terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
Hey I just wanted to take a moment to apologize for still not having the second part of the “making up for a missed date” headcanons out. I know I had originally promised them a couple weeks ago but I hit some writers block and then I recently started a new job that’s been sapping my energy. I’ll make sure get them out as soon as I can and sorry once again! -Terra
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terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
“i’ve got you” | midoriya izuku x reader pt. ii
the second time izuku saves you — with higher stakes and intense, crashing emotions ∘◦ ✾ ◦∘
genre: fluff, little bit of angst
word count: 4,039 words
warnings: none 
note: diverges from canon like the tiniest bit, i hope u guys can forgive me ;-; and also!! tysm for the support for part one guys! i really didn’t think it would even garner twenty notes but we’re sitting at almost 100! so, without further ado, here’s part two! enjoy everyone! <3
part one is here (highly recommend you read it first, but they both work as stand alone one-shots)
again, tysm for everyone’s support! <3
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terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
This is so cute 🥺
“i’ve got you” | midoriya izuku x reader pt. i
the first time izuku saves you, and all the thoughts and emotions and events after and in between ∘◦ ✾ ◦∘
genre: fluff
word count: 3,539 words
warnings: none
note: this is part one of three parts you guys ! just so u all know ! <3 enjoy!
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terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
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When it’s late at night and your degenerate friend group decides to collectively hate on the grape boy 😌✨
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terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
Aww thank you ryelle! I love it so much!!
I’m so glad!! I hope you’re doing well!! Thank you for the request! :)
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terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
take a break - e. kirishima x gn!reader
Fandom: My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia
Pairing: Eijirou Kirishima x Gender Neutral! Reader
Written by: Ryelle
Word Count: 1,326
Warnings: none
Request: For ryelle, would you be willing to write a kirishima x reader where the reader has been staying out late and getting up early and he finds out that they've been overworking themselves with school/job/training and he helps her relax for a bit? - anonymous
Author’s Note: Sorry this took a little while, anon! I’ve never written for Kirishima before so I wanted to take the time to make sure I got his character right! :) I hope you enjoy!
   Sweat dripped down your cheeks as you twirled through the small training room, gracefully hitting every target with sharp precision. The sword in your hand glimmered in the artificial light, casting a holographic glow against yourself. Your breath came out in harsh pants as your knees hit the ground, exhausted from both the rigorous training and the late hour. The sword flickered before completely disappearing, and you allowed yourself a short reprieve.
    It was no secret that you were falling behind the others in Class 1-A. At the beginning of the year, you were one of the top students in your class, in terms of grades and control of your quirk. But between the villain attacks and the pressure you put on yourself to be better, you soon found yourself having to work harder than ever in order to maintain your spot. 
    Training for provisional licenses had just begun, and with your classmates improving their abilities on such a large scale, you felt quite inferior. Your quirk was called “Spectral Sword”, as you could manifest a blade out of seemingly nothing. And while you always found your quirk interesting, it wasn’t long before you had hit a wall. You never saw yourself as a very creative person, and it was showing. While your classmates were coming up with innovative ways to use their powers, you couldn’t think of any new uses. 
    Which would explain why you had been staying up so late each night, coming to the small training facility within the dorms to practice by yourself. You would make up excuses to your teacher and classmates quite easily; you simply didn’t have the time to hang out in the common room anymore. Not when you could be training and catching up to them. You knew they were starting to notice the distance you had put between yourself and them- you had caught the concerned glances and the whispers behind your back. As you lay on your back, racking your brain for some sort of epiphany regarding your quirk, you wondered how long it would be until Mr. Aizawa took you aside to give you a chat.
    “You know, you’ve been in here for longer than five hours. Maybe it’s time to take a break.” The familiar voice popping out of nowhere shocked you to your core, causing you to jump up and activate your quirk. The sword stopped just below the red head’s chin, and your eyes widened. In front of you stood Kirishima, which you were quite grateful for. If it was anyone else you most likely would’ve drawn blood. Luckily for you, he had activated his own quirk in time. You lowered your sword with a soft sigh, letting it disintegrate into the air. 
    As you began to walk back towards a random training dummy, ignoring your friend’s advice, you felt yourself being pulled back. “What the hell, Kirishima? Let me go and get back to training!” Your eyes narrowed as you turned to face him. 
    Softened eyes met your own, and you felt your resolve begin to break. It was clear just from a glance that he was extremely worried for your well-being. “You need to take a break. You’ve been in here for who knows how long every single night for weeks! I know you’re just trying to get better, but trust me- it isn’t very manly to go this far.”
    “I can’t stop now, Kirishima.” You stood your ground, planting your feet firmly as he tried to pull you out of the room. You needed to get stronger, or at least that’s what you kept telling yourself. Surely he understood that? “I’m falling behind, I need to start improving or I’m going to lose my place.”
    Kirishima had always been light-hearted and cheerful around you unless shaken from hero work or certain events. So, when his eyes narrowed and his frown deepened, you knew you had said or done something wrong. “Listen, I understand the need to improve more than most. But that doesn’t mean you should be risking your health to do so.” Your mouth had opened in preparation for a rebuttal, but he quickly cut you off. “And don’t say that you aren’t! You’re exhausted. You haven’t been eating properly, you haven’t been getting nearly the amount of sleep you need. What you need to do is take a few nights off and just relax.”
    The redhead sighed as he took in your flabbergasted expression, and he realized that maybe he (or anybody, really) should’ve said something earlier. Kirishima loosened his grip on your wrist, moving his hand down to hold your own. “Listen… I’m just worried about you. And if you don’t stop then I’ll have to take it to Aizawa.” 
    “I-” You faltered as you looked at your joined hands, suddenly aware of the exhaustion seeping through your body. “I don’t think I can go to sleep right now…” Yes, you knew you were tired... You were always tired nowadays, especially after a grueling training session like tonight. But you had also conditioned yourself to fall asleep at a much, much later time. 
    His eyes met your own, and he pulled you closer, beginning to lead you out of the room. “That’s okay. Everyone was watching some cheesy rom-com out in the common room. If it’s still going we can always join them.” He felt you tense up, and he began to backtrack. “Or, I can just take you back to your dorm if you want to be alone?”
    “I don’t want to be alone, but…” You paused, tightening your grip on his hand. “I don’t know if I can face them right now… I know I’ve really worried them but I’m just… I’m exhausted and I can’t handle the overbearing concern right now.”
    “That’s okay. We can hang out in your dorm for a bit. I’m not really tired yet, either.” He led you away from the common room, choosing to take the stairs instead of the elevator. The trek back to your dorm wasn’t long nor uncomfortable, but rather nice. At least, your sleep-deprived brain convinced you so. You couldn’t deny that lately things had been changing between the two of you, at least before your obsession with training took over. You only hoped that things would continue to change between you two.
    Before you knew it, the two of you had made it back to your dorm. Kirishima flicked the light on while you flopped on your bed, picking up the remote to turn on your small flatscreen. You debated with each other for a short while on what to watch, but in the end you just turned on an old sitcom you both had seen a thousand times over. Episodes rolled by quickly, with the two of you hardly paying attention. He was sitting beside you on your bed, a fact that made him slightly uncomfortable due to the intimacy of it all. It didn’t help that you were leaning your head on his shoulder, close to passing out. 
    Kirishima sighed, running a hand through his hair as the screen faded to black, asking if you were still watching. “You know, maybe tomorrow we could go grab some lunch together? Getting out of the dorms may help.” He waited for a response, thinking maybe you were mulling it over. However, when he looked down towards you, the redhead could only chuckle at your sleeping face. “Eh, I’ll ask ya again tomorrow.” 
    Moving as smooth as he possibly could, he maneuvered you to what he assumed would be a comfortable sleeping position for you. After throwing your comforter on top of you, he went to leave, sparing a few glances at your sleeping form with a grin. Maybe he had finally gotten through to you. Sometimes, in order to grow, you need to take a break and rest. And he was most definitely going to make sure that’s exactly what you were doing.
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terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
so good!! I love suga 🥺
Snippet# 10
Character(s): Koshi Sugawara x Reader
A/N: Have I mentioned that I love this boy? Because I really love this boy.
Synopsis: It’s the first sleepover at your boyfriend’s place!
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You knocked on the door to Sugawara’s apartment and waited for a few seconds. When no sign of acknowledgement was made you did so again.
