talrappleyea · 4 years
Know your zoning laws before you open your home-based business to avoid fines and more. 
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talrappleyea · 4 years
When looking to build your career in law, it’s important to seek out a mentor. Not only does this help advance your career to new opportunities, but it can also help improve your knowledge as a lawyer. Whether you’re an experienced lawyer or just getting started in law school, having a mentor can be a great help. Here is how you can find a mentor in law!
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talrappleyea · 5 years
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talrappleyea · 5 years
Many students aspire for high paying and rewarding career paths. Often times, they will opt for a career in law. However, they do not really understand what a law career entails or what it takes to get there. They believe what they see on tv shows and movies is what it will really be like, but that is typically not the case. If you are considering studying law, here are a few things you need to know!
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talrappleyea · 5 years
Starting a career and education in law is not an easy feat. Becoming a lawyer takes a lot of hard work and dedication, which is why it’s so important to use every resource available to you. There are many amazing books to read for aspiring lawyers, but it’s also good to listen. There are many amazing podcasts for aspiring lawyers to listen to as well:
I Am The Law
For a podcast the specializes in helping lawyers and law students decide the right field of law they want to participate in, take a listen to I Am The Law. Each episode runs for about 20 minutes and includes successful lawyers as their special guests. They have lawyers from different fields describing the work they do and what it is really like. They tend to not focus on the money and statistics, but rather on the actual real-world experiences of lawyers.
Lawyer 2 Lawyer
AN award-winning and engaging podcast for future lawyers to listen to is Lawyer 2 Lawyer. It is hosted by J. Craig Williams and Robert Ambrogi. These two lawyers have an extensive attorney and media backgrounds and their podcast covers a large variety of current legal topics. Such as ongoing scandals and debates. They talk about issues such that erupt the law and get people really talking.
The Digital Edge
The Digital Edge covers the widely discussed topic of technology in law. It’s important for aspiring lawyers to know everything there is to understand about what technology means for the law. This podcast discusses how it is a tool for lawyers and the ways the law is impacted by advancing technology. Hosted by lawyers Sharon D. Nelson and Jim Calloway, the give an in-depth look into law and technology.
The Gen Why Lawyer
One of the best podcats for aspiring lawyers to listen to is The Gen Why Lawyer because it is directed exclusively for younger lawyers. Lawyers born between the ’80s and ’90s come to talk with host Nicole Abboud to discuss law and how their age group affects the legal profession. This is the perfect podcast for the younger generation to listen to and learn from so they may carry this information into their own professional legal careers.
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talrappleyea · 5 years
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talrappleyea · 5 years
For those with a passion for real estate and an interest in the law, a career in real estate law is most ideal. Many of the legal issues they deal with are sales, leasing, and other transfers of real estate and property.
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talrappleyea · 5 years
New York Tax Law Change
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There have been a series of changes that have taken place with taxes in the state of New York, and the majority of these changes have had influence by the governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, along with with other fellow NY legislators. In March of last year, the two parties reached an agreement on the budget for the 2018/2019 year, and this was implemented on March 30th. Here are some of the key changes.
Employer Compensation Expense Tax
This bill in the budget is going to create a new ECET, or employer compensation expense tax. If any employers choose to opt in this tax, they will pay a 5% tax on their annual payroll for employees that make more than $40,000 per year. This is set to be phased at a range of over three years at progressive rates of 1.5%, 3%, and 5%. This began on January 1st and the first election date for employers who wanted to opt-in was December 1, 2018.
Charitable Gifts Trust Fund
This particular budget bill will create a new CGTF, or Charitable Gifts Trust Fund that will allow taxpayers to give towards the state’s provision of education and healthcare. These charitable trusts will qualify under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which will also allow taxpayers to make a charitable deduction for contributed amounts. In terms of why this was initiated, it’s an effort for taxpayers in the state of New York to pay their personal income tax without being a victim of the $10,000 of SALT deductions. Now, contributions can be made to Health Research Inc., the Research Foundation of the City University of New York and the State University of New York Impact Foundation.
Property Taxes
Starting on December 21, 2018, the bill will provide taxpayers with a way to pay real property taxes while avoiding the $10,000 cap. School districts will have the ability to receive monetary donations from those funds and New York City counties can establish a Reserve Fund to receive monetary donations. To claim the credit, property owners must present it to the collecting officer before the last day taxes are paid without penalty. Taxpayers who had made charitable contributions can take deductions in personal income tax.
