy kids.*
BZ: eheheheh... *buzzes all the way to his room, and once they're out of sight down the hall, he's covering ruleus in smooches.*
CI: Pfft prfbthth, that TICKLES. *scolds him, but not before ducking right into his room first. Stops dead in his tracks.* Wait.
CI: This is YOUR room, right?
BZ: LOL. well if u don't hear zim, dru or vic zcreaming then i think we're good. *looks over his shoulder*
CI: OKAY. *launches Citrin onto his bed.* BYE.
BZ: WEEEEE. *there he goes. he lands and bounces gleefully. BUMBLES BOUNCE.* eheheheh.
BZ: *curls finger at him after posing seductively.*
BZ: /come hither./
CI: *launches for the bed, flailing his limbs. SCREAM. Casually drops on Citrin.*
BZ: *clings to him and ROLLS.*
CI: >8) *He is FEARSOME AND LARGE and not at all twiggy. There they go, rollin like a tumbleweed.* Ahhhhhhhh, I've missed you sweet peach.
CI: Even a finful of weeks is TOO MUCH.
BZ: ENOUGH IZ TOO MUCH. *giggling against his fins as they roll.*
BZ: pretty zoon we'll be in the zame place though... PERMANENT LIKE.
BZ: i'm gonna hit up nannerz later zo we can zcope out placez to live. oh zhit. *sits up while he's on top of ruleus.* BTW...
BZ: dadz cubed hooked up at the zkaianet branch on lauctiz in the bioengineering department!! >80 juzt an internzhip for now but ye.
CI: An internship??? *his fins perk until he's grinning wide. Yessss, Citrin perched on top of him was the best view. But Ruleus has to roll up to sit and scoop him in another hug.* THAT'S SUCH GREAT GLUBBING NEWS, CITRIN. I KNEW YOU WOULD NEVER HAVE TOO MUCH TROUBLE!!!!
CI: Will you be needing help searching for a place to live? Should I come with you and Ananya?
BZ: eheheh... *flushes a nice shade of peach, leaning into the embrace.* ummm.
BZ: the more the merrier tbh...
BZ: PLUZ it'll be your place too, zo??
BZ: bazically tho idk what the fuck i'm doing.
CI: Neither do I??? *content enough to let Citrin sit on his lap, hugging on him.* But HMMM. Yes. I think I will have to discuss this with Sileas.
CI: I'm not shore what plans he has EXACTLY. But it's a shame we can't all LIVE TOGETHER. It seems ridiculous that we can't. 8/
BZ: lol... yeah... it'z a real zhame...
CI: *tilts head at him* What would your preferences be?
BZ: *shrugs* nothing zuper FANCY... i'm pretty content with a lil apartment or a condo in the city.
CI: WELL YES. But in terms of living arrangements?
BZ: UHH... *sweats* you, me, and ananya?
CI: *looks off thoughtfully* And Sileas isn't included. *It's not a question but an observation.*
BZ: i wanna ztay with ananya but... YIKEZ.
BZ: thoze two couldn't pozzibly live together. lbr.
BZ: there would be blood.
CI: I KNOW. *facepalms* How many more bridges must Sileas burn before he's SATED. I haven't a clue.
BZ: *fidgets a little.* zo like... i dunno. if you guyz talk and he wantz you to ztay with him then uh... that'z cool too. *he knows things... he just doesn't know if these THINGS have come to fruition yet.*
CI: But how fair would that be to you? *furrows his brow with all the fidgets and factors he has to take into account*
CI: Maybe it would be best if I lived on my own.
BZ: ... *nuzzles at him* hey, i'm juzt zaying... whatever you wanna do, i won't be far, right?
BZ: and... no matter where you're at, zileaz iz INEVITABLY gonna have to deal with a lot of me. *smiles a little*
CI: I don't think that's up for debait! *sighs and envelops Citrin in another hug* He can gripe all he likes. I will plant a fresh foot up his posterior.
CI: I just...
CI: Don't sea it all as fair.
CI: If it was only at his expense, I could honestly see myself NOT GIVING A CLAM. *But he knew it didn't work that way. He hugs on Citrin tighter.*
BZ: *buzzes softly, comfortingly... he had to admit to himself, this made him feel pretty darn important.* well... juzt talk to him about it and zee what he'z got to zay.
BZ: if you think having your own place iz the mozt fair then i'm cool with that... really.
CI: *Buries his face by the crook of his neck, absorbing the buzzes.* I would miss you.
