talkingtoq · 8 years
gift magick.
i read constantly about cleansing new items and tools before use.
which, most of the time, i believe is very, very necessary. 
but sometimes, i receive items as gifts, and they feel special and sentimental. and i’m at peace with knowing they have a history, a personality. i can feel the remnants of another soul there and it’s a far more genuine, purer, warmer energy than i could re-create.
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talkingtoq · 8 years
i never feel able to find peace or express creativity in a dirty or messy environment.
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talkingtoq · 8 years
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talkingtoq · 8 years
my familiar.
i was reflecting on the fact that i’ve only just realized that i’ve never actually asked my black cat whether or not she would formally live as my familiar.
she just... has always been that to me. 
i discovered witchcraft long after we’d experienced so much together. long before i’d learned about familiars; i’d felt compelled to inform people that she was so much more than a pet or a cat to me, and that her soul would be present forever. even though the spiritual world and my beliefs weren’t something i openly told anyone. i’d always seen wisdom and awareness in her eyes. 
but it seems like something i ought to do. she’s been deprived of a lot of attention and affection since i became a mother, and she’s adapted so well, she has moved with me and changed with me in ways you wouldn’t believe. i should spend some energy on her and remind her how precious she is to me. 
my sweet, tiny panther.
any suggestions of familiar magick would be greatly appreciated. 
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talkingtoq · 8 years
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talkingtoq · 8 years
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The Wiccan’s Glossary
Amazonite is sometimes called ‘The Lucky Hope Stone’ as it aids in good luck aimed towards your hopes. Affirmation: “I can achieve anything I set my mind to.” It soothes and calms the soul, builds personal character and strength, and brings inner balance as well as balance in life. It is a lovely stone of teals and pale blues, appealing to the eye in both rough and polished form. It has a calming aura and encourages a state of deep ataraxia.
Amazonite is a great stone for sufferers of anxiety and people in stressful situations.
Associations: Elements - Earth Chakra - Throat, Heart Zodiac - Virgo Planets -  Uranus
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talkingtoq · 8 years
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talkingtoq · 8 years
Sure to leave out collection dishes for our rainy week ahead.
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talkingtoq · 8 years
comforting the moon signs
Leave them alone. Honestly, just… leave them alone for a while. While not always the case, these folks prefer to calm down first. Aries lunarians tend to react on impulse easily and they’re easily overwhelmed by their emotions so they need to sort that out for themselves in a way. This doesn’t mean you have to (but also might have to) physically leave them alone. Just don’t mention their troubles more than necessary; they might overreact. Let them initiate things on their own.
Just be there; be the rock they failed to be themselves this time. You don’t need to do anything spectacular, just hug them. Mentally be there for them, but physically as well. They might want to talk about it, if so just listen to them vent, but for the moment, don’t try to solve anything. The bull prefers to solve their problems themselves, even though they may appreciate a good piece of advice. Hug them. Make them feel save in your arms. Feel them. Make it obvious you care.
Gemini moons tend to shut down when they’re at a low point, but that surely doesn’t mean they should. Let them communicate their problems. Let them pour their heart out; be interested in their concerns and emotions. However, no matter what they’re saying, what they’re feeling, make sure to see them for who they are. Their emotions are quick to change, the person or situation they’re upset because isn’t what’s (the most) important. It’s them. Their current feelings. Their position. Also, make them laugh a bit. Don’t make it rude, don’t make fun of them. But try to make them crack a smile. They’ll appreciate it.
Don’t ignore what they’re going through, obviously, but don’t remind them of it even more. They’re already feeling it with every fiber of their body. Instead, gently distract them. Do things together you know they like. If they’re into baking, bake with them. If they love a particular show, watch it with them and cuddle a bit. Don’t expose them to the hectic reality of day-to-day life. Comfort them by helping them distress. Be like a mother comforting its child.
Fuel their ego. It might sound shallow, it might be, but Leos need it. Remind them of their glow, tell them why and what you love about them. Don’t just throw compliments at them in hope that they’ll feel better. Make it genuine. Listen to them, be there, and then distract them a bit, but stay close. Maybe hold their hand, or play with their hair. If you know they like it, take them to the outdoors, let them breathe some fresh air and go on a small adventure, just the two of you. Show them the love the world holds for them.
