pandas-soft · 2 years
How about some GN reader x foolish fluff? Maybe helping him with one of his builds?
Oooh loved this!
An architect's muse
C!Foolish x GN!reader.
Friendly reminder this is with their Minecraft personas! I don't write about CCs.
Read rules before requesting~°♪
Warnings: Mention of threats.
C/N: I'll be honest, didn't really guided this as strictly platonic or romantic, so can be seeing as both!
"Careful there!", The totem hybrid exclaimed between laughs, seeing you trip on most of his materials. "You're good?" He asked, his bright dumb smile receiving you warmly. It was truly hard to get mad at him.
"I'm fine", you answered, looking up at the totem hybrid. He was climbing through one of the scaffolding. "You're in the middle of one of your constructions?", You asked, gazing at the huge in-construction monument that stood in front of your eyes. "You really should stop making things so big, you know?" You chuckled, earning a nervous laugh from him. "I know, I know, but I gotta give these blocks a use of some form!" He exclaimed glaring at the top of the construction, his cheeks red in embarrassment.
You climbed through the scaffoldings, reaching out to where he was. You sat on it as you stared at the tall hybrid, who was staring at the structure as if he was thinking about how to continue it. "What is it supposed to be?", You asked him with intrigue. You had catched him off guard, as he blinked repeatedly only to stare at you. "Foolish?", Tilting your head, you called him again. "Oh-!", He snapped back to reality, "It's supposed to be a monument for worshiping deities", he explained carelessly, it's not that he didn't want to do this monument, but he was doing it by threat of a god that didn't understand the word 'personal space' or 'free will', so he wasn't that glad either.
You hummed softly, looking at the materials that he had dropped before while making the construction. "If it's bothering you, why not stop doing it?", You asked him, looking at him. He tensed for a bit, it's not that he could say 'oh! Because if I don't a god threatened to kill me!'. "It's... Necessary", he explained vaguely. You didn't ask much either and he was thankful for that, but at the same time you silence scared him.
"Can I help you then?", You asked bluntly, no showing too much reaction afar from a calm expression. "If you want to, of course!", You were quickly to add up, nervous, as you saw his expression. You started rambling out of nervousness, a bad habit of yours since it usually got you in trouble. "I really don't wanna force you-", "Sure, I would appreciate the help!" You got cut down mid-sentence. Foolish smiled happily like a child, his himbo self being a huge help to calm you down.
And so, you guys passed hours working on the statue. You barely recognised the god you both were making, it seemed...familiar somehow, but you didn't know why. As far as you were aware, you never met a god nor read about them. His mask was what ringed a bell to you. "Huh, I didn't know you worshipped the God of Revivals" you commented, looking at the statue's face.
Foolish tensed at those words. "Not... Necessarily." He mumbled, adverting his gaze from yours. "I... Have to do this, whenever I like it or not, so..." He shrugged as you stared at him. "What do you mean by that?", Foolish gave you an apologizing smile. "Can't say, but I thank you the help shortie", you rolled your eyes at the nickname. "I'm not short, you're just tall", you huffed with a smile, making him giggle.
"We still have a lot of work to do, come on now", he walked, wiggling his shark tail happily. Noticing that you cared for him made him happy, extremely happy. You just shook your head in resignation before following the huge himbo hybrid.
Foolish seemed to work better after the talk, giving it a better design that he originally intended without knowing why. But then he dared to look at you once again and it clicked. You where the reason he felt so inspired, so creative. He chuckled to himself. «So this is what if feels to have a muse?»
He grinned at that thought.
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frecklystars · 2 months
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here's to hoping that transferring these onto icing paper will be successful so i can make the cutest heart-shaped cookies ever for both of my sweethearts!! 🤞💕
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punkpandapatrixk · 6 months
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💝Valentine & White Day Love Transmission ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
In Japan and Korea, Valentine's is when femmes give gifts to hommes; and exactly a month after that, on March 14th, the hommes return that Love with white (preferably) gifts that are expected to be at least three times the value/price of whatever gifts they’d received from the femmes😏
Traditionally it’s kinda like that. Hmmm… isn’t it obvious the celebration has never had quite any meaning in a country such as Japan and that the festivity is nothing more than a heavily-commercialised youth-tradition focused on the pursuit of shallow material desires?🤮
But…I guess it’s OK; because it’s cute anyway🥴
Within the context of this reading, the Valentine and White Day Love Transmission imparts the perfect synchrony of the Love shared by the Divines Feminine and Masculine. It is when affection is given and returned in Love and everything becomes beautiful and worth living for~💝
SONG: Space Orphans by Aoba Ichiko
MOVIE: Peter Pan (2003)
[PAC Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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Pile 1 – Don’t give up just yet; I’m on my way!
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8 of Cups Rx, 4 of Pentacles Rx, Knight of Cups Rx
Darling, are you on the precipice of giving up on me?! Do NOT settle for someone—ANYONE—who’s NOT me! OMG, babe! I’m coming! Divine Timing is just being a bitch but I’m on my way to you!🦎Well, the thing is…we both have this annoying thing called a spiritual transformation… Until that’s happened—and nearly completely—we can’t be together just yet. But wait, I promise you it’s all worth it in the end🎁
I mean, why wouldn’t you wait for someone like me? I’m romantic; kind and sweet; I AM RICH; and I will always be there to protect you—I intend to always be your confidant and best friend🥰I will never betray you in any way. I’m your best friend who will skip right next to you on our way to beat up a bitch; figuratively, babe—I’m not really the type of person who gets violent LOL
What I do mean is, I want to give you a Life in which you cease to worry about small things. I want it to be that when you’re with me you no longer worry about a lack of means, a lack of warmth, or a lack of security. You’re somebody who deserves to be loved and to be very happy; and I want to give it all to you. And that’s why it’s important for me to become the best version of myself first😝
I’ve got to admit I’ve not always been the nicest, goodest person to have walked on Earth. I’m changing my ways, you know. I’m growing up; I’m developing; I’ve now been awakened and I’m still working on me, so that when I finally meet you, I will not disappoint you. Because I will never want to be a reason you stopped believing in the good of people😤I intend to be the complete opposite of that.
Fall in love with me, my dear. Fall in love with Life again when you meet me. Life is an adventure and finding me has got to be the greatest story ever told. I’ll tell you all of my crazyass stories when we meet. And I’m longing to hear you talk of your losses and triumphs. We’ll both gaze at the stars and wonder how they aligned to have us meet in this lifetime. I will be so grateful.
You know, generally speaking, I’m somewhat of an extrovert and I socialise well and I think quite positively about people. Maybe you will worry that I’m a playa of sort but right now, let me promise you this one thing: I’M NOT! I’m friendly, my love, but it doesn’t mean I wanna fuck somebody who’s not you. I dunno, I kinda have the handsome face of a smooth operator but on the inside, I’m really NOT!😩I’m really quite romantic and I believe in true love.
And honestly, at this point in my Life, I know you’re out there being all destined for me. You’re all I want. I’m on my way. So don’t you settle for any low-quality slob. Get ready, baby~ KNOCK KNOCK~🪄🚪
Priestesses of Purity & Divination
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 2 – Everybody finds Love in the end; you included~
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Ace of Cups Rx, 7 of Cups Rx, 4 of Wands
My Dear, I know Life has not treated you too kindly and your heart’s been broken too many times. It’s been pretty much like that for me, too! I’ve lived a very lonesome existence, wondering where my people are. Wondering if I’ll ever find Love in this lifetime. I know now that those whose hearts are tender find it harder to truly connect with someone. We’re not BROKEN! No, we’re not! The ‘problem’ with us is that we crave soul-deep connections~ And damn, that’s rare, indeed🍀
You know what I’m doing right now? I’m single as a pringle. I’m not opening my heart to anybody. My colleagues all think I’m crazy, offbeat, and even difficult, just because I ain’t settling. Tch, I’m the only one noticing all of their subpar relationships, and some of them are not even the slightest bit happy with the partnership they’ve got. I don’t want that. For fuck’s sake I DON’T want that, ever! I’ve always had this strange, inexplicable feeling, that people are supposed to marry whom they love.