BZ: ... gay. *kisses at the side of his head, squeezing him tighter.*
BZ: we'll get it worked out, ruru.
CI: I know... Unfortunately, you're contagious. *grins and gently nibbles the chub. Yum.*
BZ: hrrrkk. *wheezes until the giggles UNLEASH.* fuckin' RUDE.
CI: Isn't it??????????? I should have taken extra precautions before handling you. *peck peck, he steals some smooches*
BZ: FOOLIZH. eheheheh. *gets his revenge by holding ruleus' face in his hands and pressing a big kiss right on his fishy lips.* <3
CI: *BLUH, only not really. Citrin is really actually the best. He meets Citrin's big smooch with a bigger smooch from himself. Mwwwaaah.* I did this to myself. *muffled*
BZ: yep... now u gotta zuffer the conzequencez... *leans into him with all his fat weight so they're lying down again.*
CI: *is thoroughly squished under Citrin's GIRTH.* Should I die, tell them all I died as I lived. *purring from somewhere*
BZ: yez... zmothered betwixt peach cheekz.... *snnrrkks before dragging his kisses down towards his fin and then to his neck.*
CI: *ends up giggling, squirming from under Citrin* That TICKLES-- oh. Sorry.
CI: (Your dad.)
BZ: yez zhhhhh. *nibbles on him.* don't wake daddy. *SNRK.*
CI: That's difficult to do when you are being so... (Ticklish.) *paps him on the butt.*
BZ: yeah?? it ticklez in ur tummy?? >;) *he's papped... but it only makes him STRONGER. nibbles at his collar bone now. a frisky peach.*
CI: *SNORTS and ends up huffing about the rascally teeth prickling his collar. His hand comes up to stroke into the fluff of Citrin's hair instead.* In a particular kind of way, yes. Hmmm. *hums as if thinking.*
CI: We shouldn't get too distracted.
BZ: *buzzes softly...* why not? we can get diztracted for a LITTLE while...
CI: *laughs, scritching at his hair* I could compose, at very least, a small dramatic essay for you to ignore about all the reasons why we /shouldn't/ get "distracted" in your dads' house. But I also think I should tell you about...
CI: Sileas. And him wanting to matrimonialize our quadrant.
BZ: *peeks up at him but... doesn't really look surprised. he just rests his chin on ruleus' chest.* zo he went through with it, huh??
BZ: eheheh... he told me he waz going to. er, or that he WANTED to. but he waz being a dork about it...
BZ: like dur citrin do you think i zhould?? and i'm like bruh.
CI: *Exhales in relief, glad that at least Citrin knew about it. He purrs low in the backburner of his throat.* So he had the maturity and foresight enough for THAT at least. He's really bad with this kind of thing... when it comes down to it.
CI: It's another huge shame because I would not like his dumb baby butt feelings to get in the way of my relationship with you. Or any of our other corresponding relationships. *wrinkles his nose* He and Ananya greatly need an auspistice.
BZ: TELL me about it... but who iz ztrong enough for the tazk... eheheh. *nuzzles to his chest.*
BZ: ... i did really appreciate him talking to me. um... i'm not alwayz...
BZ: really zure where i ztand? er... idk. quadrant ztuff iz confuzing, you know? but when he came at me talking about that and rezpecting my input about you guyz and you going to lauctiz it really... helped clear up zome of my doubtz, i guezz.
BZ: he'z DUMB but at leazt he carez enough about you to look out for me too. and include me in all thiz.
CI: *Lip juts out, distressed by the idea of Citrin still having doubts about things... but ultimately, he puts it to rest.* I've always wanted you included.
BZ: i know... i'm juzt-- DUMB TOO... *looks guilty*
BZ: and i get confuzed.
CI: Citrin... You're not dumb for needing reasshorance. 8(
CI: You are an important part of the reason I would like to move to Lauctis. So the two of us can have a chance at augmenting all the GOOD we can do. Between ourselves...
CI: You inspire me a lot of the time.
BZ: ... *smiles at him bashfully.* yeah? eheh...
BZ: you too...
BZ: i wouldn't have even thought about moving... and i definitely wouldn't have motivated myzelf to get work if i wazn't... thinking about the kind of future i'd get to have with you if i did...
CI: *Citrin's honest bashful smiles should be bottled and kept away for rainy days. Ruleus is so smitten. He clears some hair out of his face.* There's plenty of time to figure it out.
