techiio · 2 years
Machine learning is an application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that gives systems the potential to routinely examine and enhance from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine studying makes a specialty of the development of Data science is the field of study that combines domain expertise, programming skills, and knowledge of mathematics and statistics to extract meaningful insights from data. Data science practitioners apply machine learning algorithms to numbers, text, images, video, audio, and more to produce artificial intelligence (AI) systems to perform tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence. In turn, these systems generate insights that analysts and business users can translate into tangible business value pc programs that can get admission to records and use it to study for themselves.
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techiio · 2 years
MariaDB is intended to maintain high compatibility with MySQL, ensuring a drop-in replacement capability with library binary parity and exact matching with MySQL APIs and commands. However, new features are diverging. It includes new storage engines like Aria, Column Store, and MyRocks.
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). Its name is a combination of "My", the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter, and "SQL", the abbreviation for Structured Query Language. A relational database organizes data into one or more data tables in which data types may be related to each other; these relations help structure the data.
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techiio · 2 years
GitHub, Inc. is a provider of Internet hosting for software development and version control using Git. It offers the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git, plus its own features. It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, continuous integration, and wikis for every project. Headquartered in California, it has been a subsidiary of Microsoft since 2018.
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techiio · 2 years
The database management system (DBMS) is the software that interacts with end users, applications, and the database itself to capture and analyse the data. The DBMS software additionally encompasses the core facilities provided to administer the database. The sum total of the database, the DBMS and the associated applications can be referred to as a "database system". Often the term "database" is also used loosely to refer to any of the DBMS, the database system or an application associated with the database.
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techiio · 2 years
We know JSON serialization and deserialization, JSON stringify, JSON parser, and so on. Conversion of string to JSON may be finished in javascript, java, python, and many other languages too. So, what do you mean by this conversion of string to JSON? JSON. Parse method is used to convert the entered string to JSON object by using following some specs. Convert string to JSON converts an enter string to a JSON item for the user to have output in a readable format like a map or an array. This conversion is feasible by JSON.Parse() in javascript. In java, the JSON object is used for conversion, whereas in python, JSON. Masses() are used for this conversion.
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techiio · 2 years
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techiio · 2 years
First of all, let me explain what web 2.0 is and why it is used. Unlike Web 1.0 technology, web2.0 technology is the internet environment, where user is active with some features such as promoting from the position of just receiving information to providing information, having the information produced, sharing, discussing, etc. In other words, it is the web sites or applications used such as YouTube, Eksi Sozluk, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. sites where the users can see, follow the activities of other users, get in contact with them, make joint activities or programs.
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techiio · 2 years
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a huge-ranging department of computer technological know-how worried with constructing smart machines capable of completing tasks that commonly require human intelligence.
Machine learning (ML)is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computer science which focuses on the use of facts and algorithms to imitate the way that humans study, regularly enhancing its accuracy.
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techiio · 2 years
SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language, is a programming language that allows developers to manage and retrieve information within a database or create their databases. Many industries use relational databases—which use tables, columns, and rows to organize information and link data between tables—to store information. SQL most often develops and maintains these databases.
Python is a general-purpose coding language, which means that you can use it for a variety of programming tasks. Some of these tasks include back-end development, software development, and writing system scripts. Data scientists often use Python because its simple syntax and popularity in the industry make it easy to collaborate with other data scientists when developing data analysis software.
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techiio · 2 years
Types of Network Security Attacks
Introduction to Network Security Attacks : In this article, we will learn about the types of network security attacks. Cybercriminals have changed their network attack tactics as public awareness of the importance of keeping online transactions and documents secure has increased. In recent years, technological advances have led to the development of more advanced and stable methods for targeting computer networks by cybercriminals. As a business owner, it's important to know how many different ways to target and possibly compromise your business network. This knowledge strengthens the network and strengthens your decision-making skills to avoid compromises.
Types of Network Security Attack : Here are 10 common ways cybercriminals can try to target your network:
1. Trojan Horse A Trojan horse is a malicious program that appears to be useful and installed on a computer. Because of their impeccable appearance, users are encouraged to press and download software. After installing the software, various functions like data theft, keystroke monitoring, or data manipulation are performed in the database.