I want LOVE. I crave that shit so bad I dunno what I’m gonna do with myself🙈
One thing I know for sure though: if I’m not with you, you who are just like me, everything in the world is pointless. There is only calm in my world when I’m thinking of you. I don’t even know who you are; but I get optimistic every time I indulge in thoughts of finding you. I… fantasise a lot…?🌈Do you ever think about me? Does your heart bloom with a peculiar kind of softness when you touch upon my consciousness?💫
I am out here in this Star System. Dream of me. Want me more. And believe that we can manifest each other through resonance. We are so much closer than you fear us to be, my Dear. You have to believe in me. The Stars have begun to align and Earth’s temperature is nearing just right🍵Our time is here :D When dreams become Reality and all that’s ever been sad turn to glory, what would you do?
I know what you’re gonna do: you’re going to be married to me😝We’re going to start a new chapter of our lives together and be very happy and abundant. I’m gonna help you prove everybody who’s ever hurt you, gaslit you into believing that you’re hard to love very, very wrong😒All of that gas, when I light the match, is gonna burn their entire house down!🔥
OK, I’m a bit crazy, but anyway—
You do know that good people always find Love in the end, right? That’s just how it always is in fairy tales. You know fairy tales are more real than any of Hollywood’s propaganda, right?🐵Right??🙊I love you. I have loved you for what feels like an eternity. Return to me now. Come home to me, my Love. I am You; you are Me. We’re going to turn everything back to balance; we’re gonna create Heaven on Earth; a harmonious Life of you and me; so have faith in us~🎎
Priestesses of Integrity & Solitude
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 3 – You are someone’s Dream Come True; you ever thought about that??
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9 of Cups, 2 of Cups, King of Cups
You, are someone’s Wish Fulfilment; you ever thought about that? No, of course not; you only thought about yourself and how lacking you are as a person blablabla😡Don’t you know there’s a little someone walking this Earth who’d be SO glad to have you in their Life? Yup, that someone is ME😏You are a treasure of a gal/boy and if you’ve been surrounded by fools who can’t see that, it’s because you’re meant to travel the world and meet me~!
Have a change of scenery; you aren’t meant to thrive and live and die on the land you were born. When you cross borders and seas and realms, you’ll meet people of other cultures and points of view who are going to be more appreciative of the good you’ve been mocked(?) for🥰I promise you, babe~ You are where you are (or were) only because it was part of your Soul’s contract to learn about contrasts.
When all’s said and done, you’re going to be THE most interesting person anybody could listen to!🍿I, for one, could listen to you aaalll week long if you ever want to HAHAHA
My heart right now is like half-full, babe; I’m still waiting for you to appear in my Life. You probably won’t like hearing this because you’re independent, and you’re strong, and rebellious, but… I want you to be mine!🌹I don’t mean that I wish to suffocate you, no, it’s not like that at all… What I mean is, I wish to be the only one who could make you happy, for that would make me feel special🌞
I know I’m silly, I’m sorry~🥰I want to bring stability and certainty into your Life; that much I can say with clarity, for surely, you and I, we’re going to be pouring into each other’s Cups. We’re gonna be the kind of couple who can read each other’s minds and burst out laughing when we see something only we find funny without even exchanging words😂All of that, because of shared empathy~
Honestly, I couldn't care less for all the treasures in the world; I only want you around. Maybe that makes me a romanticist? Hm, that word doesn’t quite encompass all the feelings I have for you. All the things I wish to share with you. All that I’d do for you. What I know is that this is no mere romance; I LOVE you, you know? It goes so much deeper than that🌊
I’m mature, nurturing and caring. Find me, my Love. I’ll nurse you back to health—spiritually and everythingally; I’ll be the reason your faith in Humanity is restored. Actually, it doesn’t even matter; I just want you to trust in me, see yourself through my eyes, see how wonderful of a being you are. I want you to trust in yourself. You’re so fucking special. You’re MY very special kind of Wish Fulfilment☃️
Priestesses of Love & Healing
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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mncein · 10 months
my sweater? or yours?
◖ 🌸 ° ✮ — seeking comfort after an exhausting day is a requirement. maybe hugs and kisses will ease the tiredness you're feeling. from who? of course your lovely girlfriend!
◖ 🕢 ° ✮ — today, serving you with...? pure fluff !! try your best to relax and take breaks, there is no time for drama today; pairing: newjeans ot5 x female!reader
◖ 💌 ° ✮ — mail for you: hi hi! guess who's back! i'll be explaining my semi-long (?) disappearance here. aside all the crazy things i've done in my life, first sem is done! so far i'm not pressured or stressed about any school works, i fixed my schedules, managed my time and all. i grew a lot ! hoping my brain did too, anyways take this as thanks to my loyal readers out there ! special thanks to @ilovekimminji for the kisses and requesting this hc ! ◖ 💬 ° ♪ — word count: 2,731
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in what might some consider as dramatic, your tiredness has truly reached its limit. the silent but audible groans escaping your lips serve as a sign that you're getting more exhausted with every step you take. the walk to newjeans' dormitory, which the girls granted you access to, feels like a long travel at this point. each step is paired with a quiet sigh, a mumble of a protest against the weight of drained energy.
at last, you arrived at the front door of the building; when the view of the elevator opening entered reach of your sight, you felt a feeling of relief for your tired legs, you don't have to take the stairs! you made your way inside the dormitory, hoping that your girlfriend was home...
🌸 — minji
you know she was home because of her favorite slippers all messy on the rug of the front door. you knelt down, followed by a click of your tongue while you fixed the house shoes neat and well-arranged. after, you take your coat off and hang it on the rack, excitement of seeing minji growing second after second. rushing to the living room with a big smile on your face.
there she was, entirely carefree of your presence, but still undeniably beautiful while slacked lazily on the couch. the tv plays a playlist of her all-time favorite old rock love songs on youtube, and she listens to them with you twice or thrice a week, but it looks like she missed you so much that she had to listen to them alone for the 6th time this week.
you wasted no time and jumped on the couch, your mind going back to your intention of receiving hugs and kisses from your girlfriend, and went blank when you felt her wrap her strong arms around your waist. the both of you missed the warmth you shared with each other. it felt so long and cold as an endless winter night without being cuddled up on each other's arms.
"missed you so much."
words were muffled as you stuffed your face in her chest, she chuckled at your words as a reaction.
"same here. i had to play the songs all day because i can't get you off my mind."
"i knew. but at least give time to fix your slippers on the front door!"
you two shared a moment of laughter before staring into each other's eyes, closing them after feeling your lips touch. sharing the sweet moment passionately and expressively that lasted for a minute.
"i love you bro."
you pecked her lips between every word, her smile growing after receiving every kiss.
"i love you too, miss bro."
minji whispered as a distraction, for her to sneak her hands on your waist, fingers preparing for the right time to attack you with tickles.
"no, i love you more."
you teased.
"god, you're so annoying, i love love you more!"
minji replied after you, and she knew it was going to be an endless exchange of "i love you's", all set and go!
laughs escaped your mouth as minji's fingers turned into tickling machines, squirming and weak under her touch. you desperately tried to escape the torment to catch your breath.
"i swear! if getting tickled by you is a workout, i'd be really fit right now."
you blurt out, calming yourself after laughing too much, you then lay back on her chest, breathless and grinning from ear to ear. minji welcomes you again into her embrace, holding your head softly, this simple gesture sends sparks into your heart.
she rambled away, sharing how her day lacked its usual spark without you around. but excitedly, she spoke about some new songs she discovered, recommending them to you. as she was getting carried away with a new topic, she yearned to steal a few kisses from you. however, you remained silent. minji glanced down and found you peacefully sleeping on her chest, looking utterly adorable in your slumber.
she wouldn't dare wake you up, she knew you were tired, and you deserve a good rest. maybe she'll get those kisses tomorrow morning.
wait! before she closes her eyes and go to sleep with you...