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talrappleyea · 5 years
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Things were out of control in New York City even back in 1913. The naughty, new skyscraper (40-stories) being constructed at 120 Broadway in Lower Manhattan had broken all the rules and was partly to blame. The Equitable Building was considered a “space-hog” of its time, shutting out light and air to other nearby structures and causing dangerous congestion in the bustling Big Apple.
Manhattan Borough President George McAneny became an unsung hero at the time by stating that NYC was in dire need of regulating “the height, size and arrangement of buildings.” McAneny made that declaration in a 1913 measure establishing what amounted to a zoning committee. That strong move would come to shape the future of New York’s skyline.
McAneny and Edward M. Bassett became the architects of the 1916 Zoning Resolution. In part, the measure reigned in city developers from erecting buildings that went crazy with architectural dimensions and arrangement. Under the zoning resolution’s new rules, buildings that were strictly residential zones were permitted to rise only as high as the streets in front of them were wide.
The iconic Woolworth Building was erected before the 1916 Zoning Resolution was created, but its architectural design was considered a business model for the new code. The commercial structure featured a 25 percent lot area coverage but was also allowed to go up to any height. That made way for other famous landmarks to be built, including the Empire State building, Chrysler building, and the General Electric Building.
By 1961, a new Zoning Code was established in NYC, and with the popularity of the automobile, parking requirements became key in development projects. The Seagram Building at 375 Park Avenue, designed by Mies van der Rohe and Philip Johnson, became the prototype. Instead of featuring the standard heavy stone and brick facades of yesteryear, the building boasted sleekness with glass and metal and ushered in the concept of a new era in simple, straightforward skyscrapers.
The Seagram Building also presented an empty space in front of the structure but in an appealing way. The open, urban plaza set the building back from Park Avenue and left an accommodating pedestrian space.
It remains to be seen if future zoning will be used to encourage iconic and new NYC architecture.
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talrappleyea · 6 years
Recent Changes to the New York Bar Exam
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For a long time, New York had its own unique bar exam that many found challenging to deal with. However, the state has recently switched to a more uniform bar exam that is already in use in 15 other states. This will hopefully streamline the process a little and make it easier to prepare for. People planning on taking the New York bar exam soon need to be aware of these important changes.
Scoring Changes
Of course, the most obvious change people will encounter is that scoring is no longer done the same way. Initially, there was a Multistate Bar Examination that counted for 40 percent, a New York Law Multiple Choice that counted for 10 percent and a written portion that counted for 50 percent of the score. This is going to change now to a written portion worth 30 percent, a Multistate Bar Examination worth 50 percent, and a Multistate Performance Test worth 20 percent.
New York Law Is Removed
New York Bar exams will no longer require people to be tested on New York Law as a separate subject. This is helpful because students do not have to memorize multiple sets of laws just to pass the bar. Instead, the test on New York state law will be held separately after a person successfully passes the bar.
Test Scheduling Alterations
Due to the changes in the test material, the New York Board of Law Examiners has started using a new schedule. People start by doing two Multistate Test Performances, then they get a small break before going into the essay portion. The following day, there will be three hours to do 100 multiple choice questions, a break of an hour and a half, and then 100 more multiple choice questions.
Reductions to Essay Subjects
Those who struggled with essays before can breathe a sigh of relief. Instead of having 22 potential essay subjects to study, the new test only has 14 essay subjects to pick from. In addition to having less essay material to study, people also have less time to do the essays. Each one of the six essays has a 30-minute time limit now. Due to the shorter time limit, students will be expected to write more concise essays.
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talrappleyea · 6 years
Top Real Estate Trends for 2019
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Last year’s real estate housing market started out with sky-high home prices with historically low mortgage rates, which was an advantage for sellers. While the year started out on top, it quickly dwindled halfway through with home price growth decreasing and rates at an all-time high. Will 2019 see the same results? Here’s what you can expect to happen in the 2019 real estate market:
Increased Mortgage Rates
Mortgage rates have been increasing over the last couple of years; however, that will change in 2019 as the 30-year fixed mortgage rate projects to increase 5%, which is something we haven’t seen since 2008 when the rates were spiraling downwards due to the housing crisis.