2. Malware Malware attacks are one of the most serious cyberattacks designed to disable or access a specifically unauthorized target computer system. The most popular malware is self-replicating, meaning it gains access to the Internet when it infects a specific device, and from there it infects all network-connected systems. An additional endpoint computer will also be infected if it is connected. It moves faster than others.
3. Botnet This is a personal computer network that is a victim of the malware. Knowing the user, the hacker controls all the machines in the network. Each network machine is called a zombie because it intends to spread, infect, or lead an attacker on a large number of computers.
4. Man in The Middle One person in the middle of the attack is standing between you and the other in personal interaction. By staying in the centre, an intruder can easily intercept, monitor, and control the communication; For example, if the bottom layer of the network sends data, the device in the layer may not be able to determine the receiver with which they will exchange information.
5. Packet Sniffer If a passive receiver is mounted on the ground of the wireless transmitter, it will save a copy of each transmission packet. Such packages may include confidential information, sensitive and critical information, commercial privacy, etc. It can be found by flying over the packet receiver. The receiver acts as a sniffer of the packet and then sniffs all the packets sent to the sector. Cryptography is the most effective protection against sniffers. (read more)
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techiio · 2 years
Cyber Security Challenges in 2022
Cyber Security:-
The term cybersecurity sought that it’s a form of safety that we provide to the device that numerous customers can get right of entry to the use of the net or intranet. Some numerous equipment and strategies are used to put into effect it. The maximum essential fact about securing information is that it’s no longer a one-time procedure but a continuous system. The device administrator has to hold matters up to date to keep the hazard low.
It can be defined because of the manner to mitigate the security threats to protect recognition loss, business loss, or monetary lack of any organization.
Cybersecurity refers to a frame of technologies, strategies, and practices designed to prevent an assault, harm, or unauthorized access to networks, devices, programs, and information. It's also can be called the safety of facts technology. Customers should understand and comply with the basic data safety ideas, along with email attachments carefulness, strong passwords, and information backup. It's far particularly difficult these days to put into effect a hit cybersecurity tasks due to the fact more devices than people are accessible and more creative attackers.
Let’s understand what Cyber means. Cyber could be defined as something related to the group of computers or the internet. At the same time, security means the mechanism of protecting anything. So both the terms Cyber and security took together define the way of protecting user data from the malicious attacks that could lead to the security breach.
It is the term that has been used for a decade back after the internet started evolving like anything. By Cybersecurity, any organization or any user can secure their crucial data from hackers. Though it is concerned with hacking at some point, it used ethical hacking to implement Cybersecurity in any system.
Cyber Security Challenges
Cyber Security Challenges were the country-wide safety in these days international, agencies ranging from small to huge corporations, authorities and personal universities, hospitals, all prone to cyber-assaults from across the globe. Further, in our quest to deal with newly rising threats, we frequently face challenges that one needs to deal with too comfortable their territory.
You might have recently heard that Wikipedia was taken offline (Sep 9, 2019) in regions of Middle East countries because it was attacked with a massive and broad distributed denial of service attack. So if the bad guys don’t spare a free education, what less can we expect from them?
A crisp which details out that why Cyber Security Challenges should be the top priority of top organizations in 2019 is pointed below.
Main Cyber Security Challenges
Following are some cybersecurity challenges explained in detail:
Advanced Persistent Threats
Advanced Persistent Threats threats go the stealthy way around to penetrate systems and servers and stay there for a longer time without getting noticed/detected by anybody.(read more)
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techiio · 2 years
Comprehensive Guide to Azure IoT Edge
Introduction to Azure IoT Edge : In today’s world lot of buzzwords are coming in the IT industry. Azure, Cloud, IoT are some of them. Every business and organization wants to grow exponentially. The technology which helps a lot in this journey to them gets boom early in the market. Technologies are changing rapidly. All things are getting fast. In the sense of management to provide a quick solution to the customer, we need something less costly and beneficial to the organization. Now, you know the concepts of Azure and IoT. This is the time to get an understanding of the sure IoT edge.
It is a combination of two technologies. Azure IoT Edge is a fully integrated platform. Which provides services created by Azure IoT Hub. By integrating cloud platforms and IoT we can implement AI (artificial intelligence) very easily.
Features of Azure IoT Edge : The whole world will be interconnected with IoT. Our decision-making power will increase. And in less time we can implement many things. We can reduce the cost of cloud management With limited devices, there is isolation from individual dings so less bandwidth is required. AI gets in the picture. This ensures high security for Microsoft. You can achieve a lot offline using this emerging technology.