"hold on, who's sweater are you wearing? my sweater? or yours?"
🌸 — hanni
of course, the familiar sounds of what she self-assuredly called "hanni music" echoed through the living room. it was visible that today was her specified lazy day. the remnants of her favorite delivered food were scattered messily on the floor, with even the plastic containers adding to the mess. straw wrappers had flown chaotically, and you unknowingly stepped on one.
now, she's sat on the sofa with her ipad in hand. it seems like she's busy doodling and playfully experimenting with the drawing app she shared with you. funny to you how it was so obvious what she was doing based on her crazy hand movements and a big lopsided grin on her face.
you break into her childlike moment by turning off the speaker that's been playing her songs. responding quickly, she wears a mix of guilt and silliness on her face. putting down her ipad next to her, hanni gazes up at your figure with crossed arms, resembling a scolded child caught in the act.
"hehe~ i'm done now, see...?"
hanni opened her arms and offered a hug, together with a gummy smile to ease the mood around the both of you. you're going to forgive her, right? she swore she'd clean up her mess, she was just too lazy to do it right away.
hanni, with a tender gesture, unfolded her arms and extended them towards you, warmly inviting you for a comforting embrace. hoping you'd give in to her, hanni's lips curved into a gummy smile, an easygoing expression showing to clear off any tension lingering in the air between the two of you. the atmosphere seemed to soften as her arms remained open wide, offering comfort in the form of an affectionate hug.
the unspoken question floats around in the air: were you willing to forgive her right there, right now? her eyes, filled with sincerity, pleaded for your understanding. she assured you that she would settle the situation, promising to tidy up the outcome of her apparent laziness. her intention was clear, seeking reconciliation through the simple act of offering an apology wrapped in a warm, embracing hug.
"sorry babe, i'll clean that up later. so why don't you get into these arms and cuddle with me?"
in that moment, a wave of conflicting emotions swept over you. despite the remaining second thoughts about fully accepting her apology. the hug felt nice, it was a gesture that goes beyond words, and you found yourself succumbing to the pure comfort she offered.
hanni, with a smile gracing her face, was content. having you back at home, embraced by her arms. though unsaid, her emotions showed that she missed you like how much you missed her too.
and the both of you had that connection between you, understanding each other without any effort. reciprocating the embrace, perhaps; in this instance, you would let her win, recognizing that sometimes the embrace of understanding speaks louder than the words left silent.
"i feel so small in this sweater."
"is that why you acted like a kid?"
"you know i look cute when i do."
you didn't really care when she wore your clothes; you both practically shared them anyway. however, with a glance at your tired expression, hanni sensed your weariness. so, she leaned back, inviting you to rest your head on her chest. the longing for her company was so strong that you ended up falling asleep there. well as she promised, when you wake up tomorrow, you'll find everything around you magically cleaned.
"maybe you should wear it more then. wait- is that my sweater? or yours?"
🌸 — daniellle
you can tell danielle's definitely home – dishes cleaned, table looking shiny, and neat. plants by the hallway appear refreshed, probably just had their daily hydration session. the living room, bathed in a cozy purple glow, the mist of the diffuser, leaving a trail of lavender goodness in the air. it's all relaxing as soon as you set foot inside. danielle's turned the dorm into a zen paradise, and you can't wait to spend your night with her.
she just knows you best, danielle had the movie you both agreed to watch. she obviously planned all this, as she was aware that you were coming home a little late and exhausted. your girlfriend always wants the best for you and is ready to do anything to help. you appreciate her for it, and like her, you'd do the same in a heartbeat. love works both ways.
you hurried to the room where she was, so eager to see your girlfriend. danielle was lying all cozy in a sweater and waiting for you, she had the remote resting in her hand, thumb hovering over the play button. noticing the familiar shadow, her eyes met yours. you were greeted with a soft smile and a flying pair of soft clothes she had prepared, hitting your face.
"think fast!"
she laughed while you rolled your eyes, picking up the clothes and changing into them inside the bathroom.
"i would if you didn't throw the clothes first."
you replied, finding a cozy haven on her chest, now she had her arms wrapped around you. inhaling the subtle fragrance that enveloped her, it felt like an immersive experience, almost ethereal. the scent, a delicate blend uniquely hers, it was her favorite, and wears it almost every day (which became your favorite on her as well), evoking a sense of comfort and security. it wasn't just a fragrance; it was an essence that described her sweet personality. all of those gave you a feeling that, at that moment, could genuinely be described as heavenly.
"how'd you do all these?"
"learned them from you."
"i see, welcome to my world."
a few minutes had passed and you were falling asleep in the position you were both in, the movie continued playing, danielle was keeping her focus on it while giving your head massages (that she knew would help you relax even more). you had your hands gripping gently on her clothes, feeling the familiar texture, you recognized it was the shared sweater of you two. you took note that it was her turn to wear it this week, danielle giggles when you rub your hands on her sides sleepily.
"i thought we shared this, i don't know if i should still consider this as my sweater? or yours?"
🌸 — haerin
in the dormitory was all silent and inviting compared to the busy city outside, and there was food in the cat's bowl. the presence of haerin was a quiet yet reassuring sign that she was indeed home. haerin, an up-to-time cat feeder, maintained a schedule, making sure that the fluffy friend was never left waiting for its meal. not even a minute too soon or too late.
as you stepped inside, you swiftly hung your coat before joining rangheo. soft purrs filled the space as you engaged in a playful moment with him, and he enough reminded you of haerin when she's away.
having slipped into a set of fresh, clean clothes, you make your way to the living room where haerin awaits. greeting her with a warm hug, your head finding a comfortable resting place on her chest. in an instant, she releases her hold on the phone, reciprocating the hug with a lovely smile on her face.
"didn't know you like laufey."
"i may or may not have been going through your playlists."
the soft sounds of laufey's music fade into the background as the two of you share this moment. that when the soft, tired breaths escape you. without a word, she senses your exhaustion and knows well how to give you an embrace full of relaxation around you, offering serenity in the warmth of her arms.
"how was your day?"
"boring without you."
"i'm here now though."
"day went better."
you softened at her words, you're glad you can spend the night with her (and rangheo); then you felt soft paws climb on your back and up to your head, resting snugly on your nape. haerin can't help but let out a giggle at the cuteness overloading in front of her. she had one of her hands on your head giving small scratches, and one rubbing under rangheo's chin.
suddenly, a set of gentle paws made their way up your back, reaching up to perch on your head, settling cozily on your nape. haerin couldn't contain her delight, and a let out at the sheer cuteness overloading before her. she had one of her hands on your head, sending small, sweet scratches. the other one rubbing gently under rangheo's chin. the scene was surely going to be in her gallery of memories, the picture of shared joy and the adorable bond between you, haerin, and the furry friend atop your head.
how easily haerin made you sleepy, just from the gentle touches she gave, it was better than you daydreamed about.
"i love that on you."
you point to her top,
"which one? my sweater?"
claiming it's hers and she's wearing your clothes again.
"huh, really... my sweater? or yours?"
🌸 — hyein
the hallways looked like the aftermath of a fashion hurricane! there were paper bags from famous clothing stores, a pastel pink beanie doing its best to blend in with the chaos, a random brown fur coat hanging off a doorknob, and the missing pair of purple socks in the middle of the floor. no doubt about it – hyein had turned the place into her very own fashion runway.
sure, you'll do her a favor and clean her mess but has to be repaid by hugs and kisses. hyein may forget about her own mess, but she does things for you willingly and without asking. once you're done tidying around, you change into your cozy house clothes and have a fun time cuddling with your girlfriend.
as you entered, relief washed over you at the sight of the living room, neat and tidy, it's pleasing to the eyes. however, a sudden click of a camera shutter broke your moment of silence, drawing your attention to the source. there she was, sitting gracefully on the couch, looking all gorgeous, capturing multiple pictures in various poses.
you couldn't help but assume that this unplanned photoshoot was destined for her phone gallery. curiosity sparked, and you wondered you wonder if she did the same with the tons of clothes all folded neatly at the edge of the sofa.