CI: But I do want to figure it out. *takes up his hands and squeezes, nuzzling at his forehead.* No matter how long it takes.
BZ: *holds ruleus' hands tight, so relieved he feels like he might cry, his throat restricting and making his giggles rattle out hoarsely.* eheheh... me too...
BZ: i love you, ruleuz.
CI: *The words warm deep down in his bloodpusher and he's sure he's going to carry them for all of time. Ruleus's purrs roll anew.* I love you too, you silly peach. *murmurs, pecking a cool kiss right to his nose.*
BZ: no ur zilly... *catches him up in more kisses, humming against his lips.*
BZ: ... you zure we can't get diztracted juzt a little...
CI: It's tempting... but-- *he lingers, drawn into his warmth. His inviting softness. Flicks a fin remembering his trail of thought.*
CI: ...
CI: I can hear your dad snoring all the way over here. 8/
BZ: ... yeah that iz kind of a turn off...
BZ: you're gettin' it.
CI: Oh... *goes wall-eyed a little bit.* You know I never do get used to how plainly you put things.
BZ: GOOD. it makez it more fun for me when you're fluztered every time.>;)
CI: Whale how do you EXPECT me to act?? *HUFFS* You...
CI: Fluster me. 8(
BZ: FAIR. there really iz no other way to rezpond... i mean... LOOK AT ME!!
0 notes
glassartpeasants · 2 years
Fallen Out Of Love
Tomura Shigaraki x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, name-calling, toxic relationship stuff
A/N: This is what you bitches deserve @thotsforvillainrights @wholesomey-artist @zuffer-weird-girl
How could he treat you like you were always the bad guy? You haven’t even spoken a word to him all day, yet here he is calling you all sorts of names and spewing hatred from his mouth. Even if he was wearing father, you could know the look in his eyes. The look he only gives to his enemies. 
It kills you to know that it’s being sent at you. Such demeaning words slice your skin like knives every time they leave his mouth. You didn’t want to stoop to his level and shout words back, but someone can only take so much.
“What is your fucking issue, Tomura? And how dare you talk to me like that?” You crossed your arms as you looked at him. He was sitting playing some stupid shooting game on his monitor while you sat on the bed facing him.
“I can say whatever I want to cunt. I don’t know who you think you are telling me what to do.”
“Respect works both ways, Tomura. Why do you think it’s okay to say such things to me when I’ve treated you with nothing but respect and kindness?” His chair swivled around quickly before he threw his computer mouse at you.
Thankfully you ducted just in time but when you looked back at the mouse, you saw that it left a little dent in the wall from how hard he threw it. Sure, the place was shitty and cheap but looking at that small dent instilled a newfound fear inside you. 
What is that hit you? What would the damage be? Would you be bleeding? Would he say he was sorry?
You looked at him in shock and you saw that he had the same look of shock in his eyes when starign back at you. Why does he think he can look at you like that?! He’s the one who threw a computer mouse at you!
“I need to go. I have something I need to do.” Standing up from the floor you sat on you just walked out of the room with tears threatening to spill from your eyes. You clenched your fists tightly as you walked towards the front door.
“Everything okay (Y/N)?” The sound of a familiar voice rang through your ears. You turned your head to see Spinner sitting on the couch playing some game on his phone. 
“I’m…I’m fine. Trust me, im nothing to worry about okay?” You send him a warm smile before continuing to walk out the front door. 
When the door closed behind you, the tears finally slid down your face. The way he responded to just you asking for some respect made your stomach churn. Who was this Tomura you were seeing now? Where is the Tomura who’s beg for you to cuddle him when you got home from work? Where was the Tomura who always told you nothing but praises? Cause this wasn’t him.
All you could do was hug yourself as you continued walking down the streets before settling down on an empty bench. The silence of the night felt suffocating as the only sign of life around was you. Despite how uneasy your felt, it was nice to not hear a single word of anger being told in your direction.
You use to love this night. Every Friday you and Tomura would watch some random knockoff movie and make fun of it and compare it to the real thing. Your favorite part was when he would go on a rant about how each characters personalities where bland and everythign in between. But now you both just sat their in silence watching it.
To be honest, it felt boring being next to him. He never said a word. Never made any sort of comment. Just sat there in silence watching the shitty movie. Even looking at his face it was obvious that he wasn’t enjoying himself. 
You tried to start conversation but he just looked at you then back on screen. All without saying a word. You were annoyed. You didn’t want to spend Friday nights hanging out with a miserable man who looked to be in despair for being in even 3 feet of you. 