The Rise of Millennial Home Buyers
Millennials are getting older, finding stable careers and eager to become homeowners. Not only are their household incomes increasing, but they also are looking to purchase homes in the middle to upper-middle class neighborhoods. Despite rising rates and an increase in prices, millennials will continue buying homes. According to experts, millennials will account for 45% of the housing market in 2019.
Home Prices Rise with Less Offers
Home prices have made a serious jump over the last couple of years and they are only expected to continue to rise. Along with increased mortgage rates, the combination of the two is likely to discourage those buyers who are on the fence about buying a home.
A Shift to the Suburbs
Millennial homebuyers are looking to part ways from higher urban rent and instead of looking at suburban areas. Majority of millennials are at the age where they’re ready to settle down, get married and start a family so they are looking at more single-family homes in already established neighborhoods.
The Rise of Technology
Tech startups are already incorporating AI into their market analysis. Machine learning is currently being used for building management, organization, and design. Technological innovations are already growing rapidly and advancing in the real estate industry which is a major trend to look out for in 2019.
National Rents Will Rise
With higher rates limiting the number of homes for potential buyers, rent rates are expected to rise. Potential buyers will be too financially stretched to buy, so their only option is to continue to rent.
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talrappleyea · 6 years
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Let law students know they have more options than just becoming a lawyer. There is a world of possibilities for students working towards a law degree.
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talrappleyea · 6 years
Changes To Employment Law In 2019
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2019 is bringing about some significant changes to employment law, and as ever, staying compliant with these changes is critical for the health of any business. While the majority of these new regulations are focused on companies with larger workforces, some of these new changes could have an impact on businesses of varying sizes. Here’s everything you need to know as you prepare your company for the new year.
Changes to Minimum Wage
Twenty states have raised their minimum wage, and while some of these changes are pending, the minimum wage in most of these states go into effect immediately. Covering each of these changes is outside the purview of this article, it’s important to check your state’s new regulations to make sure that your company is compliant. Many of these states are raising their minimum wage to become compliant with a new federal minimum, but others come with provisions regarding other aspects of pay. Minnesota employs different wages for small and large companies, while others have staggered minimum wages contingent on whether or not a company offers healthcare to their employees.
Predictive Scheduling
Apart from minimum wage increases, one of the most significant changes to the law involves predictive scheduling. The exact nature of these terms varies by state. There are a couple of common provisions. The first is that employers must post their schedule within one to two weeks in advance to provide employees with appropriate notice for work. Some states include provisions where employees must be paid extra if changes are made to a schedule outside of these designated windows. Many states are also implementing laws that ensure there’s a proper rest period between all shifts, but these too can significantly vary depending on the state. In any case, companies must keep records of their scheduling for the sake of accountability.
Ensuring Compliance
Staying current with these laws can be a difficult task, especially if you’re the owner or manager of a company with many employees. That means that business owners should carefully sit down and examine the changes going into the new year. Alternately, there are a number of resources like the Labor Law Center that can help ensure a smooth transition to compliance. Regardless, the laws are in place to protect the rights of your employees, and a happier staff will produce better results all around.
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talrappleyea · 6 years
Possible Careers You Can Obtain With A Law Degree
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Many people earn a law degree to pursue a career as an attorney. However, said education could qualify individuals for jobs in other professions. This brief blog will highlight specific jobs those with law degrees who do not wish to become attorneys might consider pursuing.
Individuals with undergraduate degrees in government, political science, criminal justice or civics, as well as specific law degree specializations might be considered solid candidates for teaching positions, especially at the high school level. In some instances, however, a specific state or school district regulations might mandate that a prospective candidate hold teaching certifications.
Legislative Consultant
Those who have studied the law possess a greater knowledge of said entity than many others. Therefore, individuals possessing law degrees might find employment working as a legislative consultant for various government agencies, companies or non-profit organizations. Said professionals may perform tasks such as interpreting how specific laws pertain to a specific entity’s operations or help said organization formulate provisions compatible with local, state and federal regulations.
Professional Counseling
Individuals possessing law degrees, especially those who might also hold undergraduate certificates in counseling or a mental health field might be employable as counselors. Law school graduates that specialized in divorce or family law may possess instruction on conflict resolution and mediation.