Then again.
And again.
You frowned down at your phone where you saw that your text message to your boyfriend had gone unread. Maybe he was in the shower?
You decided to fish out the spare key that Suga kept under the mat and unlocked the door yourself. Quickly putting the key back where it was supposed to be, you hurried inside.
“Koshi?” You called through the apartment.
There was no reply and there was no sounds of rushing water coming from the bathroom either.
You took your shoes and coat off as you looked around, confused. It had been a few days since the two of you had spent any time together, both being extremely busy with university and all, so a night had been picked to watch movies and catch up. He had told you to come over around 8pm, insisting that he’d be there when you arrived.
You began to wander through the apartment, soon coming to his bedroom, and stopped at the doorway. The smile plastered itself onto your face almost immediately.
Why weren’t you surprised?
Suga was fast asleep in bed, opened note and textbooks scattered all around him. His hair was flopped over his eyes as his chest slowly rose and fell, and he was snoring ever so quietly.
With a small giggle you walked up to his bed and sat down beside him to brush his hair out of his face. This caused his eyes to flutter open and a few seconds later he was letting out a stretch. “Oh, hey darling.”
“Hi.” You chuckled. “I didn’t think I was that late.”
“No, no, it wasn’t you.” He said sitting up and rubbing his eye with the palm of his hand. “I’m sorry, I’ve just been so tired lately. These assignments are killing me.”
“I’ve noticed.” You nodded and cupped his cheek to rub your thumb along his skin. “If you want to go back to sleep then I totally understand.”
“What? No, it’s fine. We made plans to hangout, so let’s hangout.” He took your hand and held it. “Really, I’m okay.”
You frowned at him. “Ko seriously, it’s totally okay. You’ve been running on little to no sleep lately and besides, I’m actually tired myself.”
“Oh.” Suga looked down for a second then licked his lips before asking. “Then… uh… would you like to stay over?”
You blinked in surprise. Your relationship was still pretty young, so young in fact that you hadn’t actually spent the night at his apartment yet. “You want me to stay over?”
“If you want.” He quickly followed up. “If you don’t then that’s okay.”
“No, no! I just- Uh.” You decided with a nod of your head. “Sure. As long as you don’t mind me wearing one of your shirts to bed.”
That thought seemed to unnerve Suga a bit as his cheeks went red. “I think I can live with that.”
So with a bit of tidying and a quick change of clothes, the two of you got comfortable in bed. You tucked up close to Suga’s side and rested your head on the pillow next to his shoulder.
He wrapped his arm around your waist. “Is this okay?”
“Mhmm.” You hummed happily and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Perfect.”
“I’m really sorry about tonight.” He kissed your forehead in return. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“I’m holding you to that.” You curled into him and let out a yawn. “Goodnight Koshi.”
His grip on your waist tightened ever so slightly. “Goodnight Y/N.”
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terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
Thank you so much! This was really nice to wake up to this morning 😊
How Daichi and  Suga would make up a missed date to their S/O because of Volleyball Part 1
Written By: Terra
Request: How would Suga, Daichi, Tanaka and Noya make it up to their S/O after having to miss a date for volleyball related thing???
Author’s Note: These headcanons, along with the last ones, make me look like more of a Daichi simp than I actually am lol. Originally this was all going to be one post, but since Daichi’s are so long I decided to make it two and two so you’re not scrolling for thirty years to get to the end. Enjoy!
Warnings: None but Daichi’s takes place in part 1 of season 4 and Suga’s takes place in season 2 c:
Part 2: Tanaka and Nishinoya (coming soon!)
Sawamura Daichi
Like I said in the headcanons where their S/O surprises them at a game, I genuinely think Daichi is one of the most mature boyfriends out of the Karasuno team
And as a result, you would have to be pretty mature as well because I just don’t really see him as the type of guy to get into a relationship with someone that he kind of has to “parent” for lack of a better term
Anyway, that’s not to say that he wouldn’t feel bad about having to miss a date because of volleyball, but he definitely wouldn’t throw himself into a panic about it and go super over the top trying to make it up to you.
So the date in question for this scenario, was just a simple dinner date at one of your favorite restaurants
Daichi had been super busy as of late after Karasuno had won the Inter-High Preliminaries with preparation for Spring Nationals
Of course you didn’t complain once about it
You knew how badly Daichi had always wanted to go to Nationals, and now that they finally realized that dream you had been nothing but completely supportive
Though Daichi made sure to try and support you and your hobbies as much as his schedule would allow, so things never felt one-sided for you and you appreciated the effort he put in
Didn’t have time to go out on as many dates as you used to? No problem, you’d just come to their practice and assist Kiyoko and Yachi where you could so you could still see your boyfriend
Tonight was supposed to be a day where practice would end early enough that you and Daichi could justify getting a late dinner in town
A night where the two of you could finally have some time together away from volleyball and the team
Not that you had anything against them, but you both just wanted to be able to do mushy couple things without Suga and the second years making kissy faces and wiggling their eyebrows.
But as the minutes passed and you still sat alone at the table, your dreams of spending a night together with Daichi seemed to slip further and further away.
You jumped as you felt your phone vibrate against the table, your heart rate speeding up a little as you read Daichi’s contact appear across the screen
Though you were quick to feel the slightest twinge of disappointment as you read the message
‘I’m sorry love, but I don’t think I’m going to make it to dinner in time. Coach Ukai had us try a new technique for Nationals and it took the team longer than anticipated to get it down. We only just finished and we still have to clean the gym and get changed.’
You typed out a quick reply and set your phone down with a small sigh.
The restaurant was starting to wind down for the night, and you knew it wouldn’t be too much longer before you would have to leave since they would need to close up for the night.
Even though Daichi couldn’t be there for dinner, that didn’t mean the night had to go completely out the window.
You flagged your waiter down and placed an order to go, knowing Daichi well enough by now that you were comfortable with ordering in his place.
You paid for the bill as you waited for your food to arrive, and then made your way home, pulling out your phone to send another message to your boyfriend
‘After you get home and get showered, come to my place. Just because we couldn’t do dinner doesn’t mean we can’t still at least see each other. I know my mom won’t mind if you spend the night.’
Just as you reached your front door, your phone vibrated again with a reply
‘I actually had a similar idea. If you’re okay with it, would you mind coming to my place instead in about half an hour? I have to get a few things ready.’
You replied with a quick ‘of course ♥️’ and got to work packing an overnight bag, letting your mom know about your change of plans.
Your parents adored Daichi, and trusted the two of you, so getting permission to spend the night was hardly ever an issue.
Before you left, you grabbed the takeout from the fridge and started the five-minute walk to your boyfriend’s place.
When he opened the door, he was quick to pull you into a hug, placing a tender kiss first on your forehead and then your lips.
“I’m sorry about tonight.” You could feel his lips move against yours as he spoke
“Don’t be. You can’t help it if practice runs longer than anticipated. Besides,” You held up the bag of takeout with a smile, “I still brought dinner for us.”
You saw his eyes widen a fraction before he burst out into laughter.
At your confused expression, he pulled you inside.
He had completely transformed the living room of his house. Strings of lights were hung up around the walls, a nest of pillows and blankets on the floor in front of the television where the menu of your favorite movie played across the screen. On the table in front of all of that, Daichi had set up a meal for the two of you, and your lips cracked into a smile when you saw that the dishes were exactly the same as what you carried in your bag
“I called my mom and asked her to pick it up for me on my way back from practice.” His hand was rubbing the back of his neck and his cheeks were adorned with a red flush. “I guess we had the same thought.”
You broke out into a smile and turned to face your boyfriend, your eyes sparkling with unshed tears of joy.
You really loved this man. You pressed a kiss to his lips, murmuring an “I love you” as you went to place the takeout you brought into the fridge.
“It’ll be lunch for tomorrow” You told him as he looked back at you.
He simply nodded and the two of you settled in the nest of blankets in the living room as Daichi hit the play button for the movie.
You were curled up into his side as the two of you ate.
Of course, that made it harder for Daichi, but he wasn’t about to complain.
Even less so when you started feeding him bites of his food as compensation for hogging one of his arms to yourself.
Later that night when the two of you settled into bed, he pressed a kiss to your temple as he pulled you in close.
“I’m sorry we had to change our date plans because of practice again.”