You decided to get up from the movie and took all your stuff with. When Tomura turned to see why you had gotten up, he saw you holding everything you brought with you to the movie.
“What are you doing?”
“Going to bed.”
“The movie isn’t over yet. And we haven’t seen the real movie.”
“I’m not feeling good. I hope you like the rest of the movies.” With that you grabbed your stuff and walked to your room without saying another word.  
When you placed everything in it’s natural order and laid in your own bed once more, your mind wandered with thoughts. Maybe you were acting overdramatic when you left? Maybe this time he was just more focused on the movie? Not to mention how he sounded slightly sad when you told him your were going to bed. You hated feeling this way. You felt like you were going crazy.
Maybe you were overreacting. Maybe he was just tired today. Whatever it was, you’ll apologize tomorrow. 
The hideout was silent to the point you could hear a pin drop. No one dared to speak cause it was obvious that the slightest bit of noise would cause him to lose his mind. He was already annoyed at something unknown, so a new thing to be mad about was what had them concerned. But of course, no one told you what his attitude was like before you jumped through the hideout door and announced that you had bought pizza for all of them. 
“Jesus Christ! Why are you so loud!” You were taken aback by his outburst. You just wanted to do something nice for everyone, and he was yelling at you. Not to mention he was yelling at you in front of everyone. God, you felt so embarrassed. 
“Hey! I just wanted to announce that I brought us pizza! Not to mention I didn’t even yell or anything! So what’s your deal?” You give the pizza to Twice, who carried it to the kitchen before crossing your arms and staring at him.
“Whatever. It’s not like you listen anyways.”
“Now I know you didn’t try to play that card on me. Listen here, we can fight some other time cause right now, let's actually all eat. I’m sure no one wants this pizza to get cold.” You walked towards the kitchen, passing by Tomura as you went. You heard him say something under his breath as he passed, but you said nothing. Not wanting to continue fighting. 
Why did he feel the need to yell at you in front of everyone? Why couldn’t he have at least done it in private? Your heart felt like it was burning in your chest. The feeling of knowing that the man you once loved to the moon is treating you in such a way is a horrific feeling.
A feeling you wouldn’t wish on anyone else.
After the pizza incident, you’ve noticed that the little things he does have started to annoy you. How he never puts his dishes away. Leaving his glasses that smell like hard liquor everywhere along the bar top.
How come you’ve never noticed that before? Has he always done that? 
Not to mention how his room was always dirty. Always smelled disgusting. Was it always like this as well? You could have sworn it was a little bit cleaner in here and smelled way nicer.
Why couldn’t he at least try to clean up after himself? It was always you cleaning up after him. Why now did you notice? You’ve been with him for so long. 
You hated feeling like this. He was your lover. Not an annoying roommate. Even though that’s what he felt like now. Always leaving a mess everywhere. Never bothering to clean up anything. You were just getting sick of acting like a parental figure. Maybe if you stopped for awhile, he’ll actually get off his ass and do the dishes.
Your thoughts ate at your love for him as you stared at the ceiling. You just felt empty. Your heart no longer beat rapidly when he came into the room or when you heard his voice. All of it was just so null.
Now when he yelled at you, you could only roll your eyes before either walking away or staying back to argue as well. 
He always got super pissy when you'd argue. Over the stupidest things or one time Dabi said a joke and Tomura took it to heart. You tried to tell him that Dabi was just fucking with him but all he did was slap your hand back and send you a hateful glare.
You had to hold back your anger from saying something you might regret.
'Ugh why'd he text me? I was doing something.' You groan in annoyance before opening up to see what he said.
Shigaraki: What are you doing?
You: Stuff
Shigaraki: Do you want to go out to eat?
You: No sorry. I gtg see you
Shigaraki: …
So annoying. You didn't want to go out to eat when the probability of fighting with him was 9/10. You rather go hang out with Toga or something. At least then, you might be able to slip in a laugh.
You turn his notifications onto mute. You just wanted to have the day without seeing his texts. 
“Do you even know if they’re still together? They haven’t even looked in each other direction at all today.” The whispers about your relationship with the boss had taken root around the league. Some suspected that it was over between the two of you, but you didn’t want to say it publicly. Some thought it was just a couple giving each other space. But in reality…
Well, you didn’t know.
You had been putting a lot of thought into your relationship with Shigaraki. Neither of you was trying to talk about what was happening with you both. You knew it had to be done you just didn’t know how to do it. Not with everyone breathing down your neck, waiting for something to happen.
