tessa247 · 4 years
anybody want to drop out of school with me, runaway to somewhere beautiful... preferably somewhere in Europe, live small simple lives. maybe work at a bakery or bookshop, dance in the rain, discover our true sense of fashion, realize we don't give a crap about what others think of us. learn French, have a picnic at a park, go to old fashioned cinemas and watch black and white films in another language, and since we don't understand the language we make up our own words and we crack up while everyone is shushing us but we don't care. then leave spontaneously to move somewhere else and live and love another life.
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tessa247 · 4 years
I was just thinking about how great it would be to take and nice walk outside in the moonlight. but then I remembered I'm a woman.
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tessa247 · 4 years
what I would give to read all the Harry Potter books through malfoy's perspective
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tessa247 · 4 years
I literally confuse the hell out of myself.
some days I'll be like: none of this is real there has to be some sort of supreme intelligence that is watching our every move. our entire life is a stimulation.
and other days I'll be like: man what was I thinking ?? this life is so amazing! so original! so unique!
like make up your mind pls.
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tessa247 · 4 years
I feel like every introvert friend has an extrovert friend. like one day the extrovert friend saw them sitting alone on the lunch table and decided, "huh. they look nice I'm going to be their best friend." and then bam! a friendship was born. however if you're an introvert and you do not have an extrovert friend then you and I can totally be friends. we can be introverts together. we can stay home and make a fort and binge watch Netflix all day and avoid human interaction together. sometimes that seems better to me anyway.
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tessa247 · 4 years
you know what bothers me? when people say that everything's going to turn out fine and to stop worrying. like how do you know it's going to turn out fine? it'll only turn out fine if I keep working. if I keep trying my best, then it'll turn out fine. maybe not even then. I have to keep worrying for everything to turn out fine. it really bothers me. it's like them saying that it's supposed to make me feel better but it just makes me more anxious.
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tessa247 · 4 years
forever waiting for the day when a cute lesbian witch couple rescue me from society and take me to a cozy cottage in the middle of the woods with overgrown plants surrounding us. they teach me to grow and tend to herbs and on my free time I frolic through a field of flowers with the sunlight on my face in long flowy dresses.
not a care in the world.
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tessa247 · 4 years
I don't know if it's just me, but does anybody wish that there was a movie, or a book or something where in the end... the main character doesn't get that A+. they don't get accepted into their dream college. but they end up ok. they are happy and find something that love. nowadays our life revolves around doing so well in school that sometimes we forget what's really important. our happiness, our mental wellbeing, etc. I just want to feel free of the pressures and expectations of school.
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