You brought one of your hands up to cup his face. “Daichi, it’s okay. I knew things like this would happen sometimes when we got together. You still go out of your way to make time for me, so a few missed dates are just water under the bridge.”
You let out a small yawn and placed your head on his chest. “Besides, dinner and a movie with you at home was a way better date than just eating out somewhere. I wouldn’t care if you missed a hundred more dates if it meant we got to do something like that instead.”
You felt his chest shake beneath your head as he chuckled. “I’d never intentionally skip out on spending time with you, but I’ll make sure to keep this date in mind for next time.”
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terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
How Daichi and  Suga would make up a missed date to their S/O because of Volleyball Part 1
Written By: Terra
Request: How would Suga, Daichi, Tanaka and Noya make it up to their S/O after having to miss a date for volleyball related thing???
Author’s Note: These headcanons, along with the last ones, make me look like more of a Daichi simp than I actually am lol. Originally this was all going to be one post, but since Daichi’s are so long I decided to make it two and two so you’re not scrolling for thirty years to get to the end. Enjoy!
Warnings: None but Daichi’s takes place in part 1 of season 4 and Suga’s takes place in season 2 c:
Part 2: Tanaka and Nishinoya (coming soon!)
Sawamura Daichi
Like I said in the headcanons where their S/O surprises them at a game, I genuinely think Daichi is one of the most mature boyfriends out of the Karasuno team
And as a result, you would have to be pretty mature as well because I just don’t really see him as the type of guy to get into a relationship with someone that he kind of has to “parent” for lack of a better term
Anyway, that’s not to say that he wouldn’t feel bad about having to miss a date because of volleyball, but he definitely wouldn’t throw himself into a panic about it and go super over the top trying to make it up to you.
So the date in question for this scenario, was just a simple dinner date at one of your favorite restaurants
Daichi had been super busy as of late after Karasuno had won the Inter-High Preliminaries with preparation for Spring Nationals
Of course you didn’t complain once about it
You knew how badly Daichi had always wanted to go to Nationals, and now that they finally realized that dream you had been nothing but completely supportive
Though Daichi made sure to try and support you and your hobbies as much as his schedule would allow, so things never felt one-sided for you and you appreciated the effort he put in
Didn’t have time to go out on as many dates as you used to? No problem, you’d just come to their practice and assist Kiyoko and Yachi where you could so you could still see your boyfriend
Tonight was supposed to be a day where practice would end early enough that you and Daichi could justify getting a late dinner in town
A night where the two of you could finally have some time together away from volleyball and the team
Not that you had anything against them, but you both just wanted to be able to do mushy couple things without Suga and the second years making kissy faces and wiggling their eyebrows.
But as the minutes passed and you still sat alone at the table, your dreams of spending a night together with Daichi seemed to slip further and further away.
You jumped as you felt your phone vibrate against the table, your heart rate speeding up a little as you read Daichi’s contact appear across the screen
Though you were quick to feel the slightest twinge of disappointment as you read the message
‘I’m sorry love, but I don’t think I’m going to make it to dinner in time. Coach Ukai had us try a new technique for Nationals and it took the team longer than anticipated to get it down. We only just finished and we still have to clean the gym and get changed.’
You typed out a quick reply and set your phone down with a small sigh.
The restaurant was starting to wind down for the night, and you knew it wouldn’t be too much longer before you would have to leave since they would need to close up for the night.
Even though Daichi couldn’t be there for dinner, that didn’t mean the night had to go completely out the window.
You flagged your waiter down and placed an order to go, knowing Daichi well enough by now that you were comfortable with ordering in his place.
You paid for the bill as you waited for your food to arrive, and then made your way home, pulling out your phone to send another message to your boyfriend
‘After you get home and get showered, come to my place. Just because we couldn’t do dinner doesn’t mean we can’t still at least see each other. I know my mom won’t mind if you spend the night.’
Just as you reached your front door, your phone vibrated again with a reply
‘I actually had a similar idea. If you’re okay with it, would you mind coming to my place instead in about half an hour? I have to get a few things ready.’
You replied with a quick ‘of course ♥️’ and got to work packing an overnight bag, letting your mom know about your change of plans.
Your parents adored Daichi, and trusted the two of you, so getting permission to spend the night was hardly ever an issue.
Before you left, you grabbed the takeout from the fridge and started the five-minute walk to your boyfriend’s place.
When he opened the door, he was quick to pull you into a hug, placing a tender kiss first on your forehead and then your lips.
“I’m sorry about tonight.” You could feel his lips move against yours as he spoke
“Don’t be. You can’t help it if practice runs longer than anticipated. Besides,” You held up the bag of takeout with a smile, “I still brought dinner for us.”
You saw his eyes widen a fraction before he burst out into laughter.
At your confused expression, he pulled you inside.
He had completely transformed the living room of his house. Strings of lights were hung up around the walls, a nest of pillows and blankets on the floor in front of the television where the menu of your favorite movie played across the screen. On the table in front of all of that, Daichi had set up a meal for the two of you, and your lips cracked into a smile when you saw that the dishes were exactly the same as what you carried in your bag
“I called my mom and asked her to pick it up for me on my way back from practice.” His hand was rubbing the back of his neck and his cheeks were adorned with a red flush. “I guess we had the same thought.”
You broke out into a smile and turned to face your boyfriend, your eyes sparkling with unshed tears of joy.
You really loved this man. You pressed a kiss to his lips, murmuring an “I love you” as you went to place the takeout you brought into the fridge.
“It’ll be lunch for tomorrow” You told him as he looked back at you.
He simply nodded and the two of you settled in the nest of blankets in the living room as Daichi hit the play button for the movie.
You were curled up into his side as the two of you ate.
Of course, that made it harder for Daichi, but he wasn’t about to complain.
Even less so when you started feeding him bites of his food as compensation for hogging one of his arms to yourself.
Later that night when the two of you settled into bed, he pressed a kiss to your temple as he pulled you in close.
“I’m sorry we had to change our date plans because of practice again.”
You brought one of your hands up to cup his face. “Daichi, it’s okay. I knew things like this would happen sometimes when we got together. You still go out of your way to make time for me, so a few missed dates are just water under the bridge.”
You let out a small yawn and placed your head on his chest. “Besides, dinner and a movie with you at home was a way better date than just eating out somewhere. I wouldn’t care if you missed a hundred more dates if it meant we got to do something like that instead.”
You felt his chest shake beneath your head as he chuckled. “I’d never intentionally skip out on spending time with you, but I’ll make sure to keep this date in mind for next time.”
Sugawara Koushi
He would feel pretty horrible about it.
Like he wouldn’t be over the top dramatic about it, but I do think he would have a lot of guilt over it and definitely be extra clingy for at least a week afterwards.
Like Daichi, I feel like Suga would understand that missing dates would probably be a thing because of him playing volleyball
And he would make sure that whoever he got into a relationship with understood that as well and would be able to be mature about it.
Despite that though, I still think Suga would bend over backwards to try and prevent volleyball from making him miss dates with you as much as possible
But when inevitably it happens, he would still feel bad about it, even though you say you’re not upset
Be prepared for a very soft and apologetic Suga as a result
Even though I said Suga wouldn’t be super dramatic about missing a date, he probably kind of was the first time he had to miss one
But after you were able to reaffirm that things were okay, he’d feel a lot more secure in your relationship and so he wouldn’t be as bad the next time it happens
The date in question for this instance, was supposed to be a surprise.
All Suga had told you, was that he would pick you up after he got home and showered after practice, and that you should expect to be out late so to dress comfortably
So, as the usual time for practice to end rolled around, you had gotten yourself ready
You didn’t know if Suga had planned for you to go out anywhere special, so you made sure that you looked nice enough if that was the case, but were still comfortable enough that your outfit wouldn’t be bugging you as the hours passed by
You ended up seated near your front door, scrolling through your phone as you waited for a call or text from your boyfriend.
Twenty minutes passed, then forty, an hour, two hours…
By the first hour with no message, you already had a pretty good idea that practice had gone on longer than usual, no big deal.
So by the second hour mark you had already changed into pajamas and set yourself up on your bed to scroll through social media, also no big deal.
You knew that the team all had to leave their phones and other belongings in the club room while they practiced, so Suga had no way of contacting you while the coach still had them busy in the gym.
He would call as soon as he had access to his phone, of that you had absolutely no doubt.
You still felt a slight twinge of disappointment that your date had been effectively cancelled, because who wouldn’t want to spend time with their significant other?