Law degree holders with a background in business law and an undergraduate background in financial subjects like economics are often well-suited for employment at various companies performing numerous different tasks.
Typically, lawyers master the skill of writing clearly and concisely. Such attributes could prove beneficial to a career in journalism. Journalists could be employable at print publications such as newspapers, online news sources, magazines, and media outlets like radio and television. Additionally, law degree holders might enjoy success authoring books and papers on various legal topics.
The Political World
Many lawyers hold undergraduate certification in subjects like government and civics. Those with backgrounds in these topics are viable candidates for any number of positions in various local, state and federal government entities. Moreover, many elected politicians hold law degrees.
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talrappleyea · 6 years
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For many people, owning a home is a major component of the American dream. It was long thought to be one of the best financial decisions a person could make. Recently, financial experts have begun to question if that is still true. Whether renting or buying makes more sense depends on many different variables. 
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talrappleyea · 6 years
Insights Into Zoning Laws
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Zoning is a necessity of land development, and while it doesn’t always work to the benefit of the tenants, it can help local governments create a more orderly structure for cities and mitigate major risks like crime, pollution, and overcrowded streets. If you’re interested in starting your own business or looking to get involved in real estate investment, you should understand the fundamentals of zoning, but the basics are fortunately not that complicated. While zoning laws and regulations vary according to the municipality in question, most zoning regions fall into categories for residential, industrial, and commercial use. These allow cities and towns to help create a more orderly flow to their neighborhoods, but there are a number of complications that can affect the zoning regulations of an area. The location of utility lines is one of the most practical considerations to account for when looking at zoning regulations, but many cities put other standards in place to protect the ambiance, design, and cultural heritage of an area. These can include limitations on everything from architectural design to size and height to the number of rooms allowed. Many zoning regulations will also limit the type and size of additions allowed in a particular zone. As a result, it’s important to understand the zoning requirements before moving into an area. Even if the area you’re moving to is zoned for the type of business or residence you want, there could be limitations that affect what you want to do, and it’s critical to consider potential growth or development of your property with zoning regulations in mind. If you’re planning on starting a brewery, for instance, you’ll have to consider whether space is zoned for commercial use if you want to add a bar into the property and keep in mind spacing limitations if you have any intentions of expanding. There’s an understandable amount of push and pull regarding zoning regulations. Local government sees zoning regulations as a means to curate the development of their city, while business owners and residents can sometimes see it as an infringement on their rights. The courts have typically ruled that zoning regulations need to be concrete and serve the general benefit of the community, but there’s a lot of gray area regarding what that actually means. Regardless of your intents, you’ll want to carefully consider the zoning regulations before investing in a property. If you have any questions about what the regulations actually mean, consider consulting with an attorney who specializes in land use so you won’t be surprised when zoning regulations get in the way of your ambitions.
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talrappleyea · 6 years
Buying Vs. Renting
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For many people, owning a home is a major component of the American dream. It was long thought to be one of the best financial decisions a person could make. Recently, financial experts have begun to question if that is still true. Whether renting or buying makes more sense depends on many different variables. Is it a Buyer’s or Seller’s Market in the Desired Location? Whether the buyer or the seller has the advantage in a particular market can greatly impact whether or not it makes financial sense to try to buy in the area. Unfortunately, most areas are facing a large housing shortage. For those who live in large cities, it is even harder to find an affordable home. How Long Will the Home be Lived In? There are many “hidden fees” associated with buying a home. Things like closing fees can make it difficult to profit on the sale of the house if it is done within a few years. Anyone considering buying a home should ask themselves how long they want to live there. If the answer is a few years or less, renting may make more sense. Is Renting a Waste of Money for the Individual? Many people worry about “throwing their money away on rent.” In some cases, this may be true. For those who have poor credit scores, however, higher interest rates may mean they are not building equity when making house payments the way they think they are. When deciding what is more expensive in the long run, it is important to factor in things like maintenance, property taxes, and insurance. The best way to decide what makes the most financial sense is to look at the big picture. How much will it cost to rent or buy for the length of the overall stay is important. Will the House Gain Value? Houses are great investments, but putting all of one’s money in one area carries great risk. Although it is currently a seller’s market, that may not be the case when the time comes to move on. Also, the condition of the home will greatly impact its resale value. For some people, paying rent and investing money in a variety of stocks and bonds actually makes more financial sense.
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