The looks caused you to think about what it’s like to live with him. If he tried to talk to you, would you still try to get therapy, or would you leave? Do you want to leave him? 
The thought of leaving him used to give you such a disgusting feeling, but now it felt nothing but a pinch. But what kind of person would you be if you weren’t willing to try out therapy? 
The kind of person to be dating a villain.
What were you expecting? Dating a villain, you couldn’t do things like that. You can’t go out in public and have dates. Even if you did, you hated the feeling of worry if you were to be noticed. You just didn’t know if you could handle it anymore.
Everyone heard a commotion going on last night, but no one said anything. It wasn’t the sounds of sex or talking but the sounds of tears. Hearing yourself ball your eyes out as you packed up your stuff carefully. 
You just couldn’t anymore. It seemed everywhere you looked, your heart burned with memories that were now shattered and tainted by memories of all the yelling. You couldn’t face him. You didn’t want to go back into the hell cycle that you were trapped in for so long.
You just hoped that the next one would be loved more than you were.
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glassartpeasants · 2 years
Happy New Years ya'll! I fell asleep early so I didn't have time to make this earlier
@zuffer-weird-girl I'm happy that even though we give each other a hard time, that it's always a good laugh and I wish nothing but the best for you!
@thotsforvillainrights Love talking to you lol. I also look forward to seeing any new merchandise you managed to find of obscure characters 😭
@wholesomey-artist even though you bring me such rage sometimes with your art, I love seeing it and I live looking at how far you've progressed in it!
@only-my-unexistent-fiances I'm glad I was able to make another friend before the year was over. I still remember your drawing so I'm watching you 😑
@bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love love this woman to the bottom of my heart. She's been my friend for years and deserves the world <3
@ellzilla love their art and I always look forward to seeing it on my dash. They've got great oc's who I think deserve more recognition
@dukemurdoc thank you for putting up with me and helping me with character stories and designs. They're a good friend with awesome art and awesome story telling skills.
Thanks for dealing with me and my bullshit guys 🥲
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glassartpeasants · 1 year
How did you met your first husbando? (Or current one you choose) and put your friends on this since I'm curious bitch
Love the attitude you gett a gold star
But that is a good question! I was in the creepypasta fandom WAY before I was in the MHA fandom. But I know for sure that I found creepypasta as a freshman in highschool.
I actually hated Isaac when i first learned about him through Laughing Jacks story. Still hate the OG mf. I've just created a better version of him in my head.
I think i grew so attached to him was because during that time in my life i was having very bad home life living with my mother and i guess freshman me just decided Isaac was the one. I've created a lot of different realities with this man by daydreaming.
It's funny to me cause even when i was first starting out in the MHA fandom, I was still in the creepypasta fandom at the same time. Funny merge i thinks. So yeah I've been stuck with that British loser for over 5 years.
Now when it comes to my friends on here, i have quite a few. At least to me i count them as friends
@zuffer-weird-girl I met in 2020 i believe. I loved her Overhaul content and I had only started writing barely when we first met. I was so excited when i saw her follow me back and I'm pretty sure we became better friends making fun of one another in a nice way-
@bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love literally the person who inspired me to write. Love this woman from the bottom of my heart and would kill a man for her. She was my first ever friend on here and were still friends to this day! We're both busy sadly as we both have full time jobs so we don't talk as much as we use to but it always puts a smile on my face when we do
@thotsforvillainrights followed them before anyone else. Pretty sure i got closer with them after me and zuffer became friends. We got roped into a group by being "people who write for overhaul the most". So you know you gotta make friends in a group lol. But they are really fun to talk to and a great writer
@wholesomey-artist met them through zuffer. can i remember when? No. But i do know that we got closer as friends when i was displaying my hate for nemoto the first time. They deserve more attention and they're art is amazing (don't play among us with them, they LIE)
@dukedonte met them through the now deactivated proxymorons blog. I was working on my own rewrites and through the grace of god i was able to become friends with them. I owe them a lot for helping me with helping make rewrites. By helping me with any plotholes i had or helping me with lore. They're really the best
@ellzilla Cannot remember how i met them no matter how hard i try. Maybe through her old ask blog? I love her oc's and she's also doing a really interesting rewrite on Laughing Jack's story! A really unique one me thinks. I love looking at her art and I'm super jealous how great she is at painting on digital
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glassartpeasants · 1 year
You wanna know something cool that you, thots and zuffer could do? A writing collab! I think it would be awesome, but wtv is up to you
That does sound fun! But of course the others would have to be on board and we'd have to talk about it! Do you have anything in particular that you had in mind?