But you knew that volleyball was important to him, and you knew the effort Suga put in to making sure that you didn’t feel neglected as a result of his sport
So you just made yourself comfortable in your bed, and waited for Suga to get out of practice.
You had also sent a text to your parents, preemptively asking if he could spend the night, you knew he would want to spend as much time at your side as he could for the next few days.
Of course, your parents had no issues with him doing so. Suga had quickly managed to win both of your parents over when you first brought him over for dinner, and often the two of you would spend nights together at each other’s houses.
Your parents practically considered him their son in law already.
Several hours after the normal time for practice to end, you looked up from your laptop as you heard the repeated buzzing sound of your phone on your nightstand
You felt a small smile cross your features as you saw Suga’s contact light up across your display.
You hit the answer button and brought the phone to your ear. Before you could even say a word, Suga was already speaking.
“I’m so sorry about tonight, honey. The coach wanted to try out some new formations for the preliminaries, so he had us playing practice matches against each other.” He sounded out of breath, and you think you could hear his feet hitting the pavement in the background like he was running.
“It’s okay Koushi, you can’t help it if practice runs late. The preliminaries are just a few weeks away, right? I don’t blame your coach for wanting to make sure you guys have everything you need to make it to Nationals.”
There was a slight pause before he replied. “I really don’t deserve you, you know. I love you so much.”
“Of course you deserve me, don’t be silly. I love you too.” You took a moment to make sure you shut your laptop off before you put it off to the side. “I assume you’ll be on your way here soon?”
Suga let out a breathless laugh, “Actually, I’m already outside your door.”
“What?” You quickly sat up and made your way to your front door, you eyes widening when you saw Suga on the other side.
He was holding a small bouquet of roses and a bag of what looked to be your favorite snacks. His chest rose and fell with panted breath and his eyes were apologetic as he held out the bouquet for you to take. “Surprise?”
You let him pull you into a hug and a kiss, but you wrinkled your nose after a moment, pulling away from him. “Koushi, did you run all the way here from practice?”
“Mhm. I only stopped to pick these up for you.” He gestured to the flowers and snacks that he had brought with him.
“Koushi, you know I love you, and you really didn’t have to get me these things, but I appreciate them nonetheless. And I’m saying this next part because I love you so much, but please go take a shower before you kiss me again.”
He gave you an exaggerated pout “But I want to show you my love.”
You shook your head, a smirk on your lips, “I’m sorry but when I kiss you, I don’t want to also be kissing your ten layers of sweat. I’ll still be here when you’re done and then you can kiss and cuddle me all you want.”
He chuckled, “Mm, I’ll hold you to that then.” He placed a quick kiss to your forehead before heading into the hallway towards your bathroom.
The rest of the night was spent watching movies in your room on your bed, Suga lying behind you as the big spoon.
His right arm was wrapped around your waist, fingers tracing light patterns against your stomach while his left arm was underneath your head.
His head rested against your own, occasionally pressing light kisses to your head, neck, or shoulder.
A content smile made itself at home on your face as you brought your arm down to interlace your fingers with his.
The two of you fell asleep that way, and Suga spent all of the following day doting on you.
The next night, he drove you out to an outlook spot in the mountains for a picnic and some stargazing after the sun had set.
His cheeks were tinged red as he brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck.
“I wanted to do take you here last night but…”
You pressed a kiss to his lips, cupping the side of his face. You gave him a playful wink, “This was more than worth the wait.”
117 notes ¡ View notes
terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
to lean on | tanaka r. x reader
Fandom: Haikyuu!
Written by: Sprout
Word Count: 744
Warnings: depression episode
Author’s Note: Could you tell that I was in my feels tonight? lol. I was talking to Terra about how my favorite boy Tanaka needed more content, and it kind of snowballed into this? Please remember that you are not alone in your battles. If you need anyone to talk to, you can always message me on my personal blog.
Masterlist (coming soon)
   It was easy to pretend when you were with him. It was easy to laugh at his silly behavior, to smile at his chaotic ways. Dating Tanaka Ryuunosuke was like walking on air, smooth sailing and light-hearted. Truly, you had never been happier than when you were with him. But, of course, nothing stays easy forever.
    It had started off simple. You didn’t text him back because you “were sleeping”. You missed his call because you “were having a conversation with your parents”. And it began to snowball. Dates got cancelled frequently, important volleyball matches were missed, messages were left unresponded. Soon enough, you began to avoid him entirely. It was too hard to see the hurt in his eyes, too hard to see the pain you felt daily reflected in the eyes of the one you loved most.
    The team had known something was up almost immediately. It was unlike you to miss seeing so many of their practices, and it was unlike Tanaka to be so unfocused. When asking about it, Nishinoya was only snapped at, causing the team to assume what had happened. When you were approached by Asahi, the sincere upperclassman that everyone loved, you could only run away. He didn’t miss the shadows underneath your now dull eyes, once bright with joy. 
    When your friends started to nag you (they were only trying to help, but no one can help when you’re in this state but yourself), you started to stay home. A few lies here and there, “I’m not feeling well. Can I stay home?”, and your parents would relent. They were too busy with work to notice the thinning frame underneath the baggier shirts. 
    Soon, you lost count of the days you missed. Your phone lay off to the side, dead to the world. The charger was laying on the nightstand, but you couldn’t force yourself to plug it in even if you tried. You could barely push yourself out of your bed to grab a few water bottles and a bag of snacks to keep you occupied. Your hair was unkempt, and you were sure you had to be smelling of something fierce. 
    The dull muttering of a random show on your tv was soon overpowered by the soft footsteps entering your room. A wave of peace you hadn’t felt in who knows how long washed over you, and you couldn’t help the tears that escaped down your cheeks. A warm, familiar hand was placed on your shoulder blade, rubbing softly, and you let it out. Harsh shudders racked your body as you cried, breathing in roughly whenever you had the time. The hand left your shoulder to encapsulate you in a hug from behind, and the person it belonged to held tightly onto you.
    After what felt like hours of you sobbing into your mattress, you turned over to look at your company. You weren’t shocked to see that it was your boyfriend. His own tears left trailmarks down his cheeks, highlighting a gleaming path you wish you could erase. But his smile… his smile lit up your world. A bright glow lighting a path through the fog you’ve tried so hard to escape. 
    “Nobody’s seen you in days… You haven’t answered any of your messages..” A sad hiccup left his mouth, and he looked away briefly before locking his eyes on you once again. “I had to make sure you were okay.”
    “I…” You stopped the familiar phrase from tumbling out of your lips like word vomit, taking in the scared features of your partner. A sad smile formed, and you let out a choked laugh. “I’m not okay…”
    Tanaka’s brows crinkled, signaling the fresh tears gathering in his eyes. “I know. I should’ve noticed sooner. I’m sorry.” A soft sob echoed in the room, and you couldn’t tell who it belonged to. “I am so sorry.” His arms tightened around you as he leaned in to place his chin above your head. 
    “Don’t. I know how to hide it well at this point..” You leaned into his hug, basking in his warmth. “I should’ve told you it was getting bad again.” 
    He nodded, and held onto you for as long as he could. You weren’t okay, and you both knew it would take a lot more than some cuddles to fix. But, maybe, as long as you had him to lean on, you could make it down the path you needed to take.
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terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
karasuno boys react to their s/o telling them they’re almost out of milk
Fandom: Haikyuu!
Written by: Sprout
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: So I’ve been toying with the idea of making a social media au in the future, and this was kind of my test run for that. I wanted to get used to the app I’m using for it, and I enjoyed it:) So you can look forward to something similar in the future!
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257 notes ¡ View notes
terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
S/O Surprises them at a game they said they couldn’t be at headcanons (Tanaka, Hinata, Bokuto) Part 2
Fandom: Haikyuu!
Written by: Sprout
Request: How would Suga, Tanaka, Bokuto, Kuroo, Daichi and Hinata react to their S/O surprising them by showing up to a game that they had previously said they couldn't make it to? - @myheroesaretired
Warnings: hinata’s may be kind of angsty. spoilers up to season 3
Author’s Note: This is my first piece of writing for Haikyuu, and my first shot at headcanons! If you have any critique I would love to hear it!:) Terra did a great job on her half, and I’m glad it’s getting the recognition she deserves! Requests are open, so please take a look at our rules and send something in!
read part one here (Daichi, Sugawara, Kuroo)
Tanaka RyĹŤnosuke
It had been the second day of the Miyagi Prefectural Qualifiers.
