gainingdreamss · 2 years
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You deserve to eat! 💜 whatever the ed is saying you!💜
#prorecovery #bodypositive #fearfood #mentalhealthmatters #recoveryisworthit #ednos #ptsd #eatingdisorders #intuitiveeating #bingeeatingrecovery #eatingdisordersupport #edmemes #edfam #loveyourself #anorexiarecovery #memes #recoverywarrior #anorexiafight #edfamily #eatittobeatit #healthy #eatingdisorder #anorexia #eatingdisorderrecovery #mentalhealth #edrecovery #recovery #depression #ed #anxiety #bulimia #mentalhealthawareness #anorexiarecovery #bingeeating #mentalillness #anorexianervosarecovery #eatingdisorderawareness #bulimiarecovery #edwarrior #recoveryispossible #anorexiafighter #selflove #food #anorexianervosa #edfighter #recoverywin #selfcare #bodypositivity
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xlanexx · 4 years
2 days. 2Kilos. And more incoming. 😎 stay tuned.
I‘ll post photo updates tomorrow... from then every week. Or every second day.
Love u hny‘s.
Stay Safe!✨
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just-to-be-thin · 4 years
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Serious motivation.
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starvedlovely · 5 years
My boyfriend keeps insisting that Coca-Cola Zero will make me gain more weight... he’s saying that the artificial sweetener (aspartame) will only make me more hungry and showed me studies where it blocks something in your stomach & slows your metabolism 😩😩😩😩 I don’t understand why it’s so loved by the community!! Pls explain
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lissyloulou · 5 years
Just because a person has a naturally slim build does not mean they are "anorexic".
Anorexia Nervosa is a serious mental illness.
Also, you can be any weight/shape/form/gender/race/religion and suffer from an eating disorder. It does not discriminate.
For fucks sake, it's 2019. Why are these misconceptions still happening.
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lilysalingerbaby · 6 years
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I was watching this and then for different reason than I think the movie intended I got very emotional at this scene. So I decided to make a little gif out of it.
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blossoming-bones · 6 years
PSA to those who openly support/encourage Eugenia Cooney’s weight loss
This poor girl is dying, and I fear that the constant praise she gets for it is only making everything worse.
Her bright red legs are a sign of cardiovascular failure. I fear that she’s soon going to die if she doesn’t seek out professional help. Please STOP encouraging this.
On the other hand, please don’t try to tell her she looks sick/gross/deathly. Please don’t try to force her into seeing something ugly thinking it will make her seek treatment.
Show her love, and support, without sending out the wrong messages. Please do not support her in losing weight, but please do not belittle her appearance either.
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kill me
i’m currently out at a restaurant with my parents and my bothers. they’re making me eat, and i’ve already had a low cal ice cream today bc my dad and i went out. help me. (hiding out in the bathroom right now)
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hannahvsana · 5 years
The Kent ED Service sent me a letter yesterday saying that they’ve had a meeting and want me to drop out of uni for a year, but they can only strongly advise it. They want me to get to a certain BMI before uni but thankfully they didn’t disclose my weight as I refused to talk about it in the appointment. Essentially they can’t force me as it’s a guideline not a rule. But they’ve just phoned and they want a review appointment on Monday which is weird because they only saw me last week, and I don’t want to go because I’m going to get lectured when I’ve already made my mind up that I’m staying on at uni. I’m stressed
But in positive news I was brave and applied to work at my favourite cafe in town! It was scary as they weren’t advertising a job as I thought they were, but I gave my CV in anyway and they said they’d get back to me!
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ilpesodellafelicita · 6 years
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Anche nelle giornate peggiori può arrivare qualcosa di bello❤ Perciò non possiamo smettere di provarci e di lottare, perché può accadere qualcosa di bello ogni giorno, anche nelle giornate in cui questo sembra impossibile. "Si diventa donne sempre prima, si diventa donne nel momento in cui si comincia a lottare, ad amare e a soffrire. I miei auguri vanno a tutte voi piccole e grandi guerriere che state attraversano l'inferno trovando giorno per giorno la forza di non fermarvi mai . 🌻🌹" Circondatevi di persone belle, che fa bene al cuore ❤ #disturbialimentari #diarioalimentare #festadelladonna #8marzo #eatingdisorder #eatingdisorderrecovery #edfamily #edfighter #fighters #nevergiveup #bellepersone #buonagiornata https://www.instagram.com/p/BuwO8CEH5Lo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h68yoa2tliu0
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Anyone else relate?
Me: Fasts for days at a time, has a breakdown if a food is over 100 calories, isn't happy unless I lose at least 5lbs a week.
Also me: Yeah but I'm not sick enough to call it an eating disorder.
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“Non conta quanti kili hai perso, ma quanta te stessa hai smarrito,presa dal cercare di essere qualcosa che non sarà mai abbastanza”
(Foto di me stessa)
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Happy things
- Today we presented our eating disorder presentation to the whole team including our consultant, therapists, the hospital director and manager and a few psychiatrists from different hospitals. We were terrified but it was incredible to have everyone congratulate us and clap afterwards. Like, an experienced psychiatrist told us we were professional?!?! I’m pretty sure they’re going to support us with doing this in schools and maybe setting up a website 
- I’m wearing shorts without tights today for the first time in around 4 years. This is such a huge deal I came out of my room shaking a few hours ago when I put them on and now I’m just wearing them? I have seen people look at the scars on my legs but realistically I need to remember they’ve seen worse and it’s not that shocking
- inpatient friend and I CHOSE TO MAKE BISCOFF CHEESECAKE!!!! We used lotus biscuits for the base, salted caramel flavouring in the cream cheese and melted biscoff on top! Waiting to have some after tea...
- tomorrow is the hospital summer fair and I will be selling cards and friendship bracelets 
- tomorrow is swimming group and I’m considering going which is a HUGE DEAL as I haven’t been swimming or even worn a swimming costume in nearly 5 years. Nobody has told me to do it and I feel like I need some support or encouragement but I don’t want to ask for it because its not a big deal to most people. I feel like staff think ‘great do it then it’s done, big deal’ but it’s massive to me and I can’t do it alone...
The fight against anorexia is fucking on 😊💕🏆
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cozy-comfy-cuteness · 6 years
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Reposted from @beatingeatingdisorders - #edrecovery #endthestigma #recovery #edwarrior #edfighter #edfamily #inpatient #strength #recoverycommunity #eatingdisorders #beatED #ana #osfed #anorexia #bulimia #bodyacceptance #depression #quotes #anxiety #awareness #advocacy #bingeeating #orthorexia #fighter #recovered #support #prorecovery #bodypositivity #staystrong #recoveryisworthit https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs4vqOTlhY8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ha4qg61tptnc
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lissyloulou · 5 years
I'm at that part of recovery where I'm feeling inexplicable amounts of guilt for hurting those around me who couldn't bear to see me deteoriate any further and tried so hard to help me.
I'm so sorry.
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rainy--reality · 7 years
parents: We understand your illness and accept you just the way you are.
me: *shows symptoms*
parents: What the hell is wrong with you?! Why can't you just be normal??
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