@zuffer-weird-girl @thotsforvillainrights
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
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I did get a little better but not one hundred percent yet but im in condition to write and draw again
I appreciate the ones who understood my situation and send messages of comfort
Thank you for you pacience
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zuffer-weird-girl · 6 years
Help i think im becoming a otaku again because of this anime wotaku koi wa muzukashii
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Seriously help SEND HELP
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Overhaul x F!Reader
Warnings: Non-con/dubcon (overhaul), overstimulation, light bondage, dom reader, reader milking overhaul, Overhauls in taurus, handjobs, slight blowjobs
A/N: I have no regrets in making this. This is the peak of my existence. I would like to thank god and my love for frosted sugar cookies from walmart.
@zuffer-weird-girl @hello-lucky-luka i shall warn you both that this is extremely smutty and I have absoultely no regrets in making this. This was way longer then I expected it to be soo....
“Who the hell are you? Another guard to tease me?” Overhaul said with venom as you walked into his room. His eyes sent glares your way but also with confusion. Its usually only males that come in here. Disgusting ones at that. Quirk filled and sick.
“Oh no, they just hired me. Now I’m gonna need you to cooperate with me, its either that or the hard way, and im sure you dont want that right?” You smirk as you bring in your supplies. Ropes, a gag, a blind fold and a chair.
“What the hell? What are you doing. Leave me alone at once. Do you know who I am?” He spat. He felt his anger rise as he saw you place your little ‘equipment’ near his bed. He tried to scoot back away from you only for you to grab his foot and jerk him near you.
“I’m gonna give you another chance, you either sit in that chair willingly and let me tie you up, or, I pour dirt on you. Your choice.” You glared at him right back. You were trying to be nice, give him at least a chance but you saw why they told you they would pay good money to do this. 
Your job is difficult to describe but what made them hire you was that your quirkless. It was the least they could do for him. Have a quirkless girl mess with him until he was a shivering and whiny mess.
Funny thing is, after your appointment with this gem you also have to go to a few different places. You’ll talk about that later. But for the time being, you had to figure out a way to get this man on the chair.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh I would. Be at least grateful that im quirkless. They could have sent someone with quirks.” You say hoping it was enough to get him to shut up. 
“Pefect!” You smile as he turned around and got up off the bed. You dragged him by his shirt and plopped him on the chair. His face never changing his glare. You roll your eyes as you quickly tie him up, making sure that no matter how hard he tried he wouldn’t be able to move a inch. He tried struggling but that only made you tighten the ropes.
“What the fuck is this for?” He snarled at you. Hate oozing from his pores. How dare you touch him with your hands? Do you have any idea how many bacteria you hand could have?!
His skin started to break out in hives. You saw from the corner of your eye. as you rolled your eyes. Jeez you knew he was a germophobe but holy shit man.
“Calm your tits Chisaki, i took to showers and washed my hand 3 times. I think your can manage.” You snap at him. Once your finished with tying him to the chair you grab you blindfold and pin it around his eyes. You snicker when you here him mumble curse words at you.
“I demand you take this off at once!” He said jerking his head trying to get it to fly off. His fingers were curled into a fist out of anger as he felt helpless. He couldn’t see where you are or what you were doing.
“Nah.” You giggle in his left ear before taking it between your teeth and giving it a nice tug. Your hands go up his back and over his shoulders and down his chest as you kept on tugging and nibbling on Chisaki’s ear.
Your fingers tapping on his chest as you moved your hands near the end of his shirt. You made extra sure your hands where cold so that you could see him shiver. You lift his shirt up before pushing your hands up, letting your cold fingers touch his nipples making him let out a gasp.
“Aw does pretty boy like that?” You laugh in his ear as you move your fingers to grab his nipples. Pinching and twisting him while you kiss his neck, giving it a few kisses and some harsh sucks.
“You better stop this instant!” He yelled at you before letting out a yelp once he felt you sink you teeth into his neck. He could feel you using your tongue licking away the blood that had surface. Your fingers finally left his nipples alone after tweaking them raw.
You moved your body so you were on your knees in front of his crouch. You were so lost in your thought on what to do next that you almost didn’t notice the way Chisaki was panting. Your lips curved into a smirk before running your hand up his thigh watching him tense up.