After their victory against Johzenji High the day prior, Tanaka was on a high. The ‘rip your shirt off and wave it through the air’ kind of high. 
(also the ‘i got to make out with my s/o after winning two games in a row’ kind of high)
You had told him (in between the victory smooches, of course) that you couldn’t make the matches the next day due to your own team.
You were on Karasuno’s soccer team, and due to you having your own tournament coming up, the coach is making you all throw in extra practice.
But you’d be checking the live coverage as often as you could.
He pouted, but eventually relented. He couldn’t help but be a little sad about it, though.
Which would mention why he seemed to be a bit off his game.
Not only were they close to having their fated rematch with Aoba Johsai, but his good luck charm is also absent.
He knew you were watching from work when you could manage it, which made him feel a little better, but it wasn’t the same as physically seeing you cheer him on in the stands.
Hinata and Nishinoya took it upon themselves to make kissing faces towards him on the bus.
Cue Tanaka glaring at them with a sharp frown.
“We’re just trying to make you feel better!”
(they were not. they both got punched once the team arrived at the gymnasium.)
(which then resulted in a stare from Daichi, immediately making Tanaka back off)
What can he say? The captain is scary when he’s angry.
The match against Wakutani South didn’t start out great, for Tanaka at least.
Though seeing Hinata get amped because a powerhouse school took notice in him had the same effect on his teammates. 
He found himself continuously looking up at the stands between plays, used to seeing your goofy faces and hearing your loud cheers.
And when the match began to get more tense, he started to lose his cool.
It’s no wonder that he ended up running into Daichi and causing the team to lose their captain for the match. 
When they ended up bringing in Ennoshita to take his place, none of his team would hear his apology. 
“We’re just glad you didn’t get hurt!” Asahi’s sincere honesty made Tanaka tear up. His determination to do right by his team lit the fire back into his eyes.
It only got brighter when Nishinoya pointed to the stands.
There you stood, right next to his sister, out of breath and still in your uniform. A large smile on your face and slight worry hidden your eyes. 
“YOU’VE GOT THIS, BABE!” your shout echoed throughout the gymnasium, causing players and spectators alike to stare up at you with curiosity. 
You hid behind Saeko, making her cackle.
Tanaka, with a fierce blush on his cheeks, shouted at the top of his lungs in return.
“LET’S DO THIS!” His teammates shouted along with him, glad he was starting to get back to normal.
It wasn’t an easy match, but the team ended up winning in the end. Daichi was incredibly proud of them, and soon enough they would be heading towards their rematch with Seijoh.
As soon as he exited the gym, he got tackled by you.
“You absolute dumbass. I’m glad you’re okay.” You met him with a kiss, to which he immediately responded back. 
“I thought you had practice?” His grin was infectious, and you couldn’t help but smile in return.
“Coach let us all leave early! Shocking, I know. But apparently we’re showing promise and deserve a break.” The two of you stood close, arms wrapped around each other. “Now, time to get revenge on those Aoba Johsai brats!” 
He nodded, a determined glint returning to his eyes.
Nishinoya and Hinata took this moment to start making kissing faces at him once again, ignoring Sugawara’s ranting.
Tanaka laid a kiss on your forehead, winking as he ran off to chase his teammates. 
You laughed as you heard Hinata’s high pitched scream, signalling that Tanaka had caught him.
Hinata Shōyō
You had met Hinata in middle school, though you didn’t start dating until the summer before the both of you started at Karasuno.
You were in the art club, which met after school. When walking to your bike to make your way home, a burst of orange entered your vision at a startling speed.
“Hey! You’re in my class, right? Will you set for me?” His hopeful smile seemed to brighten the darkening sky, forcing you to turn away in a shy manner.
“I don’t really know how..”
“It’s easy! You just toss it up and then hit it with your hands!” A moment of silence passed between the two of you, and soon you saw his feet turn, as if he was going to leave.
A dejected sigh left his lips. “Sorry for bothering you.”
Your face shot up, and soon you found yourself reaching out for him. 
“Wait! I- I can do it!” He turned back towards you in shock. “You’ll just have to show me how. No promises on how good it’ll be, though..”
His gleeful laugh rang in your ears, “I’m sure you’ll do great!” He ran back to meet you, having you set your bag near your bike. “Now, just position your hands like this..”
From that moment on, the two of you were as close as can be. You met every afternoon, sending the volleyball his way and watching in awe as he jumped to heights you didn’t think were possible.
When the two of you had started at Karasuno, he had tried to get you to sign up for a manager position on the volleyball team- but art took up too much of your time. 
“You have your dream, and I have mine. We’re still going to spend a lot of time together! But I can’t follow you everywhere forever, you know?”
Though you still came to practices whenever you could, helping Kiyoko if you had the time.
Learning that their underclassman had an s/o before them shocked Tanaka and Nishinoya to their core.
You and Hinata would just laugh at their antics. 
When Hinata had told you about the Interhigh tournament, you felt awful. 
Of course, it had to be scheduled on the same day as your art showing. 
The two of you met for meat buns the day before and walked through the town until you absolutely had to head back home.
He felt bad that he couldn’t make it to your showing, and you felt bad for not being able to make it to his games. But the little date the night before helped calm both of your nerves. 
You kissed his cheek when he had walked you home, wishing him good luck.
He blushed in return, hugging you and wishing you the same.
The Art Show went well! You had sold all of your works fairly quickly, and after you had done a courtesy run through the hall, checking out your classmates' work and sending them praise, your teacher allowed you to leave.
Checking your phone for the first time since you had arrived at the showing, you realized that the team had made it the third round of the tournament and would be facing Aoba Johsai right about now. You sent Hinata a text, telling him that you were on your way. He didn’t respond so you figured that the match had already started.
You had never really had much of a chance to come to his games, as he hasn’t played in many yet, so the fact that you weren’t there didn’t throw Hinata off too much.
Seijoh was a tough opponent, and he knew he had to remain focused for his team. It wasn’t easy, though.
Each team had won one set, and this was the deciding match between the two schools. They had been at match point for a while, and neither team was backing down anytime soon.
You, meanwhile, had just rushed into the gym, standing near the entrance to watch the rest of the match. Your fingers were crossed, and all you could do was hope that the team could pull through these last few points and take the match.
Alas, some things were not meant to be.
Your heart raced as Kageyama and Hinata prepared their special quick attack, and you let yourself relax just a bit, thinking they were safe.
How could you have known that they were going to be able to block it?
The world seemed to go numb as the ball hit the court, and Seijoh’s victory cries were dull as you took in Hinata’s face. Upset. Broken. If you knew your partner, and you did, he was beating himself up right now. 
Tears streamed down your face in the following moments, and you hurriedly wiped at your cheeks during the thank yous and final moments of the match. 
As soon as Hinata walked off the court, you tackled him in a hug.
He froze for a moment, before clinging onto you with all his might.
“I just wanted to stay on the court and keep playing.”
“I know. You did your best.”
Bokuto Kōtarō
You were one of the manager’s for Fukurodani’s Male Volleyball Team.
Every year, you looked forward to the Tokyo training camp. It was great for you to see the interactions between Bokuto and Kuroo. 
However, this year, your parents had decided to plan a visit to your family in America. Meaning that you would have to miss out on the camp, unfortunately.
Bokuto tried to convince you just to stay home. You were old enough to take care of yourself for a week, after all. He didn’t want you to miss out on their last one.
But he also understood that it had been years since you had seen this side of your family, and he didn’t want you to miss that either.
In the end, your parents and yourself made a deal. You would leave two days early so you could at least be there on the last day or so. 
Bokuto was still sad that you’d be gone for a bit, but he was happy that you were coming back earlier than usual.
He made sure to send you off with some of your favorite snacks.
“I was going to get them… but I forgot so Akaashi bought them!” Cue the biggest smile from your favorite himbo and an amused eyeroll from yourself.
You made sure to text Akaashi ‘thank you’.
The time spent in America was fun. You hung out with your cousins practically the whole time, happy to see them after so many years of being apart. They introduced you to their friends, showed you all the best places to go to in their area. All in all, it was a great experience that you wouldn’t have traded with the world.
