tengomjabbars · 9 months
Mourning the loss of your childhood home after your parents sold it like it was nothing. Something in a back corner of your mind always told you that you could buy it or inherit it from them someday, but you’ll never be able to afford it. It’s just gone…
That post about 30 year old coming of age stories?
I’ve been thinking about it all morning. What would the plot points be for that? What makes a 30 year old coming of age story?
Old folks sound off in the comments
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tengomjabbars · 9 months
I think it was brave and sexy of them.
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tengomjabbars · 9 months
I’m fully committed to being unfuckable for well over 95 percent of people… I still have things to say and art to make and people to help and games to play with my nerd friends. I have a life. I’m human.
I thought this was inherent but you have to care about trans people you don’t want to fuck too
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tengomjabbars · 9 months
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tengomjabbars · 9 months
Happy birthday, Duane.
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tengomjabbars · 9 months
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This website is elite. This website is the blueprint, it's the pinnacle. There is no website like it. I lwill never leave this website
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tengomjabbars · 9 months
lets hear it for transgenderism and faggotry. can I get a round of applause for transgenderism and faggotry
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tengomjabbars · 9 months
Disability benefits are also way too low because if they weren’t, the government would have to admit that min wage needs to be higher and THEY FUCKING WON’T
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tengomjabbars · 9 months
I bought a Britney Spears CD and the cashier was stunned because I was a goth, listening to Britney Spears.
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tengomjabbars · 1 year
The perception that non-binary gender identity doesn’t matter because “you don’t even have to change yourself, just grab a they/them pronoun” is SO CLOSE to understanding that gender isn’t the same as sex or physique… and then just blows right past the point.
“Well it’s not a REAL transition! You look the same.” Translation: “If it’s not real to ME, it shouldn’t be real to you.”
People who are like this take what they see (which also isn’t even correct half the time; non-binary people dress differently and bind their chest and take hormones and get surgery as well) and they say “this must be frivolous, or a fad/trend and it’s not real because WHERE’S YOUR ANDROGYNY.”
As obsessed as they are with knowing what binary trans people’s assigned gender at birth was, they act entitled to NEVER BE ABLE TO TELL an assigned gender at birth for a non-binary person.
And even if they think they can tell, they sometimes guess wrong! Which makes the problem even worse because whatever binary gender they believe you pass as becomes where they think you STARTED. Which means that no matter how much you’ve changed, they’ll always be incorrectly assessing it as “not that much.”
1) stop telling people they look the same. It might be a safety issue for them. It might be that they’re allergic to/not ready for hormones. It might just be that this community is hard to find mentorship in. You don’t know what they’re going through.
2) nobody is required to be perfectly 50/50 androgynous presentation. That is such a binary way to view non-binary gender.
3) if people don’t want to medically transition, if they just want to slap a label on themselves and be done… FUCKING LET THEM. That IS valid and it DOES change your life immediately to no longer have binary privilege.
If you’re going through this, if you’re surrounded by these foolish people who invalidate and bully you, just remember that you’re not alone and that they’re transphobes no matter what. If you look “too different” or “exactly the same,” they still say all the same hateful bullshit and are not just letting people exist however they want.
If you’re a binary-gendered person, whether you’re cis or trans, the non-binary people in your life would feel much happier and safer if you extended them some basic courtesy. And if you’re not willing to do that, you just don’t have to be part of their life.
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tengomjabbars · 1 year
Maybe it’s an agender halfling.
Non-binary/genderqueer/gender-fluid: them
Agender/Greygender: it
Paladin (OOC, asking about an NPC): Did you use pronouns about this person?
DM: Ah right, sorry; it’s a very old-looking halfling.
Paladin (OOC): That’s not a gender.
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tengomjabbars · 1 year
People who object to trans people being in fantasy are wild. As though some silly-hatted alchemist wouldn't simply invent Almazar's Gender Fluid in an afternoon and distribute it to every dungeon chest in the land. It's Common on the loot table and half the goblins drop it. You can brew it yourself with three mushrooms and eight snail shells. It sells for 1 copper at the merchant because the supply is so abundant. You fool. You melon. You absolute buffoon. The limits of what you are willing to imagine are an epitaph you wrote for your own freedom.
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tengomjabbars · 1 year
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tengomjabbars · 2 years
This playlist is missing “Screen Kiss” by Thomas Dolby and “Gray” by Dave Matthews Band. Otherwise amazing, no notes
Ursa playlist for when you wanna feel like a depressed woman so incredibly tired of pretending to be happy with the shitty husband you can't divorce and the kids you didn't want to have with him
"Mother's Little Helper" by Rolling Stones
"Vide" by Pomme
"Odalisque" by Decemberists
"Ribs" by Crane Wives
"Jeux dangereux" from La LĂ©gande du Roi Arthur
"She Talks to Angels" by Black Crowes
"Elle a fuit la tutourelle" from Les Contes d'Hoffman
"Samson" by Regina Skeptor
"O Dieu Brama" from Les Pecheurs des Perles
"The Dog Days are Over" by Florence + the Machine
"The Bachelor and the Bride" by Decemberists
"Il dolce suono" from Lucia di Lammermoor
"Spaceman" by Killers
"Personality Crisis" by New York Dolls
"Celebrity Skin" by Hole
"Polly" by Nirvana
"Fire Leap" from The Wicker Man (1973)
"Moving On" by Kimya Dawson
"J'suis pas dupe" by Pomme
"All Apologies" by Nirvana
"Better Man" by Pearl Jam
"If You Want the Rainbow" by Annette Hanshaw
"Nichts, Nichts, gar Nichts" from Elisabeth das Musical
"The Point of it All" by Amanda Palmer
"Ding dong" from Le Rouge et le Noir
"Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle" by Nirvana
"Old Age" by Hole
"Perfect Wife" by Amigo the Devil
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tengomjabbars · 2 years
I didn’t say HIS original post. I said MY original post, i.e. the initial reply. Do you not know what a pronoun is?
met a guy from saudi arabia last night at a bar, he came here with his sister so she could have surgery. he told me “i love your country for healing my sister. there are many wonderful things here, but there’s one thing you do not have. mercy” and then he asked if that was a boston thing or an overall american quality
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tengomjabbars · 2 years
I think you’re trying too hard to assume that people are racist, bro. All I said was, a guy from a frankly still pretty goddamn oppressive country, called the US healthcare system barbaric and was right. And you decided to get jingoistic about it.
If you want to wax poetic about how great Saudi Arabia is, go ahead. You’re only going to dig yourself a deeper hole, considering that my original post was AGREEING with the guy. (You just didn’t like it because I also pointed out that neither the US nor Saudi Arabia is a utopia.)
Frankly I’d appreciate it if you stopped bitching at me, when we basically agree and you’re just salt about the exact way something was said.
met a guy from saudi arabia last night at a bar, he came here with his sister so she could have surgery. he told me “i love your country for healing my sister. there are many wonderful things here, but there’s one thing you do not have. mercy” and then he asked if that was a boston thing or an overall american quality
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tengomjabbars · 2 years
You continue to be mistaken. But if you’d like to prove that you’re irascible and won’t bother to listen to anyone, feel free to reply at your leisure.
met a guy from saudi arabia last night at a bar, he came here with his sister so she could have surgery. he told me “i love your country for healing my sister. there are many wonderful things here, but there’s one thing you do not have. mercy” and then he asked if that was a boston thing or an overall american quality
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