I say “idk” a lot but trust me, I be knowin.
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Sick of your sh!t 💔
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My baby
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fishy ^~^
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Man I know nobody looks at this. I guess that's why I have it. Idk i guess for mme its like a diary.. I don't really understand how it works tbh but to me it's just like learning about other people and their thoughts. Its interesting.
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I will hold you until the storms settle
And there is peace within your heart.
My time is yours my darling
Let tears make watercolor art.
I will hold you until the sun comes up
And the sky turns pink and blue
My chest is now your pillow
My heartbeat soft and true.
I will hold you in your darkest nights
When there is no light around
I will sing your favourite songs to you
until you feel safe and sound.
I will hold you when you are far away
And the distance seems too much
Just look out at the midnight moon
Breathe in and feel my touch.
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With you
With you I have the fondest memories. Cheap Chinese food, hawiian pizza and romance films, smoking weed in your parents basement at 4 a.m., and drives down the haunted road that now haunts our past. What I remember most of all, was that in these moments, Never in my life was peace so fucking fierce. Comfort. You were the void and I was the stars. Together we created something unimaginably beautiful. Eventually my stars started to burn out and we were left empty. I could no longer give you my light. Darkness consumed us, but we still gave every last bit of ourselves to each Other. Once in a while my eyes would light up and shed a little bit of hope, but it never lasted. I am now a void. Empty and longing for the light that you stole from me.
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Just blow smoke 💖
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I'm the person who sees the good in everyone, yet nobody sees the good in me
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