Need of Azure IoT Edge : We can do a lot with the cloud. Remote monitoring, management, like remotely integrated integration across multiple IoT devices. Millions of devices have been deployed there and we can easily manage them. We can manage them centrally with the help of clouds. I know exactly how Azure IoT comes into the picture there. IoT moves closer to our machine. For a device to communicate with each other in IoT, we need something that binds real-time loops closely. Training these models with AI and ML Azure IoT is of little help.(read more)
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techiio · 2 years
Importance of Cybersecurity framework in 2022
Introduction to Cybersecurity Framework : For any industry, certain standards exist that help a particular industry to move the business smoothly while adhering to government policy. Similarly, there are certain standards or structures in cybersecurity that help companies adhere to the security policies that are required to keep operations safe and sound. Standards depend on the type of organization or industry with which the standard is chosen. Security professionals must take care of all requirements that must be met to comply with certain standards. Standards are meant to protect enterprises and organizations and therefore everyone deserving must abide by them. Here in this section, we will look at some of the most important cyber security frameworks that are used frequently.
It can be defined as a set of policies that an organization or a qualified organization must adhere to that specific framework or standard. The policies are defined by the certifying body that examines the audit report to determine if the company complies with certain structures. Depending on the needs of the organization, it depends on what type of structure is suitable for them or should opt-in to ensure the continuity of their business in a safe way. There will be cases where the company has to adhere to multiple structures to ensure that it covers all the security aspects of its business. In other words, cybersecurity frameworks can also be defined as rules that an enterprise must adhere to for the security of its operations. Therefore, it is not an optional thing for the organization but something mandatory where the government plays an important role. For different purposes, there are different structures. For example, if an organization is willing to accept online payments, it must comply with its PCI DSS compliance before applying the online payment method to its system. Similarly, hospitals that process patient data must comply with HIPAA compliance, and similarly, there are several structures on the market that companies must comply with to conduct their operations. Types of Cybersecurity Framework : There are several cyber security frameworks that organizations need to choose based on their needs. Below are some important frameworks that are often used around the world.
1. NIST Framework NIST is one of the most important structures used to improve critical infrastructure security. Infrastructure security is an important part of any organization. The NIST Framework ensures that some strict policies can protect infrastructure.
2. PCI DSS PCI DSS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. It can be defined as a standard that must be followed by an organization that is willing to accept or process online payments. This value is related to protecting users from online fraud. To comply with these standards, companies must ensure that they handle user-sensitive information very carefully. For example, user card details should not be saved unless needed. Transactions need to be done in safe mode, and such things. This compliance gives users confidence in their organization because their important data is secure.(read more)
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techiio · 2 years
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We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new Android mobile application "Techiio"! After a few weeks of hard work and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce the launch of our new mobile app. Our goal with this new app is to provide our techies (visitors) with an easier way to learn/read about the latest technologies and blogs/threads and also to allow the visitor to browse information based on their own choice. The new app is creative, and interactive, and gives better access to the mobile application. We will be constantly updating new features and the IOS app and also content with helpful information, and company announcements. We hope you find the new android app with a fresh look, and easy-to-access information and we wish to establish this app as a source of information for those who visit our app. We would also like to thank our amazing Wikiance developers, who donated their time and energy to make this app what it is. For any questions, suggestions, feedback, or comments, please contact us. Please download the app and provide your valuable feedback.
This app is completely Free to use forever. #wikiance #techiio #startupindia #techinnovation #techies #android #technologynews #technology #mobileapp
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techiio · 2 years
Microsoft Azure Pipelines is a cloud-based help used to assemble and test the application code and make the code accessible across stages to different clients to utilize and change on a case-by-case basis. Purplish blue Pipeline upholds multi-stage so it tends to be utilized with any language. The pipeline assists developers with consistently building, testing, and conveying application code by consolidating ceaseless incorporation (CI) and constant conveyance (CD). The pipeline can be utilized in Azure DevOps and helps in putting away the various variants of code with the rendition control framework like GitHub or bitbucket.
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techiio · 2 years
Much like the software supply code, the database schema modifications with time. Emigrate the database schema from one version to any other, you need to run DDL scripts.
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techiio · 2 years
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