"oh, you're home! sorry for the mess in the hallway, i'll clean-"
"don't bother, i already cleaned them for you."
setting aside her phone, she created a space for you to lie down beside her. without hesitation, you accepted the invitation, sighing in contentment as you lay your head on her chest.
"very much."
arms wrapped around you in an instant, showering soft kisses across your face, exactly what you were yearning for earlier. maybe cleaning up her mess wasn't such a chore after all if the reward was this. aside from that thought, you found yourself blessed with daily affection from her, and you cherished every single gesture.
"any more plans for today?"
asked her, you shook your head no, you were too tired to think or do something.
"great! i just have one more request, and i'm dying to tell you."
you were getting sleepy at that very moment, well oh well, maybe you can make an exception, you hummed for her to continue.
"since you're here, let's take photos together! i've been wanting to try this sweater for soooo long."
she raised the familiar fabric, and it was yours.
"that's mine."
"nuh uh, found it in my closet."
"whatever, so is it still my sweater? or yours?"
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◖ 💌 ° ☏ — you've reached the end! hi's and hello's once again, i hope you had a fun time reading! i enjoyed working on this, i can finally voice out my thoughts about the girls 😭 totally went crazy on danielle's, i love newjeans so muchjksjdjjdy
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sugaryfresca · 2 months
Couple Captions
My sweet doll💒♩⁎♡🍀 𓏲࣪ . 𓂃
My perfect dream🍡🌸૮₍ ྀི∩៸៸៸∩ ྀི₎ა ⊹˚˖
❝Daydreaming of you👼🏻🌸♩◍♡
Invisible string love🧸🍡𖥔 ᥫ᭡ 𓈒 ◍
Scent of 사랑🍰🍀⸝⸝ᶻz 𓊔⊹
𝒞rush on you!📓🍓♪ 𓏸(´-﹏-`)
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so-na-r · 12 days
Judging by the number of notes, u guys liked Florentino and I'm very happy about it!
So I decided to collect some arts for you, which I have already managed to draw with him 🌸
Alaric is also present on some of the art.
Grumpy but sweet demon belong to @gh0stedcl0wn ♪♫*•♪
His ref
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astrologylunadream · 10 months
What They Want for Christmas?💌🎀🎄 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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♪All I want for christmas is you~💕
Hey it's Lunadream💓 Christmas is here~ so it's a must to see what that person on your mind has on their list!🗒💫 hope you find your message🍨
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🤍
Pile 1☃️
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Pile 2🌸
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Pile 3🐈
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Pile 4🦢
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> ☁️🎄🌸
Pile 1☃️
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Sign energy: Decay, Venus, Deep, Adventure, Outfit, North node, 2nd house, Virgo, Saturn, Capricorn, 🛑🟨👄👉
🎄Your person's energy: Ah so you're person has very sweet yet defined features, also feminine aura about them💓 They may have Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, or Aquarius placements in their chart. Your person is so soft and cute but also really attractive physically, their lips draw you in so deep omg they have really nice lips😳💞 There may be a significant age gap for some of my pile 1's but your person can simply seem mature for their age like responsible and well behaved. I'm getting the feeling your person doesn't let themselves have fun that often, they try to limit crazy or wild experiences to prevent the risk of huge problems in their life. Ohh but your person has such an effortless sensual beauty about them, I feel like their jaw/neck is one of their key features. They are so pretty to you I'm hearing🥺💗 They dress really nice like sensibly and classy, omg they just look so well put together in everything they wear!😫 This may be someone you are unable to love in some way, like something is stopping you from feeling their love. Yellow may look good on your person, the color could be significant. They have a hot voice haha, like do you just stare at their lips when they speak??😂💋 Their touch is so irresistible to my pile 1's like the way they touch you would probably feel really pleasing.🥴 You guys are really far into loving this person, like these feelings for them have run deep even until the end of the year🎄💗 You low key want to kiss this person I'm hearing aww ^v^ My pile 1's have such a soft and adorable love for this person like how could they ignore that??
🎀What they want for christmas: Absence, Center, Face, Spiral, 2nd house, Fire, 3rd house, 4th house, Lilith, Sun,😋🧨♉❌ Ohh okay there's definitely something your person wants to rid of this season oml like that is their christmas present, now I'm called to say it's people bothering them that they wish would just leave them be for now😞 This could be family or just anyone around them that is causing problems for them during this time. They want to have peace and quiet away from any gossip or fake smiles and be able to enjoy the finer things, they also want to be comfortable and home for christmas. They don't wanna be the center of attention right now, like literally all they want is some time to themselves to enjoy the holidays!!😫 Ugh I feel so bad for them like seriously my pile 1's your person is so done with people invading their personal space and taking up their time. All they want for christmas is to take a break from all the drama and go slow with things, sit back and relax while listening to christmas tunes.🎄🎷💕 They want to go off the radar and enjoy a christmas in solitude only with those closest to them they trust. They may also wish to spend less money this year, and spend the holidays simpler. For some of my pile 1's this person wishes to run away with you for christmas, that is one gift they desire is to go far away to a desolate yet beautiful winter wonderland and take you with them.🥺❄☃️ This year they may feel less of a need for anything under their tree, ohh but one thing is that they sort of want is to have you in their possesion for christmas, like their special little gift to unwrap😳 But overall they just to have a pleasant cozy time enjoying christmas in peace.💭🎀❄
💌Messages from your person: This is all my fault, It's too early, I'm loyal to you, Just dance with me to holiday tunes, I only listen to you, Do you think I'm hot? I want to spend time with you this christmas, Listen up (Haha your person has a lot to say omg🥰) Extra cards: Nice, Pluto, Princess, Wild, Feminine
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❄💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the snowing snowman emoji~☃️ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💗
Pile 2🌸
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Sign energy: Seduction, Gap, Pretty, Search, Mindfulness, 2nd house, Mars, Juno, Eros, Mercury, 🤯😴👗🏚
🎄Your person's energy: We have a very attractive person for my pile 2's!! I feel like you guys have a noticeable height difference. (so cute >w<) Taurus, Aries, Scorpio, Gemini and Virgo are posible placements, may have mercury or mars in 2nd house. Haha your person is searching for the one💍 They are very serious about committing and finding their life partner I mean they are so passionate about finding their future spouse omg💞 They know how to reel others in romantically with their voice and way of flirting, this is someone they are very good at🤭🌹 They can turn anyone on pretty easily I'm hearing, because they're super smooth and witty. Now your person definitely has good looks, you find them pretty and hot at the same time like "which one??"😰 Lol it's both. Somewhere in your mind you are low key curious what they look like in a dress😏 (no matter gender haha) Ah my pile 2's your person is really desirable and attractive!! You may feel they are the one for you, and you might know their flirting tricks all too well. They blow you away nonetheless with their stunning natural beauty and charms, aw and I bet their voice could put you to sleep like it's so soft and soothing to you.😭💗 Their voice turns you on too, and the things they say... they definitely seduce you well. You want to dress up for this person, and you think of them often. They are maybe even sweeter than cake to you, that is how they make you feel my pile 2's! <3
🎀What they want for christmas: Practice, Store, Control freak, Vent, Disturbance, Venus, Scorpio, Air, 1st house, Eros,💪🧡🎢😩 Wow okay this is alot. So your person is definitely obsessing over something for christmas, like it has to happen or else!!🤯 Now I'm getting not so much as getting gifts for themselves, but they want to buy gifts for others. Lol they also wish they could buy love for christmas I'm hearing🥺💓 Omg pile 2 I think they want you for christmas, like they want to have you all to themselves!!😫🙏 Loving you may be their christmas wish, and getting to unwrap you too🥵 They have a lot of crazy fantasies for christmas of my pile 2's but I will try to keep it shallow as possible. Your body is their most desired gift, let's just say that. And they wish they could have a lot of fun with their christmas toy🫣🧤♨️ I mean endless control and play time. That is ALL I will be saying for that I'm sorry maybe take it over to one of my spicy readings lol anyways as the song goes, all they want for christmas is you like wow.🥺 They want lots of pleasures for christmas, and a lot of indulging. Splurging on shopping and taking photos for christmas, I feel like they wanna buy a lot of stuff they find pretty😂 Buying you christmas gifts may be something they wish to do someday, they want to give you so much for the holidays. They want to please you because it gives them a sense of fulfillment too. Taking you to stores and buying you whatever you want, that is on their christmas list😖��💞