“What the hell are you doing?!” He screeched at you. You only ignored his ranting as you move your hand to be above his crotch slightly pushing down on his dick. He jumped at the pressure before struggling trying to get out of his cage. 
You smirked wickedly before you started rubbing him in a fast pace. You held the outline of his dick and moved your hand up and down, giving it a few good squeezes here and there. 
You finally grab the zipper of his pants and pull it down letting you get a good sight of his boxers and his semi hard cock. You move your face closer to it before putting your lips on the fabric that covered his dick and let out a few puffs of hot air. Which in return gave you the feeling of his cock twitch and throb. You couldn’t tell if he was trying to buck his hips up or not, nor did you care. It was therapeutic to see what use to be a powerful man, now reduced to nothing but getting teased and now getting his cock milked dry until hes a crying overstimulated mess.
Your fingers tug at the waist band of his boxers before sliding it down so Chisaki’s dick had popped out. The cold air hitting his dick making him shiver. He moved his head to try and look down at you but the blindfold made it impossible.
You grab his cock and took a good look at it. Tbh you figured it would be small cause you know the saying, big egos tiny dicks, well Chisaki didn’t fit that description. He had to be at least 7-8 inches. Damn and to think you were gonna tease him.
“Wow, never thought you of all people would have such a big package. And all for me? Your too kind.” You laugh at him as you saw his face go beet red. Your soft hands slowly grabbed his cock, your nails skimming the underside before bringing his cock head to your mouth.
You let out a few beginning licks before taking his whole cock head in your mouth, making him let out a squeak. You started sucking harshly and running your tongue over his slit while both your hands were working on jacking the rest of his cock off, and the other massaging his balls. You looked up at him and you felt a sense of pride was over you as you saw Chisaki huffing and moving his head back. Noticing his toes where curling and his knuckles turning white. 
“You-you better s-stop, I-ahhh- You don’t know h-how many germs a-are in peoples mouths?” He was stuttering over his words as your harsh sucking was taking every rational thought out of his mind. It felt so good-no! He can’t just give up so easily! He needs to -FUCK!
While Chisaki was having his internal conversation, You finally enveloped his entire cock in your mouth, making him let out a loud groan. You moved your head fast while sucking him like your life depended on it. Your tongue wrapping around his cock while it disappears and reappears inside your mouth. Your fingers are massaging his balls causing him to twitch inside your mouth. He cries out in pleasure. This feeling is all foreign to him. He’s never had any sexual intimacy due to always on the job and seeing any sexual acts as disgusting.
You pull his dick out of your mouth making it let out a pop sound. If you weren’t listening closely to the sounds he was making you would have missed the little whimper that erupted from his throat.
You move your hand slowly at first, making your saliva and his precum as makeshift lube. his cock twitched in your hands, begging to have some more friction, which you gave you quickly gave.
You hand started pumping his cock furiously while laying your head on his thigh. You smirked as you watch the once feared Yakuza boss crumble under the feeling of your hand pumping his cock.
Chisaki flipped his head back and let out moans of ecstasy, His entire being shaking by the feeling of you pumping his cock so fast. He could feel the line in his belly about to snap as his eyes rolled in the back of his head. Oh god he couldn’t get this feeling out of his head. It only worsened when he felt your lips sucking on his sensitive balls.
He couldn’t handle this intense pleasure anymore before the line in his belly snapped and his cock spurted out ropes of cum everywhere. He let out a whine while he was coming down from his high.
His whines and pants were music to your ears as you stopped your hand movements and licked his cum off his hand. Considering he ate healthy his cum was not sweet but not salty either so you could thank him for that. Its thick consistency made you struggle to swallow all of it but you managed.
“Now since we finished that, on to the man show!” Chisaki’s eyes widen before he heard a low humming noise. Right as he was about to say something a vibration was sent along his shaft before reaching the base. He let out a little moan before the blinding light of his prison cell was stinging his eyes. 
“Aw look at you. All red face and panting, all because of little old me?” You giggle before you begun to take off your clothes. Your shirt and pants where the first thing to go before you grabbed Chisaki’s face and made him watch your take off your bra and panties, leaving you naked.
You walked towards him and moved your legs to where you were hovering over his cock as you straddled him. You moved your hips to where you were slightly stroking him but not giving him the friction he and you wanted. Chisaki’s mind was to occupied by the vibrating cock ring and your pussy  to notice that he was in fact drooling. He was so sensitive since it was all new to him that when you actually put his cock inside you he came again.