Even though you two were in completely separate time zones, you still found the time to send memes back and forth. Through discord, of course. Neither you or Bokuto could afford to pay for those outrageous international fees.
Before you knew it, it was time to head to the airport and take your flight home. Your parents were worrywarts, and made you get there five hours before your flight. Anxious of being late.
It was a miracle in disguise, you soon realized. They had overbooked your flight home, and since you had gotten there so early, the staff asked if you’d be willing to take an earlier flight.
You jumped at the opportunity, eager to get back to Japan and your boyfriend.
The flights back were a bit rough, and you were jetlagged, but you immediately took the train to Shinzen to meet with your team. 
As soon as you got there, you received odd looks from various students and coaches alike. Your ragged look from being on such a long flight didn’t help. 
You entered the gym and found your place by the coach, who greeted you in surprise. 
Looking onto the court, you made eye contact with Akaashi. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders forward, pointing towards your boyfriend.
You couldn’t help but sigh in return as you took a glance at Bokuto. He had went into ‘emo mode’. The only thing to help at this point was to get him to make another spike. Luckily for everyone on the team, that was Akaashi’s speciality. 
Soon enough, Bokuto had spiked the ball onto the opposing team’s side of the court. He immediately cheered up. 
“HEY, HEY, HEY!” His arms shot up as he did a little dance. His younger teammates shouted back at him half-assed and disinterested, making you laugh.
At the sound of your chuckle, Bokuto turned to see you, happiness clear in his eyes as he shouted once more.
“I thought you didn’t get in until later, babe!” 
“I had to make it back to see Akaashi take the win for us!” 
He deflated a bit at that, and both you and Akaashi laughed at him. His frown turned into a mischievous smile, and you paled at the sight.
Knowing he was about to tickle you, you squealed and ran out of the gym with him hot on your trail.
“Take it back!” 
You ended up taking it back, with him sitting on your stomach, tickling you until you relented.
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terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
━━━━━ my name ; tsukishima kei
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summary — tsukishima wonders why you don’t call him by his first name, so one day he asks.
word count — 526
genre — imagine ; fluff
warning(s) — not edited
a/n — soft tsukki nation rise!
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He hadn’t realized it, not until recently at least.
The way that Yamaguchi was Tadashi as you studied with him and Hinata was Shōyo when you laughed at something he said. Even Kageyama had become Tobio to you after lending him a dollar.
Yet he had remained Tsukishima.
He wanted to blame the sudden flare of annoyance he felt when he heard his last name leave your lips on the fact that Kei was much shorter and Tsukishima sounded tedious coming from you; but jealousy was easy to mistake for annoyance when he was still in denial of his feelings.
It had been months now. He wasn’t anymore.
He knew now that when you laughed, butterflies pooled in his stomach because something about you being happy put him in a better mood. When you caught his stare, looking into your eyes felt like bathing in warmth because you were the sun and he was the Earth. Liking you was like getting the top score on a test, ice water on a summer day, and winning a difficult volleyball game all in one.
He had come to accept his feelings for you, yet he was still just Tsukishima to you.
“Why don’t you call me by my name?”
The question hung in the air with a palpable tension only Tsukishima could feel because you were still ever so in the dark to what had been gnawing away at him for months. You had been in the middle of looking over your notes; the two of you seated in his room to study for an upcoming exam.
Eyes blown wide with confusion, you tilted your head at him in a way that had his heart hammering in his chest. “What? I do. I call you—”
“You call me Tsukishima, never Kei. My name is Kei.”
He looked away, cheeks dusted in pink as he refused to meet your kind eyes. How could he when he knew he had no defenses up against you? He’d be vulnerable to your knowing gaze, and Tsukishima was never vulnerable.
He refused to be.
You watched his face heat up with shyness you hadn’t witnessed from him before, and your heart tugged with tenderness for him.
“I guess I didn’t realize,” you said. “Do you want me to—”
“Call me Kei,” he answered quietly. “I want you to call me Kei.”
And your heart fluttered at his words because just as you were oblivious to him, he was oblivious to you; because you had been falling for him just as long as he had for you.
Yamaguchi had become Tadashi so easily as you exchanged flustered conversations about his best friend. Hinata had become Shōyo when he teased you about a certain blond. Even Kageyama had become Tobio after you shyly defended the infamously cold middle blocker in the Boys Volleyball Club.
Yet he had remained Tsukishima because Kei was reserved for close friends, family, and something more; and you couldn’t differentiate between where you fell and where you hoped you would fall.
But now as he stole glances of you—his face still tinted pink, you smiled with some slight inclination.
“Alright, Kei.”
1K notes ¡ View notes
terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
S/O Surprises them at a game they said they couldn’t be at headcanons (Daichi, Sugawara, Kuroo) Part 1
Written By: Terra
Warnings: Anime spoilers for Season 2 (Daichi), Season 3 (Suga) and the Land VS Air OVA also known as “Riku vs Kuu” (Kuroo)
Request: How would Suga, Tanaka, Bokuto, Kuroo, Daichi and Hinata react to their S/O surprising them by showing up to a game that they had previously said they couldn't make it to? by @myheroesaretired
Author’s Note: Here’s part 1! This is my first time writing for Haikyuu so I would appreciate feedback! Part two will be written by Sprout because we both wanted to try writing for Haikyuu and show you guys what headcanons would look like from each of us. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy!
READ PART TWO HERE: Tanaka, Hinata, Bokuto - For whatever reason, this link does not show up on mobile, but part two is out and can be found on our blog
Sawamura Daichi
You were part of the music club at Karasuno, your specialty being the piano.
You had a huge recital coming up, so your instructor set up individual one-on-one sessions with each member so they could gauge each of your current abilities and offer more individualized feedback
Unfortunately for you, your one-on-one session happened to be the same day as the Miyagi Volleyball Inter-High Preliminaries.
You couldn’t reschedule your session with your instructor, but at the very least, your session would be over by the afternoon
That would leave you enough time to catch hopefully all of their second match
But only if they managed to beat Wakutani South first.
Out of all of them, honestly I think Daichi would be the most okay at hearing the news
I mean sure he wants you there, but he knew when you started dating that there was no way you’d be able to make every match
You already support him more than enough with what games and practices you do sit through
And he makes sure to support you in kind with your music
After all he knows how important it is to you
So when you had to tell them that you wouldn’t likely make it to his first match of the day
He just gave you a soft smile and pressed a kiss into your forehead.
“It’s okay, I know you’d be there if you could.”
“Just make sure you’ll be careful out there.” You responded.
He chuckled, “I always am.”
And that was all he said about it really
During the game, he wouldn’t be casting his eyes up into the stands looking for you.
He’d be completely focused on the game in front of him, knowing that you were still cheering for him in spirit, even though you were back at the school.
However, what Daichi didn’t know, was that the student with an appointment before yours had to cancel due to a sudden illness.
This meant that you would be able to come in early, and hopefully you would be there in time to catch your boyfriend’s match.
And sure enough, it was only a quarter after ten in the morning when you were rushing through the doors of the Sendai City Gymnasium where Karasuno was competing.
In your rush to find the doors to the stands, you happened to pass by the medical office.
You caught familiar swath of blonde hair in your peripheral vision that had you stopping in your tracks to do a double take.
Yachi was standing there just outside the door, her gaze clearly worried.
Realizing that someone on the team had been hurt, you turned on your heel to walk over to the young manager, wanting to check that whoever it was on the team hadn’t been hurt too bad.
After all, you had come to care for every member of the team in the time you had been dating Daichi.
Hearing someone approach her, Yachi tore her gaze from the door and to you, her eyes widening when she saw who it was that was walking towards her.
“Yachi? Did someone get hurt?” You asked, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder to try and calm some of her nerves.
“I-it’s Daichi!”
You felt a cold sense of dread wash over you upon hearing those words. Daichi got hurt?
“How bad was he hurt- is he okay?!” You snapped your gaze now to look at the white door to your right
“H-he and Tanaka both dove for the ball a-and they c-collided. The nurse said he would be okay, but that he needed to rest and let the bleeding in his mouth stop before he could go back. I didn’t want to disturb him, so… I’m waiting out here.”
You felt some of your worry go knowing that he was going to be okay and that he wasn’t seriously injured.
Of course, hearing that he was bleeding still wasn’t news you wanted to hear, but it was better than hearing that he had gotten a concussion or broke a bone or something.