💌Messages from your person: We would be perfect together, I want to protect you, Don't hold back, Think of me, I get lost in your eyes, I know exactly how you like it, Do as I say, Don't give me the silent treatment (Omg😳🤭) Extra cards: Routine, January, Slow, Social media, Optimist
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❄💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the pink flower emoji~🌸 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💗
Pile 3🐈
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Sign energy: Apology, Hard, Bottom, First impression, Moon, Sun, Aquarius, 8th house, Cancer, Jupiter, 🔍🟧🧚‍♀️🍎
🎄Your person's energy: This is a very emotional person on pile 3's mind, bright and angelic. Possible placements are Cancer, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces. I feel like you are heavily looking into this person for whatever reason, seeking out all the possibilities. You probably learn more about them way easier than math.🤣 The color orange may be significant or you've been seeing it lately. You have been keeping an eye on this person especially through online sources, trying to discover what they're all about🧐💭 They may have peaked your interest at first because you found them physically *ahem* attractive♨️ and now you've been trying to look deeper beyond their pretty face and know get to know them well. They may have done something they regret in the past, causing them to feel bad or upset with themselves. They really do have an ethereal beauty to them, like an elf or fairy. You want to know a lot about this person, to know them so well it's almost scary.😨 Because they interest you so much, and you like being curious. Some of you know this person through online so you look at their photos with wonder of who they really are behind it all, you wanna get to the bottom of it. I feel like you guys like having something to obsess over and hey it keeps things interesting for some of you so that is why you are so involved with your person.💗✔ I'm getting some detective vibes from you guys, trying to discover your person <3
🎀What they want for christmas: Meant to be, Captive, Regret, Locked, Cold, Moon, 6th house, Uranus, Venus, Eros, 🎭🧬🍁🦉 Aww so for some of you, this person really wants to be with their mother for christmas.🥺💞💞 How sweet. For some of my pile 3's this person may have family or relatives in canada. They may feel tired and trapped in their routine/job and wanna take time off from their obligations to attend family gatherings and reunions.🥂💫 There is a very specific gift they long for this christmas, they are fixated on receiving love.💏🎄 They are wishing on a star to feel the warm feeling and sweetness that comes from a lover during the holidays. They may regret spending too much time online or through their phone instead of focusing on the love they long for. Your person is definitely dreaming of a white christmas, they want it to be cold and snowing so they can bundle up in the comfort of a blanket with their loved ones.🏠🧣💞 They also imagine the best gift of all would be holding their lover tight to shield them from the cold, and keep them safe and warm in their arms.❤ Having a steamy night with them is also on their list😳 Haha your person really wants a romantic time for the holidays, but they are actually really overthinking about what to get for christmas. Also thinking of what to gift to coworkers or friends, that is a lot of what's weighing on their mind right now. They want all sorts of events and romance for the holidays omg my pile 3's your person really wants to be loved for christmas💓
💌Messages from your person: You'll never forget me, Just listen to me, They're just jealous, I'm in trouble, I should be, You're my problem, Why would you want me? You're the only one for me this christmas (Ahh😆💗) Extra cards: Pretend, Softie, Admiration, Details, Offer
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❄💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the cat emoji~🐈 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💗
Pile 4🦢
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Sign energy: Learning, Head, Model, Waist, Bones, 5th house, 3rd house, 10th house, Uranus, Pluto, 🌸🎬🤞👸
🎄Your person's energy: Such lovely vibes for my pile 4's person, powerful magnetic aura too. Leo, Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius and Scorpio placements are significant, Pluto in 3rd house, Uranus in 5th placements. Your person has really good bone structure I'm hearing, may have model like features especially jawline or bones. Their waistline is highly attractive to you, they have an effortless charm to them.💗 I feel like a lot of people obsessively think of your person, and say possesive things like "they're mine" or "I own you" like everyone wants a piece of them omg🙄 They have a movie star look to them, they just look like the face of a movie. Very unique and creative too, their hairstyle or color is eye catching in some way. I am getting very successful vibes from your person, like they are on the right track✔ Their mind is very deep and magnetic, like they have a hot mind lol. (probably a dark one too😳) The same flower emoji came out that represented pile 2 so for those who felt drawn to that pile maybe check that too. Your person has such a cool vibe to them, untouchable and gorgeous. I feel like they roll their eyes at the invasive comments others make about them, they don't let the little people bother them. They know what they're worth, I feel like this person makes a lot of money😩💲💰 They walk like it's nobody's business omg model walk, and that intense stare ahh my pile 4's your person is killing it😍
🎀What they want for christmas: Romance, Masculine, Chemistry, Short-term, Harm, Virgo, Moon, Aries, Sagittarius, Eros, ♨️🎫🤨🧯 Omg I was not expecting this but your person wants to get on the naughty list apparently.😰👿 We won't be going into details here but wow, just wow. All I will say is that your person wants a usable gift for sure, something they can have their fun with and meet their needs.😭 Unleash their worst side, they want a lot of chemistry. Your person wants to redeem their prize with someone, it is possible this is my pile 4's. Tbh what they really want is a short-term wild night as their christmas present, to let loose from their job/routine and let out all their aggressions on someone🫣 They may simply wish to yell at someone to release all their built up stress from everything they've dealt with this year.💢 Omg they just want to go off on those people who annoy them lmao that would literally be the best christmas present to them.😂🎁 But yeah they have a lot of naughty things on their list, definitely physical fantasies I won't go into but yeah. They want a hot and passionate time with someone, to take away their worries and let out their wild side.🤯 Maybe they feel like showing you for your christmas present, and since they could really feel like dominating someone it could be their hope to satisfy your fantasies of them.💓
💌Messages from your person: The pain will go away, We will be together, Let's listen to christmas music together, I always fantasize about you, Don't just stand there, No, I believe in you, You should smile more. (How cute🤭💫) Extra cards: Compulsive, First love, One of a kind, Despair, Sight
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❄💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the swan emoji~🦢 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💗
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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hibiscusfairys · 1 year
♡ love risk ; draco malfoy
— you’d be surprised girl, soon they’ll mean nothing to you..
♪: in another time by sade 🌸
“Do you think you’re funny?” He asked her, tearing her love letter into paper snow.
“..No. I’m being serious. I love you, Draco.”
“Where did you even get the courage to ask me? Who even allowed you to think you’d be able to catch feelings for me, once?”
“I thought you liked me..” She replied, regret swarming the aura around them. “I sent you this note because I was relieved to tell you all of my feelings.”
“What a foolish assumption to make, you stupid girl.” He spat, while fiddling around with the chip of paper, scribbled with smudged ink. “I’d be looked at as a joke.”
She stood in front of him, body stunned with his heartbreaking words. She could feel the thumping of her heart turn into shards of pain, that became broken at the sound of an internal cry. She looked at him with a solemn expression, the memories of her and him only flooding her thoughts, the pain it caused her feeling like a violent beating. A punishment that the girl had dared to risk, and that she deserved for pursuing such a boy.
Her tears slid down her reddened cheeks as she brought her eyes to the stone cold floor, her own words echoing throughout the empty corridor even in faint whispers.
“Why are you saying this to me?..”
“Because I know it would get you to leave me alone.”
“Did you really enjoy the time we spent together? The time that you chose to be with me? Or did you lie?”
The boy could only look to the side, unable to face her. He felt himself conduct a large swallow, overwhelmed at how much time he had contributed to their friendship, remorse engulfing his soul.
“No. Not now.”
“Not now?” She asked him.
“I regret every moment with you.”