“Aw so sensitive aren’t we?” You slowly begin to move up and down while grabbing your gag and placing it in Chisaki’s mouth making more drool appear. You roll your hips and bit your lip as the cock ring you put on Chisaki was also sending vibration to your clit making your shiver and moan to.
You started to move up and down quickly as you put your hands on his shoulder and dig your nails into it. Your mouth goes down to his neck and you started whispering dirty things into his ear.
“Look at you, who knew one of Japans s-ranked criminals would be losing their mind to pleasure by a quirkless girl.” You whisper in his ear while the only answer you got was a low groan along with a sight of a few tears streaking down Chisaki’s face.
“Its such a shame that such a pretty face like yours has to be hidden from the public eye. So strong and muscular Chisaki..or should I say Overhaul?” You smirk when you felt his cock twitch while you said it. 
“Oh you like me calling you Overhaul? Why does it still give you a sense of power? Oh sweetie in here, I’m the one who has the power.” You laugh at him before speeding up your hips as you watched him throw his head back farther and more drool escaping his mouth. You laugh as you take out the gag and throw it to an unknown corner of the room. You grab his face before grabbing his bottom lip between your teeth, giving it a good tug.
Fuck it Chisaki couldn’t care anymore. You were so warm and tight. It felt like you were squeezing the cum out of him. Once you started tugging on his bottom lip he couldn’t help but kiss back. Your lips were so soft. So kissable.
He was so close please just let him cum. He didn’t know how much longer he could last in your tight walls. His eyes were fluttering close as it was all to much for him to handle.
“I-I have to cum...please I can’t t-take it anymore.” When did he resort to begging? The Yakuza boss would never beg!
“Well since you’ve been such a good boy I think you deserve it just this once.” You giggle before speeding up as you bounced up and down his cock. His cock was hitting all the right spaces and the vibrating cock ring kept hitting your clit giving you sparks of pleasure.
Chisaki’s eyes blew wide before he let out a scream of complete euphoria. Tears streamed down his face as ropes of his cum painted your insides white. You gripped his shoulders in an iron grip while your cunt clamped down on his cock and came all over his cock. You both were taking a breather before you decided to move your hips again making Chisaki whimper. He was even more sensitive then before. He couldn’t handle another round!
“I-I can’t do another round. My cock is so sensitive please you’ve won! you won!” Chisaki cried out as you bounced on his cock even faster than before. You leaned your head into his neck, giving it little kisses and praising him for being so cooperative. 
“Oh my sweet Overhaul, this game is no where near over.” You laughed in his ear while bouncing on his overstimulated dick. His eyes were puffy and red from tears and drool dripped down his chin. 
He hid his face inside your shoulder so you wouldn’t see how badly you were affecting him. His moans were muffled by your shoulder and your shoulder became wet with his tears and drool.
“Now tell me Overhaul, who does this cock belong to hmm? Who does this body belong to? Say the right answer and I’ll stop.” You laugh at him. It gave you some sort of twisted arousal to see this once powerful man tell you that he belongs to you. You enjoyed watching over him and seeing how far you could push him to the limit. You could tell he was trying to speak but he was still holding onto once sense of pride.
“Well if your not going to answer i have no where to be until 5pm and considering its only 11am, I say I have all the time in the world to hear you say you belong to me. And only me.” And you swore the look in his golden eyes was gonna be something you would never forget.
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wholesomey-artist · 3 years
January 1st, 2022
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Happy new year, friends! I hope you're doing great and drinking lots! (Water, of course)
I wish all of you lots of happiness and all my fellow artists, lots of inspirations!
@zuffer-weird-girl Thanks for all the laughs (even if it's sometimes at your expense, I hope you had just as much fun as we did!)
@wonderwomanfantasy Thanks for all the good work you always do, and being such a fun friend! I hope to talk to you a lot more this year!
@glassartpeasants Thanks for being a funny friend and writing such cool things ü .Wish you and Bob a happy new year and many kisses from Nemoto huehueh ALSO WE SHOULD TOTALLY TALK MORE >:(
@lxvebun Thanks for being such a nice and heartwarming friend and also your fics feel like a soft blanket and a cup of hot choco in a cold morning :D I hope we can talk more too!
And special thanks to my friends and followers who look forward to my art and my posts! and sorry for not drawing nearly enough
I should've mentioned more friends but my brain requires sleep, I hope you all will be very happy this year!
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