“Thank you for waiting Yachi. You can go back to the game if you want, I can keep him company until he’s cleared to go back.” Your smile was gentle, reassuring as you looked back to Yachi.
She nodded after she asked if you were sure, tripping over a quick “thank you!” before she turned to run back to the match.
You took a quick breath before entering, opening the door carefully so as not to make too much of a disturbance as you walked in. You exchanged a few words with the nurse on duty before taking a seat next to the bed where your boyfriend was currently lying down with an ice pack pressed against his cheek and his eyes closed.
“Hey.” You cooed softly as you pulled up a chair to sit next to him. You reached out with your hands to clasp his free one in between your own.
Daichi opened his eyes, his gaze widening in surprise when he saw you sitting next to him before his expression melted into tender adoration. “Hey, I thought you said you weren’t going to make it.”
“The student before me had to cancel, so I was able to go in early. But how are you? I heard from Yachi what happened.”
His hand squeezed yours. “It looks worse than it is. A little more rest, and I should be good to go back in.”
You sighed in relief, before looking back at him with a playful glare. “I seem to recall you promising me that you were going to be careful.”
Daichi smiled in response, and at least looked a little guilty. “I’m sorry, I just got so caught up in the game that I was moving before I even had time to think about it.”
You shook your head, a smile upon your own features. You leaned over and kissed the top of his forehead. “It’s okay I forgive you. Now you better hurry up and get better, Captain. Or your team is going to win without you.”
His chest shook as he laughed. “You know, I think I’d like to see them do just that.”
Sugawara Koushi
It was the day of Karasuno’s match against Shiratorizawa
You had been to their semifinals match against Seijoh the day before, but unfortunately for you your neighbor’s son had woken up with a fever.
His mother had tried to call off of work to take care of him, but she was only able to take a half day after trying to plead with her boss.
Because of the last-minute nature of the emergency, she had asked if you would be willing to watch over him until she was able to get off of work until her mother arrived later that morning to take over.
Of course, you weren’t able to say no. Having watched her kid before on multiple occasions, you were quite fond of him, and besides, you weren’t one to turn away from someone who clearly needed your help
So you had sent your boyfriend Suga a message as you gathered some of your things, letting him know about what happened and that you might not make it to his game like you had wanted to, but at the very least you would make sure to watch the live broadcast and cheer him on from home.
And Suga, even though he felt a pang of disappointment at the news, would never hold it against you.
Of course having you there in person to cheer him and his team on was what he would prefer
But he would never get upset for you helping out someone else who needed it, especially since he likely would have done the same thing if the roles had been reversed.
Just knowing that you were out there cheering him on, even from far away, was enough for him
But even still he would find his eyes wandering to the stand as Karasuno took to the court, going directly to your usual spot in the stands only to fight down the slight disappointment every time he found it empty.
You were still there, cheering him on, just not physically. He would be okay… right?
At least that’s what he kept telling himself. He did understand 100% but it still sucked that you weren’t there, especially a match as important as this
So caught up in his own conflicting emotions, Suga found that the pressure of the match was starting to get to him when Coach Ukai called him over to put him in the game
His hands were so cold… when had they gotten that way?
He brought them together, trying to warm them up and get his head in the game. Karasuno was depending on him, and he wasn’t going to let them down. He wanted to go to nationals too after all
A sudden warmth enveloping his hands snapped him out of his own thoughts
He opened his eyes (when had he closed them?) expecting to see you in front of him
He couldn’t help the slight flicker of disappointment in his eyes when it was Kiyoko who came into focus instead of you.
She must have seen it, because she only smiled at him, pulling Suga’s hands away from his face and gesturing to the stands behind him.
“Someone’s here to cheer you on.”
Suga’s eyes widened at her words and he whipped around, a giant grin stretching across his face when he saw you waving to him from the stands
Your face was flushed, and you looked to be a little out of breath, clearly you had been in a rush to get to the gymnasium.
The moment he set his eyes upon you, warmth filled him and chased away the lingering chills.
As he played, he could easily pick your cheers out from the rest of the crowd, even above the deafening cheers of Shiratorizawa’s admittedly impressive cheer section.
From your spot in the stands, you couldn’t help the proud smile that you wore as you watched Sugawara on the court.
“You’re late, you know.” You turned your head to see Tanaka’s sister Saeko giving you a teasing grin.
“Better late than never.” You replied with the same grin
When the game was over, you were the first one to rush down to the court, not caring that you technically weren’t supposed to be there.
Suga was quick to a tight sweaty hug the moment he saw you running towards him
He placed a quick kiss to your lips resting his forehead against yours.
“I’m so happy that you made it.” He whispered
“I got lucky that his grandma showed up earlier than expected. I was able to get a ride to the gym with some friends from my class who were kind enough to wait for me.”
He let out a breathy laugh “I’ll make sure to thank them later, right now I only care about celebrating with you.”
Kuroo Tetsuro
You really wanted to be there; you really did with everything in your whole being
But you had a doctor’s appointment for the same time as your boyfriend Kuroo’s qualifying matches for Spring Nationals.
In the complete opposite direction of where Kuroo was competing.
Even though the appointment was just to remove the cast on your (previously) broken arm, the travel time alone was what worried you. Even with the earliest possible appointment time, traffic in Tokyo was never anything to joke about, and even taking a train to the gym would take more time than you were comfortable with.
It was kind of stupid how you broke your arm in the first place really
What was supposed to be a run in the rain to the nearest convenience store for date night movie snacks had turned into date night at the hospital while you got a cast fitted on your currently broken (and thankfully non-dominate) arm after you had stepped in a rather slippery puddle on the sidewalk.
Who knew puddles could be so slippery?
Certainly everyone else except you
And of course, the date to get your cast removed had been today of all days. But alas your doctor was booked solid all month so moving the date of your cast removal had been impossible.
Kuroo had known about this weeks in advance, but he was still disappointed that you wouldn’t be there to cheer him on like you usually were.
“Even if I don’t make it to today’s game, I’ll make sure to make it up to you by being there at Nationals.” You had told him that over the phone when you delivered the news about your appointment.
“You better.”
Still, as Nekoma lost their match to Fukurodani, and Kuroo looked to the stands to see Alisa and Akane cheering for their brothers, he couldn’t help but wish that you were there with them.
“You’re off your game.” Kenma had shown up behind him as Kuroo had been lost in his own thoughts.
“Are not.”
“Are too.”
After a solid minute of the two going back and forth in that manner, Kenma sighed and shook his head. “They promised they’d be there at Nationals, right? Then you need to make sure you keep up your end of that promise by making sure we get there.”
Kuroo sighed knowing that Kenma was right. He had to focus on the match ahead. Their next match against Nohebi would determine who would be taking the final spot for Spring Nationals.
He had to make sure that Nekoma wins, just so he could see your face, hear your voice amongst the crowd even once more cheering him on.
By the time, the match against Nohebi started, Kuroo was mostly back to his usual self
His determination to have you there cheering him on at Spring Nationals something he clung to in order to keep him in the moment and not fixating on the empty space in the stands where you would normally be.
The match however, proved that Nekoma was going to have to fight a lot harder than anticipated.
Yaku twisted his ankle early into the match, and Nohebi was living up to their reputation for being suck-ups to the refs.
It’s not that he doubted Shibayama’s skill as a Libero, but Yaku was a third year, and had a lot more experience in the position than his underclassmen.
Thankfully, Nekoma took the first set, and while they were switching sides of the court, Kuroo spared a glance back to the stands, immediately doing a double-take
There you were, gazing down at him with a wide grin upon your features, your now-free arm waving back and forth in wide motions.
Any weariness that Kuroo might have felt from playing vanished instantly when he saw you, newfound energy coursing through his veins.
You’d made it after all, and Kuroo knew that now there was nothing left to worry about except securing their place at Nationals.
When the game ended with Nekoma’s victory, the two of you were quick to find one another, Kuroo pulling you in for a quick yet passionate embrace and kiss.
“You were amazing out there.” You breathed against his lips as you two pulled away
“Of course I was. I had you cheering me on.” His lips were cocked in a smirk, but you could see in his eyes how genuinely happy he was that you were able to make it, even if it wasn’t the whole game. “How many speeding tickets did you manage to get on the way here anyway?”
You laughed and threw a light punch against his arm. “None, thank you very much. But I am lucky that I still got here in time to see the end of your game.”