Her replies became slow, her emotion becoming more dazed by each word he said, and each cold look he presented her.
“What’s happened to you, Draco?”
“Don’t call me that, I’ve always hated it.”
“Is there a reason why you’re being so cruel, I know you were always a prick, but could you possibly have some decency, even here? Is it impossible for you, to be considerate, once?”
He edged closer to her, rage painted across his once conflicted face, towering over the girl. He hissed through his gritted teeth, which had once gave her a sweet smile, the one she had always daydreamed about when not beside him, when missing him.
“You are insane,” He said, his eyes widening with the more anger firing in his mind. “You must be an idiot, saying that to me with such bravery, with such a brash look on your face.”
“I may be an idiot! In fact, I’ve been a total idiot!” She says, wiping the stream away from her face. “The amount of time I’ve spent with you, gone to waste, because of my reckless decisions to send you that stupid letter. The letter that never meant anything to you. The letter that you just ripped.”
“I’m glad to know we are on mutual terms, then!” He glared at her cowered figure, her lips trembling with the suffering of her speech. The boy brought a cold palm to his face, covering his agonised expression, knowing that the girl he saw before him held a weight in his frigid heart, but that he had to do this to prevent her becoming involved in his dangerous acts. If he’d hurt her enough, she would avoid him, and be safe from him. Safe from the problems he causes.
“There must be a reason… for this..” She clenched her skirt, eager for a glimmer of hope, to retrieve him from the clasps of his decision. “I don’t care who you are, or what you do, or what happens to me when I’m with you, I love you, with my heart, my body, my soul. I go weak when I’m near you, I feel like my throat closes and I can’t speak. The feeling of just being a mere distance from you is electrifying. It’s all too much to put into words. I don’t want to frustrate you, but everytime I look at you my words spill. I can’t go on without you.”
“Soon, your tears about me won’t leave a trace.” His voice softened, but still laced with frustration and apprehension. “I can’t be with you. For reasons that I must not explain, or I’d be in deep trouble and I’d be messing with the strings of my fate, and yours… which is something I don’t want to bear responsibility for.”
“I don’t care who you are.”
“But I care about who I am.” He took hold of her distressed hand, shaking from his previous words. “And I don’t want you to be hurt. I was being so harsh, as I hoped you would cut me out of your life forever. So you’d run and find someone else to be happy with. You are an idiot for trusting me, believing in me. I am a much different person you see, and I know it would cause you too much pain that a girl like you could handle.”
“If you were by my side, I could handle anything. Just don’t try to push me away.”
His figure stepped closer to hers, leaning to level his face with hers, softly grazing his lips onto the ones before him. He held her cheek with his cold palm, his thumb brushing her wet face, while his other hand gripped her trembling one tighter. The kiss lasted for ages, but felt like only seconds of passion.
“I’m sorry.” He said, pulling away from her softly, admiring the unfortunate smile forming onto her lips. The smile that he needed, and the one that motivated him to stay, forever. He knows that he was making a severe mistake, one that could have cost him his life, but if it were to save hers, it was a risk he was willing to take.
thank you for reading this — i’m not too much of an experienced writer, so i’m sorry if this sounds weird on any parts. i felt very inspired by the song ‘in another time’ by sade, it provoked some feelings into me to write some angst. the story itself isnt based off of the song too much, since i did want to add a little bit of redemption for draco lol, but tell me if you like it!
also there were some accidental mistakes with what person view i was writing in, i want to clarify this is third person and i decided to change it halfway through, ive tried to spot as many mistakes as i can so hopefully theyre all fixed!
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shuchu · 2 years
i just need me a man who will suck on my tiddies whenever im bored .... thinking💭💭💭 shoto ... mysta .... LUCA .... much to think about today my horny thoughts are taking over
saw you say you're struggling with your mental health !! im no therapist but i'm always here for u if need be !! hope you're okay honey (〃ω〃) take it easy and remember you and your health matter most ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
nsfw, minors dni ; afab!reader
omg...idk why but just the thought of the boys whining and asking to suck on my tiddies just- hooooomagaawwwddd
i feel like if mysta's feeling really cuddly and soft he would bury his face in your chest and fondle them a little. "babe? you okay?" he'd mumble, "mhm, i wanna suck on your tits."
shoto is almost always cuddly and soft but i imagine in the morning he'd just grab your tits from behind and kiss your neck saying good morning to you with his raspy morning voice. he would mumble against your neck, "babe, lemme suck on your tits."
hmm luca... i feel like he's a booba person. idk why, i just get the vibes. he'd gush about how soft and pretty your tits look (〃 ω 〃) he'd fondle them and the sounds you make when he sucks on them — he loves it, he's addicted to it
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thank you for the sweet message 🌸 anon! i really appreciate you ♡
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attxnt · 1 year
hi!! I'd love to see a fresh orange and pink layout!! <3
orange + pink channel layouts !!
no emojis:
server template: https://discord.new/yRAG33JDaCgX
i hope u enjoy!! love u all for being so sweet in the requests 🫶🏻
ps: check out this for all of the layouts i've made until now! u can request for specific ones through my "ask" option.
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pandas-soft · 2 years
After the last lore that happened with Sam I just need some fluff with the reader cuddling with Fran and Sam
Awww! Thank you for being my first request in this blog!
And of course sweetheart <3 we live for the fluff in this blog!
Sunset warmth 🌇
C!Sam x gn!reader
Friendly reminder this is with their Minecraft personas! I don't write about CCs.
Read rules before requesting~°♪
Note: No pronouns used. GN reader.
Sam hummed as he walked down his house, Fran following quickly behind with her tail flipping from side to side. He felt so tired, but he couldn't keep himself to stay without doing anything.
Fran barked happily once she saw you laying down on the living room's floor. She trotted out to you, laying down on your stomach. An "uff" left your lips with a chuckle. "Hey there pretty girl, whatcha doing honey?" You chuckled, rubbing behind her ears.
Your eyes posed on the green figure that stared at you with a chuckle from the doorframe. "Hello there handsome, watcha doing?" You blinked at him. "Looking at my two babys spend time together without me" he answers with his characteristic sweet tone. He walked towards you both, kneeling down on the floor to kiss your forehead. "Now, my lover, what are you doing here?" He asked you, sitting next to you. "Loving the warm sunset" you yawned, smiling at the loving feeling of being hugged by the orange sun.
Sam chuckled at it, rubbing behind Fran's ears. "That's good, mind if I join you, love?" You looked up at him. "Thought you were busy, sir?" You teased him, making him laugh. "I just don't know how to not do something" he mumbled, playing with your hair for a bit. Feeling his fingers run through your hair was one of the best feelings of the universe.
"Come here, handsome, I wanna cuddle you~" you sticked out your arms, giving him the hint that you wanted the creeper's warmth. "Alright, alright, come here".
You felt his strong arms surround your body, having you near his chest; hearing his heart beats like it was the most amusing sound you ever heard in your life. You felt the warden melt into your touch, keeping you close to him as a way to self-assure that you were safe and with him.
Fran saw you both and decided to lay down on the both of you, making you both chuckle. "Good girl" you praised her, feeling you eyes close themselves by the so warm sensation. You couldn't express it in other words, but; you felt loved. That's how you always felt when you were in his embrace, and how he would never admit out loud —due to feel embarrassed— he felt with your affection. You were as down for him as he was for you; his precious lover.
· Hello! Hope you enjoyed this ^^ sorry it feels so short- I didn't know how to do it longer that this... Feel free to request!
· Pandas fuera <3
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frecklystars · 1 year
Every time I see that picture of Barbie holding Ken’s hand, bringing him to life, and they’re both wearing their very first original beach outfits with the blue watercolor backdrop? I have to take ten minutes to stare at them both and then I get emotional about it bc they mean so much to me and there’s just something about the way Barbie looks at Ken and the way they’re holding hands and the way Ken looks at her. and it's even better in the imax clip when Ken’s breath hitches in his throat and he notices that the person who is his girlfriend is this gorgeous, highly accomplished woman who can do anything and be everything... I always laugh when he does a fist pump and whispers breathlessly yes!