Keep them distracted. Pamper them a bit, focusing on the details of why you love them. If they can’t do things they normally can, like grocery shopping or the like, do that for them, but don’t try to solve their overall problem. Don’t tell them to “calm down” or “stop worrying so much”. They WILL worry and they WILL feel anxious, so just listen to their rants, humour them a bit, listen some more. Keep them busy. Observing Virgo will notice that you were there for them, even if you didn’t (manage to) do anything in the end.
Stay focused on them. Don’t compare your problems to theirs, they’re so often so occupied with everyone else’s problems, give them something back. Libra lunarians tend to be indecisive so lightly push them into making a choice (by themselves of course). Give them your love, let them feel it. Give them a hug. Kiss their forehead or their head. Rub their back. Hold them close, make them be able to lose themselves in your arms.
Hug them. Put your arms around them, tightly, as if you’re trying to hold them from falling apart. Let them feel whatever they’re feeling but don’t let them alone with it. Agree with them, as long as you’re not completely faking it; they’d sense it. Make sure they don’t feel judged, that you’re still thinking as highly of them as before. Please don’t let them regret finally opening up to someone. Please give yourself to them as long as they need you to be there for them.
Help them escape their bad feelings. Stand by their side. The archer doesn’t need someone to solve their problems for them, while they try to avoid them they still know how to handle them themselves in the end, and that goes for the moon in Sagittarius person as well. Distract them with what matches them. Visit a quiet café with an introvert and talk about whatever comes to mind, whatever makes them forget their low point. Go to a wild concert or the amusement park with an extrovert and let them laugh all the sorrow away. Don’t let their optimism fade away.
These guys like to not make it obvious when they’re down, they may even try to shrug it off. But if you want to comfort them, try to not push them into anything. Listen to their thoughts and nod your head, no need for big words with this sign (although some uplifting words are never a bad thing). Don’t smother them with physical affection, blankets and food, you’d suffocate them. If you view it as appropriate, try to distract them. Otherwise just let them free some of their thoughts.
Aquarius moon often wants to be alone in low moments as well and are a bit harder to comfort, but they usually already appreciate it when you believe in them. If you really want to make them feel better though, be positive. They want to talk. Aquarius loathes feeling bad. Don’t just say cliché things like ‘don’t worry, all will be well’. Make them laugh. Remind them of good times. Push them in the right direction; make them look ahead, make them not give up. 
While Pisces lunarians usually differ a lot when it comes to how they want to be comforted when at a low point, they are all big on the ‘acknowledge my feelings’ one. While this is the case for pretty much everyone, moon in Pisces wants you to be present when there for them. Actually, these folks do a lot better with being able to feel that you care and are silently supporting them than seeing you doing grand things but not meaning it.
Note: Always remember to take your other placements into consideration. Nothing stands and works all on its own.
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talkingtoq · 8 years
reblog this if you identify as a witch and a writer
I wanna know more of you
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talkingtoq · 8 years
Offering stones
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When taking something from nature, such as herbs, it is nice to give something back. You can leave these lovely air-dry stones in places such as the forest as a way to say thank you. Leaving these in nature is also totally safe for the environment. You can also offer these to a god/goddess.
2 cups of baking soda
1 cup of corn starch
1 ½ cups cold water
Mix until smooth, then put it in a pan and stir until it boils. Keep stirring until it is the consistency of mashed potatoes.
Let it cool and take the clay out of the pan. It should feel really smooth and you will probably play with it alot before you are even going to make the stones :)
I added some herbs and flowers, such as rosemary, lavender, roses, carnations, thyme, cloves, cinnamon, some blue flowers of which I don’t know the name and some orange berries that I found near the park.
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I just made a little ball, then made a hole in it and added some herbs.
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Now you can decorate it! You can add anything and shape them in any way you want. As you can see I made some squares, hearts, blobs and even an easter egg :) I’ve seen some people use glitter and I recommend you don’t add any glitter since that is actually bad for the environment. I tried using normal white sugar as an alternative, but i noticed that the stones got kind of wet, which I should’ve seen coming. Not sure what’s going to happen when it dries so I’ll keep you guys updated.
I’m so happy with these and I am definitely going to use these for Ostara ^^ Of course you can use this recipe to make anything you want, not just offering stones. 
I hope this was helpful for you guys ^-^
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talkingtoq · 8 years
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talkingtoq · 8 years
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talkingtoq · 8 years
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talkingtoq · 8 years
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talkingtoq · 8 years
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talkingtoq · 8 years
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