taurustarot · 3 years
I just thought this would be funny to share -
So I personally don’t participate in any Norse Pagan practices.. but the other day my roommate and I were up early and chose to get Dunkin Donuts (something we literally never do) and ordered half a dozen. We called in to let them know which ones we wanted specifically cause it didn’t let us pick specifics. The girl there takes the info down and we disconnect.. the donuts get ordered and it’s nothing we wanted so we message the delivery service who not only reorders for us but gives a $5 credit. We call back in and the same girl is working and is like “OMG no I had it right here!” And so the proper one gets sent.
I then see a red headed man circling the dining room requesting donuts and I’m like ????? I don’t know you can you please give me some information??? To which he just laughs. So I ask for a proper sign and ended up going on tiktok... first video says the God Loki is holding up your move (which were in the process of changing houses) and is looking for donuts. The comments all saying they’ve been offering him some this week. When I look up he’s just smiling at me and asks for a candle and a donut.
Anyways, that’s about the time the trickster god Loki ordered himself donuts and gave us $5 for the inconvenience
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taurustarot · 3 years
There is nothing wrong with your “god phone” my dear and you don’t need to wish it “was better.”
Your god(s) are not alienating you but instead preparing you for the continual journey you have with them. I know it can be frustrating and hard not to compare yourself and relationship with your deities to the ones others have but some people are more open spiritually, others have practiced longer, some are just at a point in their life where they need a kick in the @$$. This is no way diminishes you or your relationship to your deity. It just means you still have work to do.
Dedicating a pendulum or tarot deck is a beautiful way to start introducing an actual conversation with your deity - giving them permission to be seen in your dreams, to do a guided meditation, something as simple as breath-work in their name.. there are so many ways you can elevate your relationship and self to open your gifts more.
For some people, viewing or hearing the deities can be overwhelming.. my aunt for example doesn’t see or hear spirits but she can smell them and it’s how she’ll know they’re around. Don’t limit yourself to the traditional gifts you see in social media. Instead ask yourself.. when you think of your deity, does the wind pick up? Do you smell something? Do you get a different feeling? Etc. Try to understand the relationship you currently have and you can have a one sided conversation at their offerings.. letting them know what you hope to achieve and request signs on how to continue down that path.
Know your deities do want the best for you and are just taking it at the pace they deem appropriate for you right now. But let them know they have permission to appear or speak to you if that’s what you want. Just don’t compare yourself, it’s much too limiting.
Best of luck on your journey 💕
Fyi: rant
I see how so many people talk about their amazing experiences with Loki.
I am not going to lie I kinda wish I would also have some of them. I see people talk about how they see him and such. Sometimes I do get those sadder thoughts that maybe I'm just not important or good enough to talk to.
For me basically it's just feelings, cravings or ideas. Nothing more.
I guess I wish my God phone was better.
Do any of you have any ideas how I can revamp my God phone?
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taurustarot · 3 years
If you’re reading this, good luck will befall you and you will receive some good news within a week’s time.
🏵like to charge🏵
🎍reblog to cast🎍
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taurustarot · 3 years
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Hi all! Trying to raise emergency funds and I’m offering oracle card readings for $1+ tips and or additional donations. Please reblog if you can to help me out! Please dm proof of the tip/donation!
Cashapp: $TaurusTarot444
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taurustarot · 4 years
A simple reblog could help 🌞 I’m trying to raise funds via my readings
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Doing 1 card readings for $1+ donations using the Angels of Abundance Oracle Cards I got today… if you’re interested in a quick and straight forward message on how to get money in your life - here’s your reading!
If you’d like the reading to be done on anon, please send 2 emojis along with your payment and use those two emojis in the anon message.
Tip Jar | Paid Readings  | Buy Me A Ko-Fi
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taurustarot · 5 years
Pendulum Reading
I’m doing $1 tip pendulum readings! $1 = 2 questions for the pendulum.
Please keep in mind pendulum readings are yes, no, and maybe. If the reading comes up as maybe then I will pull a card to clarify or rely on my clairaudience/clairvoyance.
Please send payment to my cashapp ( $TaurusTarot444 ) with your @/ in the message line. Send me a ask with your question(s) and specify if you’d like it private, otherwise it’ll be posted publically.
Thank you all!
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taurustarot · 5 years
Scorpio Season Tip Readings
Hey guys, so I need to make some money asap!! I’m doing tip readings starting at $1! $2+ will get you a 2 card reading using the decks of your choice to see what is going to be happening for you during Scorpio Season!!
For anybody who simply wants to donate (which would be really appreciated) pls let me know and I’ll still do a Gemstone card for you!!
To get a reading, please tip $1+ with your @/ in the message line & then send me an ask. Please note if you’d like it private, if you don’t then I will post it publically.
Decks I’m using for this reading:
Spellcasters Tarot
Revelations Tarot
Angels of Abundance
Fairy Tarot
Energy Oracle
Astrological Oracle
Gemstone Oracle
Oracle of the Mermaids
These are the only decks I’ll be using for this reading. My other decks will be available soon :)
Cashapp: $TaurusTarot444
Please dm for PayPal! Reblogs would be very helpful, thank you all!
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taurustarot · 5 years
August Prosperity (Spontaneous Blessings) Emoji Spell
Likes charge it, reblogs cast it!
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taurustarot · 5 years
I’ve been trying for like 15 minutes so the links on my posts for the pick a card would work properly but... they’re not with it today. I’ll fix them tomorrow.
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taurustarot · 5 years
Pick a Card - August 2019 Abundance/Financial Message - Pile 3
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Pile 3
Pick A Card for August 2019 Abundance/Financial Message
Pile 1 | Pile 2 |  Tip Jar |
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taurustarot · 5 years
Pick a Card - August 2019 Abundance/Financial Message - Pile 2
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Pile 2
Pick A Card for August 2019 Abundance/Financial Message
Pile 1 | Pile 3 |  Tip Jar |
0 notes
taurustarot · 5 years
Pick a Card - August 2019 Abundance/Financial Message - Pile 1
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Pile 1
Pick A Card for August 2019 Abundance/Financial Message
Pile 2 | Pile 3 |  Tip Jar |
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taurustarot · 5 years
August Prosperity (Spontaneous Blessings) Emoji Spell
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taurustarot · 5 years
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Pick a card (from left to right) to see your Abundance/Financial message for August 2019 comment your choice!
Pile 1
Pile 2 
Pile 3
Tip Jar |
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taurustarot · 5 years
Donation readings are being accepted again!
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Doing 1 card readings for $1+ donations using the Angels of Abundance Oracle Cards I got today… if you’re interested in a quick and straight forward message on how to get money in your life - here’s your reading!
If you’d like the reading to be done on anon, please send 2 emojis along with your payment and use those two emojis in the anon message.
Tip Jar | Paid Readings  | Buy Me A Ko-Fi
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taurustarot · 5 years
April Showers (Of Blessings) Emoji Spell
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taurustarot · 5 years
Okay so K is officially a troll! I realized I’ve been getting this message since BEFORE I started offering readings? They just sent 4 in the last two days! I’m glad to know it’s not just me getting this, I didn’t have the energy to answer the anon yet so I haven’t... I was going to ask the same as you because all of the K’s I’ve read for have given me good feedback so... K is a troll and hopefully other readers don’t take it to heart 💕
Your readings are very inaccurate. You really should be doing something else. - k
Could you please be specific with your feedback so I could know where I went wrong? Provide me tangible proof. PM me, send me the reading I’ve done for you and let me know the inaccurate part. Thank you very much! Have a nice day. 😊🌸💕
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