And I can’t help but always picture myself in the middle, both of them holding my hand and each kissing my cheek
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punkpandapatrixk · 5 months
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❣️Healthy Love ☆ Timeless Tarot Guidance
Elements/Signs in this reading are calibrated to all aenergetic placements. Feel free to read as many Elements/Signs as you feel called to at this point in your spiritual evolution♡
☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
I think, in order to know healthy Love, a lot of people need to be exposed to the complete opposite of it first. I dunno; it seems to be a psychopathic Game created by the Higher Beings…for the purpose of teaching us the true value of Love. How can you know fully what Love is if you never know its opposites?
So yeah, if you’re young and inexperienced, it’s perfectly OK not to be so hard on yourself when you make mistakes in matters of Love and infatuation. We’re all learning to overcome each and all of our crazies. Ultimately, what’s really important is that we develop a stronger psychology and make swift decisions to disengage from whatever relationship/situationship/even friendship that makes us unhealthy and miserable♡
You’ve got this!
☆♪°・. aenergetic companion PAC ☆♪°・.
[PAG Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
Healthy Love for 🐞Fire Signs – Green Alchemist (Nicolas Flamel)
4 of Cups, 4 of Pentacles, 6 of Cups Rx
When it comes to Fire Signs, loving is a passionate business. There could often be a desire to pursue something until the end just to prove yourself the victor in a competition. In this sense, are we sure we’re actually in it for the Love for that other person? Or is it just about winning and feeling very special because we’re the Chosen One? XD Fire Signs often don’t even realise that they’re in it just for the thrill—just trying to fulfil some fantasy because daily life is often boring.
If your Love ain’t true, you can’t properly give to the other person. That’s not healthy or fair. Careful you’re not blind to the selfishness of desiring a partner only for that person to fulfil a role in a fantasy of your making. If you must love a person, I hope you love from the heart, with a passion for making that person happy. I hope you love sanely and feel free enough to give and receive.
And also remember that in a true love setting, you don’t act as someone’s saviour in a co-dependent manner. We all can be a healing presence for our dearly beloved who’s been hurt in the past, but we’re not responsible for the healing of someone who doesn’t want to live in the present moment or look towards a better future. Love, is a mutually healing connection, whether in romance, friendship, or familyship~
Oracle Guidance for Fire Signs🔻❤️
🐏Aries – Priestess of Ambition
🦁Leo – Priestess of Prosperity
🎠Sagittarius – Priestess of Love
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Healthy Love for 🐍Earth Signs – Silver Magus (Merlin)
2 of Cups Rx, II The High Priestess Rx, Queen of Cups
Ahhh omaigaaa you’re quite intense when it comes to loving, aren’t you? Earth Signs are not worldwide-level recognised for their passion because you guys are such tsundere. But you care a lot when you’ve fallen in love, so much so, you’re willing to sacrifice even your health for those you prize. I hope you don’t go too far with this kind of tendency. Because if giving too much makes you bitter, in the end, you could flip 180 and turn very selfish instead. Extremes are not healthy, baby. You wanna go back to balance and love sanely <3
But you know what’s even more important when it comes to loving? Honest, real, raw communication. To actually put your feelings, thoughts, emotions, as well as intents into words, so that the other person can VIEW you clearly. That’s your problem, isn’t it? You’re so afraid of talking about emotions because vulnerability is cringe, but in reality, you always have so much to tell someone. Vulnerability with the right person is sweet, not cringe XD
After all, someone who’s truly grateful for all that you’ve done for them, for all that you ARE, will view everything about you as lovely. Why not be lovely back to them? Love is lovely LMAO Love isn’t addictions or obsessions. Real healthy love is sometimes silly, cheesy, but most of all, sweet and lovely XD
Oracle Guidance for Earth Signs🔻💚
🐂Taurus – Priestess of Integrity
🧘🏻‍♀️Virgo – Priestess of Luxury
🐐Capricorn – Priestess of Luck
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Healthy Love for ⛲Air Signs – Green Magus (John Dee)
King of Pentacles, 8 of Wands Rx, XIV Temperance Rx
I think it’s a lie when Air Signs say they don’t feel too much or don’t value feelings over logic. If you’re this type of an Air Sign, you’re probably just unaware of how much you feel for someone. I mean, the fact that you can’t stop thinking about the person you like…isn’t that fuelled by a desire to feel something? XD Air Signs are the cutest when you’re in love, but what’s unhealthy about your style is how much you fookin’ LIE. I dunno, do you lie because you want to impress? Do you lie because you’re embarrassed?
What’s tragic about Air Signs is how you struggle with delivering your real honest thoughts about someone when Air is literally the Element of Communication and Networking hahahah Maybe it’s because you often don’t even facilitate your own emotions and thoughts to exchange information. The head and the heart not agreeing with each other because they aren’t sure what’s going on? You know, the left brain and the right brain synchrony? It’s like you have completely separate departments for feelings and hard facts and they don’t even come into contact with each other.
This is actually kinda the reason why you often feel unbalanced when you have fallen in love with someone. You tend to feel pulled in just one direction which feels wrong and uncomfortable. Ultimately, for being an Air Sign, this is part of your character development to balance yourself in the way you perceive romance and relationships, even friendships. Hard facts and objectivity are crucial to maintain a just society, but remember as well that the Human Experience is a subjective experience. When you’ve grown up and spiritually glowed up, your perspectives on things will be super valuable to this often desperately-in-love society~
Oracle Guidance for Air Signs🔻💙
👯Gemini – Priestess of Good Fortune
⚖️Libra – Priestess of Ritual
🏺Aquarius – Priestess of Faith
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Healthy Love for 🐝Water Signs – Green Astronomer (Nicolaus Copernicus)
8 of Swords Rx, Knight of Wands, 4 of Swords Rx
Oh gosh, respect, freedom, just this feeling of actually being free and still safe in the arms of someone you love—isn’t this the ideal for Water Signs? Water Signs are all about feelings and empathy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have your own identity outside of the relationship you’ve devoted yourself to. And for the most part, and maybe you’re not always honest about this, you don’t like being restricted or suffocated in a relationship. Yup, not even the Scorpios. But you like doing this to the other person, which is a really unhealthy and unfair XD
You don’t own a person. You can’t expect that. You shouldn’t even expect to be owned by your significant other. That’s actually a really big soul lesson for all Water placements. Possessions, obsessions, you think only Earth Signs struggle with these? Water is the opposite of Earth, so~ When Water Signs attempt to own a person, you want to own their soul, heart and mind; whereas Earth Signs want to own and control the person. Passion isn’t possession, OK? If you must share a passion, let it be one of Love and Respect <3
And ultimately, I hope you take very seriously your own spiritual healing so that you know how to be a sane lover. Of all the Elements, Water is actually the most psycho of all lovers LMAO You tend to use your intuitive empathetic ability to trick and manipulate emotionally, that’s why. If you must be addicted to anything at all, well, I hope you become addicted to the feeling of being safe, respected, nurtured and nourished by a someone whose heart reflects back all that’s good in you~
