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What a difference a year can make. There is around a 10kg difference between these two photographs and I want to reiterate that choosing recovery doesn’t make you fat, it brings back the life in your eyes, gives you the opportunities to be whatever you want to be, gives you the freedom and ability to appreciate the amazing things that life has to offer. I want to be able to be there for anyone struggling, make a stand and promote the message that you can break free from your eating disorder. That doesnt mean I dont struggle today, but I am so far from the desolate place I once was that I know that one day I will be finally free ❤
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Happy Easter everyone have a fabulous day and remember to treat yourselves because you all deserve it! I'm celebrating Easter for the first time in two years and sitting down to a nice family meal 🌼
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Reblog if you're an ED recovery blog my dash is looking a bit bare 🌸
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Doctors: Anorexia is an epidemic, people need to eat.
Doctors: Obesity is an epidemic, people eat too much.
Society: People have unhealthy body images, accept your body the way it is!
Society: People should be more concerend about their health, exercise & eat right!
Media: Celebrities are way too skinny, they are setting a bad example for young girls.
Media: This singer gained 20 pounds, she must be really unhappy.
People: Being too skinny is gross, real women have curves.
People: Eww, fat rolls.
Friends: You're so pretty, you're not fat.
Friends: Eww I'm so gross, I need to lose weight.
Family: Don't starve yourself, eat. It's not that hard.
Family: You ate all of this for breakfast? What is wrong with you?
And people wonder why we have such distorted body images.
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After I tell people about my ED I feel like they are constantly watching everything I eat or everything I don't eat.
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Reblogging my own post because I need to hear this.
If your lowest weight wasn’t less than X pounds/stones/kilograms.
Your illness is still valid.
If you didn’t restrict to less than X calories a day.
Your illness is still valid.
If you didn’t get to a certain dress size.
Your illness is still valid.
If you’ve…
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One of my favourite breakfasts! Golden syrup oats with banana and pb.
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30 Day Eating Disorder Recovery Challenge
1. List your stats (height/weight). What eating disorder are/have you struggled with?
Weight:?? I have blind weigh-ins so I don't know.
I have anorexia nervosa restrictive subtype.
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Whats art therapy xx
It's a form of psychotherapy where you address behaviours and feelings through means of art but you also discuss your feelings too xxxx
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Starting Art Therapy Today!
Feeling a bit nervous because it's with a new therapist but I'm looking forward to it because it's something new!
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For when you're struggling
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Stay Strong beautiful!! Kick ana's a$$ you can do it. Believe in yourself :)
Thank you so much xxx
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Be strong ♥
Thank you so much anon, I appreciate this beyond belief right now. xx
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Feel so confused and lost right now :(
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Wonderland. | via Tumblr on We Heart It. http://weheartit.com/entry/84690715/via/bedajau
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One of the biggest problems about recovery is the inconsistency of it. Some days, you are a superhero. You eat all of your meals, and still find beauty in the fullness of your stomach. However, the not-so-wonderful days are the deterrent. You wake up, and cannot find a thing appealing about yourself. When beauty is no longer the goal—you just want to not hate yourself. Then, you find yourself wishing you knew you were skinny when you were skinny. You hate that wish. It is the creepy uncle that no one likes who sits in the corner and stares at everyone at Thanksgiving. But you cannot help but think it. You were not skinny, you were dying. You were trying to be invisible; you were trying to shrink away from life. It got so severe that you just stopped functioning, didn’t you? You may not have known you were skinny, but you knew you were dying.
Michelle K., Bad Days In Recovery. (via michellekpoems)
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