“It’s okay, you’ll be able to watch all of the matches when we head to Nationals.”
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terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
Tired [Izuku x Reader]
A/N: Sorry it took so long for this to finally be finished. Wish I had an Izuku in my life :') Send me messages if you want!
Word Count: 1.79k
Warnings: Depressive episode
You were always tired lately, and it seems that no matter how much you fight it, or how badly you want to not go there again it proves pointless. The weight of tiredness is back and this time it seems like it's here to stay.
This was especially infuriating and guilt inducing as Izuku had never seen you this way. You had never told him, fearing how he'd react if you did. It was a childish fear, Izuku's heart much too big and him being much too kind to ever fault you for it. No, what you feared was being treated differently. You couldn't bare if Izuku started to treat you like you were fragile, like you were sick. It was just on of the many reactions people had when you told them your struggles. Each one beat you down further and further.
Why not go to therapy? You go once a week.
Exercise is great for that! Some days you couldn't get out of bed.
You're life is great! Don't they know you know that already?
You're being selfish when you feel that way. You know.
Just don't think about it. You wish you could.
Just be happy. It's not that easy, you've tried.
You wanted nothing more than to wake up one day and never have to feel the slow drain of the curse that is the chemical imbalance in your brain but just like always, good things don't last forever. You roll over in bed, hiking the blankets up to under your nose and staring out at the rest of the room, it was a mess. There were empty water bottles from when you finally had the energy to get up and go out into the kitchen. There were clothes strewn about from when you changed clothes. Your hair was greasy and you couldn't remember the last time you left the house was, let alone when the last time you took a shower or ate was. You knew it was bad, but it wasn't up until know that you realized how bad and it was enough to send you into a spiral of self hate and disbelief.
How? How could you have let it get this bad? You were doing so good, how could you?
The little voice of hate was always so quick to pipe up and send you reeling and you couldn't stand it. You just wanted to be okay. You didn't want to have to deal with this anymore. You tried to steel your resolve and get the energy to move but came up empty, resigning with despair as you started to sniffle once more for the nth time since you've enclosed yourself in your room. You sniffled harder before the sobs came, quickly berating yourself in anger amd sadness. You were at war with yourself. There was nothing and everything to cry for but you couldn't even get up out of bed.
You were unsure of how much time had passed before you feel back asleep but when you woke up you were horrified to see Izuku calmly putting his stuff away, unpacking the clothes he hadn't worn and putting them away while putting his dirty laundry in the hamper. Whay day is it? You froze, the need to run and hide before he could be upset with you nearly overwhelming but you knew you couldn't. Izuku wouldn't force you to stay but he was faster. He'd catch up and want to talk and it was hard to talk about any of it. Which left you with once choice, avoidance. Pretend that you're still asleep, put it off as long as possible because the longer you put it off, the longer he'll stay. Tears start to blur your vision as you realize what you're doing. You're being a coward. You're hiding and being selfish. The blur gets worse as you feel like the scum of the earth, you hide you face to try and keep quiet but it's no use. One muffled whimper is loud enough to hear and you hear him pause as if to see if he actually heard you. You bite your lip, hoping that he'll go back to what he was doing but he takes far to long, a sniffle escaping you before you can stop it and you tense as you hear his footsteps make their way across the room before you feel his weight on the matress. You grasp the blanket tighter and pull it to keep it over you. He doesn't pull it, just rests his hand where your shoulder is. The contact almost breaks you but keep steady. It's getting harder to stay quiet, your body still trembling with silent sobs. His thumb starts to rub circles into your shoulder and his voice is soft "You could have called me of you were having such a hard time."
You know you could've and you feel so, so guilty. Maybe if you had reached out it wouldn't be as bad as it is now but you didn't have the motivation, the drive- The dam breaks and you feel awful that this is what he has to come home too but he only moves closer, rubbing your back as you cry, the weight of everything you'd been trying to hold back escaping. Izuku didn't leave like you thought he would at the sight of your instability, he only moved so you could sit in his lap comfortably. Once you realized you tried to pull yourself together, you needed a shower. You held the blanket over you with one hand while you wiped your face with the other. Izuku caught your hand and you could only imagine the look on his face. It only made you want to hide more but first, an apology was in order "I'm sorry." Izuku froze "What?" "I'm sorry for the mess. I should've cleaned it before you got home." Izuku let go of you hand, reaching into the blanket and moving it just enough to see your face. You wanted to look away, you knew you looked awful but Izuku just held your face, nothing but love and understanding in his eyes, the sight of which was enough to blur your sight with tears once more. He brushed them away "I'm not worried about the mess, I'm worried about you." His words were enough to make you cry again, moving your hands to cover his own and keep them there until the tears subsided once more.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" You shook your head "Not now," you wiped your hand across your face to try and dry your tears "You just got home. The house is supposed to be clean, I'm supposed to ask you how you're doing, how your trip was but I ruined it-" "You didn't ruin anything [Name]. I couldn't care less about the mess. I care more about you, I just wished you told me it was getting bad again. I could've helped you." Again? Did he know? How? When? "I wasn't going to say anything about it until you spoke to me about it but your mom called me a while ago and asked that I keep an eye on you. I should've seen it before I left." The last thing you wanted was for him to feel guilty but he didn't give you a chance "I couldn't help you while I was gone but I can help you now." "You just got home-" "When was the last time you ate? Or took care of yourself?" You weren't sure when you sheepishly looked up at him without an answer other than "I don't know." He wasn't angry, just concerned as he nodded "Alright. Do you wanna shower or eat something first?" You weren't hungry in the slightest but you knew he wasn't going to let you go any longer without food.
Shower?" "Shower it is." You moved slightly to at leats try and do something for yourself bit even know your energy levels were seriously lacking. You wanted to ask for help but felt bad about the situation as is, you couldn't even get out of bed for a shower. Ever intuitive, Izuku grabbed some clean pajamas for you before turning to you "Are these okay?" You nodded "Yeah, those are fine." Izuku turned back to the dresser before rubbing his check "Is, Can-" he paused "Can I shower with you?" "If you want to." He apparently expected rejection, trying to explain himself "I just wanted to make sure you were okay, and I missed you a whole lot and- oh." He turned back, grabbing clothes for himself before handing them to you. You were confused until he leaned over and picked you up. You weren't expecting it, arms closing around his shoulders and legs closing around his waist in a panic before he tightened his grip on you. You settled into his grip and he shifted to hold you more securely. You settled, resting your chin on his shoulder "I'm sorry about all this." "Stop apologizing." You take a breath, you had to say it. You feel like you had to offer, the last thing you wanted to do is keep him if he wants to leave "I understand if you want someone else, someone who doesn't-" Izuku stops and turns to look at you "[Name], I don't want anyone else. I'm not going anywhere and I'm certainly not gonna leave you because you're struggling." "But I don't wanna put anymore stress on you. You already work hard enough. I don't wanna add on to that."
He pauses "Do you wanna end things?" The meer idea was enough to twist your insides into knots. You tightened your grip on his shirt "No, but if it'll make you happy and take away some of your stress, then..." You couldn't bring yourself to finish and his expression softened more than it already was "Baby. How many times have you taken care of me?" "But that's dif-" he shook his head "It's not different. You've taken care of me so many times so now it's my turn to take care of you. I am not leaving you and It's nothing to be ashamed of. Okay?" You nod "Okay." You knew he was right but it's just so hard to be nice to yourself and ask for and accept help "Thank you for letting me help." Maybe now that you both were on the a similar page it would be easier to lean on him. You hugged him tighter "Thank you for helping me."
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terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
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terra-sprout-imagines ¡ 4 years
Can You Hold My Drink?
Pairing: Todoroki x reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: alcohol consumption, brief discussion of roofies, mutual pining, the boys of Class 1-A being dense
WC: 1.7k
Synopsis: You ask Shouto to hold your drink and he gets confused about your feelings toward him.
a/n: hey! this is my first fic so sorry if it’s shit omg but feel free to request anything for any characters!
** **
This party was not Shouto’s scene, to say the least. It was too loud, too cramped, and too hot. He fiddled with the cup in his hands while attempting to keep up with the conversation between his classmates. Even though he was sitting right next to them, Shouto could barely hear the perverted fantasies Kaminari was spewing over the sound of the loud music. He really just wanted to go back to the dorms. Well, that was until you skipped up to the table.
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