Oracle Guidance for Water Signs🔻💛
🦀Cancer – Priestess of Innocence
🦂Scorpio – Priestess of Healing
🎏Pisces – Priestess of Inspiration
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monakisu · 1 year
hi!!!! i really really love your art and it's been a really big inspiration for me lately ^_^ i just wanted to ask if you'd be okay with maybe going through your usual art process?? every time i try to draw i just end up getting frustrated since i never know where to start 💔if this is too much to ask for feel free to ignore me and i hope you're doing well regardless!!! 💕
thank you for such a sweet ask wow what the heck ૮(꒦ິཅ꒦ິ)ა❤️🌈 i hope you’re well too and i’ll gladly share my process!! i love oversharing anyways….!!! (although i often dont know where to start and it takes weeks for me to gather up the energy to even start aufhijfjghhh)
💖CRITICAL STEP before i do anything at all: surf pinterest for inspo!! 💞💕 it can be inspo for art styles, ideas, or just ~vibes~ (if that makes sense lol?? 😸) but ever since i started actually sorting my boards my feed has become a lot more colorful and cute and inspiring…! 😸😸 i especially like seeing all the unconventional art styles on there!! it’s where my cartoony-ish style originated from ( •ૢ⚈͒⌄⚈͒ •ૢ)💖💓🌸🌷🍃
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sometimes i come across a post on twitter that i GOTTA manifest into a drawing, so even though twitter is very rancid and negative, it can be good! sorta!! but yeah i try to start out drawing with a solid idea of what i wanna do in mind, or else it’ll just end up being a generic right-facing 3/4 portrait LMAOoo…….. 🤠👍
❤️colors: generally i will give up after i have a sketch and slither off to binge horror novels, but RARELY i might proceed onto the coloring stage… i have this disorder in which i need to maximize the vibrancy of every pixel on my screen or i’ll Die. 🪦(ɷ ꒪ཀ꒪)ɷ for shadows, i rarely use black unless i reallyyy need to; i just do dark purple! 🦄💜🔮🪄 for highlights, i never go for pure white; usually it’s cream or neon yellow, but sometimes skin will have these little light green spots to stand out (this is actually a color theory thing i learned from oil painting… green vs. red!) 😸🍏🤝🍎😸
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🧡overlay: i have at least 2 different layers set to overlay, so i can augment color vibrancy EVEN MORE and make things ✨glowy✨ like a 💥flash bomb💥!! on my first overlay layer, i go over dark colors with either dark brown or dark purple, set to a very very low opacity (practically transparent) to make things DRAMATIC, and then lose all my marbles on highlights at regular opacity!! my other overlay layer is for me to go crazy with the rosette brush, which looks like those comic book dotsies! ٩(๑′∀ ‵๑)۶•*¨*•.¸¸♪
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💚touch-ups: after i’ve given up on my drawing and accepted that this is the most i can do, i proceed to do even more to it by slapping filters on it in picsart and picmonkey. my go-to filters in each app:
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💙picsart: indie 2, usually set at 30% (it makes colors EVEN MORE NEON as if they weren’t eye-searing enough QAQ💧). i used to bypass their dumb af membership thing to access their gorgeousss glitch filter for my backgrounds, BUT THEY REMOVED THE ABILITY TO SCREENSHOT INSIDE THE APP so i hate picsart lol 😸🫶 indie 2 slaps fat cheeks tho
💜picmonkey: my true love!! they don’t hide their BEST FILTERS behind pretentious subscriptions 😁 okay i’ll stop complaining… 😁😁 so much Good Kush in this thing like lux, lightleak (makes things purple and glitchy!), splendor, lush…
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💖and then i’m done FOR REALS and i post it and i don’t draw for 3 weeks while i writhe in guilt nyahaha (ง˙∇˙)ว=͟͟͞͞➳❥
i hope this helps!!
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fluttershygirl · 3 months
hello there ! I hope it's alright that I reblogged a lot of your posts at once .. ૮꒰ · ˕ · ⑅ ꒱ა I really love the cute, sweet & nostalgic posts you share here !! ♪ your blog is my favorite one I've seen !! I hope you have a berry sweet day today 🍰 ꒰ · ω · ⑅ ꒱ഒ
this is the sweetest message evr pls feel free to reblog whichever post you like ! im happy my blog brings you happiness ^_^ 🐰🍦🌸 hv a berry sweet day 2 you too hehe !!
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taruchisguide · 2 years
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A visual and text chart of all the cards available in this year's anniversary revival token pool. Earned tokens can be used up until February 17 13:59 JST. Huge thanks to Fal, who helped double check all of this again.
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🌸 Spring Troupe Revival Token Cards 🌸
Sakuya Sakuma: Beast's Beloved Child (Ayakashi Midnight Three), No SR, Lighting the Guiding Lantern (LANTERN NIGHT)
Masumi Usui: No SSR, Cool×Rocker (69'n' Roll 4ever!), Sinking in the Abyss of Longing (Fated Battle)
Tsuzuru Minagi: Holding up a Hollyhock (SUMMER YUKATA COLLECTION), No SR, Run around the field. (Us Back Then)
Itaru Chigasaki: No SSR, Rabbit Hatter (The Dreams that Eggs See), Thankful Pink Rose (POETIC ROSE)
Citron: Midnight Shootout (AGENT NEON), No SR, Royal Style (Beautiful Country)
Chikage Utsuki: No SSR, A Capable Man’s Morning Preparations (Morning Routine), Emerald Palette (Beautiful eyes)
🌻 Summer Troupe Revival Token Cards 🌻
Tenma Sumeragi: My Glittering LIVE! (Our 1st LIVE), No SR, Laundry Incident! (WASH & DRY)
Yuki Rurikawa: No SSR, Proud Purple Rose (POETIC ROSE), Big Heart Balloon (Today's Special)
Muku Sakisaka: Yearning for Adulthood (FAVORITE SHOES COLLECTION), No SR, First Crush Baseball (First Crush Baseball (Second Half))
Misumi Ikaruga: No SSR, Dahlia Aloha (SPF50+/PA+++), Sleepy-eyed Morning (Morning Routine)
Kazunari Miyoshi: Welcome to Miyoshi Farm ♪ (YABATAN VEGETABLE), No SR, Summer Vacay Memory (Midsummer Paradise)
Kumon Hyodo: No SSR, First, Let Me See Your Ticket (All aboard!), Enjoy My Finest Work! (SUSHI KUINĒ!)
🍁 Autumn Troupe Revival Token Cards 🍁
Banri Settsu: Sweet Addiction (99% CACAO:HOLIC), No SR, MANKAI☆New Year (New Year's Bonus 2020)
Juza Hyodo: No SSR, Relaxing Slow Life (The Place Where the Animals Live), The Ideal Part-timer (Graceful tailor)
Taichi Nanao: Scarlet Fantasy (Beautiful eyes), No SR, A Story I Want You to Hear (BROWN WEAR COLLECTION)
Omi Fushimi: No SSR, Thoughtful Gift (MY FAVORITE FRAGRANCE), Lively Dhol Player (FOOL'S PARADISE)
Sakyo Furuichi: Wishing You a Pleasant Trip (All aboard!), No SR, The Satisfaction of Being a Mechanic (Have a good flight!)
Azami Izumida: No SSR, Lucky Bag - Cosmetics (VELUDO WINTER COLLECTION), Vitamin Fruits Ice Cream (Toppings of Your Choice)
❄️ Winter Troupe Revival Token Cards ❄️
Tsumugi Tsukioka: Kind Postman (My dear postman), No SR, An Angel Who Knew Love (The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Autumn-Winter Edition)
Tasuku Takato: No SSR, Called by Someone (BROWN WEAR COLLECTION), Threatening Arnold (PULL THE TRIGGER!)
Hisoka Mikage: Tempting Wedding Cake (June Tuxedo), No SR, Gourmand Note (MY FAVORITE FRAGRANCE)
Homare Arisugawa: No SSR, Encounter with the Unknown (Jurassic Memoir), The Assassin Who Was Sent (Lawless District)
Azuma Yukishiro: Elegant Ankh (FOOL'S PARADISE), No SR, Bewitching Veteran Dancer (Welcome to BURLESQUE)
Guy: No SSR, Handling the Scattered Red Leaves (Fated Battle), A Heartfelt Hymn (Gloria!)
🎭 Other Revival Token Cards 🎭
Isuke Matsukawa: No SSR, No SR, The Prince of April 1st (April Fool's 2017)
Ken Sakoda: The Newcomer Host of April 1st (April Fool's 2018), No SR, No R
Yuzo Kashima: The Champion of April 1st (April Fool's 2019), No SR, No R
Tetsuro Iwai: April Fool's Carpenter (April Fool's 2020), No SR, No R
Kaya Mizuno: The Company President of April 1st (April Fool's 2021), No SR, No R
Madoka Ikaruga: Wizard of April First (April Fool's 2022), No SR, No R
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